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View Full Version : [4E] Slight swordmage houserules - balanced?

2008-11-08, 02:56 PM
It seems that the Shielding swordmagi seem to get all of the fun toys when it comes to the class, so I want to make the Assault aegis a more attractive option by implementing some (or all) of these. Here's what I have in mind:

* Add to Greenflame Blade: "Special: Aegis of Assault: This power may be used whenever you are able to make a basic attack." Makes Intelligent Blademaster unneeded for them, freeing up a feat in comparison to shielders.
* Slightly tweak the Anarch of Shyr somehow.
* Turn the Aegis of Assault into an immediate interrupt, instead of an immediate reaction.
* For the Wizard of the Spiral Tower, strike "that you specialize in" from the Corellon's Implement 11th level paragon path ability so that it can be a viable swordmage multiclass.

I realize that these houserules may have more consequences than I realize, which is why I humbly ask the playground to see if there's anything particularly wonky or unbalanced about these. Do they accomplish their intended purpose at all?

2008-11-08, 03:02 PM
Sounds interesting.

I think all of this seems fair, except maybe the first one, because it is basically giving them an extra feat, as you said, and this seems a little overpowered. I mean, shielding swordmages need lots of feats too, especially since many of tem go with hide armor, and also things like retributive shield.

2008-11-08, 03:27 PM
I dislike the first one, as there's no reason to give Swordmages a free feat. There is a reason they have to take the feat - and it gives them a big advantage over Paladins as is. If you don't want to take the feat, do what the designers intended and get high strength.

The second - why? and how? It's a balanced class, and there are not enough details to comment on.

Third: Seems like a buff that I suppose they can use, but once again, why? They are in no way overpowered, and this could cause them to be so, easily. Assault is for hurting people, Shielding is for preventing damage. If Assault is doing both (with the push powers, or wtv), then there's no reason to play Shielding.

That last one seems absolutely fair. Multiclassing wizard is a tad underpowered as is, as you already have Arcana trained.

2008-11-08, 03:48 PM
As for the whys, I agree, the swordmage in general is well-balanced. I simply want there to be an actual choice involved as far as their aegis goes, because, as it stands, I feel that the shielding aegis is that much better than the assault one, as the powers that key off Shielding for an extra effect seem much better than what Assault gets.

I'm perfectly okay with an explanation that shows that the above assumption is wrong, however.

So, yes, I'm aware that some of the options above may be overpowered. That's why I'm asking for help. =)

2008-11-08, 04:05 PM
Hehe, okay, well one thing that a Shielding Swordmage really can't do is punish badguys for not attacking people. This can be a very bad thing, as they just attack your allies and do a bit less damage. That means you're not tanking at all. Free attacks are great punishment.

For another, Shielding Swordmage does not at ALL synergize with people who provoke OAs. In my opinion, they are equally valid builds, one is a bit more defendery, and the other is more ... well, a different kind of defender. Still good. Kinda like a two handed fighter and a sword and board one.

2008-11-08, 04:46 PM
Hehe, okay, well one thing that a Shielding Swordmage really can't do is punish badguys for not attacking people.

Do you mean "for attacking people"? Because punishing enemies for not attacking seems a bit strange.

2008-11-08, 05:03 PM
I will love you if you remove the redonkulous -2 hit penalty on the Anarch of Shyr's Stance.

2008-11-08, 05:41 PM
I will love you if you remove the redonkulous -2 hit penalty on the Anarch of Shyr's Stance.

... Wut.

That would make it the most powerful ability in the game, or something. Well, not quite, but that means you are permanently doing +1d12 damage. It's not redonkulous, it is Power Attack.

2008-11-08, 06:48 PM
... Wut.

That would make it the most powerful ability in the game, or something. Well, not quite, but that means you are permanently doing +1d12 damage. It's not redonkulous, it is Power Attack.

I think the most powerful is reserved for Orb of Imposition, or Blood Pulse. Destructive Salutation isn't bad either.

Oh god Blood Pulse.

2008-11-08, 07:10 PM
I say, just make Greenflame Blade only work on Aegis Reactions: Intelligent Blademaster would still be nice to have for attacks granted by Warlords and OAs, but not necessary.

2008-11-08, 08:18 PM
Greenflame Blade on Aegis reactions would probably be best.

As for Stance of Chaos.....uh, maybe remove the to-hit penalty if it were turned into a daily. I think it's fine as it is. I'd rather change up Shryan Cataclysm to be more interesting than a simple damage AoE.