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2008-11-05, 08:35 AM
Savage Tide

The first Savage Tide has already touched the mortal world; yet none who live today recall this terrible time of red ruin. It swept over an ancient city, transforming beggar and noble, merchant and thief, resident and visitor, one and all into feral, ravenous fiends. What took the ancients hundreds of years to build came crumbling down in a matter of days. When the tide’s final ripples faded, only ruins remained.

Now, after a thousand years, the hidden architect of the Savage Tide gazes upon new targets. This time, the doom will not be limited to one hapless city. This time, all of civilization is perched on the shore, blissfully ignorant of what the tide is about to bring in.

Chapter One – There is no Honour

Sasserine – Image from the Dungeon Issue 139 Web Enhancement
(copyright Paizo & Wizards of the Coast 2006)

Sasserine: They say that you can smell its reek long before you see it, but this is an untruth – the ragged cliffs that encircle and conceal the city’s natural harbour also prevent the escape of the smell. So sailors passing through the vast rent in these cliffs, beneath the shattered remnants of an immense stone bridge, are greeted by both the sight and the smell of the free city of Sasserine.

Perched on the edge of the known world – the last stop before the endless expanse of the Amedio Jungle, Sasserine is a hub for trade and home to more than fifteen thousand souls; a bastion of civilization in a realm plagued by piracy, disease, violent weather, and monsters.

Sailing between the slowly eroding stone pylons that once supported the bridge above, a visitor passes from open sea in to a thriving harbour of commerce, whaling, and intrigue. Certainly the smell of the city is breathtaking – a tremendous riot of exotic spices, smoke, humanity, and sewage that assaults the senses. Perfumes and scented candles are popular commodities in Sasserine.


Vanderboren House – The Merchant District, Sasserine
Godsday 11th Sunsebb, 596 CY

Kora Whistlegap left the grounds of Vanderboren house early, shortly after first light in fact, stepping out onto the streets of the Merchants district before they became overcrowded. If she was honest, the Halfling housekeeper would have to admit that she was glad to be out of the building. The place that had for so long been a place of happiness was different now, brought low by recent tragic events.

Yet hope remained, and beneath her cloak Kora clutched the six envelopes entrusted to her by her mistress. A gamble – one last desperate gamble perhaps – to restore the Vanderboren fortunes before it was too late.

2008-11-05, 09:02 AM

Kristen Fullsail rises from the heap of rags that are her bed. Her eyes only slowly adjust to the sunlight coming through various holes in the roof of her illegal home in the Shadowshore district.

She puts on her clothes, as well as her leather armor, rubbing her aching head whenever she has a free hand. She clearly slept too long, so she hastily puts on her bandana over the hair, and leaves the small cottage through the window after collecting all of her possessions.

Quickly crossing the dirty street, the tall woman walks onto one of the many ports of Sesserine. She puts a hand under the wood, and then begins to pull on a long thick rope until a small boat appears on the reflecting surface of the water.

Now I have to change the hiding place, very nice

Kristen jumps into the boat and climbs under the port to unknot the rope that prevents it from drifting away.

2008-11-05, 09:27 AM
Jasren Holdrath

It is mid-morning, the sun has risen and Jasren Holdrath is already poring through his spellbook as he sits in his family's garden. Already knowing the routine, he has about 13 minutes before his father would come out to begin preparing the shop for today's business.

Jasren's brother sits under a tree, looking over his own spell book as the two wait for their father to arrive. Dressed in his soft, cotton robes, Jasren rehearses the final phrase of a spell that he would need for today's work before closing his spellbook and rising to enter his home.

Each day is the same here in the Noble District. Once preperations were finished, Holdrath's Trinkets would open and a day of talking to various stuck-up nobles and their servants would begin. As Jasren started laying out his family's wares, his mind wanders to after work and how he would use that time to slip out to the Azure district to see what types of exotic things he might find there today.

2008-11-05, 11:43 AM

Kade slaps a few silver down on the bar on his way out of the Bloodthirsty Pelican. He couldn't remember much about last night, but his brain had latched onto one thought and wouldn't let it go. The arena. It could help him get back at Tharvel. That was worth staying in the city a while longer for. That and a few of the women at the Gull's Nest.

Kade loses his way in the confusing city streets a few times before making his way to the Champions district. As he walks to the arena he notices a sign for Gladiatior's Best weapons shop. He decides to stop in and see if they might have any work for a smith. Pershaps he might be able to visit the Gull's Nest tonight after all.

2008-11-05, 12:34 PM

Riff sits at his drafting table in his garret appartment. He stares out the window at the distant ocean and on to the horizon. Some might find a third story walk-up and four foot ceiling off-putting, but not this halfling. It's perfect.

He checks his work. This is an art map rather than a strictly functional one, but Riff makes sure it is accurate. He nods. Taking up the quill, he speaks an orison. He dabs and blots, then and draws in the coast with a bold line.

Good. Very good.

He sets the map aside to dry and lets his gaze drift back to the horizon.

Casting Guidance, [roll0]

2008-11-05, 04:11 PM
Cora Swase

Cora looks over the railing, out towards the ocean and the rising sun. She'd been up since sunrise, as she likes those hours most of all. She takes a deep breath and moves inside her room in the inn, collects her things for the day, and enters the hustle and bustle of the city. As she navigates through the cities, she is distracted by the thought of her parents and the task she had set out to fulfill. As Cora ponders how best to begin, she thinks of no better ideas then to start at a local herblist, to see if they know anything about the Lutyris Fruit. After a quick scan of the city, she makes her way to a promising looking shop.

Dax Thura
2008-11-05, 04:19 PM

Xeren slowly opened his eyes and scanned around the room he rented above the Dancing Monkey Curio Shop. It wasn’t much but it served his needs and it added to his air of mystery. Actually, it was much less than he was accustomed to, the fact that Xeren had lived here for over a year was beside the point, and it added to his air of desperation. If he could afford it, he’d get an apartment over or overlooking either Glitterman’s Vault or Orimander’s Emporium of the Soul. Now that would give him an air of power. Oh well, at least he had another day to good. Maybe today will be the day I’ll finally go back home. Xeren got dressed and left to his daily rounds. He tried to keep positive. Perhaps Glitterman or Orimander will finally need my services or maybe Melvin…Mr. Bluewater will come through for me.

2008-11-06, 08:26 AM
It takes most of the day for Kora to track down all six of the recipients of the letters. Kristen proves the most difficult to find, but she manages to locate the smuggler after a few hours asking around the Shadowshore district. Kade is the last to be contacted, no one knows where he went, so she waits for him outside the Bloodthirsty Pelican.

Kora, a wizened looking old Halfling, hands a letter to each recipient - she reads it out aloud in Kade’s case. She awaits a response from each before bowing and taking her leave.

Greetings, and I trust this missive finds you in good health! My name is Lavinia Vanderboren, and I humbly request your attendance at dinner at my estate on Festival Street and Blue Skink Lane tomorrow evening. I think that I can present you with an opportunity uniquely suited to your skills. Please inform the carrier of this letter of your response to this invitation, and I hope to be speaking to you soon!

Kade can earn himself a probationary job (half pay for an expert of his skill for the first month) if he succeeds in a DC10 Craft roll.
Success against DC15 earns him full pay immediately.
Later, when he visits the arena he learns that the mercenary/gladiator company there “Zelkarune’s Horns” will pay handsomely for any other dangerous animals that he acquires, living or dead – Had Kade known this when he arrived in the city he would have a purse full of coin now!
The Horns also offer Kade the opportunity to test his skill in the arena during the regular tournaments. The next takes place on Starday (in four days time).

Success in the arena will earn Kade a position within the company.

2008-11-06, 09:29 AM
Jasren Holdrath

First looking at the missive, then to the halfling who had brought it, Jasren politely smiles and bows slightly as he says, "I would be honored to visit the Lady Vanderboren. Please tell her that she can count on my attendance." With that, the young wizard bids the halfling fair well as he returns to his work. Refocusing his concentration on the task at hand, he recites the arcane words that he memorized this morning to summon an unseen servant. Then, directing the servant to work, Jasren has it fetch a few materials he would need for the day.

As the day wears on, Jasren spends most of it either helping his family or studying his mountain of books. When boredom takes hold, Jasren studies the note from Cora and studies the message. Lavinia Vanderboren...why does that name sound familiar, he wonders as he thinks back on all the nobles and influential people he has heard of in Sasserine.


2008-11-06, 11:48 AM

After retrieving her little vessel, Kristen spends some time examining it for holes and other damaged spots, but finds out that it's still safe to use. Then the halfling messenger appears, and hands over the aforementioned note.

Kristen takes it, watching the messenger for any signs of a con, then reads it. The name Lavinina Vanderboren seems familiar to her, and she quickly remembers some facts about this person.

She quickly waves away the messenger, just nodding to her as sign of approval, then jumps into the boat to row to the next tavern, the Plucked Parrot. One of the biggest advantages of this spot is the ship port that leads directly into the tavern, making it hard for thieves to reach it. She spends some time inside with her friends from the gang, listening for any interesting news they might have.

After some hours and tired of hanging out, she leaves again to travel around the city. Despite the stench, she finds it quite enjoyable to watch people from the other districts go on their way through the life. When the sky darkens, Kristen seeks out whether she can find one of the smugglers she knows to banter a bit.

The day ends for her with hiding the boat near the Sasserine Destillery, then quickly walking to Neldrek's Goods to buy some tools for working with wood.
The woman then climbs into her hideout, laying down to sleep, excited about her meeting tomorrow...

Gather Information (if needed):

2008-11-06, 12:41 PM

Riff hears his landlord's bellow and descends. "Thank you Mika," he says, but the wainwright has already returned to work.

"Hullo and good day." He bows and takes the envelope. "Would you like to rest a minute? I have tea on."

((If she accepts his invitation))
He gives her the comfortable chair and the emergency clean cup, while he sits at the drafting stool and reads the letter.

"Oh, how extraordinary. Yes, I will come."

He gently plies her with questions regarding the nature of the opportunity and whom else might attend.

((in either case,))
"What attire?"

After Kora goes, Riff ponders the invitation. Which skills, I wonder?

[roll0], if appropriate.

Edit: Perhaps inviting someone to climb three flights so she can "rest" doesn't go over so well. Or she thinks he's hitting on her.

Dax Thura
2008-11-06, 02:17 PM

Xeren tries to recall anything about the Vanderborens in general and Lavinia Vanderboren in particular...
He tries to suppress a smile, Xeren says," It would be an honor to attend to your mistress. Tell her that I'll be there". He then spends the rest of the day preparing for the meeting. He wants to appear interested in hearing her offer without seeming to be in need of the work.

2008-11-06, 03:43 PM

Damn that stupid smith. How was I supposed to know that the wood in this area is crap for snot and can't take steel worth a lick.

Kade is fuming to himself as he arrives back at the Bloodthirsty Pelican. Starday wasn't too far away, and he figured he should be able to stand the city until then. He looked forward to a good fight, though he'd have to be careful. Apperently they wanted blood, just not too much of it. Bad for buisness or some trash like that. The smallone woman caught him off guard. Most of the people in the city tried their best to stay out of his way. This one approched him on her own.

After hearing her message, Kade says, "Tell your master that I'll gladly eat her food...and give her whatever services she may require....eh HA har." finishing with a belly laugh at his own wit. He then leaves the woman to go into the tavern. He strides though the door and hollers at the man behind the counter, "Looks like your lucky day stink face. Seems one of your towns fine ladys had heard there's a real man in town. I probably won't need a room after tonight. But for now, I'll have some of that swill you call ale."

2008-11-06, 03:49 PM
Cora Swase

Cora unfolds the note carefully as she recieves it from the small halfling. She smiles as she reads the pleasent invatation, and says to the halfling, "I would be glad to accept, please tell Lady Vanderboren I shall be there."

As the halfling walks away, Cora thinks, Maybe Sasserine isn't a bad place at all. It's certainly not worth all the slander it gets... But I wonder, why me? I've never actully known her; I don't know how she knows me.

2008-11-07, 01:52 AM
Jasren Holdrath

Remembering a little something about the noble who has extended the invitation, Jasren thinks, Well, I wonder why a noble would want to see me, I don't think she is one that my family has helped in the past. Maybe she has seen our wares and wants to make an order. But why not have her messenger place the order, and why the dinner invitation. This is all so very odd.

Continuing his work, he makes sure one of his finer robes is clean in preparation for the dinner in the evening of the following day. Once that is finished, he goes back to the front counter of the shop and waits for any customers that may need some of the trinkets that his family's shop sells.

After a long day of taking orders and selling items, Jasren dines with his family and tells them of the strange missive that Lavinia had sent for him and his response to that missive. His brother simply scoffs while his parent's were filled with joy that he would be going. In the evening, the young wizard settles down with a book that he had procurred that told of the adventures of a daring swachbuckler who pitted his ship against the mighty force of a feared pirate captain before studying his spell book for a bit. Once he has finished with his studying, he retires for the evening to the confort of his bed.

2008-11-07, 09:06 AM
Waterday 12th Sunsebb, 596 CY

Dawn breaks the following morning as a heavy tropical shower lashes down onto the alleyways and canal of Sasserene, it’s over within an hour – the clouds scattering rapidly, but the dirt streets of the city’s poorer districts have been transformed into muddy streams by the heavy downpour.

I’ve only made a short post for the moment. I’ll normally post in the evenings (UK time) in this game, as I normally make lunchtime posts in my CoC games (they’ve taken a bit of a hit while I’ve been setting up this game).

I’ve tried to answer questions for your characters. I’ll check back tonight to see if anything else is waiting for me.

Everyone (other than Kristen who’s already rolled twice) can make up to two gather information skill rolls – one for Godsday and the other for Waterday before you go to the Vanderboren house in the evening.

Anyone can also go to speak to particular NPCs that their characters know (I’ll let you choose your own contacts based on your background & time in the city for now). You’ve already all exhausted your own knowledge skills, but an NPC might know more.

Once you are happy that your character has found out what they want, just post that you head for Vanderboren House in the evening. As soon as you’re all ready we’ll get started.


Kristen learned more about Lavinia Vanderboren as she asked around town during the previous evening.

Lavinia’s Parents were adventurous types, often out of town on voyages of discovery, they both died during a fire aboard one of their ships. It is rumoured that they left their children Lavinia and Vanthus in financial difficulty.


Kora stays long enough to drink a cup of tea, but declines to answer Riff’s questions. Once she has his reply she quickly bids him good day and leaves.

Kora’s quite old, so she doubts that Riff is hitting on her. She’s much too nice to be upset by a bad diplomacy roll though.

Best to get the bad rolls out of the way on friendly Halfling servants anyway!

2008-11-07, 02:58 PM

Riff doesn't need to ask around; He'll meet the lady soon enough. With no dress code, there's nothing to buy. Riff's only accomodation to the invitation is to not leave on a wander.

At the last minute he decides to summon a rickshaw so that he can avoid the mud.

2008-11-07, 03:28 PM

The day started off late when Kade's stomach finally woke him up. Or maybe it was the rain that did it. Either way the dwarf rolls lazily out of bed and puts his clothes on. He thought about going down to the tavern for food, but remembered that he was going to eat for free later and decided to save his few remaining coins. He spends time sharpening his weapons and oiling his armor, keeping his mind off the rumbling of his stomach.

Unsure of exactly why he was being asked to dinner, Kade puts his armor on and begins strapping all his weapons into place. His axe and shield go on his back, his sharpened gloves on his hands, and his sling and dagger on his belt. He carries his large polearm in his right hand and what little possessions he owns are thrown into the sack he carries in his left hand.

On his way out of the Pelican, he asks his old buddy stink face, "Hey, where can I find Lady Vanderbirdson... Vanderwhoson.. Vander SOMETHING?" Probably should have listened a little better to that smallone.

2008-11-07, 04:13 PM
Cora Swase

As the sun rises, Cora sits on the banister of the patio from her rented room, playing a soft melody on her flute, which meanders down to the early morning civilians below.
Eventually she moves indoors and dresses for the day, when it occurs to her that she hasn't the faintest clue where Lady Vanderboren lives. As she is new to the ways of Sasserine, Cora moves to the first friendly looking person she sees, hoping they will know where Lady Vanderboren lives.
"Hello there, sir. I was wondering if I could have a few moments of your time?"

Diplomacy check, to make the man friendly, I believe, is in order. [roll0]

2008-11-07, 10:25 PM
Waking the morning of the next day, Jasren catches the tail end of the tropical storm and thinks Well that won't do at all, as he looks outside to the wet streets. Still needing to find out where the Vanderborn Estate is, he first memorizes his spells for the day before changing his fine robe for the more durable white, linen shirt and brown leather pants with thick, soft soled boots. Going down to the Azure District, in the late afternoon, he spends his time there having a late lunch and finding out how he can get to Festival Street and Blue Skink Lane for even though he is a netive to Sasserine, there are still places in the city that he has not yet visited. Talking mostly with Janina, the bakery girl who he had met and saved during one of his visits to Azure, he politely asks where he can find his destination during their casual conversation.

Gather Information [roll0]

Dax Thura
2008-11-08, 12:34 AM

Xeren spends part of the day at the temple of Wee Jas learning about and discussing what it means to worship her. The rest of his day is used to maintaining and developing his network of friends and contacts. Xeren does ask about Lavinia Vanderboren as he goes about that day. He is mainly concerned with her reputation as he can’t allow himself to work for someone who isn’t of good character.


Wanting to be prompt, he’ll arrive at her home shortly before the appointed hour.

2008-11-08, 04:25 AM

"Ah, what?"

Kristen jumps up as the monster clutches her in its cold hands and it takes a second to realise that she had a nightmare. The monsters cold paws were only the raindrops drizzling through the roof.

A big, overweight woman enters the room through it's rarely used door. Her name is Lydia, but everyone refers to her as Momma, a cook in the various taverns of the seedy Shadowshore and Kristen's substitution mother who always defended the girl from falling into the hands of the many pimps in Sesserine.

"What is it dear? Everything alright?"

"Yes, I was just dreaming. Now that I got the right tools, I should also fix that blasted roof"

"That's the spirit girl. Now come on, let me offer you a nice warm meal"

While eating, Kristen tells Momma everything about her meeting, and the reason why she's attending. The big woman smiles, and warmly hugs Kristen.

"It's an unique chance you got there. A noble employing you could give you a good sum of money, and you could start a new life.

Kristen nods, then leaves the warm kitchen. Instead of fixing the roof, she walks out in the muddy mess that is Sesserine. Nearly bending to the rain, she looks for her boat, jumping inside it. Well-hidden from the rain, she begins fixing the wooden patches with a small hammer, then changes some of them where it makes sense. The procedure takes the whole day, and afterwards, Kristen rows to the closest port to Festival Street, using the sail as a cover.

