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Zeta Kai
2008-11-10, 09:00 AM
Vote Up a Campaign Setting (3E/4E)
Yes, we’re actually doing this. For real. This is either going to be the best thing since sliced bread, or a complete disaster. Our goal here is to let the forum members vote on various aspects of a campaign setting, & then craft the results into a cohesive whole. We know that this sounds insane, but we’re willing to give it a try anyway.

But this isn’t a project for anyone to tackle alone. A team has been assembled from crazed volunteers, willing to dedicate their homebrewing talents & stake their reputations on this project turning out to be awesome. Here are the poor souls foolish enough to take this on:

3rd Edition Expert/Fluff-Master

4th Edition Expert

Zeta Kai
3rd Edition Expert/Cartographer

The results from this project will be usable in either 3rd Edition or 4th Edition, as we will be providing content for both. Wish us luck, & tell your friends to vote.

Here are links to previous VUA contests, & the resulting creations:
Vote Up a Monster (3.X) #1 by Zeta Kai
Result: the Gatekeeper

Vote Up a Monster (3.X) #2 by Zeta Kai
Result: the Deus ex Machina

Vote Up a Monster (3.X) #3 by Zeta Kai
Result: the Ectoplasmic Swarm

Vote Up a Monster (3.X) #4 by Zeta Kai
Result: the Polymental

Vote Up a Monster (4E) #1 by Shadow_Elf
Result: the Songbird Spirit

Vote Up a Monster (4E) #2 by Shadow_Elf
Result: Pending

Vote Up a Villain (3.X) #1 by afroakuma
Result: the Maiden’s Weeping/Swain of Varrone

Vote Up a Villain (3.X) #2 by afroakuma
Result: the Caillteanas

Vote Up a Villain (3.X) #3 by afroakuma
Result: Dandag the Quiet

Here are the official VUACS Rules for Voting™. Please read these, as a violation may result in your vote not being counted:
Only a single vote per person per aspect is allowed. Multiple voting will not be counted. In some cases, voters can select multiple options, but voting again will not be allowed. This could probably have gone unsaid, but it’s nice to clarify it for everyone’s benefit.
Please only vote for the options provided. Write-in options are largely discouraged. In exchange, I will offer a wide variety of options, including a few that would normally be impossible, given the previously-chosen aspects. Exceptions will be noted, when/if appropriate.
Please do not criticize or disparage the votes of other forum members. Let the votes fall where they may. It’s a campaign setting, & as such, there will be room enough for everyone’s opinions. So just be patient, & allow other voters to voice their own opinions.
Suggestions for different aspects are allowed, but any major suggestions will have to be voted upon, so be advised that anything you offer could be voted down by others.
Changing of votes is discouraged, but permissible. If you must change your vote, please let us know that you are doing so, & what your original vote was. We tally votes often, to keep post #1 up to date, & it’s hard enough to keep track of which posts haven’t been tallied yet.
If your vote cannot be tallied due to violation of any of these rules, We will post to inform you of that before voting ends. We will also ask you to modify your vote, so that it may be changed.
Unless otherwise stated, each poll's result will be winner-takes-all. We will sometimes take "popular losers" & work them in somewhere, but the winner of each poll will get the most attention in the crafting of the setting.
We are soliciting votes on a number of aspects on this campaign setting. Here are the aspects, in order:

Genre: Arabian Nights/Desert Fantasy

Classic/Low Fantasy|0
Epic/High Fantasy|3
Arabian Nights/Desert Fantasy|20
Age of Sail/Pirate Fantasy|1
Sci-fi Fantasy|0
Space Opera Science Fiction|1
Cyberpunk Science Fiction|0
Realistic Medieval|1
Stone Age/Ice Age|2[/table]

Thematic Priorities: Mystique/Travel/Tradition/Multiculturalism/Classic Threats/Fate & Destiny

Multiculturalism: segregation of diverse cultures in close geographical proximity|104
Mystique: genies, priests & sorcerers, talking trees & animals|156
Tradition: kingdoms & caliphates, bazaars & caravans|115
Travel: journeys out of known lands to places of wonder|127
Classic Threats: undead, vicious giant beasts, vengeful godspawn|101
Fate & Destiny: self-fulfilling prophecies, divinations, causation & coincidence|89[/table]

Magic Level: Moderate

{table=head]Magic Level|Votes
Very Low/Realistic|1
Very High/Fantastic|7
Out of Control|0[/table]

PC Races: Half-Djinn, Lizardfolk, Genasi, Half-Ghul, & Gnoll

Camelfolk (NEW)|7
Half-Djinn (NEW)|36
Half-Ghul (NEW)|24

Human Percentage: 50%

{table=head]Human Percentage|Votes

Primary Antagonists: Use of Magic

{table=head]Primary Antagonists|Votes
Religious Cults|4
Evil Empires|0
Civil Wars|6
Humanoid Hordes|0
Monstrous Hordes (yuan-ti, harpies, gargoyles, etc.)|1
Demonic Forces (tieflings, ghuls, devils, etc.)|0
Environment (predators, harsh weather, etc.)|3
Gods (uncaring, hateful, capricious etc.)|12
Use of Magic|15[/table]

Geography: Few Large Continents

Single SuperContinent|4
Paired SuperContinents|7
Few Large Continents|17
Many Small Continents|11
Many Large Islands|2
Myriad Small Islands|1[/table]

Primary Religion: One Single God

{table=head]Religion (Examples)|Votes
No Gods (Atheism/Buddhism/Jainism)|9
One Single God (Christianity/Islam/Judaism/Sikhism/Bahá'í)|17
Yin/Yang Gods (Zoroastrianism/Daoism)|0
Triumvirate (Hindu Trimurti)|7
Divine-Mortal Lineage (State Shinto)|1
Pantheon (Core D&D/Greco-Roman/Egyptian/Norse)|4
Infinite Gods (Hinduism/Shintoism)|16[/table]

