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2008-11-04, 03:36 AM
Let's Play Super Robot Wars J (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_robot_wars_J)!

(Not mine, OVA by eriazu666)

Game: Super Robot Wars J (aka Super Robot Taisen J)
System: Nintendo Game Boy Advance
Genre: Strategy RPG/Science Fiction
Developer: Banpresto
Released: 2005

The Super Robot Wars (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperRobotWars) franchise is a freakishly popular Strategy RPG series in the vein of Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy Tactics with a unique premise: it's a crossover of numerous Humongous Mecha (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HumongousMecha)-themed anime, taking the plots and premises of numerous shows and throwing them in a blender, creating a smoothie-like confection of Awesome and Fun. Super Robot Wars J was the last of these released for the Game Boy Advance, and the next thing on my "to-play" list, so, inspired by the other LPs (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LetsPlay) on this board, I thought I'd share it with you.

There's a bit of a problem, however. Outside of two game featuring only Banpresto's original characters, as opposed to being TV crossovers, none of the Super Robot Wars games has been released in English, mainly because it would be too much effort to deal with the licensing of such a thing outside of Japan (where Bandai owns everything anyway). So! While I'm posting this LP, I'll be endeavoring to guess at a rough translation/summary of the story and dialog based on what I know of the series used in it and what I can pick up from GameFAQs. That's gotta be a great idea, right?

For people who don't enjoy anime or giant robots; stick around, it's still a fun little SRPG, and I promise I'll try to keep it accessible. I don't even have a bloody clue what the plot is, so I'll be making up the non-gameplay stuff as I go along.

My ground rules:
1) I'll be using GameFAQs in a limited fashion, mainly because I don't know enough Japanese to read things like mission objectives, and because I'm a completion whore who can't stand not knowing how to get the (impossible to find) secret units. This is a playthrough for fun, not a challenge run.
2) My goal is one mission per update (52 stages total), using the shorter beginning missions to get the hang of LPing.
3) The LP will be a mix of screencaps, video clips, and text commentary.
4) After each mission, I'll ask the audience to vote on what units to upgrade and prioritize for the next mission, as well as any route splits or other plot choices I need to make. I'll run the actual battles and try to grab the Skill Points (optional objectives) myself, as well as any secret units or the like that fit into path splits.

Used in this LP: Virtual Boy Advance emulator (don't worry, I have a GBA and a hardcopy of the game from play-asia.com), AVIEdit freeware video editor, photobucket.com, youtube.com, gamefaqs.com, and 10000 hours in MSPaint.

First up: pre-game choices.

Here we have our lovely title screen.

Our first option is a choice of main character. These are characters original to the game (as opposed to being drawn from TV shows) who will be pilots we use in almost every level, as well as being the focus of the game's meta-plot. We choose one:

First up is Touya. He's your average everyday Japanese high school student who winds up with a giant robot for no good reason. Judging by the look on his face, he's going to angst about how much war sucks. A lot.

Calvina is our other choice. Exotically beautiful woman with a figure to make Studio Gainax proud. Probably emotionally fragile due to a tragic backstory...okay, I cheated and looked that one up on TVTropes.

Next up, we have a choice of three brand-new original giant robots for one of these heroes to pilot. This will be our main unit in the game, and will probably get an upgrade of some kind right around the middle, because that's how anime works. It's useful here to describe some terms Super Robot Wars is fond of:

Super Robot (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperRobot): Mecha that don't even pretend to follow the laws of physics. In game terms, they're usually bulky and tend to alternate between melee weaponry like swords or drills and torso-mounted laser beams. Super Robot series that were/are popular in America include G Gundam, the shows that became Voltron, and Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann.
Real Robot (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RealRobot): Mecha designed on a more "hard" science fiction basis. In game terms, they're usually fast, agile, and more likely to use modular ranged weapons than a big-ass sword. Real Robot series well-known to America include most Mobile Suit Gundam series, the shows that became Robotech, and Code Geass.

Our choices are:

Bellezut: a traditional Real Robot focused on ranged sniping. Great for beginners, since it can attack a good number of enemies from outside the range of their weapons, and has a MAP attack (one that can hit multiple squares of the battlefield instead of a single target.)

Coustwell: another dodge-tastic Real Robot, this one concentrating on a close-quarters combat and mobility. Rather advanced, given that it has low HP and relies solely on dodging enemy counterattacks, which can be risky. On the plus side, Real Men Wear Pink (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RealMenWearPink).

Granteed: A Super Robot of the old school, using thick armor, high HP, and RIP AND TEAR attacks. Probably the most popular unit among J's fandom.

Finally, after choosing these, we get to select our "favorite series".

These are all the shows that have units appearing in this game. We select three to be our favorites, granting certain bonuses, mainly the ability to upgrade units from these shows well past their normal limit (more on upgrading in a later update). The shows that appear in this game are:

Blue Comet SPT Layzner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Comet_SPT_Layzner)
Brain Power'd (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_Powerd)
Choudenji Robo Combattler V (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combattler_V)
Choudenji Machine Voltes V (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltes_V)
Full Metal Panic! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_Metal_Panic!) (and Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu, the second season)
Mobile Fighter G Gundam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Fighter_G_Gundam)
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Suit_Gundam_SEED)
Hades Project Zeorymer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hades_Project_Zeorymer)
Martian Successor Nadesico (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martian_Successor_Nadesico)
Mazinkaiser (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazinkaiser) (and Mazinkaiser vs. The Great General of Darkness)
Space Knight Tekkaman Blade (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tekkaman_Blade)
Super Beast Machine God Dancougar (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dancougar)

Sorry if the selection's limited; SRWJ has a very odd array of shows used, completely missing the original Gundam timeline (though SEED's pretty much the same story with different characters), the core Mazinger shows, and the entirety of Getter Robo, normally mainstays of the franchise.
I'll leave that for a couple days while I do some schoolwork and ask you to vote on:
1. Main Character (Touya or Calvina)
2. Main Robot (Bellezute, Coustwell, or Granteed)
3. Your three favorite series in the list above (top 3 will be chosen).

Ready? Go!

2008-11-04, 03:49 AM
I'll say...

1.) Calvina: Touya probably has the potential to be funnier, but... I pretty much always go with the girl when presented with male and female options for main-character selection. Why break tradition now?

2.) Bellezute: Because as Soviet Russia taught us, girls are supposed to be snipers. Or something like that. And because I prefer dodging and staying out of range to taking hits in SRW. And because the licensed series give us plenty of super robotty goodness.

3.) -G-Gundam: Hotblooded awesomeness.
-Nadesico: For obvious reasons.
-Mazinkaiser: To make up for not choosing Granteed.

2008-11-04, 03:53 AM
1.) MAN ANGST!!!
3.) a.)GEKKIGENGER PUNCH! (Nadesico)
b.) Full Metal Panic!

2008-11-04, 03:56 AM
1. Calvina. Do it for the lulz. I predict that something incredibly awkward will come out of it as well...

2. Granteed. Hack'n'Slash ftw. Mow through the enemies with your crazy drill hand things!

3. 1. FMP (only one I've watched)
2. Nandesico (has an anime in an naime)
3. Gundam Seed ('cause it's the only other one I know...)

2008-11-04, 04:50 AM
Angsty pretty boy or Angsty pretty girl? I'd choose the boy because it's funnier.

Bellezut, because I've always been more a Shooty type.

G Gundam, FMP and Nadesico. Why? Because these are the only series I'm vaguely familiar with.

2008-11-04, 05:52 AM
GASP! Hard choice this fast in the beginning? How could you nerdo, how could you!?

But after much inner conflict, I choose:

1.Average student who stumbled into giant robot for no reason! You couldn't go wrong with average student who stumbled into giant robot for no reason.
3.-FMP. You couldn't go wrong with sagara and bonta kun
-Uhm... Voltes V? we need crazy classic combining mech, and It was POPULAR around here.
-G Gundam. For the lulz.

2008-11-04, 06:42 AM
No, Combattler V pwns Voltes V!

If this game has Dancougar, use that. Its epic wtfpwn. So is Raideen, if you can stand the theme music.

And definatly use Mazinkaiser/Mazinger Z. Kouji Kabuto = w1n!


2008-11-04, 06:43 AM
Can you pare that down to three votes?

Also, sorry for not doing Alpha like I originally planned, Yuuki. I can guess who you'd vote for there.

2008-11-04, 06:43 AM
1. Calvina. No reasons other than pure fanservice.
2. Granteed. RIP AND TEAR, RIP AND TEAR! Also, what's up with the mecha's halo?
3. Fullmetal Panic, Martian Successor Nadesico, G Gundam. I am so predictable.

EDIT: Although... this game has Zeo "total hax" rymer in it. Not that it needs even more upgrades, so I'll keep with my first selection. If I were to choose it, it'd be a purely powergaming choice.

2008-11-04, 06:46 AM
Can you pare that down to three votes?

Also, sorry for not doing Alpha like I originally planned, Yuuki. I can guess who you'd vote for there.

Well, Dancougar, Mazinger Z and Combattler V then >_>; Also, Calvina in the Granteed. Supers tend to be more effective than Reals in the older games, I've found.

If you were going for Alpha, I'd be plugging Cybuster, Yuuki in the G T2 and the Deathscythe <_<;

2008-11-04, 06:53 AM
Also, what's up with the mecha's aureola?I know you mean "aura", but I'm quoting this for posterity. And I think it has to do with the G-stone Power Getter Rays Spiral Energy whatever the green emotion-based MacGuffin energy in this game is.

EDIT: Looking closer, I'm pretty sure it fires lasers of some kind, a la Daitarn 3.

2008-11-04, 07:04 AM
The girl, in the Super, with Domon, Sagara and the guy from Nadesico.

Also, could you shrink the images a wee bit, maybe to half or even a quarter of their size? The Xbox-sized pixels are a bit grating.

Ĉdit: I think he actually did mean aureola (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aureola).

2008-11-04, 07:22 AM
Not in America, he didn't. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Areola)

Okay, so it's a letter off, it still sounds basically the same.

Anyhow, you're either going to get HUEG pixels or tiny pictures. The Game Boy just plain doesn't have anti-aliasing. However, I guess they would look better at 200% zoom rather than 300%. I'll run with that for the next update.

2008-11-04, 08:00 AM
1. Touya. I want Nerdo to be stuck with the angsty Ryoto-lookalike (only more bishie).
2. Belezute. I want Nerdo to be stuck with the noob mech.
3. Gundam SEE... okay, I won't be that cruel. Let's go with the Tomokazu Seki-tastic setup of G Gundam, Nadesico and Full Metal Panic.

2008-11-04, 10:01 AM
if you're using vba, you could use more filtering. It'll slow down some computer, but hey, someone like you who can make hard disk explodes just by staring at it won't have any problem with that, will you?

(or, you might had used a lot of filtering already.)

It's not really a problem for me though.

Winged One
2008-11-04, 11:02 AM
1. *coin flip* The guy.
2. Granteed. The sniper is for noobs and the pink one will get you killed.
3. a. Full Metal Panic!
b. G Gundam
c. Gundam SEED(out of weirdness rather than sadism; I actually enjoyed the series when it wasn't doing one of the 9000 flashbacks and Jesus wasn't being so emo that I actually believed it when I read a report of Shinji goddamn Ikari smacking him for being emo in another SRW game)

2008-11-04, 11:09 AM
1) One vote for team gainax.
2)Granteed. It even has the head thingy.
3) a) G-Gundam, for the obvious reasons.
b) and Nadesico since it promises greatness.
c) Full Metal Panic since it's the only other one of those I've actually watched.

obvious pun
2008-11-04, 11:12 AM
1) Angsty male. cause i want to see him get a bright slap
3) G Gundam, FMP, and Nadesico

2008-11-04, 11:28 AM
1) Angsty male. cause i want to see him get a bright slapI should probably tell you that Bright Noa does not appear in this game. Then again, between Kurz and Mao from Full Metal Panic, Ryoko from Nadesico, and everyone from the super robot shows, I think we have the PAAAAAAAANCH! factor covered.

...did any of these shows even come out in America besides G, FMP, and Nadesico? They kind of have a landslide right now. I suppose SEED did...

Rogue 7
2008-11-04, 12:30 PM
1. Angsty female. If we've got to have angst, we may as well have some fanservice to go with it.
2. Bellezut- I like long-range combat, what can I say?
3. a. Fullmetal Panic. Only one I've seen recently, and Souske brings the lulz. Plus I think the mechs are cool.
b. G Gundam- Shining Finger is awesome
C. Nadesico, as it seems to be the popular choice.

2008-11-04, 12:30 PM
Brain Powerd (under the better-spelled title "Brain Powered"), the Mazinkaiser OVA, and Tekk... err... "Tenkoman" did indeed come out in America, but no, none of them are exactly mainstream.

At least in the case of Brain Powered it's probably a good thing it's not.

2008-11-04, 12:55 PM
1. Angstface McAverageStudent
2. Granteed
3. G Gundam, Gundam SEED, Martian Successor Nadesico

c. Gundam SEED(out of weirdness rather than sadism; I actually enjoyed the series when it wasn't doing one of the 9000 flashbacks and Jesus wasn't being so emo that I actually believed it when I read a report of Shinji goddamn Ikari smacking him for being emo in another SRW game)

I'm pretty sure that's true. Shinji is WAY more badass in the SRW series than he ever was in Evangelion. Which is the only reason why I don't hate him anymore.

2008-11-04, 03:11 PM
Shinji is pretty much God as far as fanfics are concerned, and Super Robot Wars is most certainly fanfic. At least SRW does it in a believable fashion. I mean, how else is he going to develop when he hangs out with Kouji Kabuto, the Getter team, Bright Noa, Quattro "I made Camille Bidan likeable" Bajina, Roy Fokker and, later on, Guy goddamn Shishio on a regular basis?

Anyway, the current tally including my personal votes and the Mystery ViewerTM have the votes at:

Touya: 7
Calvina: 8

Coustwell: 1
Bellezut: 5
Granteed: 8

Nadesico: 13
G Gundam: 14
Full Metal Panic: 12
Everything else: lolno.

I have more freetime than I thought, so I'll probably wait another couple hours then call it and get to playing.

2008-11-04, 03:42 PM
My own votes are going to go to:

1 - Calvina. I traditionally pick the girl potagonist first, so let's not break tradition, shall we?

2 - Not winning in a million years, but I'd vote Coustwell, because it's mentioned as a hard mech to use and I want to see Nerdo develop his finest strategies :smallamused:

3 - I'd have to vote for the only ones I know anything about. Those being FMP, Nadesico, and Gundam, and from Gundam, I'll go with G because from the quotes people pull off there, it will be a lot more entertaining :smallbiggrin:

Winged One
2008-11-04, 04:15 PM
Does this mean I have to watch Nadesico now?

2008-11-04, 04:26 PM
Does this mean I have to watch Nadesico now?

Yes. Yes it does. Everything means you have to watch Nadesico now. Everyone has to. The universe compels it.

2008-11-04, 06:49 PM
I wanted to cast my votes earlier but ran out of time. Going to do it now instead. I vote thusly.

1. Touya. As peculiar as it sounds to those who know me, i am going by straight self-interest as i will be playing the Calvina route myself when that becomes relevant, so i want to see his route instead.

2. Bellezeute. I like reals more than supers and Coustwell is not just hard to use, it also suffers from the problem of the pilots developing ranged focused stats, skills and spirits instead of melee oriented ones. Also i like shooting more than punching.

3. I will join the legions of people saying FMP, Nadesico and G Gundam. I know and like the first two and G Gundam sounds like the most entertaining of the rest of them.

2008-11-04, 08:03 PM
Okay, I've napped and exercised my democratic rights. In the interest of only watching one hotly contested election tonight, I'm going to conclude this and start on playing.

Character: Calvina
Robot: Granteed
Favorite series: G Gundam, Martian Successor Nadesico, Full Metal Panic!

Next update: Mission 1

2008-11-04, 08:26 PM
Huzza! I'm looking forward to this.

Mostly because I could never get any SRW games working for me. ;_;.

2008-11-04, 11:49 PM
This is rapidly turning into the longest post in the history of time.

Does anyone here think I should ditch a lengthy "how to play" explanation for the first level? Does anyone actually care to read it, even if I do make it amusing?

Winged One
2008-11-04, 11:50 PM
I've never played an SRW game ever, so I'd like to see it unless it's too much of a bother.

2008-11-04, 11:59 PM
Well, have the first plot segment as a separate post while I finish writing down how to shot web and fix my borked videos.

A few notes. First, I'm going to use small images for stuff where detail isn't really important, to save space and the hassle of blowing things up. Second, you can change the name of your character, robot, and your robot's attacks in this game. I decided to make my life slightly easier and rename the robot and its attack in roman characters, since they're vaguely English and in katakana anyway.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/01-03MechName.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/01-04AttackNames.png

Unfortunately, an English name for the character wouldn't fit, and I'm not going to try to hack "Calvina" down to five letters.


And now, on with the show.

The Prologue:

I have no idea what this actually says, and there's like 12 screens of it.

Bonjour. Qui voudrez-vous donner une petite explication...wait, scratch that. In the year [arbitrary number] [arbitrary pair of letters], mankind has advanced a great deal, spreading out from Earth into orbital colonies, the moon, and even Mars. However, in spite of great scientific advancement (such as freakin' sweet giant robots), humanity is still largely a bunch of jerks. While the governing Earth Federation clashes with independence-minded colonies and the ZAFT Principality of Zeon and racial tensions regarding genetically-engineered Coordinators Newtypes, other colonies wreck up Earth's surface with an enormous dueling tournament called the Gundam Fight, which is exactly what it sounds like. Other disasters have cropped up on Earth, such as monsters and pilotless mobile suits rampaging around Japan, an ancient spacecraft appearing from below the Pacific seabed and ravaging the planet with earthquakes as it stirs. Worse, while the Earth Sphere's governments are busy with politics, humanity's outlying colonies have been invaded and largely wiped out by invading alien forces, most notably the Jovian Lizards and the Grados, who wiped out Earth's colonies on Mars and have proceeded to spearhead an attack on the Earth Sphere with an unknown type of faster-than-light travel. Meanwhile, the confusion just keeps getting worse as more and more people try to take advantage of it for their own gain.

However, the megacorporation Nergal has its sites set on fixing the mess the Earth Federation government can't handle, and have built their own civilian-crewed battleship to start reclaiming what the Jovians have taken.

That's the basis of the plot I know. As of now I'm going to stop actually looking things up on gamefaqs/wiki unless I'm totally lost.

Our story:

We do not forget. Do not forgive.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/anonymous.pngMysterious Figure 1: Bwahaha, we're so mysterious.
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/anonymous.pngMysterious Figure 2: Yes. I agree. Er...dammit, it's too dark in here to read the script.
Mysterious Figure 1: I know, but how else are we supposed to stay mysterious. Just guess.
Mysterious Figure 2: Oh, you're right, let's see...probably something about "events proceeding according to plans", "preparing for the offensive", maybe something about "the subject" that's obviously referring to the main character.
Mysterious Figure 1: Sounds good to me. Let's roll the backstory!

Wow. That's kind of an incriminating-looking image. Based on the uniform, however, I think we can conclude that Our Heroine was part of a military operation that went south. It's either that or she was just busted for possession, but let's give her the benefit of the doubt.

Ahem. "Calvina Coulange, an ace mobile suit pilot in the employ of the Earth Federation's OMNI-Enforcer Titans was the sole survivor of a mysterious alien attack on her unit's headquarters, which claimed the life of..." Hm. Brother or boyfriend? I think I remember hearing boyfriend from TVTropes. "...her lover and her comrades-in-arms. After months spent burying her problems, she's wound up looking for work at the same place as every other washed-up, burned-out pilot with severe personality issues in the Earth Sphere: the Mobile Battleship ND-001 Nadesico."

Mission 1: Nadesico Takes Flight (Story)


We are Legion

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/anonymous.pngMysterious Figure 3: Go forth, oh Camp Gay exposition guy, and infodump the premise of Martian Successor Nadesico on the player.
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/prospector.pngMr. Prospector: Yes, your Majesty.

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away:

Wait, how'd he get up here so fast?

Mr. Prospector: "So to sum up, the Jovians wtfpwned Mars, causing no small losses to Nergal Heavy Industries, my employer. The Earth Federation has done crap about it, so we're taking the war into our own hands with this spiffy new battleship.
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/fukube.pngAdmiral Fukube: "Uh, I know dude, I was there. Anyway, what's up with this crew?"
Mr. Prospector: "Well, when you assemble the best people in every field, you're going to find a few slight...personality disorders..."
Fukube: "No kidding. That guy over there looks like he's about to freak out."
Mr. Prospector: "Yeah. Hey wait, he doesn't work here."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/akito.pngAkito Tenkawa: "MY PARENTS ARE DEEEEEEEEAD, MY HOME PLANET IS DEEEEEEEEAD, and your captain used to stalk me as a kid. I need some explanations."
Mr. Prospector: "Oh, well our Explanation Lady is on Mars right now. Want to go kick some Jovian ass?"
Akito: "Nah, I'm a main character, so I hate fighting. If you're hiring a cook, though, deal."
Mr. Prospector: "Fine. We've already got a mech pilot anyway. Ensign Jiro Yamada."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/gai.pngJiro Yamada Gai Daigouji: "'JIRO YAMADA' IS THE BORING NAME MY MOTHER GAVE ME. GAI DAIGOUJI IS THE NAME OF MY SOUL!"
Mr. Prospector: "...yeah. Anyway, meet the rest of the crew."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/yurika.pngCapt. Yurika Misumaru: "Hey, didn't I used to stalk you?"

** KABOOM **

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/tehruri.pngComputer Officer Ruri Hoshino: "Jovian drones are attacking the dock."
Yurika: "Launch Aestivaliseses. Aestivales. Aesti...whatever, launch them. FOR VICTORY!"

Get used to hearing Ruri say this. A lot.

Ruri: "Anyway, Mr. Yamada --"
Ruri: "-- managed to injure himself stupidly before launching, so we have no pilots."
Yurika: "then who's out in that Aestivalis?"
Akito: "I'm the hell out of here. Good thing I can pilot these things, or else I might not be able to run away."


Yurika: "Oh, Akito, you're so brave! Now I remember why I used to stalk you! I'm so glad you're hear to protect me!"
Akito: "I...but...wha...decoy?!"


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/calvina.pngCalvina: Am I even in this game?

2008-11-05, 12:08 AM

anyway, a bit too confusing, but passable for first try. Need character introducement. You know, put a character picture beside his name first time he appear or something.

Winged One
2008-11-05, 12:12 AM
BWAHAHAHAHA! I think I'm going to need to watch Nadesico at a more rapid rate if I'm going to keep up with the game, though.

2008-11-05, 12:16 AM

anyway, a bit too confusing, but passable for first try. Need character introducement. You know, put a character picture beside his name first time he appear or something.Ugh, do you realize how many characters Nadesico has? The majority of them even get lines in this game (as opposed to R. Isn't it sad, Jun?) Anyway, I'll crop some portraits to attach to the lines. The rest of the Nadesico crew will probably need to wait until the next level.

2008-11-05, 12:34 AM
Wow. I knew that the licensed games lifted plots from the series featured in them, but I wasn't expecting the first mission to be straight out of Nadesico. Except with Calvina randomly hanging around.

Winged One
2008-11-05, 12:49 AM
Well it's a pretty easy first mission as they go. "yo, don't die for 10 minutes while we get into position to pwn them all with our Pwnage Blaster. And it doesn't even have to be 10 minutes since the captain's stalking you."

2008-11-05, 12:56 AM
Okay, I have my videos working now. Now if only it didn't take two hours to upload a 38 second clip. I WILL HAVE MY MULTIMEDIA, DAMMIT.

Sorry for the delay, but this is my first LP.

2008-11-05, 01:34 AM
Wow. I knew that the licensed games lifted plots from the series featured in them, but I wasn't expecting the first mission to be straight out of Nadesico. Except with Calvina randomly hanging around.

Thats actually what happens in most, if not all the older japanese SRW's >_>;

2008-11-05, 02:23 AM
Videos uploaded, and post complete! May swap these out for YouTube videos later, but for now, this works.

Mission 1: Nadesico Takes Flight (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZjOjPvvAxQ) (Combat + "How do I shot Rapid Rifle" tutorial)

Objective: Don't die for ten rounds. There's like six enemies on this map. I'm not positive I could get shot down if I tried.

Akito: what's wrong with running away? Whose business is it anyhow?

Ruri: "Okay, Mr. Tenkawa. No one reading this speaks Japanese, and you're kind of a moron, so I'm going to explain the interface. Everything's menu based, so you just have to remember A is confirm and B is cancel.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/01-20TerrainData.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/01-21AkitoAestivalis0GStatus.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/01-24AkitoAestivalis0GStatus2.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/01-25AkitoAestivalis0GStatus3.png

Ruri: "Hitting B over an empty square on the map gives you terrain data. The left column is the modifier to your dodge chance and damage taken if you're on the ground in that square. The right column is any HP and Energy (EN) regeneration the square gives. Doing the same over a friendly or enemy unit gives the unit's basic status screen. Hitting A up to twice more gets more information, then your weapons screen."

Ruri: "Selecting a friendly unit with A gives you an action menu. In order from top to bottom right now, you have Move, Land (to land your Aestivalis on the moon's surface), Spirit, and Status. Status gives you the same thing that hitting B did, so let's look at Spirit commands."

Ruri: "These are basically magic spells. The only one you know is, for some reason, Focus, which gives you +30% Accuracy and Dodge for a whole turn. I recommend you use it."
Akito: "I must run away. I must run away. I must run away."
Ruri: "...you might have to calm down first to, you know, Focus."

Ruri: "Pick the top option, Move, and move close to any enemy. Pick the top option again to select an attack and a target, then confirm."
Akito: "Alright, if I have to to survive, I'll fight these things. HIYAAAAAA!"

Attack! (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/?action=view&current=Attack1.flv)

Akito: "Wow! I stabbed the hell out of that thing! This is just like Gekigangar 3! I'm awesome! Did you guys see that?"
Ruri: "Yes. You did manage to get shot by a mook, though. Fortunately, Aestivalises are equipped with Distortion Fields, a kind of shield that's totally nothing like an AT Field from Evangelion. When you take damage less than a certain threshold, the D-Field reduces it to 0. Even above that threshold, the field acts as additional armor against physical, beam, and gravity attacks.
Akito: "Awesome!"
Ruri: "Remember, though, the shield activating costs Energy, as does flying and some of your attacks, and Aestivalises have no way of replenishing energy without being near a battleship - which you don't have yet."


Ruri: "Press A over an empty square to bring up the turn menu, select the first option, and confirm to end the turn. There's also a bunch of other options here that don't really matter. Also, you can save at any time by pressing START and confirming."

Counterattack! (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/?action=view&current=Counterattack1.flv)

Ruri: Counterattacking on the enemy phase works like attacking, but you can also select that second option from the left to pick an attack, or choose not to attack and instead dodge (halves the enemy's hit chance) or defend (halves damage taken).
Ruri: "Some units with guns can shoot down incoming projectiles like missiles and DRAGOONs funnels. This is a random chance that occurs based on your Skill stat. Similarly, units with swords can parry and units with shields can block."

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/01-28Loot.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/01-29LevelUp.png

Ruri: "Destroying enemies gets you money and occasionally an item drop. Hitting enemies or destroying them also gets you XP, which of course levels you up."
Ruri: "But still an idiot."