Craft(woodworking): [roll0]
I hope it's okay to start the repairing work with "patching up", then buy the needed wood and fix it completely. I'm adding Cunning Knowledge to any "out-of-combat" roll as long as I'm using the skill only once per day.

2008-11-09, 01:53 PM

Rickshaw? Make it a Gondola, there's loads of waystations in the Merchant's District. The paved streets aren't so bad there anyway.

In any case Riff easily finds Vanderboren Manor.



The Bloodthirsty Pelican - Azure District, Sasserine

"Vanderboren? Ha! What would the Vanderborens want with the likes of you?"

"I suspect you are being tricked again my friend!"

Stink face scratches the stubble on his chin, "But if you insist on being dubbed find your way to the Merchant's District and ask for Festival Street."

"The Vanderboren's live in the biggest house on the last island. Ha, best leave now it's a long walk for folk with short legs! Unless you have two silver for the gondolas."



Cudgel District, Sasserine

Fortunately it's easy to find helpful types in the Cudgel District, Cora soon finds someone who knows where to go.

"Of course my dear, how can I help you?"

"Vanderboren Manor? I think it's right at the other side of the Merchant's District - follow Festival Street from the Temple of St Cuthbert."


Jasren Holdrath:

Best Bait and Deserts - Azure District, Sasserine

Janina knows the city like the back of her hand, and the Vanderboren's are well known - indeed the house is visible across the canal from Best Baits and Deserts. Like Kade, Jasren is also adviced to take a gondola if he can spare the silver, or to walk through the Northern Island of the Sunrise District.



It turns out that Xeren's family have had a few dealings with the Vanderboren family.

He learns from an older cousin that Lavinia's parents Verik and Larissa Vanderboren had a good reputation, although they were prone to undertaking risky ventures, the most recent (before their unfortunate deaths in a blaze aboard their new ship ) being an expedition of some sort with Lord Manthalay Meravanchi, a veteran explorer of the Amedio Jungle and one of the few Meravanchis to escape his family's reputation for debauchery.

Lavinia herself spent five of the last six years at the Thenalar Acadamy, an excellent finishing school in the Noble district. There are rumours that Miss Vanderboren has been courting Avner Meravanchi, another of the notorious Meravanchi family - and one with a considerably worse reputation than his uncle, Lord Manthalay, but Xeren's cousin thinks that this is unlikely to be true.

The only Vanderboren with a bad reputation is Lavinia's brother Vanthus, rumoured to be involved in the kind of debauchery that is more normally associated with the Meravanchis, Vanthus is out if town as far as Xeren's cousin knows.



Kristen has a productive day, getting as much done in one day as she'd normally expect to achieve in two. A couple more days like that and the boat will be as good as new.

2008-11-09, 01:54 PM
Vanderboren Manor - Merchant's District, Sasserine.
Sunset - Waterday 12th Sunsebb, 596 CY

Vanderboren Manor is located in the eastern section of the Merchant District; the seven-foot-high stone wall that surrounds the estate is impossible to miss, as is the towering, Gothic, three-story house that dominates the gro unds within. Leering gargoyles and capering nymphs festoon the eaves of the manor 's roof, and several trees give the manor grounds a nice buffer from the hustle of the city.

The front gates have been left open, beyond a gravel path leads across the manor grounds to the front door. The sun has not quite set yet, but several lanterns have been lit around the Manor house, illuminating the grounds. Other lights are lit within the house itself.

2008-11-09, 04:57 PM

"I'd have plenty of silver if you didn't charge so much for the horse piss you serve." And with that parting shot, Kade leaves the Bloodthristy Pelican and heads off on his way towards the merchant district. Pay so that I can avoid walking? Bah. No wonder cityfolk are soft. He sets a fast pace, jogging when the streets are clear enough for him to do so. Years of traveling by foot have given Kade a faster gate than most dwarves and he gets a few more stares than usual this evening.

After a few interesting conversations, Kade manages to find his way to Festival Street. Once there, it was fairly easy for him to find the manor. Not many other places had a huge stone wall around them. He makes his way down the gravel path towards the house. Not sure what else to do, he knocks on the door with three firm knocks.

2008-11-09, 06:07 PM
Cora Swase

Thanking the man for directions, Cora set out to find a map somewhere of the Merchant's district to determine the quickest way there. She returns to her rented room a few hours before sundown to get ready for the evening's meeting. She pulls her long hair into a tight bun and dresses in a long, dark green robe, hoping to appear formal.

Cora has luckily left herself enough time to make her way to Lady Vanderboren's mansion. Although it's not easy to miss, Cora is still not quite sure this is the place she is supposed to be. She is comforted by seeing Jasren, although she doesn't know who he is at the time, standing by the door. Mostly to reassure herself, Cora walks up to Jasren and says,
"Hello there! Were you invited by Lady Vanderboren too?"

2008-11-09, 11:45 PM

Riff thanks the runner for pulling right up. He climbs down from the rickshaw and passes through the gate. He traverses the path slowly, taking in the grounds.

I suspect I have very little in common with Lavinia Vanderboren.

Hearing voices ahead, he quickens his pace.

Riff is a weathered young halfling with pointed sideburns and an oiled canvas hat. His clothes are utilitarian; well worn but well maintained.


2008-11-10, 03:32 AM

A tall woman wearing somewhat rugged leather clothes and uncombed, curly black hair kept together by a piece of cloth walks around the corner of the magnificent building. Few things could look so out of place. She walks up to the door, seeing a group of people there and moves slowly to them.

"What's going on here, a party?"

2008-11-10, 07:21 AM
Jasren Holdrath

Thanking Janina, he buys a sweet pastry to indulge himself as he heads for the mansion. Though slightly more free-spirited than many people in the Noble District, he still is unaccustomed to exerting himself. As such, he heads to the gondolas and pays the few silver to take a ride across to the Merchant District. Once on the other side, he thanks the driver as he heads for Festival Street.

Rounding the corner, he sees that he is not the only one to arrive as he approaches the Vanderboren Manor. Joining the group that has gathered in front of the door, he says, "Good day, I am Jasren Holdrath. A pleasure to meet you all. Yes, I am here at the Lady Vanderboren's request though I have to admit that i am unsure as to why the Lady asked for me to come in the first place. Do you happen to know?"

Jasren wears simply but clean clothing, a white linen shirt with brown leather pants. His feet are covered in durable boots and around his shoulders rests a clean, dark blue hooded cloak.

An odd assortment of people here. Is the good Lady hosting a simply dinner, or is something else needed, Jasren thought as he took in everyone's appearance.

2008-11-10, 08:25 AM
The Atrium – Vanderboren Manor – The Merchant’s District, Sasserine
Sunset – Waterday 12th Sunsebb, 596 CY

The knocks at the front door are answered by the same wizened old halfling woman that delivered the invitations. Kora greets each adventurer, thanks them for arriving on time and then leads them inside the house into a magnificent atrium.

The stonework of this large hall is of smooth, white, polished marble. Two oak staircases with burnished brass railings ascend to an open second-floor landing, from which hang huge tapestries depicting a beautiful and savage frontier of sprawling jungle landscapes and an eerie shoreline.

The tapestries completely conceal the walls on three sides of the ground floor level, and more can be seen adorning the walls upstairs. A large window in built into the wall above the entrance, and a spectacular glass chandelier hangs from the atrium's ceiling, directly between the twin staircases.

Once she has led them inside Kora asks them to wait inside the atrium:

“Please wait here for the moment, there’s just one more to come, they shouldn’t be too long.”

Kora then disappears behind a tapestry that hangs directly between the two staircases; presumably a hallway is concealed behind it. She returns again when Xeren arrives at the front door.

Once all six adventurers have arrived Kora says, “I shall inform Lady Vanderboren that you are all here, she will be with you shortly.”

With that she disappears through the hanging tapestry once more; her footsteps can be heard growing fainter as she moves away along the hall.

2008-11-10, 08:52 AM
Jasren Holdrath

Upon entering, Jasren takes in the scenery around him with very slight amazement.

As they all wait, first for the sixth guest to arrive, then for the Lady herself to make an appearance, Jasren makes small talk with the others gathered in the atrium.

"So...where do you all come from? Are you all native to Sasserine or are you here just to visit this fine port city?"

2008-11-10, 11:11 AM

Once inside Kade leans his Guisarm in the nearest corner and drops his sack down next to it. He then turns to face the others who are there with him. Kade is tall for a dwarf and is barrel chested with large arms. He has unsually well tanned skin that is covered in tatoos that wrap around his arms, body and face. He has shaven most of his beard off, as well as the sides of his head. He wears stifly tanned leathers that are dotted with dull studds. The gloves he crafted travel up to his forearm and have jagged bones and teeth protruding outward. It is a wholly unattractive ensamble and he smells of liquer mixed with the sweat of running.

"Fine port city. Bah, it's a miserable den of craven thieves. I wasn't planning on staying long, but I've got buisness in the arena. After I got a note from the lady's smallone, I got some buisness here too. Looks like I'm not the only one. Name's Kade."

2008-11-10, 11:45 AM

Kristen's mouth drops open upon entering the building. She never saw anything comparable to this. Her eyes dart from corner to corner, gauging every detail. Then she turns to the dwarf, arms crossed:

"Thieves? At least we have perfume here... Kristen's my name"

Dax Thura
2008-11-10, 12:12 PM

Xeren hurries in a vain attempt to make his meeting, but only manages to arrive in time to see a group of people go into the manor. He decides to take a few minutes to comport himself rather than show up sweaty and disheveled, hoping to appear fashionably late rather than just late. After taking the time to straighten his clothes and making sure his hair is just right, Xeren walks with calm confidence up to the door and gives three knocks. Should have brought a walking stick.

When he is let in, Xeren greets each person with a smile and an offered hand as he looks them over, “Greetings I’m Xeren Arabani…Hello…Good day…Pleased to meet you... He tries to keep from making any quick judgments about them though.

To Kora (if she is present) give Miss Vanderboren my apologies for being a bit tardy when you inform her of my arrival.

2008-11-10, 12:15 PM

Riff is also taken aback by the dwarf. "Riff. Native," he says, a little stiffly.

Tell us where you're from, that we may slander it and it's sons.

Noting that the dwarf outweighs him 5 to 1, Riff decides against admonishing the him for his shocking display of anti-halfling bigotry.

"I am a traveler by want and creed. Where are you from, Kade, and where are you going?"

2008-11-10, 12:16 PM

Kade nods towards Kristen and grumbles "Ya, thieves like that cur Tharvel. But you're right, the city does have certain..benefits. Like the food tonight for one." His eyes light up when he talks about the food and he does not try to disguise his hunger.

He greets the others who arrive with a gruff hello and a firm shake if offered.

He then turns towards Riff before saying, "I come from further north, in the lands ruled by Malkur the Fearsome, leader of the Soaring Griffon Tribe. What of it?".

2008-11-10, 03:20 PM
Cora Swase

As Cora steps into the mansion, she shares a similar, amazed look as Kristen. When the conversation turns to her, she says, "So pleased to meet you all, I'm Cora Swase, from the Cudgle District here, though recently I've been traveling around Sasserine."

2008-11-11, 12:48 AM

"North. Of course."

Riff looks around for someone else to talk to, but Kade is the only one near enough to his height to reasonably maintain eye contact.

"I ask because places interest me; places, and moving between them. You're a, um, gladiator by trade?"

2008-11-11, 10:39 AM

"Nah, I'm just fighting to make some coin. I make weapons and such. Here, see these bad boys" Kade shows off his spiked gloves to the halfling, and anyone else nearby, being sure to show each and every jagged edge that he placed in them. "I made these a month or two ago. Not much steel out in the area where the Griffon Tribe roams, but I just use what I can. Pretty damn effective too. You shoulda seen what they did to this goblin raider who thought they were just decoration. Tore him up good."

He seems to enjoy remembering the encounter and pauses for a second before saying half heartedly, "So, anyone know why we're all here? Seems a pretty strange mix to me."

2008-11-11, 12:15 PM
Cora Swase

"I was just thinking the same thing... I don't really know our Lady that well. Certainly not well enough to be invited to dinner. And it souns like none of us have ever met..."
Cora trails off her sentence, thinking.

Dax Thura
2008-11-11, 12:59 PM

Assuming there is at least a bench or two in the area, Xeren will take a seat. Don’t stand when you can sit… I presume everyone received a letter from Miss Vanderboren offering and ‘opportunity uniquely suited to your skills’?.... I thought so. Well, judging from the letter and from what little I know of the history of the Vanderboren family, I think that she may be in need of some trouble shooters; agents she could entrust with tasks that are delicate – giving a nod towards Cora – and/or dangerous – giving a nod towards Kade –. The sort of ragtag group a noble would use so that they could maintain their anonymity while events unfold – a smirk and a nod towards Kristen -. At least that's my theory.

2008-11-11, 02:33 PM

Riff says, "I surmise at the very least that we are to go somewhere," he points to himself, "and kill something," He indicates Kade. "After that...?"

2008-11-11, 02:56 PM

"We get paid." Kade finishes for Riff with a sly smile and a hint of averice. "Well paid by the looks of this place."

2008-11-11, 05:27 PM

Riff turns to Kade, "Well, yes. But I was fishing for how the others might contribute to a mission."

Riff beams a smile a the others.

2008-11-11, 08:49 PM
Cora Swase

"Wait, wait. Kill something? Really? What would make you say that?"

Cora seems a little shocked by the thought of such straightforeward killing.

Dax Thura
2008-11-11, 09:30 PM

Xeren says to Cora in a calm, soothing tone with a reasurring smile. I'm sure that that is not the case. I mean, even though Kade is obviously a prime example of the famed dwarven fighting ability, not to mention their propensity to do so, the rest of us hardly seem particularly skilled or willing to be hired thugs. He looks to the others for agreement. Besides, while I am able to acquit myself in a scuffle and I am willing to take on a dangerous task, I am not willing to become a sword for hire. None of us are. So do not be concerned about that Cora, Master Riff did admit to merely be fishing for more information about us and I suspect that Kade is more than some simple, brutish neanderthal bent on clubbing everything in sight.

2008-11-11, 10:00 PM
Cora Swase

"Yeah, you're right. I'm not really opposed to killing, but without a cause, it's just cruel."
Cora then remembers that one of them is a Gladiator, and tries not to linger on the subject.
"So, Xeren, where are you from? Here in Sasserine, or another part of the world?"

2008-11-12, 05:25 AM
Jasren simply listens is as the others converse among themselves, but when the possibility of killing someone is brought up, the young wizard grimaces and says, "I certainly hope no killing is involved. If that is the case, then I am gonna have to decline whatever it is the Lady asks of us." Hoping to pull the subject away from killing, Jasren also looks for an ampty seat and sits before adding, "I think that my particular talents the the Lady is referring to is knowledge in the arcane. Though how she found out about my skill is still uncertain."

2008-11-12, 08:51 AM

Kristen walks up and down the room, listening to the conversation, then approaches the group again:

"What makes you sure that we are going to be assassins?

She looks around the people gathered

They rather look like snobbish nobles than killers... except the dwarf

"Let's listen first what the lady has to say"

She puts away her longbow and makes herself comfortable on a chair

2008-11-12, 10:41 AM

"..and I suspect that Kade is more than some simple, brutish neanderthal bent on clubbing everything in sight."

Kade gives Xaren a wild eyed stare. "What makes you think that boy?.....eh HA!"

After the others have had their say, Kade looks towards Jarsen "Scared at the thought of bloodshed? Lets get one thing clear, I'm no murderer. And like the girl here says, no one said anything about assassins. But some things need killing. Even the elf can see that."

2008-11-12, 10:56 AM

"Yes, lets not get carried away. Killing does not mean assassination. For example, I hope the Lady had something killed for this night's repast. No absolution needed (Trust me; I'm a priest)."

"... Unless you're referring to another guest's special talent."

Dax Thura
2008-11-12, 11:16 AM

I am from here my dear, in fact my family sits on the ruling council. The Arabni's, you may have heard of them. I hold no position, though and lack any clout. It is that simple truth along with my curiosity that brings me here today.
Cora, you said you stay in Cudgel. What is it that you do there? As Jasren asked, what do all of you do?
Kade has already said he was a gladiator.
Master Riff, you must do something to earn money on your travels unless you have a sponsor or are just that wealthy.
Jasren what sort of arcane knowledge do you have?
I also noticed that Kristen rather skillfully dodged the question earlier.

2008-11-12, 03:47 PM
Cora Swase

Cora takes a seat, noticing that the others have. She lookes a little uneasy, not wishing to have to get into the story about her parents, but responds,
"Like, I said, I've been flitting around Sasserine, so I haven't really been in one place too long."

2008-11-12, 04:05 PM

The woman smiles at Xerek from her seat

"I was born here. I know this and that. That's all you need to know right now."

Then she resumes looking around the room from the seat, searching for any small objects that look valuable...

2008-11-12, 05:13 PM

"I am a navigator and a cartographer. You could say that I get payed for telling people where to go."

Riff glances between Cora and Kristen.

Evasion makes me curious; They ought to just lie.

2008-11-12, 06:51 PM
Cora Swase

"Really? So you must have seen all over Sasserine, haven't you?"
It's a streach, Cora thinks, but maybe he can help...

2008-11-12, 06:53 PM

Jasren what sort of arcane knowledge do you have?

Quoting Bigmac

"Scared at the thought of bloodshed? Lets get one thing clear, I'm no murderer.

Jasren Holdrath

"Well, my family owns a great shop int he Noble district that deals in magical trinkets to make ones life more convenient. Clothes that never dirty, amulets and rings that help with day-to-day chores. I specifically focus on Conjuration with a particular distaste for anything related to Necromancy and Enchantment. One's body and mind should be ones own, even in death." Then to Kade, Jasren responds, "Please don't be offended. My intention was not to label you a killer, I was admitedly stating that I don't have much experience at harming others. There was one time that I did, and though the man deserved it, I wouldn't want to wish a melted face on anyone.

Then to the group as a hole, the young wizard says, Anyway, as Lady Kristen has said, let's listen to what our host has to say, when she arrives."

2008-11-12, 08:07 PM
The Atrium - Vanderboren Manor
Sunset - Waterday 12th Sunsebb, 596 CY

The conversation is interrupted as four figures emerge from the hall and pass through the atrium, heading towards the entrance. Kora races behind these figures, which include a jaunty male half-elf dressed in leather armor and armed with a half dozen daggers of different shapes, a dark-skinned dwarf with a sour expression dressed in green and brown robes and clutching a large spear, an attractive but haughty-looking woman dressed in dark purple robes and with a tattoo of a crescent moon on one cheek, and lastly, a tall and handsome man dressed in polished breastplate carrying a bastard sword.