Cosmology: Yin/Yang Planes

One Single Plane|3
Yin/Yang Planes|12
Nested Realities|5
Islands in a Stormy Sea|9
Great Wheel of Planes|0
Infinite Possibilities|4
Parallel Universes|5[/table]

Politics: City-States

One Global Empire|5
Multiple Large Empires|3
Many Large Nations|1
Myriad Small Nations|2
Mixed Large/Small Nations|3
Nomadic Cultures|1[/table]

Advanced Classes: Alchemist, Dervish, Geomancer, Djinn Lord, Master of the Wastes, & Pharaoh

{table=head]Low-Level Prestige Classes/Paragon Paths|Votes
Ritual Magus|7
Ritual Warrior|4
Sacred Pilgrim|2
Sand Magus|13
{table=head]High-Level Prestige Classes/Epic Destinies|Votes
Djinn Lord|21
Dread Invoker|6
Master of the Wastes|21

Setting Title: Hourglass of God

Arabian Knights|0
Desert Blood|4
Hourglass of God|15
Sands of Mystery|1
Sands of Mystique|3
Yet Another Night|4[/table]

Voting is now concluded. The brainstorming session is over. Afroakuma will post the teaser at his convenience. Thank you all for contributing.

2008-11-10, 09:20 AM
Here I go!
I vote for Age of Sail/Pirate Fantasy!

2008-11-10, 09:23 AM
Well, lots of good options, but I'll have to go with steampunk. There just isn't enough steampunk stuff.


Thane of Fife
2008-11-10, 09:25 AM
The results from this project will be usable in either 3rd Edition or 4th Edition, as we will be providing content for both.

Where's the older edition love?

2008-11-10, 09:38 AM
Nonexistant. Sorry to you older folks. The fluff will be usable, but there will be no statting out for earlier editions.

Zeta Kai
2008-11-10, 09:40 AM
Nonexistant. Sorry to you older folks. The fluff will be usable, but there will be no statting out for earlier editions.

Agreed. We'll have our hands full with only 2 rulesets.

BTW, votes tallied.

2008-11-10, 09:47 AM
Steampunk. Because the idea of a steampunk setting done by such all-stars just makes me feel happy inside.

2008-11-10, 09:50 AM
Pssh. You just voted that because Void Palm wasn't an option.

2008-11-10, 09:54 AM
Steam Punk, because I really like it.

2008-11-10, 09:54 AM
Epic/High Fantasy. I'm not fond of steampunk or pirates, and like half the options don't really stand a chance I feel >_>

2008-11-10, 09:55 AM
This could very well be the most awesome thing ever. Its actually a very good way to go about making a setting, when you think about it.

Anyways, my vote goes to Arabian Nights because I have a weakness for genies, ifrits, mysterious desert hermits and harem oufits :smalltongue:

2008-11-10, 09:56 AM
Pssh. You just voted that because Void Palm wasn't an option.


Please, for the love of all that is righteous and holy, tell me that I can make that a write-in.

I just have this mental picture of a world where everyone and everything is a ninja...

2008-11-10, 09:58 AM
Steam Punk, though the harem outfits comment was almost enough for me to vote Arabian nights.:smallwink:

2008-11-10, 09:59 AM
I love you guys.


2008-11-10, 10:00 AM

Please, for the love of all that is righteous and holy, tell me that I can make that a write-in.

I just have this mental picture of a world where everyone and everything is a ninja...

Terribly sorry, streakster, but write-ins aren't going to be accepted. Not during this part, at least.

Inyssius Tor
2008-11-10, 10:08 AM
The winner will of course be steampunk, and I am totally cool with that, but my vote will instead go to space opera science fiction.

Saint Nil
2008-11-10, 10:13 AM
Epic/High Fantasy
Idea-why don't we vote a main genre and a minor genre, and combine them for fluff, and we vote for the minor one next?
Changing, new post has new vote.

2008-11-10, 10:14 AM
The winner will of course be steampunk, and I am totally cool with that, but my vote will instead go to space opera science fiction.

Nothing's even remotely determined yet. VUAV just saw a major come-from-behind vote. This one's been open for maybe an hour.

Inyssius Tor
2008-11-10, 10:16 AM
Idea-why don't we vote a main genre and a minor genre, and combine them for fluff, and we vote for the minor one next?

He's an ice-age steampunk barbarian! She's a faux-Arabic cyberpunk swashbuckler! They fight crime!

Seriously though, that sounds like a pretty good idea.

2008-11-10, 10:17 AM
Wjhile the idea to build a realistically medieval system with a D&D rule base is by far the most interesting option in this list, it sadly will have no majority.
Instead I vote for an Arabian Nights setting, more exotic and fascinating than most other options and less overdone or intelligence-insulting than steam punk.

2008-11-10, 10:23 AM
I would also go with realistic medieval, but I guess Arabian Nights will do.

2008-11-10, 10:24 AM
I have yet to see a truly great Steampunk setting, and I hope it wins ^_^

However, if High Fantasy wins, I'm going to devote the rest of this contest into making it devolve into satire. High Fantasy = Epic Failure (IMHO)

2008-11-10, 10:24 AM
Epic/High Fantasy
Steampunk, seems to Eberron, and I rather Eberron have no competition in my heart :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-10, 10:35 AM
Stone/Ice Age.

Of all of the ones on the list, that's the least done.