Ruri: "Continue attacking until you destroy all the enemies."
Gai: "You know, considering he's supposed to be a cook or something, he's really not that bad."
Yurika: "Of course not! He's my knight in shining armor! My hero! The hot fudge on the sundae that is my life!"
Calvina: "Actually, I'm more surprised he can get that thing to move. You need special implants, which is one reason I'm not in this level."
Gai: "Shyeah, you're trying to tell me those are na--"
Calvina: "I meant the PLOTPOINTNANOMACHINES you use to pilot an Aestivalis."
Yurika: "You're thinking of IFS nanomachines. Everyone on Mars gets those if they work with heavy machinery. The PLOTPOINTNANOMACHINES are the ones they used to terraform the planet."

Akito: "Hey, I can use more moves now!"
Ruri: "As you progress through the level, your Morale goes up and down. In your case, it goes up if you connect with an attack, dodge an attack, or destroy an enemy, and goes down when you miss or get hit. It's different for different styles of pilots. Some attacks have a morale prerequisite, like finishing moves."
Akito: "Hey, check this out. I've got a great finisher!"
Akito: "GEKIGAAAN FLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARE!" (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/?action=view&current=GekiganFlare.flv)
Ruri: "Please learn to use an indoor voice, Mr. Yamada."
Akito: "Whew. I guess that takes care of all the --"

Reinforcements! (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/?action=view&current=Mission1Event.flv)

Ruri: "On 98% of levels, enemy reinforcements show up when you beat the first batch or hit some other trigger.
Akito: "Oh goddammit..."

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/combattlerred.pnghttp://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/combattlerblue.pnghttp://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/combattlerblack.pnghttp://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/combattlerpink.pnghttp://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/combattleryellow.pngCombattler V Crew: "Hey guys! Need some help?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/noal.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/aki.pngNoal and Aki: "We just happened to be in the neighborhood."
Gai: "OMFG COMBATTLER V AWESOME. Hey wait, who are you guys?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/noal.pngNoal: "Sidekicks from Tekkaman Blade."
Gai: "I've never heard of you."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/aki.pngAki: "Yeah, it happens. Just deal with it, we're the best support unit in the game."

Ruri: "Combattler V is a Super Robot, which means it takes hits better than the Aestivalis, and hits harder back. It also has five different pilots, which is useful because that means they have a very large pool of Spirit spells between them, and anything one of them casts effects the whole unit. For example, Combattler Blue's "Strike" spell (100% accuracy for one turn) affects the unit's attack even though he's not the main pilot."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/combattlerblue.pngCombattler Blue: "I have a name you know."
Ruri: "Well then spell it in katakana. Until you do, you're all Combattler Red, Blue, Black, Pink, and Yellow, in that order."

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/01-34BlueEarthStatus3.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/01-36RepairReplen.png

Ruri: "Blue Earth, in the meantime, is a throughly suppport-oriented unit. The "<A>" over its map icon means it can support an attack, but we'll get to that later when we have enemies that don't die in one hit. It also has two options. Instead of attacking for its turn, it can Repair or Replenish (refill ammunition and energy of) an adjacent friendly. You can use Repair after moving, but not Replenish. And be careful, the unit you use these on will lose about 9 morale per use."

With Combattler V around, and Blue Earth to replenish Akito's rapidly falling machine gun ammo, the remaining drones get owned hard. And when I say hard (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/?action=view&current=BigBlaster.flv)...
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/combattlerred.pngCombattler Red: "UNF Cannon, fire!"

The thrilling conclusion! (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/?action=view&current=NadesicoLaunch.flv)

Akito: "Are these guys ever going to stop?
Yurika: "Nadesico, lift off! Arm the Gravity Blast Cannon! Ready...*V-sign*"
Ruri: "Idiot."
Grasshoppers: wtf, mate


Yurika: "Now that that's settled Akito, come back on board so we can celebrate the reunion of our destined love!"
Akito: "What the hell are you talking abou--?"
Akito: "Gh! Wait, but--!"
Mr. Prospector: "And how you're now drafted!"
Akito: "I-- but-- listen-- GAH! Why me God? Why always me?"

Fukube: "So, anyway, wacky sentai people, we're gonna go liberate Mars. You in?"
Combattler Red: "Fine with me. I don't think our aliens have even shown up yet."
Noal: "Our main characters haven't even shown up yet."

Mysterious Figure 4: "Mweheheheh, all going according to...wait, am I a new Mysterious Figure, or is this one of the guys that was talking early?"
Mysterious Figure 5: "No idea, man."
This installment ended up being mostly instructional and not all that combat-detailed. I tend to reverse this on later missions, since now I've gotten most of the lern2play out of the way.

Next time: Get to know the Intermission Screen you know what? You folks need action. Next time: Mission 2.

2008-11-05, 06:15 AM
No single combat screenshot? Huh, I guess nerdo was too busy ogling at the pretty robots that he forgot to take even one screenshot.

2008-11-05, 07:13 AM
I'm so geting this game's rom to follow up the action :D

Rogue 7
2008-11-05, 10:16 AM
So you´re taking the ¨Samurai Pizza Cats¨approach here, Nerd? (And someone has messed with this keyboard.)

2008-11-05, 12:47 PM
Actually, you'd be surprised how close the Nadesico lines are to the actual dub...with the others, though, yeah, I'm just making crap up.

Videos have been added to the previous post! Except for the Gekigan Flare, which I'm adding now.

No single combat screenshot? Huh, I guess nerdo was too busy ogling at the pretty robots that he forgot to take even one screenshot.OBJECTION!

This was the first level, so I got my combat data by recording videos, so you can see Banpresto's beautifully minimalist (and by minimalist I mean super-deformed) animation. Now that I have videos uploaded, you can see combat in action.

To minimize hassle later, I'm probably going to use screenshots for combat that isn't totally awesome. This was just a first level thing.

2008-11-05, 12:59 PM
As I said last time half a year ago, Yurika looks waaaaaaaay too happy during her background attack flash.

2008-11-05, 01:15 PM
You're... you're cheating! Last time I'm here there was no video! Or was there? Huh... *twilight zone theme*

2008-11-05, 01:42 PM
Yeah, I added videos as I actually got them uploaded.

Okay, that's the last edits I'm going to make to mission 1. Enjoy! I'll get to playing mission 2 sometime soon.

Winged One
2008-11-05, 02:39 PM
Much better with video...wait, did Combattler V just shoot a missile from it's crotch?

2008-11-05, 02:45 PM
Yes, it did. And when the Mazinkaiser people join you will see the Aphrodite A launch its breasts at enemies.

2008-11-05, 05:31 PM
In order of how you have them, the Combattler pilots are

Hyouma, Juuzou, Daisaku, Chizuru, Kosuke.

Just so you know <_<;

2008-11-05, 05:54 PM
Eh, my way's easier to remember.

Mission 2 is completed and captured. Uploading and writing now.

Oh, I forgot I need portrait thumbnails though. And Jesus Christ do I need a lot of them.

Winged One
2008-11-05, 05:55 PM
Also funnier.

2008-11-05, 07:22 PM
I finally got YouTube to listen to me, which is great, because I accidentally canceled my Photobucket upload halfway through. While we're waiting for everything to show up on YouTube, have the attack animations I managed to get onto photobucket before my stupidity kicked in as a teaser.

Yes, it did. And when the Mazinkaiser people join you will see the Aphrodite A launch its breasts at enemies.
... (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2002/?action=view&current=OppaiMissiles.flv)

Orgone Slave (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2002/?action=view&current=OrgoneSlave.flv)

Tempest Lancer (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2002/?action=view&current=TempestLancer.flv)

Winged One
2008-11-05, 07:27 PM
I finally got YouTube to listen to me, which is great, because I accidentally canceled my Photobucket upload halfway through. While we're waiting for everything to show up on YouTube, have the attack animations I managed to get onto photobucket before my stupidity kicked in as a teaser.

... (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2002/?action=view&current=OppaiMissiles.flv)
The AI said it all, really.

Orgone Slave (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2002/?action=view&current=OrgoneSlave.flv)

Tempest Lancer (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2002/?action=view&current=TempestLancer.flv)
Did Gainax make this game? :smalltongue:

2008-11-05, 07:31 PM
It's my theory that Calvina was originally supposed to be a SRW Alpha character. So, effectively, yes.

2008-11-06, 12:26 AM
In case I mixed up the terms somewhere in here, "Seishin" = "Spirit" = "Spell", in game terms.

Mission 2: vs. The Federation (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCWVMZoRHhY) (the only part of the title I could read was "vs.")


First, of course, we go to the handy-dandy save/load screen. I really appreciate that SRWJ, unlike most other game boy Super Robot Wars games, has more than ****ing two save slots.


Apparently the Japanese don't have their own word for "versus"

They're an internet hate machine

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/anonymous.pngMysterious Figure 6: "Found the script yet?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/anonymous.pngMysterious Figure 7: "Nnnnope."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/colbert.pngGeneral Colbert: "Number two threat to the Federation: Nergal Heavy Industries."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/admiralmisumaru.pngAdmiral Koichirou Misumaru: "So we're not letting Nergal go off and do their corporate warfare thing?"
Colbert: "Of course not. We didn't even think they'd get the ship off the ground. Go shoot it down."
Misumaru: "Oh. Well, see, my daughter's kinda captain of it. Not only is she some kind of tactical idiot savant, but I'd rather not, y'know, kill her."
Colbert: "So...shoot it down carefully?"

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/yuu.pngYuu: "Man, I'm glad someone explained my name to the writer. I'd hate to be 'Orphan Mook Green' or some crap."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kanan.pngKanan: "You can say that again. Let's go blow up random civilians while we look for our MacGuffin robot."
Yuu: "Crap! I've found the MacGuffin robot, but some random human is hijacking it."
Kanan: "Dammit, it must be the main character. Let's go kill her quickly."

Only I have the Brains to rule Lylat (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrQpCO1bVLU)

Hime: "Man, I'm glad my name is a really common word in anime. It'd be even better if these whatever-they-are would stop shooting at me and these little civilian kids."
Hime: "Awesome. I think I'll be like that Tenkawa guy and use an overpowered war machine to run the hell away."
Yuu: "Not so fast, Earthling. That is a machine of evil! Also, I want it."
Kanan: "She's gradually making her escape, Yuu! Another thirty minutes and she'll get away."
Yuu: "Gasp!" *pew pew pew*
Hime: "Please stop that."
Yuu: "Dammit. We're into the first episode already, which means she's invincible for at least half a season. We need to bug out."
Hime: "Seriously, what the hell was that?"

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/calvina.pngCalvina: Well that was a pointless interlude. Anyway, Gai, explain this "Gekigangar 3" thing to me.
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/gai.pngGai: "GEKIGANGAR 3 IS THE--"
Calvina: "And stop shouting all the time. I'm right here, and it's annoying the readers."
Gai: "Gekigangar 3 is the most awesome Super Robot anime ever! It's a tale of courage, passion, and hot-blooded awesome! My inspiration to become an Aesti pilot! It's about these three combining robots invented by Professor Kokubunji to fight aliens from the--"
Calvina: "Okay, there is no goddamn way this is relevant to the plot."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/combattlerblue.pngCombattler Blue: "Isn't three kind of a silly number for combining robots? What forms the arms?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/akito.pngAkito: "You know, I used to watch Gekigangar 3 as a kid. I guess it was alright, but kinda campy."
Gai: "HEATHEN! Come on, Tenkawa, I've got the whole thing on TOTALLY LEGALLY ACQUIRED DVD. I'll make a believer out of you!"


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/combattlerred.pngCombattler Red: "Dude, awesome sideburns."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kouji.pngKouji Kabuto: "Thanks, I try."

Accidentally screencapped Combattler Red. Sorry, but COME ON, look at them.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/yurika.pngYurika: "Hey, the Mazinger Z cast are here!"
Kouji: "You know it. It wouldn't be a Super Robot Wars game without Mazinger Z!"

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away
Ryoma Nagare: "Why do I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something right now?"
Quattro Bajina: "Got me. Pass the salsa."

Back on the ship


Akito: "So anyway, the only reason I came on this stupid mission is because I think the Federation had my parents killed. After all, you and your Admiral dad left Mars the day before their 'accident.'"
Yurika: "Akito, I swear I had nothing to do with it. Can we go make out now?"
Akito: "No."

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/megumi.pngCommunications Officer Megumi Reinard: "Captain, some old pervert is hailing us."
Yurika: "Hi daddy!"
Misumaru: "Hello sweetie. Listen, can you surrender your ship? I don't hold anything against Nergal, but in case you hadn't noticed, the Federation are a bunch of jerks, and I work for them."
Yurika: "Well, you did lose the tasteless incest jokes from the anime...okay!"
Nadesico Crew: "Uh, what?"

Five Minutes Later


Misumaru: "Why is this shuttle full of Federation moles in your crew that have been beaten senseless, and not you and your bridge crew?"
Yurika: "Don't be a moron, daddy. You're the one who taught me a captain never surrenders her ship."
Misumaru: "Sigh. Why most your only moments of competence in Nadesico canon be directed at me?"

** KABOOM! **

Ruri: "I'm sure this doesn't surprise anyone, but the Jovians are zerg-rushing us."
Misumaru: "Well, seeing as I'm pretty useless, I'll let you handle this, Yurika. Love from your mother. Bye!"
Yurika: "Gai, Akito, Combattler guys, Kouji, Sayaka, Tekkaman guys, launch!"
Akito: "In a sec, I'm watching TV!"
Yurika: "Aw, it's like we're married already!"
Akito: "Gah! Okay, okay, I'm going."
Yurika: "Exactly as planned..."

This is the first level where you have a battleship, and the first level where you get to choose which units to launch. Simply select all five of them and confirm, since you have exactly as many units as you can deploy. The next menu is "Deploy" "Return to Unit Select" and "Deployment Position", in that order. The units are deployed pretty well by default, so I just hit "Deploy"

Destroy all enemy units, and don't let them sink your battleship.

Like I said, this is our first mission with a battleship, so a few details on how they work. First, obviously, they're bigger than even Super Robots (mostly), which means they're even more heavily-HP'd, but even less dodgy and accurate. Second is that they're almost always the enemy objective: lose a battleship, and it's game over. Third, you can move your units into their space to dock, making them protected and getting them to gradually regain HP and EN, at the cost of a chunk of Morale and not being able to use them. Battleships (and a few other units) also provide a passive Leadership aura, increasing the hit and dodge of friendly units in a certain level-dependent radius. In J, unlike earlier SRWs, you can also dock a unit and swap it out with a spare unit you hadn't deployed yet, although we don't have enough units for this to matter yet. (Sorry for the lack of caps here, but it's pretty straightforward.)

And I keep skipping over them for time purposes in the story bits, but I should (re-)introduce the members of Nadesico's bridge crew here. Nadesico has a whopping five "pilots", just like Combattler V, with all the awesomeness about its skill pool that that implies.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/yurika.pngCaptain Yurika Misumaru: "Whee, love and peace!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/jun.pngExecutive Officer Jun Aoi: "Sigh, unrequited love."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/minato.pngHelmswoman Minato Haruka: "Yay, boobs!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/megumi.pngCommunications Officer Megumi Hayashibara Reinard: "Heehee, pop culture references."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/tehruri.pngComputer Officer Ruri Hoshino: "Idiots."


Something else you'll see now that we have multiple units from the same series is Friendship and Love icons. Hover over a unit, and other units whose pilots are "friends" of that unit's pilot will gain flashing blue circles over their icons. If two units who are friends are next to each other, they gain a bonus to Hit and Dodge rates, much like supports in Fire Emblem. All the Nadesico cast get along pretty well, for example, so Gai and Yurika are friends here.


Similarly, there's "Love", for characters who are canonically romantically attracted. For example, Sayaka from Mazinger Z is Kouji's love interest, so Kouji's unit gets a heart over it. Love gives a damage bonus on attacks when the units are next to each other.


Ruri: Ruri again. Remember how I said last level that Aestivalis units lose Energy and can't replenish it without a battleship nearby? These yellow boxes around the Nadesico show you how close you have to be. As long as an Aestivalis starts the player's turn within that area, its energy is refilled to max.
Gai: "So you're saying I have infinite energy?!"
Ruri: "Well, you still might run out during your turn if you spam your special--"
Ruri: "You know my catch phrase by now."

The Jovian units start off in the north of the map while I'm in the center. I can't reach them quite yet, so I move all my units north, getting them all close enough to the Nadesico to use its Leadership aura - the Nadesico itself moves up and sits in an "asteroid field" space to give it that extra edge in defense. The Jovian grasshopper drones move forward and hit me with machine guns for negligible damage, and their own copy of my "Gekigan Flare" special - these new drones are equipped with their own Distortion Fields just like my Aestis - for slightly more damage. Counterattacks take several of them to near death, or one-shot them entirely in the case of the Nadesico's Gravity Blast Cannon, and the start of Turn 2 looks something like this:


Yurika: "Uh, Gai? Did you rename all your attacks to Gekigangar 3 references?"
Gai: "...maybe."


Kouji: "Hey, hey. Let me show you how a real Super Robot pilot does it, otaku. DOUBLE ROCKET PUNCH!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/sayaka.pngSayaka: "Do you have any attacks that aren't some kind of rocket punch?"
Kouji: "Um...I can shoot a laser cannon out of my chest."

Note: not taken on the same turn. I don't get "Move Again" spells until much later in the game

Kouji: "Other than that, no."


By the end of player turn 2, I've taken out about half the mooks with a combination of the above called attacks.

In the second enemy turn, the Jovian destroyers move up (this is a pretty common AI "tactic" in SRW...effectively, Mook Chivalry in the "sending successively stronger waves" sense.


Combattler V is pretty heavily damaged by accumulation of small hits. I do plenty of damage back via counterattacks, though. Combattler's pilots can heal it using seishin, and Sayaka and the Tekkaman Sidekicks can Repair it for some easy XP.

Because Tengu demanded it

With only a few enemies remaining, I find myself interrupted (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAmM7wlgZo4)
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/blossom.pnghttp://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/buttercup.pnghttp://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/bubbles.pngMystery Girls: "Uh, hey. We're lost and don't know how to actually pilot this thing. Can we come aboard?"
Yurika: "Sure! Why not?"
Ruri: "Because we have no idea who they are?"
Calvina: "Oh, you might as well let them."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/blossom.pngMystery Girl A: "Wow! You're awesome lady! How'd you like to be the main character and have us follow you around."
Calvina: "Uh..."
** Teleportation **
Alien Commander: "Oh, damn, they're out of range on that battleship. Scanners are picking up a high concentration of Main Characters, and I'm not going to fight them with just you two mooks as backup. MINIONS...RETREAT!"
Ruri: "What the hell was that about?"
Mystery Girl A: "Thanks for saving us! We totally don't know why those guys were attacking us."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/bubbles.pngMystery Girl C: "Or what this mech is."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/buttercup.pngMystery Girl B: "Nope, not a clue."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/uribatake.pngChief Engineer Seiya Uribatake: "Wow! Gorgeous! Powerful! Elegant! And the mech's not bad either."
Calvina: "Oh God, the writer's started giving you lines now?"
** Techy sounds **
Calvina: "What the hell?"
Mystery Girl C: "Hey, it likes you!"
Mystery Girl B: "None of us could get it to run. We think it might be PLOTPOINT-dependent. Want to give it a shot?"
Calvina: "Well, I was scarred for life recently..."

I eventually narrow it down to the two battleships. Though Aphrodite A and its pilot Sayaka are mainly healers, she can do some damage if she's not needed otherwise (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_87Vf_AGvSI).

When dealing with units that drop a lot of XP and money, such as battleships and named characters, it's important to remember two Spirit spells: Gain (doubles XP from the next attack) and Luck (doubles cash from the next attack). It so happens that I have two battleships, and two pilots that can cast Gain: Megumi of the Nadesico and Combattler Yellow. Since I've dealt enough damage to one battleship to finish it in one blow, I have Megumi cast Gain and hit it with a Gravity Blast Cannon:

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2002/02-24Explosion.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2002/02-25BoatsofXP.png

Earning my tons of XP! Naturally, this levels the whole crew.

After another round of counterattacks, I have Combattler Yellow cast Gain and hit the last battleship with Combattler V's finishing move (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAmM7wlgZo4).

Combattler Red: "It's morphin' time! Electromagnetic Spin!"

Shock! Awe! Enemy reinforcements! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAwrt3pT2Mk)

Combattler Red: "UN Delphiniums and Federation mobile armors. I guess they didn't give up on stopping us after all."
Gai: "It could be worse."
Colbert: "You're all on notice!"
Yurika: "Who are you?"
Colbert: "A guy with an awesome name. Now, stop punching the Feddies and return to Earth."
Yurika: "No."
Colbert: "Communists."
Megumi: "They're going to hit us before the screens can get into position, captain."
Akito: "Aesti Launch!"
Akito: "Aaaaaaaaah don't wanna die! Can other people please get over here to back me up?"
Uribatake: "Fresh outta pilots, sorry. Unless..."
Calvina: "Hey, I have severe emotional problems. And no mech."
Mystery Girl A: "But Granteed's responding to you!'
Mystery Girl B: "Yeah! Protect your friends! You can do it."
Calvina: "My friends...oh, fine. Cue my theme song. Granteed Launch!"
Nadesico Crew: "OMG AWESOME"
Calvina: "Okay, Mystery...you know what? I'm too tired to read your name. From now on, you're Blossom, and your friends are Buttercup and Bubbles. Anyway, Blossom, how do I shot web?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/blossom.pngBlossom: "You've never used a Super Robot before, have you? It'll pretty much empathically tell you how it works. They design these things for idiot teenagers who don't read the manual. The ones who read the manual get Real Robots."
Calvina: "Yeah...not weird at all."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/ryoko.pnghttp://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/hikaru.pnghttp://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/izumi.pngRyoko Subaru, Hikaru Amano, and Izumi Maki: "Hey! Are we late?"
Kouji: "Very! We already got our extra fanservice for this mission."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/ryoko.pngRyoko: "Hey, shove it."
Yurika: "It's our extra pilots! Nice to see you guys. Now go save my Akito!"
Ryoko: "What's an Akito?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/hikaru.pngHikaru: "I think she means that magenta Aestivalis."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/izumi.pngIzumi: "No, that's hot pink. Magenta Z is over there. *snicker*."
Ruri: "That's not going to get old..."

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2002/02-27GranteedStatus1.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2002/02-28GranteedStatus2.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2002/02-29GranteedStatus3.png

In addition to three more Aestivalises with similar stats to my extant ones, I now have my original mech, Super Robot Granteed!


I send it off to the left side, figuring (correctly) that it can tank half of the enemy units. Its weakest ranged attack, Orgone Blaster, wipes out enemy Delphiniums in one hit. I have Akito hang back while all my other units rush south and east to group up and hit the other half of the bad guys.

In one turn of couterattacks, Granteed has wiped out the basic mooks and is now starting to work on the slightly tougher Mobile Armors.

The Granteed, of course, also has significant melee abilities.

She takes some damage, but fortunately Blossom's starting Spirit spell is "Guts", which refills HP 100%. She can only cast it once, but that's enough.

Calvina: "Dammit, I can tell there's a more powerful beam attack here, but I can't figure out how to activate it."
Megumi: "Calvina! I have an idea. Just say *whisper whisper*.
Calvina: "Are you serious?"
Megumi: "Trust me, I know this stuff.
Calvina: "Well, here it goes...
Darkness beyond twilight
Crimson beyond blood that flows
Buried in the flow of time
In thy great name, I pledge myself to darkness
Let all the fools who stand in our way be destroyed
by the power you and I possess...
ORGONE SLAVE! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm_b5qPpmfM)
Calvina: "...I'm not doing that again."

In another turn or two, I get all the Nadesico units and into position, and they finish off most of the mooks with concentrated rifle fire, Gekigan Flares from Akito and Gai, and yet more Rocket punches. The final blow comes from Granteed.

Calvina: "I am not the goddamn Sword of Magus, Gai, quit telling me to say it. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJrZuV8ohjQ)"
Blossom: "...okay wow, I am officially awed."
Calvina: "By my swordsmanship?"
Blossom: "Yeah...that."

Megumi: "Oh, Akito, it was so romantic how you rushed out to save everyone <3"
Akito: "Ho boy."
Yurika: "Oh Akito, it was so romantic how you rushed out to save everyone <3"
Akito: "I don't like where this is going..."


Akito: "Um..."
Ryoko: "Try not to make me save your ass every time, Tenkawa."
Akito: "Phew."
Akito was surprised to learn that whenever Ryoko insulted his manliness, what she actually meant was, 'I love you.'
Akito: "Oh, godDAMNit."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/buttercup.pngButtercup: "Sorry for co-opting your...whatever she did on this ship there, Captain."
Yurika: "No worries. Just keep your hands off my man. I'm going to have to fight my comms officer and senior pilot to the death over it already."
Buttercup: "Not a problem."


Calvina: "So, I'm a super robot pilot now? I hope that doesn't mean I have to grow sideburns."
Buttercup: "Nope. I think it'll work out well. You're a really good pilot. Were you in the military?"
Calvina: "Eh, my backstory's too traumatic to explain when we're in the middle of a romantic comedy melodrama. Ask me again after we switch away from the Nadesico plot."


Gai: "Man, it's great to be alive."
Akito: "Can't argue there."
Gai: "Great fight today."
Akito: "I guess so."
Gai: "Huh. My script ends here. Must have lost the rest of the pages. Anyway, let's go watch more Gekigangar!"
Akito: "Right on."

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away
Admiral Munetake: "Why do I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something right now?"

Thumbnail system: a character's first appearance in a given post, after their name changes, or just when I want to make sure the association is clear.

Next time: Upgrades, BGM selection, and Minigames! And, the first set of votes!

2008-11-06, 02:28 AM

Is this Mazinger Z without the Jet Scrander?

2008-11-06, 02:39 AM
Actually, this level was in spaaaaaaaace, which means there's no difference between a flying and non-flying unit. I'm not sure if Mazinger Z has its flying attachment or not. What did it have at the beginning of Mazinkaiser?

EDIT: looked it up in the status screen. No wings, no Air rating, no Jet Scrander. Guess it'll be an upgrade.

Rogue 7
2008-11-06, 02:55 AM
Loving the commentary, Nerd, even not knowing who the heck anyone is.

Dairun Cates
2008-11-06, 03:27 AM
Heh. As the world greatest Apprentice to the Third Way, I declare this one of the Manliest Let's Plays ever.

What can I say? NO ONE can resist the charm of Gekigengar.

2008-11-06, 05:36 AM
[Little Kuriboh's Pegasus]This Let's Play is simply fabulous![/Pegasus]

I see what they did with Nadesico's plot. Ryoko and company appear even before you-know-what-happens-with-Gai, and Jun doesn't ride a Delphinium. I think it's a ploy to make him even less relevant.

2008-11-06, 07:35 AM
Just saying that this is a great LP, you sure need some free time doing all of those screenshot, videos and thumbnails. But it turned out really good.

And I'm already a fan of mysterious figure 7. No, he's totally different than mysterious figure 6 and 5.

Super Robot Wars: Where giant god of destruction is powered by gainaxing momentum.

2008-11-06, 11:54 AM
Calvina: "I am not the goddamn Sword of Magus, Gai, quit telling me to say it. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJrZuV8ohjQ)"
Blossom: "...okay wow, I am officially awed."
Calvina: "By my swordsmanship?"
Blossom: "Yeah...that."