These people seem to have little interest in those waiting in the atrium, they walk straight past except for the last. The handsome man in the breastplate stops for a second, sizing you all up, "Hmm. You must be the help Lavinia's bringing in to do the chores. Best of luck to ya!"

With that he turns to leave.

Kora shakes her head and says to those waiting, "I'm very sorry. Please forgive his rudeness!"

"If you'll all follow me Miss Vanderboren will see you now. If you'll follow me."

Kora turns back towards the tapestry leading to the hallway.

The Four People Leaving
The adventure doesn't include a picture of Kora sorry.

2008-11-12, 08:14 PM
Cora Swase

Cora turns her head to watch the adventurers leave the hall, wondering what the man meant by 'chores'. She gets up from her seat and follows behing Kora.
"Who were those people?"

2008-11-12, 09:08 PM

As the four adventurers pass by, Kade watches them closely and sizes them up. He watches the dwarf in particular, staring at him unafraid to meet his gaze. He neither smiles nor frowns, but keeps an even expression as he looks them over.

"Hmm. You must be the help Lavinia's bringing in to do the chores. Best of luck to ya!"

He's quick to replay back, "Well, if the current help ain't getting it done......"

He watches them leave and then grabs his Guisarme and bag before following Kora into the hallway.

Dax Thura
2008-11-12, 10:36 PM

Yes, I agree with Cora.Then with a sour face. Who are those people?

2008-11-13, 04:59 AM
Jasren Holdrath

Jasren pays the four stranger no mind as he gets up from the bench he was sitting on and follows the elderly halfling. Once they had all started to follow Kora, the young wizard responds to Xeren's and Cora's question with, "Whoever they are, they seem to think highly of themselves. The attitude of a group who believe themselves secure in their positions."

2008-11-13, 07:46 AM

Kristen lets the people pass, then tells the others:

"Those are the Jade Ravens. A band of mercenaries from here. They often work for the Vanderborens

She stands up, taking her bow and apparently willing to follow Kora

"No wonder, she is supposed to be a good employer, never late on hanging out the cash"

2008-11-13, 08:45 AM
Kristen: “Those are the Jade Ravens. A band of mercenaries from here. They often work for the Vanderborens”

Kora rolls her eyes, “Yes the ‘Jade Ravens’ indeed – a band of adventurers that the family has employed over the years – as you saw they think very highly of themselves, especially that Tolin!”

“Lavinia has decided that she might need to make alternative – more reliable – arrangements for the future, but I’m sure she’d rather explain things to you herself.”

Kora leads the six guests through the tapestry, into the hallway which is also floor from polished marble. From there she heads outside, crossing a courtyard / garden at the centre of which is a lily covered pool feeds a gentle stream which appears to drain under the north wing of the manor. Exotic flowers and plants grow all around the courtyard, and a stone table by the stream has an intricate marble and iron dragon-chess game built into it. Lanterns illuminate the courtyard, which would otherwise be quite dark by now.

Kora leads the way, crossing the little stream using stepping stones and passing the gaming table, before re-entering the building through an open door.

Inside is a spacious room, filled with comfortable upholstered chairs, bookshelves and two round wooden tables. Windows look inwards towards the idyllic courtyard garden and outwards to the perimeter wall. A narrow oak staircase leads up to the north, while a fire blazes in the south wall. Above the hearth is a large oil painting depicting a handsome young man with a short beard. There are doors to the north and south, and the floor is covered by a thick carpet.

As well as the blazing wood fire, this cosy room is lit by two wall mounted lanterns.

Standing in front of the fire is an attractive young woman wearing a long flowing blue dress; a large mastiff hound lies at her feet, basking in front of the burning embers. The lady smiles as her guests enter and introduces herself, “Hello, my name is Lavinia Vanderboren. Thank you all for accepting my invitation, please make yourselves comfortable.”

Lavinia Vanderboren.

The smell of good cooking wafts down the stairs, and as soon as everyone has entered the room Kora takes her leave and heads upstairs.

Once everyone has made themselves at home Lavinia wastes no further time, explain the reason that she has asked these strangers into her house, while Kora can be heard preparing the food upstairs.

“As you may have heard, I recently inherited my parents' estate. Along with this fine house, unfortunately, came a fine amount of debt owed the Dawn Council, the harbourmaster, and quite a few guildhalls. It seems my parents, for all their success as adventurers, were not as skilled at finance as one might expect. If I'm to get these taxes paid, I'll need to access my family's vault under Castle Teraknian.”

“And that's the problem, you see. The vaults are magically locked - keyed to special signet rings. Both of my parents had these rings, at least, until recently. My mother lost hers a few months ago. She arranged for a replacement, but it won't be done for another month or so, too late for me.”

“Which leaves my father's ring. He never wore it – he had a thing about men wearing jewelry. He kept it hidden somewhere on his ship, the Blue Nixie.”

“The problem there is that the harbourmaster's seized the ship until someone pays for the last four months of mooring. I've paid the fines to the man the harbourmaster's put in charge of my ship, a brute named Soller Vark. Yet when I went to claim my ship, Vark's men wouldn't let me board, claiming that I hadn't yet paid the fines. I spoke to Vark again and he denied ever receiving my payment.”

“My complaints to the harbourmaster have fallen on deaf ears – he's a doddering old fool who trusts his man and won't relent. I admit that I was rather naïve not to take a witness with me when I paid.”

“Vark and his men are up to something on my ship, I know it. What I need is to find out exactly what they're up to. Unfortunately, Vark's not the type to react well to diplomacy or logic. I need someone who speaks his language... which is where you come in. If you can find out what he's using my ship for, or even better, recover the money I paid him, I'll pay each of you 200 gold in return once I've access to my vault.”

“If you prove yourselves to be as honourable and worthy as I have heard then there is also the possibility of lucrative work in the future.”

As Lavinia finishes speaking, Kora brings the first of the food down the stairs.

For Kristen:
You’ve heard of Soller Vark, a ruthless and sadistic thug connected with the Dread Eels gang.

For Xeren:
Xeren is fairly certain that the painting is of Lavinia's brother Vanthus.

For Everyone:
The bearded man in the painting is not the arrogant Jade Raven Tolin. I'll edit this post later today to include a copy of the painting.

Dax Thura
2008-11-13, 10:38 AM

I am willing to consider your offer. But understand that if I do accept and it comes out that you are lying to us, I will go directly to the authorities. I don't mean that as a threat. It is to let you know the sort of man I am and the sort of duties I am willing to perform. I mean, on the surface, you are asking us to break the law and to go against the harbormaster who has some level of pull in this city.

Dax Thura
2008-11-13, 10:40 AM
I don't quite have the dice rolling together yet. I'm trying to do a sense motive

2008-11-13, 12:19 PM

"I know this Vark. Dread Eels, I think. One of the persons that really deserve... you know"

She looks down to her feet, then up again

"If everyone accepts I'm in"

2008-11-13, 01:18 PM

Riff endures the lack of halfling-sized furniture, climbing into an upholstered chair. After listening to the Lady's tale, he ponders.

"I just want to be clear," says Riff, counting off objectives on his fingers. "Fetch the ring, recover the loot, and find out what they're doing on your ship?

"What does the ring look like? Is it magical, and if so, how much so? Any suggestions where we might concentrate our search efforts? Plans, or even a sketch of the ship, would be useful.

"How much did you pay Vark? Is there anything distinguishing about the minting or denominations you used? Vark may be a cad, but I'm not a thief." He shoots a glace at Kade, then smiles back at Lavinia, "Of course," he says, "anything we find on your ship is yours until proven otherwise."

[roll0] in case Lavinia is being less than forthright about any of this.

Dax Thura
2008-11-13, 01:46 PM

Xeren tries to sense motive (again)

Yay! It worked. Now I know where I was making my misktake.
This was the test: [roll1]

2008-11-13, 03:51 PM
Cora Swase

Cora listens carefully as Lady Vanderboren speaks. When she finishes, Cora says, "I'd be happy to help my Lady, though I can't help but wonder why I was chosen for this task? You've already said this... Vark isn't a man to be persuaded."

2008-11-13, 04:44 PM

Kade places his Guisarme and bag by the door as they enter into the spacious room. Declining to sit, he stands and listens as the lady gives her speech. His hands tighten into fists as she tells how she had been cheated by the harbor master's man. I knew this town was full of craven thieves. He is about to say something, but the others start to speak first. He holds his tongue as he listens, but can finally wait no longer.

"God's above, Sasserine's idea of law is a joke. I already got cheated out of a nice trophy here, and the law helped the goblin spawn do it! It doesn't suprise me that this Vark fellow scammed her with the full support of this fine city's rulers. I told you there was nothing but craven thieves here." He then looks towards Riff and adds, "Present company excluded." He then faces Lavania and says in a solomn tone, "I'll help you get this scum, just tell me where he is."

2008-11-13, 08:02 PM
Jasren Holdrath

As Jasren listens to Lavinia's job offer and to everyone elses comments he thinks about what they need to do, Fetch a ring, secure some gold and see what Vark is up to, a tall order, but doable, without bloodshed though is another thing.

At Kade's comments about the vice in this city, Jasren, still maintaining his polite tone, says, "I am sorry you feel this place is a den of thieves, but I must disagree. Sure there may be corrupt practices, but there are also many good people here. I know that you do not take kindly to cities, but I must warn that it is better if you learn to comport youself while within a city's limits."

When he finishes, Jasren turns to Lavinia Vanderboren and says, "I will help you my Lady, though if you feel that logic will not persuade the man, then I do not know of what serice I could be in this venture. However, if you feel my services are worth the coin, then by all means." With that, Jasren give a slight bow, as is customary in the Noble District whenever an accord has been reached.

2008-11-13, 08:21 PM
The food that Kora brings down is excellently made, although less extravagent than might be expected in such a setting - perhaps due to the Vanderboren heiress's financial plight.

Xeren: "I am willing to consider your offer. But understand that if I do accept and it comes out that you are lying to us, I will go directly to the authorities. I don't mean that as a threat. It is to let you know the sort of man I am and the sort of duties I am willing to perform. I mean, on the surface, you are asking us to break the law and to go against the harbormaster who has some level of pull in this city."

Lavinia smiles, "I understand completely Xeren, and let me assume you that you have all been chosen as you seem prepared to put what is right ahead of personal gain."

"I am after all entrusting you all with my financial wellbeing."

Riff: "I just want to be clear," says Riff, counting off objectives on his fingers. "Fetch the ring, recover the loot, and find out what they're doing on your ship?"

She nods, "That is an excellent summary."

Riff: "What does the ring look like? Is it magical, and if so, how much so? Any suggestions where we might concentrate our search efforts? Plans, or even a sketch of the ship, would be useful."

"I must admit, I haven't been aboard the Blue Nixie very often. While my parents were on their last expedition, I was studying at the Thenalar Acadamy."

"However, it is a Carrack with both a quarterdeck and a Forecastle. The Nixie is moored at pier 5, close to the merchant's guildhall. My parents' cabin is at the back - below the quarterdeck, the ring should be hidden somewhere in the cabin. Unless Vark has found it."

"As for the ring itself, it is gold and bears my family arms. It is not magical itself, but the mage lock of the castle vault is keyed to it."

Riff: "How much did you pay Vark? Is there anything distinguishing about the minting or denominations you used? Vark may be a cad, but I'm not a thief."

"I gave Vark a leather pouch containing one hundred platinum pieces, they bore only the markings of the city, but platinum coins are rare enough in any case."

"Of course the money may already be gone; the ring is of much more importance - and learning exactly what this scoundrel is doing with my ship."

Cora: "I'd be happy to help my Lady, though I can't help but wonder why I was chosen for this task? You've already said this... Vark isn't a man to be persuaded."

Lavinia's eyes twickle, "Well one should always give diplomacy a last chance - perhaps you may succeed where I have failed."

"But the truth of the matter is..."

"As I mentioned before my parents were better adventurers than businessmen, my father believed that a good bard brings luck to such a group. And I have heard that you are the most promising young bard to perform in this city for many a year."

Lavinia nods in gratitude to those who have already accepted her offer, and waits for those still undecided to either commit or decline.

As far as you can tell Lavinia is either telling the complete truth, or her deceptions are beyond your ability to penetrate.

As far as you can tell Lavinia is either telling the complete truth, or her deceptions are beyond your ability to penetrate.

2008-11-13, 08:35 PM
Cora Swase

When the meal is laid out, Cora takes a seat at the table next to Xeren. When the hostess speaks to her, Cora lets out a cordial laugh at Lady Vanderboren's comment, and says,
"Please, you do me too much honor. As for luck, well, I don't know how lucky I can be, but my services are at your disposal."

2008-11-13, 11:25 PM

Kade Gives a hearty laugh at Jarsen's comments. He then asks Jarsen in a softer tone, "There may be good people here, but how good are they when they balk at doing what must be done for those in need, city customs be damned?"

The boy will learn soon enough the hard reality of the world. Best to let him find his own way.

As the food is delivered, Kade dives into it with full force. He ignores his utensils and uses his hands to get the food into his mouth in a practical and effective manner. He keeps his face clean and wipes his hands on his leggings at every pause. After his plate is cleared off he gulps down his glass in one large drink and lets out a belch of appreciation for the great feast. "A fine meal indeed! You are a credit to this city." After his first plate is cleaned off, he begins to put another serving on it before tearing into the food once again.

Dax Thura
2008-11-14, 12:04 AM

Xeren will sit at the foot of the table, opposite Lavinia if possible. Otherwise, he'll sit on the right side as close to the end as he can. Well I have no other objections agree to help you. Xeren gives a bow similar to Jasren's. I do hope you agree as well, Master Riff. It seems that most of us are rather parochial and I believe that your larger world view would prove beneficial to our little cabal.

More quietly to Cora. I don't know about lucky, but I do feel better knowing that you are close by. He gives her a warm smile.

2008-11-14, 12:40 AM

"Well, I had hoped it would be a job aboard a ship. I should have hoped more precisely-- that the ship would be, you know, sailing.

"But yes, I'm in. Luck is Fharlanghn's domain, after all, so here's to it."

Riff raises his glass.

<after the toast>
"Lady Vanderboren, would it be possible to tell us what mission those Jade fellows are undertaking? I sensed antipathy as they were leaving. I do not wish our paths to cross."

Dax Thura
2008-11-14, 01:02 AM

I also raise my glass. Yes, was going to ask about them as well. But first, can we have a letter stating that we are in your employ in case the authorities do become involved?

2008-11-14, 01:25 AM
Cora Swase

More quietly to Cora. I don't know about lucky, but I do feel better knowing that you are close by. Warm smile.

Cora smiles back at Xeren, though not quite sure what to make of the comment, then just decides to go with it.
"Thanks, but you probably know more in the way of fighting then I."

Why does he remind me of someone?..

When the group toast, she raises her glass and drinks with them.

Anyway, fharlagn really give the luck domain? I though only one god gave it. :smallconfused:

Dax Thura
2008-11-14, 01:57 AM

Xeren's smile becomes more of a sly grin and his eyes shine a bit as he speaks to Cora. Oh, actually that was an attempt at flirting my dear. Obviously I'll need to improve at it. I hope you don't mind too much if I continue to practice flirting with you? :smallwink: And as for fighting, I figure Kade can cover for all of us.

2008-11-14, 08:10 AM
Kade:"A fine meal indeed! You are a credit to this city."

“Thank you sir,” Lavinia chuckles, “but your gratitude should go to dear Kora.”

Lavinia raises her glass with the others, toasting the new party of adventurers.

<<After the toast.>>

Riff: "Lady Vanderboren, would it be possible to tell us what mission those Jade fellows are undertaking? I sensed antipathy as they were leaving. I do not wish our paths to cross."

Xeren: Yes, was going to ask about them as well. But first, can we have a letter stating that we are in your employ in case the authorities do become involved?

“Please, call me Lavinia – I’m afraid it will take some time before I become accustomed to being Lady Vanderboren.”

“I can of course provide a letter, although what weight it will carry before I have access to the family vault is uncertain - as you suggested before, the Harbourmaster is a higher authority in this city than I am. Even so, a letter you shall have.”

“Hmm, and the Jade Ravens - my parents employed them to run errands and perform discrete services such as this one.”

“Unfortunately I fear that their loyalty is only to my coin, so I am reluctant to trust them fully until my finances are secured. You needn’t worry of crossing their path though. They are travelling to Cauldron to contact my Aunt. If it proves impossible to access the family vault quickly, then I hope that she will provide what aid she can.”

Cauldron is a nearby city in the mountains overlooking Sasserine. It’s the location of the earlier Paizo adventure path Shackled City. I believe that Lavinia’s family played a minor role in that adventure, but I’ve never read it.

2008-11-14, 08:16 AM

Kristen munches on her meal, clumsily using the eating utensils. She clearly never used them before and improvises now.

"So, Lady, do you have any suggestion how we should begin our mission? We can't just walk in the harbour and start a fight. Many of the dock workers are supposed to be Dread Eels.

She continues after shoving a piece of fish into her mouth using the wrong side of a fork...

"We can't start a fight with all those"

2008-11-14, 09:27 AM
Jasren Holdrath

Jasren toasts along with their esteemed patron before dining on the meal that was placed before them.

Though not a noble himself, any citizen of the Noble district worth his salt has recieved training in good dining ettiquette. So while Jasren smiled as Kade's unabashed use of his hands, Jasren ate his food using each utensil as he recalled appropriate for the dish.

Making small talk with everyone at the table, a part of the young wizard's mind was already strategizing how to tackle the task of getting the ring they need from Vark.

Knowledge Nobility/Royalty (roll)1d20+4(/roll)

2008-11-14, 03:31 PM

Kade takes one of the bones that are left over on his plate and tosses it over to where the dog is lying on the floor asleep. He fills his glass once more and takes a long swig. He then looks at Kristen and says,"Well, if your worried about the dock workers, why don't we just take a stroll over to the ship after dinner while most of them are passed out or....um, otherwise occupied? Even though he was crude, Kade still had some restraint around ladies. "Besides, they won't know we're coming, and with a little help from above we can be on and off the boat before anyone is the wiser."

2008-11-14, 05:22 PM
Cora Swase

Xeren's smile becomes more of a sly grin and his eyes shine a bit as he speaks to Cora. Oh, actually that was an attempt at flirting my dear. Obviously I'll need to improve at it. I hope you don't mind too much if I continue to practice flirting with you? :smallwink: And as for fighting, I figure Kade can cover for all of us.

