View Full Version : Ye Old Adventure (Freeform) (IC)

2008-11-06, 12:00 PM
OOC Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95771

History Law: (Forgot about this one). Feel free to build up your character (Personality, background, etc') as the game progresses. Also, feel free to write references to the game world (Culture, history, and the like). As long as you don't go overboard, everything you write will be true.
Example: "You know, in my country, Goblins are treated as equals!".

Gear Law: (Another one I forgot). In order to simplify the game, you all have basic gear in your invisible backpacks. There is no need for a list of items, so if you need or want something small that you believe most travelers have (Dried meat, a small waterskin, torch, but not Plate Armor or TNT), you most probably have it. Just write "I open my backpack and take out ____" and you have it. However, if I explicitly post you lack something (Such as food), you no longer have it in your backpack.

Posting: I will try to update the game once every two days, regardless of how many people post. However, during conversations, or if enough people have already posted, I will update as fast as I can.


The city of Artep, once a bustling trade city, built directly at a crossroads between two continents, was under siege for the last 3 months by the nomads from the southern deserts.
Everybody were levied for the war effort. Men from the ages of 15 to 50 were taken from their families, given a spear or a bow and a hasty training, and ordered to the walls. Women and children, those that weren't put together with the men to fill in as replacements, were put to work, moving what little supplies were left, putting out fires, and caring for the sick and wounded.
All the High Wizards were either dead or fled to another city, while the little Clerics that remained were ordered to use all their magical powers to keep the enemy away from the city.
Nobody saw them coming. An endless wave of man and beast swept over the two great empires of the east, taking city by city, never stopping. After taking all the surrounding settlements, the nomads, calling themselves the Baras, put the great city under siege and continued north-west, towards the Inner Sea.
For 3 months the city held, fending off wave after wave. But now, the wait was over. Whether it was their bloodlust or some need to continue west, the Baras assembled their entire army and moved in.
The men were already waiting on the walls.
"Ready your weapons!" said the captain with a raise of his hand. Those of you at the back rows took an arrow out and aimed at the sky. The rest leveled their spears.
And it began. Before the archers were able to ready another volley, enemy ladders were already on the walls. A battering ram was closing in on the main gate, while siege towers were slowly making their way to the western and eastern walls.
Flaming arrows started to rain over the defenders and the attacking soldiers going up the ladders. A huge rock crashed against a nearby Round Tower, killing the men and destroying one of the three catapults.
"Somebody go up there and men those siege engines!"


Since this is the first post, I'll list you the options available to you:
- You are on the front walls, part of the levied soldiers. Some of you (As in, choose what you have) have bows, while the rest have spears. In case you were wondering, no, you do not have armor.
- You can continue to shoot/ fend off in coming soldiers (From the ladders).
- Get off the walls and do something about the ram.
- Run across the walls into the tower and men the catapults.
- Run away into the city
- Go to the eastern or western walls to help against the siege towers
- Anything else you might think of (For example, try to destroy the ladders, or go help with the main gate, or find the commander and ask him if there's a secret door out of the city. As long as it's believable and rational, you can do anything. Remember that).

Also, this might not be obvious, so consider this another Law I forgot: You don't have to move together as a group. Try not to go alone, though. As long as you're in the same general area, or 'scene', you can do anything.

P.S: If I've made any grammar mistakes or story mistakes, I apologize. This was done in a hurry so you could start playing.

2008-11-06, 12:26 PM
As Dios dodged the incoming incoming enemies who had scaled the walls with their ladders, he charged a group of humans that had justed landed on the wall and had yet to get their barrings. With his spear facing them, he skewered three of them upon it before he let go and let them fall to the ground, bleeding to death. Wiping the blood and sweat of his brow with his left hand, he pulled out a dagger with his right. His leather clothing was soaked with sweat and blood, as he had been defending the wall for several hours. Making sure his wide brimmed hat was securely on, he went towards the nearest enemy human, and stabbed him in the throat, and wondered why he was serving on the front lines of the battle.

'I'm was a witch hunter, not a soldier damn it,' though Dios, as he pulled his dagger from the enemies throat. However, with his back turned, he was attacked from behind by and enemy human, who swung a sword at his back. He tripped however, on the spear that had skewered his allies before him, and barely managed to hit Dios. Luckily for him, his leather clothing was hard enough to deflect the blow. The attack did, however, send him to his ffet, and when he looked up, he saw a dwarf.

2008-11-06, 12:53 PM
An arrow sliced through the air, hitting the dwarf in the eye. A single bowman stood out among the troops, with his bright purple robes and wildly shaking hands. Quivering, he drew another arrow from the quiver on his back.

What am I doing here? I'm a wizard, dammit! Not some bloody peasant archer! This is just a waste of my arcane talents! Oh, just missed another one. Damn, was that one of our own I hit? I'm of no use here. I think I'll find a better way to use my skills...

The purple clad fool ran into the fray, wildly dodging swords slung at him and cursing all the while. After evading another blow that nearly hit him, he took out an arrow and rammed it into the neck of his assailant as he was busy with the spearmen on the wall.

That's right, Easterner, die!

The wizard laughed loudly as the blood sprayed his face. What was he doing here? This wasn't his war. He didn't care about this city. He didn't care about these people.

He ducked, checking the Easterner for items and robbing him of his gear. In a feat of luck he spotted a lost spear of one of his fallen comrades.

A staff! Great, just what I needed!

Purple robes
Trademark purple bolarhat with questionmark
Quiver with arrows
Magical backpack with common items
Nomad's gear
Spear ("Staff")


MrE isn't actually a wizard, he just thinks he is. The most he can conjure up are some sparks at his fingertips.
What weapons do the enemies carry?

2008-11-06, 03:06 PM
Blockhead ran across the westen wall, laddars crashing against the edge of the wall as he ran. He was a craftsman, not a soldier and he was livid at the fact the makeshift army were equipped with such shoddy and second-hand arms. Arrows flew by him and Blockhead began to see the first couple of men and beast reaching the top of the assault ladders. Just feet from the tower, a small, bony man hopped over the wall, having made the perilous climb on the wooden ladder and charged at Blockhead. Blockhead dodged to the side, still running and punched the man in the gut, knocking the wind out of him as an allied soldier moved to engage the attacker. Entering the tower and making his way up the spiral staircase, Blockhead reached the catapult team, prepairing a rather large boulder. "Need a hand there lads?" Asked Blockhead. The team hastily nodded and accepted the Dwarfs help. Heaving the large boulder into the wicker basket, Blockhead awaited the mechanism to be fire.

2008-11-06, 03:32 PM
Fanboy dodged to , and fro as a barrage of arrows from the near by siege tower came rushign at his unit he himself leaning nimbly back as he saw a arrow whisk pass his face, and spear the man behind him sqaure in the brain pan. thus taking out the shoddily made long bow, and knocking one of his fathers expertly crafted Arrows made from the branches of the lone olive tree back at his home in the forest He sent it kreening at the hinges of the Siege tower piecring the wodden hinge, and causing the door to fly open under the weight of the armored swordsmen pressing against it thirsty for the blood of their enemies.
Yet more, and more siege came, and time, and time again he attempted to aid the soldiers, but his bow, and arrow were simply not enough to handle these mighty engines of war.
Thus instead of relying on his skills of archery he instead went to the ladders picking up a curved eastern scmitar as he went testing it with a few expert twirls, and slash across a enemy stomach.
(Marty stu there at the begining, but hey I posted that it was general fial from there on.)

2008-11-06, 04:42 PM
Lord Xavius stood upon the wall, firing a steady but kinda innacurate hail of arrows upon the besiegers.
This is not what I am supposed to do!, the elf mumbled as he took another arrow from his makeshift quiver. I am no fighting man!

As he said that, he narrowly doged an incoming projectile, and fell backwards as a result, his quiver breaking and his arrows clattering all over the wall. With an annoyed string of elven words, he picked up the arrows and continued to fire.

This is not what I am supposed to do!

2008-11-06, 05:50 PM
W.K. Worthington the Seventh - that's the name he currently used, anyway - stood at the back, clutching a spear, cursing the ill fate that had led him here. He wasn't a warrior - that wasn't his place in the grand scheme of things. He fought with words and promises. He was a gentleman, by all the Dark Lords! and here he was in some greasy little mud-pit trying to fend off a bunch of Godsforsaken savages.

With another muffled curse as an arrow whizzed past his ear, W.K. looked about for an escape route.

Lord Magtok
2008-11-06, 05:58 PM
Magtok, being about as yellow on the inside as he is green on the outside, isn't too keen on staying on the front lines. He clutches his head and shudders for a moment, before a loud battle cry from right behind him shakes him out of it. With a terrified leap, Maggy whirls around and shove the enemy with the flat end of his spear, sending the poor soul tumbling, along with the ladder he was climbing.

A few arrows shoot by, and the goblin quickly decides to act on his terror, deciding that now is the time to hide behind someone skilled, who hopefully knows what they're doing. That one over there, the purple wizard guy (E. Nigma) seems a decent candidate, and so the scaly green combatant scurries away to aid him.

2008-11-06, 06:17 PM
The purple clad wizard swung his staff about, knocking out one of the Nomads. It was getting busy on the wall, as more and more attackers crawled onto it.

What am I even doing here? Nigma though as he plunged his spear into the guts of a fallen Nomad.

A sword whizzed past his ear, and Nigma felt obliged to duck again. His bolarhat was almost knocked off by another attacker, but he was soon enough distracted by some of the other soldiers.

As he ducked Nigma found himself face to face with a goblin. An ugly one at that.

"Oh god!" he shrieks, jumping back and knocking over one of his own men, "You scared the life out of me!"
Another arrow missed him by an inch.

2008-11-06, 06:20 PM
As Fanboy was to fighting on the Battlements swinging his blade, and basicly surviving rather than kicking total ass, and as of right now he was struggling with a very burly lookingt easterner when he just gave up on the shield, and with a scream of "OH, F*** THIS!", and with a hard sharp kick he sent the man to the ground..."Tghat was just dirty" *wumph*

2008-11-06, 06:24 PM
As Dios looked up at the dwarf, he rolled to his side, and quickly stood up, ready for anything. Looking around for a worthy enemy, he saw that a man in purple clothing was about to get attacked. Acting quickly, Dios put his knife away, and pullaed out the sword he normally reserved for executing Witxhes and heretics, Wychbane, and charged the would be attacker, taking the foe's head off.

2008-11-06, 09:13 PM
Drums, a small and stout dwarf of little less then middle age, finds himself at odds at what to do, until the shout for the siege engines needed manned. Trying to move as quickly as his small little legs could take him with his spear in hand. He then thought to himself I'm a craftsman and a merchant. What am I doing on the walls?

2008-11-07, 10:33 AM
"Seriously, you can't just sneak up on-"

There was a crunchy cleaving sound behind Edward and a splash as a big streak of red tainted his purple robes. He turned to see the headless body of an Easterner, bleeding on him. Some fellow with a sword was standing over the corpse, while fending off another attacker.

