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2008-11-03, 10:21 AM
Restoration by treason

Seven years have passed since the end of the Jedi Civil War. After Revan had defeated Malak, the Sith armada was broken and most of the Sith Empire devolved into fragments ruled by minor Sith warlords. The galaxy was largely at peace again.

Even though the Republic started their restoration period during this time, not all the Sith were defeated. The Dark Wars might have gone by unnoticed, were it not for the mysterious destruction of three planets and one of the Republic's largest fuel sources. The Jedi Order had been scattered and mostly destroyed, until a Jedi named Visas Marr entered into negotiation with the Republic to form a new Jedi Order.
As most Jedi were slain or had gone into hiding during the Dark Wars, Visas' new order mostly saw recruits in the form of ex-Grey Jedi, redeemed Jedi and untrained Force sensitives. The need for restoration and stability led to a looser Jedi regimen. Most of the rules, except the Jedi Code were ignored in favour of a more ad hoc Order.

Meanwhile, the Selkath planet of Manaan is on the verge of civil war and the Altho City Civil Authority has issued a planet wide quarantine. Selkath clans are rising again and skirmishes are a daily affair.
Reason for this calamity is a decline in the production of kolto. Most of the kolto mined is contaminated, poisoning patients rather than curing them. Former Grey Jedi Karith has been sent to investigate.

Chapter 1: Investigations

The last rays of sunlight are still warm as the sun sets over Manaan. The past few days have been uneventful and you haven't seen Karith since you landed on his ship. Because of the quarantine, many travelers have been stuck and you have so far been able to enjoy yourself in one of the many cantina's, arborea's or the exploration of Altho in general. Despite the threat of civil war, most public sections of Altho are suprisingly calm.

All this rest may have been good for you, as Karith send you a communique this afternoon. You are to gather at one of the many piers at night and await his arrival.

The pier is quiet, unusually devoid of the many observation droids found elsewhere on Manaan. The sun is just about to set as the last of the group arrives. All there is now, is wait on Karith.

You can take a moment to describe your character and for general introductions. There is a bit of time before Karith arrives, so feel free to chat with each other.
You are not strangers from each other, since you spent some time on the starship while traveling to Manaan.

Have fun! :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-03, 11:22 AM

MI-A0 stands at the end of the dock, looking over the water for any possible external threats. Tall by human standards, with a blue eyes, a silvery-gray carapace and otherwise fairly standard humanoid features, MI-A0 is dressed in a dark tunic cut along military lines, his his pistol and baton in obvious holsters at his hips.

His impromptu tour of Ahto city had revealed a place mostly open and undefended, though there were a few closed compounds that were slightly more impenetrable. While the general attitude had seemed relaxed and open, the city officials had told the tale, the lot of them scrambling nervously fin the face of civil war and the completely collapse of their economy. Still, everyone trusted a droid, and one programmed in the arts of deception was able to learn quite a bit...

2008-11-03, 11:43 AM
While Shalan hopes that these people can help with the kolto problem, he certainly doesn't trust any of the newcomers. It would be difficult for a non-Selkath to tell, but his beady eyes are doing more than staring at them... the look is most definitely a glare. The last time a group of meddlers led by Jedi came through they killed his father. Granted, there was little that could be done for him in his advanced state of madness, but still... it's hard to forgive that.

Shalan wears a loose spacer's vest over a form-fitting suit in contemporary Selkath style designed for minimum interference with swimming. A curved blade is obviously sheathed at his hip, and a heavy bag labeled "medical supplies" in his own language is slung over his shoulder. What is not so obvious is the small blaster concealed under his vest.

Moral Wiz
2008-11-03, 01:23 PM

Slowly, if a little confidently, Zak strolled down the pier. He was... well, on any other world, he would have been described as "non-descript". 5'6, hair black, eyes emerald green. Dressed in clohes that, whilst fashionable, were at best non descript.

If any one had searched him though, the lightsaber concealed within might give them cause for wonder...

While on a planet under threat of civil war? Don't advertise an association with the Republic. It never goes down well.

The Cantinas here hadn't really interested him that much. However, he'd spent a brief, but profitable bit of time looking over the Altho History Meuseam, a small little thing, maintained by one old Selkath who spoke little basic, but was fluent in Ryl from his past dealings with a Twi'lek trading group.

He'd been quite surprised to find an off-worlder interested in Selkath history, but Zak was totally sincere. The two of them spent a long pleasurable afternoon, pouring over the old records, of war, of peace, of the Clans, of Manaan...

Most enjoyable. Zak uploaded copies of quite a few exhibits to his data pad, before wishing the old being long life, and withdrawing. Now though, in the sun set, with the air as... moist as this, Zak was wishing he'd had the chance to stay another hour or so.

Master Karith not hear yet?

OOCIf museums wouldn't be open to the public, or the Selkath wouldn't be that friendly I'll change it. But it seemed the sort of thing Zak would do

2008-11-03, 02:25 PM
"No," Shalan replies in Basic, his voice heavy with the distinctive accent of the Selkath, "Your leader has not yet arrived."

He turns his glare on Zak.

"You have been studying our history, yes? Then you know it is only with great trepidation that we call on the Jedi for assistance. Please, be careful. Do not justify our fears."

2008-11-03, 02:36 PM
(OOC I wanted blue! Oh well, purple like usual)


"And what fears for those be?" comments MI-A0, "From what I can tell, Manaan seems quite ready to tear itself apart without any external aid; surely external interference can not make it that much worse?" His deep voice and smooth diction sound odd coming from a droid, especially when combined with his sharp tone, but the words fall from his vocabulator as naturally as any.

2008-11-03, 02:44 PM
((OOC: I could use another blue if you'd like...))

"If the outside world were content to let the Selkath live in peace none of this strife would have started in the first place. It was your Republic that influenced us to build in the Hrakert Rift and anger the Progenitor. Now that the kolto is turning dark it is evident that even your emissary's attempt to appease the Progenitor by destroying the station was not enough."

Shalan spits on the ground.

"You're just here to clean up the mess you caused in the first place."

Moral Wiz
2008-11-03, 02:51 PM

Zak bowed low, slightly uncomfterble at Shalan's gaze.

I understand, Shalan. I am not Master Karith, but I'll be doing my very best to ensure your fears are not justified.

At the droid and Selkath start irritating each other, the young Jedi sighs. His move to step between them is hindered by his comparitive lack of hight, but he does his best.

Look, we're here to make things right. Doesn't matter, really, whose fault they are. They're done, and won't be un-done without action. Right?

2008-11-03, 03:00 PM
Shalan closes his eyes and lets out a heavy sigh.

"He's right. I apologize, it's just... this is a stressful time for all Selkath. Kolto is the heart of our economy. I fear if we lose it we will soon be forgotten entirely. While I would not mind being forgotten politically, I do not wish to be severed completely from the galactic community... especially not our aquatic brethren on other worlds."

Moral Wiz
2008-11-03, 03:16 PM

The young human smiles, politely, at the Selkath

I understand, as I'm sure does Master Karith. Hell, if I know him, he's finding something important out even now.

2008-11-03, 03:25 PM
(OOC: Nah, it's fine; first come, first served. Besides, now I have a common theme across all my characters)


"I am certain that the Selkath will not be forgotten from galactic history; at the very least, they will go down as an excellent example of why it is never a good idea to straddle the fence in a war. That said, loss of kolto supplies would be an enormous hit to the entire galaxy, as well as Manaan; I am certain that the Republic will not permit this to happen. I have every confidence in Jedi Karith's abilities."

Moral Wiz
2008-11-03, 03:31 PM

Zak looks hard done by. He raps the droid over the head, lightly.

Mi-A0! Do you have a protocol circuit in that frame of yours?

He sighs

Anyway, what have you two been doing for all this time? As I recall, we were all at liberty this afternoon.

2008-11-03, 03:35 PM
"Never a good idea to- Why I- Do you realize what would have happened to us if we had chosen a side? We would look like Telos now, or Peragus! Even though we have been scarred by your meddling, at least our neutrality has shielded us from being destroyed!"

2008-11-03, 03:43 PM

"And you really think the Sith would have been more generous in their victory? I am certain that within a year of a Sith victory against the Republic, every Selkath would be under bondage, and kolto would be plundered without mercy. That is, of course, neither here nor there. As for my protocol circuits, well, I am programmed to engage in a wide variety of diplomatic and interpersonal interactions; however, I will not hear ill spoken of the Republic, particularly when it is not true. While I sympathize with the plight of the Selkath, I feel it is a direct result of their government's actions; these xenophobic attempts to use the Galactic Republic as a scapegoat sit poorly with me. Telos was destroyed by the Mandalorians, Peragus's destruction has been traced to an equipment malfunction. The Republic had nothing to do with either, except perhaps not to meddle enough."

That said, he turns his head to the human, "I am a sentient, as you are. If you again treat me as a possession, I will treat you in kind."

Moral Wiz
2008-11-03, 03:48 PM

It is the task of a Jedi to mediate, to be fair...

Zak sighed. He sol onged for this whole life to be simpler, easier. The life of a warrior, that's how he'd pictured it when he joined the Order. Fighting the evils of the Sith, the Mandilorians, or some other threat to the Republic, if fair and honorable battle.

Not trying to keep a druid and an angry Selkath from pounding on each other.

Telos is being rebuilt, along now with other worlds, thanks to the sucess of the restoration project. Peragus... well, you can hardly call the Dark Wars the Republic's fault. And those were both Republic planets.