I appreciate that you have to make the reference, but that's really more a SRX move. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLRrPmFsMRs)

2008-11-06, 12:46 PM
You know, you are 100% correct. I apologize for missing the obvious.

...you can tell I'm an ATX fanboy, can't you?

Just saying that this is a great LP, you sure need some free time doing all of those screenshot, videos and thumbnails. But it turned out really good.I don't so much have "free time" as "a lull in coursework". The good thing about having all your goddamn school projects due at once is that you have them all done at once. I'm going to have to slow back down in a couple of days, of course, but for now, all I've got to do is this and Persona 3 (I'd have done a Let's Play for that, but the one that's already there (http://fromearth.net/LetsPlay/Persona3/) is too god-like for me to ever consider following up. It was one of my inspirations for this one, in fact.)

2008-11-06, 03:33 PM
So much Gainaxing...

Would people consider me strange if i said that Blossom and Calvina would have been better looking without it?

2008-11-06, 04:08 PM
So much Gainaxing...

Would people consider me strange if i said that Blossom and Calvina would have been better looking without it?

Nope, because I think pretty much the same. I like boobs as much as the next guy, but such excessively exaggerated bouncing turns me off, a lot... especially when so much attention is drawn to it. Come on, it's like the only part of the sprite they bothered to animate!

Anyway, great job up to now, Nerdo. I'm loving the commentary, and turning that Orgone Slave into Dragon Slave gave me a chuckle. And now I not only know that spell in Spanish and Japanese, but also in English :smallbiggrin:.

Winged One
2008-11-06, 05:15 PM
So much Gainaxing...

Would people consider me strange if i said that Blossom and Calvina would have been better looking without it?

Well, I would. Any opinion that I share is automatically strange. :smallsmile:

2008-11-06, 05:32 PM
Yeah, honestly, it freaks me out a little. And I normally enjoy breasts of all sizes. I hear it gets better animated, at least, after the unit upgrade.

Oh, spoilers, there's a mid-game unit upgrade. WHAT A TWIST!

Part 2.5: Get to know the intermission menu!

{table]Pilot Status|Unit Status|Save Game
Pilot Training|Unit Upgrade|Sell Parts
Pilot Equip|Weapon Upgrade|Spirit Command List
Pilot Change|Unit Part Equip|Main Attack Names
|Frame Change|Tsume Suparobo Minigame
|BGM Change|Next Level[/table]
Total Turns, Current Funds
Last level completed

Between every level in this game, we get an Intermission menu, as standard for Strategy RPGs. Here's a quick tour of our options:

1) Pilot Status.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Intermission/I-02PilotStatus.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Intermission/I-03PilotStatus2.png
It'd list her other 'vital stats' too, but the GBA can't hold a number large enough for her bust size

This gives us details on any of our current pilots or subpilots. The first page gives vital statistics: Level, starting Morale, counter abilities (parry, countershot, AND block in Calvina's case), currently assigned unit are at the top. Vital player stats (melee damage, defense, dodge, ranged damage, accuracy, and skill) are in the center. XP for next level, kills, and...not sure, and Spirit Commands are at the bottom. On the second screen, we have Equipment and Skills. Skills are things like Counter (allows the unit to attack first when counterattacking, like Vantage in Fire Emblem), Defensive Support (allows the unit to take a hit for an adjacent friendly unit), and Chain Attack (lets the pilot use (C)-tagged attacks, which I'll explain next level.) I'll explain Equipment and vital stats later, and Spirit spells as they come up.

2) Pilot Training


Every time a character levels up, they earn one...thing I'm choosing to call a Pilot Point after the similar mechanic in SRW Original Generation. Basically, you can use one Pilot Point to improve a stat by one one point. The stats in order on this screen are

Melee (melee damage)
Range (ranged damage)
Defense (decreases damage taken; added to unit's Armor)
Skill (critical chance and probability of skills like Counter and Parry triggering)
Dodge (chance of dodging incoming attacks; added to unit's Evade)
Accuracy (guess)

We can upgrade these stats whenever we're between missions. As a rule of thumb, it's best to play to a character's natural strengths and the strengths of their usual unit when choosing these. For example, Calvina has high Melee and is piloting a Super Robot, so Melee and Defense are the way to go; Dodge would just be a waste in a clunky unit like Granteed. Akito, on the other hand, favors Range and pilots a Real Robot, so we'd want Range and Dodge for him, and screw Defense. Basically, upgrade whichever attack stat is the highest, and whichever defense stat matches their unit's specialty. Hit and Skill are secondary concerns, but upgrading them can be useful.

Since pilots each have their own upgrade pool, and it's generally pretty obvious how they ought to be upgraded (except for a few pilots like Hikaru, who are balanced between Range and Melee), there's not a lot of choices here, so I'm not going to put it to a vote. For now, everyone's points are split evenly between one offensive skill and one defensive skill, as appropriate. For support pilots like Sayaka, Noal, and Aki, I stick with defensive skills.

3) Skill Parts


I don't have any of these yet, but they're effectively equipment for pilots that boosts their stats while equipped, and they drop from certain enemies. I'll show some off later.

4) Pilot Change


Some units can accept different pilots. In some cases, such as the Blue Earth or the Nadesico, that means switching out a secondary pilot for the primary one. For instance, I can promote Ruri to be the "main" pilot of the Nadesico, which makes sense, because she was the Nadesico's captain in the movie. Ha ha, just kidding, there was no Nadesico movie. Seeing as she pretty much runs everything on the ship anyway, though, it is sensible.

In other cases, different pilots from the same series can be swapped between units. For example, Sayaka can pilot Mazinger Z and Kouji can pilot Aphrodite A. There's no valid reason to do this other than humor value, though, as Sayaka's stats are significantly less useful for frontline combat than Touji's.

Vote chance: Who should be the main pilot of the Nadesico, Yurika (slightly higher Ranged damage and Defense) or Ruri (slightly higher Skill and Accuracy)? Who should be the main pilot of the Blue Earth, Noal or Aki (I honestly can't tell you a difference)? Who should pilot Mazinger, Kouji or Sayaka?

5) Unit Status

It's like pilot status, but for mecha! You've seen these screens before; they're identical to the status screens you can get on the battlefield.

6) Unit Upgrade


You can spend the cash you earn from defeating enemies on upgrading your unit's vital stats: HP, Energy, Evade, and Armor, in that order. Battleships have an extra stat, Capacity, that determines how many units you can swap out per turn. Upgrading units is expensive, but usually worth it. If you upgrade all of a unit's stats to maximum, you get a special Full Upgrade Bonus, which is usually just an extra +X% to one of the stats. In general, like pilots, you want to play to a unit's strengths. Super Robots get HP and Armor, Real Robots get Dodge. Energy needs depend on the unit and how much energy its attacks use (Aestivalises use quite a bit but get free refills, Combattler uses a lot, Mazinger uses surprisingly little). Upgrades cost more money at higher levels of upgrading, so it's generally most cost-effective to spread them out among all the units that you plan to continually use.

Favorite Series: For Nadesico, G Gundam, and Full Metal Panic units, the four main stats all have their caps set to 10, rather than what they are normally. You still only have to upgrade to the original caps to get the Full Upgrade Bonus, however.

7) Weapon Upgrade


You can also use cash to upgrade your units' weapons. This works basically the same as stat upgrades, except that a) you upgrade all weapons simultaneously, unlike in the SRW Original Generation games, b) power gained per level increases proportionally with the cost, and c) there is no bonus for fully upgrading a weapon.

You can spend money on stats to increase survivability, or weapons to increase stopping power, effectively.

Vote Chance: Which units to focus upgrades on?
Granteed? Stats or Weapons?
Combattler? Stats or Weapons?
Mazinger? Stats or Weapons?
Aestivalis Squad? Stats or Weapons? (Counting these guys as a group because they're far more effective when deployed together. I'll accept "Akito and Gai's Aestis" or "Ryoko, Hikaru, and Izumi's Aestis" as subgroups, for reasons which will become apparent next level.)
Aphrodite (Mazinger support unit with boob missiles)? Stats or Weapons?
Blue Earth (Tekkaman support place from the first level)? Stats or Weapons?

Please don't pick the last two.

8) Parts Equip

You get equippable parts from defeating certain enemies. Some of these are consumables (Repair Kits, Energy Tanks, and Cartridges that refill all HP, EN, and Ammo respectively when used from the command menu) as well as items that increase units stats, range, movement, etc.

Right now we own:
Booster (Movement +1) x1
Servo Motor (Dodge +5) x1
Energy Tank x3
Repair Kit x2
Cartridge x1

Vote Chance: Every unit has two item slots, except the Nadesico which has 4 and Aphrodite and Blue Earth which have 3. How should I assign these?

9) Baka Frame Swap


This menu allows you to change the configuration of variable units like Aestivalises or the Strike Gundam. The first two missions were space levels, which means our Aestivalises were all in Zero-G frames. The other options are Air, Land, and Heavy Artillery Frames:

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Intermission/I-08FrameSwapAir.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Intermission/I-08FrameSwapGround.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Intermission/I-08FrameSwapArtillery.png

Air Frames are more mobile, but more fragile and have a hard time attacking ground-bases units (like Jovian drones). Land Frames are balanced, but can have a hard time moving through rough terrain or dealing with airborne enemies. The Heavy Artillery frames have powerful long-range bombardment abilities and armor, but are slow, clunky, and unable to use Combo Attacks (which I'll try to demonstrate next mission).

Vote Chance: How should I equip the Aestivalises? Since the next level takes place on a ground-based map, Air, Land, and Artillery are all options. Suggestion: Equip Akito and Gai the same way, and equip Ryoko, Hikaru, and Izumi all the same way.

You'll also get to vote on other variable-frame units once I get them.

10) BGM Select


Each unit has a Background music assigned to it, that we can change for the BGM of any unit we've used so far, or the game's main theme. Choices are:

Judgment Justice - SRWJ's Main Theme
You Get to Burning (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_HgF0kdmqY) - Nadesico's opening theme (Nadesico default BGM)
Go! Aestivalis - Nadesico's battle theme (Aestivalis default BGM)
Reason (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CHoD9TtS3g) - Tekkaman Blade's opening theme (Blue Earth default BGM)
Fire Wars (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCNUutxZRyg) - Mazinkaiser's opening theme, by JAM Project (Mazinger Z and Aphrodite A default BGM)
Theme of Combattler V (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEs04UJ2sac) - Combattler V's opening theme (Combattler V default BGM)
Revenger - Calvina's personal theme (Granteed default BGM)

Vote Chance vote for any BGM changes you want, such as changing Akito's theme to You Get to Burning or Calvina's theme to Fire Wars or whatever.

I'll update the list of themes available whenever we get a new one.

11) Save Game

Self-explanatory. Note that this saves in a different slot than the "Battle Save" you get by hitting START. You only get one Battle Save, just like Fire Emblem.

12) Sell Equipment


Instead of equipping Parts and Skill Parts, you can hock them to earn a few credits. This is a good way to get rid of obsolete equipment late-game.

13) Full Spirit Command List


Names and descriptions for all of the Spirit Commands your current pilot roster has access to. I can't read it either, though I can puzzle out some meaning just from reading the numbers.

14) Attack Names


We can rename the Granteed's attacks here.

Gai: "Rename the super robots attacks, you say? LET ME AT IT!"



Vote chance: Any suggestions for attack names for the Granteed? 15 characters or less, please.

15) Tsume Suparobo Minigame

See the next section for how to play this strategy-puzzle minigame for cash and items.

16) Next Level

Self-explanatory. Hit this when we're done here.

Tsume Suparobo
Tsume Suparobo is a minigame we can play once per level completed for extra cash and items. It gives us certain scenarios and changes the rules slightly (removing most of the random chance) to present the player with a puzzle they can solve with knowledge of game mechanics.

Puzzle 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYExn_GVALY) Objective: Survive 1 turn.

The solution here is to move Sayaka onto mountain terrain for the defense bonus, then select the "Defend" option.

Puzzle 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMfs4xL1Hxo) Objective: Prevent the enemy from reaching the marked space for one turn.

I'll let you figure out the reasoning on that one.

That's it, really. The levels get a lot more complicated later on, and you get better rewards, but that's the general idea.

Next time: Mission 3!

Options (these are going to be available and expanded upon after pretty much every level, so remember them):

Captain of the Nadesico: Yurika or Ruri?
Pilot of Mazinger Z: Kouji or Sayaka?
Pilot of Blue Earth: Bland character I don't know or bland character I don't know?

Upgrades: which units to upgrade how?
Granteed? Stats or Weapons?
Mazinger Z? Stats or Weapons?
Combattler V? Stats or Weapons?
Akito and Gai's Aestivalises? Stats or Weapons?
Ryoko, Hikaru, and Izumi's Aestivalises? Stats or Weapons?
Nadesico? Stats or Weapons?
Blue Earth? Stats or Weapon, singular.
Aphrodite A? Stats or Weapons?

Please don't pick the last two.

I have five Aestivalises. Air, Land, or Heavy Artillery? Note that if you pick HA, I won't be able to demonstrate Combo Attacks.


How should I assign them?
Judgment Justice - SRWJ's Main Theme
You Get to Burning (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_HgF0kdmqY) - Nadesico's opening theme (Nadesico default BGM)
Go! Aestivalis - Nadesico's battle theme (Aestivalis default BGM)
Reason (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CHoD9TtS3g) - Tekkaman Blade's opening theme (Blue Earth default BGM)
Fire Wars (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCNUutxZRyg) - Mazinkaiser's opening theme, by JAM Project (Mazinger Z and Aphrodite A default BGM)
Theme of Combattler V (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEs04UJ2sac) - Combattler V's opening theme (Combattler V default BGM)
Revenger - Calvina's personal theme (Granteed default BGM)


How should I assign them? Or should I sell them?
Booster (Movement +1) x1
Servo Motor (Dodge +5) x1
Energy Tank x3
Repair Kit x2
Cartridge x1

Granteed's Attack Names Please don't let Gai pick them.

Note: Don't feel obligated to make suggestions for all of this. I've given you options of pretty much everything, and not all of it really matters. Just comment on things you'd like to.

There's going to be similar voting after every level, so bear in mind what it means, and I'll keep the lists updated.

Winged One
2008-11-06, 05:48 PM
The Nadesico probably does a crapton of damage already, so Ruri for it's main pilot. I vote for distributing the mech upgrades mostly evenly, with maybe a bit of favor shown towards Granteed. Either leave the BGM at it's defaults or count my vote as whatever will get your personal preferences there. Distribute the frames as 2 flying, 2 land, and 1 heavy artillery(the emo chick can take this one as pun-ishment :smalltongue:).

2008-11-06, 06:01 PM
I say that you keep the pilots as they are, Ranged Damage and Defense are more useful than Accuracy and Skill anyway and i don't really have an opinion on the other two options for pilot swapping.

As for frames, put the Buttercup Squad, i really hope Rutee is right on them being called that, in air frames while Gai and Akito go in land ones. Also give the aesties You Get Burning for a theme, it seems neater to me.

The significant parts, however, are upgrades and assignment of parts. For upgrades i suggest that you upgrade the Granteed, weapons or stats is up to you, as you are likely to be keeping it around and using it for the entire game. I would also suggest giving it the booster to offset its super roboty slowness. A repair kit might well be a good idea too.

The servo motor should go to one of the aesties i think, probably Akito's since he is the main character of that show after all.

2008-11-07, 03:36 PM
Too much infodump in this post?

2008-11-07, 03:39 PM
Apparently so. Though i do think that these things really are the stuff you should decide for yourself, you are the one playing and who knows what you need after all.

2008-11-07, 03:44 PM
I'm trying to be instructional, mainly, so other people can pick up how to play these games if they like. I just thought I'd toss out things that people could request.

Besides, the main choices in this game are like, five path splits and one or two hidden unit options. I figured some of the other level-by-level stuff would be good to have as input.

2008-11-07, 03:50 PM
The path splits are kinda tricky. If you want to get the secrets you pretty much need to follow a very specific course through the game, either one for Great Zeorymer or one for everything else.

2008-11-07, 09:22 PM
Well, apparently this didn't interest anyone very much, so I'll get back to the action shortly.

2008-11-08, 09:20 PM
It has come to my attention that the world government in Gundam SEED is called the Earth Alliance, not the Earth Federation. So, in my previous posts, please replace all references to "the Federation" with "the Alliance Federation."

Mission 3: The Man Called Eiji (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AiIHL0pVMo)


Holy crap, I recognized a kanji! Still guess on the first one, though.


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kouji.pngKouji: "So, Ruri, while we're on our way to Mars, what's happening back on Earth?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/tehruri.pngRuri: "Actually, I'm not sure. I can't seem to pick up any Earth communications, just interference. Perhaps the Jovians are jamming us."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/calvina.pngCalvina: "I don't get this super robot thing at all. I can't wait till we get to Mars and pick up Nergal's Explanation Lady."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/buttercup.pngButtercup: "Well, we don't really get it either. All I can tell you is that we three girls can interface with the machine as subpilots. It's got some kind of special wiggy interface that lets us help you control the machine and give it stat bonuses."
Calvina: "How do you know this without knowing how it works in the first place?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/blossom.pngBlossom: "We told you. Super Robots just sort of have this empathy thing.
Calvina: "You know, I'm not sure that isn't a PLOTPOINT, actually. How come you three in particular can serve as interfaces?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/bubbles.pngBubbles: "Because we're cute?"
Calvina: "...I'm going to look into this. I'll still pilot it if the team needs me, though."

Mars...bringer of war (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R7iqt5bjng)


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/yurika.pngYurika: "Oh Akito! We're almost to Mars. I'm going to barge into your room and hope you're naked n...oh you're watching TV again. And crying. While holding another man.
TV: "Joooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeee!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/akito.pngAkito: *crying* "This really is the greatest show ever!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/gai.pngGai: *crying* "See?! The tragedy? The innocence lost? This is what I was talking about!"
Yurika: "Um. Yeah. I'll...come back later."

On the way to the surface of occupied Mars, Jovian resistance increases...


Gai: "Take that, Jovian scum! GAI! SUPER! UPPER! Alright, more XP for GAI DAIGOUJI!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/ryoko.pngRyoko: "This battle is happening off-camera, moron. We're not getting any XP!"
Gai: "Son of a--"


Yurika: "We've made it to Mars! Akito and I grew up here, you know!
Akito: "Yeah. It was pretty great when you weren't around. Until aliens invaded and killed everyone else I knew right in front of me, and then I somehow wound up on Earth."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/prospector.pngProspector: "Well, there will be no slaughter or further losses to Nergal's profit margin this time! We've got Combattler, Mazinger, Granteed, and whoever these people are to help."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/noal.pnghttp://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/aki.png Noal and Aki: "Hey!"

Once past the Jovian aerial forces, the Nadesico picks up a group of, apparently, surviving colonists


Elizabeth, David, Simon, Arthur, Roan, and Anna

Noal: "Finally, I get to ask someone else this instead of the other way around: who the hell are you?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/elizabeth.pngDr. Elizabeth: "We're what's left of the Cosmic Culture Club, an exchange program between Alliance Federation member states to promote cultural understanding."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/david.pngDavid: "And, apparently, getting blown the hell up by alien invaders."
Akito: "The Jovians got you too?!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/shemoan.pngSimon: "No...it was a different group of invaders. The Grados."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/izumi.pngIzumi: "GLaDOS?"
Simon: "Grados. No cake involved."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/roan.pngRoan: "They attacked us at the same time the Jovians were hitting the rest of the planet. The only reason we survived is because one of them, Eiji Asuka, betrayed the others to warn us."

Author's note: I cheated and looked at the plot on Wiki. Sue me.

David: "We hijacked some mecha called SPTs and have just been trying to survive since then."
Yurika: "Well, you'll be okay now. We're here to rescue survivors of the attacks..."
Prospector: "*cough*on paper*cough*"
Yurika: "So you can stay with us!"


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/megumi.pngMegumi: "Psst. Akito. Grab your Aestivalis and let's go see where you used to live. I'm curious."
Akito: "Why should I risk a Post-Traumatic Stress episode, death by random Jovians, and death by jealous stalker?"
Megumi: "Because I'm by a narrow margin your least insane love interest right now, and you might get laid."
Akito: "Okay."

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away


Megumi: "Hey, how did we get here so fast?"
Akito: "This is Utopia Colony, where I grew up. Hey, check it out, PLOTPOINTNANOMACHINES. They're everywhere on Mars, you know."
Megumi: "Hey, look over here! A sinkhole. WAH!" *falls*
Akito: "Hm? A what? GAH!" *falls*
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/combattlerred.pnghttp://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kouji.pnghttp://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/sayaka.pngCombattler Red, Kouji, and Sayaka: "Hello? The captain asked us to stalk you for her DAH!" *fall*


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/inez.pngDr. Inez Fressange: "Hey! You kids get off my lawn."

A bit later


Inez: "...and that's how the remnants of Utopia Colony have been surviving for the last year. Your crew just happened to stumble into our underground shelter, and you landed right above us when you came to get them."
Yurika: "Wow, that was really good exposition."
Akito: "Wait, are you Nergal's Explanation Lady?"
Inez: "Indeed I am."
Kouji: "Great! So you and the rest of the survivors can come back with us."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/eiji.pngEiji: "No they won't. I've been trying to convince them to come back with me to the Cosmic Culture Club--"
David: "So that's where you've been since you saved us. I was wondering why you didn't show up in our intro scene just now."
Eiji: "--but they won't budge."
Inez: "Why go back to Earth? It's their fault we got our asses kicked by aliens in the first place. The redshirts in the shelter all agree with me."
Nadesico Crew: "Hey, let's sit around arguing about this for five minutes."


Ruri: "Sorry, we don't have time for that. Enemies are incoming, and we've been caught with our hypothetical pants down."
Yurika: "Oh, crap. Raise the distortion field, we can argue about this later."
Inez: "Uh, no. If you put up the D-Field here, it'll crush the ground below and make the shelter collapse! I should know, I designed this stupid ship!"
Yurika: "Then take off! Charge the Gravity Blast Cannon!"
Ruri: "Can't do either. The engine takes too long to warm up inside an atmosphere. There's a lot of Jovians out there, and they're all charging weapons. We won't survive if we don't put up a shield."
Inez: "You can't!"


Akito: ...
Yurika: ...


Calvina: "Captain, if you don't--"
Yurika: "...shields up."
Inez: "...I...you...you did what you had to do. If they'd destroyed this ship, it would have taken the shelter with it anyway."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/uribatake.pngUribatake: "Uh, there's still a metric ****ton of Jovians outside, guys. And I think those Grados people are with them."
Ruri: "Everybody launch, please."
Yurika: "Right. SPT pilots..."
David: "Absolutely. Let's go."


Buttercup: "If you don't mind, Calvina, I'll be your copilot this time. I give different stat bonuses than Blossom."
Calvina: "Why?"
Buttercup: "I dunno. But I have a Spirit command that doubles money earned."
Calvina: "Welcome aboard, Buttercup!"


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/gail.pngGail: "Attention, Earthlings. Die!"
Eiji: "I'm not an Earthling."
Gail: "But you are a traitor, which means you should die even more! Get them, flunkies!"

Destroy all monsters melee!

Based on suggestions, I upgraded Granteed and the girls' Aestivalises - one point in each of their important stats and weapons. I sortied the girls in Air Frames and the guys in Land Frames - looks like I should have gone all Air, though, as most of the mooks and both of the named enemies are flying. Still, variety is the spice of life.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2003/03-40Layzner.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2003/03-41Babel.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2003/03-42Baldy.png

I also have three new Real Robots: the SPT team. Eiji pilots Layzner (blue, lots of ranged damage), David pilots Babel (red, lots of melee damage), and Roan pilots Baldy (green, decent ranged damage and Repair ability).

The enemy units on this stage are spread out around the southwest quarter while I start in the center. I deploy my units out on the bottom and left sides, being sure to keep units from the same series together to take advantage of Friendship/Love bonuses. Once deployed, I take the opportunity to use Scan, an extremely cheap Spirit command and the only one Roan knows at this level, to scan the two named enemy units, Gail and Karla, to find out more about them...

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2003/03-38BossDiana.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2003/03-39BossGail.png

Honestly not much more than mooks. They don't even drop as much cash as the Jovian Battleships on this level. This will be important in a sec.

Anyway, I send Granteed, the Nadesico and its units west to deal with the mooks there, along with Blue Earth for support, and the Lazynzer, Mazinger, and Combattler units south. One thing important to note is that, thanks to friendship and love bonuses, it's almost always beneficial to move units of the same series as a group; this goes triple for the Nadesico gang, since they need to stay in range of the battleship anyway, and they have combo attacks, which I will demonstrate just as soon as they've accumulated enough Morale to use them.

For now, everyone makes short work of their mooks with basic attacks

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2003/03-32RyokoShank.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2003/03-31RyokoKick.png

The Grados mooks hit back a little harder than the grasshoppers, though


One thing to note is that while the Air Frame Aestivalises generally suck at hitting ground targes, the land frames can't even target airborne targets--

Gai: OBJECTION! I'll hit them with this! Take this! GAI! SUPER! UPPER! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Idkh-M-HwI)

Wait, that's an actual attack? Mind=blown. Tenkawa can even pull something similar.

Another difference is that the Air Frames have a missile attack, as opposed to the 0G and Land Frames' thus-far-unuseable Gekigan Punch attack


Needless to say, the Super Robots and the Layzner guys also mess the enemies' crap up on the south side.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2003/03-35TehREI.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2003/03-36LayznerDamage.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2003/03-45BattleshipUppercut.png

Layzner actually has an AI sidekick inside it. I'd have called her ADA, but since it's the SPT-00 Layzner, it's naturally named Rei.

Akito: "Why am I so creeped out by Eiji's mech?

It only takes about a turn and a half to clear out the generic AI mooks on the left side, so I have the Nadesico crew and Granteed start ganging up on the Jovian destroyer in that area. When it comes time to finish it, I use Hikaru, because Hikaru has the Spirit Command Luck, which doubles the amount of money earned from a kill. Jovian battleships drop a respectable $3000, so I cast Luck and have her shank it to death.

Meanwhile, I have the Blue Earth rush down to keep Combattler and Mazinger in good repair, since they've taken a respectable amount of damage from counterattacks. I should probably upgrade their armor. As they finish wiping out the mooks in the south, I have Layzner try to take out Karla.

Swing and a miss (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSZqomF7ios)
Karla: "What's with you, Eiji? Why help the Earth scum?"
Karla: "Ha, ha, swing and a...hey, none of my attacks can reach you. No fair."

On the third Enemy Phase, the two boss-types rush forward. Karla decides to try and take out Combatter. Unfortunately, Combattler now has better assigned theme music, and this doesn't end well for her. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWDnL32U8U8)

Note that Karla runs away at HP 0. Bosses do this a lot. What's really bad is when they run away when reduced to a certain percentage of their HP: if they do that, then they don't drop XP, money, or items, and they don't count as a kill. This means that with most bosses, you want to finish them with strong moves to make sure they go down. Fortunately, Karla sucks in this level.

Next turn, Gail has moved within range of Layzner, so I have Eiji go over there and talk to him using the "Convince" command:


In this Bullet Luckfield-approved technique, certain PCs can talk to certain NPCs and try to persuade them to their way of thinking. This usually has to be done several times across different levels to a certain character, and leads to hidden benefits - whether it's the enemy in question flipping to your side, or something else.