Cora blushes at Xeren's words and sort of mumbles, caught off guard, "Oh,Ium..."
She then appears to take great interest in her meal, but as Kade makes his point, she says to everyone,
"I think it'd be best if we atleast tried to take to them first. It may not accomplish much, but stealing back the ring may lend to Akward circumstances."

2008-11-14, 06:50 PM

Riff pushes back from the table, visibly stuffed.

"To persuade Valk, we'd have to find him first. Unless someone has a clue where he might be found(?), that's probably a mission for daylight hours."

"I think a walk-by of the Nixie is in order. The Temple is across the market from the Merchant's Guild, and there's a tavern just south of the Temple. Lets see what can be seen from the street. (If that's too conspicuous, we can split into smaller groups.) We can meet up at the tavern, the Drunk Bear I think it's called, and decide wether we're prepared to make an attempt this evening."

Not only is there no sailing, but this is all going down in my back yard.

Raiko, I hadn't pinned down exactly where Riff resides in the merchant quarter. How about that greenish building between 47 and 50? Or on Ditch Street, just east of 55?

Dax Thura
2008-11-14, 11:58 PM

Xeren continues to smile at Cora for a moment then turns his gaze to the rest of the group. I agree with both Kade and Master Riff. I think it would be wise for us to walk by and see what's what. Then, while at the Drunk Bear, we can decide whether or not to take the next step. If we do, tonight might be the opportune time. They won't be expecting anything and probably won't have any special orders in place. Which will make it all the easier to talk them into allowing us on the ship. Plus, if things do get out of hand, there is less of a chance of an innocent becoming injured. Finally, the cover of darkness would prove beneficial if we opt for a more stealthy approach or require a swift departure.

2008-11-15, 03:55 AM
the cover of darkness would prove beneficial if we opt for a more stealthy approach or require a swift departure.


"I got a boat for that"

Dax Thura
2008-11-15, 05:05 AM

Excellent. Let's hope we don't have need of it.

2008-11-15, 05:08 PM

At the mention of a boat, Kade looks over at Kristen and says excitedly. "Gods girl, that's a great idea! We send one of these fancy folk to jabber with the men guarding the pier while the others use your boat to slip onboard by the sea. I doubt they'd be watching the water closely, if at all."

He begins to lean back in his chair, proud of his cunning plan, but thinks better of it and quickly adds while looking at Riff, "That's if the coast looks clear. Of course."

2008-11-15, 11:59 PM

Riff nods in agreement. "A boat and a ladder ought to get us aboard without trouble."

His itchy feet get the best of him. "Kade, if you're finished, lets take that walk. Xeren can wait for the Lady to draft the letter, and meet us at the 'Bear."

Riff looks to Jasren and the ladies to pick their teams.

2008-11-16, 01:42 AM
Cora Swase

"I think Jasren, Xeren and I should arrive by land, and Kade, Kristen and Riff by boat;" Cora looks at each person in turn, "Kristen probable knows best how to manuever the boat, and Kade and Riff may have the bast chance to sneak on board. Any more than three of us, also, will look suspicious."

2008-11-16, 04:41 AM

Kristen finishes her meal with a cup of wine

"The dwarf and sneaking? Well, at least we'll have the surprise... We need either a ladder, or a grappling hook. I always wanted to have one of those!"

At the thought of being a ninja, she smiles

"I didn't eat too much, so we could start right now, with the cover of the night"

2008-11-16, 07:31 AM
Jasren Holdrath

Continuing to enjoy the splendid meal, Jasren listens as the others plan how they would all get aboard the boat without raising suspicion. Once a basic plan had begun to form, the young wizard puts his fork down and says, "An excellent plan, but may I suggest that we make a backup plan in the event that this Vark character actually uses the ship for what is is meant for and can't be found dockes at the pier."

Turning to Kristen, Jasren asks, Miss Kristen, how many of us can you fit aboard your craft? With all of us aboard, would it be possible to approach the Blue Nixie in the night without being noticed?"

Once those questions have been answered, the young wizard simply leans back in his seat and nods, as if ready for what is to come.

2008-11-16, 08:10 AM

"Don't call me "Miss" and I won't call you "Mr.Wizard". I think we could all fit inside, it won't be comfortable though. We should be able to come close except when the ship is guarded.

Can't you cast some fancy distracting spell if that's the case?"

Dax Thura
2008-11-16, 09:02 AM

Cora Swase

"I think Jasren, Xeren and I should arrive by land, and Kade, Kristen and Riff by boat;" Cora looks at each person in turn, "Kristen probable knows best how to manuever the boat, and Kade and Riff may have the bast chance to sneak on board. Any more than three of us, also, will look suspicious."

A good preliminary plan, but I think either myself or Jasren should switch with Kade. In my experience, when conducting negotiations, it is beneficial to look like you are ready to take drastic action if things do turn sour. If this Vark fellow is the scoundrel that our patron and Kristen believe, then Kade’s presence might make him more willing to talk.

To Jasren during a quiet moment: I happen to have some ability to wield arcane power. Perhaps we could have a brief talk to compare notes and whatnot.

2008-11-16, 09:46 AM

"ehHA, no, I'm not one for sneaking around much. Probably best if I stay on the pier. I have ways of drawing attention when I need to. But first things first, we should check this pier out.

Kade backs away from the table with one final belch and a nod towards Lavinia, "I'm off to see about finding your ring." He moves away from the table and past the dog on his way to get his belongings. He manages to give the dog a quick pat on the head as he moves past it. As he straps his weapons into place he says, "Whoever's going to check the scene out, we best be on our way. The rest can get any other stuff we may need (boat, ladder/hook, letter, ect) and meet us at the bar. Be there no later than two hours hence, else we'll assume the worst." He looks towards Riff and motions towards the door. "After you my little friend"

2008-11-16, 11:07 AM

Riff excuses himself as well. "No sense settling on a plan before we have all the information. The disposition of guards will dictate our approach. See you at the 'Bear."

Riff will swing by his apartment to don armor and grab his pack before heading towards the Nixie. "Kade, I trust your superior night vision. If they really are up to something nefarious, they may have additional guards hidden about."

2008-11-17, 08:39 AM
Lavinia smiles as the rest of the adventurers commit to the job. She writes out the letter for Xeren as she listens to the party making their preliminary plans.

“I hope that this will suffice Xeren; hopefully you will not need to test the validity of my note!”

I Lavinia Vanderboren do solemnly declare that the bearer of this note is acting in my employ, to recover the vessel the “Blue Nixie,” from the clutches of the scoundrel Sollar Vark and his henchmen, together with family heirlooms and monies misappropriated by them.

L Vanderboren.
12 Sunsebb, 596CY

As her guests begin to leave - their plans made - she says, “Excellent, you seem to know what you are doing. I hope to hear from you all soon.”

Dax Thura
2008-11-17, 09:10 AM

Does anyone else need to gather their things along our way to the Bear?

Xeren heads out.

2008-11-17, 09:16 AM
Jasren Holdrath

As the group makes it's way to the harbor to meet up at the Drunken Bear, Jasren takes a quick detour in order to pick up his crossbow and bolt case before heading back to meet with the others. Before he parts ways with the others however, the young wizard says to Xeren, "What is it you wish to discuss? I am knowledgeable in a wide variety of spells. I must warn you though, like many in the Noble District, I specialized at an early age in Conjuration magic. As such, I forgoed studying spells from the Enchantment and Necromany schools. So if you wish to hear about anything from those areas, I am afraid that I must disappoint you."

Once he makes it to the Drunken Bear, he will greet all this new teammates once more before sitting down to hear what Kade and Riff have uncovered that will help them to form a finalized plan.

Dax Thura
2008-11-17, 11:55 AM

To JasrenActually I just wanted to let you know what magical ability I have. I have been blessed with the innate ability to shoot bolts of energy as well as summon swarms of vermin to attack my foes. I tell you this, as a courtesy, so that you can better plan what spells you have in the future. I would appreciate it if you were not to talk to anyone else about what I can do.

2008-11-17, 03:48 PM
Cora Swase

Cora leaves the dining room just after Xeren. She gives a small bow to Lady Vanderboren and says,
"I thank you for an excellent meal, Lavinia. I assure you we'll have your ring back as soon as we can."

2008-11-18, 08:20 AM
Pier Five – The Merchants District

Collecting their adventuring gear on the way the six adventurers make their way to their rendezvous in the Drunk Bear Tavern; Kade, Riff and Kristen each take the opportunity to pass by pier number five on the way, looking for the Blue Nixie.

It turns out that the situation is not the same as when Lavinia last visited the pier the day before; as Kade and Riff approach pier number five they are surprised to see that no two-castled carrack is moored there. The pier is busy; two small fishing boats are unloading their wares on one side while on the other a trading cog is being loaded with a cargo of cottons and silks. Stevedores, fishermen, merchants and sailors all crowd the long jetty, but the Blue Nixie is not there.

After a minutes confusion Riff spots a ship matching the description, but it is moored or anchored in the middle of the harbour, about forty yards off the end of the pier. It’s too dark now to positively identify the ship from the pier or the shore, but lanterns have been lit on deck and there appears to be activity aboard.

Kristen has more luck, rowing her small boat past the pier, expecting to get a good look at the Nixie, she passes directly between the end of pier five and the ship. She is just close enough to make out the words ‘BLUE NIXIE,’ dimly illuminated on the bow of the carrack.

The ship has been securely moored to a buoy and judging by the activity aboard Kristen estimates that she is being readied to sail, probably later that night or at first light. As well as men working to ready the ship Kristen spots one man standing watch on the forecastle, overlooking the mooring ropes, and another in the crows nest faintly silhouetted against the night sky. The man on the forecastle has a crossbow, it’s impossible to tell if the crows nest sentry is armed. Kirsten cannot tell how many men are aboard, but eight or ten would be required at the minimum to crew the ship.

The Drunk Bear – The Merchants District
Three hours after sunset, four before midnight.

(Assuming that Kade, Riff and Kristen don’t try anything alone)

Everyone makes it to the Drunk Bear without further incident, Kristen first takes the time to hide her boat under a pier outside the Candlemakers Guildhall and the Temple of Fharlanghn.

Dax Thura
2008-11-18, 11:47 AM

Xeren gets a table large enough for the group and orders something to drink.

After hearing the report. If I'm correct, pulling a ship out to harbor and preparing it to set sail is not standard procedure for this situation. This does seem to lend credence to Lavinia's story that the harbormaster's men are up to no good. It also suggests that they would not be very amenable to comming to a peaceful agreement. I still think we should try, but my hopes are not high. Any ideas beyond just taking Kristen's boat out to the Blue Nixie and see what sort of reception we receive? Xeren looks around at the others.

2008-11-18, 12:54 PM

"It looks like they're stealing it," says Riff, exasperated. "They can't get away with that sort of thing long term, but it sure messes up our plan. If we confront them, I suspect they'll claim they're simply moving it to another berth. She is in arrears, after all. Attacking a merchant ship with a rowboat is foolishness. They are alert for anyone sneaking up on them."

Riff starts building a map on the table out of peanuts. "I might have an idea."

2008-11-18, 03:20 PM

Kade sits at the table, listening to the others and thinking foul thoughts. He does not order anything to drink or eat, but instead focuses on the task at hand. "It looks like there are more thieves here than you thought Jarsen." Kade's tone shows no effort to conceal the fact that he was right, at least in his mind. He looks at Riff and says, "Listen, Xeren's got it right, talking won't work. We need to get out to the boat, and Kristen's boat is the best bet. But you're right, there ain't a good way to sneak up on them. Perhaps I can cause a distraction. I can swim out there underwater so they won't see me, climb up the far side and get their attention on me while yall row up and board the ship on ladders, ropes, whatever. I figure I can occupy a half dozen cowards for a half minute or so no problem"

2008-11-18, 05:25 PM

The woman looks indifferent, but is very excited

"Whatever we do is fine with me, we should hurry though. We should get a ladder or whatever, but I'm out of money right now"

2008-11-18, 05:49 PM

Riff stares at Kade for a few seconds. "Wow. I really want to see that, but not tonight. My plan involves more lying."

"We rent a gondola and get some bull's eye lanterns." Riff glides a peanut across the table. "One or two of us go out and claim we have the money and demand to take possession of the ship. Shine the lanterns at them to keep their attention and ruin their night vision. The rest of us take Kristen's boat," another peanut, "and a ladder around the other side.

"I'll be first up. I'll summon fog so the rest of us can gain the deck without too much trouble. We use maximum distraction so that we can use minimal force. So toss people over the side, Kade, instead of cleaving them in twain, okay? The fog will last about a minute. Can anybody pick a lock? We'll ransack the captain's quarters, find the ring, and exit.

"Of course, if they start shooting, we can get away with being a little rougher. Nothing I've seen so far is worth killing or dying over."

Riff eats the gondola.

2008-11-18, 06:25 PM

Kade waves a dismissive hand at the halfling. "What's to protect those in the boat? Two lanterns against 8 or 10 men? These thieves are likely to open fire as soon as they think they have a sitting target with 1000 more gold waiting for them to take. At least I know what I'm getting into, and won't be a sitting target once I'm on the boat. I promise, I'll try to talk first and won't take the first swing."

He also nods his head towards Kristen, "And, I don't exactly have the cash for a gondola or lanterns either. My way's cheaper."

2008-11-18, 06:52 PM

Riff places a pouch of coins on the table.

"I could be wrong, but I don't think they'll open fire. If anything, they'll invite us aboard to steal it. Then we can haggle back and forth about returning the ship to dock while our second group sneaks up.

"If I'm wrong, the lanterns are going to make it very hard to see and therefore hit anyone on the gondola*. But wear as much armor as you can swim with, anyway.

"Xeren, I was thinking you've got the voice to pull it off. Do you think it's too dangerous?"

((*A bull's eye lantern illuminates in a cone, and therefore leaves the bearer in darkness.))

2008-11-18, 07:22 PM
Cora Swase

Cora listens to the talk, thinking.
"Maybe a few of us -the one's with lanterns- could lead the guards away from the boat. We could go with Riff's plan, you know, telling them we had the money. We could bring up what Kade said. It's a reasonable point. We would tell them to meet us somewhere close-by, to trade for the ring. I don't actually think they would give it to us, but if we pulled it off right, we could distarct them for long enough for the other team to take it back..."

2008-11-18, 07:28 PM
Jasren Holdrath

"From what I and others here might know, it is quite possible this Vark character is part of the Dread Eels. As such, he is part of an organization that has connections through the city. Any attack on him will draw the attention of his higher ups. I suggest we play this same and attempt negotioations first. Most of us go abaord Kristen's craft while one or two.. motioning to Kade ...go through the water. But do not climb on deck until violent action is necessary. Those in the boat will approach quietly until we are spotted, from there we will continue, whether warned to leave or not. If negotiations are not possible, then Kade, and whoever is with him can climb on deck and begin melee. Once we are within 10 or 15 feet, I will loose a spell that should incapacitate a few of the sailors, but recommend that Kade's party be on the opposite end of the ship to avoid my spell's effects. Again, if melee is unavoidable, we kill only when necessary. How does that sound to everyone?"

2008-11-18, 09:27 PM

The pouch of money on the table seemed to change Kade's demeanor. He nods his head as the others speaks. "Fine. We are all in the same tunnel on this anyway. Let the pretty one," pointing at Cora "and the other noble who doesn't have a shop to attack" pointing at Xeren "get in a gondola and try to negotiate. The rest can go in Kristen's boat and try to sneak up on the ship. I can guide the boat in darkness. We shouldn't have any open light on the boat lest the high one spot us. If things go bad and we get spotted, the wizard and priest can buy us some time to get up on the ship. I'd say that the gondola should have a rope or ladder as well so they can get up on their own rather than rely on whatever means the crew might provide."

Dax Thura
2008-11-18, 11:50 PM

Sounds like we have a plan then. Well the night grows short. Shall we be off milady? Xeren stands and offers Cora his hand.

2008-11-19, 12:48 AM

"Okay, great. Cora, I was thinking, though. Don't mention the ring. Odds are they have no idea it's on the ship, and we're better off if they don't find out. Just keep them talking as long as you can.

"If nobody can open locks, I may need your help forcing some doors, Kade."

Raiko, can we scrounge up a ladder, a rope, and a bull's eye lantern at this time of night? I notice there's a gondola station right there. How much do they charge, and does that come with a pilot?

List prices are
lantern 12 gp
Rope 1 gp
oil 1 sp
ladder 5 cp

2008-11-19, 04:51 AM
I’ve tried to include enough info here to allow you to keep posting without waiting for me.

The gondolas guild will take you anywhere in the city for 5sp – or 5sp per hour for longer jobs. This price pays for the gondola (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/gondola) and the attendant gondolier to row it. As per the ‘until about 200 years ago’ mention in the wikipedia article, the gondolas of Sasserine are fitted with a small cabin (felze) so that passengers can shelter from the sun or the rain (or crossbow bolts :smalltongue:).

Note that the 5sp kind of assumes that they are just transporting you. If you expect the situation to be dangerous then you might want to negotiate – payment in gold rather than silver is likely to do the job.

It’s a little suspicious going out to a moored ship at night, so you need to make a bluff roll if you’re pretending that no danger / illegal activity is involved.

Being straight with them will need a diplomacy roll. You’ll get positive bonuses for offering gold (the more gold the bigger the bonus) or for showing Lavinia’s letter, or for other clever things you might think of.

Assume that there are three gondoliers at the gondolas waystation, and make a post telling your story. Lying requires a bluff roll, otherwise make a diplomacy roll. Delay this until after you’ve got any gear you want if you like.


Regarding the equipment: It’ll be more difficult to find the gear for sale at night. However most/all shop owners will live in the same building as their shop, so it’s certainly possible. A DC15 gather information, or knowledge(local) test will allow you to purchase the gear within an hour.

You can reroll (taking an extra hour) if you fail.

Paying double will allow you to make a DC10 rather than DC15 roll to find the gear. I’m happy to allow you to roll before deciding whether to pay double.

Finally if you find the gear at DC10, but don’t want to pay double, then a DC15 diplomacy, bluff or intimidate check can be used to bring the price back down to normal (ie you find someone who’ll reopen their shop, they want double normal cost, but you coerce them into selling for the normal price).

Make a post with the dice roll in a spoiler (and a second post if you need any extra rolls), then make a second post describing your actions, based on the dice rolls. Just pick a suitable shop, or assume a ships crew will sell the gear if you get any successes.


