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2008-11-09, 02:48 AM
Spring is nigh, yet swirls of light snow scatter across the night sky. Oakvale's streets are quiet. Many families remain home in the evenings, sipping cider and sitting around a fire. Yet, you have been delivered a sealed writ summoning you to the Archduke's private chambers... and now are being escorted by his private guard.

As you approach Willow Manor, you notice several others arriving at the same time under the supervision of the same guard. It's not uncommon for Archimedes to send out his garrison to bring in criminals; however, a private meeting of such magnitude is rare... yet they've been occuring more often as of late. Your led to Pemsbroke Hall, once you arrive, the Archduke's Registrar politely asks, "Would you please take a seat? Archduke of Oakvale will be with your momentarily."

Around the room you can count 20 people of various races. Within minutes, the Archduke arrives, "Hail and well met. I'm deeply sorry for requesting your audience at this hour. However, there is much to be done and much less time to accomplish it. As many of you may or may not know, I've been tasked with founding a settlement on our far Western borders near Kvampfen. I'll keep this brief, all of you have been chosen for the next caravan headed to populate the city of Mossbury which leaves at sunrise. We need you and your families to vacate your homes in Oakvale and pack only what is necessary for your travels and trade. You'll have the service of all of my personal servants to assist in your packing. I'm sorry, I don't have time for questions. Please, return to your homes and tell your family. And, of course, you will be given a stipend for your home and the possessions that remain in Oakvale." He pauses briefly to catch his breath, "Now, if you have received a personal summons... I need you to remain here for a brief meeting. The rest of you may return to your homes."

After all the others have left, there are eight people remaining in the room. When the doors have shut, Archimedes continues, "Those of you that remain have received a detailed assignment. Under the careful observation of the Board of Oakvale's Arcanum, you have carefully been chosen because you possess a certain skill that may be needed in your travels. What many citizens don't know is, several of our caravans heading for Mossbury have been ambushed. Usually the guards are killed, women and children abducted, and the men left to die. Guards will be accompanying the caravan yet we need the eight of you to remain discreet. We know what you're capable of; however, we don't want to frighten the humble citizens with granting them knowledge of hired mercenaries. Please, keep your weapons close but try to have your intentions and duties remain unknown. And with that, I leave the table open to questions."

With his final words, many servant girls enter the room carrying platters of meat, cheese, and bread. After the table's set, they bring around bottles of wine.

2008-11-09, 03:26 AM
Ealai Bluewood (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=89941)

One of the two elves present at the gathering sits, waves one of the servants over for wine, and speaks. "When and where have most of the attacks taken place? And if the guards were merely left to die - have any of their lives been saved, that we might know who may have attacked them?" He sips his wine slowly, keeping his eyes trained on the Archduke as he awaits a response.

2008-11-09, 08:01 AM

The surly dwarf reflects for a moment on the words of the Archduke. He didn't have any family in Oakvale, he didn't even know where he had any family at all, though last he heard the father that abandoned him before his birth was still alive.

"And we're going to Kvampfen, back to my ancestral homeland. What wealth of serendipity has found it's way to me. Blessed Queen of Dragons, I will not squander this opportunity to enrich my horde that you have so mercifully granted me."

"Anyone who tries to steal from your caravan will feel the fires of hell sear their flesh, even those who are supposed to be watching it will not escape my notice. " Barazuul says this last part as he looks around at the rest of the assembled throng*. "You have my word on that."

*Though he says this as if it were a matter of duty, a Passive Insight of 18+ would reveal that there is an undercurrent of glee in his voice, as if Barazuul would be more than happy to have to blast one of his fellow guards if he had cause to do so."

2008-11-09, 10:27 AM
Donal Lugh

Donal stretches in his comfortable chair, feeling well. He just got a new job, and has nothing to lose anyway. He has no ties with this place or this kingdom, but his sense of honor and duty hold him to protect the weak. Well, only if that's not too troublesome, but that's another matter.

Donal listens as the others speak, shuddering a bit at the dwarf's eagerness to strike one of his own comrades down. As he begins to eat, Donal raises his voice:

"I'll be more than happy to help. You can count on my sword to protect your caravan."

2008-11-09, 10:31 AM
Rigel Marrin

The young halfling remains aloof, barely listening to his instructions. Right now, he would much rather be continuing his work with the Thieve's Guild. Unfortunately, given the choice of a lifetime in prison and guarding this caravan... well... Rigel wasn't stupid.

Besides, it would be much easier to sneak away from a few caravan guards than from the Archduke's personal retinue, or the cold stone walls of the prison.

Rigel was wearing a plain, almost dingy, suit of Leather Armor and, apparently, nothing else beside a kukri sheated at his waist (All of his other weapons have been concealed, 10+16 Thievery = 26 Perception DC to notice.) He is a handsome individual.

"Whateva' you say goes, chief!" Rigel proclaims rather rudely to the Archduke. He isn't necessarily pretending to be rude, but its more a simple matter of his upbringing on the streets of Oakvale.

When the food arrives, Rigel will eat quickly and spend most of his time getting to know the other 7 members of the caravan guard. They had to have been special or else they wouldn't have gained a private audience. He hopes no one knows of him or his criminal past. He will not reveal any relevant information about his background and when asked, will simply say that he is an acrobat for the Oakvale City Players (a half-truth, the OCP is a cover operation for the Thieve's Guild.) He will also use his talent for bluffing and his general charismatic demeanor to attempt and win over his new companions. (Lets say 10+11 Bluff = 21 Insight DC to see through his BS.)

2008-11-09, 10:32 AM
Skamos Daios

"Well, you have told us the what and the how", Skamos said between pulls on a glass of wine. "But I agree the elf, what is the why and the who?"

2008-11-09, 10:49 AM

I would like to know the why as well

Says a young human (unless you've got a 44 passive insight anyway), sitting in the corner and looking less at ease than the other adventurers seem to.

I would also like to know a bit more about each of you

He says, turning towards the others gathered.

2008-11-09, 10:56 AM

Where most elves would feel more comfortable with another elf at the table, especially in human lands, Varis felt the exact opposite. Over the years since he left his home, Varis had grown to like the company of humans and other races rather than elves.

"Excuse me, sir. Once we finish the trip, will we be receiving a bonus of any kind? If what you say is true about many of the caravans being attack, 300 gold pieces are much less than the value of my life." Varis says to the Archduke, not caring if he came across as rude or haughty. Varis was only concerned with one person and that was Varis. Unless it helped him in someway, he could care less about it.

If anyone does try to talk to him other than the Archduke, he just continues eating without responding to them.

2008-11-09, 01:30 PM

"The elves have good points, whoever these raiders are, they've been able to destory several armed caravans, and knowing something about them could be the difference between life and death." Veandor says as he takes a bite of meat, chewing thoughtfully for a second before continuing, "And while I would be glad to help, such foes will by no means be easy to defeat, 300 gold is a paltry amount for putting our lives in great risk fighting some unknown foe." While Veandor cares about being rightfully paid for his services, in the end, he consideres any amount of gold as secondary to the opportunity to test his creations and abilities. Necessity is the mother of invention after all, and there will probably be great necessity on this quest. He keeps any signs of such excitment from his face, however, at least to the casual observer. Sprinkling a small amount of a potion from one of his belt pouches into his mug, he takes a sip. Pleased with the result, he takes a large gulp as he sits back in his seat.

