View Full Version : So... Red Alert 3?

2008-11-04, 05:00 AM
I managed to pick up RA3 today... and I must say, it's more awesome than I expected! The intro cinematic was brilliant, the factions are all fun and exciting (though the Allies are pretty dull, to be honest), and the whole package is great fun.

Anyone else in the Playground have RA3 yet?


PS. I LUUURVE the Empire of the Rising Sun. Emperor Takei FTW!!

Ashen Lilies
2008-11-04, 05:02 AM
Not yet, but I plan to pick it up this weekend. I'm sure it will be awesome. :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-04, 05:40 AM
Been watching the Ackerman ads, which are absolutely hilarious. Damn, they've even got Obama Girl for one of them.

Archonic Energy
2008-11-04, 06:07 AM
yeah i've got it, but i'm playing Fallout at the moment...

i've started the Soviet campaign, and it's good so far
there is something that bothers me,

if the Soviets removed Einstein, then who removed Hitler?
wasn't that the whole underlying plot of the series?

2008-11-04, 06:16 AM
if the Soviets removed Einstein, then who removed Hitler?
wasn't that the whole underlying plot of the series?

Einstein removed Hitler before 1927, in 1924 so there's no problem with that.

And the game is really awesome, cinematics and the acting/plot/cast, simply put kicks @$$; I'm not sure if they can be accounted as B movie anymore, they are really great.

Fallout 3 disappointed me so I'm thinking of not even playing the whole game through:smallannoyed:

2008-11-06, 04:38 AM
I want RA3 in the worst way, but I refuse to rent a game for $50.00. :smallyuk:

2008-11-06, 04:56 AM
yeah, i've got it, but not really sure on the multiplayer side yet as judging by the single player it will be more a pain than anything, micro doesn't go with the fast game style.

2008-11-06, 08:16 AM
Well, the multiplayer started out quite buggy. But those were fixed. It's fun, but I'm probably no good at it.

2008-11-07, 05:16 AM
I'm not sure I'll bother with it. I don't have Tiberium Wars yet either.

I'll just claim "they made Tanya blond! Discontinuity!!!!111" when in fact I'm just too tired to care about this series anymore.

2008-11-07, 05:31 AM
yeah, there is only so much cheese and hammy acting you can take lol.

I'm hoping they someday make the lost Westwood project, of a game that linked Red Alert 1 with the proper C&C games, but it'll probably just get shredded into pure crEAp

2008-11-07, 06:08 AM
I'm hoping they someday make the lost Westwood project, of a game that linked Red Alert 1 with the proper C&C games, but it'll probably just get shredded into pure crEAp

They're too complete separate stories. What's the chance of the soviets and the allieds joining forces should a super radioactive material fall from the sky?

Hell, what I want is a C&C game where the redshirts are assumed to have won in the last game.

2008-11-07, 06:32 AM
Yeah then the allies can be like an underground resitance

2008-11-07, 06:30 PM
My older brother, who actually played C&C and RA1 when they were new, said that if you get far enough down the Soviet RA1 campaign, Stalin dies, and Kane (C&C) shows up and tells you that he'll leave you in charge for a few years or something.

Of course, that could just be Kane screwing with our collective heads.

PS: What's the copy-protection stuff on RA3 like?

2008-11-07, 11:50 PM
My older brother, who actually played C&C and RA1 when they were new, said that if you get far enough down the Soviet RA1 campaign, Stalin dies, and Kane (C&C) shows up and tells you that he'll leave you in charge for a few years or something.

That's the Soviet Campaign's ending, yes. He also shows up a few times before then.

Me, I wanna know what's going on with C&C3 and beyond.

2008-11-08, 02:15 AM
Yeah. It's canonical (I think) that the GDI/Nod Tiberium War chronology is an alternate result of an Allied victory in Red Alert 1. One path leads to the events of RA2; the other to the Tiberium Wars.

Whereas in the event of a Soviet victory in RA1, Kane starts building up a power base from within the USSR instead of going into hiding at the end of the war and returning at the head of a secret terrorist army.

The Evil Thing
2008-11-10, 12:21 PM
After I finished crying my eyes out at the knowledge that I would only be able to install the game FIVE TIMES (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cruise_control) before I needed to nag EA for more installs (man, I can't get enough of the install sequence: watching that ol' progress bar makes this game) I started playing.

I'm not sure if it was intentional but selecting campaigns from left to right took me through the Soviets, Allies and finally the Empire. Playing the campaign in this order actually worked very well with a kind of cumulative exposition that peaked at a genuinely funny mini plot twist towards the end of the Empire campaign.

Anyway, Allies are Allies and Soviets are Soviets. In terms of how far the units have progressed, this feels more like Red Alert 2.2 compared to the practical leap from Red Alert 1 to 2. But hey, it works and some of the changes are quite clever so no complaints here.

My problem lies with the Empire side. A noticeable proportion of their units transform which is clever and all but makes air defence an utter nightmare for a good portion of the game. This is especially true over water, since the Empire doesn't get a seaborn AA unit until about halfway through the campaign; MiGs followed by choppers will munch anything you can field.

My other complaint is more cosmetic, since the unit design for the Empire is rubbish. At the top of the offenders list is Yuriko, who dresses (and talks) like a high school delinquent. I wasn't aware Japan was so short of population that drafting in moody teenagers for their top secret military programmes was necessary. Also note that there is much more (badly pronounced) Japanese sprinkled into the various unit speech than Russian for Soviet units. I get a very strong impression that the Empire was introduced in its current form at least in an attempt to entice a portion of anime fanboys. Unfortunately, these are the same people who would find anything other than slavish devotion to accuracy completely unacceptable, tone of the game be damned. (Never mind they wouldn't care about the ridiculous caricatures that are the Soviet forces.)