The ship:

Maurkov’s picture is a good representation of the Blue Nixie. It’s got three masts, but the general layout is the same (quarterdeck and forecastle, with trapdoor access to the hold from the main deck in between).

This being D&D, assume it’s 10ft up to the main deck, with the forecastle and quarterdeck being another 10ft higher.

I’ve got deck plans of the Nixie, but I’m holding off posting them until you’re boarding, in the hope that I’ve got time to produce something better.

(I’ve just purchased a suitable 3d ship model in a sale at daz3d.com, but I’ve not had chance to play with it in Daz Studio / Bryce yet, if I don’t get to use it for this encounter, it’ll still be useful later in the campaign and for my face-to-face Savage Tide game :smallbiggrin:).

Dax Thura
2008-11-19, 10:53 AM

I'll let Cora do the talking. I do give support where I can, though. I can also help with a bribe too.


2008-11-19, 11:04 AM

"The merchant's guild is right there. Lets see if anyone over there wants this money."

((The only thing Riff can't afford to pay double for is the lantern.))

2008-11-19, 12:48 PM

Kristen looks at the Merchants Guildhall suspiciously, “There probably is, but our shopping list will look suspicious, especially in a hurry in the middle of the night.”

“I know a guy – Neldrek – in Shadowshore who’ll sell stuff like this – no questions asked. I’m not so sure about using a ten foot ladder off my little boat though. I was looking forward to trying out one of those grappling hooks.”


NPCing Kristen.

If you’d rather check out the merchant’s guildhall, then you do find someone in there – but you’ll need to make a diplomacy roll to talk him down to ‘normal price.’

assist with bluff & assist with diplomacy
What I love about the d20 ‘assisted rolls’ rules is that the people making the DC10 rolls to assist always end up rolling higher than the person they’re assisting.

An NPC just died in my face-to-face game because of that. :smallamused:

2008-11-19, 12:59 PM

"Using a ladder might be tricky, but they're cheap and quiet. Maybe one with hooks on the top so the footing won't matter? And for the less athletic, a ladder is easier to climb.

"I'm sure whatever you can find will be fine."

2008-11-19, 01:02 PM

“Good idea, Neldrek probably has one of those. Shall we go then, I can get us across to Shadowshore in no time.”

2008-11-19, 02:13 PM

"Quo vadimus," says Riff, finishing his glass. He follows Kristen out to her watercraft.

Not very comfortable after dark on this side of town, he keeps his money in his hand and lets her do the talking.

2008-11-19, 03:17 PM
Cora Swase

Cora gets out of her seat with everyone else. SHe seems not to notice Xeren's hand. When Kristen, Riff and Kade leave she wishs them goodluck and sets out with Xeren. When the step out of the inn, Cora says to him,
"We should probably wait a while for the others to get their supplies..."

2008-11-19, 03:43 PM

Kristen uses her boat to get to Neldrek, taking whoever is willing with her (to pay for all the stuff)

After entering the shop and a short debate, they return with the needed equipment.

2008-11-20, 07:34 AM
Jasren Holdrath

Jasren will accompany Kristen in buying supplies since he has a bit of spare coin he can contribute. The young wizard remains quiet, letting Riff or Kristen deal with the Shadowshore shopkeeper.

No I am glad that I am not wearing my robes, or I would stick out like a sore thumb. Jasren had never been to the Shadowshore district before tonight and he was getting depressed just looking at the ramshackle houses and the mud packed street. Once the deal had been made and they had the items they needed, Jasren quickly set out for Kristen's boat in hopes of getting far away from this district.

On the way back to meet up with the others, the young wizard did his best to ramain calm, but the closer thy go to the Merchant's District, the harder it becomes to maintain his composure. It is quite possible that I might have to hurt someone tonight...I just hope that isn't so, Jasren thinks as he mentally prepares for the trials to come.

Dax Thura
2008-11-20, 10:11 AM

You know you are right. Perhaps we should stay here a while longer yet.

Xeren's features become more mischievious and playful. I would suggest a romantic evening stroll, but Shadowshore does not quite have the ambiance to facilitate that sort of thing. He pulls out a chair at a smaller table on the way out. Why don't we talk while we wait and perhaps get whatever passes for food in this establishment?

Even if she doesn't take a seat Xeren continues. I would love to hear more about you. I believe it was mentioned that you are a bard and that you've been all over Sassarine? Please tell me of your time here.
Do you perform at an inn or tavern?
If she does. Perhaps all of us can come see you.Xeren waits in earnest for each response.

2008-11-20, 10:31 AM

Kade followed the others to Shadowshore, not sure if his presence would be more likely to attract or prevent trouble. Sometimes a blatant display of weapons caused more problems than not. Still, he would never think of giving them up. He hangs out in the doorway, watching the exits and making sure they do not get trapped inside an enclosed space. As they move back to get on their respective boats he says, "May the Gods favor us tonight so that we might do good for the good by bringing evil to those who embrace it."

2008-11-20, 04:04 PM
Cora Swase

Cora takes a seat next to Xeren.
"Listen Xeren, I can tell that you're a great guy, but I just don't really feel comfortable... please, it's complicated."
She doesn't quite meet Xeren's eyes when she responds.

2008-11-21, 12:58 AM
Riff (-14 gp for lantern, oil, rope, and ladder)

Riff returns with the lantern, giving it and a pint of oil to Xeren.

"By the time you've rented the gondola we'll be in position. Keep them talking and don't get shot. When you see fog.... Should we take the rope and lower it down your side? I'm sure the gondola pilot is going to want hazard pay to take you closer." Riff shrugs. "Use your judgment."

Dax Thura
2008-11-21, 01:22 AM

Sitting up straighter in his seat, Xeren takes on a more serious demeanor. I am so very sorry to have made you uncomfortable, Cora. Just so that you know, I do know that my... flirtations were over the top. I was going for playful and charming but perhaps I was just creepy instead. Again, I'm sorry.

Xeren continues in a more casual tone. We still have a little while to wait, though, and I am interested in hearing of your time here. And please don't demure. I'd hate to think that Kade is the only one who I can trust to give a straight answer. The smile returns to his face. I mean, according to you, I am a great guy (playful sarcasm) and doesn't a great guy deserve a straight answer to a simple question? A little more seriously. Also, we're going into a potentially dangerous situation and it would be nice to know more than just the name of one I'm teamed up with.

2008-11-21, 07:53 AM
When Kristen rows back from Shadowshore, the Blue Nixie still floats in the middle of the harbour, moored to a buoy. There is still activity on deck, but Kristen estimates that it will be another hour or two before she’s ready to sail.

Her rowboat is a little crowded now with three passengers and the long ladder, however she is a skilful pilot and everyone makes it safely back to the Merchant District.

Maurkov, please could you knock off an additional 1gp for the ladder (because of the hooks).

I’m assuming that the ladder is still a full 10ft (ie non-folding).

Dax & Gentoo, please see my OOC post - you can carry on your conversation for a little longer if you like.

2008-11-21, 12:38 PM

Kristen holds the rudder tighly, readying herself for the upcoming brawl.

"Alright, tell me where I should get the boat when time is right"

2008-11-21, 03:45 PM
Cora Swase

Sitting up straighter in his seat, Xeren takes on a more serious demeanor. I am so very sorry to have made you uncomfortable, Cora. Just so that you know, I do know that my... flirtations were over the top. I was going for playful and charming but perhaps I was just creepy instead. Again, I'm sorry.

Xeren continues in a more casual tone. We still have a little while to wait, though, and I am interested in hearing of your time here. And please don't demure. I'd hate to think that Kade is the only one who I can trust to give a straight answer. The smile returns to his face. I mean, according to you, I am a great guy (playful sarcasm) and doesn't a great guy deserve a straight answer to a simple question? A little more seriously. Also, we're going into a potentially dangerous situation and it would be nice to know more than just the name of one I'm teamed up with.

Cora shifts nerviously in her seat.
"Very well... you do have a point. But after this you have to tell me about you. As I recall, none of us said very much about ourselves at Lady Vanderboren's. Please know that this is the most I've said to anyone about my... situation.
"You want to know why I'm in this part of Sasserine, well... it's a little long: She starts off the story slowly and carefully, but the more she says, the easier the words flow.
"It was a nice, calm day in the Cudgel District -that's, where my family and I lived, of course. We decided to go sailing out in the ocean. I was me, Abriill, my brother, and my parents. I remeber, becuase my mother didn't want to go, but we twisted her arm. So anyway, the four of us are out in our little boat, enjoying the sun. A-a lot of it's a blur, but I remember parts of it. Our boat was attacked by a group of pirates. Their boat must have been invisible or something, because none of us saw them coming. My brother and father are stron warriors. They were able to fight them off, but in the middle of the fight my parents were shot... ... I expected them to get right back up, but when they didn't I knew that something was wrong. Once Abriill had dealt with the pirates - I was helping what I could- we went back to Cudgel as fast as possible. When the healers had said my parents were poisned, I was actually relieved. I mean, there are a hundred different ways to cure poisons. The healers tried them all, but nothing worked... We searched furiously, and eventually found someone who knew what the poison was. He said he had only even heard of it. It's incurable by magic, and slowly eats away at the victim... ... my parents. This has a cure, and for the past ten years, we have been trying to amass the ingredients needed for it. We're so close it's killing me, and I don't know how much longer my parents can hold on. My brothers and I each have our own last substance we're looking for. Anyway... I've been looking day by night, but... nothing. That's why I've come to this part of Sasserine; to save my parents."
At the end of the story, Cora thinks nervously, going over countless false leads and possibile places to search.

Eish, long post. Anyway, now it's my turn for Xeren's story. :smalltongue:

Oh right, I left out parts of the story, so you're entitled to a sense motive. Good luck. :smallamused:

Dax Thura
2008-11-21, 11:49 PM

After hearing Cora’s heartbreaking situation, Xeren is at a loss for words. He makes a couple of aborted attempts at a response before settling on what to say. That is a tragic tale. I am sorry for your plight. If you let me, I would like to try and help. I don’t have any particular knowledge or skill that would be immediately useful, but I do have a desire to help. Actually I think that if you shared your story with the others, they would feel the same as I do. I will, obviously, leave that to your discretion, though.

Xeren then shifts in his seat as a prelude to changing the subject. You’re right though, everyone did seem rather close mouthed at Lavinia’s, except for Kade. I suppose that’s only natural when around a group of total strangers after having been invited to a mysterious noble’s home for a clandestine meeting that would lead to a covert operation. In any case, I don’t have such an unfortunate circumstance as yours. Up until a couple of years ago, I was a troublemaker and hellion. My misdeeds caught up to me, however, and I was given an ultimatum. Now I sit here, across from you, a reformed gentleman trying to do right while I making my way in this world.

Here's my sense motive [roll0]
And here's the bluff for the stuff I'm leaving out [roll1]

2008-11-22, 10:52 AM

Kade finishes checking his equipment for the second time while he waits for Kristen to finish getting the boat ready. He looks over towards Cora and Xeren and sees them busily discussing their stories and strategy so that they can provided a good distraction. Perhaps a bit of planning wouldn't hurt. He motions for Riff and Jarsen to meet him near the boat. When they arrive, he speaks in hushed tones.

"Look, we need to figure out what’s what so that when it's time to get on the ship we don't look like orcs at noon. Kristen's going to be working the boat, so that leaves you (pointing to Jarsen) and me to get the ladder up. Once it's hooked, Riff's first up. I'll try and get up there by myself so that I can keep him safe. Kristen's up next on the ladder and your last. If they see us and try to rush our side you magic them. Once on ship, we make like ghosts and follow Kristen as she looks for the ring. Things go south, stick together and don’t be stupid. Questions?"

2008-11-22, 03:33 PM

Riff nods. "We'll make our approach from Shadowshore as soon as Xeren's in hailing range. I'll stick with Kristen in case she runs into company in the captain's bunk. Jasren and Kade, keep things lively on the deck until we've got it. Please don't kill anyone. If they fire on Xeren without provocation, then maybe you can injure them. A little. If any of us get banged up, I am a healer.

"If the fog dissipates before Kristen and I find it, go ahead and retreat, noisily. Hopefully they won't even know we're there. We'll finish the search and then run/swim for it."

Dax Thura
2008-11-22, 04:56 PM

Riff (-14 gp for lantern, oil, rope, and ladder)

Riff returns with the lantern, giving it and a pint of oil to Xeren.

"By the time you've rented the gondola we'll be in position. Keep them talking and don't get shot. When you see fog.... Should we take the rope and lower it down your side? I'm sure the gondola pilot is going to want hazard pay to take you closer." Riff shrugs. "Use your judgment."

Thanks Master Riff. Cora, let's do this thing.

2008-11-22, 05:23 PM
Cora Swase

Cora nodds and follows Xeren out the door. When outside, she whispers to him,
"Remember, let's avoid any violence if we can."

2008-11-22, 09:45 PM

"No questions here. In fact, it is a sound plan," the young wizard says in response to Kade's plan.

The dwarf may not be well-mannered, but he is definately smarter than he lets on. I may have judged him too quickly, Jasren thinks as they all wait for Kristen with her boat. I always wanted to learn how to work a boat...Maybe Miss Kristen would be willing to teach.

Sifting through his spells in memory, Jasren grips the haft of his crossbow in hoping that he would not have to use it, but knowing that he probably would need to.

2008-11-23, 03:12 AM

The woman taps her feet impatiently

"The plan is there, now let's do it. We have an hour or two before they could depart, and my craft is no match in speed with a real ship"

2008-11-24, 03:12 AM
Gondola Waystation – The Merchants District, Sasserine.

Cora and Xeren make their way to the way-station as the rest of the party return to Kristen’s small boat.

The way-station is little more than a larger than average boathouse; open to the water on one side it contains a small pier and probably has enough room to shelter up to six gondolas. At the moment there are four of the narrow rowing boats tied up inside, and three men sit at a table in the corner playing cards, two wear the traditional hats of Sasserine’s gondoliers, while the third is older – probably the boss.

The three men look up when Cora and Xeren enter, but they are young and attractive, so it is not out of the ordinary for such a couple to seek a gondola after dark.

Sorry, I expected to have a nice relaxing Sunday where I could get us moving to the Blue Nixie scene, but things didn’t pan out that way. :smallfrown:

Gentoo: You need to decide what story Cora tells to the gondoliers and make a diplomacy and/or bluff roll, depending on whether she tells the truth or not.

Remember offering gold rather than silver will grant a bonus, as will the letter that Xeren carries, if Cora is truthful.

Dax has already rolled successful “aid another” skill rolls for Xeren, so Cora receives a bonus on either (or both) rolls.

2008-11-24, 04:17 PM
Cora Swase

Cora steps towards one of the three men trying to appear as friendly as possible.
"Hello there. My friend would like to take a gondola out for a while. I hope it's not too late?"

Should I tell him where we're going before or after? :smallconfused:
Anyway, a diplomacy check, I suppose, to improve his attitude.

2008-11-25, 03:56 AM
Gondola Waystation – The Merchants District, Sasserine.

“Of course, where would you like us to take you? It’s five silver pieces per journey,” the gondolier boss looks at the young couple and smiles, “or five per hour if you’d like a romantic tour.”


Gentoo: Not sure from your post whether you think you’re taking the boat yourselves. It’s like hiring a taxi rather than hiring a car – ie one of the gondoliers rows the gondola, your characters are just the passengers.

Whether you are truthful now or later is up to you. Actually lying will require a bluff roll though.

You may as well spend some time now telling them something though, as a diplomacy check requires a full minute. A ‘quick’ single round diplomacy roll has a -10 penalty, so without telling them some story or other, your roll is only good enough to maintain their current attitude.

You don’t need to type out a lengthy speech though, just summarise.

Dax: Xeren needs to join in, in order for Cora to receive the +2 modifier(s), I’ll wait up to 24 hours after Gentoo’s next post to see if you chip in.

2008-11-25, 03:47 PM
Cora Swase

Cora groans silently to herself from the boss's word choice.
"Actually, our trip is a more purposeful one. Do you see the boat there, the Blue Nixie?" She points towards the boat. "We need get aboard to speak with the captain, and were hoping one of you could take us there. However, the people there aren't... the friendliest in the world. We'd be willing to pay extra, since we may need to get back here quickly, if you follow me."

Ok, sorry about that. I meant that they take us out. How long, abouts, would it take for us to get there and back, normal speed and quickly?
Also, diplomacy now -[roll0]

Dax Thura
2008-11-26, 12:13 AM

I do want to assure you that this is a legitimate visit. We have a letter from the Lady Vanderboren, the owner of the ship, that has her seal on it.

Or at least I presume it has a seal.

Xeren presents the letter to the gondolier boss.

2008-11-26, 08:39 AM
Inside the Gondola Waystation – Merchants District, Sasserine

The youngest looking of the three gondoliers, a man in his mid-twenties, nods after looking at Lavinia’s letter, “Ok I’ll take you both across to the ship, but it’ll cost you double. Plus another five gold pieces if things get violent.”

“I’m trusting that you know what you’re doing to get hired by this noblewoman in the first place, because you two certainly don’t look like warriors.”


“Double” is 1gp.

It’s only about 200 feet from the way-station to the Blue Nixie. I’m not 100% sure what rowing speed is during a combat round, but looking at the SRD (my PHB is at home) it appears to be equivalent to 15ft movement rate. It’ll obviously require several rounds to get in and out of the effective range of the crossbows, which is really going to be limited by light sources in this case. If you’re in “shadowy” illumination beyond 1 range increment (80ft) then low CR NPCs are going to be struggling to hit.

Note: The Merchants District is well lit, and the weather cleared after the rain (fairly clear night sky), so you’ll always be in at least “shadowy light” coming from the Merchant District side.

You bullseye lantern will obviously disrupt the nightvision of anyone looking straight at it – as per your plan.

Kristen – approaching from the Shadowshore side (and in the Blue Nixie’s own shadow) will effectively be in full darkness until her boat is within the light pool of the Blue Nixie’s own lanterns.

So say 13-14 combat rounds to approach the ship, of which you’ll be in effective range for 5-6 rounds. A “fast getaway” would count as hustling for the gondolier, so he’d cover the distance twice as fast. He would be quite exposed standing at the back of his gondola though, and the design of the boat with it’s single oar really prevents him rowing any other way.

2008-11-26, 11:02 AM

While waiting for the gondola to launch, Riff knots the rope for easy climbing.

((I assume the mast and sail are down to make us less visible?))

2008-11-26, 01:45 PM

As the boat pushed away for Shadowshore and headed out toward the Blue Nixie, Kade checked to make sure all his gear was in place and secured well enough to stay attached during the climb but still loose enough to be easily retrieved if necessary. When finished he gives a long look towards the stars. What do you have in store for me tonight? Even I can feel that something is different, but what is it? I guess asking for a sign would be too much for a forsaken one huh?