A sword? Where did he get a sword? I thought all they had in the armory were spears and bows! Not that I want a sword, but still, these damn politics. Must be some rich kid who got his daddy to get him a sword anyways. There must be some awesome stuff still out there, in the city... And everyone's down here...

The wizard grinned. He then followed it up with a loud cackle and ran down the stairs and into the city.

2008-11-07, 04:42 PM

MrEdwardNigma: These are soldiers in battle. They carry nothing but weapons and armor. Assuming you're not going to drag behind you any sort of armor, you only took the weapon/s. This can be a spear, knife, sword and shield (small or round shield, not a huge one).
Also, nice continuation with Baxter and that dwarf.


Another Siege Tower stopped at the western wall and dropped its door against the wall floor, cracking the stone. At once, the Baras began storming out against the weakening defenders.
Noticing the new threat, Fanboy raised his blade and charged the attackers. One by one the defenders killed them, slowly driving them back into the tower, when suddenly a load roar echoed out. Some of the nomads stopped fighting, while others dropped their weapons and ran into the defenders, oblivious to any wounds caused as they ran past the defenders' spears.
As Fanboy peered inside the tower, he saw two great red eyes glaring at him. Again the thing roared, throwing a huge battle axe that nearly beheaded the man.
Just as the thing took a step forward, a large shadow came over the area. Looking up, the defenders could see a huge round rock crash against the siege tower, toppling it to the ground. The laughter of two dwarves echoed across the battlefield.
Fanboy, however, did not have time to figure out what happened, as soon a new threat rose to challange the defenders.
"Cannon balls!" Someone screamed.

Blockhead and Drums picked up another rock in preparations for the next attack as a new group of human Bowmen came from the stairs. "Dwarves, are you in charge here?" Said their sergeant. "We're here to help. There were sightings of-", before he could finish, two large talons dug into his head and picked him up into the air.
"Harpies!" One of the Bowmen said. "Quickly" He ordered the men. "Put the fire brazier over there. Grab a bow" He said, throwing the two dwarves and other humans the extra bows he was carrying.

Nigma ran down the stairs and into the streets, leaving his squad behind. Looking around, he spotted a warehouse and something shiny inside. Smiling, he ran towards the door when he heard a load screech from above and a sudden pain in his shoulders. Looking up, he saw a hideous creature with brown-black wings carrying him off the ground. (OOC: I'll let you decide in which direction and above what, so you're free to do or escape or not escape or whatever).

Magtok, Baxter and Xavius saw the captain of the front walls running to them. "You! What are you doing here, you're already supposed to be down at the gates! Quickly, before-". But it was too late. A hard splitting sound was heard across the battlefield as the ram finally breached the main gate.
Cursing, the captain looked at you with fierce eyes. "Go, make sure they do not enter the city. Go!".
Far in the back lines of the enemy, a war horn ordered the cavalry to charge. "To the breach in the western wall" Their captain ordered. "To the main gate. Take the city! Leave non alive!".

All the mean while, Whiteknight looked around him, searching for a way out. Aside from entering deeper into the city, he noticed a part of the wall, not too far away, turned to rubble, creating a nice path downward. Only problem was, it led straight into the enemy soldiers.
Still looking around, he heard a scream coming from above. Looking at the sky, he saw a man dressed in purple robes struggling against the grasp of a Harpy.

Fanboy opened his eyes and saw nothing but blood and bodies around him. He was still on the western wall. He remembered running towards the front wall when something hit him in the head (OOC: Rubble stone :P). Getting up, he put a hand on his aching head and saw he was but 5 feet from the blasted part of the western wall.
Then he heard that roar again. Throwing small stones in all directions, a huge Minotaur burst out of the rubble and looked at Fanboy. It roared again, a Battle Axe in hand, and charged.


OOC: In case you were wondering, there are already spear men and the like (Those that used the ram and those around it, archers, and all that) storming the main gate.

P.S: MrEdwardNigma: I will usually answer those kind of questions in the OOC part of my updates.

Everybody: Sorry if you feel left out of my update. It's just how my writing goes. I just pick one/several of you randomly and start the update. I always, however, as you can see, present something new before your character. Remember, though- If you try to do something (Like, for example, MrEdwardNigma and his running into the city), I have to reply to what you do :P.

2008-11-07, 04:44 PM
OOC: Gah! Ninja!

The catapult fired it's payload of boulder and the heavy rock projectile slammed into a particularly nasty looking thing. The catapult was quickly being reloaded and Blockhead grabbed another large boulder and hoisted it into position. A gruff voice caused Blockhead to turn around just in time enough for him to see two great talons sweep over him, carrying the screaming form of a Sergeant. Another man threw Blockhead a bow. Blockhead looked at the bow and his brow furried at the absolute lack of bow knowledge. Putting the bow down, he ran over to the flaming brazier and dragged it hurriedly into place, then resumed the catapult loading activies.

Blockhead sorely hoped for some kind of rifle. He had always enjoyed hunting game with his trusty rifle, but unfortunetly that wasn't here right now.

2008-11-07, 05:24 PM
Nigma felt the harpy's claws digging into his shoulders, just when he had met the prospect of acquiring some valuable goods illegally.

"Damn you!" he yelled, stabbing his spear into the harpy's chest. The creature screeched and flapped it's wings wildly, but they lost height disturbingly rapidly. It hadn't been a very smart thing to do, but Nigma wasn't... Well, he wasn't conventionally intelligent. He could come up with the most complicated schemes and solve the hardest puzzles, but when he didn't bother thinking he tended to end up in situations like this. Crashing down, rapidly, with as his only future prospects a very solid looking pavement.

Luckily, the harpy let go, probably realising that she didn't want to slow down the purple bastard's fall by carrying him, nor to speed herself up. It was a pity for her that Nigma was still holding that spear. He slung himself on top of the creature and yanked her head hard, sending her towards a wizard's tower. Together they crashed in through the window, which, regretably, wasn't open at the time.

Nigma emerged from the pile of rubble he had created and dusted himself off. Then he recovered his spear by breaking off the tip that was stuck in the harpy's corpse.

"Well, that turned out rather alright, didn't it? Thanks for the ride, doll"

Purple robes
Trademark purple bolarhat with questionmark
Quiver with arrows
Magical backpack with common items
Nomad sword
Small round nomadstyle shield
Staff with splintered end

Lord Magtok
2008-11-07, 05:44 PM
Sorries, mister wizard, I wasn't tryings to-

And then E. Nigma ran off, laughing like a loon. Maggy takes a moment to congratulate himself on his wonderful choice to hide behind the superior skill of that crazy nut, and decides to go along with what the captain said. Maybe there'll be enough smelly humans to hide behind over there.

2008-11-07, 05:50 PM
((Heh, sorry, Magtok, the wizard hasn't got a very long attention span, I guess))

2008-11-07, 06:14 PM
"Huh," was all Dios could say, as he watched the wierd purple clothed man get picked up by a harpy. He listened to the captains orders and ran towards the the breach and wall, but not before saying to the other person that was standing near the crazy man and saying, "I'm Dois. Stick with me if you want to live, and I may figure out a way to win this while I'm at."

Lord Magtok
2008-11-07, 07:54 PM
The goblin salutes him, hoping this human wouldn't go and do something stupid like the last one.

Whatevers you says, sirs, whatever you says. They calls me Maggot, Maggy, and Magtok. Can'ts remember which ones is my name, I'm afraid.

2008-11-07, 08:07 PM
"Whatever," Dios said rashly. "You got any weapons?"

Lord Magtok
2008-11-07, 08:19 PM
I has my spear, mister Dios. Will that-

The goblin ducks as an arrow sails by.


2008-11-07, 08:41 PM
Dios smiler under his wide brimmed hat, and said, "Yeah, that could work." He then had the goblin get his back the get a ride, an dcharged the invaders who had breached the wall. His sword swinging, while the goblin attacked those that got too close with his pear.

2008-11-07, 08:51 PM
Fanboy hearing the scream of "Cannon balls" nearly crapped himself as he ran. He had bravery, and valour, but demons, and cannons were not a soldiers place to stand against!
Thus Sir fanboy bravely turned around, and fled. Turned his valourus tail, and fled back to the walls, and thus his he hung his head in the the bravest shame that ever had been. (Monty python reference.)

2008-11-08, 09:30 AM
Shrugging, Xavius nevertheless decided to follow the captain's orders, and joined company with the other two, staying close behind them. As he ran, he unsheated his ceremonial dagger from his belt, cursed a little at the fact that it was not really made for combat, put it back, and instead readied his bow.

((OOC: In case you were wondering, Xavius is dressed much like his night elven form is in my signature, and I don't mean the one with the grand admiral's uniform.))

2008-11-08, 12:17 PM
The wizard put on a kettle in the tower and started to make himself a cup of tea. He also snatched one of the sausages hung from the ceiling and started munching on it.

"Let's see what old mister wizard left lying around when he died"

Nigma started rummaging around in the wizard's old dusty coffers and shelves.

2008-11-10, 08:55 PM
Lord Xavius: First you wrote you'd follow the captain's orders, which are to go to the gate, and then wrote you're following the other two, who are going to the breach in the western wall. My assumption in this update is that you go with the other two.

Lord Magtok: Just to make it clear, you're with Baxter on the same horse.

With the humans preoccupied with the Harpies, Blockhead was the only one to still use the Catapults.
He released the mechanism, sending another payload against the Baras army, destroying a Ballista and crushing some men under the huge rock.
Ducking a pair of talons, the Dwarf was just about to pick up the next stone as the entire tower shook, causing one of the humans to fall to the ground with a scream.

Fanboy ran with everything he had left. He was already slowing down as he made the turn and arrived to the front walls, and the arrows came at him again. Trying to avoid the fighting on the wall between the defenders and the Baras, he quickly made his way to a round tower.
The Minotaur was still charging after him, pushing both nomads and levies off the wall in his passing.
Seeing his prey almost getting out of its reach, the monster roared and lowered its head, planning on thrusting one of its horns into Fanboy's back.
The man jumped through the entrance and quickly closed the door behind him. Unfortunately for him, the door was made of simple wood. Luckily, however, the Minotaur was too big to enter through, and banged his head against the stone walls of the tower, shaking it.
Fanboy ran up the stairs, huffing and puffing. Coming out, he heard someone cry out 'Duck!'. He dropped to the floor just as a Harpy was about to grab him. Looking up, he saw a few humans shooting at the Harpies, and a Dwarf running to the edge of the tower and looking down at the Minotaur.
A ladder rose up and banged against the edges of the tower.