2008-11-09, 02:36 PM
Rigel Marrin, Halfling Rogue

Hearing Kieran's request to know more about the rest of the party, Rigel makes his way to the man's side.

"Names Rigel Marrin, Halflin' explorer and um... professional acrobat. I got a special offer from the Archduke himself to be part o' this expedition. Apparen'ly muh special skills were needed... " Rigel says in a very thick Oakvale Lower-Class accent."Whatabout you? you seems to be the on'y human in this bunch. I would take ya for one o' them Arcanum chaps if not for account of yous wearing armor..."

2008-11-09, 02:55 PM

I trained at wizardry for a little while, wasn't exactly my style though.
Kieran answers as he eats.

2008-11-09, 04:09 PM
The elf sips his wine as he replies to the human's request. "I am Ealai Bluewood. I have been trained in my people's art of Bladesinging, mixing sword, spell, and song. Those who meet me in peace will see that my skill with the last is pleasing; those who meet me in war will see my skill in the first deadly." Ealai reaches for bread, breaks it, and returns to his inspection of the Archduke, still waiting an answer.

2008-11-09, 04:17 PM
Donal Lugh

Hearing Ealai's words, Donal is suddenly interested in the elf. He looks to the him, trying to measure his abilities, before raising his voice:

"Greetings, fellow blademaster. I am Donal Lugh, a wandering duelist. It would highly please me if you could honor me with a duel, in an apropriate moment in the future. It has been long since my blade found a worthy opponent."

2008-11-09, 04:40 PM
Ealai starts a bit, then turns and regards the genasi momentarily before bowing his head in respect. "It is always an honor to meet another swordsman, whether it be in battle or merely on the practice field. It would be my pleasure to test my skill against yours."

2008-11-09, 05:14 PM
The Archduke smirks at the question of more money. He takes a sip of his wine and leans forward in his chair, "In regards to your monetary gain, you will be paid handsomely for safely delivering the caravan to Mossbury. If you fail in your endeavors, well, you will have died with 300 more coin in your pocket. Now, as to the questions of who and where... we suspect a group of Gnolls. That's the reasoning behind taking the women and children. They'd put up much less of a fight when being taken to eat."

At this he calls over the Registrar and whispers to him, "We're not certain of the where, the lands between here and Mossbury are relatively unchartered. There's no keeps, no castles, only empty lands and the savages that live off the lands between here and there. Any survivors left, would never make it to either city alive without a horse and food."

Around this time a cloaked individual enters the room along with a Human man. "For this caravan, we are replacing are guards with a new creation... a complex magical device created by the Archmage Avery Lankhannen. I present to you, the Warforged." The cloak is lifted to reveal a humanoid creature with lifeless features. It looks around the room and then looks straight ahead.

The Archduke motions to the Human and he continues, "Good evening, I'm Avery Lankhannen and Assistant Archmage at Oakvale's Arcanum." He holds up a small ball, "Each Warforged is implanted with one of these devices. Recording the last few seconds of a Warforged's life, these small devices, upon death, will exit the chest of a Warforged and return to the Arcanum. Through this method, we will be able to determine where the attack took place and send reinforcements. You'd just have to be able to survive the last remnants of winter... and any further attempts on your lives."

Upon finishing, Avery bows and leaves. The Warforged stays, calmly looking ahead. The Archduke returns to his seat and leans forward bringing his hands together, "Are there any further questions?"

2008-11-09, 06:01 PM

So basically you expect us to get beaten, then hold out long enough to be rescued?
Kieran asks skeptically.

2008-11-09, 07:44 PM

Vaendor perked up imeadiately when the mage and the cloaked figure walked into the room, sensing some strange magical energy right away. When the Assistant Archmage removed the cloak from the warforged, he almost jumped out of his seat. He tried to get a good sense of what this strange device was ((Arcana check to see what I can tell about it [roll0] EDIT: Apologies, the +12 does not include the half-level mod on skill checks, so I actually got a 23)). Stunned for a second, he came back into the conversation after Kieran's question. "I'm sure that is not the case, however tough these gnolls may be, these new warforged and our own power should be enough to defeat them. This is just a...backup plan...in case of a worst case scenario, I'm sure. And you can never have too many contiengency plans."Turning to the Archduke, he bows and says, "Given this new knowledge, and that the issue of our payment has been cleared up, I have no more questions, Archduke, and will be glad to assist you in this matter." And to have all the time I need to understand what makes these things tick.

2008-11-09, 07:57 PM

After seeing the interest that Vaendor shows Kieran wonders about these warforged as well (arcana [roll0] )

2008-11-09, 10:04 PM
Skamos Daios

Before the Duke's presentation, Skamos responds to Kieran's inquiry. "I am Skamos." he says matter-of-factly, before continuing. I served as a militia captain until my presence was requested."

After the duke's unveiling of the warforged, Skamos walks over to the one in the room, surveying it with his hands clasped behind his back, as if inspecting a soldier. "Forgive me if I am less then confident about a soldier who reports that he is dead." He says, swishing his tail back and forth in irritation. "Does it talk? Can it take orders?"

Heck, lets get in on the knowledge checks.

2008-11-09, 10:15 PM
Barazuul didn't care much at all for the people around him or for making small talk. His reasons for answering this summons were his alone, and he never felt like sharing... anything.

He didn't even really care about the metal soldier that seems to have captivated everyone else's attention. He supposed they'd make decent enough servants, but they were bound to be expensive. "I bet I could by 10 normal men for one of those he thought, and I could still melt that steel shell with my hellfire."

"Don't you worry about me, I've survived longer than a winter on a lot less than 300 gold. You might want to send along a few extra furs for the elves. They look like they'd die of the sniffles in no time." Barazuul laughs loudly at what he thought was a funny joke, though it's unlikely anyone else did.

2008-11-09, 10:30 PM

Seeing the human-like machine standing there, while it did surprise Varis some, did not cause him to react outwardly. He could care less about it and the small talk that was being made around the table. All that he cared about was money and with money came fame.

However, a poor joke made at the elves' expense catches Varis' ear."I beg your pardon?" Varis says to the dwarf.

"If you truly believe that you may be tougher than I am, I would be happy to correct you on the matter." Varis offers, somewhat pointedly.

2008-11-10, 01:17 PM

I would not be so eager to meet my masters if I were you, dwarf. I'm sure their fires will keep you warmer than you like.
Kieran tells Barazuul, not bothering to keep the contempt from his voice.

2008-11-10, 01:29 PM
Barazuul lets out another hearty laugh at the elf's threats. "Begging already? Don't you worry yourself girly, I ain't getting paid to dirty my hands with the likes of you, and I don't do anything I don't get paid for. Just do your job and let me do mine, and just maybe, MAYBE over the next few months that delicate elf skin of yours will get a little thicker."

Barazuul continues to savor his meal. Between bites he addresses the Archduke directly. "And you don't worry about any gnolls, there ain't a pup yet that's nipped at my heals and lived to repeat that mistake." (Insight: A warning perhaps?)

2008-11-10, 01:36 PM
Rigel Marrin, Halfling Rogue

Rigel listens to the exchange between the Elves and the Dwarf and chuckles to himself. "'Least we'ill be entertained, bud! I tells ya, wotching dem Elvies and Dwarv'ns bicka is just too much for dis Halflin' to take!" He says, slapping Kieran on the back and laughing raucously.

