View Full Version : [4E] Shadows of the Arena IC

2008-11-08, 07:25 AM
You're thrown roughly through the door into a dark, crowded room. A few faces follow you as you stumble in. On their faces you see fear, hope, anger, and despair. Seeing you as nothing special, they turn away, looking back towards the iron gates in front of them. A few whimper or mutter to themselves. Outside the gate, you catch glimpses of the crowd, yelling and cheering at the battle just won. Soon the gate would open, and you would be forced out to fight for your life against all manner of beasts.

While the clothes of all present are ragged and dirty, traces of their previous lives can be seen. One wears what were once the splendid robes of a noble, now ragged and covered in mud and other filth. Another has the look of a farmer, and clutches a pitchfork tightly to his chest, his only means of defending himself. Others wear the remains of armor, undoubtedly soldiers captured in some war, sold to the arena when the nation they fought for abandoned them. In the front, waiting patiently before the door, sits an ogre. Most of the slaves seem more afraid of the ogre than the coming battle, though the ogre sits and does nothing. On his back, you can see a scar in the form of a three-talon claw.

Feel free to talk to each other or the other slaves. You won't have too much time before the gates open, but you can exchange a few words. None of you know each other (unless part of your background) or anyone else here, but you're probably the best equipped and oddest looking of everyone here, excluding the ogre. If anyone wants to try and recognize the symbol on the ogre, go ahead and make a religion check.

2008-11-08, 10:50 PM
"Fine, fine! No need to shove so hard!" Joscelin shouted as he stumbled into the dingy room. He gave an annoyed click of his tongue. Everyone was so rough around here. He looked down at his robes and gave a sigh as he realized he had picked up another dirty smudge.

Although, looking around...

What a sorry lot! Look at those clothes! Don't they care at all?

Taking a closer look, he noticed everyone seemed distinctly depressed.

Well, I guess this isn't the best situation. But, it could be worse. His eyes settling on a female gladiator in the corner, who looks like she might actually be slightly attractive under all the grime,he amends, Much worse.

He walked over to the corner she was huddled in and gave his best smile. "Hello there, my name is Joscelin."

Edge of Dreams
2008-11-09, 01:06 AM
The female gladiator in the corner appears to be human, with extremely dirty blond hair and a vacant look on her face.

Hello, Joscelin. That is a strange name, one I have not heard before.

She seems to stop and contemplate for a moment, tilting her head, and her left hand slides down to the hilt of her sword.

I bear the name Seylana... at least, for now.

Yes, this is my character. I'm having some fun here. If you haven't read my character sheet yet, don't. It'll be more fun that way.

2008-11-09, 01:56 AM
Joscelin continues to stare down at the woman, holding his smile.

Oh dear, I seem to have found the strange one... Ah well, decorum demands I be polite!

"Well then Seylana-for-now, pleased to make your acquaintance!"

2008-11-09, 10:59 AM
Erek sat off in the corner. He didn't feel like socializing with the other humans, particularly if he would end up killing them.

2008-11-10, 09:07 AM

As the little kobold gets shoved, almost thrown, into the small room with everyone else, his eye's get bigger.

MINE, Mine, No Touch, Mine he shouts at everyone else as he pulls and holds his spear to his chest. Watching everyone for reactions, trying to judge who is going the try to take it.

After a few moments the little kobold finally calms down. Well, Us fight together. Us team, Grix lead team. U hear Grix, U might live. No hear Grix, U die. Grix know these fights.

The kobold then slinks his way towards the largest, strongest looking in the room, Not including the Ogre as he doesn't seem to friendly and is just possibly a little to hungry for the kobolds taste.

Hey, u, Grix and u make deal, u keep Grix safe, Grix keep u unhurt. yes?