2008-11-10, 10:36 AM
Humm, I guess I'd vote for classic/ low fantasy, but since it doesn't seem to stand a chance, my vote is Arabian Nights/Desert Fantasy, which is also pretty awesome :smallbiggrin:

Zeta Kai
2008-11-10, 10:44 AM
However, if High Fantasy wins, I'm going to devote the rest of this contest into making it devolve into satire. High Fantasy = Epic Failure (IMHO)

Well, I'm glad that someone here is willing to sabotage all of our efforts if the votes don't go his way. That makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside. :smallsigh:

As for the Stone age, it doesn't get much love, & there's probably a reason for that, but we thought we'd give it a chance anyway.

BTW, all votes tallied.

Saint Nil
2008-11-10, 10:47 AM
Just wondering, will we do the main and minor thing? Because a steampunk arabian fantasy would be awesome. Still hoping for arabian, pirate, or epic fantasy though.

Zeta Kai
2008-11-10, 10:50 AM
Just wondering, will we do the main and minor thing? Because a steampunk arabian fantasy would be awesome. Still hoping for arabian, pirate, or epic fantasy though.

No, I think we'll try to be faithful to one genre instead of kitbashing a kitchen-sink-campaign. There'll be plenty of time for this project to go off the rails, but for now, we're not taking suggestions of that sort. Sorry.

Saint Nil
2008-11-10, 10:52 AM
Oh well, thanks for making a caimpaign setting at least. How long will voting last?

2008-11-10, 10:57 AM
Well, I'm glad that someone here is willing to sabotage all of our efforts if the votes don't go his way. That makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside. :smallsigh:

As for the Stone age, it doesn't get much love, & there's probably a reason for that, but we thought we'd give it a chance anyway.

BTW, all votes tallied.

I must admit, I can share the sentiment.

High fantasy has been done to death, and while it can be good/interesting, I would much rather do something else.

2008-11-10, 11:36 AM
High fantasy has been done to death, and while it can be good/interesting, I would much rather do something else.

This is quite valid, and may make people (perhaps unconsciously) try to sabotage the voting. It might (read: probably will) do me, unless it turns me completely off.

For voting, steampunk didn't work last I checked (Arcanum). Therefore I'm gonna vote Arabian Nights. Just remember that the original tales aren't even remotely kid friendly.

Zeta Kai
2008-11-10, 11:36 AM
How long will voting last?

As long as necessary. :smallwink: Honestly, since none of us has made a campaign setting in this manner before, we're not sure how long it will take to narrow down the choices. We'll just keep plugging away until it's done, I guess. I image that each option will have about 24 hours or so before we declare a victor, if that helps.

2008-11-10, 11:40 AM
This is quite valid, and may make people (perhaps unconsciously) try to sabotage the voting. It might (read: probably will) do me, unless it turns me completely off.

For voting, steampunk didn't work last I checked (Arcanum). Therefore I'm gonna vote Arabian Nights. Just remember that the original tales aren't even remotely kid friendly.

I do my homework, cnsvnc, never fear. Look at the previous Vote Up A Villain. They voted fairy, I gave them a Celtic-inspired babystealer.

2008-11-10, 11:45 AM
Hey, hey, I'm not sabotaging voting if it doesn't go my way, I'm sabotaging voting if it goes one, very specific way.

Inyssius Tor
2008-11-10, 11:51 AM
Besides, I'm not sure that a hopeless plunge into self-parody should necessarily be called sabotage. I mean, doesn't ludicrous self-parody comprise the entirety of the Steampunk genre?

Zeta Kai
2008-11-10, 11:52 AM
Hey, hey, I'm not sabotaging voting if it doesn't go my way, I'm sabotaging voting if it goes one, very specific way.

Oh, goodie. Well, I can sleep peacefully now, know that the terrorists are only gonna blow up the civic center if that one guy wins the election. :smallannoyed:

Votes are tallied.

2008-11-10, 12:07 PM
Hey, hey, I'm not sabotaging voting if it doesn't go my way, I'm sabotaging voting if it goes one, very specific way.

That is still rather childish and against the spirit of the whole thing, in my opinion.

High Fantasy has been done to death...so if it wins, why not vote to make it better? More unique?

2008-11-10, 12:12 PM
Steampunk for the win!

2008-11-10, 12:17 PM
...Steampunk lol

2008-11-10, 12:36 PM
Victo SPunk all the way. (Lol...Ess Punk...)

2008-11-10, 12:51 PM
As much as I want a solid sci-fi option to show up one of these days in homebrew, it's likely not going to win, and to be honest with you this Desert Fantasy option actually intrigues me more. And it's not just because I was recently trying to come up with a post-apocalyptic campaign so I could have Desert Elves. No sir, not a bit. (And yes, I realize it's more Arabian-Nights inspired and not post-apocalyptic, but that actually sounds even cooler to me. And we still get to finally get those Elves out of their trees.)

That, and steampunk seems overdone to me.

2008-11-10, 01:37 PM
western frontier in all likelihood it wont win but I'm voting based off of what I want, and the dustlands doesn't look like it is getting finished anytime soon, and that makes me sad. Although arabian nights sounds promising.

2008-11-10, 01:44 PM
Steampunk all the way.

2008-11-10, 01:51 PM
Awww, no love for pirates :smallfrown:

2008-11-10, 01:51 PM
Perhaps some other time, Luean.

Or perhaps even this time. There's still a ways to go before this contest is called.

Fiery Justice
2008-11-10, 02:14 PM
I'd have to go with Arabian Nights.

2008-11-10, 02:18 PM
Here one (and probably the only) vote for a realistic medieval setting.

Thane of Fife
2008-11-10, 02:19 PM
I'll vote for the Low Fantasy option, then, I suppose.

2008-11-10, 02:29 PM
High Fantasy has been done to death...so if it wins, why not vote to make it better? More unique?

Like someone else already said, voting to make it a satire/self-parody would be more unique, I think.