"Hey, Dukey!" Rigells calls out to the ArchDuke. "Are we's gettin' some dessert? Maybe a bit o' the game wit' one o' the servin' wenches?"

2008-11-10, 01:58 PM

I'm not sure if entertaining is the word I would use when referring to Barazuul. There's something off about him, perhaps you would help me keep an eye on him?
Kieran asks Rigel as quietly as he is able with the surrounding noise.

2008-11-10, 02:11 PM
"Well," Rigel whispers, masking his normal accent. "If there's one thing ol' Rigel can do... its quietly observe..."

2008-11-10, 04:16 PM
Swearing in elven below his breath, Varis decides that if that damned dwarf ever crossed his path again, that he would pay for it. He better be careful... if he comes between me and an enemy, I may forget to halt my blade... Varis thinks to himself.

Turning his mind back to matters more important than an arrogant dwarf, Varis wonders when they would finally be allowed out of the hall to begin the journey to Mossbury. He had no family, at least no one that he considered family, and all he had he carried with him. When the Archduke gave the word, Varis would be ready to go.

2008-11-10, 04:59 PM
Ealai frowns at the rude dwarf's words, but chuckles at the other elf's response. "When the time comes, magus, we will see who is thicker-skinned." He thinks for a moment, then smirks at the warlock. "I have an idea. It seems we already have a contest set between Sir Lugh and myself; why not have more? I suspect the journey will be uneventful for several nights before we enter the wilds, and it is winter yet, so let us set a trial: during a cold night, when frost is thick in the air, we will sit far from flame with bare chests. The strongest among us will endure the elements longest, while those who seek warmth are clearly weak." The smirk abruptly leaves his face as he leans toward the dwarf, staring intensely at him. "And know this - I will not lose to you," he says, ending in a very rude Elven curse.

2008-11-10, 06:11 PM
Donal Lugh

Donal smiles at the contest proposed by Ealai, and agrees, nodding. He is having fun with all the insults flying between the different people, but otherwise he is somewhat detatched from the conversations, waiting for the time of leaving. He has no family in the city anyway, and all his possessions are on him or waiting in his camel, outside.

2008-11-10, 10:50 PM
Skamos Daios

Skamos frowned in Ealai's direction when he gave his challenge. "And then the gnolls will run through both the cowardly and the brave fool" he muttered, swishing his tail in irritation, and returning his attention to the warforged.

2008-11-10, 11:15 PM

Good man, I knew there was more to you than met the eye.
Kieran whispers to Rigel before turning to Skamos

Let them have their fun, after the gnolls run them through we won't have to listen to their boasting anymore
He says with a sardonic grin.

2008-11-11, 02:23 AM
With his hands folded over his mouth to cover a snicker. His amusement is brought to an end and he raises an eyebrow when Rigel calls to him. He rises from his chair approaching Rigel, "Hmmph, little one, considering what I am asking of you, I'm choosing to ignore your distasteful and insulting words."

Returning his gaze to everyone he continues, "These... machines, aren't meant to replace you. Acting as a first wave, they are there to defend while you all can don your equipment. The eight of you, are the second wave of defense. Consider them as a preliminary measure and, in case of an attack, a means to locate you quickly and efficiently. What you need to remember is, in the event of an attack, the Warforged will fall quickly... they are still in the initial phases of production." His attention now turning to Skamos, "I'm aware of the positions you've held in Oakvale. And while they will take orders, they have simple instructions not to do so unless there is combat. Otherwise, they are meant to endure the cold, keep watch in the evenings, and help make camp."

He returns to the head of the table, "Seeing as how I've answered your questions and you've settled on petty bickering, I will bid you farewell and attend to more pressing affairs. The caravan leaves at sunrise, don't forget to show up in your... casual wear." With this he exits, the Warforged remains in the room.

To Vaendor and Kieran:
Your knowledge of the Arcane tells you there is strong presence of a form of Binding Magic. It's still an uncommon practice among the ranks of the Arcanum; however, it is a new focus for Followers of Erathis.

To Skamos:
You too notice the Binding Magic in the Warforged. And while there are records of creatures being mechanical in design, none, to your knowledge, have been created like this... you sense an awkward perversion in the Arcane.

2008-11-11, 07:03 AM

So we are expected to not even wear our armor? That's ridiculous, but I guess if I want to be paid, I must play by his rules. Hopefully, that... thing up there can hold them off for a minute or so while I don my armor... Varis thinks to himself, still unsure about the fact that he couldn't wear his armor...

Turning to the rest of the group here, he says, "Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm heading back to my inn for the night. I suppose I'll see everyone tomorrow. Good night." With that quick and curt farewell, Varis stands up and heads towards the door, looking forward to both rest and relief from the fools in this room.

2008-11-11, 10:49 AM

I could use a bit of shut eye myself, until the morning then
He says with a curt nod towards everyone still at the table as he gets up to leave.

2008-11-11, 10:59 AM
Varndor finishes his drink, setting the mug back down on the table. "Very well, I will see you all in the morning, do try not to kill each other." He says, directing the last comment at the other dwarf and the remaining elf. He leaves, heading to his inn for the night as well.

2008-11-11, 11:13 AM
Ealai drains the remainder of his own wine alongside the more polite dwarf and stands to leave. "Do not worry overmuch. If there is trouble, it will be because the warlock started it." He sighs, and continues, "Regardless, we will meet again tomorrow. Fare well until that time. The elf departs, leaving to return to his inn and prepare for the coming journey.

2008-11-11, 11:24 AM
Donal Lugh

Donal also rises after finishing his meal.

"Until tomorrow, my comrades."

Striding off, Donal goes back to the Inn he was for a good night of sleep, already reading his stuff and his bussiness for the departure in the next morning.

2008-11-11, 11:36 AM
Barazuul enjoys the last of his meal, finishing it off with the a mug full of drink that he slowly imbibes, taking in air between gulps but never removing the stein from his lips until it's emptied.

Without another word to the elves, he wipes his mouth with his sleeve and hops off the chair, not boethering to say a word to anyone else.

2008-11-11, 12:27 PM
Rigel Marrin, Halfling Rogue

"Right-o, Sir Dukey, you can count on ol' Rigel to make sure yor lil babes are safe on 'der trip." Rigel says, with a stiff salute.

Before Rigel gets any shut-eye he's gonna try to get a servant girl to spend the night with him, laying it on thick about how important a man he is to rub elbows with the Archduke

(Bluff Roll: [roll0])

In the event that he does not succeed, or after he is finished, then Rigel will sneak away and attempt to meet up with his Guildmaster to inform him of the evening's events. He will show all the proper respect for the Guildmaster as he holds him in much higher esteem than the Duke. He knows that he screwed up bad getting caught, but he hopes to make up for it by accomplishing something for the Guild and will inform his boss as such. Maybe by establishing another chapter of the Guild in the new city being founded.

2008-11-12, 05:02 PM
To Rigel:
Approaching the servant girls, they snicker coyly at your attempt. Perhaps a bit confused, you continue to lay on the flirtation until a hand grabs your shoulder and spins you. Now you're face-to-face with a rather old Human. He looks to the girls then back to you, "You'd be wise to clear the halls quickly. These women are not only the Archduke's servants, but also virgin patrons of Pelor... if he found you courting them... well... he might not be too pleased." He finished by escorting you out of the castle.

