View Full Version : Interest-Gathering - My WH40k Project

Saithis Bladewing
2008-11-09, 04:43 PM
To add to the fast-growing multiplication of 40k threads...

I'm working on a project in my spare time to create a variant mod of 40k tabletop for my own entertainment. No fluff changes, non-commercial, just an adjustment of the rules. Rules changes are minor, mostly geared towards making shooty armies a little more powerful. (Yes! I dare to invoke realism! Soon I'll bring physics in and catgirls will tremble before me!)

The main modification, though, is the rules of Space Marines (and by extension their Chaos brethren), which I'm seeking to completely rebuild from the ground up. All races will be re-evaluated in light of my personal interpretation of the fluff behind the game, but Space Marines will see the most drastic change under the system I'm working on. They would, in essence, become an army of heroes, as opposed to an army of very tough heavy infantry. A single space marine would be worth more than entire squad of guardsmen, equippable from the armoury, and able to pick targets independently of its squad.

Where I fall a little bit is assigning points costs to equipment and units, and as that's the main feature of balance, I may need a little help with it...

The other, larger aim of this is that, once I have it in a playable state, I'm interested in running something similar to a Let's Play! with it. A series of battle reports and writing from a campaign run and played out by me, but with limited input from readers as to how to it will progress. While the battles would be played out primarily by me, a number of decisions would be left for the readers to put sway on, such as the general tactic to use during a battle, or what people would rather see the army gain as reinforcements. The 'protagonist' army would likely see development and change from battle to battle, growing and shrinking based on their performance in previous missions and finding opportunities to pick up allies, unique equipment, follow a variety of campaign paths and pick and choose their tactical and strategic decisions in a system-wide battle for dominance. So like the Dawn of War campaign, but I envision it as being far better due to the increased flexibility.

What I want to know is, if I decide to run this in the PbP section, will I be wasting my time, or will people actually be interested? And if so, can I expect any help from some of our veterans in determining 'fair' points costs? I expect plenty of criticism from players concerning some of my choices concerning Space Marine power levels, but it's my interpretation of the fluff, so nyah to people who disagree. :smallwink:

2008-11-09, 05:08 PM
You may want to look up the Movie Marines stats, which do exactly what you're looking for.

I have no real experience playing 40k, but I'd definitely be interested in a Let's Play with it.

Saithis Bladewing
2008-11-09, 05:24 PM
If I had some access to the Movie Marines stats, I'd do so, but I have no idea where they might be. I don't doubt their interpretation probably differs from mine, but it doesn't mean I can't take a lesson or two from it... :P

I can't say if it'd be a true Let's Play! in every sense, it would be quite interactive, and it probably wouldn't be TOO comical (though orks always present opportunities for comedy).

2008-11-09, 05:47 PM
Look in the Media 40K discussion (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95754) and PM one of the guys there - they may be able to point you in the right direction as they were talking about Movie Marines in the thread (or the previous one)

2008-11-10, 01:52 PM
here's an idea: when somebody gets charged the charged unit can unleash a volley of shots, with the caveat that they then must make a throw using their initiative to make CC attacks. for example, subtract initiative from 10, and thats what you must roll on a d6 to shoot and fight. assault weapons and pistols do not require a roll.

Inhuman Bot
2008-11-10, 05:54 PM
Movie marines are in whaite dwarf issue 300.

Good luck finding it.

2008-11-10, 06:08 PM
here's an idea: when somebody gets charged the charged unit can unleash a volley of shots, with the caveat that they then must make a throw using their initiative to make CC attacks. for example, subtract initiative from 10, and thats what you must roll on a d6 to shoot and fight. assault weapons and pistols do not require a roll.

Forge World's rules for fighting in complexes (see Imperial Armour IV) already include rules for standing and firing when charged. Essentially, a unit forgoes its close combat attacks to fire all their weapons, with some restrictions on what can be used. Though the rules are supposed to apply to Aliens battles in furturistic complexes, specifically Terminators vs. Genestealers, it would not be too difficult to apply them to 40k in general.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-11-10, 06:13 PM
I have no real experience playing 40k, but I'd definitely be interested in a Let's Play with it.

I was actually thinking about a Let's Play with Dawn of War. The thing is, I don't know if I'd do DoW, Winter Assault, Dark Crusade or SoulStorm.

And if the Playground votes for one of the last two and an Army I'm horrible with using *cough*Necrons*cough*, I can't garuntee fun factor.

Plus, I'd need to figure out how to take multiple screenshots. The only method I know is Print Screen, open Paint, Paste, Save.

Saithis Bladewing
2008-11-10, 06:22 PM
I was actually thinking about a Let's Play with Dawn of War. The thing is, I don't know if I'd do DoW, Winter Assault, Dark Crusade or SoulStorm.

And if the Playground votes for one of the last two and an Army I'm horrible with using *cough*Necrons*cough*, I can't garuntee fun factor.

Plus, I'd need to figure out how to take multiple screenshots. The only method I know is Print Screen, open Paint, Paste, Save.

Printscreen automatically saves screenshots in the 'Screenshots' folder of your Dawn of War folder. :P .jpeg's in the resolution you've set your game to. Photoshop/GIMP to taste.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-11-10, 06:59 PM
Problem with that is, I cannot find aforementioned screenshots folder.

Saithis Bladewing
2008-11-10, 07:09 PM
Try taking a screenshot first, then look?

It's right there, seriously...shouldn't be hard.

C:\...\Dawn of War\ScreenShots (as an example)

Thanatos 51-50
2008-11-10, 07:59 PM
ITs... um... Not there. I've even pulled a search for"Screenshots" on my C drive and come up with nothing. Ran through a quick game to take some, even. Spent more time hitting Print Screen than killing Tau.

Nowhere to be seen.

Bavarian itP
2008-11-11, 02:52 AM
here's an idea: when somebody gets charged the charged unit can unleash a volley of shots, with the caveat that they then must make a throw using their initiative to make CC attacks. for example, subtract initiative from 10, and thats what you must roll on a d6 to shoot and fight. assault weapons and pistols do not require a roll.

I wouldn't even bother with such things as stand&shot. Just make the turn sequence unit after unit, not player after player. Then you have your shooting before being assaulted.