Eiji: "Gail! Did you ever stop to wonder why we're invading Earth? Weren't we friends when I lived among the Grados? Aren't aliens invading Earth for no good reason such a cliché?"
Gail: "Er...die traitor?"

Gail isn't convinced on this level, so after finishing the other Jovian destroyer with Mazinger (using Buttercup's "Bless" Spirit command, mentioned at the start of the level - it's effectively a version of "Luck" you can cast on other people), I get the Nadesico people in position to attack with our first Combo Attack:


Combo attacks are useable by certain units, but only when they're all adjacent to each other, and its Morale/Energy/Ammo requirements are taken from each unit. Also, using them only takes up one unit's turn, so in theory we could Buttercup Formation three times a turn, as long as we didn't run out of Energy on any of the girls' Aestis.

Buttercup Formation! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebFc0CaX7Ms)
Hikaru: "It's not flashy, but it gets the job done!"
Ryoko: "Ora ora ora ora ora!"
Izumi: "...Battler Dunbine!"

This is enough to finish off Gail, and bring us to the second half of the level, with more Jovian and Grados aliens warping into the top and right sides of the map (go figure), along with Gail's superior, Gozzello.

Gozzello: "Fear me and my same kind of mooks you just wiped out with ease in three turns!"
Calvina: "Hey, Eiji. Did you want to try and convince this guy?
Eiji: "Nah, he's a jerk. You can go ahead and kill him."

Granteed hasn't gotten much action yet, so I move it out ahead to tank the enemy hordes while I group up the rest of my units and send them northeast toward the boss.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2003/03-47OrgoneBlast.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2003/03-48ExplodingLayznerMook.png

Granteed continues to be very, very efficient at this.

Not much to report differently than earlier, since the mooks and even the destroyers are taken out with only a few attacks, particularly now that the Aesties have enough morale to Gekigan Flare them. All the enemies are now flying, though, which means Akito and Gai have to make do with their uppercuts.

Meanwhile, the new flying Jovian Grasshoppers prove about as effective as their forebears.

Grasshopper: "...ow." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QlbTxNBkr4)


Akito can't reach the boss with any effective weapons, but he can call him a jackass for trying to slaughter humanity and deplete a few HP with his rifle.

Ryoko decides to give boss-killing a try, seeing how she has a specially-animated distortion attack.

Ryoko: "GEKIGAN FLAAAARE! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAJlUqtba48)
...dammit, those guys are a terrible influence on me."

Unfortunately, this doesn't deal enough damage to the boss to kill him, and remember how I said bosses run away when their HP is depleted? Gozzello is definitely one of those bastards. I'm not going to stand for losing out on killing a boss, so just this once, I'm going to indulge in abusing my battle saves, reload, and hit him with a better attack. A 3x better attack, in fact, initiated by Izumi because she's the one who could use the XP.

Much better (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B6axIiGH50)

As you can see, the main advantage of Aestivalises is how they can work in a group using relationship bonuses and combo attacks for massive damage. The combo attacks I used on these bosses weren't even done terribly efficiently (damage is based on the initiators' stats, so I should have used Izumi for Buttercup Formation and Ryoko for Triple Distortion Attack), and they one-shotted boss characters. Super Robots can do that on their own, as Combattler showed, but if you're going to use Aestivalises, this is how to get good damage out of them.

Gozzello drops two items (nice!) and flees. The gang regroups aboard the Nadesico.

Well this was depressing. Most of the survivors we came to save were killed in the crossfire. However, Nergal, heartless bastards that they are, did get part of what they really came for...Inez Fressange and her knowledge of all the very, very interesting archaeology and physics research that had been taking place on Mars. On a less sinister note, we also rescued some kids and a defected alien invader, which should be helpful if Earth is going to deal with being invaded by the Jovians and the Grados.


Yurika: "Oh, Akito...I...I messed up. A lot of people died today and...I could have saved them. But I didn't. Why did we even come here in the first place?"
Akito: "You're a complete lunatic, Yurika, but you're still my friend, so trust me when I say that bad things happen in war. You can't blame yourself."
Yurika: "Can we make out now? Just...just so I know what I'm fighting for...?"
Akito: "No, you freaking psycho."
Yurika: "Akito...heh. I see. You want me to get over this on my own strength! You won't kiss me out of pity because you know I have the strength to get over it on my own! Oh, thank you for your faith in me!"
Akito: "I...but...you...goddammit."
Yurika: "Come on, my love! We need to get off this planet and get the people we did save home!"
Akito: *sigh* "Well, at least she isn't crying..."

New units:

Layzner (Real Robot, piloted by Eiji Asuka, defected Grados soldier)
Babel (Real Robot, piloted by David, suspected CHAR)
Baldy (Real Robot, piloted by Roan, support guy)

New music:

Like Melos, Lonely Way (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzu4WShwZJo) (SPT Layzner opening theme)

New items:

1x Chobham armor (+500 HP, +100 Armor)
Several Skill Parts: these are effectively "+5 to some particular stat" items for pilots.

Next time: Mission 4. Nadesico and company escape from Mars, but the cost is high. It's another land-based mission, so I have options for Aestivalis frames, but I'm putting Akito and Gai in air frames so you can see their combo attack this time. No exceptions.

2008-11-09, 12:12 AM
I look forward to more combo attacks, as they are always amusing.

2008-11-09, 12:46 AM
This was a great one. Akito's rapidly forming Love Dodecahedron amuses the hell out of me.

2008-11-09, 01:33 AM
It occurs to me I may not have enough time to suitably explore how screwed Akito is relationship-wise; after all, I've already been largely ignoring somewhat important characters and characterizations (Akito's love of cooking, for example). So, just to make things clear for everybody, here's roughly what the relationships in Nadesico look like (note: actual spoilers):
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/NadesicoRelationshipChart.pngThe "spoilers" characters are mainly ones that haven't appeared yet in my playthrough.

And Akito does return one of those arrows at the end of the show. For the people who haven't seen it yet, I'll leave it out to preserve some small measure of suspense.

Winged One
2008-11-09, 02:03 AM
You forgot a box labeled "Major spoilers" pointing to Geikigengar 3, and maybe the spoiler box connected to Akito by the yellow arrows if I remember right.:smallsmile: Also, how do you figure Ruri liking Akito in any kind of romantic sense?

2008-11-09, 02:07 AM

Captain of the Nadesico: Ruri (because we're all idiots, and need reminding occasionally)
Pilot of Mazinger Z: Kouji (sideburns guy, right?)
Pilot of Blue Earth: Um, the guy?

Upgrades: even spread on units, with some favor to Granteed; stats first, then weapons. (basically, keep it roughly balanced)

I have five Aestivalises. Air, Land, or Heavy Artillery? Hm. Keep the 3 gals in Air all the time (except 0G, obviously), and switch Gai and Akito between the three, but defaulting to Air as well.


How should I assign them? *Shrugs* No opinion


How should I assign them? No real opinion, I suppose.

Granteed's Attack Names Please don't let Gai pick them. Why not? :smallbiggrin:

Sorry about late response. Sleeping during the afternoon, and all. :smallwink:

2008-11-09, 02:13 AM
You forgot a box labeled "Major spoilers" pointing to Geikigengar 3, and maybe the spoiler box connected to Akito by the yellow arrows if I remember right.:smallsmile: Also, how do you figure Ruri liking Akito in any kind of romantic sense?Very good point. Except then I need one stretching all the way across the screen from one of the rightmost spoilers...

On the second point, she schoolgirl-crushes on him in some later episodes, and a lot more in the non-existent movie.

2008-11-09, 04:31 AM
Simon: "No...it was a different group of invaders. The Grados."
Izumi: "GLaDOS?"
Simon: "Grados. No cake involved."

Okay, I have to say, this killed me :smallbiggrin:.

2008-11-09, 06:49 AM
I wouldn't bother upgrading Mobility for Supers, the idea is for them to tank hits. The will gains for those pilots depend on it usually

However, you should upgrade both mobility and armour for Real's, but mainly Mobility.

2008-11-09, 09:43 AM
Upgrade energy for mecha that use more than 5/10 of it per hit - if it's the cheapest upgrade like it was in OG, it's a very good investition for a low cost. Apart from that, weapon upgrades > mecha upgrades.

Also, make more LP. Sleep is for the weak!

Winged One
2008-11-09, 12:29 PM
Okay, I have to say, this killed me :smallbiggrin:.

Cute spherical robot or sentient-life-ending superweapon. The difference is only one Engrish joke away.

2008-11-09, 02:56 PM
"Oh dear, it seems we've mixed up our L's and R's."

"Rockon! Rockon!"
*Universe Ends*

2008-11-09, 06:33 PM
It got more and more amusing by each update.

Gail: "Attention, Earthlings. Die!"
Eiji: "I'm not an Earthling."
Gail: "But you are a traitor, which means you should die even more!

For some reason that crack me up. Oh, and psycho yurika, of course.

2008-11-09, 06:38 PM
Psycho Yurika? What subtle part makes for the distinction between canon Yurika and this one?

2008-11-09, 06:46 PM
Cute spherical robot or sentient-life-ending superweapon. The difference is only one Engrish joke away.

Which is which?

Winged One
2008-11-09, 06:55 PM
How can you people pick a favorite line? There's so many hilarious ones.

Which is which?

Haro is the robot, Halo is the superweapon.

EDIT: if the land frames sucked so much in this mission, why didn't you use the Nadeisco to change the guys to air mode?

2008-11-09, 07:59 PM
How can you people pick a favorite line? There's so many hilarious ones.

Haro is the robot, Halo is the superweapon.

EDIT: if the land frames sucked so much in this mission, why didn't you use the Nadeisco to change the guys to air mode?

That you were talking about GlaDos/Grados, as GlaDos sorta but not really fits both criteria.

Winged One
2008-11-09, 08:01 PM
Well, while confusing a psycho AI and a race of alien invaders is a big enough mistake as it is, confusing a comic relief robot and friggin' Halo is much worse.

2008-11-09, 08:26 PM
EDIT: if the land frames sucked so much in this mission, why didn't you use the Nadeisco to change the guys to air mode?'cause it wastes a turn for them, and by the time I ran out of land-based mooks to kill, they had enough morale to uppercut everything.

Winged One
2008-11-09, 09:13 PM
'cause it wastes a turn for them, and by the time I ran out of land-based mooks to kill, they had enough morale to uppercut everything.

Oh, I see. Any chance we could get some links to animations of all of Granteed's attacks so we can come up with names for them?

Also, the more I watch the original Mobile Suit Gundam, the more I realize that SEED is basically a more modern remake of it.

2008-11-09, 09:23 PM
I'm too lazy to splice together a video myself (or capture and upload two new ones), but here's an all-attacks vid by some Japanese guy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r19rY-MHVWs).

Grasshopper: "Why?"

Default names in order:
Orgone Blaster
Finger Crasher
(Finger Crasher Chain Attack not shown; but it has the same name automatically)
Orgone Slave
Orgone Lancer

I have to say, I like Calvina's theme a lot better than Touya's.

Winged One
2008-11-09, 09:33 PM
Grasshopper: "Why?"
Hee hee hee.

Okay, I have my attack name ideas:
Orgone Blaster->Boom, Headshot!(or without the punctuation if you prefer)
Finger Crasher->Beatdown, or Give Them The Fingers
Orgone Slave->Diamond Flush, or Chaos Control(it shoots a bunch of green diamonds at them. What do you want from me? :smalltongue:)
Orgone Lancer->Dragoon Strike, or Mech Onna Stick

2008-11-09, 09:46 PM
Psycho Yurika? What subtle part makes for the distinction between canon Yurika and this one?

Normal Yurika:
(Jun is unhappy because he doesn't fit in the panel completely.)

Psycho Yurika:

The only difference is that Psycho Yurika is scaringly cheerful when she commences attack on an enemy, while Normal Yurika is scaringly cheerful always. Except when Akito makes her cry. Awww...

2008-11-11, 08:25 PM
Oooh, nice. I'll have to second the Putting cash/PP into dodging for Reals and Defense (and accuracy) for Supers.

Also, look towards putting some dodge into your support units, especially the Blue Earth. They tend to be high on the enemy priority list.

2008-11-11, 09:30 PM
Oooh, nice. I'll have to second the Putting cash/PP into dodging for Reals and Defense (and accuracy) for Supers.

Also, look towards putting some dodge into your support units, especially the Blue Earth. They tend to be high on the enemy priority list.

Alternately, enough armor and HP that they're no longer being read as the easiest possible kill. I like to keep some ridiculously dodgy Real nearby kept at or near base HP and armor to be the fire-magnet and Counter stuff to death.. some of the Gundams are usually pretty good at that, and I expect the Aestis will be too. Especially if the targetting AI doesn't account for their shields when figuring how much damage they ought to take.

2008-11-12, 07:14 PM
Interesting note: I'm told, and I've seen evidence in play, that enemies (or at least minions) always prioritize the unit they can reach with the highest maximum HP, which means they're always going to target my battleships and super robots. Which is too bad, since it's easier to pimp out a Real's dodge to unhittable than a Super's armor to undamageable...I've put defense-boosting items on Mazinger and started making judicious use of Combattler's defensive spells, so I should still be fine even if I keep upgrading Granteed and the Aesti squad.

Anyway, Mission 4 is finished, just need to upload the videos and write the post. This is about a day later than I intended, and I apologize for that.

2008-11-12, 07:30 PM
Perhaps the target priorities were changed for the OG games; in OG2, at least, I know the enemies prefer to target Weiss over Alt and wasted a lot of bullets trying to put down the Gothlolions. If I actually wanted them to target one of the high HP/armor units (for purposes of gaining Morale, for example) I had to purposefully throw it way out in front so the enemy had no other choices. Although OG2 also changed the damage calculations so that Armor was much less effective, so maybe that was a deliberate change to shift the damage burden to those units that could best survive it.

2008-11-12, 07:53 PM
Yeah, this is definitely different from OG and OG2. The priority there seemed to be units that can't counterattack (which is the only way Alteisen or Daizengar gets targeted at all), then units with low HP. And armor still kinda sucks compared to dodge.

2008-11-12, 08:04 PM
From my experience, enemies use the brilliant tactic of "target the unit I can down in one shot, if there are no such units - target the closest one". Apart from plot-related targetting, of course, like Shura prioritizing Folka over everyone else.

2008-11-12, 10:41 PM
Mission 4 - A Goodbye that Came Too Soon

I had a video I wanted to link, but not only is it spoilertastic for the whole show, it's freakin' terrible. Good song, though.

Once again, half a title I can recognize. I just went with the Nadesico episode it sorta matched


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/shemoan.pngSimon: "So after introducing like 17 new characters last mission, there's nothing new this time?
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/arthur.pngArthur: "Guess they wanted to let us settle in."

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/eiji.pngEiji: "The SPT team is officially signing on with the Nadesico, Captain. At least until we get away from the Grados."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/calvina.pngCalvina: "Speaking of which, how the hell are we getting off this planet? And how do I always end up in these messes?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/buttercup.pngButtercup: "Oh, cheer up, boss. You're the less mopey main character in this game, remember?"
Calvina: "I guess...my first question still stands, though. The men are all busy ogling the new mecha..."


Calvina: "...and the captain just keeps going on about how awesome Akito is."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/bubbles.pngBubbles: "Yeah...and I think she's getting competition on the stalker front now."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/ryoko.pngRyoko: "Hey! Tenkawa! We need you in the hangar!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/megumi.pngMegumi: "Akito! Hey, where'd you go?"


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kouji.pngKouji: "I don't know whether to get pissed off at the distraction or get some popcorn."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/combattlerpink.pngCombattler Pink: "I think it's cute."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/tehruri.pngRuri: Why must I be constantly surrounded by frickin' idiots?


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/gai.pngGai: "So it turns out Akito's a better cook than a pilot."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/akito.pngAkito: "I keep trying to tell people that..."
Buttercup: "Hm. Maybe while he's hiding in here, the captain will actually focus on making a plan."
Akito: "I am not hid...no, wait. Yes, yes I am hiding. Ramen?"

Suddenly! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0lY7wbl3z0)

Holographic Terminal: "3...2...1...KABOOM!"
Yurika: "Hey everyone! It's 'Get to Know the Nadesico!'"
Ruri: "I cannot freaking believe I am doing this."
Yurika: "It's the show for technobabble and backstory exposition here on board the Nadesico."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kouji.pngKouji: "What...the...hell."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/sayaka.pngSayaka: "Um...it's the captain and Ruri..but why are they dressed like that?"
Ruri: "Anyway, the Nadesico's engines use brand-new Phase Transition technology to draw energy from raw vacuum. That's why it's difficult for them to charge inside an atmosphere, or build up speed to escape velocity."
Yurika: "So to get back into space, we would normally do a long run-up along the surface. Ms. Fressange and Mr. Asuka have a better plan, though."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/jun.pngJun: "...I think the costumes are cute."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/inez.pngInez: "...I was going to explain, but you didn't tell me about the costumes."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/eiji.pngEiji: "I'm embarrassed to even be here."
SPT Team: "I'm embarrassed to even know someone that was even there."

Shortly after the broadcast...


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/aki.pngAki: "Oh God you're still in that costume."
Inez: "Anyway, what I was going to say was that the Jovians' carrier units, the ones we call 'Chulips', are not in fact carrying anything. They're floating dimensional gateways that allow Jovian units to teleport between two points using a Negative Space Wedgie technique called 'Boson Jumping'. There's a downed Jovian Chulip near here; it's possible though ridiculously unlikely that we could use it to escape."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/roan.pngRoan: "How unlikely are we talking here?"
Inez: "Remember the odds stated for any given plan working in Neon Genesis Evangelion?
Roan: "Yeah."
Inez: "I make Ritsuko Akagi look like an optimist. And normally socialized, for that matter."
Eiji: "Less obscurely, there's a ton of Jovians and Grados in between here and there."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/yurika.pngYurika: "Is anyone on this show not a reference to an Evangelion character and/or voice actor?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/fukube.pngFukube: "Pretty sure I'm from Space Battleship Yamato, actually. Also, there's a downed Alliance Federation battleship near our route to the Chulip. I might be able to fire up its engines as a distraction."
Akito: "Wait...who the hell are you?"
Fukube: "Admiral Fukube. I generally sit in the back and drink tea. It's safer than being relevant to the plot."


Akito: "I feel like I know that guy from somewhere else. I'm going to follow him over to that battleship."
Yurika: "If you need some help stalking him, you can use my notes."
Akito: "...why do I even talk to you?"


Megumi: "Uh, admiral, I think the aliens are onto us. Jovian and Grados units closing in. Hurry back!"
Fukube: "I'm getting too old for this ****."


Gai: "Squad Hotblooded launching!"
Kouji: "You know something? You're an indescribable nerd, but at least you're enjoying yourself."
Gai: "Passion is my middle name!"
Kouji: "Gai Passion Daigouji? Or Jiro Passion Yamada?"
Gai: "I...err...shut up!"


Calvina: "Let me guess; you're my copilot this mission?"
Bubbles: "Um, actually, I don't like fighting very much..."
Calvina: "Oh, well that's okay then. I'm sure--"
Bubbles: "But...it's okay. I'll help you out anyway! You and the plot both need my help!"
Calvina: "Suit yourself..."



This time, we start off in the southeast corner, with enemies spread over the center of the map, so I arrange my units to move northwestward.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2004/04-26GailAgain.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2004/04-27KarlaAgain.png

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/gail.pngGail: "Eiji! Surrender and die."
Karla: "I think you messed something up there."
Gail: "Oh right. Surrender and die faster."
Eiji: "No, Gail. Our invasion of Earth is pointless. I won't let it continue."
Gail: "It is you who is pointless!"
Eiji: "No u."

Five minutes of dialog skipping later


Calvina: "Can we please just shut up and fight already?"

Meet the new objectives, same as the old objectives

Apparently the Grados are allied with the Jovians now, since Grados SPTs once again deploy alongside Jovian Grasshoppers and Destroyers. I can't reach any of them in the first turn, so I concentrate on moving my units into a defensive formation. One interesting thing to note is that when you've got the entire Martian Successor Nadesico cast deployed, it's an entertaining exercise to use the various sub-units and love triangles to your advantage with relationship bonuses. One effective setup looks like this:


The Nadesico and Ryoko are both next to Akito for Love bonuses, Akito and Gai are next to each other for Friendship bonuses and (later on) combo attacks, and the girls are next to each other for Friendship bonuses and (later on) combo attacks. Thanks to bonus stacking, it pays to keep a formation something like this when feasible, especially since everyone involved also gets Support skills (explained later).


My positioning at the end of turn 1 looks something like this, with my super robots and the SPT team off-center to engage outlying enemy groups.

The enemies in the center largely gang up on the Nadesico.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2004/04-31SPTvsGravityBlast.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2004/04-33MissileSwarm.png

Guess how well that goes for them?


Kouji: "Hey guys! I remembered I have another non-Rocket Punch attack! Rust Hurricane!"
Grasshopper: "That robot is blowing wind at me. Why the hell does that hurt so much? It doesn't make anyoh great now I'm dead."


Ryoko: "Weren't you calling that Gekigan Shoot last mission?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/hikaru.pngHikaru: "And neither of those are real Gekigangar attack names in the first place."
Gai: "Improvisation is a man's...something. Whatever."


By the end of turn two, I've swept up all the AI mooks with my reals (and help from the Blue Earth, which actually gets a kill instead of just hanging around healing) and starting damaging the battleships and Karla (yes, the boss setup is exactly the same as last mission).

Once again, Karla tries to punch a Super Robot to death (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hbJTdu1QrA). You'd think she'd have learned her lesson.

Also, I should note. Calvina, Combattler Black, and Jun have all learned Guard, an extremely useful Spirit for super robots and battleships, which cuts all damage to a quarter for the whole turn. Makes tanking a whole lot less painful.

For a glorified mook, Karla drops a whole lot of items.

For turn three, I gang up on the Battleships and explode one of them with a Hikaru Gekigan Flare (using Luck to get an extra $3000, of course). I could in theory finish Gail this round, however two things stop me. First, enemies generally retreat when you finish off their leader, such as that remaining battleship in the south, and that's a waste of perfectly good XP and loot. Second, I haven't tried Convince on him yet. After dodging Gail's attack rather than countering it, fourth turn fixes my problems, as Kouji finishes off the battleship (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaebkrLLCts)

Kouji: "Breasto Fiya!"

And Eiji talks to Gail


Eiji: "Gail, seriously dude, our superiors aren't on the up-and-up with this whole invasion thing. I'm trying not to get you killed here."
Gail: "Well..."

He still hasn't flipped, so I introduce him to Akito and Gai's combination attack: DOUBLE! GEKIGAAAAAAAAN! FLAAAAAAAAAAAAAARE! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SyA_Xg36HU) Since that doesn't do the trick, I also have David punch the crap out of him (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icCl3jC9z9I) (after Yurika casts the "Aid" spirit on him - like Bless putting the money-doubling Spirit on another character, Aid puts the XP-doubling one), completing phase one of the mission.

Gozzello Appears! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qk9xLO3lhM)

Gozzello: "You have failed me for the last time, Gail. Bwahahaha!" *Explosions*
Gail: "Ack. Dammit. You're right, Eiji, we are nothing but clichés."
Eiji: "Seriously, Gozzello, why don't you get a handlebar moustache and a top hat while you're at it."
Gail: "I don't have much time, old friend. I'm sorry for...banging your sister."
Eiji: "I...didn't know about that. Guys! We have to protect Gail from Gozzello! I need to kill him myself now."
Akito: "Or...we could not help our enemy and concentrate on, you know, not dying."

Decision time! Top: Protect Gail Bottom: Don't Protect Gail


Calvina: "I know we forgot to take an audience vote on this, but let's protect Gail! It's the right thing to do, and I sense a secret unit coming out of the deal too."
Akito: "What? Why should we?"
Combattler Blue and Ryoko: "Gee, Akito, you're kind of a douche in this game."
Akito: "Not a douche, just a coward. But I guess you're right."

New Objective: Defend Gail

Actually, we'd have to do this no matter what we chose. LOL plot rails, I guess. Note that Gail is now a Neutral (yellow) unit. Also note that he's down to 10 HP and we can't heal him: one shot connects and he's toast. So, as usual, the best defense is a good offense. Therefore, cluster up and Charge!


Note that the enemy happens to form up in convenient lines. While not convenient in the sense that they're easily area-attacked, they do make it easy to reach them with successive attacks from the Nadesico (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr1964L7hjY),

Grasshopper: "Oh merciful creator the pain."

the Aestivalis squad (who need to stick close to the Nadesico), and everyone else (who don't). Except Kouji and Sayaka, who are kind of lagging behind since they were way off in the south when I finished Gail, and Blue Earth because Kouji needed his energy Replenished.


No more AIs. The remaining line of piloted Layzner mooks and battleships decide to pick on Combattler and Granteed, who return the favor with one-shot-kill counterattacks using Finger Crasher and...Electromagnetic Yo-Yos. Seriously, that's one of Combattler's moves, and easily one-shots an SPT at this high level of morale. The next turn is devoted to ganging up on the battleships, where thanks to my carelessness and bad luck, Akito takes a big hit from one of their main guns.

Ryoko: *gasp* "Akito!"
Akito: "OhcrapI'mgonnadiewhydidIeverleaveEarthohyeahIwasfi redforfreakingoutlikethiswhilecookingwellIthinknow IhavearighttoMr.jerkassmanager"
Noal: "Relax, dude, seriously. Here's some healing.
Roan: "And now you're back up to full."
Akito: "Oh...thanks."
Hikaru: "Say, Ryoko...did you just call Tenkawa by his first name...?"
Ryoko: "Can it! This is still the combat part of the post. We can make stupid romantic comedy jokes later!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/izumi.pngIzumi: "So you admit they're romantic comedy jokes..."
Ryoko: "I SAID CAN IT!"

Gozzello does not learn from his underlings' mistakes. Combattler Red commands him to suck on his UNF Cannon. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGuH27xqQtI) Combattler's pretty badly damaged here, but Combattler Black has that "instantly refill all HP" Spirit, and the level's almost over anyway.

Gozzello: "So Eiji, you're willing to try and convince Gail over to your side, but not little old me?"
Eiji: "Because as you just proved by shooting at Gail, you're a complete jackass."
Gozzello: "Well yeah, but he banged your sister."
Eiji: "...you can die now."

Eiji vs. Gozzello (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmfChJkF8oU)


Gozzello: "Phooey, foiled again. Fine. Have your precious Chulip. We'll meet again!"
Eiji: "Such. A. Cliché."

More Grados units teleport in, surrounding Gail. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqF_vaCGCmM)

Eiji: "Dammit! Cutscene powers!"
Gail: "Look, Eiji...it'll be easiest if I go back with them, now that they're not trying to kill me. You need to get going (spoilers: there's a crapload of Jovians en route and you need to get out of here).
Yurika: "Wow, thanks."
Gail: "I'm no traitor...but I don't want you to die, either. We're off."
Eiji: "..."



Akito: "Yurika! I just remembered who that Admiral guy is!"
Yurika: "Oh! Can you tell me? Because he never came back to the ship."
Akito: "Yeah! He's the guy who messed up the defense of Mars against the original Jovian attack and wound up dropping a Chulip right on top of where I was living. This whole mess is his...wait, what?"


Fukube: "As I said, I'm getting too old for this ****. You're 100% right, Akito, this whole mess is my fault. I've got the Crocus's engines up and running at 150%. It should self-destruct nicely right when those craploads of Jovian reinforcements get here."
Akito: "Hey! That's not fair! You get your ass back here so I can yell at you, old man!"
Fukube: "Heh. No thanks."



