View Full Version : Anamita virosa (Destroying Angel) in Dutch? And Russula integra in English?

2008-11-03, 11:35 AM

I'm compiling lists of English-Swedish-Dutch-Latin trees, birds, mushrooms, and toadstools for my sons cub scout den. I have trouble finding the deadly Destroying Angel in Dutch, by some reason. Does it not grow in The Netherlands, or is is very uncommon?

Its Latin name is Anamita virosa, Vit flugsvamp in Swedish for those interested. It is a close relative to the Fly Agaric (Röd flugsvamp, Vliegenzwam, Anamita muscaria) and Death Cap (Lömsk flugsvamp, Groene knolamaniet, Amanita phalloides).

When Google fails me in this way, I can but turn to fellow Playgrounders. Do you know the name?

All the best,


EDIT for typo pointed out below!

2008-11-03, 11:42 AM
Kleverige Knolamaniet?

And the Swedish is Vit Flugsvamp, but I assume that's just a typo.

2008-11-03, 11:42 AM
As a dutchman, who is still taking biology in his senior high school year, I don't recognize the name.
Maybe a translation to the german language which has a tendency to sometimes look alike to the dutch language?

Also : kleverige = sticky....

And I don't recognize that name that Cobra posted >.<

2008-11-03, 11:45 AM
I can tell you that the german name is "Kegelhütiger Knollenblätterpilz" or "Weisser Knollenblätterpilz", but I have of course no idea about the dutch names, except that they often sound similar.

2008-11-03, 11:46 AM
Kleverige Knolamaniet?

And the Swedish is Vit Flugsvamp, but I assume that's just a typo.

Yes, it's a typo, sorry...
Kleverige Knolamaniet is correct. Once I had the name, it was easy enough to check with Google again.


2008-11-03, 11:46 AM
Well, perhaps this helps. I often use Wiki for looking up the german or english names of stuff I only know in latin:

Edit: Too late.

2008-11-03, 11:47 AM
Cobra just abused The Wiki. >.>

Assuming "Nederlands" is the Dutch word for "Dutch" (I just checked, it is), just go to the English page for "Destroying Angel" and click the link in the sidebar.

It's how I checked the Vit Flugsvamp (Svenska).

2008-11-03, 11:51 AM
Cobra just abused The Wiki. >.>

Assuming "Nederlands" is the Dutch word for "Dutch" (I just checked, it is), just go to the English page for "Destroying Angel" and click the link in the sidebar.

It's how I checked the Vit Flugsvamp (Svenska).

Oh, and I though I was clever lo use the Dutch wikipedia directly. It did not turn up anything on the Latin name, so then I was lost. Also, a list of poisonous toadstools in an information-pdf document did not list it. That's why I suspected it may not be very common.

So, in twelve minutes, I had the answer. You are great!

2008-11-03, 11:54 AM
Really? I got it directly on Wiki...

Oh, wait. You made a mistake there: It's "Amanita", not "Anamita"

2008-11-03, 12:12 PM
Oh, and I though I was clever lo use the Dutch wikipedia directly. It did not turn up anything on the Latin name, so then I was lost. Also, a list of poisonous toadstools in an information-pdf document did not list it. That's why I suspected it may not be very common.

So, in twelve minutes, I had the answer. You are great!

Actually, I had no idea I could use Wiki to do that, and stumbled upon it by accident. But now we know! =D

Raiser Blade
2008-11-03, 04:16 PM
And thus wikipedia saved the day yet again. Riding off into the sunset on his trusty steed Citation he roams the tubes helping damsels and damsel-guys in distress.

2008-11-04, 05:21 AM
Alright, one more that troubles me...

This time, I look for the English name of Russula integra, Mandelkremla in Swedish and Glanzende Russula in Dutch. In some (internet) sources, it is called Russula entera, and Lederrussula in Dutch (although this is also the name of R. olivacea).