View Full Version : IC Thread for Gods of the Stars

2008-11-08, 06:54 PM

I'm in a huge hurry post here.

2008-11-08, 09:58 PM
suddenly thew great veil of shadow that was the vouid was borken by a single ray of light that was extingushed as a white, and black clad warrior descended from the heavens a angelic chorus greeting his arrival.
"Hmm, seems as if I'am the first to be born into this realm. No matter. There is work to be done."
With this stament he observed the world, andsaw that while it was already complete the people suffered from disease, and a malign corruption from a area known as the great maw, and its various encraochments upon the land.
Thus he went to it, and with a strike from the blade of purity he clensed the great maw from the planet elminating its corruption from the planet, and he felt a great sigh as if a great wound had been sealed. Was it possible that the planet was... alive?!
Yet, as he giveth he also taketh away, and with the use of the crown of shadow he created a malady he dubbed "vamprism", and he imbued it within all the people who had come to settle there. They ahd been a nomadic people, and a group of exiles who had been trapped within the great maw for many years... Apprently ther children born here were stunted, but werwe more durable, and had a slight magical aptitude, and with them he cursed "Vamprism" a malady thjat while it estowed them with superior strength, speed, and endurance, but it gave them a craving for the blood of other living beings.

Major acts to purify the Great maw, and to infect the gnomes who live their with a enhanced version of vamprisim makin the equivalent to "day walkers".
1 major act left.

2008-11-09, 04:45 PM
Bump for the bump throne~
Postrs for the posts King!