When you attempt to go to the Guild, you're stopped near the entrance by a tall Human, "It's Rigel, right?" He continues without waiting for the answer, "I've been charged with tracking you since hearing of your release. As of now, you're not permitted access to the Guild chambers. There's been quite a stir since your capture. Nearly a dozen others have been arrested in the last few days, I've been told to tell you that the Guild will keep in touch."

Dawn approaches and you meet outside the city stables. Many people have already gathered around the caravans while the last caravan is still being stocked with food. Near the caravan is the Human, Avery Lankhannen, he has before him 12 Warforged guards and is giving them their orders. Each of you has been assigned to accompany a caravan, an attempt to spread out the secondary defenses. Upon entering them, you realize some intense magic is at work, for the insides are on a much grander scale than the outside beguiles.

2008-11-12, 05:07 PM
Donal Lugh

Donal aproaches, riding his camel, with every possession that he has. He will not leave anything behind. Besides the Archduke's order, his sword is still at his side, and he doesn't mind it. If anyone asks, he will explain that it is a treasure to him, a ceremonial blade passed down as a heirloom from his family. It wouldn't be of much use in a battle anyway, and he isn't even proficient with it. After all, he is just a settler venturing on unexplored regions in the Archduke's command. His armor hidden beneath normal traveling cloths, Donal just stands absent-minded, waiting for the departure of the caravan.

2008-11-12, 05:14 PM
Rigel Marrin, Halfling Rogue

(To the Old Man that Night before being escorted out)

"Surely a god like ol' Pelor would appreciate a bit o' fertility, eh? Being the god o' growin' things..." Rigel says to the old man, winking at the girls while being dragged away.

(The next morning)
Disappointed, and more than a little worried, that he couldn't enter what had been his home for several years left Rigel a bit downtrodden as he was preparing to leave for his journey.

Dressed in a simple, but loose-fitting, traveler's outfit, Rigel looked nothing more than a Halfling commoner at first glance. However, only the trained eye had the chance to notice that he had a kukri concealed in his back-waistband. He sees the caravan and mutters a short prayer to Sehanine to keep shadow over him, to shield him as he journeys through the day.

Rigel leads his mount, a riding-pony, to the caravan. He sees the wizard and calls out to him. "Oi! Mr. Wizzer! You's comin' wit' this lil expedition?"

When choosing his position on the caravan, Rigel will pick a Halfling family if possible, otherwise he will stick to the Food cart.

2008-11-12, 05:38 PM

Kieran walks towards the caravan, still in his human guise. He sees Donal with his blade at his side and just shakes his head.
Good morning Donal, you certainly seem prepared.
He says as he looks around, marking everyone's face.
Ah, Rigel, good morning to you as well, you wouldn't happen to know when we'd be expecting everyone else would you?

2008-11-12, 05:42 PM
Ealai approaches the caravans, mounted on his own horse and garbed in simple, but well-made garments befitting a well-to-do traveller including a plain grey hooded cloak covering his head. Behind his saddle are a pair of saddlebags, obviously loaded with food, other clothing, and other simple supplies, a leather flute-case, and an oil paper-wrapped cylindrical package. Unlike Donal, the elf has followed the Archduke's requests to the letter; his blade isn't evident, and he wears only cloth to protect him from the elements and any trouble that may emerge. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, he looks extremely wary and on guard for trouble to begin at any moment.

Over the coming weeks, Ealai will spend most of his time among the humans and will try to avoid the elves without being obvious about it. He is still technically on the run from his family, after all, and it is less likely that he will meet someone who knows of the Bluewoods' rogue son if he is not among his own people. However, he will not hesitate to play his flute and sing around anyone's fire; in fact, he will do so every night, keeping an ear open for any information that may be important. In regards to his duties as a covert defender of the column, he will mostly try to stay with the residential wagons, riding his horse rather than the vehicles themselves, and will sleep near the animal picket lines beneath the caravans themselves.


2008-11-12, 06:12 PM
With the sun climbing in the sky, Varis sets out from his inn to meet up with the caravans. He carries a somewhat large and bulky pack that contains his broadsword, his longsword, his armor, and his normal supplies. Slung across his shoulder is a quiver and an ordinary looking longbow. If any one happens to ask why he carries the bow and arrows, he will merely reply that it is for hunting once the caravans stop for the day. Other than that, he is dressed in plain green-gray clothes that allow him to melt into the woods.

As he nears the caravans, Varis sees the vulgar halfling, the two other elves in the group, and the Genasi from the previous' night's dinner.

"Good morning, I see a few people aren't here yet. Well, more gold for us if they do not show." Varis says to the gathered secret second defense.

After greeting them, he moves over towards the side and awaits a command from the Archduke as to who he should travel with. He stands alert and ready, watchful for anything that may happen.

Perception for the journey: [roll0]
Insight for the journey: [roll1]

2008-11-12, 08:13 PM
Somewhat later than most of the others, Vaendor arrives at the caravan. In no hurry, he had taken his time getting ready in order to make sure he had all the materials he might need on this quest. He is still dressed in his leather armor, though that it is not easy to see, as any view of his clothing is obscured by his cloak and the the large number of pouches he wears, in addition to his backpack. His rod is hanging from his belt, though his warhammer and hand crossbow are nowhere to be seen.

"Good morning all." He greets the other mercenaries. "This should be an excting journey, should it not?"

2008-11-12, 09:45 PM
OOC: ((Semi placeholder here. I posted a question about how I want Skamos to be disguised in the OOC. So Boggs, if you need to move along, go ahead, I just want you to know I'm not neglecting the thread.))

2008-11-13, 02:28 AM
Avery continues speaking to the Warforged before turning to Rigel, "Sorry, friend. I'm only here to give mission orders in the Archduke's absence."

With this he looks to the group and, now, everyone hears his voice in their head, "To keep things simple, try to give the appearance that you're preparing your belongings; just use your thoughts to communicate." He checks everyones eyes for confirmation of your understanding then continues, "We originally had each of you assigned to a specific caravan. However, I have decided to leave that decision in your capable hands. There are six in total, only four carry citizens. None of them are confined to the caravan, thusly, some of you may want to take shifts on outside patrols. It's a long voyage to Mossbury, our last successful group of settlers arrived in approximately six weeks. May Pelor guide you. Are there any questions or concerns?"

2008-11-13, 07:01 AM

"Alright then. I'll be guarding the large belongings caravan, so if you could, let the rest of the group know." Varis thinks to Avery, still a little surprised at what they were doing. However, Varis was level-headed enough that rarely anything bothered him.

Hoisting his pack onto his shoulders, Varis begins walking towards the large belongings caravan.

2008-11-13, 09:15 AM
"Well then, I noticed a family of Dwarves in one of the caravans, I'll stick with them. Though if we set up shifts for outside the caravan, I have no problem taking such a shift for a time." Vaendor doesn't leave for the caravan imediately, waiting to see how things end up here, making it look like he is checking his pack.

2008-11-13, 09:18 AM
"Well, mates. If'fn it be your pleasure, I'm a bit o'a scout myself..." Rigel says. "'owever, my talents are best suited for more... eh... internal observation. So, uh... maybe I should stay in the carts... Besides, I don' do to well in the cold night air."

2008-11-13, 10:52 AM
I think I'll stick near the food, although if we do set up a rotation that's fine by me

2008-11-13, 12:58 PM
Barazuul made a few last minute purchases that he'd reserved the evening before and quickly made his way to the caravan. He was unscrupulous, but not stupid enough to just run away with the Archduke's money.