Zeta Kai
2008-11-10, 02:32 PM
Boy, the votes are quite diverse. It's good to know that so many genres have a loyal fanbase.

Votes tallied.

2008-11-10, 02:35 PM
Steampunk...IN ROME!!!

I remember brainstorming for this a while ago. Guess that thread just died out.

2008-11-10, 02:41 PM
Victorian/Steampunk for me... I want to see what crazed steam-powered vehicles of destruction you guys can make... :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-10, 03:52 PM
Put me down for Arabian Nights/Desert Fantasy.

2008-11-10, 03:58 PM
Really impressed by the diversity of this one. I hope the result will be satisfactory to all.

2008-11-10, 04:27 PM
Really impressed by the diversity of this one. I hope the result will be satisfactory to all.

hope, but you don't actually expect it, do you?

2008-11-10, 04:36 PM

2008-11-10, 06:10 PM
Hey, way I see it, even if Victorian/Steampunk wins, we can always push it more towards "Victorian" than Steampunk. Something similar to the Victorian era, with its empires and racism and violence, would make an excellent backdrop for a fantasy game.

2008-11-10, 06:17 PM
Whats wrong with steampunk? And also, there's no reason why steampunk and fantasy can't coinside. That is unless the people running this say it can't...


2008-11-10, 06:24 PM
I am torn between steam punk which I like and Stone age/Ice age which gets my vote but withe reservations. I have wanted a stone age game sense the first game i played on these forums (it was one but it fell through)

2008-11-10, 06:26 PM
Whats wrong with steampunk? And also, there's no reason why steampunk and fantasy can't coinside. That is unless the people running this say it can't...


Steam punk is good. Fantasy is good. Steam punk fantasy ... not so good, or rather, much harder to pull off I have seen it done well

2008-11-10, 06:29 PM
hope, but you don't actually expect it, do you?

Yes, actually, I do. Why would I doubt Zeta or Shadow? Or myself, for that matter? We wouldn't offer these options if we felt they were going to be complete bombs.

2008-11-10, 06:49 PM
Wow. WOW. Way to have far too excellent a choice there, Zeta.

Even though I absolutely adore both pirates and steampunk, I'm voting for
Arabian Nights/Desert Fantasy, because it sounds super awesome.

2008-11-10, 06:54 PM
steampunk, this brought my attention

2008-11-10, 07:14 PM
You sure you won't allow arabian steampunk? Votes seem to be going there.

2008-11-10, 07:29 PM
"Aladdin, the tunnel is about to collapse!"

"Oh no! Hurry, Jasmine, jump on the skimmer! Abu, let's go!"

The monkey pulls down his goggles and starts up the sandskimmer. Before the Tiger's Maw finally collapses, all three are long gone with the Genie's Lamp and the clockwork beetle of Jafar.

2008-11-10, 07:37 PM
I'm definitely voting Steampunk also, cuz I want to see how it works out.

2008-11-10, 07:37 PM
I cannot be held accountable for any Arabian elements that pop up in the final development.

2008-11-10, 08:50 PM
This is both exciting and frustrating. We seem to be losing ground here. I'm sure a steampunk setting created by you fine folks would indeed be awesome, but I feel the need to point out that there already are Steampunk Campaign Settings in existence. To this point, I've never actually seen a campaign setting based off of Arabian Nights/Desert Fantasy, and I'd hate to see such a possibility go to waste.

And somehow I doubt you folks will be doing another one of these VUACSes (or at least not for quite a while) considering the monumentous amount of work that's sure to be involved.

I felt the need to voice my opinion, but if anyone sees this as an attempt at sabotage or as me overstepping my boundaries (which isn't my intention) I'm willing to delete/edit this post if needed.

Saint Nil
2008-11-10, 08:55 PM
Arabian Nights/Desert Fantasy
My first choice seems to have little chance, so I'm switching to something that has a good chance of winning that I still like.

2008-11-10, 08:55 PM
*shrug* Zeta or Shadow may care; I do not.

This is both exciting and frustrating. We seem to be losing ground here. I'm sure a steampunk setting created by you fine folks would indeed be awesome, but I feel the need to point out that there already are Steampunk Campaign Settings in existence. To this point, I've never actually seen a campaign setting based off of Arabian Knights/Desert Fantasy, and I'd hate to see such a possibility go to waste.

I'm not aware of a full Steampunk setting, unless you're referring to what I think you're referring to.

As to an Arabic setting, I direct you to Al Qadim.

And somehow I doubt you folks will be doing another one of these VUACSes (or at least not for quite a while) considering the monumentous amount of work that's sure to be involved.

That is certainly true. Heck, we're conferencing over setting details right now, without even the prelim vote completed!

2008-11-10, 09:02 PM
I say western. I've loved fantasy western since the dark tower.

Flame of Anor
2008-11-10, 09:19 PM
I mean, doesn't ludicrous self-parody comprise the entirety of the Steampunk genre?

...No. No, it doesn't. Not even the majority. Just because Steampunks are (in general) non-emo, over-the-top, willing to laugh at themselves, mechanically improbable, and historically unrealistic, does NOT mean that we are ludicrous self-parodists. I'm sure some are, but, if you think all are, you are really missing something and I'm sorry for you.

Steampunk...IN ROME!!!




That is the most epic win I have ever heard! I'm (figuratively) drooling about it! Do. Want.

I let my mind wander...and I see giant iron-and-brass steam-powered self-propelled battering rams, SPQR embossed on their sides, rolling inexorably toward stone walls with unnecessary (but cool) brass accents, barely missed or crushed to bits by the stones hurled by Archimedes' latest device...I have to stop or I'll go crazy with the coolness.

Steam punk is good. Fantasy is good. Steam punk fantasy ... not so good, or rather, much harder to pull off I have seen it done well

Yes, while my vote is for steampunk, I'm sure I don't want to see too much magic.