He then moves towards the front of the boat and looks over the water towards their target, trying to spot any dangers or obstacles that might interrupt their trip or give them away. He breathes deeply and calmly, keeping the excitement of upcoming action under control for now. He takes a quick look back at those in the boat with him. That smallone's got a good head, that's for sure. Wonder how he'll manage under fire. The girl looks like she could cause a bit of trouble if she wanted. I can tell she knows how to take care of herself at least. I just hope the boy is ready for this. He moves over to the ladder and gets in position to lift it up onto the boat when they get there. He says to the others quietly and with a watchful eye, "Yall ready for this?"

2008-11-26, 03:25 PM
Cora Swase

Satisfied witrh the terms, Cora steps into the gondola, and sits, staring ahead in anticipation of what is to come.

2008-11-26, 04:10 PM

When Kade moves to the front of the boat, Kristen advises him sharpely:

"Hey, watch out, don't tip the damn boat over"

She sticks to the shore at first, trying to be as subtle as possible, without speaking a word. Her longbow hangs around her shoulders by it's string, and she has a quiver on her back.

"I'm ready for anything"

2008-11-26, 05:12 PM

Used to the vagaries of water travel, Riff instinctively moves to balance Kade's motion.

"Yall ready for this?"

Riff shrugs. He produces three sling stones and recites a litany over them. "I wish I knew why they were stealing the Nixie. I'm having a hard time predicting their next move when I don't understand this one."

Can you Aid Another on balance checks? If so, Riff will take 10 when appropriate.

Casting Magic Stone (duration 30 minutes).

On a ship like the Nixie, where would one normally keep charts and do navigation tasks? It makes sense that if they're going somewhere, they might have an interesting map. If he gets an opportunity, Riff wants to check.

Dax Thura
2008-11-26, 09:36 PM

Xeren will assist Cora into the gondola before getting in himself. He straps on his khatar and makes sure his sickle is ready. Xeren doesn't look over to Cora when she notices his preparations. As much as I hope this won't erupt into violence, I just can't shake the feeling that it will and we should be ready for it. I promise I will wait for you to give the word or they make it a necessity.

2008-11-27, 06:36 AM
Jasren Holdrath

While the young mage sat in the boat, he nervously played with the butt of his dagger as he thought about what he was about to do. Although he was nervous, he was also excited. while these may not be the high seas, he would be taking the fight to the "bad guys", just like Captain Haldren in all the seafaring adventures he read in what free time he had.

When the bhoat tipped in response to Kade's movement, Jasren gripped both siderails of the small vessel. Anyone can see the the lad has no sea legs though the nervousness and excitement in his eyes shows his readiness to gat them.

"Yall ready for this?"

The young wizard grips his crossbow as he nods his head in a determined manner.

2008-11-28, 04:15 AM
Approaching the Blue Nixie.

The two boats close in on the moored Blue Nixie from opposite sides; Cora and Xeren’s gondola approaches from the glow of the bustling Merchants District, rowed expertly by the gondolier who introduces himself as Karl. On the other side of the carrack Kristen rows through shadowy waters from the direction of Shadowshore, lit only by the moons and the stars. Her careful stokes make hardly any noise as the oars dip in and out of the water.

As the gondola closes to within fifty feet of the Nixie, those aboard begin to pay attention. Voices can be heard from on deck, and the sentry on the forecastle shouts a challenge down to Cora, Xeren and Karl:

“Back off ya scurvy dogs, or I’ll put a bolt through ya!!”

Three more bodies appear on that side of the Blue Nixie, two on the main deck and one on the quarterdeck. From the opposite side of the ship nobody is visible apart from the other sentry high in the crow’s nest.

Sorry again! I ended up working quite late and didn’t have time to post in the evening.

Today probably won’t be much better, but at least I’ve got something posted, and I should be good to post later on tonight and over the weekend.

I guess most of you are enjoying your Thanksgiving celebrations anyway (we don’t celebrate it in the UK). Belated Happy Thanksgiving!! :smallsmile:

Flashlight: I still need a profession(sailor) and a move silently (DC10) roll for Kristen.
(I’ll roll myself tonight/tomorrow if you’re still busy).


Maurkov & Dathom, please could you confirm your characters’ memorised spells:

I’ve checked Jasren’s character sheet, he has the following listed:

Spell like abilities (1/day): Light, Prestigidation, Detect Magic
Level 0: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Mage Hand
Level 1: Mage Armor, Unseen Servant, Color Spray

I can’t get into Riff’s character sheet from work, because that site is blocked, and my saved flash-drive copy doesn’t list his memorised spells (not sure if this is because I saved an old copy, or because I didn’t make them viewable before saving the page).

I’ll have your memorised spells tracked in DMGenie after tonight, so I shouldn’t need to ask again.

2008-11-28, 08:57 AM
Jasren Holdrath

Sitting quietly in the boat, Jasren's eyes never leave the ship as he does his best to see if anyone on the ship has spotted Kristen's boat. He especially keeps an eye on the man in the crow's nest, as he would have the best chance of seeing their craft from that height. The young mage becomes more vigilant the closer to the ship they get as h calls to mind the spell he would use once they good close enough, and he hjad enough of the sailors in range.

OOC: Those spells are correct.

Dax Thura
2008-11-28, 03:51 PM

Our move pretty lady. Karl, don't stop rowing. Keep a nice steady pace.

2008-11-28, 04:52 PM
Cora Swase

Cora shouts up to the Blue Nixie.
"Hail, Blue Nixie! We come peacefully! We request a word with Vark befoer you leave, if he has a moment."

I believe the boat is small enough so that the others can here us without having to make listen checks, right?

2008-12-01, 09:05 PM
The sentry takes aim at Cora and Xeren with his crossbow, but doesn't shoot:

"What do ya want with Vark? He don't want no one aboard!"

At the other side of the Blue Nixie, Kristen is only thirty feet away from the ship now; the crow's nest sentry is no longer visible - presumably that means that he's looking down on the gondola.

http://rpgmapshare.com/modules/g2/d/25124-2/Trouble+on+the+Blue+Nixie.JPG (http://rpgmapshare.com/index.php?q=gallery&g2_itemId=25122&g2_imageViewsIndex=1)
Click on map for to view full scale image on rpgmapshare.com (3000x3000)

Scale is 5 feet per square.

The sentry is located on the forecastle in the square where the +20ft label is pointing.

I'll add tokens to the maps tomorrow.
The two boats are cramped, so all of your characters count as "squeezing" if you're attacked.

Dax Thura
2008-12-02, 08:08 AM

Xeren will try to get between Cora and the ship to protect her from the crossbow.

We're off to a good start.

2008-12-02, 01:10 PM

The woman keeps silent and rows closer to the ship, moving the oars as quiet as possible.

2008-12-02, 07:52 PM

Cora's heart starts pounding as the crossbow is pointed at her, but when Xeren stands in front, she continues speaking.
"Vark is unaware of our arrival, but please tell him we have an offer for him he would not want to pass up."

I'm not sure if a bluff check is needed, but I do have an offer, just no intention of carrying through with it. [roll0]
EDIT: *Facepalm* WHY? do I waste my critical on this?!

2008-12-03, 04:14 AM
A second man appears on the upper quarterdeck level, alongside the first, “I’m Vark! What do you want? I’m on a tight schedule – ain’t got no time for visitors!”

Vark is also carrying a light crossbow, he looks like he’s about to take aim.

There are now crossbows on both forecastle and quarterdeck, and one in the crow’s nest, Xeren can just about shield Cora from all of them, but only to the extent of giving -4 cover (ie he’s the obvious target). Giving full cover against one archer will expose her to another.

The crossbows are all light crossbows.

2008-12-03, 06:49 AM

Sounds like the girl's got his attention. Now if she can just hold it for a few more seconds. Kade slowly begins to lift the ladder into position, trying to move it slow enough and keep it low enough so that it won't attract any undue attention. Still, he wants it to be ready to get it hooked as soon as the boat is in range. He scans to deck of the Blue Nixie as they approach, looking to see if anyone has noticed them. He then looks back at Riff to see if the smallone is ready to climb the ladder when he gets it in place.

2008-12-04, 03:37 PM

Speaking with as much conviction as she can, Cora tells them the lie that had been forming in her head.
"We understand that you have recently come in possession of the ring of a certain noblewoman. My friend and I would like very much to buy this from you, for our own use. I assure you that the ring's owner will know nothing of this."
She hopes in her mind that Vark will believe her, and possibly let slip the location of the ring.

C'mon, don't screw it up! [roll0]

2008-12-05, 06:54 AM
The Blue Nixie – Sasserine Harbour

“Ring? What ring?” Soller Vark’s crossbow is now pointing directly at the gondola passengers.

“Get outa here!”

A second later, “No, on secon’ thoughts send tha girl up! I’ll listen ta her prop’zition!”

Vark sounds quite lecherous as he says the final sentence; a loud chuckle goes up from amongst his crew at the thought of the beautiful young elf coming aboard alone. Other crew members can be heard dashing towards this side of the ship to take a look (or perhaps lower a rope).


On the other side of the Blue Nixie, Kristen’s boat moves within a few feet of the hull and Kade tries to fix the boarding ladder in place as quietly as possible).

http://rpgmapshare.com/modules/g2/d/25146-2/Trouble+on+the+Blue+Nixie+_Lights2_.JPG (http://rpgmapshare.com/index.php?q=gallery&g2_itemId=25144&g2_imageViewsIndex=1)

OOC Stuff:

@Dax & Gentoo: Neither Xeren nor Cora can tell whether Vark is Bluffing (I’ve rolled sense motive checks).

Dax: Everything that I can see about Eldritch Blast (the fluff and art particularly, but also the crunch) indicates that Warlocks actually point their hand/arm at the target in order to unleash one. That’s how I’m playing it anyway.

So taking aim (readying an attack) with an Eldritch Blast would involve pointing directly at Vark himself. This would quite possibly be interpreted as a hostile act in a fantasy setting (just like the guys aiming crossbows your way). So I’m going to ignore your OOC request to take aim with his blast, unless you describe the action IC.

If you go ahead, then Xeren take aim at the same time as Vark does.

@Bigmac: Sorry I’ve not added the new map to my webpage yet, I’ll do it as soon as I get home today.

Also, make a move silently check for Kade putting the ladder in place (don’t apply any armour check penalty to this).

@ Flashlight (or anyone else who wants to chip in): Where is Kristen going to ‘dock’ her boat? By the main-deck, or by the quarter deck (below the mizzen mast’s rigging & the opening into the covered part of the main-deck)?

The latter seems to fit your plans better:– access to the most shadowy part of the deck and also the mizzen mast to tie Riff’s rope, so I’ll assume that if no one replies.

2008-12-05, 07:28 AM

While one side of the Blue Nixie is occupied by talking, Kristen continues rowing towards the quarter deck to dock.

2008-12-05, 07:55 AM
Jasren Holdrath

Jasren's grip on his crossbow tightens even further as the boat closes within docking range of the ship. Repeating the plan over and over in his head in the last few seconds before they board, the young wizard waits for Riff and Kade to begin their ascent before he prepares to climb the ladder.

2008-12-05, 09:45 AM

The sudden movement on the deck after Vark's comments makes Kade freeze for just a moment, wondering if they had been discovered. When nobody showed up, he gave a silent glance of thanks to the sky and readied himself for getting the ladder set. As he gets in range, he places the hooks as quietly as he can on the ledge and then motions for Riff to start climbing. As soon as the smallone is up, Kade begins to scamper up the ladder.

Not sure how far in the future to post, so these are Kade's intended actions, but I can come back and edit if something goes differently (if they hear the ladder and don't let us up.)


2008-12-05, 03:17 PM

Cora nerviously tries to squeeze around Xeren.
Am I really going to do this? Risk my life for a simple ring? I guess it's too late to back out now, anyway.
As she passes Xeren, she whispers in his ear:
"Whatever happens, don't leave me up there."
She never intended on setting foot on the boat alone.

If the pirates lower a rope, assume that Cora actually gets onto the boat. I just didn't want to post that if they hadn't.

*Gulp* :smalleek:

Dax Thura
2008-12-05, 04:57 PM

Xeren whispers to Cora.Don't worry, I'll go up first when the time comes. You just keep them talking for a little while longer. Maybe jingle some coin to get his mind off of... other things.

I'll offer her my coin purse if she needs it.

2008-12-08, 11:00 AM

“Ring? What ring?”

Riff quietly face-palms.

So, we have to get it tonight. Now.

Riff climbs the ladder across from the mizzen-mast and gets a better look around. If his ascent is unnoticed, he'll move to the mast and secure his rope.

[roll0] [roll1]

2008-12-08, 04:29 PM

Kristen gestures Jasren to go next with her head

she examines the flow of the water to look whether the boat drifts away or not, if not she climbs up last, takes her bow off her back and watches her teammates

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2008-12-08, 06:19 PM

Just as soon as the smallone had cleared the ladder, Kade was busy climbing up it after him. He moved swiftly and with purpose, not wanting anything ill to befall his new companion while he was out of sight. He watched to see where Riff boarded the ship and decided to follow his lead. After he is on deck, he tries to find a convenient hiding place near the stairs. What's that daft smallone fooling with the blasted rope for? I thought he was going to make it all foggy like the windbrother used to. Stars and stones, please don't doom us all. As he gets into his meager hiding spot, he quietly loads a bullet into his sling. Just in case.


2008-12-09, 03:08 AM

Seeing Kristen's nod, and Kade heading up the ladder, Jasren quickly follows as he feels a knot start to form in his stomach. Time to see if I am really made for this adventuring business, the young wizard thinks as his mind wanders to what his family will say if they find out what he is about to do. Quickly focusing back on the situation at hand, Jasren does his best to stick to the shadows as he once more brings the words to his spell to mind.


2008-12-09, 08:42 AM
Kade lands on the quarterdeck with a thump...

“What was-?” Vark turns away from Xeren and immediately spots the dwarf scambling for the shadows on the level below.

He turns his crossbow towards Kade...

“It’s a trick lads!”

Kristen’s boat will drift away slowly if it’s untended.

Tying it quickly to the bottom of the ladder would be enough to prevent this though. :smallsmile:

2008-12-11, 08:19 AM
Jasren Holdrath

Jasren freezes at his place near the top of the ladder as he hears Vark's words. What do I do now, Kade looks tough, but he can't take on all the people on the deck by himself. Okay Jasren, time to test your true worth, the young wizard thinks as he pulls himself over the banister, and lands on the deck alongside the burly dwarf.


2008-12-15, 12:30 PM
Trouble on the Blue Nixie: Surprise Round Summary.

Ignoring the Pirate leader for the moment Riff quickly ties his rope to the Mizzen Mast, ready to help Xeren and Cora onto the Blue Nixie.

Jasren freezes at his place near the top of the ladder as he hears Vark's words. What do I do now, Kade looks tough, but he can't take on all the people on the deck by himself. Okay Jasren, time to test your true worth, the young wizard thinks as he pulls himself over the banister, and lands on the deck alongside the burly dwarf, just as Vark fires his crossbow. The bolt flies true – striking the powerful dwarf in his side.

Kade utters a curse in dwarven before dropping his sling and moving as fast as he can down to the main deck. He draws his guisarme out as he moves towards the crossbowmen nearest Cora and Xeren. As he draws level with the main mast he yells in a loud and menacing voice, "Drop your weapons and no one dies!"

The two thugs in front of him stare in shock, unexpectedly confronted by a dangerous opponent carrying a wicked looking polearm they are unsure for a moment what to do; but the two men fear their leader even more than the newcomer, and as Kade notices another of Vark’s thugs emerging from a covered section of the deck below the quarterdeck, one of the cowed men desperately attempts to load a bolt into his crossbow.

Back on the quarter deck Jasren takes cover behind the mizzen mast and gauges the best way to approach Vark and his companions.

Below the Blue Nixie, Kristen deftly begins tying her rowing boat securely to the bottom of the ladder, while on the opposite side of the ship Xeren unleashes an invocation, summoning forth a fluttering swarm of bats to distract and injure Vark and anyone close by.

For a brief moment, as he is finishing his invocation, Xeren undergoes a change. His features become harsher and more angular. His skin becomes darker, blue and gray, with some movement beneath his flesh as if his veins slowly writhe back and forth. Xeren's trademark smirk that flows up to his eyes take on a malevolent aspect, his eyes even seem to glow with dark flames. Once he has cast the invocation, Xeren returns to normal, though he does retain the menacing smile.

Seeing the Warlock using magic to attack his leader, the sentry on the Forecastle fires his crossbow, hoping to cut down the dangerous magical practitioner where he stands. He had already taken careful aim at Xeren, but the use of magic was both unsettling and unexpected and to his horror his bolt flies well wide of it’s mark.

High above in the Blue Nixie’s crow’s nest the other crossbowman desperately picks a target, distracted by Cora’s delightful form he had neglected to ready his bow. The gondolier looks like an easy target and the sentry quickly launches a bolt, hitting Karl in the leg.

2008-12-22, 09:08 AM
Trouble on the Blue Nixie: Round 1 Summary.

Finishing with his knot Riff grasps the coil of rope and steps to the side of the mizzen mast. He mutters a prayer, calling upon Fharlanghn to conceal his companions. At once the air around him thickens into a dense fog, so thick that Riff can barely make out the shape of his own hand.

The fog quickly engulfs most of the main and quarter decks and the pirates cry in dismay.

Seizing his chance Jasren steps out from behind the mast and approaches the stairs leading up to the helm. Pulling out a few pinches of Red, Blue and Yellow powder, he throw them to the wind, and mumbles off an incantation as a stream of clashing colors erupt from his hands and move up the stairs, and onto the upper deck.

The effect is immediate, the leader of the thugs Soller Vark himself is instantly knocked unconscious, as are his redheaded girlfriend and most of Xeren’s summoned bats.

The other thug standing near to Vark is unaffected by Jasren’s spell, but badly scratched by the bats, near blinded by Riff fog and seeing his leader collapse to yet another magical attack, the thug has seen enough. He leaps over the ship’s rail and into the sea, thinking only of escape now “Ahh! Quick! Get out of here!”

As the mist descends onto the main deck, Kade knows that he must move to maintain the initiative.

He moves quickly to his right, taking position on the opposite side of the main mast, and taking a quick swipe at the crossbow armed thug as he passes. The swing of his guisearm opens up a nasty wound in the bowman’s chest and he collapses unconscious onto the deck. Reversing the swing Kade catches the bowman’s companion as he lunges forwards with his rapier. The thug drops his fencing sword and falls at Kade’s feet; groaning with pain he pleads for mercy, "Please enough, no more!"