Ruri: "Battleship Crocus destroyed. Half the Jovian reinforcements were either eliminated or are investigating, the rest are still pursuing us. Captain, we're not going to make it to the Chulip before they catch up!"


Ryoko: "What? Why the hell are you still out there, moron?!"
Gai: "I never came back in. I figured we'd need a rearguard action, and I'm on the job!"


Akito: "Gai! Goddammit, get back in here! You want to get left behind?!"
Gai: "Akito! Shut up! What are you so damn worried about? This is my duty, and my passion! JOVIANS! TAKE THIS! GEKIGAN FLAAAAAAAAAAARE!"


Gai: "Ha ha, see? No problem, and there's only a couple hundred of them left!"
Uribatake: "YOU IDIOT! You're too far away from the ship! You're about to run out of energy!"
Gai: "Huh?"


Akito: "...Gai?"
Ruri: "No sign of Aestivalis Flight Frame registered to Jiro Yamada."
Akito: "Gai?"
Ruri: "Passing through the Chulip wormhole now."



Sorry about not mentioning the choice on this mission, I forgot about it. I went with the prereqs for a hidden unit, and not being a jerk.

I'm also posting this with only half the videos added again. I should have taken less. Or, perhaps, I should switch entirely to video playback of missions. I've been considering that, but it might make writing a bit awkward. I could even, if there was a demand, narrate the videos rather than writing, though I'd have to get a mic and a less irritating speaking voice first. It'd ultimately save time, however. Thoughts?

UPDATE: I forgot to explain something that I promised I would in this update: Support. When a unit is being attacked and an adjacent unit's pilot has the Support Defense (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC9gd50KZEA) skill, the second unit can support the first, taking the hit instead and taking half damage (as if she had chosen the Defense option when being attacked). This overall minimizes damage (especially when the supporting unit has a barrier), and still lets the targeted unit counterattack. I'll have a video up for this after the others, which will also contain my required one Yurika cut-in per update.

Support Attacks...I'll demonstrate later. The opportunity hasn't really presented itself yet so far.

2008-11-12, 10:56 PM

You promised romantic comedy jokes, Nerdo! You lied! I can never trust in you again! Until three Convinces later, at least.

Winged One
2008-11-12, 11:12 PM
At least he died like the man he was, instead of like a punk the way he did in the anime.

Well, let's torture some Grasshoppers until we feel better.:smallwink:

2008-11-12, 11:21 PM
"I generally sit in the back and drink tea. It's safer than being relevant to the plot."

Thank you for that quote. It caused me to bang my head on a lamp laughing.

Also, Alas, poor Gai! I know him well-ish, Horatio...
But it's early enough in the game that a resurrection sounds highly probable to me.

Also, I think I'm in love with Ryoko. It's the teal hair.

Rogue 7
2008-11-12, 11:38 PM
Dangit! One of the characters I could recognize!

2008-11-12, 11:52 PM
Also, I think I'm in love with Ryoko. It's the teal hair.You and me both, friend. You and me both.

10/11 videos added. I should really cut back on the clips if I want to release these things in a timely fashion.

Also, next level is a space mission, so the remaining Aestivalises will be in 0G frames. Should I keep upgrading the Aesti girls and Granteed, or swtich focus to my other Supers? Bear in mind Mazinger is going to get an upgrade later, but any additions I make to it should carry over if this is like every other SRW game.

2008-11-13, 02:10 AM
Poor, cute, super deformed, grasshoppers... I think they're my favourite character now.

I'll show my love by asking you to blast them away with amusing and painful attacks more.

2008-11-13, 02:21 AM
At least he died like the man he was, instead of like a punk the way he did in the anime.

Well, let's torture some Grasshoppers until we feel better.:smallwink:

What he said.

2008-11-13, 12:29 PM
Wait until you meet the Radam. They're grasshoppers than can feel pain! :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-13, 01:20 PM
Woah, this game has Get to Know Nadesico! Banpresto officially houses geniuses now. Geniuses, I say.
Also, what everyone else said in spoilers.

Also, I think I'm in love with Ryoko. It's the teal hair.

I'll third that! You also may find it interesting that she:
Dies in the anime.
Sorry, typo. I meant she dyes her hair. Its natural color is purple, like that of Akito's other love interests. But you can't see that outside of a short retrospection, which probably will be absent from the game, and the movie which doesn't exist. It's SRW W that deals with silly nonexistent movies, not J.

2008-11-13, 01:27 PM
C'mon, who doesn't love Ryoko? I refuse to believe such rotten individual might exist - humanity is not that horrible.

Sorry about not mentioning the choice on this mission, I forgot about it. I went with the prereqs for a hidden unit, and not being a jerk.

I don't mind. I wouldn't mind if you did that all the time, in fact. It's more fun for the audience to see the secrets than to unknowingly choose the wrong option.



he gets better in one of the paths. And not choosing this path is one of the wrong options I mentioned earlier.

Since you seem to be doing great so far, I suggest saving cash for now.

2008-11-13, 03:45 PM
Phew. Okay. Finally got that post linked up as I originally intended it (plus bonus Support Defense video that I wasn't originally going to upload).

2008-11-13, 04:45 PM
I'll third that! You also may find it interesting that she:
Dies in the anime.
Sorry, typo. I meant she dyes her hair. Its natural color is purple, like that of Akito's other love interests. But you can't see that outside of a short retrospection, which probably will be absent from the game, and the movie which doesn't exist. It's SRW W that deals with silly nonexistent movies, not J.

You were one letter from making sure that I never, ever watched that anime. One letter. But thank you for telling me.

2008-11-13, 08:47 PM
I'm so evil at times.
Also, this seems on-topic: my short list of pros and cons for each of Akito's love interests. Well, the ones that appeared in game so far.

pros: Cutest in the standard moe way
Seems to be most stable emotionally
cons: Clingy and jealous, to the point that (minor spoiler, no boxcutter action here) when Akito is given a choice between staying with her and going to save his friends from potentially lethal danger, she tries to persuade him to choose the first option. You lose big points there, Megu-chan

pros: Genius Ditz, with both genius and ditz parts emphasised for extra hilarity
Childhood friend! Every anime enthusiast knows the importance of this part
Great financial and social position, for those cynical types who pay attention mostly to that
cons: Clingy and jealous - less jealous than Megumi but even more clingy
Stalker to the point of being creepy

pros: super-cute in the awkward tomboy way
Action Girl!
cons: Tsundere

The choice, dear sirs, is obvious.

2008-11-13, 10:59 PM
Woah, this game has Get to Know Nadesico! Banpresto officially houses geniuses now. Geniuses, I say.
Also, what everyone else said in spoilers.

W, which is kind of J's spiritual successor, also uses it a few times. I like in one part, they did it as a question-and-answer session, with the identities of the askers not-really-covered by punny pseudonyms. For example, one question by Sosuke is given as 'Sergeant Pokerface', while Aki is 'Danger-loving girl' (get it?).

I'll third that! You also may find it interesting that she:
Dies in the anime.
Sorry, typo. I meant she dyes her hair. Its natural color is purple, like that of Akito's other love interests. But you can't see that outside of a short retrospection, which probably will be absent from the game, and the movie which doesn't exist. It's SRW W that deals with silly nonexistent movies, not J.

Actually, I think they showed a flashback of her as a kid, and her hair was that color, too. So I think the color she had in the series was the dye job, and she went back to her real color in the movie.

2008-11-13, 11:32 PM
That's what he meant.

2008-11-15, 02:44 AM
cons: TsundereSince when is that a con?

On wireless for the weekend, so not even going to try to upload. Should have a new mission up Monday afternoon.

2008-11-15, 09:35 AM
Since when is that a con?

Tsundere is listed as a pro as well. That's because everyone likes dere mode, but the more violent types of tsun... not definitely.

2008-11-15, 10:58 AM
But Ryoko isn't too bad in that sense anyway. She is clearly the better pick as it is. You also get to hang out with two of the funniest girls in the show then because they are her friends.

Winged One
2008-11-16, 12:38 AM
Tsundere is listed as a pro as well. That's because everyone likes dere mode, but the more violent types of tsun... not definitely.

Yeah, but her tsun-tsun mode is more like guy banter than anything else. She's only violent-tsun towards her friends when they make fun of her for liking him.

Also, you forgot "has the sense to let Akito do the damn cooking instead of trying to impress him with the Lovecraftian horrors she produces when let into the kitchen".

2008-11-16, 01:42 AM
That's my favorite thing about Ryoko. She by far learns and understands better than the other girls, at least as far as "tactics" go. Also, glad to see I'm not alone in fanboying her.

Anyway, I realized that there's a very important question I need to ask:

Starting with this mission, I get to choose which one of the Powerpuff Girls is Calvina's co-pilot for each mission. This isn't necessarily a binding choice, but it pays to focus on one apparently, and whichever girl I bring out the most affects the plot and certain details of the Granteed's upgrade. So, for the record here, I present our three lovely co-pilots

Blossom is all about damage and traditional "Super Robot" skills. She grants a +200 bonus to weapon damange and a +10% Critical Chance. Her first two Spirit skills are the full-heal Guts and the awesome Hot Blood, which doubles damage on one attack - vital for taking out bosses, and she gets it early. Her other spirits are also helpful to big clunky Supers like Granteed.

Bubbles focuses on support skills. Her first two Seishin are Aid (double the XP of anyone's next attack) and Trust (2000 HP healing to any unit), and most of her others continue along that vein. Her bonuses to Granteed are +300 Armor and a +1 Movement rate - great for staying alive and getting to enemies to punch them out. She's a great girl to have as a secondary pilot.

Buttercup, gorgeous though she is, is best suited to snipers and Real Robots. She grants a +10% bonus to unit hit chance and +1 Range to all weapons with a range greater than 1 (Orgone Blaster, Finger Crasher's non-combo mode, and Orgone Slave). Her Seishin at the moment are Bless, which doubles the money earned on anyone's next attack, and Snipe I was wrong here, it's Fury, which ignores enemy Defensive Support and special defenses (Distortion Fields, other barriers, miss chance, etc). Her other Spirits are mostly along the lines of increasing accuracy, dodge, and range.

So guys, who should Calvina date choose as a co-pilot for this mission?

Winged One
2008-11-16, 01:54 AM
Hm...how does Calvina compare to other super robot pilots in the realms of offense and self-support?

2008-11-16, 02:12 AM
Calvina's about on par with Kouji and Combattler Red for melee and defense. In terms of Seishin, her first two are entirely defensive - Invincible reduces damage taken to 10 for one attack, and Guard reduces damage to 1/4 for an entire turn. Her later list is fairly self-sufficient, getting Strike (100% hit chance for a turn), Hot Blood, Yell (+10 Morale), and Love (almost ever beneficial Spirit all at once).

Effectively, the choice is between

Blossom: gives a full-heal-self and early access to good offense buffs. Once Calvina has those good spells for herself, Blossom will have picked up some support and a rare debuff spell (Exhaust, which reduces the enemy's morale).

Bubbles: gives support and healing for the whole team, but much less damage than Blossom (especially early on).

Buttercup: gives Granteed more range and accuracy, and spells focused on EVEN MORE range, accuracy, and dodge.

Winged One
2008-11-16, 02:16 AM
Okay then, I vote for Blossom. We are on the way to destruction!(hint: not ours)

2008-11-16, 02:59 AM
Man, I hope the Powerpuff Girls will make an appearance in OG3...

Ahem, anyway. I think that, as long as Calvina lacks Hot Blooded, it's best to take Blossom - does this game have enemies who drop good stuff/are needed to be shot down for bonuses, but run away at X%?

2008-11-16, 03:05 AM
I think so. Gail ran away the first time I tried attacking him, so other, more difficult bosses are likely to do so as well.

2008-11-16, 03:09 AM
I assume you can assign these people to other mechs in case of need as well? *hasn't ever played SRW*. Because if this game is anything like every other tactical RPG, that Aid thing looks oh-so-tasty, even if it's not the best fit for Granteed.

Still, for your main off-tank, I feel concentrating on power is best. I'd vote for Blossom.

2008-11-16, 03:16 AM
I assume you can assign these people to other mechs in case of need as well? *hasn't ever played SRW*. Because if this game is anything like every other tactical RPG, that Aid thing looks oh-so-tasty, even if it's not the best fit for Granteed.Nope. Pilots in this game are generally restricted to their own units, or other units from the same show (I could swap Kouji and Sayaka, for instance, but I couldn't put either of them into Combattler V). Plot-wise, the girls are there to be "interfaces" with Granteed anyway.

You know, it's odd. I think I can swap most pilots of Real Robot squads into other similar mechs, (Eiji, David and Roan; the SEED kids when I get them)...but not the Aestivalis pilots, whose units are modular and identical except for color. I guess Ryoko refuses to pilot things that aren't red, and it's too funny not to leave Akito in the pink one, but why not the others?

Oh, and I made a mistake in the pilot descriptions. Buttercup's second spell is the much more useful Fury, which negates enemy special defenses. Snipe is her third spell. Her bonuses are still more sniper-focused, but Fury is a very appealing skill.

2008-11-16, 05:24 AM
Hm, I only play srw og series and old srw in the snes, but I think we can switch pilot there. Maybe it's only in the og series, it's been so long ago since I play the old srw in the snes. I remember switching gundam pilots though (I think it's because V gundam appear so late in the game that amuro was stuck with crappy gundam for a bit).

2008-11-16, 08:50 AM
Love (almost ever beneficial Spirit all at once).

Who is her love interest? Or is that too spoileriffic?

As for the co-pilot, I vote for Blossom. Offense generally wins for Supers, especially since Calvina has a lot of defensive spirit skills already. Guard AND Invincible? This is madness!

2008-11-16, 10:04 AM
Your description basically seems to be to say "pick Blossom" so i guess she is the one we will go with. I mean my personal preference would be for Buttercup, but she synergizes poorly with Granteed and you have plenty of support already, so no real need for a support pilot, even a really good support pilot like Bubbles is.

2008-11-16, 10:12 AM
Blossom ftw!

Gotta love that secret ingredient :smallwink:

2008-11-16, 12:03 PM
Minor spoilerific question regarding Nadesico

Do they manage to shoehorn the Aestivalis marching song into this game?

Winged One
2008-11-16, 12:07 PM
Who is her love interest? Or is that too spoileriffic?

As for the co-pilot, I vote for Blossom. Offense generally wins for Supers, especially since Calvina has a lot of defensive spirit skills already. Guard AND Invincible? This is madness!
No. No it isn't.:smallamused:

Blossom ftw!

Gotta love that secret ingredient :smallwink:
3 tons of point blank annihilation?

Rogue 7
2008-11-16, 01:07 PM
Your description basically seems to be to say "pick Blossom" so i guess she is the one we will go with. I mean my personal preference would be for Buttercup, but she synergizes poorly with Granteed and you have plenty of support already, so no real need for a support pilot, even a really good support pilot like Bubbles is.

Pretty much sums it up here. Another vote for Blossom and mega-destruction.

2008-11-16, 01:53 PM
Yes, I seem to have learned to bias my questions toward my preferred choice well enough. I learned from the "pick a mech" question that you'll just go with whatever I describe the coolest.

Don't I have any respect for my audience? No, no, you're just all pawns on my chessboard.

Lamia: Well, it's true.

But seriously, I meant to bias the question as "Blossom or Bubbles", but Blossom it is. Playing mission 5 now, starting video uploads as soon as I get home to Houston and my DSL.

2008-11-16, 02:04 PM
Bubbles appear less attractive when you already have two support robots and two five-seaters with a support pilot among those five pilots. You are basically swimming in support already.

2008-11-16, 02:08 PM
She does get Renew and Move Again later...but I'm pretty sure Combattlers Yellow or Pink or someone on the Nadesico get them too.

2008-11-16, 02:41 PM
I know she does, but she hasn't got it at the moment and there are many other support pilots right now. She gets to be a godlike support pilot later on, but that is hardly relevant at the moment. You can always switch her in later on.

2008-11-16, 08:34 PM
I would probably take Bubbles for the +Move to better suit the way I normally play the games.. Supers tend to be painfully slow, especially when you have a Battle Mastery that requires rushing across the map to eliminate enemies or claim a space inside of (small number) of turns. But that can be handled with +Move parts if you have any to put on Granteed or just using Accel if either Calvina or one of the other PPG gets it.

Winged One
2008-11-16, 08:41 PM
Yes, I seem to have learned to bias my questions toward my preferred choice well enough. I learned from the "pick a mech" question that you'll just go with whatever I describe the coolest.

Don't I have any respect for my audience? No, no, you're just all pawns on my chessboard.

Lamia: Well, it's true.

But seriously, I meant to bias the question as "Blossom or Bubbles", but Blossom it is. Playing mission 5 now, starting video uploads as soon as I get home to Houston and my DSL.
Well, I had a hard time choosing between them.

2008-11-16, 08:45 PM
Bubbles' spirits are less useful at the moment, despite how impressive they become later on. And a bonus to armor just isn't very inspiring even when it is useful. Glass cannons or people so good at dodging as to be untouchable is much neater than just being tough. The movement is nice though, especially for that slowpoke Granteed.

2008-11-17, 01:32 AM
yes, but when that one lucky hit screw your whole plan....

eh, you could just load I guess.

2008-11-17, 02:55 AM
Mission 5: Revenge of the Mooks (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmX564UTabE)

As for the real title of this mission...



Use katakana, jerks!

Meanwhile, thousands millions of miles away...



http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/tehruri.pngRuri: "Wormhole transit complete."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/yurika.pngYurika: "Wow, that was trippy. Wait, why am I on the holodeck with Akito and Inez. And when did we get a holodeck?"


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/megumi.pngMegumi: "No one's around, but I'm picking up the normal nav signals from Earth, looks like we made it."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/prospector.pngProspector: "Wait. If Chulips are point-to-point transit, shouldn't we have come out of another one, i.e. in the middle of another Jovian fleet floating through space? Inez, is there some kind of wacky technobabble explanation for this flaw in your theory?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/inez.pngInez: "Nope. Just a plot hole in the SRW version of the story."
Yurika: "Well, at least I looks less inexplicably stupid in this version. Set course for the Earth Sphere, Minato."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/eiji.pngEiji: "Earth is so beautiful from space. That's why I'll protect this planet from the Grados and anyone else who tries to mess with it. The beautiful Earth, and its people, and culture, and carbonated refreshments, and idol singers, and prime time soap operas, and ice cream...
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/david.pngDavid: "Long story short, we Cosmic Culture guys have been talking and we want to stick around here. We think we can help, if the Nadesico is going to be fighting aliens.
Yurika: "Sounds great, guys!"


Inez: "You know Captain, Nergal is probably going to have other plans for us..."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/noal.pngNoal: "Yeah. And we still haven't seen hide nor armor of our main character yet."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/blossom.pngBlossom: "Hey, thanks for piloting Granteed with us. I think we've done a lot to help here."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/calvina.pngCalvina: "I guess...but lots of people still died. The colonists, Fukube, Yamada..."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/bubbles.pngBubbles: "Who?"
Calvina: *sigh* "Gai. Gai died. I know what it's like to lose a friend...but it doesn't get easier."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/buttercup.pngButtercup: *mystery dots*

Yurika: "Yes. We lost many brave people. Hey, where's Akito?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/combattlerblue.pngCombattler Blue: "Probably in his room, horribly depressed because his best friend just died. Probably watching anime."
Yurika, Megumi, and Ryoko: "*GASP*! MUST COMFORT!"


Ruri: "There's something that probably needs your attention first, guys. I'm picking up transmissions from an Alliance Federation space fleet that's battling some kind of aliens."
Yurika: "Which aliens? Jovians? Grados?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kouji.pngKouji: "Giant mechanical two-headed dragons?"
Everyone: "..."
Kouji: "What? This game's going to get around to my show at some point, right?"
Ruri: "None of the above (idiots). They're some kind of organic spacefaring creatures with tentacles."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/izumi.pngIzumi: "I once dated a legendary fiend. Just when I'm getting over him, I find myself in Legend of the Overfiend."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/ryoko.pngRyoko: "I don't get it."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/hikaru.pngHikaru: "We should have a movie night..."

Yurika: "We're in no condition to fight, so I think we should learn from my destined love's example and run like bitches."
Ruri: "We can't. That jump put a major drain on our shields and fried parts of our engines."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/minato.pngMinato: "The best propulsion we can manage is a limp."
Eiji: "Well, as I said, I'll protect the Earth from whatever, Grados, Jovian, or tentacle rapist!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/combattlerred.pngCombattler Red: "And we still have nothing better to do!"
Yurika: "Well, if there's no way out, all units launch!"


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/akito.pngAkito: Dammit! What the hell is going on? Space tentacle monsters? When did this game become Gunbuster?
Ryoko: "Pretty much when my squad showed up, Comrade. Aesti team! Calvina! Lock and load already!"


Calvina: "Alright, so...who's my copilot this time?"
Buttercup: "You get to choose this time."
Bubbles: "Yeah, we've all interfaced with Granteed once, so you pick who's best for the mission."
Calvina: "Well, if you say so...hm...Blossom, saddle up."
Blossom: "ROCK!"


Akito: "Dammit, Megumi. Gai is dead and everyone else is just ignoring it!"
Megumi: "Well, we are kinda being att--"
Akito: "Why?! He'd still be alive if Admiral Jackass hadn't dragged him into his suicide attempt."
Megumi: "Um, that's not really--"
Akito: "Anyway, I'm going to angst about this for a couple missions."
Megumi: "Well then don't die! I feel terrible about Gai's death, and I'd feel even worse if anything happened to you!"
Akito: "...thanks."
Megumi: *hangs up communicator* "Exactly as planned."



http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/jun.pngJun: "Holy crap, they really are tentacle monsters! I'll defend your virtue, Yurika!"
Yurika: "You're still in this game?"

Defeat all enemies, don't let the Nadesico OR Akito get shot down.

In this mission, Akito automatically sorties - this usually happens when someone is going to be involved in a plot cutscene. If this is the case, there's almost always an objective to keep that unit alive until they fulfill their plot purpose.

As the level starts, I'm surrounded by hideous aliens that look like they're from Gunbuster, but which Tatsunoko's lawyers assure me are totally original and called Radam.


Since the enemy's so spread out, I use my strategy of sending my dudes out in groups; though it's not a terribly efficient idea, I put all four of my Super Robots in the upper group heading left (I started in the upper right), the Blue Earth and the SPT squad in the lower group heading down, and the Nadesico and the Aesti squad heading down-left into the enemy's center.


Megumi: "Mm hm. Hey wait, ahhhhhhhh!"

The Radam hit significantly harder than their grasshopper brethren, and much more accuractely. The SPT team (namely, Roan) get a couple of high-damage, highly embarassing tentacle strikes, since I didn't put up "Focus" spells like I should have.


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/roan.pngRoan: "**** YOU JAPANESE PORN!"


I can't one-shot these guys yet, either. Hm. I was getting complacent fighting Grasshoppers and SPTs, I guess. Once I finish one off with Combattler V (who also moved into some Asteroid terrain to get some defensive bonuses against these monsters), a cutscene plays (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEAcl1Jza6s).

Akito: *pant* *pant* "D-dammit. I shouldn't be freaking out! I had my goddamn character development into accepting that I was a soldier!"
Ruri: "Mr. Tenkawa is freaking out, by the way."
Yurika and Megumi: "MUST COMFORT!"
Calvina: "Uh...Tenkawa?"
Yurika: "Akito!"
Inez: "And that's how Spike Spencer continues to get work. No one screams like a girl quite as well as him. Anyway, Akito's gotten himself surrounded and is about to die."
Megumi: "Akito!"

*dramatic entrance*

Akito: "Eh?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/akatsuki.pngNagare Akatsuki: "Someone in trouble? Nagare Akatsuki to the rescue. Listen, man, if you're going to freak out during the fighting, let me help you back to the ship."
Yurika: "Um...who the heck are you?"
Akatsuki: "Nagare Akatsuki, professional badass. And you must be the lovely captain of the Nadesico."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/shemoan.pngSimon: "...did you just seriously talk like that?"
Ruri: "Idiot."
Akatsuki: "We certainly never expected to see you guys again after all this time! Anyway, I'm with the Nergal-and-Alliance Federation task force fighting these aliens. What's say I help you out?"
Everyone: "We have no idea what's going on, but okay!"

Akatsuki: Oh, I am so awesome.


With Akatsuki and his sexy new Aestivalis (which is technically identical to every other unupgraded Aestivalis), I start chewing into the Radam that were damaged on the previous turn (and moving more units into Asteroid Field terrain, and casting Focus so my Real Robots don't get tentacle-raped to death.)

Here's a Support Attack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQiDRw5S7Jc). Basically, if you attack with a unit that's standing next to a unit whose pilot has the Support Attack skill and hasn't moved yet, that supporting unit can tag team the target with one of its own attacks. This is greatly helpful for increasing per-round damage and dealing finishing blows to tough bosses. Units can Support Attack once per rank in the Support Attack skill per round. Any XP, morale, and kills earned go to the unit who initiates the attack, not the supporter.

On the enemy's turn... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhoQGzdmGeY)

Radam: "...GODDAMMIT."


Turn 3 comes around, and I've taken out several more, mainly using the Nadesico's gravity blast cannon as they swarmed it.

There is no boss on this level, so it's mainly a slog through swathes of tough-ish mooks, at least until I finish the first set, at which point more appear...along with a mysterious figure.

Some crazy Kamen Rider mother****er (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OryERWwVqDE) shows up in space and starts beating the living daylights out of the Radam.

Noal: "Finally, our main character shows up!"
Aki: "Not totally sure we're supposed to know who he is yet, Noal. We've got a whole amnesia plot spelled out here."
Yurika: "Well whoever he is, the enemy of our enemy is our friend! Concentrate fire on the space monsters while he distracts them!"
Ryoko: "Hey, that jerk's stealing our XP and money!"
Combattler Red: "Let's hurry up and wipe out these mooks before he does!"

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2005/05-30HikaruGekiganFlare.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2005/05-31ButtercupFormation.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2005/05-32ChoudenjiYoYo.png

As a greedy person, it's a race with the Neutral/Yellow team consisting of Tekkaman Blade over the next couple of turns to eliminate the enemy mooks (using peoples' Gain and Luck spells on the slightly larger mooks, as there's clearly nothing bigger to spend them on. By the way, Noal (Blue Earth's pilot) leveled up enough to learn his own Luck spell, so I actually gave them a kill again to grab some extra cash. Mostly he's repairing the tentacle damage, though.


On the "Neutral" phase of turn 5 (neutrals act after the player and enemies), Blade gets owned by a Radam counterattack.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/blade.pngTekkaman Blade: "Freaking...Radam...you can't kill...me..."
Noal: "Nadesico! Grab that guy and take him aboard before he dies. He's important to our plot."
Yurika: "Despite having no physical way to do that, okay!"

With the rest of the (damaged by Blade) Radam charging our units now, the rest of the level is short work.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2005/05-35AkatsukiKill.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2005/05-37HikaruFormation.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2005/05-38LastKill.png



Noal: "...so anyway, our organization - the Space Knights - was formed to fight extraterrestrial threats. We didn't have a lot going for us except a bitchin' support unit, so we decided to tag along with you guys. Now that Earth's under attack by three sets of aliens, though, I think we're going to recruit this Blade lunatic."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/uribatake.pngUribatake: "Yeah...he's kinda in a coma. Bitchin' power armor, though."
Noal: "Precisely!"