2008-11-10, 09:22 PM
Arabian Nights/Desert Fantasy

I've never seen this before.

As for steam punk... it's been overdone.

2008-11-10, 09:23 PM
Consider my vote thrown in for Steampunk, because anything you make I can easily throw into my homebrewed steampunk cowboy samurai setting.:smallbiggrin:

I would have voted Western if it was doing well.

2008-11-10, 09:24 PM

2008-11-10, 09:51 PM
*throws vote in with something that has a vague chance of winning*

Arabian Nights/Desert Fantasy

Don't get me wrong, I love steampunk, but it's slowly becoming popular to the point of overused (sort of like high fantasy).

EDIT: My vote was originally for Ice/Stone Age.

Thane of Fife
2008-11-10, 10:00 PM
I would also like to change my vote to something useful - from Low Fantasy to Arabian Nights / Desert Fantasy.

Since so many people seem to like Steampunk, however, I will point out that Strolen's Citadel (http://www.strolen.com/) is currently holding a Steampunk quest. I believe they've gotten about 12 entries in the week the quest has been running.

If you're interested in ideas (or just cool, system-generic stuff), I'd highly recommend checking it out.

Zeta Kai
2008-11-10, 10:18 PM
My first choice seems to have little chance, so I'm switching to something that has a good chance of winning that I still like.

In the future, please denote what your original vote was, as per Voting Rule #5.

BTW, all votes are tallied.

2008-11-10, 10:35 PM
Whats wrong with steampunk? And also, there's no reason why steampunk and fantasy can't coinside. That is unless the people running this say it can't...There are good steampunk settings; Iron Kingdoms is pretty steampunk. Unfortunately, steampunk elements have wormed their way into a large number of different settings. Both Eberron and Forgotten Realms contain steampunk elements.

I just feel steampunk is too overdone, and doesn't really have much to offer on its own. Even Iron Kingdoms wouldn't lose too much if you took out most of its steampunk elements (the warjacks in particular). Something pseudo-Victorian might be new and interesting.

2008-11-10, 11:13 PM
Arabian Nights/Desert Fantasy because Steampunk is so darn overdone, and I've always wanted to run a Desert Campaign. :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-11, 02:46 AM
Arabian Nights/Desert Fantasy. Arabian Nights and stuff is cool. Bring on the rocs! Hmm, if Desert and Steampunk comes pretty close, wonder if we will see some kind of mix?

Steampunk isn't that bad if it's done right, but I still prefer more traditional fantasy. And deserts.

2008-11-11, 02:48 AM
Actually I'm going to pull my vote from Steampunk and add it to the Arabian thing. I want to see something new. Steampunk is the sort of thing you add to a setting rather than basing a setting around it.

2008-11-11, 02:58 AM
Actually I'm going to pull my vote from Steampunk and add it to the Arabian thing. I want to see something new. Steampunk is the sort of thing you add to a setting rather than basing a setting around it.

I pretty much agree with that.

2008-11-11, 05:54 AM
i vote for Arabian/desert fantasy steampunk is just not my cup of tea
spellpunk on the other hand

edit: oh, good luck and thanks for doing this

Lord Mancow
2008-11-11, 06:09 AM
High Fantasy!

Tippyverse here we come!

2008-11-11, 06:31 AM
I cast my vote on arabian night/desert fantasy.

2008-11-11, 06:34 AM
Steampunk...in ROME!

NeoRome, my entry for the last Setting Design Contest (the results for which we are still waiting on...like that's gonna happen any time soon). It was set in Constantinople in a Rome that never fell, where the circus freaks moved in and decided they didn't want to leave. Also, they have steam stuff and some weird technology (like crazy alchemy with freezing potions and whatnot).

2008-11-11, 06:43 AM
There seems to be some confusion as to what Steampunk actually is;

A Steampunk setting is any setting where the maximum level of technology is set at the steam engine. However, the PRACTICAL level usually far exceeds this, because Steampunk settings LOVE mad scientists. Steampunk tends to be wryly humorous, dark without being grim, and has plenty of room for things like gunmen (Black Powder Mage FTW!) alongside mages.

Currently, there are NO settings like that endorsed by WotC. Eberron isn't even Steampunk; it's Fantasy Noir.

2008-11-11, 06:45 AM
I'm going to cast my vote for Desert Fantasy. I'd really like to see what you guys can do with that, and I think I'd enjoy playing it as well.


2008-11-11, 06:54 AM
I rarely post but I really like the idea of voting for a campaigne setting.

I cast my vote for Desert fantasy !

Zeta Kai
2008-11-11, 09:06 AM
The votes are in, & Arabian Nights/Desert Fantasy wins with a come-from-behind victory! To take a line from my partner, Afro, we take no responsibility for any steampunk elements that sneak into this setting.

So next, I need you guys (& girls) to vote on the setting’s Themes. In this particular poll, we’ll need you to put the themes in order, from the most important to you to the least important to you. For example, if you like adventure & action, you might vote Threats/Travel/Mystique/Multiculturalism/Fate/Tradition. Votes will be tallied regularly. Don’t forget to peruse the voting rules. Thank you for voting.

Thematic Priorities
Multiculturalism: segregation of diverse cultures in close geographical proximity
Mystique: genies, priests & sorcerers, talking trees & animals
Tradition: kingdoms & caliphates, bazaars & caravans
Travel: journeys out of known lands to places of wonder
Classic Threats: undead, vicious giant beasts, vengeful godspawn
Fate/Destiny: self-fulfilling prophecies, divinations, causation & coincidence[/table]

2008-11-11, 09:15 AM
My votes for:
[B] Tradition
Classic Threats

An Arabian Nights setting shouzld mostly look and feel like the original source. i offer vgeat affection and worship when it is completely based on the historical setting, with added supernatural elements (bacuase an allaince of Muslim outriders, Christian knight templars and Jewish cabalists against the demons of the desert would just be awesome).