Barazuul being somewhat of an anti-social malcontent keeps his distance from the people (or little sacs of temporary hit points as he might be inclined to think of them in one of his more psychopathic moods).

Turning to Varis with a smarmy grin and that ever annoying tone of derision in his voice, "perhaps it be best I keep on eye on things back here with you. I wouldn't want you to die without gettin' a chance to spend some o' that coin that's weighin' down your pockets. You do trust me to have yer back don't you," he finishes with a wide grin of ochre-stained teeth.

2008-11-13, 10:52 PM
Skamos Daios

"I agree that we should rotate rounds" Skamos said as he arrived with his gear, disguised as winter clothing and blacksmith's wares. "It will keep things fresh, and more alert"

2008-11-13, 11:49 PM

"But of course I trust you, Barazuul. Whatever would give you the idea that I didn't?" Varis says sarcastically to the dwarf. Turning back around, Varis continues heading towards the large belonging caravan, annoyed with the dwarf. Shaking his head, Varis puts the detestable dwarf out of his mind and begins to think about what he wants his future to hold...

2008-11-18, 04:44 AM
After choosing stations, the caravan leaves, at sunrise, heading East. Varis and Barazul tend to the wagon holding possessions, Rigel and Kieran with the foods, Ealai and Vaendor with the settlers, and Skamos and Donal rotate amongst the wagons. While all of you receive strict assignments, you are also asked to keep a keen eye on the children and are requested to have someone outside when they venture outside the wagon.

When heading East, you eventually have to turn North to avoid going through low mountains. While winter, most of the heavy snow has passed. While traveling there's a constant fall of light, powdery snow. Throughout each day and night, the Warforged Soldiers remain alert, always within feet of the caravan and settlers.

((OOC: At this point, I'm declaring the campsite session for the first week of travel. Here you can do a bit of roleplaying, have mechanics-based duels, make any skill-based checks. Just let me know your goal with each roll.))

2008-11-18, 01:20 PM
Throughout the week, Vaendor has been studying the Warforged whenever he has chance, seeing what powers them and how imanimate materials can move of their own volition.

For all intents and purposes, this is really just for roleplaying, so I can say Vaendor learned how to create his own self-moving artifices by studying these warforged when I get such powers in later levels, but here's my arcana roll anyway

EDIT: Dang, horrible roll there.

2008-11-18, 01:58 PM
Rigel will idly chat with other party members, but will eventually sneak around the caravans and keep an eye out for trouble. He doesn't entirely trust the mechancial men to do the watching for him. He will also keep an eye out for any easily-pocketed trinkets in the caravans.



2008-11-18, 04:59 PM
Ealai will sit around a different campfire every night, playing his flute or singing tales for the people in an attempt to keep their spirits high, while also keeping his eyes and ears open for any suspicious behavior among the caravans. The elf will mostly remain aloof from the various groups, only really being part of them to entertain and not to really socialize.

During the night and during travel, he will mainly try to remain awake for longer than most of the settlers, staying aware and alert for any signs of danger, including any suspicious tracks or trails that might indicate another group shadowing us. However, despite this Ealai will not allow himself to become sleep-deprived; he will still sleep at a somewhat-reasonable hour and awaken rested.


Hmm... Slightly-bad rolls for insight and diplomacy, but at least I'm probably noticing anything and everything hostile around here!

2008-11-18, 05:04 PM

Varis will remain separate from everyone else during campfires. He will sit by the fire itself, eat his meal, and then retire quickly to bed. He will speak to very few people and only exchange pleasantries if he must. During the day, he will walk by the caravans, alert for any signs of trouble. If asked to help with something, he will do so quickly and as soon as the job is done, return to the large belongings caravan.

I already rolled for Varis, he had a 29 for Perception and a 10 for Insight. Can't think of anything else that needs to be pointed out for him... can't wait for the first encounter.

2008-11-18, 05:14 PM
Rigel Marrin

When not sneaking about at night, Rigel will perform acrobatic stunts,tricks, and dances to entertain people to Ealai's flute playing. If there are any young, attractive daughters among the settlers, Rigel will ask them for a dance.

(Will simply take 10 on Acrobatic and Thievery for my tricks, since they are simply for entertaining the settlers and fellow party members. That would make the results total at 25 and 26, respectively... Damn I'm good...:smallcool:)

"I's gotta say, Elven, you play pretty well..."

2008-11-18, 05:26 PM
"I should be, halfling... I've been taught by masters, and have been practicing my arts for..." He stops, thinks, and chuckles a bit before finishing, "Well, probably longer than you have been able to speak."

2008-11-18, 05:48 PM
Barazuul will don his armor. If anyone is suspicious, he'll just claim that as a merchant he had to learn to protect himself as guards weren't always reliable.

Bluff: [roll0]

If fact, he'll be happy to make a few coppers by convincing the settlers to buy random bits of worthless junk he might have on hand.

Bluff: [roll1]

2008-11-19, 03:21 PM
Skamos Daios

Skamos moves from wagon to wagon, depending on where he is stationed. He deflects any major questions as to what his profession is, letting people assume he is a merchant or a blacksmith. As he moves along his stations, he attempts to get a feel for any of the occupants.

Also, during anytime that he sees Vaendor studying the warforged, he will go to speak with him. "I don't trust these creations. There is something wrong about them."

Skamos will also try to correct Vaendor's notes with the Arcana, but only say anything if he rolls high enough to figure them out.

2008-11-19, 03:24 PM

Kieran stays with the food during the day most of the time, doing his rotation when it comes up. During the evening and night he talks to the people that he is traveling with, with the exception of Barazuul, who he avoids whenever he can.

2008-11-19, 03:35 PM
Donal Lugh

Donal will remain wherever he is guardind, doing rotation as the others tell him to. He will not speak very much, but will answer if someone starts a conversation. He will not particularly avoid anyone.

2008-11-19, 05:35 PM
@Skamos(during the week):
Vaendor looks slightly confused. What would make you think that? I see no evidence that anything is wrong with them.

At the lastest night in the campsite:
Vaendor sees Kieran by himself at a bonfire and goes to join him. "Hello there, human. I remember that back at the Duke's mansion you said wanted to get to know the rest of us, but at the time, I was a bit distracted. And it hasn't been much but since then." Vaendor introduces himself, playing with a small rune-covered cube absently in one hand as he does so. "But better late than never, right? I am Vaendor, an artificer by trade."

2008-11-19, 05:46 PM
Well Vaendor, I am pleased to make your acquaintance, my name is Kieran and I am an arcanist by trade. Would you care to join me by the fire? It gets chilly out her at night. Perhaps you could explain that little cube of yours to me.

2008-11-19, 09:04 PM
"Ah, a fellow student of the arcane." Vaendor sits down, looking at cube in his hand, having forgetten that he had been holding it. He tosses it in the air, catching it and puts it in one of his pouches. "Oh, that? Just a bauble that will prove it's usefulness if there's any 'excitment' on this journey. Speaking of which, what do you think of the journey so far? We're only a week into it, but I haven't noticed any trouble yet."

2008-11-19, 11:10 PM

All seems quiet so far, with any luck we won't meet these bandits at all Kieran says, warming his hands. What do you think of these warforged? I can't decide whether or not I like them, an extra shield between me and an enemy's sword is always welcome, but they strike me as a bit off.