So, final verdict: RA3 is fun but I wouldn't install it more than twice. DRM whiners, you're safe in your purchase.

2008-11-17, 01:22 AM
Speaking of Yuriko, look what I found...

Archonic Energy
2008-11-17, 06:06 AM
Ok, I’m about a third of the way into the allied campaign now & being distracted by Eva's ridiculously short skirt / low top combo* and her awful “fake British” accent**

I suppose it’s not too bad, I enjoyed

Kicking the premier’s ass.
But really who didn’t see that plot “twist” happening?!

But I found the soviet campaign rather… easy.
While I like the idea of the Co-Commander I’m more looking forward to getting some mates over & playing CO-OP having 2 human tacticians will be much more fun.

(*how do the allied commanders get any work done? :smallamused:)
(**she IS English why doesn’t she just talk normally instead of trying to sound stereotypically British!)

2008-11-17, 02:26 PM
My other complaint is more cosmetic, since the unit design for the Empire is rubbish. At the top of the offenders list is Yuriko, who dresses (and talks) like a high school delinquent. I wasn't aware Japan was so short of population that drafting in moody teenagers for their top secret military programmes was necessary.You've never watched any Japanese television whatsoever, I see.

Also note that there is much more (badly pronounced) Japanese sprinkled into the various unit speech than Russian for Soviet units. I get a very strong impression that the Empire was introduced in its current form at least in an attempt to entice a portion of anime fanboys. Unfortunately, these are the same people who would find anything other than slavish devotion to accuracy completely unacceptable, tone of the game be damned. (Never mind they wouldn't care about the ridiculous caricatures that are the Soviet forces.)My first clue that it was appealing to anime fans was the Variable Fighters and the enormous samurai mecha, honestly.

Just as a note, I'm an anime fanboy, and I look forward to playing this game and watching it mangle Japanese culture in the same way it's mangled Russian and American culture. If we demanded slavish accuracy to Japanese culture, we wouldn't even be able to watch the damn cartoons in the first place. It'll be fun! Especially with Emperor Sulu.

2008-11-18, 05:51 PM
I get a very strong impression that the Empire was introduced in its current form at least in an attempt to entice a portion of anime fanboys. Unfortunately, these are the same people who would find anything other than slavish devotion to accuracy completely unacceptable, tone of the game be damned.

I don't have the game, yet, but I feel that those anime fanboys would only complain if they are out of the male equivalent of the catgirl phase, and into the 'actually-learning-things-about-another-culture" phase. Something tells me that if they are still in the "Kono wa kowai desu." phase, they probably won't care.

Yes, I know that "Kono wa kowai desu" is butchered, that's kinda the point.

2008-11-18, 05:58 PM
I always found it completely hilarious that only the soviets/NOD dare to use nuclear weapons.

The allied/UDF use the much cleaner and enviroment friendly storm generator/ion cannon, of course:smallbiggrin:

Archonic Energy
2008-11-18, 06:39 PM
/me is officially annoyed with the allied mission 6.


it keeps taking control away from me when i'm busy trying to make defences & a offensive force. stupid crazy guy


The Evil Thing
2008-11-19, 08:20 AM
You've never watched any Japanese television whatsoever, I see.
He says to the guy who practically lives in General Anime Discussion.

Especially with Emperor Sulu.
He's Sulu? Damn, I knew I recognised him from somewhere, I just couldn't place him. I do remember seeing RA2's General Carville in JAG, though. That was a surprise. :smalltongue:

/me is officially annoyed with the allied mission 6.
What about the mission where you have to stop the Soviets from launching Kirovs? The Russian guy (I could never be bothered to learn the names) stated they were some arbitrary number of "megatons" in yield, completely forgetting that nuclear technology doesn't exist. Ah, plot holes, how I love thee...

2008-11-21, 10:47 AM
Megatons is just an unit of explosiveness (millions of tons of TNT). The bombs do not need to be nuclear, warheads may be composed of pure handwavium instead.

The Evil Thing
2008-11-21, 12:17 PM
Megatons is just an unit of explosiveness (millions of tons of TNT). The bombs do not need to be nuclear, warheads may be composed of pure handwavium instead.
I know what a megaton is, I'm not that daft. :smalltongue: Were they seriously trying to tell me that the Russians loaded several million tonnes of explosive material onto individual airships? I don't care if it was handwavium but the characters weren't in the least bit surprised to learn that the Russians had developed an explosive capable of generating that much yield. If you're going to create some magical explosive device at least have the guys on the receiving end look shocked for a few seconds.

Besides, the megaton (or rather, kiloton) was developed specifically to measure nuclear yield. It's interesting how they came up with such a unit on their own, presumably without any nuclear testing.

Oh what the hell, I can't be bothered to think about it.

2008-11-21, 12:50 PM
her awful “fake British” accent**
(**she IS English why doesn’t she just talk normally instead of trying to sound stereotypically British!)

Just for american's. You know. If she would not speak with "british" accen't they wouldn't regonise she to brittish.

But atleast it's not a "Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe".

2008-11-21, 02:37 PM
Besides, the megaton (or rather, kiloton) was developed specifically to measure nuclear yield. It's interesting how they came up with such a unit on their own, presumably without any nuclear testing.

Soviets doing effecient scientific research on their own? HERESY!

2008-11-21, 03:23 PM
It's on my list of games to buy when I can fit it into the entertainment budget. Between WotLK and a couple of 4D&D books this month, that's not likely to happen before Valentine's Day...