And remember, the idea that this is a further consequence of the Rift incident is conjecture only. That is why there is an investigation teem here, to find out what did cause this, and why that investigation team is a Jedi one. Not a Republican one. The Jedi, in spite of their long standing relationship with the republic, are neutral arbiters after all, and that has not changed.

Moral Wiz
2008-11-03, 03:50 PM

"And you really think the Sith would have been more generous in their victory? I am certain that within a year of a Sith victory against the Republic, every Selkath would be under bondage, and kolto would be plundered without mercy. That is, of course, neither here nor there. As for my protocol circuits, well, I am programmed to engage in a wide variety of diplomatic and interpersonal interactions; however, I will not hear ill spoken of the Republic, particularly when it is not true. While I sympathize with the plight of the Selkath, I feel it is a direct result of their government's actions; these xenophobic attempts to use the Galactic Republic as a scapegoat sit poorly with me. Telos was destroyed by the Mandalorians, Peragus's destruction has been traced to an equipment malfunction. The Republic had nothing to do with either, except perhaps not to meddle enough."

That said, he turns his head to the human, "I am a sentient, as you are. If you again treat me as a possession, I will treat you in kind."

OOCWhen did I treat him as a possession? I rapped his head, yes, but lightly, as a mild gesture. Not as an owner. The equivelent of waving a hand in exasperation.

2008-11-03, 04:22 PM
"Did I ever advocate siding with the Sith?" Shalan asks, rhetorically, "No, of course not. When you have a resource like kolto," he motions to Zak, "or a power like that of the Jedi, it is your duty to remain neutral lest you upset the balance of the Force. These wars that have ravaged the galaxy recently are a perfect example of what chaos happens when Selkath and Jedi do not protect their traditional neutrality."

Turning to Zak he says, "I wish the new Council had been wise enough to exclude outspoken Republicans from their team here. I am not the only one on this planet who will receive your droid poorly. If he talks like that around some Selkath... Well, I hope they built him to swim."

Moral Wiz
2008-11-03, 04:53 PM

The young Jedi seems irritated by Shalan's words

I don't know much about how Mi-A0 was constructed. But I do wish you'd show some diplomacy on the situation yourself, Shalan. Master Karith, along with many of the New Order, fought in the Mandalorian Wars by Revan's side.

Whilst a large number of Revan's knights did fall, it is not definable by mortal logic as to whether or not such was due to their fighting in the wars, Revan's influence, or some other factor. And given that they saved many people by doing so, it would be perhaps unfair to call their acts inherently wrong.

2008-11-03, 05:07 PM

"I think you will find me more than diplomatic enough in public, friend Shalan; I simply prefer to establish an understanding with those who will hold my continued existence in their hands. I would wager that I love the Republic no more than you love Manaan; indeed, as a droid my capacity for love is obviously less than that of a living sentient such as yourself." Obviously, whoever built MI-A0 programmed him for sarcasm.

"Regardless, I did not mean to offend. I hold that without the Revanchists, the Mandalorians would have overrun the Republic; I hold further that the Selkath would not have enjoyed Sith dominion. You obviously disagree, and it seems as though neither of us will convince the other. Let us speak of other things: I spent much of the past few days interacting with the local authorities; tactfully, I assure you. I sincerely hope that the war does not touch the City; it seems singularly ill-prepared for it. While I've little love for local politics, a thing of peace and beauty ought not to be destroyed, particularly not by civil war."

Moral Wiz
2008-11-03, 05:16 PM

The young human looks surprised at the droid

I didn't know you knew how to perform tactical analysis, MI-A0. Not exactly standard for a protocol droid, no?

Of course I agree with you that war would be a tragedy. This'd just destroy a beautiful city. But what's your point? That is not exactly something overly open for discussion...

2008-11-03, 05:43 PM
"There you go twisting my words again, metal man!" Shalan exclaims exasperatedly, "I never said that a Manaan under Sith domination would be a happy Manaan. What I'm saying is that in order to preserve our planet we must refrain from supporting any greater power, Mandalorian or Republican, Jedi or Sith. We must serve all, heal all equally, as we always have. Only then will we have peace."

2008-11-03, 06:59 PM
Yurist Levedru
"Yes, yes! I, Yurist Levedru most vehemently agree!" bellowed Yurist, "Manaan must keep its freedom, lest it lose its identity!"

The others (and indeed, everyone within half a kilometre) had long since figured that Yurist was physically lacking an indoor voice.

"I must say, Shalan, Ahto is very beautiful, and I am only disappointed I did not have the opportunity to visit sooner. Manaan's reputation is well deserved indeed."

2008-11-03, 07:32 PM
Shalan doesn't know quite how to take the shouted compliments.

"Err... thank you. Thank you very much... Yurist."

2008-11-03, 07:55 PM

"And I contend that the only thing that can be known about neutrality is that neither side will trust a neutral party afterwards. Manaan only gets away with it because of its kolto - but trust me, the Mandalorians would have invaded had they ever gotten this far, as they certainly do not respect neutrality. The Sith seemed to respect it, but I have little doubt that they would 'consolidate' Manaan after any large victor; in fact, had the Republic not been standing by to defend the planet, I do not doubt they would have done so during the war. Neutrality may be fine in theory, but in reality it simply does not work. Of course, a water world is always difficult to invade...but the Sith are an insidious, determined foe. As I said, however, let us discontinue the subject; you are obviously caught up in your propaganda, and I in mine."

"As for my martial bent, well: I may be a protocol droid, but I served as personal assistant to a Republic general during the height of the Mandalorian Wars; one cannot help but pick up a few things. My point was only that it would be tragic to see war touch such a place; it is rare to find place so superficially untouched by the violence, these days."

2008-11-03, 08:48 PM
Shalan decides he's had enough of arguing. Best to just try to sue for peace.

"And that is something we agree on, that peace must be maintained if at all possible."

2008-11-03, 09:45 PM
Yurist Levedru
Yurist shook his head. "The republic is dying, sustained only by sacrifice. Manaan must be neutral, or Manaan will become Manaan no more."

As usual, he said it in the heroic tone he always did, regardless of how appropriate it was for the situation.

"Just another world in the Republic, dragged slowly towards death." He spoke these last words in a slightly pained fashion, though still noticeably loud. It seemed he just didn't go below a certain volume.

He stood and left the group, standing at the cantina's window, hefting his rocket launcher and putting it on the ground with a noticeable thunk as he watched the waves.

"Yes, Ahto is a place of great beauty. Almost like Iziz."

2008-11-03, 10:00 PM

Had his lips been mobile, MI-A0 might have smirked at the Selkath, "I disagree, but I will agree to disagree on this."

When Levedru spoke, however, the droid simply stared at him. "I see we have a Vaklu-ist among us. It is funny, though, I was just about to make the same comparison. Tell me, how well did neutrality work for Onderon? I saw it defended the planet quite well from the Mandalorians, and it worked even better the second time, with the Sith. The Republic may be sustained by sacrifice, but so are all governments. Manaan would do well to learn from Onderon's example."

2008-11-03, 10:12 PM
"I thought we agreed to disagree?" Shalan says to the droid, "It's obvious we're not going to come to a consensus, so it would just be a waste of breath on our part and a waste of battery power on yours to keep arguing about it. It shouldn't have much bearing on our mission regardless. We will simply find what the problem with the kolto is and fix it."

2008-11-03, 10:27 PM

"We agreed to disagree," the droid says, "But friend Levedru here made an interesting analogy. Regardless, we are in consensus on our mission: both Manaan and the Republic need kolto production normalized, for the benefit of all involved."

2008-11-03, 10:48 PM
Yurist Levedru
"Gloat all you please. Onderon has been part of the Republic for generations." replied Yurist, turning around.

"Six years after Onderon joined, the Mandalorians attacked. I'm sure you remember who won. But that is a matter of history - Onderon has since declined with the Republic."

He placed his hands on his hips in 'Superman' position, and the light from the window caught his back in just the right way.

"But, though evil has caught us complacent once, it will not happen again! Vaklu may not have been a hero, but I, Yurist Levedru, have sworn to fight evildoers wherever they may be, and protect the innocent where the Republic cannot!"

2008-11-03, 11:06 PM
"Umm... maybe we should just wait for your leader quietly," Shalan suggests.

2008-11-03, 11:09 PM

"As you say. I, too, am certain that the Mandalorian Crusaders would have overlooked the rich, fertile world of Onderon, had it not been allied with the horrid Republic. Even if they had attacked, I am certain the local military could have handled it. After all, Onderon did not require Republican assistance to defeat their recent Sith-backed coup, did they?

"I digress. Kolto!"

2008-11-03, 11:19 PM
Shalan feels himself slipping back into the argument.

"Actually, from what I've heard the ones who helped stop the attempted coup on Onderon were not aligned with the Republic."

I am right, right? The Exile and her party weren't working on behalf of the Republic, and only really cooperated with them in the defense of Telos, which happened after the situation on Onderon was cleared up. Right?

2008-11-03, 11:30 PM

"You are right; I apologize. The coup was stopped by a retired Republic general and prominent Revanchist who was, nevertheless, acting as a free agent in the matter."

2008-11-03, 11:48 PM
Yurist Levedru
"If Onderon had not been with the Republic, it would have been attacked all the same - the difference being it might have remained strong enough to repel the Mandalorians we all knew were hovering over our heads on Dxun. But what is past is past - we are here to do JUSTICE!"