2008-11-20, 02:21 AM
At camps, the settlers are pleased by the entertainment provided by Rigel and Ealai. It keeps their spirits up when the encroachment of spring is repelled once again by the bitter cold of winter. Around the campfires, many drink and laugh together, making the best of their situation on the way to Mossbury.

To Vaendor and Skamos:
Approaching a Warforged during camp, it agrees to give you limited insight into its' construction. It removes the tunic bearing the Archduke's seal, then it begans detaching certain components from its' body (sword, shield, and armor). Upon closer inspection, it's easy to notice that, underneath the armor, these machines are still mostly metal with sinewy ligaments connecting them together. Within its' core you can sense a strong magic. When you try to focus, you are both briefly blinded for a matter of seconds.

To Rigel:
Whilst sneaking about the caravan, you are able to eavesdrop on several conversations. Without directly conversing with many settlers, you learn an immense amount about certain folk. You take particular note of two families. One is an Eladrin woman named Maya Nailo and her daughter Hanae Nailo. The other is a Human man named Lucien Belmont, his Elven wife Sabriel, their Half-Elf daughter Lirael, and their other Half-Elf daughter Ligaeia. There's an individual you notice traveling alone, an elder Dragonborn; he's kept to himself and has said very little to the other settlers. All you have discerned, is he is a blacksmith... and he makes you uneasy.

To Ealai and Varis:
With the constant snow, keeping a keen eye out for impending threats is difficult. However, your Elven senses give you a slight advantage. They're relatively fresh but, because of the snow, it's hard to determine what creatures left them. What you do know, is they are moving much quicker than the caravan you protect; you also know they are heading in the same direction.

To Barazuul:
Many people are slightly perturbed when you don your armor; however, as the sly Dwarf you are, you convince them that it's merely a safety precaution. When the folks get blushed with drink, you convince them into buying trinkets. Throughout the first week, you bank a solid 13 silver pieces.

((I'll wait until tomorrow to update the IC. This way I give folks a chance to do a bit of roleplaying based on this post. By tomorrow evening, at the latest, I will move it into the second campsite scenario.))

2008-11-20, 07:11 AM
Skamos Daios

@Vaendor, during the week. "Something isn't right. The binding magics are just...wrong, somehow" Skamos mused. "Like somebody tied them off using the wrong knot, or something."

2008-11-20, 07:30 AM
Rigel approaches Barazuul. "Hey, Dwarven. You's a smither roight? What d'ya think about our lonely Dragoner friend? Him's the same trade as you..."

2008-11-20, 10:33 AM
After a few days and nights, Ealai has decided for certain: someone or something unidentifiable has been shadowing the settlers. He does not seek to tell the group directly, though, instead waiting until after the group has made camp and he and Rigel had finished entertaining some people. At this point, the elf surrepticiously speaks to the halfling away from prying ears. "There is something shadowing the caravan. I've seen traces of their tracks in the earth as we pass by, and it looks like they are moving to get ahead of us. Tell the others, but be discreet; we don't want to alarm the civilians or show our hand to the enemy."

2008-11-20, 10:47 AM
"Hmph, I see nothing wrong with them. Don't worry so much." With that, Vaendor leaves to met up with the dwarven family again.

Vaendor, warmed by the fire, sits back, commenting, "Skamos, the tifeling, has some issues with them as well, for some reason. They should be good soldiers, not being as fragile as we living creatures are. Especially with us backing them up. And should the worst case senario occur, their secondary ability will be quite useful."

2008-11-20, 10:56 AM

Oh, I have no doubt that their durability will come in useful, they're just hard for me to pin down in my mind, they aren't golems, but they aren't exactly living beings either. If you say they're okay I guess I'll relax a bit about them, your life is on the line her too and I'm sure you know more about the creation of such beings than I do.

2008-11-20, 11:00 AM
Rigel Marrin

Rigel listens to Ealai, and speaks. "I's got history as a... scout. My eyes ain't as sharp, maybe, as you Elvies, but I can 'old my own... I can 'elp keep a keen eye out."

Eventually Rigel joins Skamos, Kieran, and Vaendor and speaks to them. "I's ain't worried 'bout no mechie-men, boys. I's worried 'bout that Dragoner Smither fella. I've been keeping an eye on some o' our wards, and things just don't set well wit' ol' Rigel."

"I's don't think this is a simple band o' settlers..."

2008-11-20, 11:12 AM

Of course it isn't a simple band of settlers Rigel, why would a nobleman like our employer send out 20 families of upstanding citizens and workers? He pays well and doesn't seem like he's going to kill us when we finish the job, so just relax, when we get attacked we might see what these "settlers" are really made of, until then just don't turn your back on any of them for too long.

2008-11-20, 11:19 AM
Rigel Marrin

"Wit' all due respect, Kieran... I's don' turn muh back on anyone..."

2008-11-21, 02:00 AM
Still heading a bit North, the second week passes by slowly due to increased snowfall. Your pace has slowed some but not enough to deter you from continuing the expedition. With only a few weeks to spring, many settlers are still in high spirits; most of them stay warm near a fire burning in a large pot within the caravans. In the wagon carrying food, a family of Dwarves have made a small kitchen serving stew and Dwarven Stout to those who please. Nearing the end of the second week, a snowstorm approaches. As inhabitants of Weldland, even the settlers know that now is the time to make camp. Positioning the caravans to block as much of the wind and snow as possible, they begin building several fires to keep the area warm.

((At this point, we begin the campfire session two. If you like, you can include some roleplaying from the week. Also, everyone will need to make any rolls they wanted to make through the week. And, I will need to know where everyone will be when preparing camp.))

2008-11-21, 07:29 PM
In the past week, Vaendor kept an eye on the lone dragonborn Rigel mentioned, using the excuse of talking to him about smithing and such business. He pays attention to the rest of the settlers as well, talking with them and offering his services in repairing any things that might have been damaged during the trip so far.

Perception, then insight.
EDIT:Added the wrong modifier to the second roll, it should just be a +4, not a 9.

At the campfire, he'll be enjoying the dwarven stout.

2008-11-22, 01:46 AM
During the second week's travels, Ealai will continue entertaining and keeping his eyes open for signs of dangers or the things that had been following the caravan.

When the storm begins to blow up, the elf will stay at the fire closest to where he intends to sleep, where he has stowed his gear for the night, and again play for the people there.


2008-11-22, 02:26 AM
Kieran will do pretty much the same thing he did the first week, stay with the food during the day and mingle with the other travellers at night, when the storm starts he'll go listen to Ealai's (pretty bad) playing.

perception check [roll0]
insight check [roll1]

2008-11-22, 09:08 AM
Skamos Daios

Skamos will set up camp near the food.

2008-11-22, 11:04 AM

Varis still keeps to himself during the week, staying away from people for the most part. He is slightly worried about the tracks that he saw during the past week, but he does not feel concerned enough to tell anyone yet. He still stays alert for any outwardly signs of danger, but this week, he pays more attention to what others are saying and doing within the caravans themselves.

Once the storm hits, Varis stays near the campfires, watching and waiting for something to happen. Though he is surrounded by many people, he still does not talk by his choice. However, he will still reply when talked to. Once it gets very late, he will sleep by the fire for warmth and to be sure that if they are attacked in this vulnerable state that he can help protect innocents.