2008-11-10, 12:13 PM
The gates open before you, and the crowd lets out a cheer. The ogre moves forward right as the gate opens, impatient to get started. The rest of the slaves move forward, knowing the only way out was going to be to fight. Most have a look of despair on their faces, though a few are grimly determined. Looking around, you can see the small arena you have joined. The stands surround a 100-foot wide clearing, covered in sand. 8 pillars, each 10 feet high and 5 feet wide, surround a lower, wider platform in the center of the arena. A few of the solid blocks look ready to tip over if enough force was applied.

On the other side of the arena, a metal gate, the twin of the one you entered through, opens, and out of it a horde of insectoid creatures the size of dogs start to pour from the hole, their spike-shaped feet making a distinctive "clack" as they hit the stone blocks beneath the sand. After a dozen of the beasts, a few slightly larger than the others, exit the gate, a huge version of the other beasts emerges, barely able to fit through the gate. Acid drips from it's maw, and it lets out a series of loud clicks and hisses. As it does, the other beasts stop wandering randomly and start to proceed more carefully, in an almost organized manner.

As soon as the beasts finish coming into the arena, the ogre bursts into action, sprinting straight across the arena at the huge creature, leaping off the pedestal in the center straight into the huge beast, and begins grappling with it.

http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/6492/arenamapud0.jpg (http://img82.imageshack.us/my.php?image=arenamapud0.jpg)
http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/arenamapud0.jpg/1/w640.png (http://g.imageshack.us/img82/arenamapud0.jpg/1/)

Grey Boxes: Freestanding pillars. 10 feet high. Athletics DC 15 to climb as part of a move. Only reach weapons can attack to and from the pillar, and only if adjacent to the pillar. Melee attacks from atop the pillar against a target not on the pillar gain combat advantage.
White Box: Raised Platform. 5 feet high. Athletics DC 10 to climb as part of a move. Melee attacks from atop the platform against a target not on the platform gain combat advantage.
Circles: Creatures -
A - Largest Creature
B - "Benny"
E - Erek
G - Grix Grux
H - Smallish Creatures
J - Joscelin
N - Name-Taker
O - Ogre
S - Slaves
Y - Largish Creatures

Grix Grux <--
Large Creature

2008-11-10, 01:02 PM

Watching the Ogre charge forwards, Grix's jaw drops at his prowess. Calling out towards the ogre Grix yells across the arena, Ogre, protect Grix, Grix Heal Ogre. With that Grix turns and begins to move up towards the Ogre

As he runs towards the battle, he also yells back at the slaves U half, that way, U half, that way. as he points to one half and tells them to go right, and then tells the other half to go left.

Minor: Shift NE
Move: NW, NW, NW, N, N, N
Standard Action: Charge H, next to pillar near left side of Ogre
[roll0] +2str, +2prof, +1magic, +1charge

2008-11-10, 04:02 PM
Joscelin steps out into the clamoring arena, and quickly surveys his new surroundings. After taking a second to gaze at the adoring crowd, it's down to business. "Stay close to me Seylana-for-now, we have safety in numbers!" Saying this, he takes a step and then raises his hands to cast a spell at one of the groups of enemies.

I apologize if I mess anything in here up. I haven't played much 4e at all.

So. Joscelin is attempting to cast Sleep. It is a burst 2 spell which he will center on grid square O8. Int vs Will. Which I think means I roll a d20+my int mod against their will saves, correct? Anyways.

Move Action: Step NE
Standard: Cast Sleep


Powers expended since last rest:

2008-11-12, 03:06 PM

From the shadowed recesses of the cell emerges the hulking form of an ancient warforged. Decked out in scale armor of an archaic style and wielding a broad steel shield and light hammer, it rapidly scans the battlefield. As it glances back over its shoulder, it notices the dirty slaves and spellcasting eladrin, seemingly for the first time. Following Joscelin's gaze and motions towards the right, CG-23 immediately sets off to the left stepping quickly into the gap between two pillars. Heaving its throwing hammer at one of the larger creatures, hoping to do some damage and draw its attention, it calls out to the huddled slaves "Stay with me, friends! I shall see ye safely through this." Taking up a defensive position, Benny draws out a massive, shining craghammer.