Uribatake: "Wow, this Aestivalis is top of the line! I've never even seen some of these parts before!"
Akatsuki: "That makes sense, given that you've been on Mars fir the last *PLOT TWIST* eight months!"
Ryoko: "Wait, seriously? But it only took like a few weeks to get there, and we were on the planet for maybe a day!"
Akatsuki: "Calendars don't lie, o feisty one."
Ryoko: "Dude, back off."
Akatsuki: "Yes, crazy crap has happened since you've been gone. Earth was invaded again by the Radam, Nergal and the Alliance Federation have made up and joined forces, and oh yeah, there's a major civil war going on now after ZAFT declared colonial independence from Earth, causing the Alliance to nuke the Junius 7 colony The Principality of Zeon declared colonial independence from Earth and dropped a colony on Australia.
Akatsuki: "Yep. Well, they were shooting for South America. Those things are hard to aim. Anyway, the war's still going, but there's a nuclear weapons jammer treaty in place to prevent that kind of massacre from happening again.


Hikaru: "His Aesti is better than ours, and that's not fair!"
Ryoko: "Technically, since we upgraded ours, they're better than his."
Hikaru: "But his is shinier."


Inez: "So, it seems the teleportation effect of Boson Jumping isn't quite as straightfoward as anticipated, and that's why we missed eight months of time."
Kouji: "Gee, ya think? Glad you have a Ph. D. so you can tell us these things, Explanation Lady."


Akatsuki: "Anyway, I come bearing orders from Nergal. You're all pretty beat, as is this ship. You need repairs and a debriefing/rebriefing for your next mission, so the company wants you to take some R&R at the Heliopolis Side 7 colony while we repair the ship in the docks there. There's a big Nergal presence and plenty of Alliance Federation military protection, so we should be safe from those pesky ZAFT Zeon rebels.


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/rau.pngRau Le Creuset Char Aznable: "Oh ho ho reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaally?"


Akatsuki: "Perfectly safe! Everyone not contracted to Nergal... you can do whatever."
Kouji: "Goin' home!"
SRT Team: "Fightin' aliens!"
Noal and Aki: "Takin' care of crazy Kamen Rider guy."
Combattler Team: "No idea!"
Calvina: "Technically a Nergal contractor."
Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: "Stalkin' Calvina!"


Ruri: "Welcome to Heliopolis Side 7...idiots."


Calvina: "Hey, what happened to Tenkawa?"
Hikaru: "Not sure. I think the game writers might have written him into the background for a bit while he gets over his freakout. More room to introduce the Marty Stu we're drafting next level."


Rau Char: "So to sum up the briefing, not only are the Federation's brand new experimental mobile suits being developed here at Heliopolis Side 7, but Nergal's flagship the Nadesico has also docked here. It's carrying quite a few very interesting robots, so let's see if we can jack those as well. Any questions?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/athrun.pngAthrun Zala ???: "Yeah...why don't I get to be Char?"
Rau Char: "Do you have a mask?"
Athrun ???: "Well no..."
Rau Char: "Then you don't get to be Char. You can be...let's see...Camille."
Athrun Camille: "But that makes no sense. I'm an antagonist. And a dude."
Rau Char: "Seriously? Oh. Well, fine."
Athrun Garma: "...this bodes poorly."
Rau Char: "You're one remark away from being Athrun Random Zeon Redshirt, mister. Now shut up and let's infiltrate that colony."

Next time: the moment I'm sure you've all been waiting for, the Mobile Suit Gundam SEED premiere!

New Unit and Pilot
Aestivalis Akatsuki (Nagare Akatsuki)

We don't get to use Tekkaman Blade yet, as he's kinda comatose.

Choices for next level: same as usual; we'll be fighting inside a colony against mainly Gundam enemies, which means we get a choice of Aestivalis frames, and the enemy will favor ground units. So I recommend Land Frames, and maybe artillery if you want to see it. Bear in mind that Akatsuki is an odd man out with no relationship bonuses or combo attacks with the Nadesico crew, so he makes a good one guy to stick in an Artillery Frame, maybe alongside Akito.

2008-11-17, 10:31 AM
My gut says Akito (if you get him) Flying, Three Angels ground, and Akatsuki Artillery. I usually used that combination in W.

JINNs in W often used bazookas whenever possible, so I think you might wanna put Buttercup in Granteed this time, especially if you're gonna use it to tank.

Speaking of which, for the curious (or anal), the girls' real names are Festenia Muse (Blossom), Melua Melna Meia (Bubbles), and Katia Grineal (Buttercup). But I don't mind sticking with the PPG names here, because it's funnier.

Winged One
2008-11-17, 10:44 AM
I think that the Gundams that Zaft Zeon are going to jack fly here, but it might be the next mission instead. So I vote stick the girls in Air, Akito in Land, and Nagare in Artillery. If they don't fly yet, just have Jesus Kira Light Amuro take care of it; there should be only one and he probably needs the XP.

EDIT: actually, just put everyone but Nagare in Ground and him in Artillery. You said we're dealing with Zaft Zeon mooks here, so that probably means the flying Gundams are next level. Just swap them at either the Nadeisco or the Archangel White Base if I guessed wrong.

2008-11-17, 01:23 PM
I'm sure it doesn't really need mentioning, but - don't upgrade Akatsuki. He doesn't deserve wasting money on him. :yuk:

2008-11-17, 02:49 PM
I should probably confess to cheating and looking up Tekkaman Blade's plot on Wikipedia, because damn if I knew what was supposed to be going on there. I'm going to try my best not to do so for SEED, though, and just shoehorn the whole plot into Original Gundam metaphor.

2008-11-17, 06:15 PM
Cool, and good humor on the tentacle monsters. I just hope coma-man doesn't take too much screen time away from Akito's love dodecahedron in general and Ryoko in particular.

2008-11-17, 07:19 PM
I agree with Tengu. No need to upgrade Akatsuki. Serves him right not to be upgraded. And keeping Ryoko, Hikaru and Izumi in ground frames and giving Akito a flyer seems fine. Akatsuki can be artillery to seem less awesome as he hangs around in the back being slow.

2008-11-17, 11:40 PM
"Stalking Calvina!

And now we (by we I mean this poster) fully expect you to make a romance/stalking dodecahedron plot about Calvina and the Powerpuff Girls.

2008-11-18, 09:34 AM
Hey, Gamefaqs has a pretty detailed synopsis of the Touya Shun route up.

2008-11-18, 01:32 PM
Yeah, actually, I've been referencing that to get the general structure of events. Unfortunately, it's totally useless for actual dialog, especially with regards to Calvina and the PPGs.

2008-11-21, 01:54 AM
I have not forgotten about this, it's just me being ill and the forum being a failure conspiring to keep me from sitting down to write a long post. Update tomorrow, on my honor.

2008-11-22, 04:17 AM
Episode 6 - Gundam Rising (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGDTdcgIIP8)

A brief summary of Gundam SEED:


Didn't even try to guess on this one


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/aki.pngAki: "So basically, we got our asses kicked on Mars, and now you're telling us that even more aliens are attacking Earth?"
Heinrich Van Freeman: "That's right. Those ugly STMC-looking things, who are commanded by slightly less ugly Power Ranger-looking things."
Aki: "That's odd. We saw one of the ugly Power Ranger-looking things fighting the Radam, and it turned out to be a dude in a suit. He was heavily injured, so we brought him on board the Nadesico."
Freeman: "Iiiiintriguing. Report back to base with him ASAP."
Aki: "Hang on, I think we have to sit through some Gundam SEED plot first."

As everyone discusses their plans now that the mission to Mars is over and they can nominally split up to go do their own alien-fighting things...


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/erina.pngErina Won: "Hi! My name's Erina Won, and I'll be your new assistant helmswoman and obvious management spy.


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/prospector.pngProspector: "Aw man, I was enjoying being the obvious management spy."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/jun.pngJun: "And I was enjoying being the completely redundant bridge officer."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/yurika.pngYurika: "Well, this doesn't seem ominous at all! Welcome aboard!"


Erina: "Think they suspect who you are?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/akatsuki.pngAkatsuki: "Trust me, everyone on this ship is way too stupid and obsessed with anime to even think of it. Besides, what does it matter if they do? We've got Fressange back, and now we just need to get some more Boson Jump test data...and I think I know just who we can get it from."

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away...


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/sai.pngSai Hayato Kobayashi: "Hey Kira Amuro, up for some boring teen drama today?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kira.pngKira Yamato Amuro Ray: "Nah. Well, I guess. I was going to stop by the industrial sector later and do some corporate espionage, but I can hang out with you guys first."


Kira Amuro: "Wait. Some cute but oddly sexually unappealing girl is staring at me. This is a Gundam remake and not an Evangelion one, right?
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/tolle.pngTolle Ryu Jose: "Nah, this game already has a series for Eva references. That's just a weird girl."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/rau.pngRau Char: "Alright, preparations are in place. Send the kiddies into the colony, so they can bring us back the Alliance's 'G Project' 'V Project'.
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/athrun.pngAthrun Garma: "My crew are ready, boss."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/dearka.pnghttp://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/anonymous.pnghttp://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/miguel.pnghttp://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/yzak.pngZala Squad The Black Tri-Stars + Yzak: "YO!" (I actually didn't screencap anything with Nicol Ortega this time, sorry.)
Athrun M'quve: "And I figure since I have named sidekicks...this is a better name."
Rau Char: "Hmm...fair enough. But how come Yzak is going by his real name?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/yzak.pngYzak: "BECAUSE I'M VOICED BY TOMOKAZU SEKI, MOTHER****ER."
Athrun M'quve: "Yeah, no one really wanted to argue with him."
Rau Char: "And he does have a point."

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away...

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/akito.pngAkito: "Gai is still dead, and still no one else cares. How could this be any worse?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/ryoko.pngRyoko: "Well, it could be like the last time all three of our voice actors worked together."
Akito: "...oh yeah."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/akatsuki.pngAkatsuki: "Hey, hey, easy on the obscure Evangelion jokes. We already used up our quota for this update."
Akito: "What do you want?"
Akatsuki: "Well, I just noticed you watching that silly super robot anime, and I wanted to go out of my way to mock you for it."
Akito: "What are you, some kind of message board troll?"
Akatsuki: "You know who else watched super robot anime? Hitler."
Hitler Gihren Zabi: "I quite enjoyed Space Warrior Baldios, actually."
Akito: "You kinda piss me off, Akatsuki."
Akatsuki: "Great! Be sure to channel that rage when you fight. Maybe you'll suck less."
Akito: "...dammit."

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away


** BOOM **
Sai Hayato: "What the hell was that?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kazui.pngKuzzy Kazui Kai: "Sweet, I lucked into the one cool character from Side 7. Um, I mean, I think ZAFT is attacking us."
Sai Hayato: "Huh? What the hell have we got that's worth attacking for? And where's Kira Amuro?"

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/murrue.pngMurrue Bright: "Hurry up and get those top-secret military prototypes we were illegally constructing in a neutral nation fired up and ready to go."
Kira Amuro: "Ooh, bitchin'-looking mobile suits! Hey it's that weird girl again. I should probably help her not die, she looks kinda confused."


Kira Amuro: "Come with me if you want to live."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/cagalli.pngCagalli Sayla: "Oh, thank God. Say, you look familiar."
Kira Amuro: "That's because everyone on this show has the same facial features. Now run like hell unless you want to end up like Frau Bow's parents."
Cagalli Sayla: "What happened to them?"
Kira Amuro: "Yoshiyuki Tomino. In the first episode, even."
Cagalli Sayla: "Damn."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/megumi.pngMegumi: "Heliopolis Side 7 is under attack by...some kind of boy band, apparently."


Everyone: "Let's go!"
Erina: "Now hold on just a second! Those people out there aren't Nergal employees or Alliance Federation soldiers we're obligated to help. We should cut our losses and leave; we don't need to be involved in this war."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kouji.pngKouji: "What, we can't just run away when people are in danger!"
Everyone: *Looks at Akito*
Akito: "..."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/calvina.pngCalvina: "Thank you for restraining yourself, Tenkawa. Anyway, mecha launch."


Yzak: "Awesome, I got myself a Gundam!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/dearka.pngDearka Gaia: "Woot! Same!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/anonymous.pngNicol Ortega: "And me!"
Athrun M'quve: "And I've just about got..."


Kira Amuro: "Not so fast! I want to hijack that thing!"


Athrun M'quve: *points gun* "Wait...Kira Amuro?"
Kira Amuro: *throws gun* "Athrun Char?"
Athrun M'quve: "Actually, it's Athrun M'quve until I can get a promotion. What are you doing here?"
Kira Amuro: "Stealing a Gundam! You?"
Athrun M'quve: "Holy crap, same thing! Damn, man, it's been ages."
Kira Amuro: "No kidding! Hey, look, boobs!"
Athrun M'quve: "Where?!"
Kira Amuro: "Gundam Yoink!"
Athrun M'quve: "God dammit, Kira."


Athrun M'quve: "Fine, I'll just take this one! Aegis is a cooler name than Strike anyway!"


Murrue Bright: "Who the hell are you, and why are you in my Gundam?"
Kira Amuro: "Hi, nice to meet you. Can you pilot this thing?"
Murrue Bright: "Actually...no. Not only does it require some kind of bizarre biology, but its operating system isn't even...hey, what are you doing?"
Kira Amuro:"Just finishing the OS. I'm kinda hacking it together in a few minutes, and won't have time to test or debug it at all, but it should still run better than Vista."
Murrue Bright: "...who the hell are you, and why are you in my Gundam?"


Erina: "This is still a bad idea and against company policy, captain."
Akatsuki: "She's right, you know."
Yurika: "Well, too bad, because I'm still the captain. Let's go save that emo kid in the Gundam."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/miguel.pngMiguel Mash: "Hey jackass! That's my Gundam! Give it back!"

Oy, that was overly long. From now on, I'm going to skip the strikethrough gags and just use the 0079 names, except when characters are being introduced.

Destroy all enemies, keep Kira and your battleship alive. Feh. Kira wouldn't die, even if we killed him.

This level has a good deal of Installation-type terrain, which is good because it gives good evade and defense bonuses, along with HP and EN Regen, but bad because it slows down units a good deal. I stick mainly to and above this kind of terrain, because as I find out when the JINNs Zakus rush me, their bazookas and beam guns hurt like a bitch.

Also, I put all the Aestis in land frames except for Akatsuki, whom I put in artillery. This proves to be a mistake, as it is effing slow, and my play style isn't really suited to having a unit sit back and take long-range potshots anyway, except on missions that are specifically defense.

Meanwhile, Strike Gundam (okay, that's too funny not to use) is off by itself in the middle of the map. Since I have to keep Amuro alive, I also have him stick to the defensive terrain, and since Bright is in the cockpit with him (it's cool, Bright's female now, remember), I have her cast Focus.


I also give one of the Zeeks a smack with one of Strike Gundam's currently very limited weapons set.


Reasonably effective.


Oh, did I mention the forests also slow you down and proved cover? I'm going to give all my Boosters to my land frames next time I need to use them. Or just stick to the roads, since I'm gradually making the girls' units unhittable.

On first enemy phase, I learn that these Zaku-wannabes have a really, really long range. I'm going to have to close with them fairly quickly. That's what Granteed with a booster and Combattler with the Accel spell is for, I guess.


Also, seeing first episode Zakus with Beam Rifles makes me irrationally angry. I guess I really am an Original Gundam fanboy.


Akatsuki: "Go! Only post-movement attack this frame has!"

To be fair, it's still fairly effective.


By the end of turn 2, I've cleaved through a couple of the Zaku-oids and linked up with the Strike Gundam. I've also managed to maneuver Granteed out into an appropriate tank position (and cast Guard), where the enemies will target it instead of my other units. And Mazinger and Venus lag way behind...maybe I should priotize them for boosters. Should've just stuck them on the Nadesico, but then, having them on the frontline is not that important.


Zeon Redshirt: "I'll get a commendation if I shoot down the Granteed!"


Blossom: "Mine's bigger."

The not-a-Zakus largely wipe themselves out attacking Granteed and the Nadesico (about two left), and their mid-boss rushes forward.

Seriously, dude, your mech isn't even customized. You've got no chance at all. I'm amazed you even have a name.

I have the Aestivalis squad set up around the northern part of the eastern base terrain and finish off the remaining mooks. While I'm doing this, I notice that Akito has fallen behind everyone else levelwise by about 2-3 levels; he's only level four. I set him up with an easy kill to help remedy this.


Ryoko: "I'm not setting up a kill for you because I like you or anything. I just don't want underlevelled losers on my squad."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/hikaru.pngHikaru: "You tsundere, you."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/izumi.pngIzumi: "That was obscure and irrelevant even by my standards."

Meanwhile, the SPT crew heads southwards, and Eiji takes some damage off of the Black Tri-Star wannabe. Once again, for some reason, I use Combattler V to kill the mid-boss (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llrqfkQNWYA). Why do I keep doing that? Oh yeah, Combattler Yellow has Gain, so I get double XP.

Miguel Patrick Colasour: "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" *crash*
*Archangel White Base appears*
Hayato: "Hey, it's a non-civilian battleship."
Bright: "Ugh, finally. Would you hurry and pick us up? I'm stuck in this Gundam with some loser civilian.
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/natarle.pngNatarle Bask Om: "Hmm...I dunno, I kinda liked being in charge, and you outrank me."
Bright: "What happened to the captain?"
Bask Om: "Yoshiyuki Tomino."
Calvina: "Wow, Nadesico's starting to look a lot less depressing."
Yurika: "Nah. This isn't really Original Gundam, so people will only die off-camera.

Once the Strike Gundam is aboard White Base, Mu La Flaga Char Aznable appears in his custom Mobius.
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/mu.pngMu La Flaga Char Aznable: "Hey guys, check it out. I painted this fighter red and stuck DRAGOONs funnels on it."
Akatsuki: "That's a hell of a Char Custom."
Yurika: "Mu La Flaga Char Aznable the Hawk of Endymion Red Comet? Wow."
Char: "Please, please, no need for awesome nicknames I earn from being a total badass."

** KABOOM **
Everyone: "What the hell was that?"
Bask Om: "The colony has been heavily damaged and air's escaping. Whee!"
Amuro: "Crap! My friends and I weren't done with our boring teen drama yet. You have to evacuate everyone."
Bright: "Hm. I reluctantly agree. I could use more peons anyway. I just hope we can get out of here before."

** More GINNs fly in **
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/rau.pngChar: "Who the hell is calling himself Char now?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/mu.pngChar: "Oh...crap. Sorry."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/rau.pngChar: "Well son of a bitch (and I mean that as literally as possible). You can't be Char. I'm Char."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/mu.pngChar: "Well what do you propose we do about it?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/rau.pngChar: "Hmm...I'm Char as a cackling stereotypical villain, but you're Char as a wise mentor. You can be Quattro."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/mu.pngMu Quattro Bajeena: "Well, it's way early for that...but I guess it can't be helped."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/rau.pngChar: "Excellent. Now die, Quattro!"
Amuro: "Hey, check it out! I have a sword now. I'll help hold this guy off."


New Objectives: "Well, Amuro is pretty much ****ed now. Don't bother keeping him alive, just shoot down Char. Er, the evil Char."

Strike Gundam with its Sword Frame thing

White Base+

If he's Quattro, shouldn't it be gold instead of red?


And here we are at the end of Turn three. Despite my main tanks being well out there, Quattro, Amuro, and White Base still get several attacks each. Perhaps it's a special targeting priority.


Quattro: "Ikkeyo! Funnels!"
Redshirt: "Wait, isn't that a Haman liAAAARGH."

These don't quite one-shot the attacking MS, but for a guy in a dinky little fighter, Quattro has some good firepower.


Amuro: "Awww yeah".

The sword that comes with this new frame is better than the Strike's default weaponry, but only by a little. It kinda looks like your starting weapon in No More Heroes, too, which is pretty awesome.

Redshirt: "Attacking the enemy battleship (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zFGk6rP9F4)."
Bright: "You clearly have not been paying attention to this LP, have you?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/uribatake.pngUribatake: "Aww...how come they get to have two main guns?"


A round of counterattacks followed by a round of moving everyone forward and coordinated firing wipes out everything but four mooks and Char's Commander-type. Next, one of the mooks kamikazes Combattler, and Char obligingly charges forward to try and eliminate his doppelganger. His accuracy looks high enough that I have Quattro dodge, just to be safe.

Finally, on turn five, I take out the last three mooks with Mazinger (who finally gets a kill), Babel, and Granteed. I then heal up with my healer units (to get them free XP) and commence my attack on the Commander-type.

Amuro: "I learned this from watching 08th MS Team! Heat Saber! Heat Wire! Heat Saber again! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Rx2Qvnqlu0)"
Char: "Hey, I love the Gouf Custom too! VICTORY IS MINE!"
Quattro: "Die, monster! You don't belong in this world! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KotVK0_M0PM)"

Hm. You know, Akito's still like two levels behing the other guys. I have the Nadesico cast Aid on him and move up near Char, followed by Akito casting Focus and doing the same.

Akito: "Don't want to die, not going near him, big bad enemy ace, no good, gotta hide..."
Yurika: "Akito...I know you're sad and scared because of Gai's death. But I really, honestly do believe in you! Not just the fangirl talking! Go out there and kick that boss's ass!"
Akito: "Wow. That was surprisingly inspirational. Alright, I'll do it."

Akito: "Gai is dead! He is no longer here! But in my heart, and in my Gekigangar models, he continues to live on. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?! HISSATSU! GIIIIIGA! GEKIGAAAAAAAAAAN! FLAAAAAAAAAAAARE! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xY83-0w0zk)"
Char: "Was that level of epic really necessary this early in theohrightIshouldrunnow."

Yurika: "See? I told you you were a great pilot."
Akito: "Yeah. And I guess this mean's you're a decent captain."
Yurika: "Can we make out now?"
Akito: "No."

Conclusion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZamXVlhpzXI)
Yurika: "Yay! My Akitomuffin got him!"
Ruri: "Idiot. Also, the colony is coming apart."
Bright: "Yeah, we should probably get going."
Megumi: "I'm also picking up distress signals from escape pods leaving the colony."
Yurika: "Well, then let's head out and pick them up!"
Bask Om: "...wait. Are we not going to slaughter any colonists today?"
Erina: "I think what my esteemed Most Definitely Not A Villain collegue means is that it's a waste of time."
Pilots: "Nah, I think we're voting for 'run away and pick them up'."

Aboard the unnecessarily dark bridge of White Base


Hayato: "Looks like we all made it aboard safely! We can continue having boring teen drama."
Amuro: "Yay!"
Ryu: "Of course, we've also all been drafted since this ship lost so much crew off-camera."
Amuro: "Boo. Well, at least I still got my pet parrot robot aboard."
Tori Haro: "Tori! Haro!Tori! Haro!"


Natarle: "Welcome aboard, Red Comet."
Quattro: "Actually, I've switched to being Quattro. You got any sunglasses around here?"


Bright: "Just great. I'm surrounded by that loser's loser friends. Wait, how the hell do you even pronounce that? Miriaria? Milialia? Mirillrlre--"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/mirialia.pngMirai: "Mirai works. Although I don't think the implicit relationship does."
Bright: "Half the people reading this are Nanoha fans. I'm pretty sure they'll ship any two women."


M'quve: "So how did your mission go? I got a Gundam!"
Char: "Cram a beam saber in it, M'quve."

Whew. It took a lot for me to get back into the writing flow. Anyway, next mission, we're outside in space again. We've also got new units:

Strike Gundam. This thing has a bunch of frames (Aile, Launcher, and Sword), but we're locked into using Aile next mission.
Mu Quattro's Mobius Custom
Archangel White Base

New Music:

Gundam Shutsugeki (http://www.daitrombe.net/attachments/2201/03._Gundam_Launch.mp3) (default for Amuro, Quattro, and Bright). Significantly better than SEED's theme song(s), but sadly seems to be absent from YouTube. You can hear it in the appropriate vids above, or hear the (very loud) Super Robot Wars W version thoughtfully provided by SAMAS and Daitrombe.

New items:

Sniper Scope: +10% Accuracy
Learning OS: +10% Crit chance
Radar Module: +1 range to weapons (except MAP and Range 1)


2008-11-22, 04:38 AM
That's amazing. The original gundam name hijack is really hillarious, though it's also confusing. I bet it's completely incomprehensible for those who haven't watch original gundam though.

2008-11-22, 04:46 AM
If it bothers people enough, I'll use real names. I've used most of my joke material for it by now anyway.

2008-11-22, 09:16 AM
I don't think if it bothers anyone - those of us who haven't seen original Gundam probably haven't seen SEED anyway. It's just more work for you.
You might want to note that the comic at the start is read from right to left, though.

Ah, Akatsuki being stuck behind everyone else and barely participating because of that is not a failure - it's Exactly As Planned.

I think it's the funniest episode for now - good job! And it leaves so many questions for the future: is Akito finally going to grow a pair? Will Akatsuki get an infraction for trolling and using Godwin's Law? How many more Chars are going to make appearance? Are Bright and Mirai going to adopt a small girl together? And, most importantly, when are we going to see Tomokazu Seki as a protagonist again?

2008-11-22, 09:43 AM
I'm also in favor of using their original gundam name. You don't even need to write their Seed name.

2008-11-22, 11:10 AM
Didn't even try to guess on this one

According to Wikipedia, it's the title of the third episode: Hōkai no Daichi, or: "Collapsing Land", referring to the destruction of HeliopolisSide 7.

I've actually noticed this a few times in an SRW game: If a stage is primarily based on episodes of a single series, it's probably going to have the same name as one of those episodes.

Gundam Shutsugeki (default for Amuro, Quattro, and Bright). Significantly better than SEED's theme song(s), but sadly seems to be absent from YouTube. You can hear it in the appropriate vids above.

Daitrombe Override! (http://www.daitrombe.net/attachments/2201/03._Gundam_Launch.mp3) :smallbiggrin::biggrin::smallbiggrin:

Sorry, they didn't have the version from the original series. Will the W version do?

Sniper Scope: +10% Accuracy
Learning OS: +10% Crit chance
Radar Module: +1 range to weapons (except MAP and Range 1)

Sniper Scope to whoever has been missing the most, or a combat unit that you've had to use Focus on a lot.
Learning OS to Granteed.
Radar module should be given to a long-range or Tank unit.


Seeing as how I've always seen the beginning of SEED as UC vs. Wing, I respectfully suggest the following name changes:

AegisEpyon Gundam
BlitzDeathscythe Gundam
LauncherHeavyarms Gundam
DuelSandrock Gundam

Winged One
2008-11-22, 12:32 PM
Stick the entire Nadeisco crew in Flight for this one. Also, I say call them Evil Char and Good Char. They can be the same one because I'm the only one who watched SEED and you can't contradict me when I say Evil Char is a Coordinated clone of Good Char.

2008-11-22, 01:32 PM
I spoiled enough of SEED for myself to know that's a lie, Quattro basically equals Good Char anyway. And does that mean I should call Athrun Indecisive Char? Also, it's a space mission, so everyone will be in 0G frames.

SAMAS: Thank you. I actually stole the episode title from the premiere of Original Gundam (and assumed that if this level was named after a SEED episode, it would have been their premiere. Guess I was wrong.) And your Gundam names fit very well. Does that mean Aile Strike Gundam should be Aile Wing Strike Gundam?