Perception check for things going on outside the caravan and inside of it:

Insight check for intentions within the caravan:

2008-11-22, 11:54 AM
Donal Lugh

Donal remains as he was before, not caring about the others or anything. He remains alone most of the time, although he doesn't make an effort to it; he always talks with those that talk to him. He does nothing out of the ordinary, waiting for something to happen instead.

2008-11-24, 10:43 AM
(Just realized you may have been waiting on me)

Rigel will just fool around this week, being lazy, trying to avoid his shifts, and generally only casually watching the settlers now. He has lost interest in them.

2008-11-24, 01:12 PM
Barazuul continues to avoid speaking to anyone whenever possible. Though happy to be 13 silver richer, he found then settlers too gullible to make fleecing them for coin a worthwhile way to pass the time. I suppose if the money was more, it'd be worth it.

"Why is this taking so long," Barazuul simmered as the the wintery conditions made starting a fire a little more challenging that ususal. He was starting the get uncomfortable with the cold, and he hated being uncomfortable.

"OUT OF MY WAY," the dwarf bellowed, raising his rod toward the pile of logs and kindling which had failed to light.
"INCENDIA PERPETUA!" The blast of hellfire surged from the tip of the rod and blasted the pile of timbers. The plumes of smoke that initially issued from the smoldering logs carried an otherworldly stench, when the timber failed to ignite with the infernal spark, Barazuul slammed his hand into the trunk of the fir tree next to him. His hand throbbed with ache as he scraped his knuckles on the rough bark. This pain had the desired result as the logs suddenly burst into flames, some of the tinder blown clear into the air by the explosive force of the hellish blast.

Barazuul uses Hellish Rebuke to help start the campfire.

2008-11-25, 02:04 AM
While setting up camp, the snow begins to come down hard. Torrents of flakes breeze through the caravans and sting at the face. Many of the settlers have sent their children into the wagons while they try to get fires started to make wood. Their efforts are eased by a blast of fire that comes from the abyss of snow. All of them look in shock as the smoke kindles into flames. They hand a torch to Varis and Barazuul to start the fires made between the wagons.

To Vaendor:
You approach the Dragonborn. There's not much you learn in your endeavors, other than he is secretive. You learn his name, Haldrek, and that he was once Captain of the Oakvale Guard.

To Ealai:
You listen intently while moving across the caravan. You don't learn much about a conspiracy yet you do learn that some of the settlers question why they have sent several people traveling alone. While the storm rages, you find it difficult to play your flute. Adamant about keeping spirits high, you continue to play with ice forming near the mouthpiece.

To Kieran:
You learn very little from the week. You know the settlers are cautious of your presence and question the groups motives.

To Barazuul:
Your rod flashes brightly sending flame into the fire. It hesitates for a moment then bursts into flames. While the settlers didn't quite see you ignite it, they realize you are the only one that comes into view when they hand you a torch and ask you to ignite the other fire.

To Varis:
After the fire roars into flames, they hand you a torch and ask you to set fire to the pile of wood between two wagons. You kneel down and notice similar tracks to what you've seen before... as you set fire to the logs, you realize that they aren't only recent... they are fresh.

To Rigel and Skamos:
Camping near the food, both of you are taken by surprise. Rigel, you feel a crude blade pierce into your back... you are momentarily stunned and fall to your knees. You notice a small, cloaked figure hop into the food caravan. Skamos, you feel a blade pierce the back of your leg. Falling to your knees, you also see two small, cloaked figures hop into the caravan (one from Rigel). Rigel, you take 5 points of damage. Skamos, you take 7 points of damage. You are both stunned for 1 round.

To Donal:
Choosing to opt out of the social activity, you stand near a caravan. Inside you hear children laughing, then, from behind you, you hear an unusual howl.

Battle Map:
Hopefully this works... I tried to coordinate it based on dialogue color.

2008-11-25, 02:14 AM
Battle Map:
Hopefully this works... I tried to coordinate it based on dialogue color.

What are the things lowest on the map? The two bunches of 6 things.

2008-11-25, 05:12 AM
((Those are the horses (2 for each wagon). Sorry, my first time experimenting with this map editor... didn't know how to make a legend.))

2008-11-25, 05:54 AM
Initiative [roll0]

2008-11-25, 07:35 AM
Rigel lets out a howl of surprise and pain.

(Initiative...when I can go: [roll0]

2008-11-25, 09:57 AM
Initiative - [roll0]

2008-11-25, 10:05 AM
Initiative - [roll=1d20+8[/roll]

Edit: Wups :smallredface:

2008-11-25, 10:06 AM
Initiative - [roll0]

2008-11-25, 11:06 AM
Donal Lugh

Unsheating his sword as a reaction to the strange howl, Donal gets in position, eyes wandering through the snow, trying to see the enemy.

[roll0] - Initiative

Guys, if you're going to post only to roll initiative, do it in the OOC thread....

2008-11-25, 11:30 AM
I was under the impression that our DM would rather have rolls done in the IC thread so they're all in the same place.
anyway-initiative [roll0]

2008-11-25, 01:21 PM

Seeing the fresh tracks in the snow, Varis curses under his breath in elven. Knowing that he is in a vulnerable position out here, Varis starts back towards the main fire. Suddenly he hears a scream in the darkness and realizes the creatures are attacking the caravans. He races through the snow, pulling out his swords from his backpack as he runs. He knows that he doesn't have enough time to don his leather armor and that stopping the threat is the most important objective.

"We are under attack!" Varis yells out to the group. He knew that they were from the fresh tracks in the snow and the scream, but he didn't know where the creatures were.

I figured that Varis should be able to put 2 and 2 together here. Fresh tracks that aren't from the caravan and a bloodcurdling scream should mean that they are under attack.

Initiative: [roll0]

2008-11-25, 02:22 PM
Skamos Daios

Skamos lets out a growl and rage and pain as the blade hits home, causing him to limp to one side.


So, do I have access to a weapon-weapon, or what? I figure Skamos can smuggle his wand about easy as pie, but do I have the longsword or shield on me?

Also, I'm away from my book right now so I'm at a loss to the validity/range of my combat leader feature right now, but don't forget the +2 to init rolls for those who can benefit from it!

2008-11-25, 02:40 PM
Having discarded the torch in favor of his trusty rod (and continued Hellish Rebukes aimed at the campfires), Barazuul is ready for the attack as soon as the call to arms goes up. "Ambushed. And that fool of an archduke wanted us to wander naked through the field of battle. At least there will be plenty of souls for me to siphon should the need arise," he thought, looking towards the wagons packed with travelers.

The requirement is to be within 10 squares of the warlord and to be able to hear and see him. If you can't speak at all right now, then it's likely the bonus wouldn't apply. If it does, then I haven't added it yet.

2008-11-25, 08:25 PM
Hearing a strange noise with a storm coming in, Vaendor gets on his guard, taking his rod in hand.

Picking up my rod, and making a perception check for any danger is all I'll do this round.

2008-11-25, 09:03 PM
Growling as he breaks ice from his flute for what seems the hundredth time this evening, Ealai stands and slides it back into its case, saying to the gathered listeners, "I apologize for the low quality of the music this evening. The storm is ruining more than just our travels it seems." As he finishes speaking, though, he hears Varis's call to arms. Glancing around quickly, he gasps in apparent terror before darting off away from the fire.