He struck another pose, and then headed back over to the group and sat down, taking his rocket launcher with him.

"Right after Karith, Dark Lord of the Sith Former Grey Jedi of the Order arrives."

EDIT: @ Moral Wiz
Rhyming. It's got a nice ring to it.

He doesn't actually say it. Nor think it, really.

Moral Wiz
2008-11-03, 11:55 PM
OOCOk... three serious characters and one... more or less purely comic one.

sigh. I feel as hard done by as Zak. Ping, what do you mean with the crossed out Dark Lord of the Sith bit? Anything IC? Cause insulting the master... not the best idea when there's a loyal student around.

Moral Wiz
2008-11-04, 02:20 AM

Zak sighs at the argumentative trio that for now made up his master's retinue.

Short of giving the Order debating society months worth of fresh material, I don't see what good this little group will be with something like a civil war.

But that is a point

Zak kneels down, and seems to close his eyes. Doubtless Master Karith had already tried this, but it would be worth noting anyway. Just in case

Use the Force to try and sense any force users within a ten kilometer radius. Hoping to know roughly where Master Karith is (as the only force user Zak knows he has met), as well as if there are any other force users in the area

[roll0] UtF check

2008-11-04, 02:27 AM
If I'm interpreting this correctly, I think I can automatically sense his trying to sense me.

"You could have just asked," Shalan says to Zak, a wee bit of annoyance evident in his voice.

Moral Wiz
2008-11-04, 02:50 AM
He wasn't actually trying to sense Shallan. He was trying to sense Karith, but also thought that it was remotely possible some Sith faction might be involved in this civil war thing. It's more vague than simply trying to sense one particular force user, as I read it, anyway.

And you can roll to resist.

2008-11-04, 03:08 AM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of JUSTICE!

One could almost see the question mark pop up over Yurist's head as he asked "Asked about what?"

2008-11-04, 03:14 AM
Well, I knew you weren't feeling for Shalan specifically but the fact that I'm allowed a roll to resist seems to indicate that I can detect that you're sensing for Force users. I don't want to resist, I just want to know that you're sensing me.

"About my Force sensitivity. You may be surprised to learn, Jedi, that the Force is not confined to your Order and its Sith offshoot. There are as many paths leading to the all-encompassing Force as there are living beings in the galaxy. I have taken one of those other paths."

2008-11-04, 04:24 AM
Apart from sensing Shalan's quite unorthodox Force pattern Zak senses a familiar one. If he'd look up he would see Karith standing over him. "Always the Jedi." he says with a smirk.

He walks over to the center of the group. The setting sun turning his ghastly green skin slightly red, which only helps to alienate his face. Karith is a Khil and as such has no mouth, but several strands or hullepi covering the lower half of his face. He is wearing a pristine white robe and you can see the hilt of a lightsaber hanging from his belt.

He is accompanied by a short Selkath, who is wearing black clothing and has two blaster pistols hanging from his belt.

"Thank you for meeting me here, there is no time to waste for pleasantries, so I will get right to it. Negotiations so far are unfruitful, most clans are unwilling to listen to each other, or me for that matter. While kolto is the lifeblood of Manaan, I cannot get the clans to work together on an investigation, instead they seek new ways to insult each other."

"I have a mission for you, though it will be highly illegal. I need you to get to the bottom of this kolto poisoning. Fix it, if possible, otherwise report back to me. I will take the blame with the Altho City Civil Counsel."

He turns to Shalan. "My apologies for my abruptness. I have no intentions to insult the Selkath, it is however difficult to remain neutral in these affairs. The Counsel is a mockery of itself these days and they are unwilling to aid in an investigation."

He turns his attention back to the rest of the group. "As you might know. Not all over Manaan is covered in water. There are small island chains on the planet, but none are large enough to sustain any sort of population. Yesterday, I discovered strange energy readings coming from one of these islands. I need you to check out these islands. The Selkath have never build any other settlements above ground, so whatever the readings are, they aren't native.This may be a long shot, but those energy readings are the only lead we have."

He looks each of the party members over, slowly, as if inspecting them. "I am asking a lot from you, this was not according to the original agreement and highly illegal. If you are unwilling to cooperate I will understand. Know this though, if Manaan falls, the Republic will be dealt a hard blow, possibly a crippling one.

He falls silent and waits for the party to respond. The Selkath accompanying him hasn't said a word and from the looks of it, doesn't feel like starting.

2008-11-04, 04:32 AM
"Trespassers," Shalan says with disgust, "Defiling our world with settlements above the waters... It shall be a pleasure to drive them into the sea."

He adds in his own language, "Will you be joining us, brother?"

2008-11-04, 04:54 AM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of JUSTICE!

"The precious resources of Manaan being poisoned? It is our pleasure - no, our duty to find who is responsible for this terrible crime!"

Despite the rapidly waning light level, Yurist managed to again create a lens flare effect behind him as he pointed into the distance.

"The perpetrators are likely hard at work as we speak! There is no time to lose!"

2008-11-04, 09:25 AM

MI-A0 remains silent during the force-users' little spat, despite high levels of amusement. In fact, he remains silent throughout the entire discussion, distrustfully aware of Karith's new Selkath companion. He feigns not to understand when Shalan asks the sentient in their own language, instead asking their leader, "Jedi Karith, might I inquire who your companion is? Also, who on the Council is aiding us?"

Moral Wiz
2008-11-04, 01:02 PM

Zak looks shocked as Karith speaks, the older Jedi totally taking him by surprise. After a few seconds of spluttering, he smiles.

Guess I deserved that.

He listens closely to his master's words on the matter, nodding sagely at the mentioning of the difficulties of neutrality.

I'll be there of course, Master. Might I ask though, do we know anything more about just what is happening with the Kolto? If whatever it is is being caused on this little island, that might help us stop it.

[roll0] knowledge, galactic lore (thru his studies of the records in the Museum) to get a sense of the main clan conflict right now, their history and how it leads up to the present, who are the most prominent clans, what do they act like, why are they arguing, could they gain anything by civil war.. ect ect.

2008-11-04, 02:08 PM
"I don't have any information on the Kolto poisoning that you haven't heard yourself. While some of the kolto has turned black, most of it has retained it's natural colour. It is still poisoned though and many people have died from kolto treatment before the first signs were recognised.

The Selkath have never seen anything like this before, which is more evidence that this is not a natural occurrence."

Karith has been pacing a few feet up and down while talking, he is clearly frustrated and looks very tired.

He stops next to his Selkath companion. "This is Quer, he is of the Teros clan, one sympathetic to the plight of the Republic. He will see you make it out of Altho undetected."

"Despite the high security on the common level, Altho is virtually undefended on the lower levels. It will be easy getting you out." Quer speaks with a heavy accent and it is clear he is unaccustomed to speaking Basic.

From what you gathered in your afternoon at the museum the Selkath never had a structered form of goverment before the construction of Altho. Clans ruled small sections of ocean, like extended families. Now that Manaan is in political peril, the old ways have resurfaced and Selkath are tracing their lineages back, claiming that the old ways were best.

You did not have enough time to study the different clans and their political agenda, but basically, they're in an us-and-them situation. Every clan has their pride and territory and will not back down from the others.

2008-11-04, 02:12 PM

MI-A0 sketches a bow to the new Selkath, then speaks in Basic "Greetings, friend Quer. The Republic thanks your for your aid. Now, how will we be transported?" Then, he asks Karith, "Jedi Karith, from you words, may I assume that you will not be accompanying us?"

Moral Wiz
2008-11-04, 02:17 PM

Zak bows

Good to have you working with us, Quer of Teros. Apologies, but I am still working on the customs of your people. Do you go by your clan name, or would you prefer to not do so?

As the Selkath speaks, Zak looks a little nervous.

Err... it's water below us. How do we exit? Submersible?

2008-11-04, 02:23 PM
"Why we'll swim of cour-" Shalan begins to reply to the silly question of how they'll get there.

"Oh, wait. You can't do that. Right."

He turns to Quer and speaks in their own language again.

"How will we transport the air-breathers?"

Turning to Master Karith he asks another question, "In what clan's waters do the islands in question lie? Some families would make it very difficult for us to reach our destination."

2008-11-04, 02:41 PM
Quer reacts in kind to M1-A0 and Zak. "Quel is fine honorable Jedi. I am operating with Karith to make sure we stop our clan infighting, so I am not looking to promote my clan."

He turns to Shalan and speaks in their native language. "Please, try to refrain from speaking Selkath. We need these outsiders to trust us, secret languages are not furthering this ideal."

"The islands are on the other side of Manaan, far away from explored ocean. As such, we need not fear any clans.

I will take you to the islands in a submersible, but I will not come ashore."

When Quer finishes, Karith steps up to speak. "I will not be joining you as I am still leading the negotiations. If you will excuse me, I must depart. Quer will see that any further questions are answered." With these words, Karith bows and walks away.

2008-11-04, 02:50 PM
"Why should we work for their trust?" Shalan asks in Selkath, "If this is a business deal, they are the sellers and we are the buyers. They should work for our trust. Nevertheless, brother, I will comply."

Shalan turns to the basic-speakers and says "Don't mind us. I was just asking about a relative of mine I haven't visited in a long while. As for the matter at hand, it sounds like it will be a long journey to the islands. We should make haste."

