View Full Version : Looking for an alien pic

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-11-04, 04:20 PM
Hey all, I'm looking for some kind of picture of a Roswell-type alien, good quality a must and preferably stars in the background or somesuch. Any suggestions?

2008-11-04, 04:27 PM
look/ask here (http://zip.4chan.org/x/imgboard.html) while i search through my collection.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-11-04, 04:31 PM
Reorith, you know perfectly well that one in every two pictures he gets given there will contain a hidden screamer/ .gif file.

2008-11-04, 04:49 PM
Reorith, you know perfectly well that one in every two pictures he gets given there will contain a hidden screamer/ .gif file.

and there is an equally good chance it will opena rift allowing shadow people to enter our realm and use our peanut butter and jelly without wiping off the spoon or whatever it is they do. tvt is a pretty cool guy, i have faith he can handle anything they show him.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-11-04, 05:12 PM
Are the two probabilities mutually exclusive?

In other words, will Tribble either get a goatse/scary face/harlequin fetus, or gateway to shadow portal - only one or the other? Oh well then.

2008-11-04, 05:49 PM

2008-11-04, 05:53 PM
tvt is a pretty cool guy, eh looks for aliens and doesn't afraid of anything.

I'm pretty sure that's what you wanted to say.

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2008-11-04, 05:56 PM
I'd suggest looking through deviantart. I'm sure they have a massive collection of alien pictures.

2008-11-04, 06:03 PM
Let's see the strength of my google-fu...


http://static.squidoo.com/resize/squidoo_images/-1/draft_lens1911848module8807285photo_alien1Big.png1 206184520



Any help?


2008-11-04, 06:26 PM
Seriously, why aren't Grey aliens ever shown wearing anything? I can see not wearing pants, because any advanced civilization would have long since learned that wearing pants is an impediment to fun, but seriously, something. Advanced civilizations require pockets! Maybe a bandoleer with all their PDAs and expandable starships on them or something.

I'm helping! (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3248/2417779204_9e676c8ae3_o.jpg)

Sort of. (http://www.sc2blog.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/ss52-hires.jpg)

Or maybe I just think the Protoss are neat. (http://vilegaming.com/datas/resources/art/art126-Female_Protoss.jpg)
Yep. Probably that. (http://vilegaming.com/datas/resources/art/art1-Elegant_Protoss.jpg)

Honestly though, Alien Alley might be a good place to browse. (http://www.alienalley.com/)

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-11-04, 08:02 PM
Hey guys, thanks! I took one of the pics and doctored it to what I needed. Why did I need the pic? Well, take a look 'ere...

http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c273/AwakenedDreamer/Monster%20Comp/BannerXXVII.jpg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5232117#post5232117)

2008-11-04, 10:42 PM
...any advanced civilization would have long since learned that wearing pants is an impediment to fun,]

I'm totally sigging this.

Also, nice banner.

Paragon Badger
2008-11-04, 11:46 PM
I'd suggest looking through deviantart. I'm sure they have a massive collection of alien pictures.

No stealing! We deviants are taking alot of risk by putting our work up there. :P

2008-11-04, 11:49 PM
No stealing! We deviants are taking alot of risk by putting our work up there. :P

i lol'd so hard i think i broke three ribs.

2008-11-05, 06:54 AM
One alien coming up, i couldn't find one that had stars in the back groud sorry....


2008-11-05, 11:37 AM
Reorith, you know perfectly well that one in every two pictures he gets given there will contain a hidden screamer/ .gif file.

So... just stick to viewing .jpeg files? :smallconfused:

Seriously, why aren't Grey aliens ever shown wearing anything?

... that's a really good question! :smalleek:
Are we being visited by an alien nudist colony?

2008-11-06, 09:18 AM
Are we being visited by an alien nudist colony?
That's really disturbing. Of all the places in the universe they could go to hang out while... *ahem* letting it all hang out, they decide to come here? Maybe we aren't dealing with intelligent life - maybe they're just a bunch of yahoos who stole some technology far above their responsibility level.

2008-11-06, 11:05 AM
maybe what we think it is skin is actually very tight suit that covers them all.

so they aren't nudist, just into some twist kinda of fetish... with fits with what they do with they victims. :smalleek:

2008-11-06, 12:42 PM
maybe what we think it is skin is actually very tight suit that covers them all.

Like spandex or some sort of high-tech cloth paint? :smallsmile: