View Full Version : Unbound, FR (IC)

2008-11-08, 01:57 AM
"I assume none of you three have ever met, considering the foul taste in the air."

Zalaar sits at the head of a large dining table made of obsidian. It reflects the light created by the lantern above the table perfectly, as if it were a mirror. The rest of the room seems to be made of similar rock, but not nearly as clearly reflective. It appears as though the only thing that is not made of stone are the chairs in which you now sit. They seem o have some sort of strange cushioning that makes it feel as if you are floating.

Zalaar himself appears as a human roughly 8' 1" in height and wearing a full suit of adamantine armor that conceals the vast majority of features. His right hand is placed firmly on a large greataxe whose head is face up and handle is planted firmly on the floor. Similar to the armor, the axehead appears to be made of adamantine and contains impressive scroll work spanning the blade. In the head there appear to be three holes, arranged triangularly in center of the blade. His hands are also concealed by guantlets, made of the same metal, and it appears as if his right gauntlet is locked onto the axe's handle.

Just behind you is a portal that leads to the material plane, it is not bounded by any sort of frame, but rather a free-spinning rift between the two planes, hanging in midair.

"Anyway, my offer is simple enough for even beings of your level and intelligence to understand. I just want you to retrieve three things for me. The first one of these things is the Cyrinishad. I assume one of you has heard of it?"

Plasma Snake
2008-11-08, 02:16 AM
Wraith's eyes widen at the mention of the Cyrinishad. How could he not know of the book that eventually lead to Mask's loss of the portfolio of intrigue to the Mad God.

"Yes I recognize it well enough. Those of my faith have heard of the Cyrinishad." Wraith spits "A book of lies that makes anyone who reads it follow the insane belief that Cyric is the one true god."

2008-11-08, 02:22 AM
Necrosis couldn't believe his luck. For the first time, in as he could remember it seemed Freedom was within his grasp. Not only was he removed from that awful loop that had kept him wandering between the planes for all these years, but he was being offered a chance for eventual revenge. Sweet, sweet vengeance... Necrosis flicked his dessicated tongue over his long ago withered lips.

One instant he had been doomed to wander for eternity, and the next thing he knew he was speaking to Zalaar. Finding out the truth. Finding out about vengeance. The curse that his master had laid upon him. The curse that the being Zalaar had removed. With that, and the offer of revenge, Necrosis was likely to have agreed to do anything.

And so he found himself sitting in this room--this strange room--with its strange table, and its strange chairs. Not to mention its strange occupants. He peered out from under the edge of his long cowl, examining his two...companions. He ran the word through his mind again. Companions. The word tasted strange to his lips. He had never had companions. Nor did he particularly want any. But Zalaar had brought them all here. Necrosis would listen to Zalaar.

Returning to his examination, Necrosis carefully examined each one of them. One was a monk from the looks of his robes, although what a monk should be doing here, Necrosis had no idea. And the other... There was something familiar about him. Something he had seen before. Ah. Yes. A shadow walker. Interesting.

At Zalaar's words, Necrosis redirected his attention, his hooded head swiveling slightly to grant a better view. The Cyrinishad. The name was unfamiliar to Necrosis. No doubt though one of his...companions knew though.

Necrosis waited, with baited breath. Everything would start here. Everything.

I taste freedom... And it tastes of blood.

2008-11-08, 10:00 PM
Shai clasped his hands together, looking about the room. He was considerably impressed. Someone (at least he thought it was someone under that ornate armor, not a something) with such wealth and resources to indulge such extravagant tastes surely would be able to grant his modest wish.

He supposed he should have felt cold, or feel at least some anxiety in such a setting, with the only light source a lantern stretching sinister shadows across Zalaar's angular helmet. But after spending almost a decade in lightless tomb with nothing but the company of the dead, he supposed not much would spook him anymore.

Crossing his hands, he looked across the table to the other two individuals sitting at the table. One was heavily hooded, and Shai couldn't discern any features from under the darkness of the cowl. The other seemed a little more natural, although he carried himself in such a way that made Shai feel a little uneasy. He hoped the Cyrinishad was the only thing he had to worry about.

2008-11-09, 03:51 AM
"Yes, the very same, and to get it, you lot must somehow infiltrate Candlekeep."

His head leans back slightly as if he were looking at the lantern. He lowers his head once more and continues addressing the group.

"The choice of how you embark upon this endeavor is left to you three, but the simplest path would most likely to be to obtain a book of similar significance somewhere outside of Candlekeep and gain entrance in order to assassinate the Keeper of the Tomes and steal the book from his private collection."

He relaxes in his chair, and stares outward, focusing away from the group.

"Do this thing for me, and you shall be one step closer to your most treasured desires. Of course, do not expect to go unrewarded for this task alone, for it warrants its own reward. Now, what do you need from me in order to complete this task?"

2008-11-09, 12:41 PM
Necrosis once again licked his ancient lips. Yes, the time had come. And this in itself sounded very interesting.

"I shall require mounts of some sort. This will go easier if we can ride, I believe." His voice rasped out, dry and hollow. "The state of them... does not matter."

Plasma Snake
2008-11-09, 01:23 PM
The shadows around Wraith seem to writhe in distaste of the job he has to do. He did not relish the idea of coming in contact with such a blasphemous tome, let alone not destroying it when he finds it. But Mask had sent him on this mission and if it could help him have his vengeance against the Sharists, he would swallow his pride and do it.

"I require two things for this contract. Firstly, the name and location of a suitable book to gain the Keeper's attention with. Secondly, a map of Candlekeep. I can do without either but the job would be done sooner if I had them." Wraith stated in a flat voice through his mask.

He thought of telling the hooded one that mounts weren't required, that they could Shadow Walk much faster than riding. But it would be best if they didn't know anything about him that they didn't have to.

2008-11-09, 07:05 PM
"If anything, we probably need some sort of lead to the tome, such as who would have possession of such an artifact. Is there anything special about the Keeper of Tomes that we should know?"

Shai thought about this. Depending on what the Keeper of Tomes was like and the amount of time they had with him if they assassinated him, a man with such extensive scholastic knowledge could have more information on their employer, or information on other artifacts. Shai found himself patting his medical case, brainstorming on his different instruments and possible ways to extract information from a patient without killing him too quickly.

Perhaps he himself could lead Shai to a suitable location where he could learn the secrets of immortality himself, so he would have a contingency plan if this contract with Zalaar did not work out.

2008-11-14, 01:48 AM
"Yes, I know of such a tome, it lies hidden in silence, nestled in a tomb within the stark glacial walls just outside the portal before you. The Tome of Rathdaen is not nearly as significant as the Cyrinishad, but should be more than enough to gain you access to the halls of Candlekeep."

A rattling breath is drawn through the helmet as he stares uninterrupted.

"Mounts are a trivial matter. I shall provide you with warhorses from my collection, do with them what you like. As for the Keeper of the Tomes, he is a meek wizard, almost pathetic. You will have more trouble squashing a fly. What concerns me is the company that the hall keeps, famed travelers often journey there to study or obtain information. Keep your wits about you."

He stands from his chair, and turns to reveal a portal behind him, another free-spinning rift.

"I will be leaving now, begin at once."

2008-11-14, 11:16 AM
Yes... It is time.

With that thought, he stands up, his ancient limbs creaking and turns to the group. "Well then... Shall we be going now, or are there any other preparations you needs must take care of?"

((Assuming no one raises objections))

He turns on a heel, his wide robes swirling around him, and heads for the exit.

Plasma Snake
2008-11-14, 05:57 PM
Wraith breaths slowly, his dead eyes blink even slower. He must keep his exterior calmer than how he actually felt. It had been some time since the shadow walker had last done anything beyond an assassination. He felt as though he were back in the lower ranks of the guild, completing deadly tasks for the Shadowlords. It was... exciting.

Wraith reaches up and adjusts the mask on his face. Pulling the hood of his cloak over his head, he turns to the portal. Wraith glances back around the room and the smallest hint of a smile curls the corners of his mouth.

This could be fun.

Moving with an unworldly grace, he steps through the portal again.

2008-11-15, 12:52 AM
"I have always wanted to visit Candlekeep. I've heard such wonderful things about it."

With those words, Shai adjusted the haversack by his side, checking one more time if all the things he needed were still there. When he saw that it wasn't nearly full, he smiled. With this implement, when Candlekeep came he could obtain many more books from its hallowed shelves. He would probably need them, if he was to continue his work during this excursion.

He clenched his fist, felt the comfortable coarseness of his ceremonial ki straps, hearing the faint rustle of cloth, and strode toward the portal.

2008-11-15, 10:59 PM
Adjusting to feel of snow under their feet and cold on their back, the group find themselves in the barren tundra. Three white warhorses, fully equipped and ready to ride, stand before them in the sharp morning air. Each warhorse seems to have full tack including elegant black saddles with large saddlebags. The bridle is firmly fastened and the bit firmly secured in each mouth on every horse.

Behind you is the portal from which you came, a stone arch standing ominously against the white background. There is no path leading up to it, and no real trail or guide anywhere near.

(Necrosis knows not of the time difference)

It appears as though time passes differently within the realm which Zalaar lives, as when the shadowlord and monk had entered, it was night, and now it is stark day, the blinding reflection of the sun off the snow seems to kick your eyelids closed as you adjust to your surroundings.

Plasma Snake
2008-11-15, 11:17 PM
Wraith inhales sharply at the sudden brightness. Wincing, he rubs his eyes as until his light-blindness disappears.

I suppose this is one of the prices I must pay for the power I hold. But damn the light anyway.

Still adjusting to the light, Wraith moves towards one of the horses. Mounting the horse, he says,

"How much time did when spend in that place? It was near midnight when I entered the portal"

2008-11-16, 12:27 AM
Necrosis too, stops at the sudden brightness, but for an entirely different reason.

He lifts his head slightly, to look at the blue sky of Faerun.

Finally, I am back.

A smile spreads under his cowl.

"At last, I walk the world again."

He looks to his companions. "If you wouldn't mind waiting one minute, I have a few preparations I need to take care of."

With that statement he reaches down to his waist, to a belt holding an assortment of rods, and selects one, pulling it out. Gripping it tightly, he shuts his eyes, and begins to concentrate on his daily preparations.

For the sake of time, I'm going to assume I have already prepared my spells. However, I'm gonna cast my buffs now. I'll put the details in OOC a bit later.

2008-11-16, 03:39 PM
Mounting his horse and trotting a ways up the road to get a feel for the creature, Shai looks back at his companions. A man who cannot take bright daylight and a thing that must rub a rod as a daily ritual. He inwardly smirks. Maybe he wouldn't have to worry about them at all. Putting what he hoped was a genuine smile on his face, he trotted back to the group.

"Well, if we're going to be working together for the time being, at the very least I would like to know your names, gentlemen. I hope we can all assume that there will be no, ah, misunderstandings between us on this expedition."

2008-11-16, 04:00 PM
His preparations complete, Necrosis looks up. A ripple of power passes over his body, and the ornate armor layered over his cloak, in addition to the sickle looped at his belt glow briefly. In addition, a wave of malevolent feeling power can be felt rushing outwards from his body. Finally, a cloud of knives springs up around his upper body, and shifts so the points face whichever direction he faces.

Squaring his shoulders, he turns, mounts the horse, and faces it in the proper direction.

"Thank you so much. Shall we then?"

Without turning around, he amends as an afterthought, "As for my name, I have been known as Necrosis for as long as I can remember. So that will do."

Plasma Snake
2008-11-16, 10:28 PM
Grabbing the reigns of his mount, Wraith turns towards the monk. There was something odd and disturbing about the human. He was a man of talent, obviously, otherwise Zalaar would not have chosen him for the task. But the monk seemed so... normal. The man should be studying in a library or meditating in a monastery. He shouldn't be running around with a mysterious creature and an assassin plotting to kidnap and possibly torture a bookkeeper. That normalcy is what unnerved him the most about him.

Leveling his gray eyes at the monk he says, "For now you can call me Wraith, those who know me and live do. If there comes a time when I trust you enough to remove my mask, I will tell you my real name." intensifying his stare "But trust goes both ways, monk, and you have yet to give us your name. And what does bring a normal person such as yourself to be in the company of an assassin and a creature that apparently hasn't walked the material plane in 'sometime'? "

2008-11-17, 12:02 AM
Shai arches an eyebrow, maintaining his expression. He continues trotting his horse toward their destination as he speaks.

"My, how mysterious you both are. But, is not the fact that I have been selected by Zalaar to serve amongst a masked assassin and this pale arcanist reason enough to trust in my abilities? I cannot speak for why Zalaar found it fit to group me with beings of your, ah, caliber, as I myself am only an physician, part of the Order of the Long Death. Far from normal in my opinion, biased as it is. My specialty is in human anatomy, or perhaps moreso the deconstruction of it. You may call me Shai the Red, or Brother Shai if you like. I'm not exactly particular on titles."

2008-11-17, 02:00 AM
Necrosis gives a rasping laugh. "Indeed, I suppose that will have to be good enough for now, Brother. I suppose as long as we're all getting friendly, I may as well reveal a bit more about myself."

With that statement, he pulls back his cowl to reveal his head. It is bald and pale, and appears to have many cracks and wrinkles running along it, and a few spots of minor decay near his neckline. A cross between a smile and sneer adorns his face. After a few seconds he pulls the cowl back up.

"Enough of that. I prefer the shade anyway. Shall we get going then? I am eager to be on the move."

DC 15 spot check to notice the cracks and wrinkles are elaborate runes carved into his flesh. DC 15 Knowledge Arcana to notice the runes represent spells.

Plasma Snake
2008-11-17, 05:01 PM
Wraith also lets lose a barking laugh at the monk's sarcasm. Seeing Necrosis's face, Wraith is momentarily taken aback. He had already guessed the hooded figure wasn't human, but seeing the runescarred face was slightly surprising none the less.

The Shadow Lord refocuses his attention on the monk. He now knew why Shai unnerved him. He was a torturer, and he reminded him of the torturer they had back at the guild. The Tickler they called him. Completely normal in appearance and behavior, but when information needed to be extracted the Tickler would bring out the most horrid screams Wraith had ever heard come from a human.

"Fair enough, Shai fair enough. I will let you know that I am on run from a certain organization and one of the things that keeps them from finding me is this mask. " He says tapping his mask. "Now that introductions are out of the way, I agree with Necrosis. Let's find our tomb."

Bill and Kenton, you both had better have gotten that reference to A Song of Ice and Fire.

Also I'm assuming I took a 10 on my spot check. 10+5= 15

2008-11-18, 12:44 AM
And with that, the travelers head straight toward the glacial wall. The horses appear to be completely used to traveling in intense cold, as although there is nothing in the tack for special winter conditions, they still travel normally without sliding on the ice and snow. The sound of hooves crunching snow dominates the trip, and conversation is extremely light, if there is any at all.

It takes roughly two hours for them to make the trip, and as they arrive, it becomes completely apparent why something significant could be contained within this tomb.

A cave seems to have been hollowed out of the glacial wall, the entrance appears to be roughly 40 feet wide, and the roof glistens 20 feet off of the ground. More imposing is the appearance of two large statues. Both are of humans, and seem to be properly proportioned. They stand roughly 15 feet high on either side of the entrance, leaving only a 10 foot gap to walk between them into the cave. Both statues seem to be finely detailed, even at this distance, and are outfitted as a soldier or guard would be. One rests with both hands on a massive greatsword, drive straight into the ground while the other stands holding a greataxe across his body. Both have full plate strapped across their bodies, and a unique pattern drawn into the center of their plate.

The travelers are currently 100 feet from the entrance, readying their final preparations.

2008-11-18, 01:50 AM
HP 68/60 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 SR 21 DR 5/MAGIC

The ride wasn't easy, since Necrosis hadn't seen, much less rode a horse in over 300 years. But nevertheless he relished it, enjoying the feeling of freedom.

The party pulled up a small distance away, and surveyed the tomb. Necrosis himself had already taken care of his preparations, however to satisfy his curiosity, he concentrated to see if he could feel anything.

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Detect Magic
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives
Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon
SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (1/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (1/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (3/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)


Cast Detect Magic.

Plasma Snake
2008-11-18, 01:21 PM
Wraith raises an eyebrow at the statues. He'd seen traps before that seemed to be harmless statues but would animate the moment you got to close. A smile creeps upon his face as an idea strikes him.

With caution, the assassin approaches the statues until he is around 30 feet away. Bending over he scoops up two large handfuls of snow. After sculpting them into balls, Wraith admired his work. He hadn't made a snowball since he was a child in Damara, before his parents sold him.

With a laugh, the Shadow Lord throws his snowballs. First to the right statue, second to the left. He eyes both statues keenly to see if they react.


Feel free to subtract from that because of distance and the lack of Weapon Proficiency (Snowball)

Plasma Snake
2008-11-18, 01:23 PM
Ok what the hell.


2008-11-19, 12:28 AM
As the snowballs smack the statues, an eerie chill spreads across the air. A slow drone starts to resonate through the air, endless whispers casting themselves into your mind. Your ears seems to feel cold as the words almost press themselves against your skull.

A fur-clad woman appears, hovering between the two ice statues. She is a woman of remarkable beauty, and has silver hair flowing across her shoulders, her pale blue eyes stare upward into the sky.

All except Kenton roll a Will save, all roll init.

Plasma Snake
2008-11-19, 12:40 AM
God dammit.
Double dammit subtract 1 from both. Stupid Light blindness.

2008-11-19, 12:52 AM
HP 68/60 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 SR 21 DR 5/MAGIC

Necrosis sighs inwardly. These things can never just be simple, can they.

"I don't suppose you're going to move aside, are you?"

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Detect Magic
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives
Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon
SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (1/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (1/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (3/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)



Move: Draw Sickle.
Standard: Cast Darkbolt, provided I get a hostile/no answer in return.
Free: Talk a little, knife attack


Succeed on DC 19 Fort save or be stunned for 1 round. Half cold, half untyped damage.

[roll3]+15 (caster level+primary stat)

2008-11-19, 01:49 AM
Shai dismounts from his horse and advances a few steps before clapping his hands together. "My God, what a beautiful specimen! They're just coming to me now! My reputation must precede me."


2008-11-19, 02:40 AM
Shai and Wraith immediately draw a blank expression and begin walking toward the woman in the air. The words continue to press hard into their minds, but as they walk closer, they grow stronger, pushing deeper. The woman looks over at Necrosis as a grin spreads across her face.

"Taking snow and throwing it as if it were some toy? You people overestimate yourselves. Snow is an elegant thing, bringing death to its foes and health to its residents. Disrespect requires punishment, and punishment requires obedience, which is why you will obey."

Suddenly, a vortex of ice shards winds up around her, emerging from the snow, catching both Shai and Wraith in their tracks. Seeing this, Necrosis sends a knife and a darkbolt her way, but they seem to dissipate in the swirling ice as it starts to die down.

Both attacks miss on Necrosis's part. Mike and Colin are captivated, but resisting, roll reflex saves for the vortex. Captivated people can't take any action except resisting attack.



Plasma Snake
2008-11-19, 02:50 AM

Evasion too gize
Disregard that I suck wang

2008-11-19, 03:12 AM
HP 68/60 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 SR 21 DR 5/MAGIC

Necrosis laughs. "Foolish creature, as if I would ever obey one such as you. You shall be the first item of my new collection I believe."

He throws back his hood and a wide smirk is visible. "And I would appreciate if you wouldn't touch my comrades either."

He throws out his hand in the direction of Aust and Shai.

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Detect Magic
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives
Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon
SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (1/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (1/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (3/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)


Move: n/a
Standard: Resist Energy, Mass
Free: Talk a little, knife attack

All of us gain Cold resistance 20.

[roll0]+15 (caster level+primary stat)

2008-11-19, 10:00 AM
Improved Evasion? I think it at least applies here.

2008-11-19, 10:34 AM
When the vortex clears, Wraith is heavily wounded, several ice shards lodged in his body; Red blood trickles out onto the white snow. Shai, on the other hand, remains fully clean, devoid of any scratch. Shai and Wraith continue walking toward the lady, rather close now. However, the lady ignores them and flies directly toward Necrosis. She lashes at him with her right arm, brushing his face. Instantly, the area touched cracks and shifts, chilling the skin across Necrosis's body. Immediately, Necrosis responds by casting out his hands and uttering a quip toward the Virago's face.

"Foolish? Such a thing only draws out your true colors. Arrogance, the belief you will overcome. Good thing you have hope, as it will be the only thing left of you once you become one with the cold waste beneath your feet."

Necrosis channels divine energy through his fingertips, imbuing himself and his allies with resistance to the very waste that the lady purports.

Wraith is hit for 30 damage, 16 untyped/14 cold. Necrosis is hit for 22 (11 untyped/11 cold). Wraith and Shai get another shot at the Will save. Everyone excepting the lady gets Res Cold 20.

2008-11-19, 10:38 AM
Why does this not let me post without ten characters.

2008-11-19, 11:25 AM
HP 57/60 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 SR 21 DR 5/MAGIC COLD RESISTANCE 20

Necrosis winces slightly as the biting cold sets in seconds before he renders himself immune. The smile quickly returns though.

"I shall greatly enjoy staring into your mindless eyes, my dear. You shall make a stunning addition to my collection. Perhaps if you're lucky I'll awaken you, so you are aware of your slavery. Yes, I like that idea. You shall suffer for eternity as I so nearly did."

Necrosis walks backward, still facing the Virago. "Come get me, hag!" he calls out, right before a bolt of writhing negative energy leaves his palm, streaking towards her.

Simultaneously, a horn of bright light sprouts from his forehead, and flies towards the Virago, as well as another knife, continuing the Cloud's barrage.

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Detect Magic
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives
Alicorn Lance
Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon

Active Buffs/Effects:Cloud of Knives (22 hours)
Divine Power (22 hours)
Consumptive Field (22 hours)
Greater Magic Weapon (6 hours)
Magic Vestment (6 hours)
Resist Energy - Cold (80 minutes)

SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (0/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (1/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (2/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlSpoilers you guysAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)


Move: Walk back 20ft
Standard: Cast Enervation
Swift: Burn 1 charge of my circlet, swift cast Alicorn Lance.
Free: Talk a little, knife attack

[roll2]+9 (+1 SF)


No save.


Plasma Snake
2008-11-19, 05:08 PM

2008-11-20, 12:13 AM
Assign dodge bonus to fur-clad woman.
Move 40 ft. to her.
Then punch her in the face as hard as possible. As fist connects to face, Ring of Shocking Blows activates.

2008-11-20, 12:38 AM
Immediately snapping to, Shai's instinct kicks in as he dart swiftly to the lady's side, winding up and stepping in to deliver a right hook. It connects with a vicious power on the right side of the Lady's ear. The hit resonates with a deep impact as Shai pulls back his fist just as swiftly as it arrived at her cheek. Wraith walks, still bloodied, toward the scene, arriving within 10 ft.

The Lady turns, lashing at Shai with her arms, her right misses, but her left connects with his upper right shoulder, chilling his spine and cracking his skin. Necrosis responds to the lady and throws a flurry of spells her way, the bolt and lance miss however as they deflect off of the aura surrounding the lady.

Shai is hit for 16 untyped damage (I'm applying resistance.) Necrosis is 5ft. back, Wraith is 10ft. in front, and Mike is immediately to the front-right.


2008-11-20, 01:05 AM
Shai shudders as the blow connects. Seeing his skin turn a shade of bluish-white, he can feel the cold as it shivers throughout his entire body. "I've seen children get worse frostbite after a day out in the cold! What was this respect for snow you were going to teach us, hmm?"

HP:66/82 AC:25 (-4 from Karmic Strike) Touch:19 Flatfoot:20

Free Actions: Use Karmic Strike with -4 to AC to preform an AoO on opponent who had a successful melee attack. With Double Hit, AoO also includes off-hand weapon attack.
[roll0], [roll1]

Standard Action: Flurry of Bros on fur-clad woman.
[roll6], [roll7], [roll8], [roll9]

Move Action:...what.

2008-11-20, 01:07 AM
HP 60/60 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 SR 21 DR 5/MAGIC COLD RESISTANCE 20

Apparently dissatisfied with the results of his spells, Necrosis, grips the haft of his sickle tightly. Cursing under his breath, he utters a command word. The sickle, a black iron weapon with a simple silver skull embellishing it, is suddenly wreathed in a sheathe of crackling black energy.

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Detect Magic
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives
Alicorn Lance
Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon

Active Buffs/Effects:Cloud of Knives (22 hours)
Divine Power (22 hours)
Consumptive Field (22 hours)
Greater Magic Weapon (6 hours)
Magic Vestment (6 hours)
Resist Energy - Cold (80 minutes)

SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (0/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (1/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (2/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlSpoilers you guysAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)


Full Round: Full attack sequence
Move: 5ft step
Standard: N/A
Swift: N/A
Free: Talk a little, knife attack



1d6 of that is negative energy. Counts as evil for sake of DR, etc.


2008-11-20, 01:57 AM
As he is contacted, Shai unleashes a hasted combination, a left jab meets her chin hard and is quickly followed by a right straight, smacking her straight in the neck. Shai feels his blow resonate into her windpipe as he pulls back with a sharp crack. Her skin feels as if it is strangely hard, and most of Shai's blows feel as if they're being pushed off course. She retaliates by attempting to lash at Shai, but both her blows are dodged expertly as Shai pushes in closer to her body. Wraith continues his march, reaching her now, and standing right next to the scene, his arms fall limp.

The whispers dissipate after the combination is delivered, and are replaced with an eerie silence. Necrosis strikes with a sharp step in and delivers a sickle to the lower back and it slices away clean, the wound emanating a dark essence. The lady howls in pain as this blow strikes.

Shai hits clean for 34 damage: 22 Physical/12 Electric, Necrosis also strikes clean for 13 damage: 11 Physical/2 Negative.

2008-11-20, 02:26 AM
HP 60/60 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 SR 21 DR 5/MAGIC COLD RESISTANCE 20

Seeing that weapons have had the largest effect so far, Necrosis continues his onslaught.

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Detect Magic
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives
Alicorn Lance
Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon

Active Buffs/Effects:Cloud of Knives (22 hours)
Divine Power (22 hours)
Consumptive Field (22 hours)
Greater Magic Weapon (6 hours)
Magic Vestment (6 hours)
Resist Energy - Cold (80 minutes)

SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (0/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (1/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (2/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlSpoilers you guysAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)


Full Round: Full attack sequence
Move: N/A
Standard: N/A
Swift: N/A
Free: knife attack



1d6 of that is negative energy. Counts as evil for sake of DR, etc.


2008-11-20, 02:44 AM
Shai tries to hit the woman again, paying special attention to why his blows seem to slide right off her. Shrugging, he puts it out of his mind for now. I wouldn't want to mutilate this beautiful body beyond what's necessary anyway. It would be a waste.

HP:66/82 AC:25 Touch:19 Flatfoot:20 Cold Resistance 20

Free Action: -

Standard Action: Flurry of Bros on fur-clad woman.
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]
[roll4] physical + [roll5] electrical
[roll6] physical + [roll7] electrical
[roll8] physical + [roll9] electrical
[roll10] physical + [roll11] electrical

Move Action: -

2008-11-20, 03:12 AM
Shai follows up on his combination with a vicious left uppercut to the lady and attempts to turn it into another flurry by driving his right down in a hook aimed at her face. However, this does not connect and once again seems to be pushed off course. Shai attempts to follow up with a pair of body blows, but both meet the same fate, driven aside by some unseen force.

The lady smirks as she begins to spin, striking at Shai first with a horizontal lash, contacting his chest. Then Necrosis, swiping across his belly, and then Wraith, hitting him square in the shoulder.

Necrosis retaliates with two quick slashes and a knife from his cloud. However, all of them seem to be deflected as no contact is obtained.

20 damage to Shai, 19 to Necrosis, 12 to Wraith (All physical.) Shai hits clean for 15 damage: 11 physical/4 electrical.

2008-11-20, 12:22 PM
HP 52/60 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 SR 21 DR 5/MAGIC COLD RESISTANCE 20

Necrosis scowls once more as the Virago connects, but he still seems fairly uninjured. Once again deciding to attempt a different tact, he moves back once more and holds out his hand.

A blast of dark energy, crackling with dark lightning fires out of his hand, directly towards the Virago.

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Detect Magic
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives
Alicorn Lance
Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon

Active Buffs/Effects:Cloud of Knives (22 hours)
Divine Power (22 hours)
Consumptive Field (22 hours)
Greater Magic Weapon (6 hours)
Magic Vestment (6 hours)
Resist Energy - Cold (80 minutes)

SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (0/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (1/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (2/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlSpoilers you guysAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)


Full Round: N/A
Move: Move back 20 more feet
Standard: Eldritch Blast
Swift: N/A
Free: knife attack



2008-11-21, 01:33 AM
"Dammit woman, hold still!" he shouts, attempting to mix in kicks and elbows to vary his flurry. After the blow to the chest connects, Shai feels a rush of air push out of his chest, as if he was under an immense avalanche of snow and ice. However, after she swipes Shai attempts to once again cut an underarm jab as she moves away to attack the others.

HP:46/82 AC:21 (-4 from Karmic Strike) Touch:19 Flatfoot:20 Cold Resistance 20
Move Action: None
Free Action: Karmic Strike
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2](physical) + [roll3](electrical)
[roll4](physical) + [roll5](electrical)
Standard Action: Fury of my Bros
[roll6], [roll7], [roll8], [roll9]
[roll10](physical) + [roll11](electrical)
[roll12](physical) + [roll13](electrical)
[roll14](physical) + [roll15](electrical)
[roll16](physical) + [roll17](electrical)

2008-11-21, 02:07 AM
Shai's jab barrels across the lady's guard toward her face, but she expertly dodges the blow, sliding it barely past her cheek. Shai's face cracks into a smile as he contracts his arm, turning the blow into a savage elbow to the ear. The lady bends forward and begins to bleed slowly from the hit, her blood staining the snow beneath her feet. The follow up misses primarily because it was sent off course be her sudden change position.

Capitalizing, Shai swiftly delivers a kick to the other side of her face, following it up with a sharp pointed hook downward, attempting to knock her down. Somehow she stays rooted, however, and takes an astonishing third kick, this time to the midsection. As Shai goes to deliver another left, she stands back up, once again throwing his blow off course.

Blood leaking from both ears and standing with a busted lip, the lady screams,


In a replay of 5 seconds ago, the lady unleashes another whirlwind striking almost the same exact locations on each person. However, this time, it's accompanied by a severely oppressive aura that sames to shake one to the very bone.

Necrosis, watching the affair, attempts once more to utilize magic to defeat this enemy, calling forth his incantations, he unleashes a massive burst of negative energy at the lady. However, to his disdain, it is absorbed. In anger, he loses concentration. He attempts to send a knife her way, but it falls flat straight in front of him.

Following the cold touch reaching his body, Wraith snaps up as if awaking from a dream. It appears as though he is no longer entranced by this lady's sick spell. He adjusts his mask calmly and assumes a fighting stance.

Everyone except Necrosis make a will save. Shai hits clean for a total of 75 damage: 43 physical/32 electric. Necrosis is hit for 18 physical, Shai for 18 physical, Wraith for 11 physical.

2008-11-21, 02:27 AM
HP 45/60 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 SR 21 DR 5/MAGIC COLD RESISTANCE 20

Necrosis grimaces. It seems he will have to help his companions more directly. He concentrates, and simultaneously extinguishes the light in the area, while reaching out to Shai.

"This will hurt. Significantly."

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Detect Magic
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives
Darkbolt (x2)
Inflict Moderate Wounds
Alicorn Lance
Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon

Active Buffs/Effects:Cloud of Knives (22 hours)
Divine Power (22 hours)
Consumptive Field (22 hours)
Greater Magic Weapon (6 hours)
Magic Vestment (6 hours)
Resist Energy - Cold (80 minutes)

SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (0/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (1/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (2/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlSpoilers you guysAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)


Full Round: N/A
Move: Move however I need to to reach Shai.
Standard: Cast No Light
Swift: Burn another charge on circlet, drop Darkbolt, spontaneously cast Inflict Moderate.
Free: knife attack



Plasma Snake
2008-11-21, 02:22 PM
HP: 1 AC: 23 T:16 FF:23 Cold Resistance: 20 Shadow Blur: 20% Miss Chance

Wraith snaps out of his delirium to a world of hurt. Looking down he sees that he is covered in blood. Looking back up he sees his comrades fighting the Ice Woman.

This was no time for worrying about his wounds. He had revenge to take. Against the Ice Witch and all those before her. He takes a step back to cast a quick spell. Drawing his rapier he springs forward to deliver a stab into her unprotected flank. He jumps back as quickly as he jumped forward.

Free Action: 5 foot step back
Swift Action: Cast Critical Strike
Move Action: Move 5 feet forward, 10 feet backward after attack (Spring Attack)
Standard Action: Sneak Attack the Ice Bitch
[roll1] + [roll2] + [roll3]

Plasma Snake
2008-11-21, 02:30 PM
Hell yeah critical hit

The +4 for confirm is from Critical Strike.

Also forgot my will save.

2008-11-21, 06:53 PM
HP:44/82 AC:21 (-4 from Karmic Strike) Touch:19 Flatfoot:20 Cold Resistance 20

Shai attempts to use his training from the monastery to empty his mind of all pretenses and ideas, to purge all inner and external effects from himself.

Seeing the shadows lengthen as the light grows dim and eventually disappears, he takes the time to shift his Night Goggles from his head to his face. Unfortunately, as he does so he is immediately struck by Necrosis's ray of negative energy, pain slicing through his entire left side. However, he feels the cold on his shoulders and chest start to dissipate, but he honestly can't tell which feels worse.

Goddamn these rolls better work.

Free Action: Karmic Strike
[roll1], [roll2]

Standard Action: Attack with fists once.

Move Action: Retreat 5ft. after attacking.

2008-11-24, 02:03 AM
Shai's quick attempts to counter the lady's touch fall short as he misjudges the distance between him and her. The lady proceeds to capitalize and hit Shai twice with her long, lashing arms, the cold spreads through his veins, almost paralyzing. Wraith, seeing his comrade in danger, jumps forward, pushing his blade directly into the spot where one would believe a kidney would be. His blade enters hard, and corrodes the flesh surrounding its entry wound. Necrosis, meanwhile, heals Shai, and darkens the area utilizing No Light.

Shai is hit for 35 physical damage. Wraith stabs and crits for 48 damage: 12 acid/36 physical.

2008-11-24, 02:26 AM
HP 51/60 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 SR 21 DR 5/MAGIC COLD RESISTANCE 20

Necrosis seizes on the opening created by Wraith, and swings his sickle twice more, channeling his power through the blackened blade.

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Detect Magic
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives
Darkbolt (x2)
Inflict Moderate Wounds
Alicorn Lance
Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon

Active Buffs/Effects:Cloud of Knives (22 hours)
Divine Power (22 hours)
Consumptive Field (22 hours)
Greater Magic Weapon (6 hours)
Magic Vestment (6 hours)
Resist Energy - Cold (80 minutes)

SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (0/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (1/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (3/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlSpoilers you guysAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)


Full Round: Full Round Attack,utilizing Hideous Blow invocation to add Eldritch blast to my attacks.
Move: Move however I need to to reach Shai.
Standard: N/A
Swift: Burn last charge, exchange Boccobs Rolling Cloud for Inflict Critical Wounds
Free: knife attack

[roll1]+5 (1 die normal, 1 die negative, 3 dice eldritch blast)

[roll3]+5 (1 die normal, 1 die negative, 3 dice eldritch blast)


Plasma Snake
2008-11-24, 11:06 AM
HP: 1 AC: 24 T:17 FF:24 Cold Resistance: 20 Shadow Blur: 20% Miss Chance

At a safe distance again, an important revelation dawns upon Wraith that he had forgotten. He had some negative energy spells in his scroll case. Smacking himself in the head as he moves farther back, he digs out one of his scrolls and casts it on himself.

Free Action: Smack self on the head. Declare +1 dodge bonus against her.
Move action: Move 10 feet back while digging out a scroll of Inflict Serious Wounds

Wraith is about 20ft away from the Ice Witch.

P.S.Seriously, I can't believe I didn't remember this sooner. That smack on the head happened to me too.

P.P.S Damn I can't believe I also forgot the Dodge feat as well.

2008-11-24, 06:49 PM
HP:9/82 AC:21 (-4 from Karmic Strike) Touch:19 Flatfoot:20 Cold Resistance 20

Grimacing from the blow, Shai tries once more to get inside her reach in order to hit more effectively. "Something tells me that the healing from all this isn't going to feel too much better." he mumbles.

Move Action: 5 ft. step toward ice queen.

Free Action: Karmic Strike
[roll0], [roll1]

Standard Action: Flurry of Blows
[roll6], [roll7], [roll8][roll9]

2008-11-26, 01:41 PM
Shai pushes in again, striking the lady with two quick uppercuts in succession, but his attempts to elbow and kick his way into her body fall short as she needs only the slightest movement to throw whole blows off course, due to deflection that seems to persist around her.

She quickly turns to deliver two sharp lashes to Necrosis, having possibly pinned him as the support pillar of the group.

Wraith gets back, pulling a scroll from his scroll case with the swiftness of a master, he places it against his skin. Quickly, as Wraith commands from under his mask, the scroll disintegrates, leaving only a dark energy which forces its way into Wraith's veins.

Necrosis strikes sharply, his sickle digging harshly into the lady's side, releasing a burst of powerful energy as it deeply connects. The lady howls in pain, she seems to be tired, her body almost moving with the cold wind.

Shai hits twice for 39 damage: 25 physical/14 electric. The lady hits Necrosis twice for 21 physical damage (pre-DR). Wraith heals, taking a safe distance of 20 ft. Necrosis strikes, hitting once with an Eldritch Blast attached (Whoo) dealing 23 damage: 6 physical/6 negative/11 Eldritch Blast. I need some reflex saves.

2008-11-26, 03:19 PM
Necrosis grins again, showing few signs of pain with the exception of being more winded than when he first started.

"You'll have to keep the clothes of course. I want to make sure I remember the exact circumstances of my dominance over you. The monk over there is fascinated with the mechanics of death. I just want to have the satisfaction of watching you die. And then of course bring you back as my mindless slave."

He punctuates the last bit with a smile that might have looked loving and sweet on anyone else.

Once again he launches into a flurry of attacks with his sickle.

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Detect Magic
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives
Darkbolt (x2)
Inflict Moderate Wounds
Alicorn Lance
Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon

Active Buffs/Effects:Cloud of Knives (22 hours)
Divine Power (22 hours)
Consumptive Field (22 hours)
Greater Magic Weapon (6 hours)
Magic Vestment (6 hours)
Resist Energy - Cold (80 minutes)

SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (0/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (1/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (3/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlSpoilers you guysAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)


Full Round: Full Round Attack,utilizing Hideous Blow invocation to add Eldritch blast to my attacks.
Move: Move however I need to to reach Shai.
Standard: N/A
Swift: Burn last charge, exchange Boccobs Rolling Cloud for Inflict Critical Wounds
Free: knife attack


[roll2]+5 (1 die normal, 1 die negative, 3 dice eldritch blast)

[roll4]+5 (1 die normal, 1 die negative, 3 dice eldritch blast)

[roll=Knife Dmg]1d6+2

Plasma Snake
2008-11-26, 05:46 PM
HP: 28 AC: 24 T:17 FF:24 Cold Resistance: 20 Shadow Blur: 20% Miss Chance

Feeling his strength return as the negative energy flows through his body, Wraith flourishes his blade as he melts into shadow. He leaps out of the Ice Maiden's own shadow to deliver several quick thrust of his rapier into where he supposes would be vital organs. As quickly as he attacks he melts back into shadow to appear ten feet away.

Move Action: Shadow Jump to flanking position and jump 10 feet back after.
Standard Action: Full Attack with Shadow Pounce.

2008-11-27, 01:09 AM
The Journey in Absence
The battled raged on, with the same heated give and take it had before hand. The Virago exclaimed it’s anger at Necrosis’ mocking words, beginning to focus her attacks on the arrogant necromancer. Wraith began using the shadows to his extreme advantage, teleporting up next to the maiden and unleashing an onslaught of precisely aimed attacks. Unfortunately, many of these blows proved ineffective.

Necrosis attempted to fend off the Virago’s brutal, concentrated bout of attacks with his own assailment, but eventually this proved too much, and he was forced to step back and heal multiple times, having an extremely close brush with extinction one time.

Shai also continued his unceasing flurry of blows, his extensive training showing as he connected with blow after blow, the shocking force of his fists smashing into the woman’s weakening body. This not enough, he retreated temporarily to quaff a potion, his already potent fists bursting into magical flame. Rejoining the fray, his attacks proved too much for the creature, and she fell to his overwhelming show of force, leaving a bloodied but satisfied group.

After the battle, the three rested, with Wraith practically collapsing within his tent after Necrosis healed him with spell after spell of negative energy. Shai slept for a short period, before making a fire and sitting with the sleepless Necrosis, who, true to his promise had brought the Virago back as a mindless skeleton.

Rested, the group prepared to enter the Ice Cavern, with Necrosis casting several spells to protect himself and his two partners.

Within the cavern lay a slumbering Silver Dragon, curled around a massive hoard of treasure. After a brief time of planning, Wraith leapt through the shadows and attempted to strike the dragon but proved unsuccessful.

Necrosis cast a spell to discern the weaknesses of their foe, while conjuring a ball of dark flame into his palm. Additionally, Lady, the skeletal Virago joined the fight, rushing the dragon. Her attacks proving largely ineffective against the lizard’s thick hide.

Shai downed another potion, and rushed to attack the dragon, his attacks once again proving very effective.

The dragon, having awoken as soon as Wraith attempted to stab him, unleashed a breath attack, hitting Necrosis and Lady, who both seemed to shake off the effects with ease, due to their resilient undead nature.

Wraith continued attacking, taking up a flanking position together with the brother, unleashing several stabbing blows to their foe.

Necrosis, fearing another breath attack kept his distance, hurling his dark flames from a distance.
After about 30 seconds of heated combat, the dragon called a halt, offering to give the group all his treasure if they let him go free. They all agreed, on the condition that the dragon tell them the location of the book they sought. The dragon acquiesced, telling them that the book, in addition to all the other treasure had belonged to the Virago that now accompanied them. The book had once resided within the cavern, but had since been moved.

The deal complete, the dragon exited the cave and flew off, leaving Necrosis, Shai, and Wraith to collect their new wealth.

2008-11-27, 01:21 AM
The irritated Necrosis joined his other companions in sorting through the treasure, pushing away his irritation at the missed opportunity the dragon had provided.

Ah well, he thought wryly. There will be others. He gave a small smile, and set to the task of sorting through the gold.

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives

Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon

Active Buffs/Effects:Cloud of Knives (22 hours)
Divine Power (14 hours)
Consumptive Field (14 hours)

+1 CL
+2 STR
+7 HP

Greater Magic Weapon (9 hours)
Magic Vestment (9 hours)
Resist Energy - Cold (85 minutes)

SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (1/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (1/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (2/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlSpoilers you guysAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)

Lady (Skeletal Frostwind Virago)

Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60 ft
AC 27, touch 24, flat-footed 24
(+7 Dex, +8 deflection, +2 natural)
HP 195 (30 HD); DR 5/Bludgeoning
Immune cold
Fort +10, Ref +17, Will +17
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 20 ft.;
Melee 2 claw attacks +18 (1d4+3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +15; Grp +18
Abilities Str 17, Dex 24, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Improved Initiative
Special Qualities Undead Qualities

Lady hovers slightly above the ground, rattling faintly in any wind. She still wears the flowing fur robes she had in life, however her once beautiful features are forever gone, replaced by a leering skull.


Full Round: N/A
Move: N/A
Standard: N/A
Swift: N/A
Free: Muse to self

Plasma Snake
2008-11-27, 07:25 PM
Wraith finishes rolling up the rug and shoves it into his bag of holding. Standing up with a stretch he looks to the others.

"Well I suppose the only way to find out where the book is, is to talk to the undead Ice-Bitch there." He says pointing to the still flying skeleton. "I'm guessing you don't have the spell to speak to the dead prepared right now. So I suggest that instead of waiting an entire day for you to prepare, we go explore this labyrinth and see what we can find."

2008-11-27, 07:36 PM
Necrosis glances back at Lady. "I am not averse to this plan. It seems reasonable at least. Perhaps we may find something of use. Besides, I am not entirely sure that the dragon was telling us the truth. Perhaps the book is still back there." More to himself than the others he muses, "Shouldn't have let it go..."

Crooking a finger, he beckons Lady to follow.

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives

Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon

Active Buffs/Effects:Cloud of Knives (22 hours)
Divine Power (14 hours)
Consumptive Field (14 hours)

+1 CL
+2 STR
+7 HP

Greater Magic Weapon (9 hours)
Magic Vestment (9 hours)
Resist Energy - Cold (85 minutes)

SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (1/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (1/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (2/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlSpoilers you guysAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)

Lady (Skeletal Frostwind Virago)

Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60 ft
AC 27, touch 24, flat-footed 24
(+7 Dex, +8 deflection, +2 natural)
HP 255 (30 HD); DR 5/Bludgeoning
Immune cold
Fort +10, Ref +17, Will +17
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 20 ft.;
Melee 2 claw attacks +20 (1d4+5)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +15; Grp +18
Abilities Str 21, Dex 24, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Improved Initiative
Special Qualities Undead Qualities

Lady hovers slightly above the ground, rattling faintly in any wind. She still wears the flowing fur robes she had in life, however her once beautiful features are forever gone, replaced by a leering skull.


Full Round: N/A
Move: N/A
Standard: N/A
Swift: N/A
Free: Talk

2008-11-28, 02:36 PM
Shai raises an eyebrow, brushing himself off as he arises. "Are you sure it is an absolutely good idea to go exploring in what the dragon called a labyrinth without planning? For all we know, if we become lost in such a maze, it could waste precious time on our journey. I don't know about you two, but my lifespan is still just that of a regular human being, and I doubt I can afford to get lost for twenty years in a carved glacier."

Plasma Snake
2008-11-28, 04:02 PM
Monks, no sense of adventure. This is my first time doing something fun in years

With a sigh, Wraith pulls back his hood and slowly removes his mask. Behind the mask is a fairly plain looking man. A few days worth of stubble rests on his face, his skin which should be heavily tanned is replaced by a light gray. The most unique feature is the black mask tattooed around his eyes, giving a slightly raccoonish look.

"If you couldn't have told by my earlier performance, I'm a Shadow Walker. I can easily move the three of us back to this point."

As an afterthought Wraith adds, "And if you need any more assurance, I'm sure our Necromancer friend here can use some sort of magic to leave a trail to backtrack."

2008-11-29, 05:36 PM
Shai shrugs. "Then sure, why not go exploring. Perhaps we may find something of use besides gold, perhaps even more information on that tomb."

2008-11-29, 05:49 PM
HP 60/60 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 SR 21 DR 5/MAGIC COLD RESISTANCE 20

Necrosis looked to his companions. "As I said, I am perfectly fine with exploring. If we are to complete our respective goals, in addition to the goals of our...employer... then gold is certainly no bad thing."

He turned to Wraith. "In addition, I feel it wise to say that the spell you speak of in regards to questioning my servant," He gestures vaguely towards Lady, "is rather unlikely to work. There are certain... limitations to it. However, I am fully willing to try it, if that is what you wish. The best option though I believe is to Awaken her to her old memories and intelligence fully. However, this is beyond my abilities, and thus we would need to find someone who could do such."

He pauses for a space of three breaths. "I think this should not be too hard though."

Gesturing towards the door that the dragon had sat in front of, he speaks again. "Shall we then?"

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives

Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon

Active Buffs/Effects:Cloud of Knives (22 hours)
Divine Power (14 hours)
Consumptive Field (14 hours)

+1 CL
+2 STR
+7 HP

Greater Magic Weapon (9 hours)
Magic Vestment (9 hours)
Resist Energy - Cold (85 minutes)

SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (1/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (1/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (2/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlSpoilers you guysAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)

Lady (Skeletal Frostwind Virago)

Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60 ft
AC 27, touch 24, flat-footed 24
(+7 Dex, +8 deflection, +2 natural)
HP 255 (30 HD); DR 5/Bludgeoning
Immune cold
Fort +10, Ref +17, Will +17
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 20 ft.;
Melee 2 claw attacks +20 (1d4+5)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +15; Grp +18
Abilities Str 21, Dex 24, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Improved Initiative
Special Qualities Undead Qualities

Lady hovers slightly above the ground, rattling faintly in any wind. She still wears the flowing fur robes she had in life, however her once beautiful features are forever gone, replaced by a leering skull.


Full Round: N/A
Move: N/A
Standard: N/A
Swift: N/A
Free: Talk

Plasma Snake
2008-12-01, 01:52 PM
Wraith rubs the ritual tattoos around his eyes. It had been far too long since he had taken his mask off. He rubs his face for another couple of seconds more and then replaces his mask. Tightening the straps of the Mask of Lies, Wraith says,

"Yes, lets move on. The question is, which door to choose?" He points to the door at the back and then the door in the corner.

2008-12-02, 01:47 AM
(Assuming everyone heads toward the dragon's door.)

A wooden door stands roughly 10 ft. tall in front of you. It seems to have been severely worn due to the icy wind that penetrates the cave entrance. The door seems to be fastened directly onto the ice utilizing a hinge. It seems like the door has been there for ages, as many signs of wear are present on the frame and door itself. There is no handle, presumably one pushes the door inward to gain entry.

Now would be the time to tell me if you're checking for traps. Also marching order.

2008-12-02, 02:10 AM
HP 60/60 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 SR 21 DR 5/MAGIC COLD RESISTANCE 20

Necrosis stops in front of the door and pauses, turning to the others. "If you will wait a few moments, I have a few things I wish to attempt that may prove beneficial."

His eyes close and it appears that he is concentrating deeply on something. After a few minutes of that, one of the runes carved into his ancient flesh begins to dull a faint blue, and he opens his eyes, turning towards the entrance to the cave.

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives

Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon

Active Buffs/Effects:Cloud of Knives (22 hours)
Divine Power (14 hours)
Consumptive Field (14 hours)

+1 CL
+2 STR
+7 HP

Greater Magic Weapon (9 hours)
Magic Vestment (9 hours)
Resist Energy - Cold (85 minutes)

SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (1/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (0/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (2/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlSpoilers you guysAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)

Lady (Skeletal Frostwind Virago)

Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60 ft
AC 27, touch 24, flat-footed 24
(+7 Dex, +8 deflection, +2 natural)
HP 255 (30 HD); DR 5/Bludgeoning
Immune cold
Fort +10, Ref +17, Will +17
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 20 ft.;
Melee 2 claw attacks +20 (1d4+5)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +15; Grp +18
Abilities Str 21, Dex 24, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Improved Initiative
Special Qualities Undead Qualities

Lady hovers slightly above the ground, rattling faintly in any wind. She still wears the flowing fur robes she had in life, however her once beautiful features are forever gone, replaced by a leering skull.


Full Round: N/A
Move: N/A
Standard: N/A
Swift: N/A
Free: Talk

Alright, first Necrosis will cast Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, setting his focus behind the door, and choosing sight. Next, he will activate his Call Zelekhut SLA.

2008-12-02, 02:30 AM
(Assuming the others do not refuse)

Necrosis casts a third eye behind the door, attempting to view the surroundings. It becomes immediately apparent that it is dark beyond the door, no illumination persists, and he is able to see rough stairs constructed of hewn stone that descend 20 ft. before he is unable to see. The walls appear to be made of the same rough stone, and have signs of wear as well. The back of the door appears normal, and the light shines through around the cracks, casting what little light he has to see here.

Following the acquisition of this information, Necrosis promptly reaches outward, calling forth from his inner sense. He attempts to bring forth an Inevitable.

Suddenly, a large being, looking somewhat like a centaur formed of clockwork, springs into existence before you. His body seems to be covered in what seems to be golden plating, and from that you can see, seems to be made entirely of moving parts. He holds no weapons or equipment, only the plating covering his body. As he enters existence, he turns to Necrosis, looking solemnly at the man.

"What is it that you require? Speak now and I shall aid you, if your request is fit to be aided."

Plasma Snake
2008-12-02, 10:55 AM
While Necrosis is checking beyond the door, Wraith checks it for traps.


Yeah I just realized how little I put into search.

2008-12-02, 02:56 PM
HP 60/60 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 SR 21 DR 5/MAGIC COLD RESISTANCE 20

Necrosis holds a straight face, careful to betray nothing through expression. This process would be delicate.

"Greetings master Inevitable. May I inquire of your name?"

((Assuming a reply, one way or another.))

"I and my companions seek your help in a matter of lawful nature. Specifically, we need to find a book." Necrosis tells the Zelekhut of the book they seek. "My companion here," he gestures to Wraith, "can fill you in on the exact details of our need much better than I can."

He glances at Wraith, signaling him to jump in, and hoping that he picked up the nature of Necrosis' need.

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives

Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon

Active Buffs/Effects:Cloud of Knives (22 hours)
Divine Power (14 hours)
Consumptive Field (14 hours)

+1 CL
+2 STR
+7 HP

Greater Magic Weapon (9 hours)
Magic Vestment (9 hours)
Resist Energy - Cold (85 minutes)

SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (1/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (0/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (2/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlSpoilers you guysAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)

Lady (Skeletal Frostwind Virago)

Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60 ft
AC 27, touch 24, flat-footed 24
(+7 Dex, +8 deflection, +2 natural)
HP 255 (30 HD); DR 5/Bludgeoning
Immune cold
Fort +10, Ref +17, Will +17
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 20 ft.;
Melee 2 claw attacks +20 (1d4+5)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +15; Grp +18
Abilities Str 21, Dex 24, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Improved Initiative
Special Qualities Undead Qualities

Lady hovers slightly above the ground, rattling faintly in any wind. She still wears the flowing fur robes she had in life, however her once beautiful features are forever gone, replaced by a leering skull.


Full Round: N/A
Move: N/A
Standard: N/A
Swift: N/A
Free: Talk

The intent here is to let Colin respond before a reply from the Zelekhut.

Plasma Snake
2008-12-02, 05:47 PM
Upon hearing the Necromancer thrust his problems upon him, Wraith shoots Necrosis a glare that could be summed up into "You son of a bitch" before launching into lie pulled from thin air.

"Ah yes, you see, we were hired to return a book that was stolen from its rightful owner. We believe this book, The Tome of Rathdaen, could be somewhere beyond this door or at least a clue to lead us to the whereabouts of the book. My companions and I would like your help in this."

I really hate my luck

2008-12-02, 07:12 PM
The Zelekhut responds with his name, Athre, before hearing the request from Wraith. Cocking his head slightly, he speaks in an emotionless tone.

"So your request is that I follow you, and provide assistance in combat? I will only be able to follow for five days, and I will not request any payment. I will listen to Necrosis first and foremost, and I will not speak unless spoken to. Are these agreeable terms?"

2008-12-02, 07:28 PM
HP 60/60 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 SR 21 DR 5/MAGIC COLD RESISTANCE 20

Necrosis nods his head in thanks.

"Rather, my need is to find the book. I feel it would be more efficient, you are free to leave our company directly and attempt to find the location of the book under your own methods. As my companion said, we are not even entirely sure that the book lies within here." He gives a slight bow. "I am pleased to be working with you." He smiles.

"Do we have a deal then?"

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives

Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon

Active Buffs/Effects:Cloud of Knives (22 hours)
Divine Power (14 hours)
Consumptive Field (14 hours)

+1 CL
+2 STR
+7 HP

Greater Magic Weapon (9 hours)
Magic Vestment (9 hours)
Resist Energy - Cold (85 minutes)

SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (1/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (0/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (2/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlSpoilers you guysAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)

Lady (Skeletal Frostwind Virago)

Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60 ft
AC 27, touch 24, flat-footed 24
(+7 Dex, +8 deflection, +2 natural)
HP 255 (30 HD); DR 5/Bludgeoning
Immune cold
Fort +10, Ref +17, Will +17
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 20 ft.;
Melee 2 claw attacks +20 (1d4+5)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +15; Grp +18
Abilities Str 21, Dex 24, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Improved Initiative
Special Qualities Undead Qualities

Lady hovers slightly above the ground, rattling faintly in any wind. She still wears the flowing fur robes she had in life, however her once beautiful features are forever gone, replaced by a leering skull.


Full Round: N/A
Move: N/A
Standard: N/A
Swift: N/A
Free: Talk

2008-12-02, 07:53 PM
The Zelekhut nods, and silently begins to fly toward the southwest, in roughly the same direction as the dragon.

(Assuming this is acceptable)

As Wraith finishes his search for traps, he concludes that there are none present, and that the door should be safe to walk through.

2008-12-02, 08:03 PM
HP 60/60 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 SR 21 DR 5/MAGIC COLD RESISTANCE 20

Necrosis looks apologetically towards Wraith. "I am sorry for pushing that upon you. It seemed the best course of action at the time."

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives

Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon

Active Buffs/Effects:Cloud of Knives (22 hours)
Divine Power (14 hours)
Consumptive Field (14 hours)

+1 CL
+2 STR
+7 HP

Greater Magic Weapon (9 hours)
Magic Vestment (9 hours)
Resist Energy - Cold (85 minutes)

SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (1/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (0/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (2/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlSpoilers you guysAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)

Lady (Skeletal Frostwind Virago)

Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60 ft
AC 27, touch 24, flat-footed 24
(+7 Dex, +8 deflection, +2 natural)
HP 255 (30 HD); DR 5/Bludgeoning
Immune cold
Fort +10, Ref +17, Will +17
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 20 ft.;
Melee 2 claw attacks +20 (1d4+5)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +15; Grp +18
Abilities Str 21, Dex 24, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Improved Initiative
Special Qualities Undead Qualities

Lady hovers slightly above the ground, rattling faintly in any wind. She still wears the flowing fur robes she had in life, however her once beautiful features are forever gone, replaced by a leering skull.


Full Round: N/A
Move: N/A
Standard: N/A
Swift: N/A
Free: Talk

2008-12-02, 10:26 PM
"I do wonder why you lied to that clockwork contraption, though. What is it to him if he were to know the true nature of our quest?" Shai muses to Wraith. "I hope that your lying habits are a bit less, pathological in the future. Oh, but perhaps I am being too judgmental. Perhaps, because of your nature, you cannot help yourself."

With a small, smile, Shai flicks his night goggles onto his face again, and steps to the side of the door. He spreads his hands to it's interior, inviting Wraith inside first.

Plasma Snake
2008-12-02, 11:35 PM
Wraith scowls at the monk.

"Perhaps you are being over judgmental. Perhaps if a creature from a Plane of Law, found out we were planning to steal a book from its rightful owner that it would not help us. And you" Wraith turns and points a finger at Necrosis.

"Next time a little forewarning would be appreciated. I can't always pull stories out of my ass so easily."

With that he pulls up his hood and enters the next room.

2008-12-02, 11:40 PM
HP 60/60 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 SR 21 DR 5/MAGIC COLD RESISTANCE 20

Necrosis gave a slight shrug. "I'll try. You handled yourself well enough though."

With that statement he followed after Wraith through the door. "If I may suggest, perhaps Lady should take point." He smiles sweetly at the skeleton. "She'll be certain to make us aware if there's something wrong." The smile twists to a sneer.

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives

Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon

Active Buffs/Effects:Cloud of Knives (22 hours)
Divine Power (14 hours)
Consumptive Field (14 hours)

+1 CL
+2 STR
+7 HP

Greater Magic Weapon (9 hours)
Magic Vestment (9 hours)
Resist Energy - Cold (85 minutes)

SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (1/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (0/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (2/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlSpoilers you guysAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)

Lady (Skeletal Frostwind Virago)

Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60 ft
AC 27, touch 24, flat-footed 24
(+7 Dex, +8 deflection, +2 natural)
HP 255 (30 HD); DR 5/Bludgeoning
Immune cold
Fort +10, Ref +17, Will +17
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 20 ft.;
Melee 2 claw attacks +20 (1d4+5)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +15; Grp +18
Abilities Str 21, Dex 24, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Improved Initiative
Special Qualities Undead Qualities

Lady hovers slightly above the ground, rattling faintly in any wind. She still wears the flowing fur robes she had in life, however her once beautiful features are forever gone, replaced by a leering skull.


Full Round: N/A
Move: N/A
Standard: N/A
Swift: N/A
Free: Talk

2008-12-02, 11:57 PM
The door creaks open very slowly, nearly falling off of its hinges.

Lady heads to the front, interrupting Wraith's line of sight, but observation is still very possible around her short frame, and the soft cover she provides is no doubt welcome.

Wraith peers into what appears to be a very old stairway. It descends approximately 25 ft. before becoming a hallway. The hallway continues another 30 ft. before turning left. The walls appear to be made of hewn stone and the floor is covered in patches of ice. A soft blue glow radiates from the turn in the hallway. It has an almost welcoming quality, offsetting the harshness of the winter outside.

Gonna need some spot checks when you turn the corner.

Plasma Snake
2008-12-03, 12:05 AM
Wraith follows the Lady down the stairs, sticking close to the shadows and moving as quietly as possible with his rapier drawn.


2008-12-03, 12:21 AM
Here is my spot check and the obligatory ten characters. [roll0]

2008-12-03, 12:30 AM
HP 60/60 AC: 24 T: 13 FF: 21 SR 21 DR 5/MAGIC COLD RESISTANCE 20

Necrosis walks easily a few paces back from the others, letting the others have any traps sprung on them. His fingers idly stroked the raised skull pattern on his sickle, as he rounded the corner. He looked all around, keeping an eye for anything that looked worthwhile, the daggers floating around him subtly shifting with his gaze.

SPELLS (Since last rest):
Level 1:
Level 2:
Persistent Cloud of Knives

Level 3:
Persistent Divine Power
Magic Vestment
Level 4:
Persistent Consumptive Field
Greater Magic Weapon

Active Buffs/Effects:Cloud of Knives (22 hours)
Divine Power (14 hours)
Consumptive Field (14 hours)

+1 CL
+2 STR
+7 HP

Greater Magic Weapon (9 hours)
Magic Vestment (9 hours)
Resist Energy - Cold (85 minutes)

SLAs (Since last rest):

Command Undead (3/3)
Ray of Enfeeblement (2/2)
Chill Touch (2/2)
Create Undead (2/2)
Spectral Hand (1/1)
Vampiric Touch (1/1)
Fireball (1/1)
Enervation (1/1)
Animate Undead (1/1)
Call Zelekhut (0/1)
Teleport (1/1)
Create Dread Warrior (1/1)
Creeping Doom (1/1)
Hold Monster (1/1)
ITEMS:Dimension Stride Boots (5/5 charges [renew at dawn])
Strand of Lightning:

4 Small Coils (3d6)
2 Medium Coils (5d6)
1 Large Coil (7d6)

Circlet of Rapid Casting (2/3 charges [renew at dawn])
NECROMONICON (Necromancer Stuffs):
Animation and ControlSpoilers you guysAnimate Dead:
Total HD Creatable:

CL x 2 = 16
16 x 2 = 32 ( Zone of Desecration)


Total HD Controllable:

CL x 4 = 32
32 x 2 = 64 (Rod of Undead Mastery)

Lady (Skeletal Frostwind Virago)

Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60 ft
AC 27, touch 24, flat-footed 24
(+7 Dex, +8 deflection, +2 natural)
HP 255 (30 HD); DR 5/Bludgeoning
Immune cold
Fort +10, Ref +17, Will +17
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 20 ft.;
Melee 2 claw attacks +20 (1d4+5)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +15; Grp +18
Abilities Str 21, Dex 24, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats Improved Initiative
Special Qualities Undead Qualities

Lady hovers slightly above the ground, rattling faintly in any wind. She still wears the flowing fur robes she had in life, however her once beautiful features are forever gone, replaced by a leering skull.


Full Round: N/A
Move: N/A
Standard: N/A
Swift: N/A
Free: Talk


2008-12-06, 03:37 PM
As one turns the corner, the source of the blue glow becomes immediately apparent.

The hallway widens until four people can cleanly walk abreast. The ceiling expands into an arch above you, revealing another small cavern. It seems that while the walls are made of rough stone, the ceiling is made of some sort of ice. The floor reflects this quality, and, as you turn the corner, becomes covered entirely in ice. The most dominating feature of this room, however, is a massive door that spans the entire back length of the cavern.

Well, at least, it looks like a door. A gigantic adamantine rectangle covers the entire back end of the room, a slit sliding straight down the center of its imposing form. Intricate carvings seem to mar the pristine sheet of adamantine right near the crack, and seems to spread in a circle around the center.

In the center of the cavern is a sphere of clearly magical quality. It floats freely in the center of the room, emitting a blue glow. Its surface is like that of a cloud, having no clear outline and shifting subtly depending on the angle your eyes meet it. The blue glow does not flicker, and seems to be emitted constantly, regardless of the form.

Need Knowledge: Arcana and Knowledge: History. Too lazy to see if anyone has them. Room is rough semi-circle 30 ft. in diameter. The ceiling is 20 ft. high, and arches like a dome. The orb is in the center, the door is at the flat end, 30 ft. in length.

2008-12-06, 03:45 PM

Necrosis stops, standing still as the full view of the chamber becomes clear.


Plasma Snake
2008-12-06, 05:06 PM
Wraith scrunches his eyebrows under his mask. He attempts to scan his memory for any knowledge of what this glowing ball could be. Halfway through he gives up with a shrug

"Well you got me. What is it?"

2008-12-07, 07:08 PM
Shai ***** his head, looking at the object. "I am also at a loss. Perhaps our undead tattooed friend has some insight on this?"

2008-12-07, 07:14 PM

Necrosis shrugs. "I have never seen it's like."

2008-12-09, 11:10 AM
The room is still there, you're still in it, and nothing comes to mind about the sphere.

2008-12-09, 11:12 AM

Necrosis looks to Wraith. "Perhaps we should examine the door? I am at a loss with this sphere. Although..." He trails off.

Cast Detect Magic

Plasma Snake
2008-12-10, 01:07 PM

With a nod of his head to Necrosis, Wraith grunts, "On it"

Giving a wide berth to the glowing sphere, Wraith approaches the door and examines it for traps or any useful information.


2008-12-19, 03:09 AM
The door itself reveals no traps or anything of suspicion, but the etchings near the center of the slim opening seem to be a derivative form of elven, an archaic dialect. With some time, one would be able to work out what it says.

Sphere is magic, spellcraft plx

2008-12-19, 03:12 AM

Plasma Snake
2008-12-19, 12:08 PM
Completely oblivious to the others' further attempts to figure out what in Mask's name that sphere was, Wraith tries to read what is on the wall.

2008-12-19, 06:11 PM
Wraith'll take a couple minutes to work out what it says. Necrosis feels that the aura is quite strong, but is unable to determine what school of magic its complex nature originates from.

2008-12-21, 05:55 PM

Necrosis turns away from the sphere, shaking his head in disgust. "Make anything of that, assassin?"

Plasma Snake
2008-12-22, 06:37 PM
Still staring at the massive door, the assassin waves a hand behind his back at the Necromancer.

"Something in ancient elvish. It'll take a little bit to translate so give me a minute or two."

2008-12-27, 01:49 AM
Shai paces around the room, feeling a little uncomfortable that he couldn't really contribute to the problem at hand. Back at the monastery, there was always another specialist that dealt with advanced arcane magic. He stuck mostly with things he could touch.

Stroking his chin, he calls out to Necrosis, pointing at the Lady. "Have you thought about letting her at the sphere? If we cannot discern what the sphere is for, nor its origins...there's nothing else to do but to try and activate it."

2009-01-02, 03:51 PM

Necrosis nods. "Lady. Touch it."

2009-01-05, 10:35 PM
As Lady smoothly glides toward the object, the hue rapidly changes to that of a dark red. As she lays her finger upon it, jets of incredibly bright white light shoot forth from the sphere, filling the room.

Lady fort saves, others will save.

2009-01-05, 10:49 PM

Flinging up his arm to cover his eyes against the light, Necrosis frantically attempts to order Lady back.


Plasma Snake
2009-01-08, 11:32 PM
Wraith screams in pain as he is blinded by the light.

Wrapped up like a deuce, another runner in the night.

2009-01-10, 04:55 PM
Shai is able to think "Perhaps that wasn't the best id--" before the white light envelops him.


2009-01-13, 11:52 PM
Shai and Necrosis manage to throw up their arms in time to cover their vision, managing to see the orb morph in the light, flattening slowly into a disc. It turns from a red into a stark white, becoming indistinguishable from the rest of the blinding light.

Wraith, immersed in his attempt to decipher the Elven script, is hit the hardest by the light. He falls to the ground as the pain seems to rack his consciousness, filling his skull to bursting. He writhes on the ground, whispering to himself a quiet wish for the pain to stop.

"Stand up, you blind fool."

As quickly as the painful light had arrived, it was gone, replaced by an odd voice stretching out to Wraith through his recovering vision. The others watch Wraith as he stumbles to his feet, and notice that the room is now devoid of the sphere.

"Much better, what's your name?"

Wraith's vision seems to recover in time to see the others staring at the center of the room, where Lady now stands, her finger touching nothing but cold air.

Wraith takes 32 positive energy damage. Shai and Necrosis are unharmed. In case the post isn't clear, only Colin hears the voice.

2009-01-14, 12:12 AM

Necrosis hisses in disgust before growling a curse at Lady. "You stupid bitch, useless even in death."

Shaking his head, he looks over at Wraith. "Well? You alive?"

Plasma Snake
2009-01-14, 06:27 PM
Before Wraith can respond he begins to cough up blood. After a moment or two the coughing abates and he manages to spit out most of what is in his mouth. Leaning against the wall for support, Wraith responds,

"Barely," then turning his attention to the voice he states, "You may call me Wraith, how can I address you, o mysterious voice?"

2009-01-14, 10:09 PM
Shai raises an eyebrow when Wraith begins apparently talking to thin air. He rubs his eyes for a bit, then turns and speaks softly to Necrosis. "Apparently that thing hit him harder than we thought. Might you have anything for him?"

2009-01-15, 06:34 PM
Necrosis peers closely at him. "I..might. Although if he's possessed that's a bigger problem..."

Moving over to the mumbling Wraith, Necrosis lays his hand on his shoulder and channels negative energy into the man's body.

Drop Knights Move for Inflict Serious.


2009-01-24, 02:15 PM
"My name is of little or no importance. You can call me Wanderer, Wraith."

Wraith's confusion becomes increasingly apparent.

"Well, let me help you understand. Look in your bag."

Plasma Snake
2009-01-24, 02:24 PM
As the negative energy washes over Wraith, he swings his backpack off and looks inside.

2009-01-24, 03:14 PM
The inside of the pack is illuminated by a brilliant blue light, and it is impossible to determine the origin of the glow given all the treasure.

"Find the source of that glow."

Plasma Snake
2009-01-24, 07:05 PM
Wraith sticks his entire upper body in his bag of holding to search for the source.


2009-01-25, 12:39 PM
The blue glow appears to be coming from the silver key found in the dragon hoard.

"Now, bring that key to the door."

Plasma Snake
2009-01-25, 12:46 PM
Wraith grabs the key and pulls himself out of the bag. Putting the key to the door he mumbles,

"I hope it's not that I've finally snapped."

2009-01-25, 07:38 PM
As Wraith touches the key to the door, a large rumbling sounds throughout the large cavern. Eventually, the two gigantic slabs of metal begin to slide apart, forming a gap where two could easily walk abreast. The rumbling does not dissipate, and a quick glance reveals that there are a series of horizontal and vertical doors of similar design opening behind the first.

"I help you, you help me."

The voice comes as the last door opens, revealing a hallway hidden behind the doors made of smooth stone that seems to be lit by an ambient light of unknown origin.

"You need me to open things, I need you to find things. Understand?"

2009-01-26, 01:00 PM

"A glowing key. That's great. Is the key talking to you then?" Necrosis shakes his head in disbelief.

"No matter. Lady, go investigate the doors and hallway."

Lady will walk down the hallway. Note walk and not float.

Plasma Snake
2009-01-26, 03:53 PM
"What your keys don't talk to you?" Wraith asks Necrosis with a smirk.

Turning back to the glowing key in hand Wraith mumbles to it,
"What sort of things can you open for me and what sort of things do you need me to get for you?"

I wonder if you can read my thoughts? I'd look less crazy than I am now if we could just communicate telepathically.

2009-01-27, 05:22 PM
"Of course we can. How do you think I was communicating with you before? More importantly, there's a certain book I want that's within this tomb. I want you to get it, and I want you to burn it in front of me."

2009-01-27, 07:15 PM

"No, I can't say they do. You should throw that away immediately."

Plasma Snake
2009-01-28, 05:04 PM
Wraith gives the key a light toss and catches it. Placing the key in his pocket, he pats the key and says,

"It opened the door for us. I want to see what else it does before I get rid of it. I don't throw away an asset while it still has usefulness."

To the key Wraith projects.
Don't think that I'm just going to follow your orders. I have no idea who or what you are nor how you got into my head. I want answers.

2009-01-28, 08:09 PM
"So be it then. As I said, I am Wanderer. I have no memory beyond meeting you, save only the will of my master, and that will demands the destruction of a certain book. Once that is done, I shall leave you. Let it also be known that the only reason it is you that I communicate with is because you are my current keeper. Were you to cast me aside, I would become voiceless."

Room's still there, if anyone wants to go into the hall.

2009-01-29, 10:03 PM
Shai looks quizzically at Wraith's sudden silence. "Is it still talking to you? Maybe it is a guardian of this tomb, a trap for travelers. A false guide, if you will. Perhaps it is best that we are grateful for the whole door issue and cast it aside."

Plasma Snake
2009-01-30, 11:23 PM
"I will cast it aside when I am done with it." Wraith says drawing his rapier, "For now let us continue on. We have a book to find."

Wraith begins moving down the hall silently. He cautiously checks for traps or anything suspect.


2009-02-19, 12:56 AM
Necrosis hissed in annoyance. It truly seemed foolish to keep that key. But it wasn't worth wasting any more time over.

Necrosis follows several steps behind Wraith.