The purple wizard, after putting a kettle on a small everburning flame he found, put what he believed to be herbs to make tea into a small cup. Grabbing a sausage (OOC: Ha! A sausage in a Wizard Tower. Love it) from the ceiling, he took a bite when a shiny thing in a half-open chest caught his eye. He smiled and walked over to the chest. Putting his hand on the chest, he was just about to fully open it when a loud, high pitched voice came from behind one of the doors. "See, my lord! I told you at least one of them stayed!" Said a small, thin man dressed in a black robe.
Next to him stood a woman clad in full plate armor and a red cape. The woman walked towards Nigma and turned him about. "Yes, so one of the High Wizards has indeed stayed! What happened to your shoulders? That looks painful".
Before Nigma could answer, the black robed man pointed towards the broken window with a fearful gaze. "My Lord, look!"
"What? So the Wizard has killed a Harpy, so..." But then she stopped. Half walking, half pushing Nigma with her, the Lord stood over the broken glass and looked towards the western breach.

Baxter was barely able to stop his horse over the rubble of the western breach (OOC: Remember, you are all nobodies. You may or may not know how to ride a horse, but nevertheless, riding a horse in battle is a different matter. I'm not going to give you a penalty over this, but please remember- You're free to have small talents, like shooting a rifle or riding, but it's not like you've ever been to battle). Surveying the area, he saw not too far away hundreds of Baras cavalry charging the breach. Unable to position himself amongst the spearmen who were readying themselves for the attack, he decided to charge the enemy (OOC: I know this isn't exactly what you meant, but I'm just trying to make it more epic. Go with it :P).
After a few seconds, he heard a blood-thirsty cheer coming from behind him. He and the Goblin looked, and saw a man on a horse riding with them, aiming his bow at the enemy (OOC: That's you, Lord Xavius). Behind him, dozens of horsemen charged, waving their weapons in the air. They were all dressed in heavy armor, including the horses.
The two armies screamed for blood, and crashed against each other.

"My Heavy Horsemen!" The Lord said. "What the hell do they think they're doing?! They're going to defeat the Baras cavalry with five dozen men?!".
A loud hissing sound came from behind the three, and the thin man and Lord jumped in surprise.
"A kettle?" Asked the thin man.

Xavius' horse jumped on his back legs as a spear penetrated his chest, and fell to the ground.
Xavius was able to get his leg out from under the horse just as the thing hit the ground. He rolled to the side, almost crushed beneath the hooves of one of his allies, and took out his dagger. Suddenly, he heard a voice. "Lord Xavius, grab my hand, quickly!"
The Elf (OOC: Xavius, to those who don't know) saw one of the heavy horseman that was charging behind him reach out his hand to him, trying to avoid sword slashes and spear thrusts.


Xavius: Just to make sure you're not reading too much into this, it's just some dude reaching out to you, calling you "Lord Xavius". So don't try to command the cavalry now :P

MrEdwardNigma: Water's ready!

2008-11-11, 07:56 AM
Nigma was flattered. Finally some people who recognised his genius! No way these fine fellows would have placed him out there with nothing but a bow to defend himself from the barbarian hordes. He took another bite of the sausage. Still, refined as they might be, they had some lessons to learn on proper etiquette.

"Who let you in here?" he asked, making some overly dramatical gestures. He wasn't quite pleased to be pulled away from his shiny chest and towards the window. He really had to nail that thing shut sometime soon, or more harpies might come through.

"Look, this is all fine and dandy, but I was sort of in the middle of something here. I was making tea!"

The wizard wrenched himself from the clutches of the pair and went over to the kettle, pouring some of the tea into a cup.

((Wait, the woman is called the Lord?))

2008-11-13, 01:30 PM
OOC: Yup, the woman is the Lord. Didn't want to call her Lady, and didn't want her to have any higher noble rank, so Lord seemed to fit. Also, as long as no one else replies, I'll be updating as fast as I can.


"What do you mean who let me in here? I'm the Lord, you...", but she stopped, shaking her head. "Listen, forget about the tea, and go do something about my Heavy Horsemen! They are getting slaughtered!"

Nigma, in the mean time, finished making his tea, which turned out with an orange-purple color and the smell of honey, which gave Nigma pause as to whether drinking the tea was a good idea, or a bad one.

2008-11-15, 01:40 PM
With his sharp elven senses, Xavius quickly reacted to the suggestion and reached out with his own hand.

2008-11-15, 02:50 PM
Nigma downed the tea, washing down another chunk of sausage.

"You want some tea, Lord?"

Nigma poured another cup, and walked over to the window, taking in the sights.

"Yes, it does look like they're doing rather badly, doesn't it? It makes you wonder who trained those petty amateurs. The odds are staggeringly bad. On the other hand, they are breaching the enemy army, and even if they all die, well, when they all die, they'll have caused serious damage, and a valuable distraction"

He took another bite of the sausage, checking out "the Lord".

"You do look lovely today, my Lord. Anyways, as I was saying, element of surprise and such. Let them be. It's not like they would have been much use anyways"

He prodded her with the cup.

"How about you relax a bit. There's nothing we can do. I'll just gather some gear and then I'll mosey on down there and see what I can do. Perchance there's some escape tunnels the three of us can fit through?"

2008-11-16, 03:36 AM
OOC: Alright, alright, I get it. Next noble woman will be a Baroness. Sheesh.


The Horseman pulled Xavius up and onto the horse. Blocking another sword slash, he started his horse into a run and escaped the chaos, riding back into the city through the western breach.
"What are you doing here, my Lord?" He asked, "We all thought you were dead".

The tea was delicious. It went down with the sausage perfectly. But the sweetness of the tea did nothing to stop the fear surging up inside the purple robed man as he saw the lord's face.
"Escape? ESCAPE? I'll show you escape, you insolent...!" The Lord smacked Nigma's hand to the side, forcing him to drop the cup to the floor, and grabbed hold of his collar.
With a strong push he was at the edge of the window, the Lord's hands the only thing keeping him from falling to the ground below.
"Surprise?! Breaching the enemy army?! My Horsemen are going to die for nothing if you don't do something now!
Either do some magic, or suffer the consequences!".
The lord threw Nigma back into the tower, looking at him sharply.
(OOC: You decide whether you fell to the floor or not).

2008-11-16, 06:31 AM
Nigma was tossed into one of the many bookcases stacked against the walls, causing a rain of thick leatherbound volumes to fall down on him. For a moment it seemed as if the entire bookwase was about to topple, but luckily for poor Nigma it didn't.

Nigma was slightly surprised at the Lord's insolence, even though he could have seen it coming, after she'd come in to his house so rudely. His house? Well, it might have been. He was a powerful wizard after all. She really should show him some respect.

"Calm down, will you? You're making a mess of my whole place. Just let me gather some stuff and I'll go down there and lend a hand"

Nigma crawled from beneath the pile of books, stuffing one of the smaller volumes into his breast pocket.

I might need something to read, after all, as I hide in a cupboard somewhere. I may be a powerful wizard, but I'm not stupid. The other wizards made it out of town, and so will I. This war is of no interest to me anyways. Oh, look at that, she made teastains on my beautiful wooden floor! I'll never get those out!

Slightly distracted, the wizard started rummaging in the chest he'd seen something shiny in earlier.

((I don't have the slightest problem with the Lord being a woman. In fact, Nigma likes to seize it as an opportunity to make fun of her. He doesn't really know what's good for him))

Purple robes
Trademark purple bolarhat with questionmark
Quiver with arrows
Magical backpack with common items
Nomad sword
Small round nomadstyle shield
Staff with splintered end
Wizarding for Dummies, pocket edition

Physical condition: Wounds at the shoulders, bruises everywhere

2008-11-16, 10:59 AM
"Bloody hell!" Cried Blockhead as the entire tower shook. Fearing it may collapse, Blockhead hurriedly descended the stairs on the inside of the tower and grabbed a short sword on the way out. Upon getting to the walls, it was a bloody mess of defenders and attackers and with Blockhead's small height it was difficult to see how much of the wall was in fighting. Sighing, Blockhead charged into the fray.

2008-11-18, 03:24 PM
OOC: Nigma, think of the "Wizarding for Dummies, pocket edition" as access to 0 level spells (D&D-wise), nothing more.


Nigma walked to the chest and opened it. Strangely, the chest contents were still covered in darkness. Something was clearly shining from somewhere inside the chest, though. He reached out with his hands and grabbed the thing.
"Forget your stuff, High Wizard" The Lord said, still angry. "Every second that goes by more of my people die!".
She put a hand on one of Nigma's bloodied shoulders and spun him about. The purple wizard, without even looking, quickly put the thing in his robes, as the Lord took him back to the window.
"Now Wizard, use your spells- Throw a Fireball or somethi-" But she stopped. Looking in the distance, beyond the western breach, she could see nothing but bodies of horse and men. Her men.
Infuriated, she looked at Nigma and slapped him hard across the face, which, coupled with his other bruises and the fact she had a gauntlet on, was enough to push him to the floor.
"You...! This is entirely your fault! If you had done as I ordered instead of..." She screamed in frustration and punched the wall. "Guards!", she said, and quickly two men wearing Ring Mails appeared from the stairs. "Bind him. Gag him! And drag him along with us". The two soldiers did as ordered and in a few seconds were already behind their Lord, descending the stairs and coming out of the tower. A platoon of Easterners was there to greet them.

The path the Minotaur made on the wall, briefly stopping the fighting, was already full of men again, fighting for control. Into this Blockhead charged and started slashing and stabbing, determined to make a difference as long as he was already there. Then, he heard the beast roar again. He looked behind him and saw it move straight at him. Apparently, the blow to the head caused by the meeting of his horns and the tower was not enough to render the thing unconscious. It charged, shaking the walls with every step.
Surrounded by bodies of men, both alive and dead, Blockhead found nowhere to run. He couldn't even move. At the last second, he closed his eyes and waited for the end.
But then the walls stopped shaking, and the beast screamed.
"Die, monster!" He could hear coming from behind him. Opening his eyes, Blockhead could see the Minotaur just a step away from him, with three spears lodged inside it.
The monster roared and broke the wooden shafts with its axe. It seemed, somehow, more ferocious than ever. It raised its gigantic hand and struck the three soldiers and the Dwarf in front of it, pushing them to the floor.
Luckily for Blockhead, he did not receive the full might of the blow like the others, and was still alive. He looked at the thing and scrambled back over the bodies of the soldiers who have just rescued him.
The beast raised its axe to strike, when Blockhead felt something familiar in his hands. He grabbed it with both hands, aimed, and shot.
The round bullet penetrated the shoulder, and even though it was not enough to drop the beast, it gave Blockhead time to get up.
Not enough time to run away, though.
The Minotaur grabbed Blockhead by the neck and threw him off the wall into the city.
Luckily for the Dwarf, he fell on a large sheet of cloth, used as a ceiling by a wooden stand of some merchant. Hitting the ground was nevertheless painful.
Blockhead rose to his feet, a Musket in hand, and looked around. The first thing that caught his attention was a tall woman in full plate armor, and what appeared to be her two guards, charging a platoon of Easterners. Behind them, he could see a purple-robed man, bound and gagged, sitting on the dusty ground in front of a large tower's doors, looking at the ensuing battle with what appeared to be and expression of both fear and boredom.

2008-11-18, 03:48 PM
"OW!" Cried Blockhead, holding his back as pain suddenly took a liking to him. "Well look at you my beauty!" He said to the musket, examining its design. Blockhead noticed the tall woman, who by his standards was a giant in her own right and the purple-robed man, who was bound and gagged. Approaching the tall woman, Blockhead coughed to get her attention. "'Scuse me miss." He said. "But what's that fella over there doing all bound up?" He asked, pointing at the robed man.

2008-11-19, 08:59 AM
Someone had told him once that the dagger at his belt was never to be his first weapon - if he pulled that out, he'd already lost. No, your first weapon was your legs. If you were fast enough, you didn't even need a dagger.

The entire city was burning, and the docks were crowded. He couldn't get to the docks fast enough, and had been grabbed and told that everyone was needed on the walls. Then the attack had come. He wanted to use his legs, but he had to use his dagger.

The enemies came charging up, and he couldn't run couldn't run couldn't run. He ducked and weaved, tripped and stabbed, screaming at the sight of someone falling dead with his dagger slicing through his throat. Someone slammed into him, heavy man and heavier armor bearing him down, forcing him to step back into empty air.

It is hard to control yourself while falling, and he just ducked and prepared to roll. Even so, his legs were jolted and something in his arm snapped. He staggered upright, ready to bolt if he needed to. He looked up into the face of a noble lady, and his own face blanched.

"S-sorrry, my lady. I n-n-nearly hit you, and th-that would have been wrong." He couldn't think straight - when you met a noble, you were supposed to run or bow, but he was too confused and scared to do either.

OOC@V: Just Raz's luck to fall right into the middle of a battle. Assume that she glanced away at the kid who just fell off the wall right at her feet.

2008-11-19, 09:17 AM
OOC: "a tall woman in full plate armor, and what appeared to be her two guards, charging a platoon of Easterners."- You did see that part, right? Tall woman=lord. Giving you a chance to edit your posts, even though you don't have to (Could be funny).

2008-11-19, 11:28 AM
((Nope, I'm keeping my post the same :smallwink:))

2008-11-19, 01:20 PM
((OOC: Heh, a mix of fear and boredom? That does sound like MrE))

The self-proclaimed wizard had been complaining the whole way down. He had reason to as well, as being dragged down those stairs wrecked hell on his buttocks.

As soon as they reached the bottom of the stairs they were ambushed by a bunch of easterners.

Oh, great, they've made it to the city. I get out and they draaaaag me back in. Bloody buffoons and their silly war... Well, might as well make use of this. Being tied up really doesn't suit me.

The wizard concentrated as hard as he could, giving him a slightly constipated look, and finally his fingertips gave of a brief burst of sparks. It wasn't very impressive, but it was enough to singe the rope he was tied up with. It snapped, and the wizard ran back into the tower, barricading the door.

2008-11-21, 03:52 AM
My bad for not updating yesterday. Having trouble with the internet.


The lord blocked an incoming sword slash, and replied with an iron-clad fist to the attacking Easterner's face. He dropped to the floor to join his comrades, each either unconscious or dead. But several were still on their feet.
The lord has just managed to fight her way around the group of Baras, ready to squeeze the nomads between herself and her guards, when suddenly a Dwarf armed with a Musket stepped in front of her.
She raised her sword to strike Blockhead even before he spoke when she noticed he was not one of the Baras. She stood there, a bit taken a back by the sudden conversation.

And that was all it took. An Easterner quickly seized the opportunity and thrust his spear into the lord's shoulder. She screamed and fell on her back as the nomad closed on her, ready to deliver a killing blow.
Hate burned in the lord's eyes, and with a magic word her sword caught flame. She slashed against the spear, breaking off the tip, and thrust her sword into the Easterner's abdomen.
"You!" She said to Blockhead. "Who are you?!". But before Blockhead could answer, a large shadow fell over him. He looked up, just in time to see what appeared to be a smaller than average human falling on top of him.
""S-sorrry, my lady. I n-n-nearly hit you, and th-that would have been wrong.", The figure said to the lord, still sitting on the Dwarf.

Before the lord could respond, she heard a loud crashing sound coming from behind the tower doors. When she looked, she noticed Nigma was gone.
She looked back in anger on the two strange people who decided the perfect time to talk to her was in the middle of fighting.
"All done, my lord. The enemies here are either dead or unconscious. Do you wish us to kill all of them?" She heard one of her guards ask from a few feet away. But the lord didn't bother to answer.
First the purple crazy man, and now these two! She had enough. "Grab these traitors. Bind and gag them, better than you did that wizard!".
She got up on her feet and noticed a number of her soldiers not too far off. She signaled them to come over.

"Captain Brum, your lordship" One of them said with a salute when he got close enough.
"What's the situation, captain?"
"We're losing, your lordship. The walls are nearly taken, and their cavalry is seconds away from entering the city unopposed. The city will be lost in a few minutes".
The lord started to walk towards the tower, her two guards waiting by the two new gagged and bound prisoners. "We have to get out of here. Go grab that turned table from over there. Bash these doors open".
Nigma, in the mean time, was considering his options. He only had two, really. Either walk out, or walk up the stairs. It was obvious what he should do.
But then he heard something move, something big, from upstairs.
Scarier still was the flaming sword that broke through the thick wood of the doors inches from his head.

EDIT: OOC:My goal was not to stop you from doing anything. The fact you are bound and gagged doesn't mean I want you to simply wait for the next update. It's just what happens when you do silly things. You can still do several things, though, if you wish to (Examples: Try to shout loud enough to attract attention, grab your weapon, try to get up and run (Bound thing only applies to hands...Guess I should've mentioned that) or get up and headbutt the lord).

2008-11-21, 05:50 AM
Blockhead sighed through his gag. He had finally aqquired a weapon he was actually proficient in and he'd already lost it, confiscated by the giant lord woman. He could only hope another would take interest in him and perhaps pity him in his predicament.

2008-11-21, 07:39 AM
Oh, blimey, seems like I'm stuck in a crossfire... Well, there's only one thing to do in a situation like this...

Nigma put his hands to his mouth and shouted as hard as he could in the direction of the upstairs abomination, whatever that was.

He then kicked away one of the supportive beams of his barricade and jumped into a nearby overturned barrel, thus concealing himself from both his attackers. The easy way out. Just let your enemies kill each other.

He flipped open the wizarding book and tried to kill some time by reading the Mage Hand section by what faint light he had.

Purple robes
Trademark purple bolarhat with questionmark
Quiver with arrows
Magical backpack with common items
Nomad sword
Small round nomadstyle shield
Staff with splintered end
Wizarding for Dummies, pocket edition
Some rope
Shiny Mystery item

Physical condition: Wounds at the shoulders, bruises everywhere

2008-11-21, 08:24 AM
What? Figured - everybody in the streets knew that nobles were half-crazy anyway. Raz was moving by the time the word "traitors" left her lips, but his legs were still too weak and he stumbled and fell on a pile of rubble. Grabbed by a guard, his wrists were bound behind him and a gag was stuffed into his mouth.

The guard pulled him back to where the dwarf was in the same waters. Not good, not good - he'd been captured by a noble, and young thieves rarely got good things from nobles. He lay, seemingly unconsious, subtely testing his bonds and waiting for his chance to run like the abyss was behind him.

Going to be gone over the weekend - assume that Raz is pretending to be knocked out and trying to get loose. Have fun with him.

...I'm talking about you having fun with Raz, not the lady having some... never mind.

2008-11-22, 07:04 AM
As the guards pounded at the doors, a slightly battered but determined-looking youth (who appeared perhaps twelve years old, thirteen at most) trotted up from the direction of the inner city, ignoring the chaos. Pausing, he (or she, it was impossible to tell through the grime) surveyed the area, hand on the hilt of a knife, before relaxing slightly and heading in the direction of the tower. Approaching the Lord, the youth made a small noise to draw attention. As soon as the Lord looked over, the youth bowed, planted his (or her) feet firmly with hands behind the back, and rattled off what was clearly a memorized speech.

"Lord, I bear a message. As you are the highest-ranked of the surviving nobility of Artep, I address it to you. The 43rd Regiment of the 2nd Imperial Army, which was originally dispatched to relieve the Siege at Artep, has been diverted to intercept a newly deployed Baras military force thought to be targetting the province capitol. You are requested to continue holding the city, and additional Imperial forces will arrive within two weeks."

The messenger paused. "Beggin' ya pardon, m'Lord, but I'd ignore that last bit if I was you."

{{OOC: For the record, my character is female, but for IC reasons she will, if asked, claim to be male and go by the name Lan. Presumably there will be much drama when everyone eventually figures out the truth, but that's way in the future.}}

2008-11-24, 08:37 AM
OOC: Again, internet. Annoying.


"Two weeks? Two weeks??" The lord's face twisted into a shape worse than that of the battered doors. "This city is going to fall in two minutes! Who in the Fire Hell are you anyway?"
But before the small humanoid had time to answer, there was a loud thumping noise coming from inside the tower, as if some big wooden object was pushed aside to land rather harshly on the floor. The lord, quickly asserting something was about to go wrong, raised her hand and tried to stop her soldiers. "Wait!" She said. "Don't open the doors!". But it was too late.
The table which was used as a battering ram by the soldiers, now nothing more than a piece of wood, connected with the doors. They opened so quickly and suddenly that it even took Nigma by surprise, causing a small yelping noise to burst from his mouth.
The lord closed the distance to her soldiers (stepping away before to give them the room to bash the doors open) and stood at their head, her flaming sword in hand.

Nigma stayed inside his small barrel. It was safer here than anywhere else, he thought. And then he heard a roar. And another. And another.
It was like that of a lion, deep and long, able to penetrate into your very soul. But somehow, it was more chilling, more malevolent. He couldn't help but take his nose out of his little book and look outside.
A dark-purple lion stood atop his barrel. It had bat-like wings and its tail was like that of a huge scorpion. Nigma could almost imagine the beast talking to him- Your stink of blood carries in the air, little prey.

The soldiers were all alert, and even Rax couldn't help but raise an eyelid to see what was going on.
The lord peered into the tower, trying to see through the dirt that was still far from settling after being disturbed so abruptly from the doors. For a second, she thought she could see a tail of some kind, and then a sharp row of teeth.
And then the thing jumped her, and three of its friends followed.

Their work was quick.
The soldiers were no match for the Manticores, while the lord and her two guards they were able to jump from the get go.
After a few seconds the battle was already over. The soldiers were laying mangled on the dusty ground in pools of their own blood. Lan and the lord, although beaten badly, were both sparred, and the Manticores threw them next to Blockhead and Rax. Both prisoners were unhurt since they didn't, or rather couldn't, fight the beasts.
The same could not have been said on Nigma, however.
Blockhead could only just make out the purple robes from between one of the Manticore's jaws as it walked out of the tower. When it got closer, the Dwarf could see the purple crazy man to whom he was so concerned for a few minutes ago was still alive.
The beast spat him out like bad meat next to the others. The Dwarf inspected the man and saw to his amazement the wizard was not all that hurt, aside from his shoulders.
Nigma coughed and sat down on the ground.

Three of the Manticores stood guard over their prisoners, while the remaining two (Four jumped out on the soldiers + One with Nigma) started to circle each other a few feet from them.
They growled and increased their speed, using their tails and wings to stir the dirt on the ground and raise it to the air. It formed into a cloud between the two beasts and started circling itself in an amazing speed, getting faster with each passing moment.


OOC: One of the Baras generals is going to be summoned through this ritual. I didn't summon him (Or her) yet since I wanted to give you a chance to finally get acquainted. If you want to, though, you can describe the ending process of the ritual and the general and start the conversation with her/him (Or write about something else he/she is doing).
Also, Nigma, this wasn't a punishment for what you did. I thought it was awesome. I just wanted you all finally in the exact same place so we can get this show moving (Out of this dusty city).

2008-11-24, 10:18 AM
Raz's fingers finally worked their magic - the bonds loosened. He could shrug them off right now and pull out his gag, but he supressed the instinct. He was free now, and appearing to still be restrained could work in his favor.

He moaned through his gag, seemingly still only half-awake. A nice gamble - but would it pay off?

2008-11-24, 11:36 AM
Also, Nigma, this wasn't a punishment for what you did. I thought it was awesome. I just wanted you all finally in the exact same place so we can get this show moving (Out of this dusty city).
((Alright, I suppose I can live with that))

"Okay, okay, sheesh, you found me, there was no need to be rude about it!"

Nigma looked round at the gathered band of struck down warriors.
None of them seem to bright do they? Nor very capable... And not even my mighty magics proved a match for these beasts... Well, you know what they say, if you can't beat them, join them.

Nigma coughed.
"Look, you're getting my robes all dusty you manticore thingies and I'd really rather prefer you stood still while I talked to you, you're giving me a headache"

As if crashing into the tower hadn't been bad enough for my poor head...

"Hey, beasties, I'm proposing a deal here. Let me and my chums live and I'll deliver you the lord of this fair city"

2008-11-24, 02:15 PM
Blockhead, unfortunetly, was a terrible size to escape from his bonds and cursed the fact that he had been caught in the first place. It was a terrible dishonour to be captured, let alone by the side you thought you were fighting for. He could only groan at the scene before him.

2008-11-24, 10:59 PM
The messenger had avoided the soldiers' fate by dodging rather than fighting the manticores as much as possible, but was still fairly battered by the time the survivors were tossed into the same heap.

"M'name's Lan, m'Lord, Lan Swiftfoot," came the belated answer to the Lord's original question. The messenger's boyish voice confirmed that he couldn't be more than twelve, but the lad seemed remarkably calm. "With yer permission, I'll cut them two loose - we c'n use all the help we got jest now."

Barely waiting for the Lord's grudging nod, Lan drew his knife, which the manticores hadn't bothered to confiscate, and quickly cut through the ropes binding the dwarf. About to do the same for the seemingly unconscious boy, he saw that they were already loose and merely pulled them off, giving the boy a knowing look as he did so.

"Hey, beasties, I'm proposing a deal here. Let me and my chums live and I'll deliver you the lord of this fair city"

Lan had ignored the talkative wizard up to this point, but now he gave the man a witheringly scornful look. "Are ya daft? They'll not bargain wit' folks what just got took captive. Even if they did, like as not they'd just betray you like you're tryin' ta betray the Lord."

2008-11-25, 08:06 AM
"Are ya daft? They'll not bargain wit' folks what just got took captive. Even if they did, like as not they'd just betray you like you're tryin' ta betray the Lord."

"Tsk, tsk, you're in dire need of some enunciation lessons, son. A bit green behind the ears I assume? Look, not that I expect a peasant like you to understand, but negotiations are a big part of war. The biggest, if I might add. It's not all just brutes hammering eachothers skulls in. It's about adults making decisions"

"Now, since the Lord has never done anything for me and recent events have even given me a strong dislike of his lordship, I see no reason not to bargain with our invaders. All is fair in love and war, and I consider myself a neutral party in these hectic times. I have no allegiance with the Lord nor this city and am not at all biased towards the foreigners. Mind you, if you have ethical issues with this deal, I won't mind taking you out of it. That is, I was bargaining for all of our lives, but one can be excluded quite rapidly"

2008-11-25, 02:48 PM
Lan gave the wizard a skeptical look, but held his tongue, shaking his head slightly over the other man's folly. New to the Imperial forces he may be, but he sincerely doubted that the Empire's war was run much differently than gang wars, at least when you were out on the front lines, and with those he had plenty of experience. Anyway, it was not worth wasting his breath to try and change the arrogant man's mind, so Lan turned to the former prisoners.

"M'name's Lan, Lan Swiftfoot," he said briefly, ignoring the other boy's pretense of unconsciousness. "Don' suppose either a' yous got a way out'a this mess? One we c'n all use?"

2008-11-25, 03:15 PM
Raz spat out the gag and stood up slowly, blinking - he was still slightly shaken by what had happened, but he was stronger inside than he looked. He shook his head. "Those manticores would rip us to pieces if we tried to escape, and talking about escaping might simply anger them further. Why not play it safe?"

His fingers twitch as he says it, and those who knew some things about thieves and spies might interpret the movement of his fingers as Stay quiet. Do you know The Code?

2008-11-25, 03:33 PM
Lan nodded at the boy's words and turned his head toward the dwarf as if waiting for a response. Out of the corner of his eye, however, he watched the thief as his own fingers moved, seemingly at random. I know The Code. I doubt others here do.

2008-11-25, 03:44 PM
Raz watched the manticores spin around and around with unease. He was getting a bit frightened, but hopefully he and Lan could pull everyone out of this...

Docks are bad - too many people. Running into the enemy is bad. I know one way out of the city that works, but it is far. We'd have to run from these enemies. Too far for dwarf and wizard?

2008-11-25, 03:56 PM
Lan's fingers sketched a rude suggestion about the wizard. Sorry. He is untrained/idiot but leaving him is risk. Dwarf might move faster than we think - rocks. Wizard will fight us - moneybags might argue.

{{OOC: "untrained/idiot" is one word, used to indicate someone (usually a young thief) who makes stupid mistakes because they think they know everthing}}

2008-11-25, 04:04 PM
Raz's fingers continued their subtle movement - his "accent" was very clipped and precise.

Trick the moneybags. She's arrogant/proud. Dwarf may move fast. But wizard is a dilemma. Dwarf carry wizard?

2008-11-25, 04:19 PM
Maybe, if dwarf agrees could work. Lan's fingers flowed from one form to the next, giving his "accent" a slightly slurred feeling not altogether different from his spoken one. Both accents were common among theives from the northern cities. Want me ask dwarf now?

2008-11-25, 04:35 PM
Raz's reply was simple. Yes.

2008-11-25, 04:49 PM
Lan shifted, as if trying to get more comfortable, but really he was just getting his head closer to the dwarf's ear. "Two questions: If we start running can you keep up for a fair distance? And can you carry or help carry the wizard while we run?"

2008-11-25, 06:56 PM
Blockhead had noticed the interaction between the two from the exclusive view of being 'tied up' and gagged next to Raz, more of less able to see the movements of the two.

Blockhead laughed through his gag, which sounded like choking. "Yephf 'nf Hf cophfd drphf hif, Pf yopf vanpf." He replied.

Translation, since he's gagged: "Yes and I could drag him, if you want."

2008-11-25, 07:12 PM
I know that my bonds have been cut, but I'm not going to move my hands and take the gag out myself, the manticores would notice and we'd be rumbled

EDIT: I'm confused whether us and the manticores are on the same side, I'm assuming we're not of course

2008-11-26, 02:20 AM
Lan sighed quietly. "If ya take out the gag, I don' think them's gonna mind," he murmurred, tilting his head toward manticore's. "Else they'd a stopped me when I cut ya loose. 'Sideswhich, they didn' bother with gaggin' ol' purple robes and if they was gonna hobject to us talking seems like they'd a started wit' 'im. If ya really don' wanna risk it, jest nod once and I'll take out the blasted thing."


Firstly, to answer your question, no the manticore's aren't on our side. Secondly, when you wrote "Blockhead noticed the interaction" do you mean that he understood the conversation or just that he noticed communication seemed to be occuring?

2008-11-26, 10:32 AM
Blockhead removed the gag and said, quietly: "Yes and I could drag him, if you want." The dwarf stood up, dusting himself down and taking in a breath of non-gagged air.

I meant that he noticed communication was going on, but not what it meant

2008-11-26, 11:59 AM
"I don't know what you lot are mumbling about, but I do hope you're not planning to run from these things. There's a lot of them, they're fast, vicious and they can fly. Plus, the beady little bastards have got us surrounded. Just leave the decisionmaking to the big boys and you might actually get out of this predicament alive"

2008-11-26, 12:07 PM
He should have seen it coming a mile away, but before he knew it his fatal flaw had struck again. Oh dear.

"The big boys, eh? They certainly don't get bigger than you, berk. If your brain is half the size of your belly, then your enormous brain-box will save us all."

With an impish grin, Raz slid down next to the noble idiot of a wench. If that crazy wizard didn't fry him, he'd ask her if she wanted to get out of here alive.

2008-11-26, 01:59 PM
"Pr'aps ya shouldn't insult them what your trying ta work with?" suggested Lan mildly.

Thrice damned wizard's right though; we need a distraction if we're ta run fer it. With a low whisper and a few finger movements, he conveyed his thought to the others.

2008-11-26, 07:20 PM
Blockhead, unfortunately, did not understand Lan's intentions. He walked close to Lan and whispered: "I don't understand lad, what's with all this finger moving?"

2008-11-28, 09:51 AM
Right, enough wait.
Also, in case you misunderstood- The beasts can't actually talk. Or rather, you never actually heard it (The one that found you) talk.
And since it came up, I'll clarify it a little more: The beasts can understand language like any humanoid, but they can't talk.


The Manticores guarding the prisoners ignored all talks and movements, except when Raz stood up, one of them giving him a stare and a low growl. It was obvious that as long as they didn't try to escape or attack, the Manticores pretty much didn't care what they did.
The lord sat down on the ground and held her head, which was hurting more than even the wound on her shoulder from that Eastrener. She looked for her sword and saw it was in a pile of a few other weapons, probably those of the other prisoners, right beneath one of the Manticores that was standing guard.

The storm of sand between the two beasts circling each other grew stronger, faster. They roared and spread their wings, taking flight.
As they did so, circling the storm in mid-air, something shone from inside the sand storm, and a hand burst out. It was leather bound with a ruby ring on its middle finger.

"Sermilion..." The lord whispered.
The beasts roared again and quickly landed on the ground, causing dirt to fly up into the air around them, concealing the sand storm. When it cleared, the prisoners could see the two beasts dropping a knee to the ground, bowing before their master.
"Ah, my lord" The general bowed, mocking her. "I see you are as beautiful as ever".
"Bite me, Sermilion" She said coldly.
"Tsk tsk. Now there's no need for that sort of language, is there?" The tall man said with a grin, and started walking towards the group. The three Manticores around bowed.
"Now, let us see, a Dwarf, a Half-Elf, a purple-robed man and..." His eyes narrowed, "The messenger...". With a pace you never thought possible, the general closed the distance between himself and Lonna and grabbed her by the throat.
"I saw you, messenger, in the twisting sands. Tell me, why have you come? Who sent you?" His head turned to the rest of the prisoners. "Perhaps you know?"


Since I'm going to talk as two of the characters here, the general and the lord, I'll respond whenever you do something to which they'd react - Conversation, attack, etc'- So I'll be responding whenever I get the chance.

2008-11-28, 10:42 AM
Blast. They knew each other. What kind of sense did that make? When could they have possibly met, the wizard wondered. It didn't matter. He was out of bargaining chips. She'd been his ace up the hole, and he did hate to get caught without one while cheating at the game. He didn't even know anything about the messenger, something the others probably did know. He was just a footsoldier now, cannon fodder.

The wizard grumbled and retreated his head under his robes, where he pulled out the shiny item he'd picked up in the tower. None of the others could see what he was doing, as his robes covered his every move.

Let's hope this trinket is of some use...

2008-11-28, 11:24 AM
Raz lept up. Bloody berk, comin' in and grabbing a kid half his age! "Hey, what do you think you're doing? The lad was just doing his task - give him two moments to explain and you might just get an answer!"

Raz tensed - running very soon seemed the best option. With Lan and the dwarf, hopefully. Noble twerp and the wizard too, if they were smart...

2008-11-28, 01:51 PM
{{OOC: FYI, feel free to refer to my character by either gender/name in the narrations, and either gender in other posts. For the sake of clarity I'm using "Lan" and male pronouns in my posts until the group figures out that "he" is actually "she."}}

Lan gagged a little as Sermilion's hand hit his throat, but the general wasn't actually choking him. As far as Lan could see, this was the only upside to the situation.

Raz lept up. "Hey, what do you think you're doing? The lad was just doing his task - give him two moments to explain and you might just get an answer!"

Lan's fingers twitched, well below Sermilion's line of sight. Calm. He could only hope the half-elf saw; much as he appreciated the verbal defense, it wasn't going to help the situation.

"M'name's Lan Swiftfoot. I delivered a message from the 43rd Regiment of the 2nd Imperial Army. I dunno what them twistin' sands are or why you woulda seen me in 'em."

2008-12-01, 02:54 AM
Sermilion disregarded Raz and turned his eyes back to Lan. "And what was this message?" He asked.

Nigma looked deeply inside the inner pockets of his purple-robes. He could feel the rounded ends of the object; Small, metallic, polished. Moving his hand, he could also feel parchment. It was dry, and felt is if it could crumble to dust at any moment.
A scroll, he realized. But he's going to have to let some light in if he had any intention of trying to read it.


OOC: Sorry it took me so long to reply. Anyway, very close to getting your first point.
And yes, Nigma, the rounded metallic ends of the scroll were the shiny part. The question now is- Is it worthless bronze, or gold?

2008-12-01, 08:08 AM
Nigma turned his back to the others and then placed his arms a little bit further apart, allowing for light to come in his makeshift hideout. He read the scroll.

2008-12-01, 11:42 AM
Lan considered and quickly discarded the idea of lying. For one thing, Sermilion had the ability to choke him with a slight application of pressure. For another, there as a good chance the man was a mage too. "I was to tell the Lord that relief troops had been delayed, but more are a'comin."

2008-12-02, 02:42 PM
Lan could detect a slight smile from the general as he heard the wonderful news. He was just about to say something when he noticed a light blue fog around his feet and around those of the prisoners.
Immediately recognizing magic whenever he sees it, his looked about, searching for the conjurer.
"You! Human! What are you doing there!?" He said, dropping Lan and quickly pacing towards Nigma.


OOC: I thought I should just decide what happens by myself, but then I figured it'd be more fun if you decided. Think of something and post (Obviously still from your character's point of view). Go as wild as you want with it, since every poster after you would be able to mess it all up anyways (It's magic, anything can happen).
So conjuring some divine beast, teleportation somewhere- That would be the best kinds of magic. But feel free to write whatever you like.

2008-12-03, 05:19 AM
The thick blue fog had filled up Nigma's entire improvised tent. He gasped for breath in shock and took in a whole mouthful of the mist. The world went woozy. Nigma let his robes flutter, spreading the mist around even more, and waggled up to Sermillion.

"Y'know, you look an awful lot like James Dean, you know that? Has anyone ever told you you look like James Dean? Cause, you know, you do!"

Nigma tried to lean on Sermillion's shoulder but regretfully missed and tumbled down onto the sand. He started making a sandangel while giggling. He felt about ten thousand times as drunk as when he'd spent the whole night in a tavern. The world was dancing and the wizard's tower seemed to be doing the macarena. MrE just knew it was that fog that did this to him. Instant drunkenness, all round. Useful partytrick, he realised. He then groaned, lay back and started imitating a policesiren rather fetchingly. Never mind that he never even heard a policesiren.

2008-12-05, 09:49 AM
Abruptly released from the enemy's grip, Lan staggered slightly and fell to one knee. Thankfully he didn't breath in any of the magical fog, though he quickly noticed its effect on the wizard. Glancing at the thief, he signed a question. Small diversion. Run now?

2008-12-05, 10:27 AM
Raz was at the dwarf's side in a moment, nodding at Lan. "Get the wizard," he choked out. Then he was on his feet and running. The fog made his head hurt like blazes, but maybe they could get out alive. He grabbed Lan on his way out of the fog - two were better than one, after all.

2008-12-05, 10:28 AM
Unfortunately for Blockhead and his smaller height, he quickly inhaled the intoxicating blue fog. Fortunately for Blockhead, dwarves had a high natural resistance to intoxication. Still, the dwarf wasn't completely free of the effects. "Aye... *hic* Bloody good fog ya got there wizard! *hic* Cmon then laddy!" Slurred Blockhead, having trouble remaining upright as he ran towards the wizard. He grabbed the wizards hands and began dragging him out of the area, desperately trying to follow Raz and Lan without falling over.

2008-12-05, 10:57 AM
He grabbed the wizards hands and began dragging him out of the area, desperately trying to follow Raz and Lan without falling over.

"Wow, hey, pass along the vibes!" the wizard giggled. He then tried to do the worm.

2008-12-06, 10:39 AM
Nigma: For being the only one to do something with the magic spell, and something so original, at that, I award thee one point. (Spending options at the end of the update).

Wow, I was all ready yesterday with a cool update, putting all of you in a cage in the Baras main camp and then give you a chance to join them, or escape, and then you'd stumble onto a treasure, and meet a dragon, and have him as an ally...But, I fell asleep. And now in one hour each one of you replies, what the hell?
Now I have to think of an entire new update...

I got it!

Raz looked back as he ran and noticed the Dwarf and purple-robed man running after him. Behind them he could just see the general's head covering up in fog, his eyes almost completely red. The lord was nowhere to be seen.
The four rounded up a corner and kept running, sure the general or the Manticores were just behind them.
"Hey!" They suddenly heard from a nearby building. They looked to their right and saw an old man popping his head out of a half-open door. "In here, quickly".
Next to the door, a little bit to the left, they saw a hole in the ground, big enough for even the Dwarf to fit through.
In front of them, further up the road, was the battered main gate. Nobody was there. Nobody alive, anyway.
They stopped, unsure of what to do.
Footsteps from behind the nearby corner reminded them they should hurry.

Right, so let's call this the beginning of chapter 2 of the story. So you all get a point (That's two points for you, Nigma). Spending options (Remember you can just keep your point and spend it later):

Note: Any ability which has an upgrade to it, you can upgrade at any time, as long as you have the points to spend- Meaning you don't have to wait for the next set of options if you wish to spend your point on upgrading an ability you already have.

A- Befriend Beast: Gives you the ability to befriend one beast at a time. If it's wild, it will follow you and obey your commands unless the command would cause it's death. If you're given a trained beast, it will do whatever you tell it. If the beast is trained and against you (Like a guard dog), it would simply ignore you. The effect lasts until you use it on another creature, or if the creature wins it's will back (Won't happen with most guard dogs, but I wouldn't trust a wild bear to guard you at night- You know, might eat you). The stronger the creature, the more chances it has of winning it's will back.
Upgradeable to: Befriend Monster (Hydra, Minotaur, etc') --> Befriend Magical (Manticores, Dragons, fey, and the like).

B- 1st Circle of Arcane Magic: You gain the ability to use the 1st level spells from the Wizard spell list. Each point invested in this ability grants you the next level (Up to level 9). Feel free to use the magics as much as you'd like, but don't go overboard, and if I specifically say that you ran out of magic for the day (That is, until you rest again), don't use any.

C- Underground Ally: Whenever you enter a city or meet an underground group (rebels, thieves, assassins, etc'), you gain the ability to find and meet an old acquaintance of yours, opening the doors to many, many options. Note: The idea here is that you'd be able to use this even when those sorts of groups are not directly involved in the situation. For example- You want to break into someone's house and steal some important document, you can use this ability to contact the local thieves guild for help- Which otherwise you won't be able to do.

D- Dueling: Since this is Freeform, in most of your battles against simple soldiers and goons, unless incredibly outnumbered, you would win. However, against named, high ranked or monstrous characters you would have a tougher time. Using this ability will effectively block my tries to have that character win (In-Character-wise, this means, for example, that, when activating this ability, you'd be equal or better at sword fighting than the Captain of the City Guard).

P.S- Don't worry, a third eye and a talking ear would probably be at the next set of options.

2008-12-06, 03:08 PM
Nigma pulled himself up on the messenger, since the dwarf didn't exactly provide that much support for someone of his height.

"Y'know" he said, swaying back and forth and waving his finger at the dwarf, "Thatsh the nishest thing anyone'sh ever done for me- Hiccup"

He then slumped down on the messenger's shoulder. He wasn't completely passed out, but he sure wasn't reponding either.

((OOC: I'm not spending any points. I'm quite enjoying my incompetent wizard without any skills and it would make sense for my character to just grow skills out of thin air. I may have him master that one zeroeth level spell sometime soon, but I'm certainly not giving him access to first or second level spells at this point in the game))

2008-12-06, 04:27 PM
Lan shifted to take the weight as he realized what the wizard was doing, then looked at the main gates warily. It didn't seem likely that the enemy would have left it unguarded - it was too obvious of an escape route. Then again, the old man's appearance was conveniently timed, and there was no evidence that that too was not a trap.