I'm gonna move to the other side of the easternmost wagon on the north side of camp, 5 squares right and 4 up on the map, then ready an action to call my sword to hand (swordbond class feature - standard action) if anything attacks me or an ally, including settlers and warforged, within 8 squares. Further, bluff check to appear defenseless and/or that I'm not prepared to arm myself magically.


2008-11-29, 11:26 PM
To clarify Varis' previous actions,

Minor Action 1: Draw Battlecrazed Broadsword

Minor Action 2: Draw Quick Longsword

Move Action: Move 4 to the right.

Just wondering, but how many turns/actions would putting on leather armor take?

2008-12-02, 07:07 PM
((First Round is beginning, here is an updated map. Sorry it is hard to navigate, I want to use Excel but my copy is entirely in Japanese...))

Battle Map:


Enemy Boss (Black "W" on map)
Enemy ("G" on map)
Warforged (Blue "W" on map)
Enemy Minions ("g" on map)

To Vaendor:
You look around the campsite. Through the thick snow you're unable to determine what you are up against, yet you do discern a number and notice that they currently have you surrounded.

2008-12-02, 07:14 PM
is Vaendor the only one that knows where they are or just the only one that knows how many there are?

2008-12-05, 08:06 PM
Ealai continues to dash through the storm like a terrified civilian, but when he comes upon one of the unfamiliar shapes in the blowing snow, he stops short before suddenly slashing at the creature with an unseen blade.

Assuming I'm actually aware of the minion 2 squares down and right of my current position, I'll shift down and right 1 square and use Sword Burst. If I miss, I'll then use Aegis of Shielding to mark it, otherwise my minor action goes to waste for this round.


Yay for having at-will implement powers! :smallbiggrin:

Edit: Boo for rolling kinda low! :smallfrown:

2008-12-09, 10:45 AM

So, we get assaulted now huh? Let's see how they like this!

Kieran says as he begins conjuring his power, he glances balefully at his target for a moment before unleashing a blast of energy towards it and moving to a more heavily guarded position.

minor action: place warlock's curse on W to the left of the wagon above me (I'm assuming the G's are inside the cart and not on top, otherwise switch the target to the closer one of them).
attack action: eldritch blast to same target- [roll0]
damage- [roll1] + [roll2]
move action: move between S and the green V on the map.

2008-12-11, 07:27 PM

"Ah, finally a little action." Varis says in a tone close to glee. He dashes towards the enemy in his sight, lashing out with his two swords.

Move Action: 1 left, 1 diagonal down left
Minor Action: Hunter's Quarry on the G he will be next to.
Standard Action: Twin Strike on the G he will be next to at the end of his movements
Attack 1:[roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2:[roll2]
Damage 2:[roll3]

2008-12-12, 11:04 AM
"Time for you to pay for whats you did to ol' Rigel!" Rigel shouts as he rushes at the Enemy to his left. He draws his kukri (Quick Draw) and valiantly slashes at his foe, taunting him the whole time.

moving two squares west, quick-drawing Kukri, and using Sly Flourish. I'm not sure if I get sneak attack damage, so I will roll it seperately.

Attack: [roll0]
Sneak Attack: [roll2] (if applicable)

2008-12-13, 10:56 PM
"Fly, Fools!" Skamos challenged, pulling his longsword from his bundle, and running in the direction that Rigel had gone.

((Read the following spoilers, use which best works at his turn))

If no other enemies have come into contact with Skamos yet, then he will move: SW, W, W, W, NW (jumping the firepit), and then use Viper's strike (quick draw) on the enemy.

Enemy will provoke an opportunity attack from Rigel if it shifts.

If one enemy has come into contact with Skamos, he will instead just attack one adjacent enemy with viper strike, using above rolls, but instead Skamos will be the one to take an opportunity attack.

If multiple opponents have come into melee with Skamos, he will shift one square in the direction that would put the most opponents in the thunderwave blast, and then attack them with it, provided no warforged, party members, or people are inside the blast.

Push all targets away from Skamos one square

2008-12-15, 02:59 AM
Kieran extends a hand and powerful energy springs from his palm. Snow along the ground melts in its wake as it explodes on the back of the unsuspecting enemy. Falling to the ground, he starts to lift himself back to his feet, looking back into the lone man standing near the campfire with arm outstretched.

Rigel springs to action, moving quickly through the snow that nearly covers his body. He sneaks up on a cloaked figure, slamming a kukri deep into its gut. The creature screeches in pain and hunches forward as Skamos leaps across the fire, exploiting this moment of weakness by cleaving the head from it's body. Both blood and entrails gush from the two wounds, plopping around Rigel in the snow.

Ealai charges the creature near the tree, eager to sink metal into flesh. Surprising the creature with his speed, Ealai plunges his blade through his throat, instantly killing the beast as a Warforged companion draws near.

Donal has his weapon drawn, looking closely into the thick snow. Relying closely on instinct, Donal ducks at the sound of a second howl. A large wolf-like creature springs over his head and lands near the campfire. The wolf hunches over, bearing a load that appears too heavy for atop his back is a rather large, shadowed figure in heavy winter clothes. ((Donal his attack missed and it's your go for this round.))

Varis moves to a masked villain near the caravan full of children. Catching Varis offguard, it drives a spear into Varis' shoulder (4 damage) with a scream and crouches lower to the ground not aware of the Warforged that came behind him. Varis retaliates, shouting in both pain and anger. He sinks both his blades into the creature, spilling blackish blood across the snow. The creature screeches, bracing itself against its' spear.

Across the dark, cold night the sound of battle can be heard by all. Nearly all of the civilians have run into the caravans. A select few are still moving across the site to get into a wagon with their families. One of the louder sounds ringing across the sky are deep, mechanical shouts echoing from the Warforged.

Updated Map (includes the enemies killed by Warforged):


2008-12-15, 10:13 AM
Donal Lugh

Donal gets to his feet, throwing Durandal, his sword, from one hand to the other. He stares at the wolf and the creature mounted for a minute, before jumping with a shout, descending on the enemy with a powerful slash as his blade begins to glow a faint green light.

Minor to mark the Boss with Aegis of Assault

Standart to use Greenflame Blade on the Boss;
[roll0] - Attack vs AC
[roll1] - Fire damage

2008-12-15, 02:23 PM
Vaendor jumps away from the wolf creature, wanting to keep his distance. He points his rod at Donal, focusing the arcane forces he controls and with a sonic boom, a blast of energy travels from the rod to Donal's armor, not damaging it, but infusing it with energy. A bolt of that energy jumps from the armor and strikes at the wolf.

Take a step to the upper right, using Thundering Armor on Donal. He gets a +1 to AC and I make an attack against the boss's fortitute, knocking him one square away from Donal if it hits.

2008-12-20, 10:25 PM
Pleased with the kills, Rigel says to Skamos, "I think I'm startin' to like you's..."

He then moves toward the group of enemies to the south, screaming all the while.

(Spoiler with actions)

Rigel will move SE 1, S 1, then SW 1, and use Sly Flourish on the enemy minion.

Sly Flourish: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-12-21, 12:26 PM
As his first opponent falls, Ealai turns to the Warforged at his side, commanding "You get the one by the tree! We'll handle the ones in camp!" before moving to engage the largest shadow, his blade materializing in his hand before flaring to shining life.

Move SW 3, putting me adjacent to the boss on his upper-right corner, then call my weapon with my swordbond, and finally trigger my Sunblade's at-will power (free action, now does radiant damage). My Sunblade casts bright light in a 20-square radius.