2008-11-04, 02:52 PM

"It is good to see individuals who place the good of all above petty factionalism. I am honored to meet you.Now, are there any delays, or will we be leaving immediately?" Then, after a moment, he adds, "I hope your relative is well, friend Shalan. It is important to keep up the ties that bind us all."

EDIT: Add comments to Shalan's obvious lie

2008-11-04, 02:55 PM
"Yes, she is well," Shalan replies, "Thank you for asking."

((Of course Shalan doesn't know IC how obvious his lie is...))

Moral Wiz
2008-11-04, 02:58 PM

Zak smiles warmly at Quer

I agree with MI-A0. Placing the good of the community above the group of your own shows incredable ability to do the right thing.

Not sure what it's worth, I am only a Padawan, but you've got this Jedi's fullest respect and trust. I'm ready to go whenever you are.

He seems puzzled as Shalan's slightly forced answer though.

Why did he have to tell us that?

[roll0]UtF to detect if Shallan's trying to stiff me, under force detection

2008-11-04, 03:05 PM
Deception to try to sound convincing.


Moral Wiz
2008-11-04, 03:28 PM
Sod. Why do you have to roll well? :smalltongue:

Ok. That bumps it up to poker face. But it was really obviously done, so don't think Zak's completely fooled.

2008-11-04, 09:35 PM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of JUSTICE!
If Yurist caught Shalan's blatant lie, he wasn't showing it. "I think we've wasted time long enough. If there is nothing else we must know, then lead on, good sir! You can tell us anything else we need to know on the way."

2008-11-06, 11:09 AM
Quer leads you to the lower levels of Altho, traveling through hallways that are strangely absent of any security droids. "These are the mantainance halls." He explains. "Offworlders are not allowed here, hence the lack of overal security." He eventually leads you to a small docking bay, where a lone submersible awaits you.

Inside is just enough room to house five travellers and their equipment comfortably. A sixth could probably be added, but the ride would be quite uncomfortable. Unlike most vessels, the cockpit of Quer's sub is a mess. Several computers and datapads are connected to the vessel and the floor is covered in a mess of wiring. Amongst other equipment, Quer has hooked up a short-range sensor scrambler, which will make the sub effectively invisible to anyone looking.

The journey to the islands is relatively uneventful. The view of Manaan's ocean is beautiful. You see coral and fish which are only found on this planet, huge firaxian sharks swim past the sub, looking for their next meal. However, every koltorif you see looks contaminated, strange black substances oozing out into the ocean, heaps of dead fish and vegetation surrounding them.

When you arrive at the island, you are greeted by something you would never expect to see on Manaan, trees. The island is covered in thin trees, closely resembling palm.

Quer hands Shalan a transmitter. "I will explore the nearby ocean floor, see if I can get some clues. Use this transmitter when you are ready to leave the island and I will meet you back here."

As he wanders back into the vessel, he turns around. "Good luck."

Moral Wiz
2008-11-06, 11:15 AM

Zak strides firmly off the sub. He'd be the first to admit that the ocean view was amazing, but like any true Shaddaa-ite, he was far more comfortable when not beneath the waves

He smiles as the Selkath hands his fellow the transmitter.

Thank you Quer. Let's hope we can find something to go on quickly

Then almost at once, he turned around, and began walking around, not too fast, but with haste in hs step, making a summery but total search of the island.

[roll0] Perception

2008-11-06, 01:40 PM

MI-A0 peers around in immense curiosity as they move through the undercity, and then through the water. He disembarks on the island with some relief - waterproof does not mean pressure-proof - and takes his bearings.

Though slightly alarmed that their guide is leaving them (possibly indicative of a trap), the droid's only reaction is to halt the man before he can leave, asking, "Excuse me, Quer; do you think you might tell me what frequency that communicator transmits on? I have an internal commlink, and redundancy never harms."

After receiving and answer, he'll take his lead from the others and begin looking for anything odd.

Perception: [roll0]

2008-11-06, 02:37 PM
Shalan glances around nervously as he sets foot on the sandy beach.

"These islands give me the creeps..." he confesses.

He reaches out with the Force to try to detect anything which might threaten the little band.

If given sufficient time he will Sense Force to scan for other Force sensitives on the island, Sense Surroundings coupled with a Perception check to pick out any more mundane threats, and Search his Feelings in order to ascertain whether or not he should go ahead with this.

He will take ten on all these checks if he can, leading to results of 22 on the UtF checks and 19 on Perception.

2008-11-06, 03:10 PM
Quer takes out a datapad, enters some data and throws the pad to MI-A0. It contains the transmitter frequency. After this, he will board his vessel and leave.

The island looks serene and on another planet it could serve as a top holiday resort. Nothing looks out of place, until you explore further, into the forest. Palm trees are slowly replaced by other trees and bushes and undergrowth slows you movement.

You come upon a small building, one story high and made of heavy concrete. A small door is the only entrance and while it looks undefended there are signs of recent use.


You sense no other Force signatures, besides you and Zak. From your short time in contemplation you learn exploring this island is the right course of action.

Moral Wiz
2008-11-06, 03:17 PM

Well, this looks out of place.

Zak's voice is somewhat hushed, as he stays at a distance from the building

Looks undefended.... Of course, that dosn't mean it is.

Any ideas, apart from simply walking in, claiming the authority of the council and arresting people?

2008-11-06, 03:45 PM

MI-A0 takes the pad, inputting the frequency.

After finding the building, he has a simple response to Zak's question: "One might knock."

Moral Wiz
2008-11-06, 03:57 PM

Yes. And if it's a group of outlaws, armed with blasters?

Zak sighed, and focused within himself, going quiet for a minuet

Search his Feelings to see if walking up to the door and knocking is a good idea. [roll0] UtF

2008-11-06, 04:07 PM
Zak senses that knocking might not be the best course of action.

Moral Wiz
2008-11-06, 04:10 PM

Zak sighs

I'm... not that fond of it, as an idea Doesn't seem right.

Any way we can get a look inside, short of walking on in?

2008-11-06, 04:24 PM
"You're the Jedi," Shalan says, "Those who trained you have much more experience with the Force than those who trained me. If any of us has a trick to look through walls, it should be you. IF you do not, then we will attempt to enter, forcefully if necessary. Please try not to kill anyone unless we've tried diplomacy without any success, though. I shouldn't need to tell you that such action is the way of the Sith."

Moral Wiz
2008-11-06, 04:32 PM

Zak sighs

If there was one I know within, perhaps. But without that, I can not see past the walls. Jedi can not work miracles. If you can't do anything, we're both stuffed for options..

However... I really don't think the diplomatic approach will be a valid one. It... doesn't feel right.

We should try diplomacy first. But I think we should certainly stand ready for battle, no?

2008-11-06, 04:33 PM

"As you say, master Jedi," the droid deadpans. "Perhaps, then, we might circumvent this building? There is nothing to say that it is the only item of interest on the isle, and if we are attacked later, at least we will not be attacking the rancor in its den, as it were."

Moral Wiz
2008-11-06, 04:37 PM

Good point MI-A0. Best to be dedicated and complete in our work

Zak smiles externally, but sighs within

I should have thought of that.

He charges ahead to finish off checking the Isle for anything suspicious

2008-11-06, 05:18 PM
After doing a thorough search of the island, you can conclude this building is the only thing of interest.

Searching the island took longer than expected and the night is almost over, you can see the first rays of sunlight coming over the horizon.

Yes, you're being railroaded into entering, deal it with :smallbiggrin:.

Oh by the way, watch your step on entering.

Also: you managed to get some sleep on the sub, so you're pretty rested.

2008-11-06, 05:31 PM
Shalan strides boldly up to the door, heedless of any objection from the others.

"By the law of the Selkath no structure is allowed above water save for Atho City!" he yells, "We will give you one chance to explain why this building is here before we serve your eviction notice. I suggest you make it a good explanation."

Persuasion: [roll0]

2008-11-06, 05:32 PM
Shalan's threat falls on deaf ears. There is no response from inside the building.

Moral Wiz
2008-11-06, 05:33 PM

Well... I have a bad feeling about this

Shalan's threat seeming unsucessful, Zak walks up to the door, and slowly, lightsaber in hand, swings it open.

[roll0]Force perception for if there's a trap on the other side. Either noticing enemies or avoiding surprise.

2008-11-06, 05:44 PM
As Zak swings the door open, the answer as to why no one responded has become clear.

The door leads straight to a massive staircase, going down several feet under the earth. You can see light coming from the bottom and if you listen carefully you can hear several voices though you can't make anything out.

2008-11-06, 05:45 PM

Were MI-A0 a more dramatic droid, he might have smitten Shalan, or himself.

However, he was rather more pragmatic, and so he simple drew his pistol, set to stun, and began to attend to the no doubt imminent battle, taking charge naturally and easily.

"Zak, Shalan, stand by the door; Yurist, stand by to render aid. Now, one of you - I would recommend Shalan, this is his fault, and they may be reluctant to fire on a Selkath - open the door when ready."

Inspire Confidence! Everyone in line of sight gets +1 to attack rolls and skill checks (morale bonus)

2008-11-06, 06:09 PM
"It is only civil to attempt negotiations prior to shooting everyone in sight, droid," Shalan replies, "Or does your militant programming allow no room for peace? Nevertheless, I shall open the door."

Shalan draws his own undersized blaster before proceeding down the stairs.

He throws open the door.

If they are visibly armed he will say "We do not desire unnecessary violence. Please drop your weapons."