2008-11-22, 03:36 PM
Nice to see that Akito's subplots are progressing on. And coma-guy didn't take too much screentime, and is evil.

Also, I definitely like the names. Especially Strike Gundam.

2008-11-22, 03:40 PM
Nice to see that Akito's subplots are progressing on. And coma-guy didn't take too much screentime, and is evil.

Also, I definitely like the names. Especially Strike Gundam.

Coma-guy is the titular Good Tekkaman of Tekkaman Blade, AKA D-Boy. Well, sorta good. He has good goals, but he's cranky and uncouth. And eats like a Gundam Fighter.

2008-11-22, 03:42 PM
Fine, good but scheming. But I refuse to call him anything except coma-guy. :smallyuk:

2008-11-22, 03:48 PM
Fine, good but scheming. But I refuse to call him anything except coma-guy. :smallyuk:

Whatever sinks your battleship, dude. Just a minor correction based on where you appear to be in Tekkaman Blade's plot.

Winged One
2008-11-22, 04:05 PM
Not every rival of the protagonist is a Char, you know. Sure, I don't know any besides Athrun that aren't, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. And it wasn't that much of a lie.

2008-11-22, 04:56 PM
Stick the entire Nadeisco crew in Flight for this one. Also, I say call them Evil Char and Good Char. They can be the same one because I'm the only one who watched SEED and you can't contradict me when I say Evil Char is a Coordinated clone of Good Char.

Actually, he's a clone of Good Char's father, who felt that his real son was "tainted" by his mother's genes. Talk about ego.

Wait, if Mu is Quattro, and Rau is Char, what does that make Prayer (From Gundam SEED Astray)? Usso, maybe?

Winged One
2008-11-22, 05:04 PM
Why is it that every time I'm feeling dishonest enough to try something like that, I get caught?

2008-11-22, 05:10 PM
Quick question: What are we gonna do about route splits? Just vote on em, play em both, or what?

2008-11-22, 05:30 PM
I'm not patient enough to do both sides of a route split, so I'll just give a brief description of each (including secrets) and let people vote.

2008-11-22, 05:48 PM
Which will, unfortunately, probably mean we will go with the Archangel White Base route at the next split. At least resurrecting Gai is more appealing to me than getting Great Zeorymer. Not only is Great Zeorymer from a show i simply don't care about in the slightest, it is also supposedly so overpowered that it just isn't any fun.

2008-11-22, 06:12 PM
Really? How bad is it on a scale of Tekkaman Aki to Valzacard?

2008-11-22, 06:17 PM
Supposedly the most overpowered robot in any SRW. Defeating late-game bosses on its own overpowered.

2008-11-22, 06:23 PM
Even bosses with HP Regen? Does this game even have HP Regen?

Ialdabaoth might rival this one in terms of being stupidly overpowered. Especially Apotheosized Ialdabaoth.

2008-11-22, 06:28 PM
We'll discuss the route splits when we get to them. Great Zeorymer does preclude most other optional things just based on routes you have to take, but we don't need to make a decision until Mission 10.

Winged One
2008-11-23, 02:48 AM
After starting to watch Zeta, I have to agree with your name choice for Mu. Did the enemies in the first episode learn to detect main characters from Bright?:smalltongue:

Rogue 7
2008-11-23, 03:32 AM
That's amazing. The original gundam name hijack is really hillarious, though it's also confusing. I bet it's completely incomprehensible for those who haven't watch original gundam though.

*Raises Hand*
No, it doesn't really bother me so keep doing it if you feel like it, but yeah, I'm confused as anything.

But this is still hilarious, so I'm cool with it.

2008-11-23, 08:18 AM
Good episode, interesting read, even if not having seen neither SEED not Original Gundam, the names are lost on me. I particularly like how the characters use "Tomino" as a sinonym for "death" :smallbiggrin:.

Winged One
2008-11-23, 06:33 PM
Actually, I think I'm mistaken on one thing. I'm not watching Zeta Gundam, I'm watching Bitchslap Gundam.

2008-11-23, 06:58 PM
Yeah, that's pretty much true.

2008-11-25, 07:09 AM
If TV Tropes is any indication, this is a line that's gotta come up later in the game:

Bright Noa (the real one): Use the Force, Mao!
Mao: Who the F--k?
Bright: Trust me!
Mao: Okay... *slap*

2008-11-25, 05:43 PM
Pardon, but...

I added this into the Let's Play (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ptitle8zx0nomxzqc5) page on TV Tropes...

2008-11-26, 12:02 AM
No! Ah, now you've opened the two way can of worm!

2008-11-27, 01:19 AM
Ah, I feel special. Although, now that I have a chance to second-guess myself, I wonder if I shouldn't have done Super Robot Wars A. Not only does it have a better-known plot and a wider variety of good shows, but it even has Here Comes Char (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdYa9c7puUw) as a BGM. I ****ing love that song.

Special Thanksgiving Update tomorrow. Unless I decide to get drunk after dinner instead, in which case Friday. Sorry for the slowdown, but I'm blaming the holidays.

2008-11-27, 08:59 AM
Hell, if I knew how, I'd be doing an LP of W right now as a sister thread. You can do A next time.

2008-11-27, 02:56 PM
The best part? It's Quattro's BGM.

Winged One
2008-11-27, 03:03 PM
Yeah, like they needed to make his disguise suck any more than it already did.:smallsmile: An exact replica of his Char mask would be a better disguise; then people might just think he's an Expy. Maybe

Wait...does A have Bridget? Bridget+Zeta Gundam=Perfect Combination!

2008-11-27, 03:05 PM
The best part? It's Quattro's BGM.

But even the lyrics say "Char", repeatedly! It's like if they knew nobody but the in-universe characters would be fooled by his disguise.

2008-11-27, 03:09 PM
Wait...does A have Bridget? Bridget+Zeta Gundam=Perfect Combination!I think you want Turn A Gundam or Gundam 00 (and the second season pretty much is Zeta Gundam, so...)

And frankly, Cubey, I don't think even the Nadesico crew are fooled in that game. Silly Axel might be, though.

Winged One
2008-11-27, 03:16 PM
Nah, Zeta's bitchslapping reached the point where it's only good for lulz or drinking games a long time ago. I just think the cast would get along well with Bridget. After everyone recovered enough to speak, that is.

I think Haro was fooled by that disguise. I consider that conclusive evidence that it's a toy Haro instead of Amuro's.

2008-11-28, 06:00 PM


I didn't upload the images for mission 7 before I left for my parents' house, guys. I swear I remember doing so, but they are nowhere on photobucket.

Considering those basically function as my notes as well as visual aids, I'd have to totally fake my way through the summary if I were to do it today. So, rather than procrastinating my homework, I will do it now and write up Mission 7 as soon as I get back to Houston tomorrow.

Have some out-of-context fight videos that I did remember to upload as a preview:

M'quve: "AMURO! You are unfit to be a Gundam pilot!" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA9PVZfAv9c)
Ryoko: "HEY! We'll do the American voice actor gags around here, dumkopf. Get 'em, Calvina!"
Quattro: "Yeah, please. No 00 references. I don't want to get shot down every mission."

This is what a MAP (area attack) looks like. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ1nEQC3J1g) For some reason, I never manage to get the enemies into a position where the Nadesico can use its own MAP.

2008-11-28, 06:08 PM
... Sorry?

2008-11-28, 06:19 PM
No, I'm sorry. That was a roundabout apology for putting off an update by (yet) another day.

2008-11-28, 08:59 PM
I meant, sorry for putting your thread in TV Tropes...

I did it more out of a compliment than anything...

Winged One
2008-11-28, 09:04 PM


I didn't upload the images for mission 7 before I left for my parents' house, guys. I swear I remember doing so, but they are nowhere on photobucket.
*facepalm* Well, it probably wasn't your fault.

2008-11-28, 10:05 PM
I meant, sorry for putting your thread in TV Tropes...

I did it more out of a compliment than anything...I know. I took it as one. I think it's awesome. I have no idea what Fri's talking about.

Winged: Least I'm not ignoring my game.

Winged One
2008-11-28, 10:37 PM
I know. I took it as one. I think it's awesome. I have no idea what Fri's talking about.

Winged: Least I'm not ignoring my game.

I was facepalming at the world itself, not you.

2008-12-01, 12:15 AM
I did start this yesterday...it just became very long.

Mission 7: Collapsing Land Part 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dI-SojDCYNw)

(Okay, for serious this time on the video)


Same title as last mission, which makes guessing much easier


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/mirialia.pngMirai: "So, this is the navy. I have to say, this ship is surprisingly nice digs."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kazui.pngKai: "Yeah. And the captain hasn't been beating us as much as I would have expected."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/calvina.pngCalvina: "So, captain, what's the mission?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/yurika.pngYurika: "White Base is going to go around and pick up people fleeing the colony, and we're going to cover them!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/combattlerred.pngCombattler Red: "I don't know about fighting other humans, but if we're protecting people..."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kouji.pngKouji: "Hey, humans can be just as evil as aliens. Even if they do most of their fighting through giant biomechanical dinosaurs or a dude and a chick sewn together to make one half-dude/half-chick."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/sayaka.pngSayaka: "...let's just stick with the 'protecting people' idea, Kouji."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/akatsuki.pngAkatsuki: "Well, I guess now that we've gotten involved, it can't be helped. We'll score brownie points with the Federation if nothing else.
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/erina.pngErina: "Hmph. What's White Base doing right now?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/tehruri.pngRuri: "They've retrieving civilian escape pods from the colony. They haven't launched their units yet, probably because they only have one actual pilot."
Calvina: "Hey, tell them to send out the cook. Works well enough for us."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/murrue.pngBright: "So, everyone higher-ranked than me is dead?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/natarle.pngBask Om: "I prefer to think of it as everyone higher-ranked than me is dead except you."
Bright: "Hm. I guess I'll take command of the bridge until we can make it back to Earth. The "Red Comet" can pilot the Strike Gundam for us."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/mu.pngQuattro: "I told you, my name's Quattro. And no can do, o lovely commander. The interface in that thing makes no damn sense."
Bright: "Well, that kid piloted it just fine...but you're right. I couldn't even get it to move. Maybe he's some kind of idiot savant."
Mu: "Or a psychic."
Bright: "Please, psychic powers are just ridiculous science fiction mumbo-jumbo. Anyway, guess I'll go tell him to pilot it. You head out in your fighter."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kira.pngAmuro: "Man, in five minutes I go from random teen angst drama to war story. What's the deal with that?"
Bright: "Amuro."
Amuro: "I know what you're going to say, and no. Not going out and getting myself killed.
Murrue: "Yes you are."
Amuro: "Are not."


Quattro: "I hate to be a bother, but it turns out there's still a ****load of enemies out here, and they're still firing on the colony."
Bright: "Okay, Amuro, let me put it another way. Go out and pilot that thing, or the Zekes are going to make you, me, and your friends all very dead."
Amuro's useless friends: "Yeah, uh, could you be a nice guy and not get us killed?"
Amuro: "...well, if it's like that..."


Ruri: "Incoming message from White Base. Zeon is still attacking the colony for some reason."
Bright: "We'd really appreciate some help. We've only got two units, one of them is piloted by a kid, and one of them is a dinky little fighter."
Quattro: "It's not the size of the mech, it's how you use it!"
Akatsuki and Erina: "You know, we're still not technically..."


Nadesico pilots: "We've been over this, seriously. Let's go."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/miguel.pngMash: "I'll show them who's a glorified redshirt. I'LL SHOW THEM ALL! DIE, COLONY!"

** Various Ka-booms **


Ruri: "Moving to assist the White Base. Heliopolis colony heavily damaged and launching escape pods."
Bright: "You two, hurry and launch."


Quattro: "You got it. Quattro Bajeena, Mobius, launching. Come on, rookie."
Amuro: "Alright, alright, jeez."


Calvina: "Nadesico complement, let's go. Protect the colony and the battleships, and try not to let that kid get killed horribly."
Amuro: "...er..."

Once again, even with the new units, I can select everybody. For this mission, in the absence of specific requests, I sortied with Bubbles copiloting the Granteed. There were several reasons for this; there are multiple high-level bosses to use her Aid seishin for, the bonus to speed helps keep up on this relatively large map, and I was playing around on the intermission screen and forgot to switch back. Incidentally, I confirmed that all the Powerpuff Girls have the same experience counter, so it doesn't matter whom I use more in terms of leveling, only convenience and eventual plot effects.

For other variables, as I said, all the Aestis are in 0G frames, and the Gundam auto-sorties in Aile mode. I also gave it a booster, and damn that thing is fast with it. Even keeps up with Mu's fighter, which is handy.


Mash: YOU! You took that Gundam I was gonna steal fair and square! I'll never live it down if I don't get it back..."

Standard objective tiem!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2007/07-20StartofTurn1.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2007/07-21EndofTurn1.png

As usual, it takes about a turn of movement to get my guys from the starting point (the bottom of the screen) to engagement range of the enemies that started in the upper-left corner. As I mentioned, Amuro and Quattro are speedy bastards, and they get out in front, so I make sure to keep them on the Colony terrain (for defensive bonuses) and have Amuro cast Focus, since he's liable to get targeted. Everyone else heads in the general direction of the soon-to-be melee.

Of course, I don't get attacked much (way to waste Amuro's SP, lol) and I start off turn two by cleaving into the Zeke mooks with the SEED guys, then mopping up with everyone else.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2007/07-22MuAttack.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2007/07-23KiraBeamRifle.png

Amuro's actually got a much higher Range stat than melee, which means in the Aile frame, at least, it's best for him to use the Beam Rifle rather than the double Beam Swords, even at point-blank, since they deal the same base damage.

When the next set of counterattacks comes, this time they mostly target my super-robots now that I've moved them into range.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2007/07-25CrotchShot.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2007/07-26FingerCrasherDamage.png


Ruri: "Zeon reinforcements will be here in one minute."

On the third turn, two of the enemies have lined themselves up next to each other, so I can demonstrate a Chain attack. Certain range-1 melee weapons (marked with a (C) tag), when used by a pilot who has at least one rank in the "Combo Attack" skill, can cleave through one enemy and hit other enemies on the opposite side of them. Calvina shows us how awesome this is (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sUshNXbyxY), taking down the two weakened GINNs (after Bubbles doubles her XP for her, of course).

One more mook is taken down...


And then... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhA03IPb5WY)
Amuro: "Okay...okay...gotta focus..."
Kouji: "Hey, relax, man. You're doing fine."
Sayaka: "Wow, Kouji, you're actually being nice."
Kouji: "Yeah, well, I just don't want him going all Tenkawa on us."
Akito: "HEY!"


Mash: "Finally, you guys. Listen, I'm trying to get this Gundam back but the pilot's being a real jerk."
Gundam Squad: "Wow, you really suck."
Bright: "Those are the other four Gundams those damn Zekes stole!"
Ruri: "According to my tactical analysis, four Gundams = we're boned. Nice knowing everyone."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/athrun.pngM'quve: "Hey, let me check on something." *cutscene dash across the map*
Amuro: "Gah!"
M'quve: "Amurooooooooooooo!"
Amuro: "Chaaaaaaaaaaaar!"
M'quve: "Nope, I'm still demoted to a lesser recurring antagonist. But you know who I am, so why keep fighting? Join us, hand over the Gundam."
Amuro: "You did kinda just **** up my home and my other friends, dude. That was really uncool."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/yzak.pngYzak: "This is boring."
Quattro: "I have to agree."
M'quve: "Fine, we'll get back to the fight. I hate to kill a friend, but..."

Kill the Backstreet Boys to end the level

The enemy reinforcements on this level actually showed up before I finished the first set; fortunately it only takes me about another round to take out the rest of the mooks and wear down the one battleship that accompanied the initial enemies

The battleship's main gun looked pretty fierce, but...




For finishing the battleship, as always, Hikaru+Luck+Gekigan Flare for the money multiplier.


Mash: "At last, the time has come. Now, you shall rue the day that you crossed--"


Mash: "****"

And with that, I have the second wave to deal with, as well as a quartet of Gundams:

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2007/07-33BusterGundam.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2007/07-34DuelGundam.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2007/07-35BlitzGundam.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2007/07-36AegisGundam.png
Buester, Duel, Blitz, and Aegis


I move my guys into position to intercept the second wave: the important part is getting White Base and Granteed out on the right side with Guard spells up (thank you, ridiculously defense-oriented Calvina) to tank the incoming enemies.

And wipe them out with Orgone Slave
Over (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PE5faKn278)

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/bubbles.pngBubbles: "You'd really think they'd try targeting someone else..."


By the end of the enemy phase, I've taken out all but five of the new set of mooks, and three of those I took down to near-death with Orgone Blaster when I realized it'd be good for people besides Calvina to get morale and kills. After one quick energy Replen from Blue Earth, I'm ready to go for turn 5.


The three injured mooks fall to the Aestivalis Girls to boost there morale up to 130 for the bosses. Most everyone else gangs up on the northern battleship, beating it down sufficiently for Combattler V to cleave it in twain; Combattler Pink just recently learned Luck, so that's another double-money win. Everyone else moves forward into position to deal with the bosses that are gradually heading my way.

Finally, everyone gets into range. Before starting on the bosses, I stab the last few HP off of the other battleship, leaving it with just enough to be finished by the last person with Luck...


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/noal.pngNoal: "Yeeeeeaaaaaaaah!"

I was as surprised as you are that he actually managed to finish a battleship.

The enemy Gundams have moved into range now...the thing about them is that they're pretty tough in addition to being extremely dodgy. Only certain attacks get through their Phase Shift Armor - a kind of barrier that reduces damage, but doesn't do total negation like Distortion Fields do. Strike Gundam's Beam Rifle is designed to penetrate it...and Orgone Slave does just because it's awesome. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA9PVZfAv9c)

M'quve: "O-one-shotted?! But I'm the main antagonist!" *BOOM* *flee*

Next up is the Duel Gundam. I soften it up with machine gun fire from 4 of the Aestivalises, learning that Phase Shift is effective against physical projectiles. However, once softened up, I've set up my position so that Ryoko can move in next to Akito (for a Love bonus) and next to her wingmen for a Triple Distortion Attack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZxjWlqU_nU).

Yzak: "Huh?" *BOOM* *flee*
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/ryoko.pngRyoko: "Hm...there was something familiar about that guy. Familiar and irritating."


Two more remain, which means I eat a couple of attacks. The girly one gets in a fairly damaging hit on Granteed, while the other girly one sets up a MAP (area effect) attack that manages to hit all three of my Super Robots (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ1nEQC3J1g), fortunately not doing enough damage to finish Sayaka.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/dearka.pngGaia: "ROCK ON! Man, it sucks that Banpresto corrected the spelling on this thing."

And for turn seven it's time to finish things. The first to go is Ortega and his Blitz Gundam. In addition to its barrier, it has an annoying Stealth ability, which basically translates to me into a 50% Miss Chance unless I use the Strike seishin, which overrides that and gives me 100% accuracy. So, after missing a bunch and hitting a few times, I use the one mech that has Strike on one of its pilots, Combattler V (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMPTfi95ulA). For some reason, Phase Shift affects regular stabbing, but not Distortion attacks, so it's a good thing Ryoko's there to back him up and manages to land a hit.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/anonymous.pngOrtega: "What do you mean, you still haven't uploaded a thumbnail for me?" *BOOM* *flee*

Incidentally, all of these Gundam kills are set up with an "Aid" from Yurika or Bubbles beforehand, since the pilots are high level and therefore give a bunch of XP.

Dearka takes a team attack from Amuro and Quattro, and then Kouji gets his revenge for the SR pilots.

Kouji: "Hey! Here's how I feel about people who hit me with area attacks. ROCKET PUNCH! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzMiFbolJQo)"
Gaia: "Haha, not quite, Sideburns. Have another laser cannon."
Kouji: *Invincible*
Izumi: "Z support system is just amazinger. Hehehehe."
Gaia: "That was so terrible I think you gave me cancer." *BOOM* *flee*

Everyone: "Hey, we just did something no group of grunt units has done, ever, in the history of time! High fives all around!"
Ruri: "Not that the Strike Gundam or the Super Robots are grunt units...also, the colony is exploding."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/akito.pngAkito: "Is anyone going to complain if I say 'run away' this time?"
Everyone: "Nope!"

** KABOOM **



Bask Om: "Alright, dead colonists!"
Bright: "..."


Amuro: "Look, escape pods!"
Yurika: "Looks like most of the civilians managed to escape."
Bright: "Yeah...Amuro, just uh...just take them over to the Nadesico, will you?"
Bask Om: *pout*


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/blossom.pngBlossom: "Oh hey, you're the new guy!"
Amuro: "Uh yeah..."
Kouji: "You didn't do too bad for a civilian!"
Sayaka: "...we're civilians, genius. Hell, this is a civilian battleship. Oh, hey, they're unloading the escape pods."


Amuro: "F...Flay?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/flay.pngFlay Allster Frau Bow: "Hey Am...wait, what is this ****? Frau Bow? Are you kidding me? She's useless! I demand a name change!"

Hm, you're right. There's another Gundam character that suits you much better.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/flay.pngFlay Alster Louise Halevy: "Um...wait a second..."


M'quve: "Amuro...why couldn't I shoot him? Bastard was always stealing my Power Rangers figures when we were kids, he had it coming."


Yzak: "So long story short, we suck, and the boss is off mumbling to himself. Any suggestions?"
Char: "Well, you're not total failures; we did get enough Gundams for our own series after all. Still, I've got a plan to take out the Feddie warship and the mercenaries, assuming you four can get over your teen angst and do your jobs."


Amuro's useless friends: "Hey Frau. Still crazy?"
Frau: "Bite me. I was stuck in an escape pod for three hours and now I'm homeless and being compared to a cliché passive wimpy girl. All the other women in this game with attitude problems get a mech or a battleship, why don't I?"


Amuro: "For those of you who didn't believe the last mission summary, I really do have a little green bird Pokemon thing following me around. I think it was a present from M'quve back when he wasn't a crazy civilian-torching Gundamjacker."


Akito: "So anyway, now that the plot is following SEED instead of my show, I feel kind of happy. I mean, sure I've been thrust into the background, and I'm not nearly as useful in combat with Gai gone, but it's very relaxing."
Kouji: "I suggest you enjoy the lack of plot focus while you can. I mean hell, my storyline hasn't even started yet. I'm just taking the opportunity to enjoy a ship full of unrealistically attractive women and *SMACK* ow get hit over the head by Sayaka."

Alright. Next mission is another space one, so 0G frames all around. I think I can pick a different frame for Strike Gundam, though.

Nothing new in terms of units this level, but I did get a bunch of loot from the battleships (cash) and Gundams (items). Incidentally, my current level range is from 11 (Combattler V crew) down to 5 (Sayaka; I should really try getting kills with her instead of just healing), with most people in the 7-8-9 range.

Upgrade-wise, the girls' Aestis and Granteed are all sitting at three points in weapons and two points in applicable stats. Keep going this route? Upgrade others? Focus on EN like Tengu suggested (it it quite cheap)? Also still taking suggestions for copilots.

Current copilot count:
Blossom: 2
Buttercup: 0
Bubbles: 1

2008-12-01, 01:32 AM
That was totally worth the wait. For everything, but especially to see Ryoko going all... well, going all tsundere on the enemies. It's nice to see that all the SEED characters are falling into place.

Keep going your current upgrade route.

Moar Blossom copilotage.

Winged One
2008-12-01, 01:59 AM
I say Bubbles for the next mission now that I know they all have the same XP pool, since I think the speed boost is going to be important. Also, you are having Jesus Amuro use Convince on Athrun M'quve, right?

2008-12-01, 02:00 AM
Not an option, so far. I imagine he joins automatically, since Aegis (and Justice) aren't listed in the "Secrets" FAQ.

Winged One
2008-12-01, 02:06 AM
Well, he doesn't turn good until he gets Justice anyway in the anime. Do other mechs you need Convince to get appear in that FAQ?

2008-12-01, 02:12 AM
Since you've used Buttercup a grand total of 0 times so far, I suggest taking her for the next mission.

2008-12-01, 01:09 PM
Even though she kinda isn't suited to this robot at all, Tengu? I mean she is neat looking and i like what her focus is, it just doesn't seem that suitable. Also it seems like Bubbles is pretty awesome for it so far when the mooks doesn't hit harder and can't take more damage than that. So i vote for keeping her in it.

As for upgrades go with upgrading energy on the robots that use that a lot and focus on the Granteed and the Buttercup girls otherwise. Even if they might not be the strongest they are the most awesome and that is what matters.

2008-12-01, 04:25 PM
Even though she kinda isn't suited to this robot at all, Tengu? I mean she is neat looking and i like what her focus is, it just doesn't seem that suitable.

+1 weapon range is very useful if you ask me. +10 to accuracy is less so, but still something a Super can use. And as this scenario proved, so is the EDIT: Fury seishin. She's less suited to a Super than the two other girls, but she's definitely does not seem unsuitable. You played SRW games yet you go around saying stuff like that. I'm really surprised.

2008-12-01, 04:54 PM
It is a quite melee oriented super, it isn't like the Angelg which is predominantly ranged. Of course it is still more ranged than say the Grungust which has one, i believe, attack with a range greater than 1. As for fury then since this game doesn't appear to have battle masteries and thus non-variable difficulty i believe it will be less useful, especially since you don't have low-accuracy special weapons on the robot that gets blocked otherwise. Basically strike is as cheap and more useful on this one. The extra range is the only really useful thing Buttercup gets in this case.

2008-12-01, 05:26 PM
Fury'll be helpful against Phase Shift Armor (and other barriers)...however, I think Orgone Slave and Tempest Lancer already beat it. I have no idea why, but they do.

And +1 range on Finger Crasher and the beam attacks aren't a bad thing, but it's not really necessary either. I don't think any of the bad guys actually outrange Orgone Slave yet.

Now, another Bless user, that'd be sweet. I can always use more money.

EDIT: looking it up, PS Armor seems to be "Ammo-based weapons", like Aesti rifles and Quattro's funnels, but not Orgone Slave or Gekigan Flare. Kira's and the SPT pilots' rifles are an exception, because they specifically have the (B) (Barrier-piercing) property. However, that doesn't explain why it blocked Mazinger's Rocket Punch...maybe it just effects bullets? But the funnels are an energy beam...

2008-12-01, 05:30 PM
Of course added range isn't a bad thing. Just it is inferior to the bonuses from the other two girls for this particular robot, just like Buttercups spirits are less useful than those of the other two. I mean they all three add genuine bonuses to have, in this case Buttercup just adds substantially less than the other two.

2008-12-03, 01:55 AM
As much as an annoyed Terra frightens me, I think I'm going to give Buttercup a try, because I realized I don't actually have any other pilots with Bless, and I love getting extra money without having to always use Hikaru or the Combattler team. Eventually, other pilots (someone on each battleship, Sayaka, and several pilots we don't have yet) will learn it, but for early in the game, Buttercup is where it's at.

Besides, it's not like I need to minmax stats yet.

(Incidentally, when I was looking this up, I found that Megumi learns Hot Blood. What the hell?)

2008-12-03, 02:27 AM
(Incidentally, when I was looking this up, I found that Megumi learns Hot Blood. What the hell?)


Throw some upgrades on your other mecha. Especially EN, for those who use it. EN is good.

2008-12-03, 03:53 AM
You tell me after I start playing.