Move: N, NW, NW, NW
Standard: Ranged Basic Attack (Throwing hammer) +5 Str, +2 Prof, +1 Class
Minor: Draw Craghammer +1
Damage [roll1]
Edit: Saving Throw [roll]d20

2008-11-12, 06:45 PM
Grix Grux rushes ahead, and kills one of the smaller beasts with a well-placed blow. "Benny" moves up and throws his hammer, but it goes wide, landing on the ground belatedly. Joscelin Casts a spell, and most of the beasts to the right seem to move more slowly, as if trying to stay awake.


Grey Boxes: Freestanding pillars. 10 feet high. Athletics DC 15 to climb as part of a move. Only reach weapons can attack to and from the pillar, and only if adjacent to the pillar. Melee attacks from atop the pillar against a target not on the pillar gain combat advantage.
White Box: Raised Platform. 5 feet high. Athletics DC 10 to climb as part of a move. Melee attacks from atop the platform against a target not on the platform gain combat advantage.
Circles: Creatures -
A - Largest Creature
B - "Benny"
E - Erek
G - Grix Grux
H - Smallish Creatures
J - Joscelin
N - Name-Taker
O - Ogre
S - Slaves
Y - Largish Creatures

(The ZZZ markings denote slowed for now. Realized too late that I should use that for actual sleeping monsters. I'll have a different symbol for slow in the future)

Grix Grux
Name-Taker <--
Benny (Went by mistake)
Joscelin (Went by mistake)
Large Creature

Edge of Dreams
2008-11-12, 09:03 PM
"Seylana" draws her long sword and watches the fight take shape.

"Nameless beasts," she says, her voice full of contempt. As she begins moving forward, her form shifts, and suddenly there is an orange-scaled dragonborn where the blond human woman had been. With a roar, he charges one of the smaller creatures and strikes.

Minor Action: Change Shape, male orange dragonborn (form #2)
Move Action: Move to F13
Standard Action: Charge to F10, striking at E9
attack roll: [roll0]
damage roll: [roll1]

2008-11-13, 12:55 AM
A mighty blow from the now-dragonborn kills the beast outright. Just as he finishes, however, two more of the beasts surround him, these ones larger than the others. They lunge at him, but can't land a solid hit. As they advance, they also surround the kobold and head for the other slaves. However, the wizard's spell has slowed them, and they cannot attack effectively. A few fall into slumber.

The slaves, bolstered by this show of weakness, charge the beasts, taking a few down. Unfortunately for them, not all of the beasts have fallen under the spell, and you see four of them fall to their gnashing jaws. The once-noble, a boy not out of his teens, and two of the soldiers go down in quick succession.


Grey Boxes: Freestanding pillars. 10 feet high. Athletics DC 15 to climb as part of a move. Only reach weapons can attack to and from the pillar, and only if adjacent to the pillar. Melee attacks from atop the pillar against a target not on the pillar gain combat advantage.
White Box: Raised Platform. 5 feet high. Athletics DC 10 to climb as part of a move. Melee attacks from atop the platform against a target not on the platform gain combat advantage.
Circles: Creatures -
A - Largest Creature
B - "Benny"
E - Erek
G - Grix Grux
H - Smallish Creatures
J - Joscelin
N - Name-Taker
O - Ogre
S - Slaves
Y - Largish Creatures

ZZZ cloud: Unconcious
Blue Shading: Slowed

Grix Grux
Large Creature

2008-11-13, 08:44 AM
Erek draws his rod, and places his curse on the nearest monster before scouring it with fire.

Move Action: Draw rod
Minor Action: Warlock's curse on M16
Standard Action: Hellish Rebuke on M16
Attack (adding +1 for prime shot): [roll0] v. Reflex
Damage (adding +1d6 for warlock's curse): [roll1] fire

Note: If I take damage on the next turn, it takes an additional 1d6+5 fire damage. If it ever drops, I gain 4 temporary hp.