If they are not visibly armed he will say "Though we come bearing the trappings of war, we mean you no harm. Please do not be alarmed."

Persuasion: [roll0]

2008-11-06, 06:19 PM

"I deeply apologize, friend Shalan. Which of us was the one who began by informing the inhabitants of the building that we were here to arrest them?" Though his voice is dry, sarcasm practically drips off of his words.

When they arrive at the room, the droid looks about the room; if the inhabitants are unarmed or are not holding their arms ready, he will add to Shalan's speech, [color=purple]"Indeed; my friend here simply wishes to know why you violate the most sacred traditions of the planet. Myself, I would rather just know why you are here."

Persuade: [roll0]

2008-11-06, 06:27 PM
As you enter the room, you notice the concrete floor turn to metal. You have little time to explore the rest of the room as three blaster pistols, a blaster rifle and a set of huge teeth are pointed directly at you.

Their owners, slightly startled, are three rodians, an aqualish and a large crododile like creature. They all wear brown uniforms, though you do not recognise it.

As Shalan attempts to negotiate, the aqualish responds. "This place does not concern you.

Turi my dear, attack them!"

The large creature lets lose a terrible howl and charges forward.



RD=Rodian armed with a blaster pistol
AL=Aqualish armed with a blaster rifle and combat gloves
MS=Massif armed with huge teeth


2008-11-06, 08:52 PM
Yurist Levedru

What the Rodians probably should have noticed is the rocket launcher pointing at them.

"No sense arguing with criminals and evildoers." says Yurist, dropping to one knee.

Of course, he couldn't quite act yet, not without knowing where everyone would be when he fired. It was important when you were packing a rocket launcher.

Moral Wiz
2008-11-07, 01:19 AM

Zak saw Yuri's action, and looked irritated

Don't fire that thing! We need minimal destruction here.

As for you people, if you insist on attacking a Jedi

His lightsaber ignites, glowing silver in his hand. He smiles, ever so slightly

Feel free.

With that he simply gestures at the rear-ward Rodian, concentration within himself.

Move Object; To bring the rear Rodian crashing into his friend, the Rodian opposite Yuri. [roll0] UtF Makes it on 15, as I understand it

2008-11-07, 01:23 AM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of JUSTICE!
"Don't worry, it doesn't cost that much to fire!" laughed Yurist, keeping his rocket launcher steady. "Besides, it's a small sacrifice in the name of Justice!"

Moral Wiz
2008-11-07, 01:32 AM

And what happens when you blow up this place, and we can't find out what's going on here?

I'm assuming the computer terminal is actually there. If not, disregard all this

2008-11-07, 01:36 AM
The Rodian starts to scream as he is pulled forward. He comes crashing into his partner as high speed, causing them both to fall over. There is blood everywhere.

2008-11-07, 01:40 AM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of JUSTICE!
"Don't worry, they're only little rockets. I've used them many times, no damage! Maybe you're thinking of permacrete detonators?" replied Yurist.

I'm assuming that area attacks happen as written. Yurist is capable of blowing up bad guys without damaging the console.

Moral Wiz
2008-11-07, 01:46 AM
Meh. Looking close quarters to me, but I don't know the rules on rocket Launchers.

If you can use it without blowing up the console, go for it. Zak's hardly an explosives expert (though he knows a little) If it's sure you won't damage the console, feel free to ignore him. He won't mind (though he will chew your ear off if you actually manage to damage the console

Also... "They're only little rockets".... That got a smile, even from me

2008-11-07, 02:03 AM
Shalan watches in horror as the "wise" Jedi goes bowling with Rodians.

"Careful!" he cautions, "They're fragile! We want to be able to question them, do we not?"

He gestures at the Massif.

"Kill only the dumb beast."

As his fingers tighten in a pantomimed vice-grip, so too do waves of telekinetic force tighten around the creature's neck.

Force Grip with Waveform.
UtF: [roll0]

Moral Wiz
2008-11-07, 02:23 AM

Zak originally smiles but he stiffeners and looks shocked at the amount of blood becomes plain. Shalan's words fall on deaf ears, as the Jedi realizes what he just did.

Oh no. No, no, no.

Thank the Force Master Karith wasn't here to see that.. But that was defense, wasn't it? They were about to attack?

2008-11-07, 09:17 AM

MI-A0's delight at the carnage overcomes any residual distaste he might have had for his erstwhile companions. "Good work!" he cries, "Shalan is right; blasters on 'stun'!" Concentrate fire on the massif!" He also contributes a shot to the fray.

Using Born Leader, additional +1 insight bonus to all attack rolls

Also, attacking Massif with blaster on "stun", [roll0]
Damage, if needed: [roll1]

2008-11-07, 11:18 AM
Since the enemies attack just before MI-A0, this post should be considered just before his.

Diplomacy has seem to have gone out of the window, the room has turned into a small warzone. "Don't just stand there you idiots. Attack them!"

The aqualish, who seems to be the leader braces his rifle and opens fire on Yurist and MI-A0. The rodian behind the computer console takes cover and takes a shot at Shalan.
Meanwhile, the two rodian who crashed into each other get up warily and take their revenge by shooting at Zak. They don't look like they will last long though, both are heavily bruised by the crash.

The massif seems to be in terrible pain and despite its attempts it cannot seem to move. It lets lose a horryifing howl. When MI-A0's blast hits it, the beast seems to calm down, almost letting go.

Alright, time for the TPK:

Aqualish autofiring at Yurist and MI-A0. If he misses, you still take half damage.


Rodian 3 is in cover behind the computer and firing at Shalan.


Rodians 1 and 2 fire at Zak



2008-11-07, 06:05 PM
Yurist Levedru
Haha! Witness the strength of JUSTICE! I haven't even gotten started! On a scale of 1-50, I'm at 44!

The blaster bolts rain down on Yurist, but he just sticks out his chest and holds his rocket launcher triumphantly, a single shot grazing his chest, only reinforcing his grin, before he pointed the rocket launcher at the two Rodians who were still firing.

"Here comes JUSTICE!"

He'd fought evildoers before - even if he wasn't the brightest bulb in the shed, he knew perfectly well that very few evildoers were prepared to submit to justice while they were all still alive.

He also knew that it was mostly pointless to aim to capture a lackey - they had a tendency to surrender when they were among the last left to begin with, and they didn't usually have any useful information. Unpleasant deaths tended to cause a similar effect.

Rocket Launcher at Rodians 1 and 2.

Area Attack: Half Damage on Miss

Devastating Attack Applies: Damage Threshold is reduced by 5

Attack - (1d20+9)[19]
Damage - (6d6+2)[24]

Rolls are in OOC as requested, pasted here for convenience.

Yurist moves to the corner, so as to avoid being in the same 10' space as Catbot.

2008-11-09, 07:36 AM
The room turns quiet for a second as Yurist fires his rocket launcher. Sound comes back a second later as both rodians are blown to pieces. Several chunks of insectlike flesh fly across the room, spraying blood and gore on all participants. MI-A0 in particular gets brainy chuncks all over his face.

Next up: Zak

I won't bother making a new map yet, you guys haven't moved. The top 2 rodians are removed/chunkified/splattered.

Moral Wiz
2008-11-09, 07:47 AM

Zak looks on in horror as Yuri's rocket blows the two Rodians to pieces. But a normally quiet part of his mind takes over.

Steel yourself. These guys have been poisoning the Kolto. They're killers who're plunging Manaan into civil war for some reason or other.

They deserve pity. The ending of life is an ending of the Force. But for now, this battle needs to be ended.

Slowly, lamentingly, Zak walks forward to the hound, and, with a fluid motion, brings his silver lightsaber down.

[roll0] attack

[roll1] Damage, ignoring DR.

2008-11-09, 08:18 AM
The massif growls painfully as Zak approaches. Despite the strain around its neck, it manages to jerk away at the last second as Zak brings down his lightsaber.

Go go Shalan

2008-11-09, 10:07 AM
Despite the pain in his side from being grazed by a blaster shot and the pain in his heart at the Rodians being blown apart, Shalan attempts to maintain his concentration on the task at hand... The large angry animal the Jedi just failed to kill.

He tightens his mental grip, trying to finish the beast off.

UtF: [roll0]

2008-11-09, 10:37 AM
The strain on the Massif is too much. It slumps to the floor without making a sound.

"Turi, no! You will pay for this you bastards!

The aqualish takes aim at Zak, believing him to be responsible for the death of his pet.

Meanwhile, the remaining rodian, shocked by the death of his fellows takes a grenade from his belt and lobs it towards the droid and the over-equiped soldier.


Aqualish firing at Zak.


Rodian 3 throws a frag at MI-A0 and Yurist. Half damage even if it misses.


Robocat, you're up.

2008-11-09, 03:03 PM

When MI-A0 sees the grenade flying towards him, his defensive logic upgrades kick in, moving him before he realizes, and helping him to dodge the greater part of the blast, though between that and the prvious burst, he's taken a fair bit of damage. Resisting the urge to open fire on the Rodian who assaulted him, he carefully aims at the Aqualish that appears to be the leader, firing off a stunning bolt.

Use Defensive Logic Upgrade to give a +2 to Reflex defense against the grenade; then firing at the Aqualish with heavy blaster set on stun.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1] (stun damage)


2008-11-09, 03:23 PM
The aqualish is scorched by the blaster's shot. He seems otherwise unphased by MI-A0's attempt at stunning him.

Yurist, bring out that rocker launcher.