I'm not sure what needs energy specifically in this game. Nothing I've got so far burns through it too badly, even the super robots and Launcher Strike Gundam (which now that I'm trying it out is my favorite frame for that thing, solely for the BFG taking advantage of Kira's massive Beam Spam Ranged stat). I guess the super robots will once the levels start getting tougher. And a certain someone tells me that Uruz Squad from FMP! will need it, because they have their own version of Buttercup Formation but without instant energy refills.

2008-12-03, 09:08 AM
They have that, but they don't use their EN for anything else, so they should be ok unless you relentlessly spam it. The normal use is: Kruz snipes, then uses Hit & Away to move next to Mao and Sosuke, then you can use the Urzu Attack twice.

Tekkaman Blade, on the other hand, will need EN (Voltekka is both useful and expensive). Not sure about Pegas, as he's not a separate unit in W.

You'll probably get the Skygraspers when you hit Earth, so give that some EN too when you get do (in W, it's Beam gun was the only weapon that didn't have little ammo or wasn't complete weaksauce), and keep it's evade up. I think it might be a support unit too, but I dunno if you can switch Striker packs with it.

2008-12-03, 11:45 AM
I am not going to be annoyed over you picking her. Because like you said working hard on optimizing stats isn't too important yet. It will probably mean you get even more kills with the Granteed though, now that it has longer range.

2008-12-07, 01:58 AM
Mission 8: Another Mission With the Same Title (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUBMTiIk-qc)

What gives, Banpresto?





http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/athrun.pngM'quve: "So, what's your fiendish plan, Fearless Leader?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/rau.pngChar: "It's very simple. Between all the colonies we and the Feddies have been blowing up, there's a large debris field the enemy ships are now passing through. We'll ambush them while they're slowed down passing through the debris, wear down their Energy and SP reserves, and maybe send one of the crappier Gundams on a suicide mission. Hm...let's say...Blitz."
Ortega: "Er..."

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2008/08-02CombattlerReport.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2008/08-04PrettyReport.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/Mission%2008/08-05RyokoKoujiReport.png

Everyone: "Ah, picking up straggling survivors. This is so much less stressful than an actual fight."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/ryoko.pngRyoko: "But I'm still not earning any XP, dammit!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kouji.pngKouji: "Hey, there's someone here claiming to be that angry Frau chick's dad."
Flay's Dad Frau's Dad: "Can I have some lines?"
Kouji: "Hell no."
Bright: "Line up the escape pods behind the ship; we'll escort them to a Federation base. Just don't expect us to allocate any sprites for them; we don't want to not confuse the hell out of the writer later, do we?"


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/mu.pngQuattro: "Hey, captain! There's a Zeon lifepod out here!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/murrue.pngBright: "Hm, really? Bring it aboard then."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/lacus.pngLacus: "HI!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kira.pngAmuro: "Wha...? Why was a cute girl just drifting around space in a lifepod?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/izumi.pngIzumi: "Well, it's relaxing, it does wonders for the complexion..."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/natarle.pngBask: "And why is she so perky? She's worse than the Nadesico's captain."
Aesti Squad in perfect unison: "No she isn't."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/haro.pngHaro: "Haro. Haro Lacus Custom. Please repaint me. Please repaint me."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/akatsuki.pngAkatsuki: "And what in the name of all that is good and holy is that?"
Lacus: "Oh, that's Haro! Haven't you watched a Gundam show before?"


Quattro: "Well, I think it's cute. Anyway, who the hell are you?"


Lacus: "I'm Lacus Clyne! Nice to meet you!"
Akatsuki: "Hey, wait a minute...you're from Macross, not Gundam!"
Lacus: "Um, I thought your line was pointing out I'm the daughter of a PLANT Zeon counselor?"
Akatsuki: "Sorry, this stuff is really just confusing the hell out of me now."
Bask: "This is bad. We're starting to lose the thread of the Gundam allegory."
Bright: "I'm more concerned and pleased by the fact that we have a hostage now..."

Ugh, you know, for some reason this prologue is really painful for me to write out. I'm just going to give you the highlights:

Wondering why they don't get any screentime

Being cute


Wondering why all their pilots are hanging out on the Archangel

And finally the actual plot-significant part of the prologue:


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/flay.pngFrau: "Papa's alive? You found him drifting out there?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/tolle.pngRyu: "Well I didn't, because I'm a useless background character. But the pilots did."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/ruri.pngRuri: "Lieutenant, there's a lot of Zeon machines out there trying to ambush us. Could you do us a favor and tell the pilots to stop goofing off and sortie? They're all on your ship for some reason."
Bright: "Roger."


Frau: "Amurooooooo! Protect the others. It turns out that there's someone I actually sort of give a crap about out there, so now I'm going to show concern. Also, kill those Zeke ass****s for me, 'kay?"
Amuro: "'kay."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/yzak.pngYzak: "Mm, I smell delicious civilian bystanders."

While I'm deploying, it seems Amuro's Useless Friends have decided to become useful:


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/mirialia.pngMirai: "Hey Amuro, guess what? We've all enlisted in the Federation as Bridge Bunnies!"
Amuro: "Isn't that dangerous?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/sai.pngKai: "Only on Gundam 00, really. You're in a lot more danger out there than we are here!"
Amuro: "...thanks, I think."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/megumi.pngMegumi: "Hey, the Archangel has six pilots now? I see how it is, you just have to be better than everybody, huh? First you knock off the Aesti variable frames, then you get two Wave Motion Guns, then you get even more pilots than are normally even allowed in these games..."
Ruri: "Uh, Ms. Renard? Big space battle about to happen. Not the time."



As our friendly neighborhood masked psychopath mentioned in the intro to this level, it's full of asteroid and debris terrain. This is good when we're sitting back and taking cover, but it becomes a pain to move units around in. Really, I'd be better served by sitting back and waiting for the Zekes to come to me, especially since the mooks all seem to have their beam cannons with which to counterattack me on this level. Unfortunately, I learned SRW from playing OGs, which trained me to think that the best way to solve a level is RUSH IN AS FAST AS YOU CAN ACCEL PUNCHPUNCHPUNCH MUST KILL EVERYTHING IN FOUR TURNS FOR BATTLE MASTERY.

Sorry. J doesn't even have battle masteries, but as you can see, it kinda stuck with me.


Anyway, I move everyone up for two turns, with Amuro and Quattro way out in front since they auto-sortied way out there. Also note that I launched Strike Gundam in the Launcher Frame this time, since I wanted to try it out.


If nothing else, it has an enjoyable amount of Dakka.


I also hadn't noticed this before, but Calvina picked up the Leadership skill somewhere in her level ups, growing back into her backstory position as a badass mecha ace. This is handy 'cause now I have at least three non-battleship pilots with leadership auras to stand up at the front.

I can't reach many of the mooks yet, but the try attacking me with their long-range weapons, which generally leads to getting one-hitted down to a few HP by Combattler's UNF cannon or the Gundam's rather awesome and well-named Asura (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0MgtUCVasc). This generally knocks them down to a one or two hundred HP or wipes them out entirely, depending on whether they're on asteroid terrain or not.

Mash...was not on asteroid terrain either time he attacked.


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/miguel.pngMash: "Looks like Team Zaku's blasting off agaaaaaaaaaain."

Seriously, this dude needs to get a Gundam or give up his Named Character privileges.


Here I am at the end of turn 3...


And here at the start of Turn 4. You may be wondering why I didn't shoot down any of these guys with counterattacks. It's mainly because they're all near-death and lined up perfectly to kill with MAP attacks. Like this one after I spend another turn to position Strike and wear down Yzak's Gundam.

MAP Attack + Bless + Aid (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPpDCge23NA) = lots and lots of cash and XP from a single attack. Aren't you glad I used Buttercup as a copilot this time?


Unfortunately, the Zeke battleship also has a MAP weapon.


Next turn, I finish said battleship with a Lucky+Coudenji Yo-Yo from Combattler, then get a warning from Ruri that, surprise surprise, enemy reinforcements are closing. A few more shots and...

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/dearka.pngGaia: "What, I don't even get a video this time?"

You know, I got to a halfway point writing this before I decided I was sleepy and wanted to go to bed, so here, have half of it.

God, I did not realize how boring this level was until I had to start writing about it.

Rogue 7
2008-12-07, 02:25 AM
I'm disappointed you didn't just go ahead and call the Asura cannon the Arc-en-Ciel.

(He says, in the middle of a Nanoha binge)

2008-12-07, 02:34 AM
I didn't want to make the references any more confusing, which is also why Lacus is Lacus and not Minmei or Relena.

2008-12-07, 03:24 AM
"Mm, I smell delicious civilian bystanders" is an awesome line.

Also: Lacus Clyne with a Death Note?!

2008-12-07, 03:32 AM
Hate to use my first post here, but I think Haman would be a great choice for Lacus, she looks like her anyway...

2008-12-07, 07:57 AM
Oh no! Nerdo lacks the drive to finish this episode of Let's Play! If nobody helps him, we will never see G Gundam or Full Metal Panic!

This looks like a job for Azumanga Daioh Image Macro Man!

Nerdo, look at this picture. Let its essence touch your very soul.

2008-12-07, 11:08 AM
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/miguel.pngMash: "Looks like Team Zaku's blasting off agaaaaaaaaaain."

Seriously, this dude needs to get a Gundam or give up his Named Character privileges.

Funny story about that. In Gundam SEED Astray, Miguel does have his own custom GINN, but it got damaged in a battle just before the Heliopolis mission, and he was forced to use a standard one (and getting his ass killed in the third episode, about two missions back). In SRW W, he actually gets to use it.

2008-12-07, 12:04 PM
Hate to use my first post here, but I think Haman would be a great choice for Lacus, she looks like her anyway...

Whatever did Haman Karn do to you? That's just mean. Haman Karn was awesome, as opposed to someone only useful for her love interest factor and occasionally her princess connections.. Looking at yer assignments, the only person in a remotely similar position...


Maaaaayyybe Cagalli. But I'd probably use Four for her. Also, Four was a gundam pilot's girlfriend until allegedly Fa's Seiyuu slept with the producer, so..

2008-12-07, 01:57 PM
Whatever did Haman Karn do to you? That's just mean. Haman Karn was awesome, as opposed to someone only useful for her love interest factor and occasionally her princess connections..

If you trivialise everything she does as "princess connections" then Lacus is pretty useless.

Maaaaayyybe Cagalli. But I'd probably use Four for her. Also, Four was a gundam pilot's girlfriend until allegedly Fa's Seiyuu slept with the producer, so..

Cagalli is more useful than Lacus but its not like a show doesn't have room for multiple kinds of women.

Isn't Stella the obvious Four counterpart?

2008-12-07, 02:38 PM
Maybe, but Destiny's not in this game.

2008-12-07, 04:19 PM
Yeah, I think Quattro (and technically Bask, though he was there in the background) are the only Zeta characters I'll be using. And someone pointed out to me the other day that I could have used Sleggar for Mu, but I wanted to use a character who was actually relevant to the plot.

And Cagalli is about as Sayla as you can get, even if her filial relations are mixed up.

And Tengu, sometimes, you are awesome. This is one of those times.

2008-12-08, 12:29 AM
Mission 8: Collapsing Land Part 3 Part 2

You heard me.

More bonus content

When last we left our intrepid heroes, they had finished off 2/3 of the Black Tri-stars and Tomokazu Seki yet again.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/yzak.pngYzak" "Oh, I'll be back, when you least expect it...NEXT XMAS!"

As soon as this happens, of course, Char shows up with another swarm of mooks...and pwns the hell out of the delicious civilian bystanders with Cutscene Powers. Probably should have captured this cutscene, but I didn't realize it was actually plot relevant until after the fact.


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/flay.pngFrau: "Papa's ship...where is papa's ship?"
(Hey, I actually managed a literal translation that time!)
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kira.pngKira: "I don't know! They didn't bother giving it its own sprite!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/tehruri.pngRuri: "The escort ships accompanying White Base have all been critically damaged..."
Frau: "They killed my dad...goddamn Zekes killed my dad! Atomic RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!"


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/rau.pngChar: "All is going according to plan."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/dearka.pngGaia: "Even me getting shot down again?"
Char: "Especially you getting shot down again. Now that we've taken care of our puppy kicking for this mission, let's finish them off."

Critically damage Char or critically damage the battleship...let's try for both


Regrouping my dudes with what's left of the turn, I get ready to send them north to meet the impending Zaku rush, and to refill Kira's EN with Babel (the red Layzner unit), which oddly enough has a Replen feature.


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/eiji.pngEiji: "Even if I'm not getting any screen time, I'm still contributing damage at least."


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/yurika.pngYurika: "My boyfriend is a pilot!"


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/mu.pngQuattro: "How many idol singers we got in this game, anyway?"


In a couple of turns, I've moved up and carved through most of the mooks.


Of course, on their turn, the mooks carve through most of Combattler. Good thing Combattler Black has (Hard Work and) Guts for an instant full-heal.

A little more positioning gives me this:


Can you spot how I completely ****ed up here? Hint: the battleship has a MAP weapon.

Jerk shot down Roan (the support SPT pilot) and Sayaka, the latter mainly because I didn't think to heal her after the last MAP attack she took. I imagine the latter will have some serious complaints with Kouji about this later.

In a normal game, I'd reset to undo this and save the repair costs. However, I will continue on without doing so, as a lesson to myself and all of you that no matter how easy an SRW game is, you still can't afford to be this lazy. Also I battlesaved after moving those guys into position there.

The eighth turn of this level basically involves using my Super Robots to smack down the battleship to around 30% HP, and using what real-types can reach him to do the same to Rau.


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/ryoko.pngRyoko: "Target lock-on!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/izumi.pngIzumi: "What'd Lockon ever do to you?"
Ryoko: "Since you ask, gave Hikaru more freaking yaoi fodder, that's what. If I have to hear about her goddamn crossover dead guy slash one more time..."
*Critical Hit*


And finally, next turn (after Combattler and Quattro each eat another attack - Char seems to preferentially target his doppelganger for plot reasons), I get in line to set up for the finale...

Now, I lined up so it was possible to take these guys out with a MAP attack from either Nadesico or White Base...however, it becomes clear after trying once or twice that White Base doesn't quite have the damage to finish the ship (yes I used savescumming here, it's not cheating if I don't use savestates), and I can't whittle down its HP any more without making it retreat and ending the level. So, the Nadesico it is. I cast Megumi's Gain spell and Buttercup's Bless spell, and in order to boost its accuracy high enough to actually hit Char, I have to surround it with the Aesti squad for friendship bonuses - including putting Akito right in front of it.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/akito.pngAkito: "Uh...is this safe?"
Yurika: "I have every confidence in your dodging abilities, my love! Gravity Blast cannon, fire! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19ygWEb-JSM)"
Akito: "Goddamniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!"

Nah, it's okay, really, since Akito has Alert, which comes in handy for just this kind of situation. Same goes for Quattro sitting out there in the middle of the field of fire; I just had him throw up an Invincible spell, and he dodged anyway.

The fruits of my labor; this, $15k, and a level for everyone on the Nadesico

And now the ending (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvlH7thSaA4)

Char: "Hm, damn. I had expected the plot to have rendered the Nadesico's big gun irrelevant by now. Oh well. M'quve, take care of it."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/athrun.pngM'quve: "Roger. Ortega, take care of it."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/nicol.pngOrtega: "Haha! SNEAK ATTACK!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/murrue.pngBright: "What the hell?"
Ortega: "At last, I have earned a proper thumbnail."
Char: "You see, you got so caught up in fighting me, you let my flunkies slip past your guard!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kira.pngAmuro: "Well crap."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/inez.pngInez: "It appears the Blitz Gundam uses an advanced stealth technology like Gundam Deathscythe's cloaking or the ECS Invisible Mode used on advanced M9 Arm Slaves."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/combattleryellow.pngCombattler Yellow: "Okay, we get it, it can turn invisible. Talk about long-winded."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kira.pngAmuro: "Athrun...why are you doing this? The war, the random civilian murdering..."
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kouji.pngKouji: "Why are you fighting at all? There's aliens to battle!"
Akito: "Why are humans turning against each other?"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/david.pngDavid: "Why doesn't my show get any screen time?"
Athrun: "Ack! Too many good questions!"
Char: "We're just looking to...heheh...create a better...*snicker*...world for Newtypahahahaha. Sorry, give me a sec. *ftz*. Whew, sorry. Needed my meds (http://www.gigaville.com/comic.php?id=6)."
Amuro: "But then why randomly blow up shuttles full of civilian refugees?"
Char: "Okay, that, I did for the lols. Anyway, too many questions. Ortega, have you blown them up yet? No? Dammit, no point in hanging around now. Let's go."

Not a lot happened other than people dying off-camera and people lamenting it on-camera, so I'm going to keep this short:


Amuro: *death angst*
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/kouji.pngKouji: "Man up."


Akito: *political angst*
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/akatsuki.pngAkatsuki: "Man up."


Kouji: *righteous anger*
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/noal.pngNoal: "Lighten up."
Kouji: "You're still in this game?"


Amuro: *more angst*
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/mirialia.pngMirai: "Amuro..."


Frau: *pierces the heavens with her rage*
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/sai.pngKai: "Running away now."


Kira: *aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangst*
Bird: *replaced-by-Haro angst*


Amuro: *yet more angst*
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/lacus.pngLacus: "Hugs?"
Amuro: "..."

Whew. That was a long and dull level, and I got nothing new out of it except dropped items. Then again, I'm the one who artifically prolonged it so I could MAP things to death. Anyway, the SEED plot bits were equal parts Wikipedia and guesswork this time, so if I got something wrong, well...SRW is fanfiction, so whatever.

Coming up next time: as far as I can tell from Wiki, more senseless killing by the ZAFT Zeon folks! Weren't they supposed to be more sympathetic than the original Zeon? I'm not seeing it.

2008-12-08, 12:39 AM
Whatever did Haman Karn do to you? That's just mean. Haman Karn was awesome, as opposed to someone only useful for her love interest factor and occasionally her princess connections.. Looking at yer assignments, the only person in a remotely similar position...


Maaaaayyybe Cagalli. But I'd probably use Four for her. Also, Four was a gundam pilot's girlfriend until allegedly Fa's Seiyuu slept with the producer, so..

Lacus is what I call "what happens if Char's deleted Affair Haman wasn't so bitter ", she dated the who we assumed would be Char (Athrun), had a hot hairstyle by today's standards (no offense but Haman's hairstyle I didn't liked so much:smallannoyed:. Lacus would have gone far if she had her Quebley...

2008-12-08, 12:40 AM
Now I can't get the idea of an idol singer Haman out of my mind...thanks a lot.

Anyway, the difference is that one is a scheming ace pilot and political chessmaster, while the other one is an effusive pacifist with minimal subtlety and no piloting skill, but lots of optimism. And singing. I can't really see the resemblance other than
They both take over the space colony government. And have pink hair.

2008-12-08, 12:49 AM
Now I can't get the idea of an idol singer Haman out of my mind...thanks a lot.

Haman is always relevant.

Anyway, the difference is that one is a scheming ace pilot and political chessmaster, while the other one is an effusive pacifist with minimal subtlety and no piloting skill, but lots of optimism. And singing. I can't really see the resemblance other than
They both take over the space colony government. And have pink hair.

That's pretty much been why I've been all REALLY?, yeah. That and-
Of course. Lacus is Relena. How stupid of me. Though that still breaks the parable, so it's not really a big deal.

2008-12-08, 01:15 AM
That's the spirit! The bright light of motivation shines in the second part of this mission!


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/ryoko.pngRyoko: "Target lock-on!"
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/al0013/Lets%20Play%20SRWJ/portraits/izumi.pngIzumi: "What'd Lockon ever do to you?"
Ryoko: "Since you ask, gave Hikaru more freaking yaoi fodder, that's what. If I have to hear about her goddamn crossover dead guy slash one more time..."

I find this part to be breaking the verisimilitude of this otherwise realistic and immersive story. After all, as Ohno puts it:

(My secondary power are non-Azumanga Daioh image macros.)

2008-12-08, 01:29 AM
How about we have for the first half Lacus as Relena and then naming her Haman once she arrives in the Eternal. Most Gundam games decides to put her in her in an MS anyway when possible. The only thing she doesnt have is a Quebley.

2008-12-08, 01:32 AM
Because, like I said, their characters are nothing alike? I mean, this is a Let's Play, but I don't think I'm going to follow this suggestion unless a lot of people are behind it...

Also, I've never heard of a game where Lacus pilots...

2008-12-08, 01:45 AM
Most of them are Japan only but Omni vs Zaft 2, Gundam Generation (SRW for Gundams) and soon Gundam Musou 2 will let us use the pink pop princess to complete her transformation as Haman Karn.

2008-12-08, 01:55 AM
I need to play Gundam Musou...anything with Domon, Zechs, and Puru doing the Undefeated of the East speech (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNmIl8DtJ30) has got to be awesome.

2008-12-08, 02:12 AM
Yeah, I'm a bit of a Domon fanboy, so all the Domon and Puru scenes were pure win as far as I'm concerned.

And keep up the good work. This whole thread is hilarious and a joy to read.

2008-12-08, 02:39 AM
Anyway, if I were to start spreading out my upgrades, and I really ought to, who whould I prioritize next? Best options are probably Mazinger Z, Combattler, and maybe Strike. I could also just save everything for a couple of levels and wait until I get G Gundam and Tekkaman Blade units.

2008-12-08, 02:49 AM
Hm. I do like the idea of saving upgrades for G-Gundam...

2008-12-08, 06:26 AM
Most of them are Japan only but Omni vs Zaft 2, Gundam Generation (SRW for Gundams) and soon Gundam Musou 2 will let us use the pink pop princess to complete her transformation as Haman Karn.

No. Even being a pilot would not turn her into the magnificent bitch that is Haman. If you want to bring games into it, at least one Super Robot Wars has Haman bitch slap Judau, Char, and Amuro simultaneously before telling them that she's going to show them just HOW one kills subterranean monster empires. I don't know which, but just look for the one where she's recruitable. If games are going in, Lacus can talk after backhanding an equivalent number of gods of an era.

And god forbid we mention her antagonist entry/entries. She took on Mazinger, Getter Robo, Grendizer, Great Mazinger, Char in the Sazabi, Amuro in the Nu, Judau, Seabook, Kamille... pretty much every hyper powerful person besides Vijaji, Sikalog, Agija, the other two guys, and Scirocco. Granted, she had lolzerfunnels, so she probably could have taken on everyone but Scirocco. Funnels and Bits are just lollerskates in that game.

And if SRW3 is anything like J (It probably isn't, if Nerd-o-rama is saying it's easy. Or I suck, I guess), it's probably best to give your favorite incoming pilots all the cash they earn post-arrival, and spend what you have on the here and now. But I'm speaking from the perspective of a hard game. If this game is easy for you, no sense in not-waiting though.

...I do vote on heavy upgrades on Domon and Allenby. Forget that Rain nonsense..

2008-12-08, 06:52 AM
Is it so wrong to love Rain and Allenby? Ryoko and Yurika? Kaname and Tessa? Flay and Lac...no wait, I don't really like either of them. Mm, delicious Murrue.

Wow, there's a lot of love triangles in this game. But my point is, the great thing about being a fan rather than the main character is, you don't have to pick a side!

I'm getting a taste of a difficult SRW by playing SRW Alpha (speaking of love triangles, what genius decided to put like three Macross series into one game?), and I can say that upgrades don't matter nearly as much in J as they used to.

2008-12-08, 07:50 AM
Is it so wrong to love Rain and Allenby? Ryoko and Yurika? Kaname and Tessa?

Only if they don't find out about each other. Especially since there's a serious tsundere in each of those examples (Rain to a lesser extent, but G Gundam was made before tsundere became popular).

2008-12-08, 01:07 PM
Is it so wrong to love Rain and Allenby? Ryoko and Yurika? Kaname and Tessa? Flay and Lac...no wait, I don't really like either of them. Mm, delicious Murrue.
Ah Murrue. Passable as a character, but also with much fanservice bouncing.

Wow, there's a lot of love triangles in this game. But my point is, the great thing about being a fan rather than the main character is, you don't have to pick a side!
I just don't like Rain. Then again, I don't like Domon that much either, but it would make me a deviant to just single out Allenby.. :smallwink:

I'm getting a taste of a difficult SRW by playing SRW Alpha (speaking of love triangles, what genius decided to put like three Macross series into one game?), and I can say that upgrades don't matter nearly as much in J as they used to.

Good sir, I would like to repeat your question, in the interest of shaking that man's hand.

2008-12-08, 01:36 PM
Anyway, the SEED plot bits were equal parts Wikipedia and guesswork this time, so if I got something wrong, well...SRW is fanfiction, so whatever.

In SEED, Fllay's dad is on a warship so he's a legitimate target and the civilian refugees are killed by 1 guy doing his own thing and aren't part of the ZAFT battle plan.

Coming up next time: as far as I can tell from Wiki, more senseless killing by the ZAFT Zeon folks! Weren't they supposed to be more sympathetic than the original Zeon? I'm not seeing it.

Mainly its just that the SEED earth alliance is even worse and ZAFT has fewer Nazi traits (at least until the later half of the series but at that point their still more sympathetic than earth which is lead by actual Nazis).

Mm, delicious Murrue.

Murrue's bounce would be hotter if it had only happened once.


Murrue hooking up with Andrew was one of the good things about Destiny, so of course they had to ruin it by bringing back Fraga

2008-12-08, 08:01 PM
Ah Murrue. Passable as a character, but also with much fanservice bouncing.Just like the main characters in this game!

In SEED, Fllay's dad is on a warship so he's a legitimate target and the civilian refugees are killed by 1 guy doing his own thing and aren't part of the ZAFT battle plan.Hm. Obviously I'm missing out on some subtleties here. It's hard to tell what exactly is going on. Hell, I only had a clue thanks to Flay's use of katakana for Papa and her overuse of "!?" Would it have killed you to give the poor bastard a portrait or give his doomed ship a sprite, Banpresto?

Let it be noted for fairness that all of the civilian refugess were picked up by military vessels, so the bad guys shooting at them isn't totally uncalled for.

2008-12-08, 08:04 PM
As I recall it, Flay's dad was leading a military force out there, and he, obviously, gets shot, since they only have Moebius Mobile Armors, and not even their GM-class, Strike Daggers, out there. His command ship, I mean. Flay's all :smallfurious:, and all :smallfrown:, naturally. It was her daddy that just got killed by those damn, dirty zekes (Well, they are right now, in fairness. Backstreet Boys aside, anyway.) after all. Either her, or Natarle, gets it in her head to use Lacus, who is basically a princess (Inasmuch as the daughter of the.. head senator, was it?) can be one, as a hostage. They were going to continue that in perpetuity, then I believe it's Jesus who pulls a fast one and gets her released. I don't think she's a hostage yet, but that should be coming up. Obviously, Murrue, Mwu, and I imagine the rest of your Nadesico cast are Not Amused, but eh, do whatcha gotta to make Char(s?) go away.

2008-12-08, 08:11 PM

EDIT: Wikipedia tells me that her dad was a civvie, the Alliance's Vice Foreign Minister, who just happened to be on a warship at the time. Not a Heliopolis refugee.

2008-12-08, 08:12 PM

A thousand pardons. I thought you were actually curious.
Still, I find it hilarioust hat Commander (Whatever his rank is) Allster is all "I WILL FIGHT YOU" with what amounts to an army of Balls. Unless you have an army of SHirous piloting them, that's just begging for trouble.