2008-11-13, 03:31 PM
Erek's target bursts into flame, it's charred corpse twitching and crumbling. (4 temp HP)

The large beast, unable to escape the powerful grip of the ogre, thrashes and flails wildly, cutting the Ogre deep across the shoulder and chest. (17 damage) Not seeming to notice, the Ogre lets out a bellow, demanding strength to destroy his enemies from his god. His raised fist radiates with divine power, and he smashes it into the beast with fearsome strength, causing a crack to form on it's shell. Then, he hits it again, just as hard, and the shell breaks, the blood of the beast flowing freely down and covering the ogre's hands. (76 damage)


Grey Boxes: Freestanding pillars. 10 feet high. Athletics DC 15 to climb as part of a move. Only reach weapons can attack to and from the pillar, and only if adjacent to the pillar. Melee attacks from atop the pillar against a target not on the pillar gain combat advantage.
White Box: Raised Platform. 5 feet high. Athletics DC 10 to climb as part of a move. Melee attacks from atop the platform against a target not on the platform gain combat advantage.
Circles: Creatures -
A - Largest Creature
B - "Benny"
E - Erek
G - Grix Grux
H - Smallish Creatures
J - Joscelin
N - Name-Taker
O - Ogre
S - Slaves
Y - Largish Creatures

ZZZ cloud: Unconcious
Blue Shading: Slowed
Red Aura: Bloodied

Grix Grux
Large Creature

2008-11-13, 07:59 PM
Grix Grux
28/28 HP
18/14/14/12 AC/F/R/W

Grix Seeing that he is surrounded, get's spooked. He immediately moves to get out of that position, and attempts to distract the largest creature in order to let the Ogre have a free swing.

Smash Now!

Minor: Shift to H6
Move: Shift to I5
Standard: Commander's Strike
Attack: An ally of your choice makes a melee basic attack against the target
Hit: Ally’s basic attack damage + your Intelligence modifier.

Ogre makes a basic melee attack against creature 'A' or a different target if A is dead.
He adds 3 points to the damage he deals.

2008-11-13, 09:32 PM
HP: 10/10 AC: 17 F: 10 R: 14 W: 15

Trying to control his astonishment at "Seylana's" change, Joscelin lifts his foot as if preparing to move forward..

...but instead of it coming down in front of him, he disappears in mid-step and his footfall comes down atop one of the tall pillars.

Cackling gleefully he throws out his hands and, his staff extended, the ground near his pillar is suddenly filled with electrical energy.

Once again, apologies for screw ups.

Joscelin will cast Thunderwave, with the intent to hit the creatures in N15, and M16. He will only do this if no slaves or friendlies occupy the space. If someone does move in, he will cast Cloud of Daggers into the nearest enemy occupied square.

Move Action: Use Fey Step to teleport to the top of the pillar in O15
Standard Action: Cast Thunderwave or Cloud of Daggers




Powers expended since last rest:

Fey Step

Edge of Dreams
2008-11-14, 12:41 AM
Finding himself surrounded and alone, the orange dragonborn cautiously takes a step toward the center of the arena and the largest group of allies. He points his sword at the creature he stepped away from, marking it with arcane energy, and then strikes at the one next to him.

Move action: shift to G11 or otherwise in that general direction.
Minor Action: Aegis of Shielding on E10
Standard Action: Booming Blade
Attack roll 1d20+8
damage roll [roll0]
Target takes an additional 1d6+1 damage if I hit, it starts it's turn adjacent to me, and it moves away during it's turn.

Edge of Dreams
2008-11-14, 12:42 AM
sorry, attack roll didn't come out right
Also, that's versus AC

2008-11-14, 01:18 AM

Glancing behind its shoulder, Benny winces at the slaves' deaths, wishing that they had had the sense to stay with it to form a line of defense. As the creatures threatening the remaining slaves fall victim to the casters' spells, and the ogre and kobold make impressive displays of brute strength and cunning, Benny chooses to rush to the aid of its imperiled companion Seylana. Stepping forward quickly, it bashes the beast immediately threatening its ally, clipping the other on the backswing with the craghammer's wicked spike. "We cooperate, my ally? Back-to-back, yes?"

Move: Move to F11
Standard: Cleave, aiming for G10, E10 will also get take 5 damage on hit. G10 marked with Combat Challenge regardless of hit or miss.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Reroll if 8 or less

2008-11-14, 08:26 PM
Erek runs forward, taking up position behind a pillar near the ogre and the monster. Once there, he places his curse on the monster.

Double move to N8, placing Warlock's Curse on the monster.

2008-11-16, 10:29 AM
Grix Grux deftly steps past the little beasts, moving to help the ogre in it's struggle. Under the kobold's guidance, he lands a telling blow on the huge beast. (14 damage) The smaller beasts, though, not to be ignored, also get in a few nips on the kobold. (2 damage) The dragonborn takes a swing - and misses. Benny moves up to support the dragonborn, but also misses.

The creatures move to attack, and one of the smaller ones lands a vicious blow on the kobold. (8 damage) Each of the larger beasts near the fighters moves to attack each of the fighters, and one lands a blow on the dragonborn. (7 damage) The three beasts who had been asleep finally manage to shake off the magical slumber. Joscelin creates a cloud of daggers around the beast nearby, and blood starts to pool from it's many wounds. The slaves back away from the deadly beasts, gathering on the south side of the arena.

Erek places his curse on the huge creature. The huge beast breaks free of the ogre's grip, and claws at it again, cutting deep and drawing blood. (14 damage) The ogre punches the huge beast square in the face, cracking it's carapace once again, and driving it back to the arena wall. (15 damage) The ogre follows the beast, pinning it to the wall.


Grey Boxes: Freestanding pillars. 10 feet high. Athletics DC 15 to climb as part of a move. Only reach weapons can attack to and from the pillar, and only if adjacent to the pillar. Melee attacks from atop the pillar against a target not on the pillar gain combat advantage.
White Box: Raised Platform. 5 feet high. Athletics DC 10 to climb as part of a move. Melee attacks from atop the platform against a target not on the platform gain combat advantage.
Circles: Creatures -
A - Largest Creature
B - "Benny"
E - Erek
G - Grix Grux
H - Smallish Creatures
J - Joscelin
N - Name-Taker
O - Ogre
S - Slaves
Y - Largish Creatures

ZZZ cloud: Unconcious
Blue Shading: Slowed
Red Aura: Bloodied

Grix Grux
Large Creature

2008-11-17, 10:54 AM
Grix Grux
18/28 HP
18/14/14/12 AC/F/R/W

Grix, getting hit by these little creatures get's rather frustrated. Once again helping the Ogre find a weakness and another opportunity to attack, the kobold yells towards him

Smash Again!!

Standard: Commander's Strike
Attack: An ally of your choice makes a melee basic attack against the target
Hit: Ally’s basic attack damage + your Intelligence modifier.

Ogre makes a basic melee attack against the creature on me.
He adds 3 points to the damage he deals.

If the Ogre is bloodied, i will use a inspiring word on him, he regains 1/4 his hp and an additional [roll0]

If the Ogre is not bloodied, i will not use that, instead my minor will be to shift to the east.

Move action: Shift to the east. (double shift if Ogre is not bloodied.)

2008-11-17, 11:09 AM
HP: 10/10 AC: 17 F: 10 R: 14 W: 15

Mildly irritated that his original intent was thwarted, Joscelin decides to deal with the harbinger of his irritation.

Once again, apologies for screw ups.

Cloud of daggers, directed at the creature currently in P16 (the bloodied one).

Move Action: n/a
Standard Action: Cast Cloud of Daggers

Powers expended since last rest:

Fey Step