Lan glanced at his sober companions questioningly. "Man or gate?"

{{OOC: Is the man indicating we should get in the hole? Or is the hole a different option from what the old man is offering?

Also, I'll spend my point now for the Underground Ally skill. My character is a messenger now, but as his/her understanding of thief's signs indicate, there's more there than meets the eye. This skill will allow me to use my backstory to my own advantage. :smallwink:}}

2008-12-06, 04:41 PM
OOC: The hole is a different option. The old man wants you to get inside his house.

And yea, your hand signs communication is what led me to present you with this option.

2008-12-07, 02:15 PM
Blockhead stood, or rather swayed quietly to himself as the more sober members of the group decided what course of action they should be taking.

Hmm... I'll take Befriend Beast.

2008-12-08, 11:01 PM
OOC: Would somebody just pick a path already? I'm gonna wait a day, and if nobody replies, I'm gonna pick a path (Muhahaha).

2008-12-09, 04:52 AM
((OOC: Well, Raz still needs to answer... I suppose I could let the wizard pick the way, but he's really pretty drunk...))

2008-12-09, 05:02 AM
{{I was waiting for Raz, but if he doesn't post by the end of the day I'll decide.}}

2008-12-09, 08:30 AM
Raz makes his descision quickly. "House." With that, he dashes in past the man, hand on the hilt of his knife.

2008-12-10, 01:07 AM
Lan grabbed the wizards hands, making sure the older man wouldn't fall as he was half-dragged, half-carried through the door the stranger held open for them.

2008-12-10, 01:59 PM
Blockhead followed the group, tripping on the door frame inside the house and landing flat on his face.

2008-12-11, 05:41 PM
Blockhead was the last to get inside the house, tripping and landing on the floor.
When he tried to get up, he could feel a heavy foot landing on his back, forcing him back down.
"Close the door, you old fool" he heard a heavy, old female voice above him.
"Yes, my little flower" The old man answered with a sting in his voice.
The dwarf turned his head and saw a large woman, wearing an old, worn-out pink dress standing above him, her foot on his back and a large bat-like stick in her hand. And then the door was shut, and the entire room was covered in darkness.
The group heard the cocking of several hand-guns from behind them, and turned to face their opponents.
"Lit up a lamp already, I can't see a thing!" They heard the woman's voice.
"Of course, my dove" the old man said while picking up a lamp from a small table to his side. He blew on it, and a small fire lit up the room, if only slightly.
"Alright" The old man said, smiling at the group. "This is a robbery, so if you could please drop your weapons and your other belongings?"
Raz and Lan considered their options: They didn't see anybody except the old man when they walked into the house, but clearly there was some way out of this room except the front door.
They remembered a staircase to their left, but from the cocking sounds it was possible the robbers were standing between them and the stairs.
To their right was another door, possibly locked.

2008-12-11, 06:46 PM
Raz signals to Lan with a twitch of the fingers, Memorize/remember the room.

He grins at the old man. "My belongings? Saint's and Proxies, you really don't want to be looking through those. I don't even know what's in my soddin' pockets half the time. I think last time I checked my pockets, there was a bottle of perfume and a lady's hankerchief in 'em - blast me if I know why - oh, and the perfume was called Shekum darkuth divin..." He brings his forefinger and thumb together, and the lamp snuffs out.

He lunges forward, ducking and rolling to avoid any crossbow fire and flicks his dagger out, grabbing at the old man and holding it to the man's throat. "Funny thing is, I can see in the dark. I will consider an unconditional surrender - after all, I am an assassin of the third way and a mage of considerable power. If you think you could take me, my beserker companion and my bumbling apprentices - one of which has memorized the room's layout - then bring it on!"

Bluffity bluffity bluff. Yes, I know half-elves don't have darkvision - Raz is bluffing that.

And I'm expecting them to notice that hand signal. That spell was Prestidigitation, IIRC. Or Mage Hand.

2008-12-11, 07:26 PM
Blockhead assumed by 'berserker', Raz had meant him and so he growled as menacingly as possible, while flexing his muscles. The result was a drunken dwarf, sounding like an angry poodle and farting loudly when he clenched too hard.

Yes, I know that's silly. If it's too silly and wouldn't work out I'll change it

2008-12-12, 10:21 AM
"Bumbling? You bashtard! Well, I'll show you bumbling, you little-"
With a loud crash the wizard dropped to the floor. It looked like that drunkenness spell hadn't quite worn out yet.

The wizard did take advantage of the darkness to focus and creep away from all the noise, preferably to some desolate corner of the room where there was a table to hide under. He wasn't planning on letting any of the trinkets he'd gathered be stolen off him. He slowly pulled out his sword, preparing to slash at anyone who dared to come near his hiding spot.

Purple robes
Trademark purple bolarhat with questionmark
Quiver with arrows
Magical backpack with common items
Nomad sword
Small round nomadstyle shield
Staff with splintered end
Wizarding for Dummies, pocket edition
Some rope
Scroll of Drunkenness

Physical condition: Wounds at the shoulders, bruises everywhere, slightly drunk

2008-12-12, 02:27 PM
Now that the drunk wizard had rolled off his shoulders and presumably gotten out of the way, Lan considered his options. Judging by the sounds when they had come in, there was someone large and female behind him and slightly to his left, probably holding down the dwarf in some way. Raz was dealing with the old man, and there was most likely at least one more person in the room. Deciding the wisest course of action was to get out of the middle of the room, Lan moved as quietly as possible to the door on the right and carefully tested the handle to see if it was locked.

"These folks is gutsy, Teach, but they ain't too bright," he commented. Any projectiles aimed at the sound of his voice would miss, since he started circling back toward the front door as soon as he finished speaking, trying to get behind Blockhead and the heavy woman.

I've been meaning to ask, how old is Raz?

2008-12-15, 02:07 PM
Raz snufs out the lamp and quickly puts the old man between himself and the robbers and his dagger to the man's neck. Nigma falls down and crawls his way beneath the table, unseen and unheard, while Blockhead, trying to do something useful, only managed to stink the place.
"Right now, stop that!" The dwarf heard from above as a large wooden stick struck against his skull. "And you, leave my husband alone or I'll tell my sons to shoot you where you stand".
"Yea, mom, I can take him. Mage....Ha!".

In response to Lan's remark on their intelligence came a small throwing knife that stuck to the door.
The old man sighed. "Well...Now what?"

2008-12-15, 03:40 PM
((So is the door locked??))

Nigma slowly took out his bow and an arrow. It was dark, he was crouching and he was under cover. The wizard grinned and aimed at where he remembered the old woman to be. Swoosh.

2008-12-15, 03:49 PM
Raz tsks his tongue. "I know how it is, really. You're starving, you need money desperately, you just really need the money, honest. I've been in this kind of situation before, from your side of proceedings. Now, think carefully. You're up against an even number - a dwarf slayer, an apprentice wizard, my young squire and myself. Now, I understand your plight, and I'm willing to let you go peacefully.

It's your choice, really. You can leave here with my blessing, or you can die. Fatally. Now, who here wants to die first?"

2008-12-15, 06:19 PM
As Raz spoke, Lan continued to quietly inch around until he was pretty sure he was behind Blockhead and the woman holding him captive. Drawing his knife, he crouched down and carefully worked his way forward until his probing foot found Blockhead's own. Now if the sons tried anything, they'd have to go throught their mother, and if the mother tried anything, Lan had a decent chance of landing a crippling strike.

Goglas, was that door locked?

Raz, can you give me a general ballpark on the age of your character? I'm just trying to figure out how my character will relate to him.

For everyone's reference my character looks something like this:
The hair should be slightly shorter and darker, but otherwise it's pretty good. He/she is wearing a ragged, poorly-fitted uniform, slightly better quality boots, and is carrying the standard 'magic backpack' with common items for an army messenger.

2008-12-16, 05:58 PM
Raz is... somewhere in the 17-19 range. He's tall and lanky, and his voice is deep enough to pass as adult, but he's still a wild kid at this point.

As for a description... I don't have a really good picture yet. He's a handsome young rascal, with his elven heritage coming out in his emerald green eyes and his ivory smile. He's covering his very unnatural hair color and outlandish ears beneath a white headscarf, but he's still got a green tattoo over his nose and beneath his eyes.

He wears loose silk, a white shirt and green/blue trousers, with two belts. Barefoot, with a curved dagger stuck between the belts.

By the way, is that a picture of yourself, Lonna?

2008-12-16, 06:33 PM
No, that's not a picture of me. :smallamused: I found that picture by doing a Google search for 'effeminate boy' and browsing images until I found one that more or less matched what I had in mind for the character. I tried searching for a 'masculine girl' image first, but all the images that came up were too old and too obviously female.

2008-12-19, 03:27 PM
((OOC: Update time?))

2008-12-20, 03:42 PM
Yea, sorry for not updating. Got swamped with work, and when I found the time to get on the web and write the update, the site wouldn't load up.
Oh, and the door is not locked.

Raz finished speaking and could sense the old man stop resisting to his captivity. "Put down your weapons, lads" The old man said. "It's not worth it, they don't deserve it".
Raz could hear the couple's children sigh and lower their weapons. "Alright, father, as you wish".
The mother took her foot off of the Dwarf and reached out her arm to him.
The feint sound of a bow stretching could be heard across the room. The old man turned his head and looked at Nigma, the man's grin twinkling in the shadows, as frightening as the Harpies outside.
"No!" He shouted as the arrow swooshed across the room and plunged into his wife's abdomen. "NO!"
The woman grabbed hold of the wound with a scream and fell on the poor Dwarf beneath her.
"You bastard!" The group could here clearly coming from the shadows in front of them. The children aimed their guns and fired, hitting one of the table's legs.

2008-12-20, 03:55 PM
Nigma toppled the table and put his back up to it. He then snuck towards the door under the cover of darkness and slipped through it, while using it as cover.

Damn muggers had it coming... They would have killed us when next they had the chance...

2008-12-20, 04:16 PM
OOC: GUNS??? In a fantasy setting??? What in Belar's name are you thinking???

He froze up for a moment as the sensations came to him, seemingly unconnected: the twang of a bowstring, a woman's scream, the old man yelling, voice hoarse with desperate sorrow - then they came together. "No. Nonono!" His thoughts seemed to run together. Newplannewplan she'sdead youneedanewplan...

He flung his dagger down into the floorboards, its razor-sharp point scything into the wood, and stepped forward. "Open that sodding door, let in some light and let! me! through! Is there anyone here who has any skill in first aid and or healing magic? If not, I'll do my best..."

