View Full Version : Race quirks

2008-11-05, 03:51 PM
I want to write a D&D based book, but I don't want to use the typical racial traits (example: haughty elves, etc.). So, I decided to create quirks for the races. If anyone can think of anything to add to what I have below, I will greatly welcome suggestions!

Gold-love soft, frilly things
Gray-dislike trees
Wild-only speak in questions
Water-love kittens (but can't have them...:smallfrown:)
Winged- terrified of heights above 30 ft.
Dark- sunlight makes them VERY happy
Moon- cannot get drunk
Sun-obsessed with snowball fights
Wild- afraid of white rabbits
Gray- like to rescue chickens, no one knows why
Humans: over sensitive to others quirks
Natural Lycanthrope:
werewolf-allergic to real dogs
Half anything bear both quirks of their combined races and have more of a resistnce to acting upon said quirks.

2008-11-05, 03:55 PM
I think this might belong in the Media Discussion board or the D20 Gaming board.

Winged- terrified of heights above 30 ft.
Dark- sunlight makes them VERY happy
The first one seems silly, but then I don't have a very accurate memory of the flying rules. And I hope that the second one isn't what I think it is (+ to libido).

2008-11-06, 05:08 AM

Gray- like to rescue chickens, no one knows why.

This here. Unimprovable. :smallbiggrin:

"You speak Orc. What are they shouting?"
"Errr...death to the pinkskins...their blood will wash the earth...liberty to the feathered ones...whose clucking pleases Gruumsh."

2008-11-06, 03:37 PM
Water-love kittens (but can't have them...:smallfrown:)

Poor elves. Must not have heard of the Turkish Van (http://www.freedom.co.za/vans/). Water kitty ftw! :smallsmile:

2008-11-06, 04:15 PM
I want to write a D&D based book, but I don't want to use the typical racial traits (example: haughty elves, etc.). So, I decided to create quirks for the races. If anyone can think of anything to add to what I have below, I will greatly welcome suggestions!

Gold-love soft, frilly things
Gray-dislike trees
Wild-only speak in questions
Water-love kittens (but can't have them...:smallfrown:)
Winged- terrified of heights above 30 ft.
Dark- sunlight makes them VERY happy
Moon- cannot get drunk
Sun-obsessed with snowball fights
Wild- afraid of white rabbits
Gray- like to rescue chickens, no one knows why
Humans: over sensitive to others quirks
Natural Lycanthrope:
werewolf-allergic to real dogs
Half anything bear both quirks of their combined races and have more of a resistnce to acting upon said quirks.

Erm... How humorous/serious is your book going to be? I mean, it's not like it will bring much fear to the enemy if the wild, savage orcs runs around and rescues chickens...

2008-11-06, 04:44 PM
Gray- like to rescue chickens, no one knows why

Mountain-have evolved one leg longer than the other on slopes of mountains. 2 Clans, clockwise and anti-clockwise. Battles won by making the other side turn around to flee, then falling down the mountain as short leg now on the wrong side.

2008-11-06, 07:04 PM
Is there a good explanation for why you need this many races to write a book? I mean, it's a book, if characters are different subraces, then the reader isn't going to notice or care.
I mean, if you wrote a book based in modern times and said that "John Smith" was from the Southern Region of China, and thus spoke perfect Cantonese, the reader is just going to remember that he's Chinese, and possibly not even that since it's not important to the plot. Unless he needs to infiltrate some sort of underground Mah Jong ring, what does it matter that he can speak a specific dialect?
My point is that you have twenty races listed that you're not going to be able to get around to fleshing out completely, and in the end you still have eight versions of Elves that most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference between. Is there going to be any specific value in Grey Orcs liking chickens, or is it just going to be a running gag that stops being funny almost immediately?

2008-11-06, 08:57 PM
Well this is a lot happier thread than I thought it would be.:smallwink:

2008-11-06, 11:49 PM
"You speak Orc. What are they shouting?"
"Errr...death to the pinkskins...their blood will wash the earth...liberty to the feathered ones...whose clucking pleases Gruumsh."

This is going in my sig. Please inform me if this is unacceptable. Otherwise, I'm leaving it there.

Raiser Blade
2008-11-07, 01:33 AM
Wood elves should be allergic to steel.

2008-11-07, 10:38 AM
Gnomes - +2 to Gardening checks.

The McMuffinman
2008-11-07, 04:42 PM
Wood elves should be allergic to steel.

Iron; in some myths elves are allergic to iron.

2008-11-07, 04:54 PM
Arctic Dwarves - bear a strong resemblance to penguins (causing many people to wrongly suppose penguins also live at the North Pole as well as the South).

The McMuffinman
2008-11-07, 06:22 PM
Arctic Dwarves - bear a strong resemblance to penguins (causing many people to wrongly suppose penguins also live at the North Pole as well as the South).

Do they wear little tux printed parkas too? :smalltongue:

2008-11-07, 09:05 PM
no offense intended but, WHAT KINDA BOOK ARE YOU WRITING?!?!??!?!:eek:
Orcs that save chickens for no reason? Wow...

one thing I've known from MTG is to make Elves, instead of wise creatures, evil and selfish beings. Like in the Lorwyn seris the Elves would destroy anything they deemed "not-beautiful" (from an inamitate object, to a living creature, to one of their own race:smalleek:) it's a creative idea though. If I have anything better I'll post again

2008-11-07, 09:34 PM
How about:

Grey Orcs: Colourblind.

Wood Elves: Can't see the forest for the trees.

Lightfoot Halflings: Have an irresistable urge to perform a drum solo whenever possible.

Gnomes: Can't help being uber.

Illithid Squid Thingies: Beleive that brains, like cheese and wine, mature with age (extract, keep in cool place, wait a few decades, ???, profit).

2008-11-08, 09:41 AM
I am writing this for the amusment of fellow gamming friends. The reasoning for all the races is just incase I need them. Besides, the races will have been able to build up their own immunities against their own quirks and there may be a time or two that they fail their saving throw. The book has a great serious tone to it, so such amusements will be needed lest it be way too depressing. And besides, I hate modern books with John's. You live a modern life everyday, right?

2008-11-08, 08:29 PM
Gnomes - +2 to Gardening checks.

So they get a -2 or a +2 to gardening checks...

Yes, I know what you meant.