And yes, I seem too stupid to read and understand the voting procedure.

2008-11-11, 09:16 AM
I vote for Mystique/Classic Threats/Travel/Fate/Tradition/Multiculturalism in this order >_>

And i want sand pirates!

2008-11-11, 09:24 AM
I vote in this order! :smallbiggrin:

Classic Threats

2008-11-11, 09:26 AM
I'm going to have to go with Multiculturalism/Tradition/Classic Threats/Mystique/Travel/Fate.

2008-11-11, 09:28 AM
Oooo this is interesting let's see

--->Classic Threats

Zeta Kai
2008-11-11, 09:35 AM
My vote for Tradition.

This vote is incomplete. Please vote for all aspects, in order from most important to least important. Thank you.

All votes are tallied.

2008-11-11, 09:43 AM
All votes are tallied.

Uh... no they aren't.

2008-11-11, 10:01 AM
Uh... no they aren't.

Yes, they are. Page 1 :smallwink:

2008-11-11, 10:01 AM
They certainly seem to be, Cyclone. I don't see a flaw...

Human Paragon 3
2008-11-11, 10:12 AM
Classic Threats

"Classic Threats" should be lowest on the list because out of these aspects, it is the one that will least define what makes this setting unique. Mystique is #1 in my book because that is the element that will give this land it's unique, magical flavor. Fate/Destiny ranked 2nd because I feel it's a theme with some real meat, and feels more thematic than most of the other aspects.

2008-11-11, 10:22 AM
Classic Threats

this is my vote

2008-11-11, 10:35 AM
Classic Threats

2008-11-11, 10:35 AM
Classic Threats

With as much steampunk as you can get away with. :smallwink:

2008-11-11, 10:42 AM
Mystique/Multiculturalism/Tradition/Fate n' Prophecy/Travel/Traditional Threats

In that order, with mystique being highest.

2008-11-11, 10:43 AM
Classic Threats

2008-11-11, 10:47 AM
Oh hey, the arabian arabian nights genre won :smallbiggrin:

My votes are for:

1- Travel
2- Mystique
3- Classic Threats
4- Tradition
5- Fate/Destiny
6- Multiculturalism

2008-11-11, 10:48 AM
Hard to choose but I will go with:

6.Classic Threats

Inyssius Tor
2008-11-11, 10:59 AM
Classic Threats:

Zeta Kai
2008-11-11, 11:28 AM
"Classic Threats" should be lowest on the list because out of these aspects, it is the one that will least define what makes this setting unique.

Oh, I dunno, the kind of enemies that you're facing can add a lot of flavor to a campaign setting. A Greco-Roman setting would probably have cyclopes [sic], pegasi, gryphons, etc. An Oriental adventure would most likely feature oni, lung dragons, & hopping vampires. In this setting, I wouldn't be surprised to see genies, ghouls, demons, & such. If the original 1,001 Nights is used accurately, we'll see a surprising amount of robots, believe it or not.

BTW, vote are tallied.

2008-11-11, 11:34 AM
Awesome, Arabian Nights it is!


Classical Threats

2008-11-11, 11:38 AM
1. Tradition (I've always been a fan of mannerpunk.)
2. Multiculturalism (I mean, Aladdin was Chinese.)
3. Mystique
4. Fate
5. Travel (What a nice campaign setting. Let's go somewhere else.)
6. Classic Threats (Okay, so we beat the giant animals, the undead, the aberrations, the demons, the devils, the gods, and the plants. What's left?)

2008-11-11, 12:15 PM
Multicultural/Mystice/Travel/Traditon/Clasic/Fate FTW

Thane of Fife
2008-11-11, 12:31 PM

That sounds good to me.

2008-11-11, 12:51 PM

2008-11-11, 01:28 PM
Oh, I dunno, the kind of enemies that you're facing can add a lot of flavor to a campaign setting. A Greco-Roman setting would probably have cyclopes [sic], pegasi, gryphons, etc. An Oriental adventure would most likely feature oni, lung dragons, & hopping vampires. In this setting, I wouldn't be surprised to see genies, ghouls, demons, & such. If the original 1,001 Nights is used accurately, we'll see a surprising amount of robots, believe it or not.

I'd thought that in this case most of that fit into the Mystique catigory...
Anyways, as I think something closer to Dune but with more fantasy would be awsome, I'm gunna go with:
Travel/Multiculturalism/Mystique/Tradition/Classic Threats/Fate


2008-11-11, 01:48 PM
They certainly seem to be, Cyclone. I don't see a flaw...

When I posted that, the table on page four had a "votes" column, which was totally empty.

2008-11-11, 05:51 PM

2008-11-11, 07:26 PM

Zeta Kai
2008-11-11, 07:35 PM

This vote isn't complete; please rank all 6 aspects, in order. Thank you.

BTW, all votes are tallied.

2008-11-11, 07:45 PM
Tradition/Mystique/Classic Threats/Travel/Fate/Multiculturalism

2008-11-11, 07:50 PM
This vote isn't complete; please rank all 6 aspects, in order. Thank you.

BTW, all votes are tallied.

Ah. Duly noted. Thanks!


2008-11-11, 09:17 PM

Saint Nil
2008-11-11, 09:21 PM

Flame of Anor
2008-11-11, 09:26 PM
Classic Threats :xykon:
Tradition :redcloak:
Mystique :sabine:
Travel :mitd:
Fate/Destiny :miko:
Multiculturalism :roach:

2008-11-11, 09:39 PM
Zeta, we should make that icon choice mandatory. :elan:

Zeta Kai
2008-11-11, 09:47 PM
Zeta, we should make that icon choice mandatory. :elan:

Uh, let's not. :roy:

Just kidding, do as you will. As long as you vote well.