2008-11-09, 05:01 PM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of JUSTICE!
"Hah! It'll take more than that to stop me! I'm still at 37/50!"

Yurist begins to advance, heading up to where the Rodians were turned into Insectoid Mush.

Then he aimed the Rocket Launcher at the Aqualish.

"No! It is you who will pay for your crimes!"


Rocket at Aqualish. Movement 6 squares to Rodians.


EDIT: Amusingly, thanks to Devastating Attack, Yurist is probably going to knock the Aqualish down the condition track anyway.

2008-11-09, 05:18 PM
Seeing the rocket launched at him, the aqualish thug is able to dodge it at the last second. The rocket collides with the wall, sending schrapnel and scrap flying through the room.

A large chunk of concrete grazes past the aqualish, his back is soaked in blood.

"You will have to do better than that, you insane idiot!" he manages to yell, before getting targetted by probably another intrepid hero waiting to take potshots at him.

And that concludes round 2. So far, 2 rodians dead and one catbot bleeding oil. Oh, and a big ass massif that really didn't do anything the entire game, may he rest in peace.

Zak you're up!

Moral Wiz
2008-11-09, 05:27 PM

No. I will.

Zak easily side-steps the Aqualish's shot, he continues his stride forward, silver lightsaber glowing through the room.

It's over, for both of you. Now, stand down, and I'll put in a good word for you

Jedi Mind Trick on the Aqualish [roll0] Moving forward, blade extended, but not making any fast movements.

2008-11-09, 05:37 PM
Feeling a haze cross his mind, the aqualish' eyes turn blank for a second.

"Ah, forget it." he says and drops his blaster rifle. "This isn't worth the pay and I have already lost Turi."

He seems calm and approachable. The rodian however, is unable to come to a decision and still has his blaster pointed at Yurist.

That roll was impressive enough to warrant a surrender :smallsmile:

You are now considered out of initiative. The rodian probably won't do anything until his superior gives him an order, probably...

Moral Wiz
2008-11-09, 05:52 PM

The Jedi smiles at the Quarren, and retracts his silver blade

Thank you. Most kind

You too?

Zak smiles, innocently at the remaining Rodian

Appolagies about your friends, but it was a fire fight. And we were rather nervous. I am sorry, and Yuri here should be too.

He looks daggers at Yuri, before returning to smile at the Rodian

If you stand down, we'll be able to get you better treatment than if we have to stun you. It'd be surrender, not capture, and thus would go down better with the Authorities.


2008-11-09, 05:58 PM
You're horning in on my territory there, Zak... I'm the one with the Demand Surrender talent. :smalltongue:

"Yes," Shalan adds, "There is no need for rash behavior. Please, set aside your weapons."

Adding more Persuasion. With Demand Surrender as well.


2008-11-09, 05:58 PM
The rodian looks hurriedly around the room for a few seconds before saying something in his native tongue and fleeing into the other room.

The aqualish remains silent.


You're unable to use Demand Surrender seeing as the rodian is over half hitpoints.

2008-11-09, 06:03 PM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of JUSTICE!

"Oh No You Don't!" bellowed Yurist, cycling his rocket launcher and chasing the Rodian into the next room.

He could probably afford to take a few hits if he had to, and he was still going strong.

Moral Wiz
2008-11-09, 06:06 PM

Zak sighs

Well, they can chase each other for a little, as far as I care.

He sits down next to the Aqualish, smiling.

So... who are you anyway? And what're you doing here

2008-11-09, 06:10 PM
Damn you Pingcode, now I have to make a new map! :smallbiggrin:

I won't get to that today, seeing as I'm off to bed in a second. Will get done first thing in the morning.

The aqualish looks at Zak, he seems to have regained his composure. "You won't get anything out of me. If you want to find out, go find my boss and he will chew you up."

2008-11-09, 06:19 PM

Shouting to Yurist, "Yurist, hold! He's likely drawing you to an ambush!" MI-A0 keeps his blaster out and approaches the Aqualish. "And who is this boss of yours? Is he really so frightening that you cannot let us have a civilized discussion? I really would like that, you know, instead of all the ugly alternatives...this Selkath here, for example, blames you for fomenting a civil war on his plan. Our friend with the rocket launcher is not cursed with an overabundance of sanity, as you have seen, and I..." his voice drops, and he says in a deep, soft voice, his blaster pointed at the Aqualish's hand, "Well, let us simply say that my maker was not overly concerned with ethical subroutines."

Persuade: 1d20+10

2008-11-09, 06:20 PM
One cannot edit in rolls!
Persuade [roll0]

2008-11-09, 06:28 PM
"Alright, alright, I get it." The aqualish slowly moves his hand out of the mad robots crosshairs.

"Look, we were just ordered to guard the entrance of this place. I don't know whats going on within the compound.

All I know is this that the boss is being payed top credits, I don't even want to know who hired us. I saw her once, our contracter, she did not feel right, you know?

That's all I know."

2008-11-09, 06:31 PM

"And who is 'the boss'?" MI-A0 continues, his voice still the whisper of a rotary saw cutting through plastic.

2008-11-09, 06:31 PM
Yurist Levedru

"If he gets to the guards, he's going to alert the whole place!" shouted back Yurist.

As he ran through the door, he fired a missile at the fleeing Rodian.

If there was any truly great advantage of heavier weapons, it was that for them, 'Point Blank' was a very great distance indeed.

2008-11-10, 12:30 AM
"Your shouting and your rocket-launching have already alerted the whole place, I'm sure!" Shalan shouts back.

Moral Wiz
2008-11-10, 01:25 AM

So... you're mercenaries? And someone hired you? Someone that didn't feel right?

Zak slowly got up and looked over at the console

You mind if I take a look at this thing?

He sort of asked the world at large

2008-11-10, 06:02 AM
"The boss is, you know the boss. He's the one that pays me at the end of the day and it seems like I won't be getting my creds this time."

Meanwhile, Yurist fires a rocket at the escaping rodian though all he hits is a wall at the end of the corridor. The rodian must have fled down the hall to another room.

You're free to use the computer. Though you need to roll a skill check and state what you're trying to find out.

2008-11-10, 06:24 AM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of JUSTICE!

Yurist returned, ejecting the cylindrical magazine from his rocket launcher and putting it on a spare part of the table.

"The Rodian escaped around the corner." he sighed, holding up the magazine and looking through the side. Three of the panels were blackened with the launch, while a green blunt-headed rocket was visible through the final one.

He took one of his fresh magazines and pressed it into the chamber, closing it and pulling a lever on the side of the launcher. The little red light turned back on, signifying that the weapon was dangerous again.

"Well, Zak, perhaps you'd like to try and stop the alert before it goes out? A map maybe?"

Since a rocket has a pretty solid chance of demolishing part of the wall, I'm going to roll damage.


Note that due to Penetrating Strike, 5 points of damage reduction are deducted from the wall.

2008-11-10, 06:32 AM
You won't be demolishing any walls, as frankly that was is the only way to advance the plot.

Those walls have a DR of Plot!

2008-11-10, 09:18 AM

"Are you sure you don't know any more details?" the droid asks, cradling his blaster.

Should I be making additional Persuasion rolls?

2008-11-10, 09:24 AM
"Leave him be, droid," Shalan recommends, "He doesn't know anything. We'll get more out of the computer."

2008-11-10, 09:38 AM

"Selkath, have you considered that perhaps interrupting might detract from the interrogatory process? Or that one of us can check the computer while another interrogates a prisoner? I highly doubt that I am the only one amongst us capable of using a computer."

2008-11-10, 10:18 AM
"You're also threatening the life of a prisoner, something I can't condone. You think I can't see how you're holding that blaster?"

Shalan frowns.

"We do have standards, you know."

Moral Wiz
2008-11-10, 12:45 PM

Zak stands over the computers, ignoring the ever bickering duo. He's taken out a small, rose red visor, and has started to take a closer look at the data, plugging in the visor to his datapad, and the pad to the terminal. His fingers run rapidly over the datapad as information flows before him.

[roll0] Comp Use

2008-11-10, 01:15 PM
Zak has managed to gain access to the general functions of the computer. It seems the mercenaries are not the original owners of this facility, considering log-in dates that trace back almost 5 years.

As of right now, the computer grants these functions:
-- Access map
-- Security functions (requires passcode)
-- Security camera's (requires passcode)
-- Internal base communications

You can try to find out who manufactured this computer by making a knowledge: galactic lore check. Both passcodes require a succesful Computer Use check.

Moral Wiz
2008-11-10, 01:17 PM
[roll0] Galactic Lore, to ID the computer. I'll get that before trying anything else

2008-11-10, 01:32 PM

The droid draws the Selkath aside, whispering but keeping an eye and a blaster on the Aqualish. "First, I was threatening to maim, not to kill: a dead prisoner is worthless except as an example, and with only one prisoner, we do not need examples. Second, a real torturer would have begun by inflicting some minor but painful injury: breaking a finger, perhaps, or cutting one off. The threat of torture is often as effective as torture itself, but does not break these 'standards' of yours."

After his little soliloquy, MI-A0 will bind the Aqualish's hands and feet with mesh tape, preventing him from escaping at all. After this is done, he abruptly announces, "We need a leader. A consensus will obviously not work; we all need to follow the orders given to us. I nominate the padawan."

2008-11-10, 01:35 PM
It seems the original creators of this computer and thus the base itself were Sith. Checking the backlogs of data entries, Zak can conclude the Sith must have build this outpost somewhere during their stay on Manaan. It seems the Republic weren't the only ones to secretly set up their facilities on this planet.