Somewhere in the mist Kade can hear the other thug lifting up a hatch and shouting, "It’s the watch! We’ve been rumbled"

"Mera! Burn it all!"

Kristen also hears the thug’s shout, she has just climbed through an opening next to the top of her ladder into the covered part of the main deck. Riff’s summoned mist is beginning to seep into this area, but for now it’s still clear. The voice came from somewhere close to the main mast, hidden inside the fog. There is a door into the ship’s interior here, probably leading to the ship’s galley.

Back on the gondola Karl shouts in pain as the crossbow bolt hits him in the shoulder. He lets go of his oar and dives into the gondola’s small roofed area.

The small boat immediately begins to spin counter clockwise as it continues to drift towards the Blue Nixie.

Xeren and Cora wait for Riff to toss down the rope, the mist hasn’t descends to sea level, but still completely obscures the Blue Nixie’s side rails from them.

A few feet away the thug who jumped overboard struggles to the surface and looks around for the best way to escape.

Up on deck the sentry on the quarterdeck shouts, “Shoot the dwarf! He killed Tarl!”
At the same time he launches a crossbow bolt in Kade’s direction. The bolt slams uselessly into the mast six feet above Kade’s head.

A confused voice shouts down from the crow’s nest, “I can’t see anything down there! What’s goin’ on?”

2009-01-16, 08:42 PM
Placeholder for round 2 summary!

Coming soon...

2009-01-16, 08:43 PM
Placeholder for round 3 summary!

Coming soon...

2009-01-16, 08:44 PM
Placeholder for round 4 summary!

Coming soon...

2009-01-16, 08:47 PM

Pulling her dagger out of the nightmare arachnid's body Kristen looks at Kade and shouts, "What in the Nine Hells was that thing!?"

"Are you ok Kade?"

Behind her there is a hiss as Riff's conjured water douses the flames before they spread.

Dax Thura
2009-01-16, 11:44 PM

Everyone more or less ok? Master Riff how about you, Kade, and Kristen make sure the fires out and that there's no more of those things about? Xeren points to the remains of the "Death Bug". Then look for the ring. Cora and I will go back up and to help Jasren. We'll make sure all of the pirates are gone or out then look for the ring up there. Kristen, once we find the ring why don't you take it back to Lady Lavinia while the rest of us will see to the ship and make sure the pirates we've captured are turned over to the Watch.

2009-01-17, 12:16 AM
((Are the bat victims still bleeding out? Did the boatman stick around?))


"Xeren, when the law comes, lets call them 'smugglers.' Pirates, well, that's more like what we were doing."

Riff gets a better look at the death bug. He glances around the dark corners of the hold and shudders. "I... I'll be on deck." As he climbs the ladder, he revises, "Searching the captain's quarters." Once clear of the hold, he calls down, "Come on up if you're injured."

2009-01-17, 12:34 AM
Jasren Holdrath

Jasren, not paying heed to the battle below deck, gathers rope and begins to bind the unconscious Vark while he calls over to Cora to bind the smugger's lady friend.

2009-01-17, 01:03 PM

The weight of the creature begins to shift off of Kade, allowing him to free his arm and slam his fist into the creature's maw, cutting it with his spikes and stinging his fist all at once. He pushes harder, flinging the thing onto the ground as he continues his assault, ignorant of the pedilap still attached or the others talking around him. His world was tinted red and focused only on the thing that was, or rather had been, attacking him. His fury lasts for a few more seconds.

Slowly, Kade begins to realize the thing isn't alive anymore, and he begins to move towards where the fire had been. The pedilap that is still attached pulls him back for a second, before he digs it out with a curse."Cursed Bug!" He begins to move towards the site of the fire again with strained breath and a slight limp. Seeing that the fire is out, he goes about looking through the rest of the cargo hold with his Guisarme at the ready and moving cautiously.

Hearing Riff up above, Kade calls out, "Got to make sure it's all clear down here, but save a spell for me."

2009-01-20, 08:29 AM
On the deck of the Blue Nixie
A few minutes later...


Kristen hands the maps that she picked up to Riff as he finishes healing Karl’s injuries, “I think these are what you were after.”

The maps are good quality charts of the local waters; a spot two miles off the coast has been circled and a course to there plotted. The markings look like they have been made recently.

Vark and the surviving female thug sit sullenly on deck, securely bound with rope. The other prisoner – the crossbowman cut down be Kade – is still unconscious, but looks as though he’ll survive.

Now that Riff has healed his wound Karl seems happy enough – excited even – the gold that he’s been paid more than making up for the danger. He is very grateful to Riff for the healing magic.

2009-01-20, 12:40 PM

"Thank you," says Riff. He examines the charts briefly before putting them in his pack. "...need better light."

Riff busies himself with his tasks. He nearly jumps out of his skin when the death bug comes up out of the hold, until he sees that it's being propelled by Kade.

((Once we've found the ring, assuming they have not already arrived, can we signal for the watch using the bull's eye lantern?))

Dax Thura
2009-01-20, 01:31 PM

Karl, you did a great job! I'm sorry that you were hurt and I hope that my friend has taken good care of you. Here's your payment 1gp for rowing, 5pg due to the danger and here's a 4gp tip for your... discomfort. If you can wait, I'll help make sure you get home safely. If you don't want to wait, we can ask the watch to escort you instead.

OOC: I don't recall if anyone has paid him yet so I'm going to deduct this 10gp from my gp total.

2009-01-20, 06:51 PM

"Your welcome in my cave anytime son." Kade says to the halfling after he's felt the healing power that the smallone could work. He then left him to talking to the prisoners and tending to the maps and other stuff. Now that the violence was done, and the cleanup accomplished, he was rather bored.

He strolls around the deck for a short while before finding Kristen and asks nonchalantly, "Say, think you could help me move this thing into your boat?" as he points to the dead creature. "I wanna get a closer look at these small hookers." Thinking that the interesting weapon potential of the creature wouldn't interest the girl much, he adds, "And I think there might be some money in it if I can take it to the right people."

2009-01-26, 08:17 AM
Onboard the Blue Nixie.
On Deck

Soller Vark and the female smuggler remain sullen and uncooperative despite the good treatment that they are receiving from the party.

A physical search of Vark does not reveal either Lavinia’s missing payment or the family signet ring, but does turn up two small vials of purple liquid. Vark wears a silver ring, but it clearly isn’t the ring that the party is seeking. He also wear a large gold ear ring.

His studded leather armour is of excellent quality, as are his rapier and his buckler.

Searching Vark’s female accomplice, the bound, unconscious thug and the dead woman in the hold, also fails to turn up the objects that Lavinia seeks. They have little of interest, although between them they have total of 90 silver pieces and 6 gold pieces – hopefully this isn’t all that remains of Lavinia’s money!

After helping Kade to move the huge bug onto her rowing boat, Kristen follows Riff and Xeren into the captain's cabin.

In the Captain’s Cabin.

There are two large chests in the corners of the cabin, one is empty, but the other contains a leather pouch full of platinum pieces; there are one hundred in all, this almost certainly Lavinia’s missing payment to the Harbourmaster – seemingly stolen from his employer by Soller Vark.

The rooms large bed shows signs of being recently used, probably by Vark and the woman. For a while a more thorough examination of the cabin doesn’t turn up anything, but eventually Xeren finds a secret panel in the bed’s headboard. Once the panel has been opened it reveals a small storage space containing a silver signet ring bearing the Vanderboren crest.

A small piece of parchment has been rolled up and slipped through the ring.

The parchment bears the following strange verse:

Chimera looks to sunrise
Cyclops looks to sunset
Medusa looks to sunrise
Umber Hulk looks to sunset
Basilisk looks to sunrise


I’ve decided to use underlines to highlight any interesting items that items that your searches turn up.

He’s a summary of some of the thing’s that Kristen knows thanks to her Local Knowledge skill. I’ve posted this OOC summary which she shares with everyone, in order to speed things along:

The thugs are almost certainly animal smugglers. Kirsten (who’s a smuggler herself after all), knows that the Merchant’s District watch will pay a reward if you turn them in.

Finally she knows that the gang of thugs that Vark is associated with – The Dread Eels – is supposedly quite small, with no more than about 15-20 members. With so many on board the Blue Nixie at the same time, it’s fairly likely that Vark was actually the leader, or at least a highly placed lieutenant.

Here’s a copy of the info about the Dread Eels that I gave Flashlight at the start of the adventure:

Dread Eels
The Dread Eels are a small band of extortionists and conmen working the waterfront of the Azure District. They are also believed to smuggle animals and to run a protection racket. It is rumoured that many of the harbour master Keltar Islaran’s dock workers have links to the Dread Eels.

2009-01-26, 05:54 PM

Riff reluctantly admits that Kade was close to the mark regarding the Rule of Law in the city. "So. The harbormaster's chosen agent is a smuggler, and all our shouting, fighting, and light show aren't enough to summon the watch. I propose we split into three groups: Two take these items to Ms. Vanderboren. Two summon the the watch. Two stay here and make sure they aren't rescued and don't escape. The last seems like it could become the most perilous, so I nominate our heroes, Kade and Jasren. The middle task is the most delicate, so I think Cora and Xeren should do it. Kristen and I can get to the Manor and back, and quietly."

"Quo Vadimus!"

Barring argument, Riff takes the ring, parchment, and platinum, and requests Kristen row them to shore.

It doesn't occur to Riff to loot the captives, and wouldn't be comfortable seeing others take their stuff. But he's leaving now. :smalltongue:

2009-01-27, 03:37 AM
Jasren Holdrath

With the action over, Jasren returns to his timid self as he stands with the others on deck "If that is to be the plan, then I would prefer to not be aboard. I am no hero, and would prefer to take the ring to the Lady Vanderboren. However, I feel it prompt to add that why can't we do all of that together. We took these smugglers on as a group, I feel it only proper to meet the Watch as a group as well. We can send two to gather and return with the Watch. Afterwards, we can return as a group and return the ring and platinum to its rightful owner."

With his plan said, Jasren simply goes about looking to the shore. Not use to being on a boat, he couldn't wait until he was able to get off this ship and get back on to solid ground. Even the slight rocking was causing him to question his footing.

Dax Thura
2009-01-27, 07:31 AM

It's ok with me if Jasren goes with Cora to get the watch and I'll stay here with Kade to look after to our new friends. Here's the letter from Lady Vanderboren. Xeren hands the paper over to Cora.

2009-01-27, 09:09 AM

"You best stay here with that money Riff. No telling what might happen to it on the streets. Someone go fetch the watch and then we'll take the lady her stuff back together. But don't worry about these rats you got tied up. I'll make sure they stay put."

Kade wasn't going to let the money out of his sight. Even though they had worked well together, it was still too soon to trust his new friends with that much money and a golden, or rather platinum, opportunity to take it for themselves.

2009-01-27, 11:04 AM

"Just in case things go poorly with the watch, I'd like the object of our mission to already have been delivered. If Vark is more persuasive than us, we could be the ones who end up locked up, and Lavinia still wouldn't have access to the resources she would need to ransom us."

"If it's a matter of trust," he says, removing his holy symbol and handing it and his wand of curing to Kade, "hang on to these until I see you again." The symbol is a tiny depiction of Oerth in blue and green enamel. "Don't lose it. It means the world to me."

Dax Thura
2009-01-27, 01:27 PM

Kade, Master Riff makes sense. Let's follow his plan and we can end this night having successfully performed our duties.

2009-01-27, 01:54 PM

It's not you I worry about, it's the one you wanted to take with you. Kade looks disappointed when Riff tries to hand over his priestly objects, and refuses to take the offered items. He looks over at Kristen and then at Vark I can't let him go alone with her, but he's right, I can't trust Vark either.

He strolls over behind the prisoners as casually as he can. He then takes his guisarme and hits Vark on the back of the head with it until he’s stopped or Vark drops unconcious.

"I don't think he'll be very persuasive now. And you’ll" looking at the woman tied up next to Vark, "keep you’re mouth shut won’t you."

2009-01-27, 02:59 PM
Jasren Holdrath

Jasren listens to the others as they debate their next course of action. When the talk dies down a bit, the young wizard adds in with, "Well, if we are to split up then let us do so. I need to get off the water, right now. I still think we should stick together, but if it will move things along, I say Riff and I deliver the ring and coin to Lady Vanderboren while Kade and Kristen guard the ship and Cora and Xeren get the guard. This way, I believe that everyone's skills can be put to best use. Our best diplomats can smooth things out with the guards while our undisputed muscle and boatsman...er...woman keep watch over the riff-raff and ship while the two who can't really contribute to either deliver the objects of this whole endeavor to their rightful owners.

With the increased time on board, the young wizard's uneasiness makes him a little more straightforward than normal and all can tell that he want's to get off the ship as soon as possible, not due to any percieved danger, but the fact that his legs are unaccustomed to the movement of water and are still meant to stand firmly on solid ground.

2009-01-27, 04:35 PM
Cora Swase

Cora looks around the boat listening as the others discuss what to do.
"I don't think Vark will be a problem. Chances are the watch will be looking for... people like him... and if it comes down to it, we could always get a Circle of Truth."
She then picks up on Jasren's uneasiness and doesn't want him singled out, and says,
"Besides, let's get back on dry land. This boat is starting to give me the creeps, what with the giant dead bug and all.

Bluff check for the last bit: [roll0]

2009-01-28, 11:55 AM

Too late, Riff throws himself between Kade and the prisoners. He snarls at the much larger dwarf, "Damn you. I don't know how things are done in the hole in the ground you call home, but we don't do that here. You just beat a helpless person for your own convenience. Despicable."

If Kade gives any ground, Riff follows. "It's not like it even helps. I could wake him up again in two seconds, and the watch could too. 'And then they beat me so I wouldn't talk,' he'll say. That's a problem. We defended ourselves while recovering stolen property, and have been entirely in the right until now."

"I spent time and prayers fixing him up, and I don't like seeing my work undone. He might be bleeding again...." Riff halts his tirade. "Excuse me."

Riff checks that Valk's wounds haven't reopened.

"I'm leaving now. Try not to hit anybody else."

2009-01-28, 02:25 PM
Jasren Holdrath

The young wizard was looking for a way off the boat, so he was completely caught off guard when Kade knocked Vark out and Riff launched into his tirade. Seeing the little guy march off, he takes that opportunity to get off the boat with the halfling as he says, "Kristen and Kade with the boat, Cora and Xeren, please get the Watch. We will meet up back at Vanderboren Manor when we have all finished, to make sure things have gone smoothly."

2009-01-28, 02:53 PM

Kade points a finger at Riff and says, "YOU said he could get us locked up! I don't trust this filthy town or their pethetic watch, I definatly don't trust this wretched scum, and I WON'T be sent to jail for doing the right thing by Lady Vanderboren. I did what I had to do to protect us. He's lucky he's tied up, otherwise I might've actually had to hurt him. As it is, thanks to you, he'll be fine. Though he deserves a lot worse than a headache if you ask me."

Kade looks down to where the bolt had pierced his side and then back towards Jarsen and the others who are leaving.

"Why don't you all just stick around for the watch to come, or do you agree with me that they can't be trusted?"

2009-01-28, 06:04 PM
Jasren Holdrath

Having started to follow after Riff, Jasren stops in mid-step and spins on his heel. The uncomfortable rocking mixed with the adrenaline still moving through the young wizard's veins and the rude comments of the dwarf leads the young human to exclaim, "I have been patient but that is it...I have had enough! If you had listened to me before, you would know that I think it better to stay here for when the guards arrive and I think you a misguided brute who doesn't know how to behave outside of his own wild ways. You are in the city now! And I will NOT have you calling the place I have called home my entire life a filthy town. Granted, there are people that hurt others and break the rules like this despicable Vark character, but that does not give you the right to come in and act like a buffoon, vocalizing your dislike of the city. No matter what may be right...there are still laws that every citizen falls under. I don't like some of this cities laws either, but Sasserine is a good city and if you go about insulting my home again, then you and I will have words! If it makes you feel safe in your little barbaric world then we will all stay on board, but someone needs to fetch the Watch."

Turning away from the offending dwarf, Jasren heads to the railing and grips it to get some sense of support and to give himself a bit of time to calm down.

As for this whole situation, Jasren doesn't care if Vark gets roughed up a bit, but he has finally had it with Kade's comments about Sasserine, so he is finally gonna speak his mind.

2009-01-28, 06:57 PM

"...then we will all stay on board..."

Refusing to be goaded, Riff says, "No we won't," and taking the platinum and ring, heads for the boat.

Is the gondola still there? If so, Riff will take that, since he's not sure how Kristen would feel about us using her boat while she stayed behind.

Dax Thura
2009-01-28, 08:00 PM

Cora, Kristen, you two should leave as well. I'd like to talk with Kade in private. Kade, please let them go. All will go well with the money and the watch. That's no promise, but a simple truth.

2009-01-28, 08:18 PM

Kade spits upon the deck of the ship and gives Jarsen a stern look, eyeing him up and down long enough to be uncomfortable.

"Truth sucks boy, but it's still the truth. Fighting me ain't going to change a thing."

He then says to Riff as he is about to leave. "I told the Lady I'd get her ring back and I won't let it out of my sight. I could care less if the watch comes for these wretches. To hell with them, and to hell with the watch. If you want to talk Xeren come with me and the ring."

2009-01-28, 10:09 PM
Cora Swase

Cora sighs as the conflict gets barely resolved.
"Alright, Xeren, let's go too. Where should everyone meet up? Lady Vanderboren's?"

I don't want to start up another argument, but how are we going to divvi up the loot? Also, can we have some stats (Ie masterwork Y/N) on the rapier, buckler, and studded leather?

Dax Thura
2009-01-28, 10:59 PM

Actually, Kade, I was mostly just trying to stop this... discussion. But perhaps your suggestion is best. I'll stay to guard the ship and turn over the smugglers to the watch. I'll make my way to Lavinia's about noon tomorrow. Then I'll go and make sure that all of the captives are trussed up well and gagged too.

2009-01-29, 01:43 AM
Jasren Holdrath

Now at a lose for what to do. Stay on the rocking boat and avoid the infuriating, yet intimidating dwarf or get on to dry land and be in that same dwarf's company. In the end, his uneasiness wins out as he follows the halfling's lead and heads towards the gondola.

2009-01-29, 07:59 AM

Kristen had watched the arguing with amusement; as far as she was concerned Riff had wasted a perfectly good spell to stop Vark’s blood loss. Better by far to have let him bleed out. In her experience, the watches of Sasserine cared little about fighting crime, unless it took place right under their noses.