2008-11-11, 09:53 PM
Blast. He Roy'd my Elan. :smallfrown:

2008-11-11, 10:11 PM
Classic Threats:xykon:

2008-11-11, 10:13 PM
I misinterpreted "Classic threats", based on the examples given (primarily undead) to mean "normal DnD monsters". I voted for this setting based on its uniqueness. And the possibility of elves that live in the desert rather than in trees. Apparently "Classic threats" refers to monsters from Arabian folklore and such? If this is the case, it should probably be clarified, unless I'm the only one who made this mistake, as it looks much more like a favourable option in this case.

I really don't know what the deal is with me and Desert Elves, though.

Also, another clarification: That travel option seems to me like this land is newly discovered by another group and is being told from the perspective of those foreigners. If this is the case, I do not like this option. I'd prefer to have this desert setting be the homeland for the major races, with a degree of history and tradition already ingrained into their cultures. (Essentially, I'd rather have it told from the perspective of the natives of the Arabian setting, rather than any Medieval-Europen-equivalent society.) I would like to be informed as to how to have my vote reflect that, assuming I am interpreting Travel correctly.

Of course, the desert could very well be a big place (not to mention difficult to travel through if unprepared), so Travel could always just mean travelling to strange places in the desert that even the natives have never reached, or possibly trading. The presence of the word "caravans" under Tradition seems to me to be evidence against this, however.

2008-11-11, 11:00 PM
Juhn: in the original Arabian Nights, creatures such as ghouls and spectres, avatars of gods, Oriental demons etc. are the classic mythological foes. This is what was referred to as "classic threats," as opposed to the standard D&D monsterdom.

Also: Arabian Nights has several examples of travel to foreign lands or far-off, mythical/mystical islands as part of Odyssean quests. It is also a stable of their genre that magical locales be unknown to the general populace. A wizard's tower will be known of by few people, if any, who are not sages or diviners. The trick here is that this sort of setting is harsh enough that a desert caravan has always been a major adventure, and contact between foreign cultures was uncommon. Hence travel as a major adventuring drive.

2008-11-11, 11:07 PM
Yeah, I figured I'd been misinterpreting. That's why I asked for clarification, which you so graciously provided.

With that in mind, I'll probably be able to form a vote soon.

2008-11-11, 11:12 PM
I'm glad I was able to help! We'll be quite glad to get your opinions in, Juhn!

2008-11-11, 11:13 PM

Flame of Anor
2008-11-11, 11:39 PM
Please, peeps! Threats are cool! Think of this:

A sandstorm in the desert. There is a shape in the distance. It looks like a dune...but it's moving. Is that a trick of your eyes? After all, you're nearly blind from the sandstorm. But you're not that lucky. The hideous thing comes closer, emitting screeching rumbles. Its outward appearance is of an ungainly heap of sand-colored flesh, but inside lurks the heart of a vicious, cold-blooded predator. It scuttles toward you on numerous vile legs, waving its flabby mandibles in a disgustingly menacing way. You turn to run...and its mate bursts up from the sand, not three yards in front of you. There is no escape. It is kill...or be eaten.

No, I haven't statted up one of these, but I think it's pretty cool, and I might try to if you like them.

2008-11-11, 11:46 PM
This gradiented vote is more to dictate what themes we will focus on in terms of priority. One aspect getting the low vote doesn't mean we won't still touch on it, it just means that we will draw from it far less for inspiration.

2008-11-11, 11:48 PM
You make a good point. And I'd also been of the above misunderstanding.
And I want sandworms. Cuz they makes the spice (http://a4.vox.com/6a00cdf39c8443cb8f00d09e841f9cbe2b-320pi).

so I'm changing my vote from Travel/Multiculturalism/Mystique/Tradition/Classic Threats/Fate to Travel/Multiculturalism/Classic Threats/Mystique/Tradition/Fate


2008-11-11, 11:52 PM
The misunderstandings are my fault, since I put that table together. We had originally prepped for Steampunk, so I was a bit time-pressed when I woke up and saw the vote had turned.

2008-11-11, 11:52 PM
1. Classic Threats:
Undead, vicious giant beasts, vengeful godspawn.

2. Mystique:
Genies, priests & sorcerers, talking trees & animals.

3. Travel:
Journeys out of known lands to places of wonder.

4. Multiculturalism:
Segregation of diverse cultures in close geographical proximity.

5. Tradition:
Kingdoms & caliphates, bazaars & caravans.

6. Fate/Destiny:
Self-fulfilling prophecies, divinations, causation & coincidence.

That should do just fine.


2008-11-11, 11:54 PM
Multiculturalism is awesome. Jeez, I can't believe you guys.

Think about it; dozens of ethnic groups, religions, and cultures forced to coexist by geographical proximity. Imagine the conflicts, the opportunity for richness and complexity in individuals. Too often are cultures approach towards race drawn in broad strokes: there are only natives, foreigners, and various fantasy races, as though every nation approached race and ethnicity like the Roman Empire. What if people in this world look at ethnicity a lot more closely than is socially acceptable in the real world?

Plus, the more cultures and religions you jam into one area, the more likely there is to be one that's really awesome and appealing to you/one of your players.

2008-11-12, 12:00 AM
The misunderstandings are my fault, since I put that table together. We had originally prepped for Steampunk, so I was a bit time-pressed when I woke up and saw the vote had turned.

Don't blame you. I mean, steampunk's awsome, and lacks any real settings. I'd not expect the shift either. Fortunatly it changed to another good setting option (even if travel can be a bit dull at times "you traveled x distance. you see... more dunes..."). But The Thousand Nights and a Night do have quite a few interesting things most people don't realize.