2008-12-20, 04:18 PM
((OOC: Guns have appeared in this thread before... Also, i'm sorry about shooting the woman, but I'm also pretty sure Mister Nigma isn't))

2008-12-20, 04:20 PM
OOC: Yes, the occasional steampunky gun can be found in fantasy, but I thought this was supposed to be a typical fantasy world. And why would a poor family have multiple guns???

2008-12-20, 04:23 PM
((OOC: Looted from some store while everyone was busy fighting off the siege? That was definitely my plan. It does make you wonder why they'd possibly rob us. The whole city is up for grabs, and they try to rob the only people who'll fight back??))

2008-12-20, 08:44 PM
"Ye daft loon!" Lan shouted, dodging the falling woman. "They was puttin' down they weapons!"

Heedless of whether the would-be robbers were still shooting, he scrambled to where the lantern had been left after it was extinguished and spend a precious few seconds fumbling for flint to light it. Moments later, light flooded the room as the wick finally caught, revealing that Nigma had already disappeared, presumably through the door, which was open a crack. Sheathing his knife, Lan spit in Nigma's general direction and looked at the sons, trembling with a combination of rage and fear.

"Ee's garbage, but chasin' 'im won' save yer ma."

His point made, Lan walked stiff-legged back to the injured woman, hoping all the while he wouldn't get a bullet between the shoulders. Kneeling next to Raz, he winced as he got a good look at the wound.

"Gut shot," he muttered half to himself. "I know a bit 'bout treatin' wounds, but not 'nuff fer this."

2008-12-20, 10:34 PM
Raz sighed. "...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He looks the woman in the eye. "This is going to hurt a lot..."

Raz carefully pulls out the arrow, trying to ignore the woman's moans of pain. He snaps it once it's out. "Thank the fates it wasn't barbed, but it's done enough damage already. To be honest, hope's the only bloomin' thing on yer side at this point."

2008-12-24, 12:30 AM
Sorry, dudes, but swamped right now. I hope I'd be able to post an update after the 28th, but I'm not sure. So consider this in the mean time suspended.

2008-12-31, 05:01 AM
Raz, Nigma: Don't forget you know nothing of the family. All you saw is an old man poking his head out and calling for you.
For all you know, the might have just taken those guns from the streets and returned home when it seemed the chaos was cooling down (Since the lord's army lost, as I'm sure you remember), and were just about to leave (Or simply stay in) when the old man spotted you and figured he could get a few coins from a tired levy, a drunk levy, a little boy and a Dwarf- Not exactly the type of people you'd expect to fight back.
Anyway, I don't have to explain myself to you! Bah!


The old man dropped to his knees and snatched his wife away from Lan and Raz. With tears in his eyes, he looked at her face and saw she wasn't breathing. His eyes turned to Raz and Lan. "Leave" He said in a harsh voice. "Now!".
Before any of them could respond they suddenly heard small footsteps running out of the room. "Children! Don't!" The old man screamed after them.

Nigma passed through the door and into a corridor. It was narrow and dark, with only one open door at the end of it. Looking inside, he saw an ordinary room with two small beds.
Inspecting the room, he saw there was an open window to the outdoors to his right and a basement door to his left.
"You killed moma!" He heard coming from the corridor behind him.

2008-12-31, 07:57 AM
((OOC: It's the folk's meagre vestments and their attempts to rob passers-by of a few coins that led us to believe they were poor. I myself am not surprised they have guns, as they could, indeed, have looted them. However, I don't agree we looked like easy targets. Not compared to a whole abandoned city full of loot anyways))

Nigma was planning to just rush out of the window, but then he remembered the kids had guns. This didn't stop him because he thought they might shoot him once he made it outside, but rather because he realised how much exactly a gun was worth. Nigma also remembered that none of the rats had reloaded, and that they were just a bunch of little kids. Nothing a mighty wizard couldn't handle.

He quickly pulled some sheets off the beds and opened the cellar door. He then turned around just in time for the kid to run in. Nigma threw the sheets over them, blinding them, made a wild stab at them with his sword and then quickly jumped to their other side, where he gave them enough of a kick to propel them through the open cellar door, down the stairs. There were some screams as they tumbled down and Nigma loaded his bow, taking a position at the top of the stairs.

Higher ground. Blitzkrieg. They should have put me in command of that army. We wouldn't have gotten slaughtered like we did.

2008-12-31, 12:13 PM
{{OOC: I am probably going to regret this, but Nigma's actions fit so perfectly with what I was already planning...}}

Lan didn't think - he just bolted after the little ones, a vague idea of shielding the children from Nigma forming as he ran. It was the same instinct that had gotten him in trouble so many times growing up. A child growing up on the street didn't usually have the luxury of worrying about other street urchins, but Lan had never been able to help himself, even when it meant taking blows meant for others. By now he didn't even try to curb the urge. Besides, this situation was Lan's fault. If he hadn't insisted on bringing the wizard...

"You killed moma!"

The shout from directly ahead of him spurred him on, and an instant later he had passed the children, flinging himself bodily into the room ahead of them. The next thing he knew, he was falling roughly, a shallow sword cut high on one thigh. He shrieked in surprise and pain when that leg hit the stairs as he fell, but then the impact with the cellar floor knocked the breath right out of him. He was able to do nothing more than scrabble at the sheets with one hand, while the other clutched his leg.

2008-12-31, 12:31 PM
((Slightly strange development, but okay... I'm just going to roll with it. This is probably going to make Nigma the bad guy, but he didn't really mean to kill the mother after she surrendered, and he certainly didn't mean to kill Lan))

Nigma smiled and released the arrow. He was about to reload as the children ran in.

"You killed momma!" one of the urchins cried.

Left with no other weapons but his diplomacy (and, well, his bow, but there were too many of them). Nigma raised his hands apologetically.
"Look, kids, I don't know what you're talking about, but if your mother's hurt, I'd be glad to patch her up. I'm a wizard, see?"

Bloody kids. Who knew there were so many of them? And why couldn't they just all charge in at once? Well, we'll just resurrect momma over there and if that doesn't work we'll rain down thunder and destruction on these kids. I don't wanna harm the little runts, but they're really not giving me too much of a choice...

2008-12-31, 01:23 PM
{{Who said anything about killing Lan? It's dark in the cellar, presumably, and Nigma was distracted immediately after firing, so he wouldn't necessarily notice if he missed.}}

Lan got the sheet off of his face in time to see Nigma's profile at the top of the stair. Years of surviving on the streets despite his stupidly self-sacrificing instinct helped him as he immediately rolled to one side despite the pain, just in time to hear an arrow hit the dirt where his shoulder had been a moment before.

At the top of the stairs he could hear Nigma trying to talk his way past the children. Bloody bastard thinks 'e can jest shoot their ma an' - dammit all, if I hadn't pushed in first one o' the littles might be dead!

"Ya damn loon!" he shouted, pulling himself painfully to his feet and beginning to climb the stairs as he spoke. "The ma's -puff- dead! If I hadn't gotten 'ere first ye'd -ouch- ye'd like as not 'av killed one o' the little ones! Ye nearly killed me!"

Having reached the half-way point on the stairs, Lan looked at the children and spoke in a very different tone. "Ye'd best git back to yer pa. 'E needs ta know yer safe."

2008-12-31, 02:26 PM
((I didn't say he killed Lan, rather that he didn't mean to))

"Oh, it's you. What, you're actually taking side with these urchins? They were shooting at me! What was I supposed to do, let myself be killed? They're robbers! Throatcuts! And you go sympathizing with them over me, who saved you from the foreign invaders!"

2008-12-31, 03:04 PM
{{Intentions aside, Lan has been disinclined to trust the wizard from the beginning, and having just been shot at he's not exactly in the mood to listen to the other side of the argument.}}

"Oh, it's you. What, you're actually taking side with these urchins? They were shooting at me! What was I supposed to do, let myself be killed? They're robbers! Throatcuts! And you go sympathizing with them over me, who saved you from the foreign invaders!"

Still forcing himself up the stairs, it took a moment for the words to register in Lan's mind. For an instant he just stared at the wizard, then he started laughing, though there was no humor in the sound. "Ye? Ye saved me? Ye would 'av sold me ta them in an 'eartbeat if ye thought it'd save yer mis'rable hide. Ye caused a distraction, right 'nough, but t'was us what pulled ye out and carried ye here. An' look what a prize ye turned out ta be. Shootin' a woman who was tellin' 'er fam'ly ta leave us be, and attackin' her little'uns what don' even got loaded weapons. I thought they didn't let scum like you off the streets."

In his fury Lan had finished climbing the stairs, hardly noticing his still bleeding leg. Now he placed himself squarely between Nigma and the children, though he made no move to physically threaten the wizard. "Anyone what tries ta hurt a little'un, if I c'n see 'em, goes through me. E'en a scumbag magicker like ye."

2008-12-31, 03:10 PM
"Well, that's just not very rational, is it? You assume children are good, just because they're children. They grow up too, and if they're vile little cut-throats like these vagabonds they'll grow up to be quite evil indeed. And really, you can hardly consider carrying me as saving me. You would have all been dead meat if I hadn't employed a little bit of magic back there"

"The woman tried to kill us. Ditto for her sons. I was genuinely scared when the bastards came chasing after me, waving about their guns. What other reason could they have had but hurting me? I had no other choice but self-defense, and as you can see my actions were hardly lethal. Anyways, I have no intention of hurting the brats, but I can't be sure of the reverse. You might want to turn around and make sure they don't stab you in the back"

2008-12-31, 03:20 PM
Lan merely shook his head at the wizard's latest argument. It didn't matter what he said, clearly the man in front of him would never understand. "If ye be so afraid of 'em," he said coldly, "then p'raps I'm protectin' ye as much as 'em."

Pivoting on his good leg, Lan gently ushered the children out into the corridor and back toward the other room, reminding them "Yer pa's worritin' for ye."

2008-12-31, 03:36 PM
Lan merely shook his head at the wizard's latest argument. It didn't matter what he said, clearly the man in front of him would never understand. "If ye be so afraid of 'em," he said coldly, "then p'raps I'm protectin' ye as much as 'em."

"That's what I said, peasant" the wizard mumbled under his breath as the kids exited.

Well, whatever, we can't expect pedestrians to be able to employ logic. There's a reason they get to rake muck while they build us towers. Now that those venomous little brats have sodded off we might as well make use of the situation...

Nigma wandered down the stairs to explore the cellar. If anyone would ask, he was just retrieving the sheets.

2009-01-04, 02:24 PM
I'm sorry to say I can't keep updating at this time. I simply don't have the time.
Perhaps I will contact you if I ever start another game, but right now, I can't keep playing.

It was fun playing with you.

2009-01-04, 02:34 PM
Well, that's another good game down the drain.

Goodbye, Goglas, and thanks for all the fish.

2009-01-05, 08:52 AM

See ya, guys. It was fun playing with you. Too bad we never discovered Lan's secret, eh?

2009-01-05, 11:37 AM
Sorry to hear that Goglas; I was also having alot of fun with this game. Oh well. Maybe next time.