Well unless you count that thrice-damned Cudgel District watch, but the less time I spend in that district the happier I am.

She is snapped out of her thoughts by Xeren’s intervention in the argument, “Your trust in the rest of this merry band is noble indeed Xeren. I’m an agreement with Kade myself, but your offer to stay here seems like it will suit everyone.”

Sensing that perhaps it’s better to keep Kade apart from some of the others, for her own safety if nothing else, she walks across to the dwarf and says, “There isn’t much room on the gondola, why don’t you come on my boat? Your trophy’s on there anyway. I can easily keep up with the gondola, so you can keep close to Lady Vanderboren’s items.”

2009-01-29, 08:49 AM

Kade nods and grumbles something unintelligable at Kristen as he lets the others leave in the gondola. Before leaving the ship, Kade will gather up the weapons that are scattered on the deck or still on the prisoners. He looks over towards Kristen. "Got room on your boat for these? If not, I'll toss them. Don't want anyone else on the wrong side of these weapons."

He then quickly makes his way towards the boat so that they can be off while there is still some chance of keeping the others within shouting distance in case something went wrong.

2009-02-26, 08:33 AM
Vanderboren House – The Merchant District, Sasserine
Noon - Waterday 12th Sunsebb, 596 CY

“Excellent work! Thank you all; you truly are as professional as I had hoped!” Lavinia’s pretty face is positively beaming when she learns just how successful the party was – with Soller Vark under arrest, her ship repossessed, the coins for the harbour-master retrieved and her father’s signet ring back in her possession, things couldn’t have gone better.

“I shall depart immediately for the family vault, to get your payment. Would you mind accompanying me?”

“I’ve never actually visited the vault before: Rumours hold that some of the family vaults under Castle Teraknian are quite extensive and guarded by traps; from what I can remember hearing my father say over the years, I suspect that the Vanderboren Vault is relatively small and safe, but that there may be a construct guardian of some kind.”

“I would obviously pay a small bonus, would another 50 gold pieces each be sufficient?”

Lavinia is interrupted by Kora, her trusty Halfling housekeeper, descends from the kitchen carrying a metal tray full of steaming brews which she carefully sets down on one of the dining room’s two wooden tables.

“Miss Vanderboren, where are your manners?”

Turning to the adventurers Kora say, “You must all be tired and thirsty after your brave exploits. These brews are an old family recipe, they’re very refreshing. There’s no sense rushing off into more danger without at least refreshing yourselves first.”

The party received a reward of 200 gold pieces for turning in Vark and two of his accomplices.
I’ll total up the value of the weapons, etc that Kade and Kristen took later.
Everyone also receives 558XP. This is broken down in more detail in the OOC Thread.

Dax Thura
2009-02-27, 12:57 AM

I've never been to my family's vault either, Lavinia. I expect that escorting you there will be a pleasant experience.

2009-02-27, 10:58 AM
Jasren Holdrath

After the events that had transpired but a few hours ago, Jasren was about ready to topple over from exhaustion, however, they had been able to get the job done and that left the young wizard feeling a sense of pride. So even though he just wanted to sleep, he listened to the beautiful noble woman's request as he sipped at the drink that Kora had handed all of them after thanking the elderly halfling for the drink. As he drank the brew, he felt energy course through his limbs as he suddenly felt more awake. Once Lavinia has finished her request, Jasren sets his cup down and says, "I will accompany you as well."

2009-02-28, 02:42 PM

Kora had barely finished her sentence before Kade had helped himself to a cup. After upending it and downing its contents in short order, he places it back on the tray and grabs another cup. Wiping some leftover drops off his beard with the back of his hand, Kade nods towards Lavinia. "I’ll go with ya wherever the stone rolls Lady. Even better if it means a few more coins.”

2009-03-02, 09:23 AM
Cora Swase

"I'd be glad to come with you." Cora says after she finishes one of Kora's drinks and feels the rejuvinating effects wash over her.

2009-03-02, 02:20 PM

Riff smiles at Kora as he sets down his mug. "I'd be happy to come. I've never been to the castle."

"Do you have any maps?"

2009-03-03, 08:55 AM
The Private Dining Room – Vanderboren House
Noon - Waterday 12th Sunsebb, 596 CY

Kora shakes her head, “I’m sorry I don’t think that we have a map of Castle Teraknian master Riff.”

“Lady Larissa did love her maps as though, so there may be some of interest to you in the library. I’m sure Miss Lavinia will let you take a look once this business is resolved.”

Kristen drinks the Halfling’s brew before speaking, she looks a little uncomfortable.

“I’m sorry Lady Vanderboren, but I must decline”

“I have no intention of voluntarily setting foot inside Castle Teraknian, several of my friends have found themselves strung up outside those foul walls. In any case my work for you is done, I shall return tomorrow to collect my payment.”

Speaking to the others Kristen says, “Good luck to all of you, even you Sir Dwarf – be warned you will find little enough honour in this city.”

With that the smuggler turns and walks out of the room without another word. Lavinia looks surprised and Kora dashes after Kristen – either to escort her from the building or to attempt to change her mind.

After a second, a slightly despondent looking Lavinia Vanderboren says, “Oh dear, I had hoped to continue my business association with all of your group. I’m quite sure that I will have need of your services even after accessing the vault.”

She looks thoughtful, “And we certainly need somebody with Kristen’s talents in the vault, I don’t think that it is trapped, but it’s foolish to take chances!”

“There were a couple of others whose services I had in mind, in case any of you had turned down my original offer. I shall seek one of them out this afternoon. Meet me outside the Imp’s Folly in the Noble District this evening at dusk, and we shall cross to the castle together. The inn is near to the Opera House, I’m sure that Cora knows the place.”

2009-03-03, 06:17 PM
Giving a nod to the young girl as she left, Kade calls out, "Keep your blade sharp kid and you'll be fine, even here." He then turns towards the others and breaks out a coin pouch. He starts to count out a few coins for each person.

"Here, the kid managed to get a few coins from her friends last night for the stuff we collected and thought it best to share with everyone."

After passing out the coins to the rest of the party, Kade heads for the door. "Tonight then. I'm off to find an anvil."

Kade then exits the manor and heads off around the town. He had wanted to try and recreate the "hookers" that had dug into his skin and was looking for a weaponsmith or even just an anvil that he could work with. Instead, as he wanders through the streets of Sasserine his travels lead him to the Shrine of Bleredd. Not normally a religious dwarf, he decides that perhaps this place wouldn't be too bad. He spends his time there discussing the art of smithing with the priests and gets their thought on how to best recreate the "hookers" he encountered. As the day grows dark, he heads off to the to Imp's Folly to grab some food and perhaps a few drinks while he waits for the others to show up.

"A glass and a plate, filled with your best!" he calls out in a boisterous voice as he enters through the doors. As he eyes the gaming hall his eyes get a bit wider and he begins to watch to ongoing games with interest.

2009-03-04, 03:12 AM

"I'm not surprised she's done. She had a pretty close call with that bug." He supresses a shudder. "Got a lot of sense, that one."

Ricky S
2009-03-05, 09:23 PM
You briefly see a halfling walk by, but take no notice of him.

2009-03-05, 10:05 PM

Sensing the Lady has pressing matters, Riff excuses himself.

He tends to various mundain chores before arriving at the meeting. He's still armored.

2009-03-09, 08:24 AM
The Imp's Folly – The Noble District, Sasserine

Lavinia arrives alone at the Imp’s Folly about an hour and a half after the party. Gathering everybody together inside the inn around a quiet corner table she introduces the existing party members to the Halfling that a couple of them noticed earlier.

“Gentlemen, this is Smiff Stacken: an expert trapfinder according to the tales that I have heard. He will be helping us to gain safe access to my father’s vault.”

“Smiff, these gentlemen are the adventurers that I mentioned to you, they have already more than proved their mettle and the professionalism by quickly reprocessing my father’s sailing ship from a band of vicious smugglers acting in the guise of employees of the Harbourmaster.”

Ricky S
2009-03-09, 09:41 AM
Smiff Stakken

A halfling stands before you, he is wearing weather stained clothes of dark colours. He pulls the hood of his cloak down and looks towards you.He fingers the hilt of his dagger, before quickly offering his hand out to each of you in turn.
Greetings I am Smiff, I believe I am what you have been looking for. I have the skills and I believe you have a certain job. I have heard of your proffessionalism and you can be sure that I share the same attitude towards business. I look forward to working with all of you.

Smiff pulls his hood up again and sits down at the table. Smiff orders a wine and raises his glass before speaking quietly.
To business

2009-03-09, 11:16 AM
Jasren Holdrath

To Jasren, the little halfling was certainly a little odd, but at least this Smiff seemed to be more jovial than their last "specialist". Politely accepting the halfling's greeting, he says, "Hello there, I am Jasren Holdrath from the Noble's District. It is a pleasure to meet you. As Lady Vanderboren's judge of character has been accurate so far, I feel that having you among our number will make whatever trials ahead that much easier."

2009-03-09, 12:48 PM

"Smiff? Riff," says Riff, offering his hand.

"I'm a cartographer and priest of Fharlanghn."

Riff is another halfling, wearing leather armor under a teal cloak.


2009-03-09, 01:49 PM

Kade looks at Smiff's hand for a second before grabbing it with his own that has a light coating of chicken grease on it.

"Name's Kade. I'm what your looking for when you need more than a dagger."

Dax Thura
2009-03-09, 02:58 PM

Xeren accepts Smiff's offered hand, Xeren Arabani. I'm sure it will be a pleasure working together. Xeren is a pale human with dark hair. He wears a wooden medallion of the symbol of Wee Jas.

Ricky S
2009-03-10, 12:39 AM

Smiff smiles and leans back into the chair.
So when do we start?

2009-03-10, 09:12 AM
Lavinia pays the serving girl for everybodies drinks while the others introduce themselves.

Ricky S
2009-03-10, 11:46 PM

"Cheers Lavinia"
Smiff starts sipping from his glass.
"Well I am prepared to leave right now. Lavinia do you have any maps or information regarding the target? Anything particularly that I and of course everyone else needs to know?" Smiff turns towards Kade "Kade thank you for the chicken grease"
Smiff smirks wiping his hand on the hem of his cloak.
"Although... It does smell good." Smiff then calls over a serving girl and orders himself a roast quail.

2009-03-12, 10:42 AM

When Smiff mentions maps, Riff shakes his head. "I asked already."

He turns once more to check the door. "I hope Cora is okay. As a public figure, she might get into trouble for crossing the 'Eels. We're committed to your task first, Lady Vanderboren, but when we get back I think we should look for her."

Ricky S
2009-03-12, 12:14 PM

Smiff ponders this for a moment.
"Okay" Smiff whispers in an autoritative tone
"I suggest that we find out as much information as possible before we go on this mission. We will need to prepare necessary equipment such as rope, poles, ladders."
He looks around behind himself unsure of the motives of the fellow customers.
"I suggest we go as soon as possible. The sooner we start the sooner we finish. We need some equipment and possibly disguises?" He turns to Lavinia unsure of whether there are guards who will be present.
I suggest we go under cover of darkness and use stealth or a distraction if possible. I can deal with the traps but I am not a particularly martial warrior. If neither of these are possible we can hopefully use brute force. Although I strongly advise against this. So what do you think?
Smiff looks at everyone watching for their reactions. While espionage and trapbreaking are his speciality he is not sure of himself taking control of the conversation. He continues before anyone can speak.
We should travel light, with just what we will need, to avoid any unecessary conflicts. I would like to scout out the area later on tonight.
With his speech over, he abruptly stops talking and waits for the others to speak. Smiff looks to his glass and downs the rest of the wine.

2009-03-12, 02:01 PM

A big laugh erupts from Kade and he slaps the table with a thud. He looks right at Smiff. "Recon? Disguises? Darkness? Ha! We ain't thieving the place son! We're just helping this lady get her stuff. She's just heard boogy stories about traps and nasties under the dread castle. That's all."

After he's said his peace, Kade leans back in his chair and drains his mug before wiping his chin clean with his hand. "You're right about one thing, we should get going. Nothings happened to the singer Riff, I bet she just didn't have the stomach for it after last night is all. When we find her, we'll give her the money she has coming."

Ricky S
2009-03-12, 02:23 PM

Smiff looks slightly embarassed. "My previous employers were rather a lot more secretive about their business Kade I am sorry if my approach seemed... I guess we should get ready to go then."

2009-03-12, 04:25 PM

Riff is a little slower than Kade to smile, but he chuckles and says, "Amusingly enough, we did need rope and a rather specialized ladder for last night's escapade. But Kade's right, the only danger I see is," and he makes it sound like an impossibility, "if we get lost," then jaunty, "or the castle doesn't recognize us."

"We're not thieves," he says, forcefully.

"I hope you're right about Cora. My Lady, can we go now?"

2009-03-12, 06:38 PM
Lavinia chuckles at Smiff's faux-pas, "Riff is correct, we are not stealing and there is no need for stealth. We shall take a boat and walk right through the gates of the castle."

"If we need your skills it will be within the vault itself, not gaining access."

"I hope you're right about Cora. My Lady, can we go now?"
"We'll wait a few more minutes to see if Cora arrives, I'm expecting one more as well..."

She looks in the direction of the inn's entrance, "If neither has arrived in another minute or two, we shall visit the castle without them."

Dax Thura
2009-03-12, 09:15 PM

Xeren doesn't respond to Smiff's suggestions except with a mischievous grin.

2009-03-13, 03:43 AM

Jasren also lets out a polite chuckle at Skiff's expense. However he seems glad that the halfling seems to know his trade rather well. As the group waits for Cora and a possible other new member to show, he simply drinks a glass of wine as he relaxes and does a mental check of what spells he has memorized for the coming visit to the Vault.

2009-03-17, 01:06 PM

Riff drums his fingers on the table. He doesn't want to ask, and he doesn't want to know, but his morbid curiosity won't let it go. "Smiff, if you are at liberty to say, who did you work for, previously?"

Ricky S
2009-03-19, 01:19 AM

I worked for a salvage company. We would search ruins, temples and shipwrecks some were even submerged. My skills were extremely useful to navigate the traps left by previous inhabitants, my small size also allowed me to get into places humans couldnt. I also worked part time as a merchant selling that which we discovered.

2009-03-19, 01:56 PM

"Oh, very good then."

He waits another moment.

"My lady, when are you expecting the Jade Ravens to return?"

Dax Thura
2009-03-20, 01:33 AM

Why do ask after the Jade Ravens? Are you concerned for them? Expect that they found some trouble that they could not extricate themselves from? A smile finds its way onto Xeren's face as though he finds that last thought to be very pleasant.

2009-03-20, 12:14 PM

Riff grins at the thought of rescuing the Jade Ravens, then he shrugs "I was just getting a low-down on the competition."

Ricky S
2009-05-10, 10:15 AM

Smiff stands and heads towards the door. I will wait outside I feel like some fresh air. He stands and moves outside, no one notices him as he leaves, his cloak pulled around him.

2009-06-15, 07:40 AM
After a few minutes Cora finally arrives, delayed by private business at the Opera Hall. Lavinia smiles when the young Elf arrives, “Excellent! Now that we are all here, let’s depart as soon as you’ve all finished your drinks.”

Once the goblets and flagons are all emptied Lavinia leads the adventurers outside the tavern and across to the ferry where she pays for passage for them all to Castle Teraknian.

The passage across to the imposing fortress takes only ten minutes, time which Lavinia spends mostly in silence, fidgeting occasionally with the silver signet ring that she now wears. Once she takes out the curious note written parchment on parchment that the party found shoved inside her father’s ring, but it’s cryptic message means no more to her now then it did last night. She frowns and puts the note away again, turning to stare again at the nearing granite towers standing vigil over the harbour.


Once the party is ashore they spend little time in the castle itself; once they have passed the watchmen outside the gate they stop only to speak to a robed clerk who verifies Lavinia's identity and her signet, and who then escorts them down a spiral staircase into a large circular chamber under the castle. The spiral stairs descend deeper to places unknown – other such vaulted chambers perhaps?

Six large alcoves radiate out from the central vault chamber; each of these small halls is about twenty feet long and ends at a stone archway leading to more stairs. Each stairway leads down to the entrance to a single family vault. The clerk does not accompany the party and Lavinia any further; he instead indicates one of the alcoves, then them good day and returns to the offices in the castle above.


Moving through the indicated alcove, under the archway and down the flight of stone stairs beyond, the party find that the ten foot wide stairs ends abruptly in a small chamber.

The only other way out of the chamber is through a solid looking iron door. The portal is emblazoned with a simple rune – an eight-pointed star. Above the door, inscribed in flowing script on a polished silver plaque, is the name “Vanderboren.” A single handle protrudes from the door; there is no visible lock, but above the handle is a small circular depression.

Two stone statues depicting the likenesses of Lavinia’s mother and father stand in alcoves to the left and right, facing each other across the small chamber.

Lavinia pauses as she reaches the bottom of the stairs, waiting to follow the party’s lead

2009-06-15, 08:58 AM
Jasren Holdrath

Thanking Lady Vanderboren once more for the drinks, Jasren follows after the young noblewoman as they make their way to the Castle's vaults. Noting her apprehension, Jasren thinks of something to say to ease their patron's tension, but nothing readily comes to mind, for all his training in etiquette, Jasren was still clumsy when it came to calming words.

Once in the vaults, Jasren looks on in amazement at the scale of this complex, such a large chamber under the castle with hints of further chambers deeper down. Jasren does his best to stay focused as they approach the Vanderboren Vault. Seeing Lavinia waiting for them at the foot of the stairs, the young wizard will stop just to Lavinia's right as he says, "If I may, Lavinia." He says these lines to the noblewoman as he extends his hand, palm out to accept the ring, if the lady offers it.

2009-06-15, 10:08 AM
Once she takes out the curious note written parchment on parchment that the party found shoved inside her father’s ring, but it’s cryptic message means no more to her now then it did last night.If anybody else is as puzzled as I was, I found it (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5699701&postcount=192):
Chimera looks to sunrise
Cyclops looks to sunset
Medusa looks to sunrise
Umber Hulk looks to sunset
Basilisk looks to sunrise


Riff's buckler is unusual in that it doesn't have a shield boss, nor any curve. Now it is obvious why. He has rotated the small shield to be parallel to the ground, and using a bit of tree gum, has affixed a piece of paper and an ink pot. As they walk, he sketches the floor plan of the vault.

He steps up to take a closer look at the eight point star, and if nothing unusual is discovered, stands back while Jasren tries the ring to activate the lock.