The aqualish struggles while MI-A0 restrains him with mesh tapes. "You can't do this!" he yells. "The boss will have my hide, you can't do this!" His efforts and struggling are in vain as he is unable to free himself.

Moral Wiz
2008-11-10, 02:03 PM
Err... didn't you say five years of logs? Wasn't it 7 since the JCW ended? Or did the Sith last on Manaan longer

Zak grunted, pleased with his work

I know this interface.Minimalist, efficiant... It's Sith design. They were certainly the first owners of this place, even if they aren't still here.

I'm going to try and hack security feeds, and functions as best I can. Bringing p internal comms now, recieving only.

He's back to serious as he resumes working the data. He doesn't even notice MI-A0's nomination of him as leader.

[roll0][roll1] Comp use on feeds and function respectively.

2008-11-10, 03:02 PM
Zak easily bypasses both password protections and finds himself in the security screen.

To his surprise, there is precious little to do here. If he wanted, he could raise the alarm. There is also a self destruct sequence, though that requires another passcode.

As Zak cycles through the security camera feeds, he notices not all are operational. Whether it is because of bad maintenance or some other reason, he cannot say.

Camera feeds:

You see the rodian who escaped speak hastily to a couple of trandoshans. After their discussion, the lizard-like humanoids take cover behind some boxes. The rodian disappears offscreen, but comes back a second later.

You're surprised the camera is labeled 'barracks' as you can see nothing that resembles it. Instead, the room looks more like a storage room, filled with boxes. There is some blast damage and fallen rubble to indicate there must have been a struggle here at some point.

Hallway 2
You can see two doors in this hallway. One of them is blocked by a force field. The other one is labeled 'Decontamination'.

Medical centre
The camera feed is grainy and you cannot really make out anything. You can see a vague figure standing over a table, or a bed. It could be someone performing surgery, though you cannot say for sure.

The internal comm relays nothing but static, it seems no one is using the comm system.

Yeah, the base has existed longer, but you can only find logs up to 5 years ago. Could be someone did a system wipe or it could be deterioration of the system.

In other words, it's a way for me to say I screwed up the numbers :smallbiggrin:.

Moral Wiz
2008-11-10, 03:09 PM
Zak looks surprised

It's definetly a Sith base. The Mercs seem to be the ones in charge now thankfully. Or not. They, perhaps, don't know what they're messing with.

Especially as they're a self destruct. It needs a password, but I could crack that.


He breaks off. He seems worried about something, as he manipulates his datapad a little more.

Bringing up the base map.

2008-11-10, 03:12 PM


Fear my MS Paint skillz!

Moral Wiz
2008-11-10, 03:18 PM

Zak gives the overview as he projects the holomap up on the console, so everyone can see it.

We've got three more main sections of the base. Barracks, Med Center and Engineering. At least that's what they're listed as.

I've got a security feed for the barracks. Looks more like a store room. Our Rodian friend came along, and had words with a couple of Trandoshans. Then they all go to defencive positions. The Rodian went off feed for a bit. At a guess, I'd say he went to the armory.

I'd have no problems with them taking up defensive positions, but we need to get through there to reach the rest of the base. Even on this map.

Oh, and... I can't get a feed from Engineering. Suggestive? I can't really get much of a feed from the med center either. And given the state of the Barracks, I'd say we can't be sure what they're being used for.

Only that the "Med Center" has a decontamination bay. And there seems to be a lot of equipment in the barracks.

2008-11-10, 05:15 PM
"The threat of torture may be acceptable to you, droid, but it is not acceptable to me. I doubt the padawan would have approved either if he had seen."

Shalan turns from the droid in disgust and listens to Zak's explanation of the layout of the base.

"Could you seal the barracks until we're done investigating the rest of the base? It won't be easy to get them out of there since they know we're coming... we could deal with their friends in the med bay and engineering and then come back for them."

Moral Wiz
2008-11-10, 05:17 PM

No way. Apart from the fact that I simply can't seal things from this terminal, the barracks is right in the route we'll have to travel. We need to go through it.

2008-11-10, 05:25 PM

"One uses the tools one has. I doubt that my threats harmed this sentient much." He raises his voice, addressing the now-bound prisoner, "Friend Aqualish, did my threats cause overly large amounts of harm and distress? You appear to have avoided soiling yourself."

Returning to Shalan, he continues, "You are right about the padawan, however, and this is why we need a hierarchy: right now, all I have is your hypocritical squeamishness to stop me doing as I please to the prisoner. With a commander, I would also have my superior's orders. Thus, you enforce my case. Padawan Zak Franz, I have nominated you to be our leader. What do you say?"

2008-11-10, 05:32 PM
Yurist Levedru

Yurist shook his head.

"Torture is never acceptable, even in the course of justice. To allow evildoers to stew in their own misdeeds for a while, but never to threaten to harm."

Then he looked at MI-A0 and Zak.

"This base is nothing more than a line, bent a handful of times. It is no great task to simply go from room to room. Fortunately, the alarm has not sounded, and the barracks will cut off any further escape for the miscreants. But, as you say, they have dug themselves deep. It is no matter - I will go first, for I can survive more blows than the rest of you, and my weapon can destroy their cover before they may take great advantage of it."

Moral Wiz
2008-11-10, 05:59 PM


Zak looks nervous, though MI-A0 can see he's partially excited at this

I'm... not sure I'm exactly the most competent leader ever. I'm a long way from Revan. Still, if you want me to, I suppose I can direct things.

And thank you Yuri. A most generous offer

2008-11-10, 11:50 PM

MI-A0 seems taken aback by Zak's comparison. "Nevertheless, I think it is the best choice. Obviously, none of you trust me, despite my undoubtedly being the best military commander in the group. I fear that Shalan is too emotionally close to the matter to make objective decisions, and Yurist...I do not believe Yurist possesses the proper...mindset for command. You are Jedi Karith's apprentice, and a Jedi besides. You seem to have an even keel, and I have little doubt you are the most...ethical of the bunch. You seem the natural selection."

2008-11-10, 11:51 PM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of JUSTICE!

"Nevermind command, all that is needed is to lead! Minsc I will lead and break the enemy's defences! Explosives handle the details. Onwards!"

2008-11-11, 07:03 AM
"I find myself saying that I agree with the droid," Shalan says, "It's an odd feeling."

2008-11-11, 10:27 AM

"Excellent," says the droid, ignoring Yurist's outburst, "We are agreed. Now, feerless leader, your first decision: how to dispose of the prisoner. Does anyone know how to gag an Aqualish without killing him? Alternatively, I've a stun baton: we could apply until he is unconscious. Or we could do both."

Moral Wiz
2008-11-11, 12:04 PM

Zak looks... surprised, but somewhat happy at the decision. He looks round, quickly thinking.

Well, I don't see a lot in the way of weaponry here. And this is an underground complex. Can't attack us, can't alert people, as he'd have to go through us... He simply isn't much of a threat

Secure the weapons the Rodians had. Search our friend here too. Confiscate all you find, then just leave him up top, tied up as best we can. Who knows, we might have a need to question him.

That work?

2008-11-12, 06:39 AM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of HAIKU!

Yurist shrugged.

I do not protest
It is not a bad idea
We should do it now.

Yurist goes over to the Aqualish and relieves it of its blaster rifle, as well as checking the room for equipment scattered by the demolished Rodians.

Restraints are needed.
This blaster will be enough.
Any more questions?

Yurist drew his heavy blaster and flicked it quite audibly to stun.

2008-11-12, 07:45 AM
While searching through pieces of brain, skull and guts - all that's left of the rodians - Yurist finds nothing but scrap metal. Their pistols have been melted by the blast and their grenades must have exploded along with them.

The blaster rifle he takes off the aqualish is a standard issue rifle, though it lacks a folded stock.

2008-11-12, 09:49 AM

"Friend Yurist, perhaps you might take our prisoner outside? I would make the attempt, but I am certain that you are far stronger than I..."

Moral Wiz
2008-11-13, 03:37 PM

Zak nods, and bends down to assist Yuri with moving the prisoner. First though, Zak checks to ensure that the Aqualish's combat gloves have also been removed.

2008-11-13, 05:06 PM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of JUSTICE!

Dwung! Dwung! Dwung! Dwung!

The prisoner slumped over in pain.

Yurist flicked the switch again and replaced his weapon in its holster.

"MI-A0, I may not be the brightest man to have graced the galaxy, but you are, without a doubt, a moron. We are not here to hold elections. We are not here to interview mercenaries for Holonet. That whoever is here has hired mercenaries with orders to shoot on sight is knowledge enough. We are here to attack a complex, and get to who is in charge. Investigations come later, when we've found someone with authority. If you want to obsess over a mercenary sergeant, you can stay here."

Yurist quickly went over the Aqualish, taking any grenades, along with spare power packs and the gloves if necessary.

"Now, if we're done wasting time in the middle of an attack, let us rejoin the fight, before evil knows what's hit them!"

And with that, he moved on through the door, and around the bend. He waited for a moment for everyone to catch on and move on up, then opened the door and fired a rocket into the cover that the mercenaries were hiding behind, demolishing it and hopefully them.

Yurist just blasted the Aqualish with four blaster bolts on stun, by the way.



2008-11-13, 07:09 PM
"Does that man always shoot first?" Shalan asks exasperatedly.

Reluctantly, he follows the madman.

Init: [roll0]

2008-11-13, 07:24 PM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of Haiku!

Sometimes, you can talk.
Perhaps you would like to try?
You can go in first.

Said Yurist, stopping before the door and motioning for Shalan to go through if he wanted. Honestly - the Selkath seemed to have massive ethical swings. Like puberty for ethics or something.

I mean, they were already fighting - what on Manaan did he think he would achieve by suddenly stopping to talk?

2008-11-13, 07:56 PM
"I was speaking more of your enthusiasm for fighting, your eagerness to rush to battle. To my dismay I admit that it is long past the time for words here. Fire away."

2008-11-13, 08:02 PM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of JUSTICE!

"I give everything my 100%!" replied Yurist, clearly putting his 100% into the retort, too. "They had their chance to talk. Besides, was it not you who throttled that poor animal with such glee?"

2008-11-13, 08:37 PM
"Animals aren't thinking beings. Sentients are different. I can feel it."

2008-11-13, 08:55 PM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of JUSTICE!

"So you feel you are free to be hurtful to animals, who do not know any better, simply because they feel different?" responded Yurist.

2008-11-13, 09:49 PM
"Because they are provably inferior," Shalan corrects.

2008-11-13, 10:52 PM

"Shalan, any creature can be demonstrated to be inferior to any other. For example, humans are worse than Selkath at swimming, and yet Duros are better than Selkath at piloting starships. Humans exceed both in there apparent ability to build world-spanning cities. Still, Yurist, I oppose your actions if only because Padawan Zak decided that we should restrain the sentient and place him outside. You will actually recall that I recommended stunning him before you took your action. I, however, am not insubordinate."

2008-11-13, 10:59 PM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of JUSTICE!

"As I recall, we were not here to call elections. You can play 'Senator' later. We are in the middle of an attack, and prisoner-taking is not something that may be done while the attack is still in progress."

2008-11-13, 11:59 PM

MI-A0's tone remains flat, though there seems to be a slight tinge of anger to it, "No, this is not a democracy. Nor did I ever 'play Senator', as you suggested. However, disobedience is not something that can be tolerated in battle. I wager that I have been in far more battles than you have, and we took prisoners in a fair number of them. What we did not do was disobey our officers and perform whatever action we wished."

2008-11-14, 12:08 AM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of JUSTICE!

"I'm sure you have." replied Yurist.

2008-11-17, 06:12 AM
Just as Yurist kicks in the door heroically and makes his way inside to blast his rocketlauncher he is suprised by one of of the Trandoshans jumping him.

At that same moment, two other Trandoshans and a familiar Rodian fire their blasters out of the cover of stacked boxes.




Trandoshan 1 attacks Yurist with a vibroblade.


Trandoshan 2 and Rodian fire at Zak. Both shots are set to stun.



Trandoshan 3 fires at Shalan, blaster set to stun.


2008-11-17, 11:09 AM
"I'm sorry, friends," Shalan apologizes, "I have to fall back. Just a moment..."

He retreats back into the hallway where hopefully he will be out of the line of fire, grabs the medpac off of his utility belt, and takes his second wind.

Sorry guys, I just realized that last shot put me down to 5 hp... I should have healed in the downtime, I know, but I just forgot about it.

2008-11-17, 01:56 PM

Setting his blaster at the nearest Trandoshan, MI-A0 provides suppressing fire to aid the others in eliminating the nearby threat.

Aid Another [roll0]

Aid Another, Yurist attacking the adjacent Trandoshan. using Advanced Tactical Circuits, so Yurist gets a +5 bonus to attacks if it hits.

HP are still at 9
Inspirational effects should still be in place (+2 to attack, +1 to skillz)

2008-11-18, 05:04 PM
Restating here: I'm going to be gone for the next 4-7 days. Please NPC Yurist until I get back.

Yurist Levedru, Defender of JUSTICE!

Yurist delivers a firm shove to the chest of the Trandoshan, staggering him momentarily. Seizing the opportunity, he drew his heavy blaster and fired a bolt into the Trandoshan's stomach.


((Don't forget that firing ranged weapons in melee don't prompt AoOs))

Moral Wiz
2008-11-18, 05:13 PM

Zak, silver lightsaber beaming, charges forward, ignoring the shots that hit wide of him. His face set, he brought the blade across in a single swipe at the Trandoshan who had fired at him.

[roll0] attack; lightsaber

[roll1] damage, lightsaber

2008-11-19, 04:45 AM
As Yurist brings his blaster to bear, the trandoshan growls in pain. The blaster shot burning a hole through his clothing and searing the flesh of his chest. This only serves to anger the mercenary and he brings his sword down in another slash.

Zak manages to close the gap between him and his foe, severing the Trandoshan's left hand cleanly off. The lizard yelps, but recovers quickly enough to strike Zak with his own vibrosword.

Meanwhile the rodian makes a break for the armory, whilst making sure he is still in cover. The remaining trandoshan unsheats his sword and charges Zak.

The rodian runs behind the big and small crate to the left (will update the map soonish...).

Trandoshan 1 attacks Yurist.


Trandoshans 2 and 3 attack Zak.



Moral Wiz
2008-11-19, 06:10 AM

Sorry for going out of turn, but this seemed easier

Zak smiles as he parries the now one handed Trandoshan's blade easily. The second blade wasn't much harder. A lightsaber was a wonderful weapon for quick movment

Zak's silver blade cuts through the air between the two near effortlessly, parrying both his new-found foes with apparent ease. It does seem to be tiering him a little though. He yells out in the middle of his blade work.

I am Jedi Padawan Zak Franz. You are outmatched here. Surrender. Jedi do not hurt prisoners

If possible, (Away from my book ATM) a persuade roll to get them to stand down. [roll0]

If not, attack the now one handed swordsman.

[roll1] Attack
[roll2]Damage, ignoring DR.

2008-11-19, 09:55 AM
Shalan quickly administers first aid to himself.

Treat Injury: [roll0]

He manages to mend all his wounds ((Thank you, Able Healer!)).

Next turn he will return to the fray.

2008-11-19, 03:19 PM

Seeing Zak set upon by two foes, MI-A0 lends his blaster there.

Shooting whichever of 2 and 3 is closer

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2008-11-22, 04:32 AM
As Yurist brings his blaster to bear for another shot, he is suprised by the speed of the trandoshan. A sharp pain shoots through his body as his side is slashed by the lizard-man's sword. Though his shot missed, he quickly recovers and lines up another shot.

Zak's lightsaber connects with his target a second time. You can smell burning flesh as the rest of his arm falls off. The trandoshan, now largely over the pain screams something in his own language and brings his own sword to bear. Meanwhile, MI-A0's shot manages to miss the broad side of a starship.

You cannot see the rodian anymore, he might have fled once again.

Yurist 12/50

Same deal as last time, bully 1 hits Yurist.


I hope I don't kill him :smallbiggrin:

2 and 3 attack Zak.



2008-11-22, 11:59 PM
Yes, I'm using RAW in a sense-defying way here, but I'm doing it for a good cause.

As Shalan reenters the room, he stops beside M1-A0.

"You're damaged badly, droid, but I know you can make it. Hang in there. We'll attempt a field repair as soon as the shooting stops. Just hold yourself together until then. Shouldn't be long."

Able Healer says (emphasis mine) "once per encounter as a swift action the Selkath can grant an adjacent ally bonus hit points equal to 10 + the Selkath's level, which last until the end of the encounter." There's nothing there to exclude droids, so I'm claiming my attempt at a pep talk there is good enough to give him 14 temporary hit points.

Shalan then turns his attention to the Trandoshan fighting Yurist.

"Please don't resist. I really don't want to hurt you," he says as he stretches out a hand, "But if I must, I must."

A vortex of unseen energy whips up around the lizard man.

Okay, so that's a move action to return to the room, a swift action to encourage Catbot, and a standard action to engage Force Whirlwind.

Use the Force: [roll0]

2008-11-23, 04:19 AM
Alright, I'll allow it. If only because you guys have been running on the low side of HP since the beginning of this game.

The Trandoshan screams in terror as he is lifted off the ground, trapped in a vortex. He flails his arms around meekly, but he cannot muster his strenght to do anything.

2008-11-23, 02:21 PM

Feeling rejuvenated by the Selkath's oddly inspiration words, MI-A0 now also notices that Zak seems to be handling himself quite well, two opponents or no...and that Yurist is ailing. His next batch of hot blasty death thus goes to the Trandoshan attacking the loud idiot.

HP: 9 + 14 = 23

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

EDIT: Spelling

Moral Wiz
2008-11-23, 02:38 PM

With a swift side step, Zak parries the blade of the Trandoshan behind him, who'd come a bit too close

Ok. They don't feel like surrendering. One of them'll have to go down, I think, before that'll happen

He was perspiring, but only slightly, as he danced the dance of blades with the two swoords-beings. He even smiled, just a little, at the ease of it all

[roll0] attack, on the one armed bandit. :smallwink: (well, merc, but still...


2008-11-24, 11:34 PM
Yurist Levedru, Defender of JUSTICE!
12/50... Ouch.

Yurist panted with exertion, and withdrew from combat, taking advantage of the Trandoshan's state of incapacitation.

"Have to pull back... Can't take another solid hit like that." he wheezed, pulling back to Shalan.

2008-11-24, 11:47 PM
"I will heal you, friend Yurist," Shalan promises, "but first we must finish with these ruffians."