Zeta Kai
2008-11-12, 12:45 AM
The misunderstandings are my fault, since I put that table together. We had originally prepped for Steampunk, so I was a bit time-pressed when I woke up and saw the vote had turned.

And I thank you for doing that.

Also, for those people who only know Arabian Nights from Aladdin & Iraq War footage should check this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_of_One_Thousand_and_One_Nights)out. Yes, there are robots. Seriously.

BTW, all votes are tallied.

2008-11-12, 02:54 AM
Multiculturalism/Travel/Mystique/Classic Threats/Tradition/Fate

2008-11-12, 05:24 AM
Glad Arabian won, it's what I would have voted for.

1. Multiculturalism (have to agree with Cyclone231 and this would also be useful for my own setting)

2. Classic Threats (Elements of danger and plot hooks)

3. Tradition (Good roleplaying opertunities)

4. Mystique (The unknown is always interesting)

5. Travel (Can be good but can prevent players from fully enjoying a specific area)

6. Fate (The players should feel like they make a difference)

2008-11-12, 06:23 AM
1. Travel
2. Fate/Destiny
3. Tradition
4. Mystique
5. Classic Threats
6. Multiculturalism

2008-11-12, 06:36 AM
In order from most important to least important:

1. Classic Threats
2. Mystique
3. Multiculturalism
4. Tradition
5. Travel
6. Fate/Destiny

Interesting way to vote. I like it. And I am of course pleased that arabian won.

2008-11-12, 07:12 AM
And I thank you for doing that.

Also, for those people who only know Arabian Nights from Aladdin & Iraq War footage should check this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_of_One_Thousand_and_One_Nights)out. Yes, there are robots. Seriously.

BTW, all votes are tallied.

There are robots in aladdin (disney version) too!

Zeta Kai
2008-11-12, 08:25 AM
The votes are in, & the winning order of priorities is Mystique/Travel/Tradition/Multiculturalism/Classic Threats/Fate & Destiny!

So next, I need you guys (& girls) to vote on the setting’s Magic Level. Votes will be tallied regularly. As always, please only vote for 1 level, & please peruse the voting rules. Thank you for voting.

Magic Level
{table=head]Magic Level
Very Low/Realistic
Very High/Fantastic
Out of Control[/table]

2008-11-12, 08:29 AM
Moderate. On that style that magic is rare but powerful.

Saint Nil
2008-11-12, 08:30 AM
I say Moderate, true, too much magic is boring and out of control,, but not enough leaves you bored as well. A few mages a kingdom is fine, but there only being one or two mages means that every mage character is going to seem unrealistic. Maybe a seer per town, low level. A knig with a mage for a visor. But nothing too extreme.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2008-11-12, 08:44 AM
I'm going to to go with 'Low' for this one. Because a desert setting is so much more interesting when you have to rely on yourself, and don't have easy access to magic to help you out.

2008-11-12, 08:54 AM
Do you calculate the average niveau of magic, or do you take the niveau which is picked most often?

2008-11-12, 08:59 AM
That depends. What is moderate, and what is low?

I'll pick Moderate, as classic arabian night/desert fantasy setting is full of wonder and genies and magician and everything, but they're still rare enough for common people

2008-11-12, 09:01 AM
Moderate, I suppose.

2008-11-12, 09:06 AM
I was tempted by out of control, but I think it could get old fast. Let's have low instead.

2008-11-12, 09:07 AM
Hum, I think Low would be more interesting

2008-11-12, 09:14 AM
Gimme a vote for Moderate magic level, guvna'.

2008-11-12, 09:32 AM
I'll vote low magic. At least untill a more in depth explaination of what you mean by each catigory is posted (I mostly know what it is, but you may have varying veiws from what I do). Then I may change to moderate depending.
I want to see it wher magic is rare, atleast so far as in cities, even if once you start exploring the desert you can find lots of it.


2008-11-12, 09:37 AM
Does this refer to how common magic is, or how powerful it normally is?

If the former, Moderate. If the latter, Low.

2008-11-12, 09:38 AM
Could you define what "Out of control" actually means, please?

2008-11-12, 09:57 AM
I would vote high, but if it was high they would fix the desert. Actually, having magically created oasises sounds awesome! But if low out votes moderate then my vote for high will be wasted. Oh well, lets say Moderate, so only large cities and gypsies have casters and only important people and dire badgers have magic items.

2008-11-12, 10:04 AM
If the thematique priority is Mystique we need a Very High/Fantastic level of magic.

2008-11-12, 10:08 AM
I'm voting for a low level of magic. It should be a thing that causes wonder and amazement to those who witness it. I'm assuming a low level of magic will achieve this.

2008-11-12, 10:26 AM
*sigh* Clearly we need to add definitions to these tables. Thorough definitions. The following are just my own takes on them, but you really should be able to assess them yourself.

Non-Existent: If you can't figure this out, you need to be beaten with reeds. And then urticated. That's no fun either.
Very Low/Realistic: Magic items are exceedingly rare, and most magic is derived from encounters with the supernatural rather than human agency.
Low: Magic items are fabulous, legendary treasures. Men seek through ancient knowledge to find rituals and contact with the gods may hand down capricious, temporary divine power.
Moderate: The populace knows of sorcerers but probably couldn't point one out except by using superstitious mores. Legendary creatures have been encountered in real life and are discussed in conversation as real things instead of figments, although they are still rare.
High: 3.X D&D standard.
Very High/Fantastic: Mages can be contracted to build oases. Genies visit pashas. Ghoul-takers are routinely sent into crypts. Mythic cartographists document the deadly arcane wilds of the desert for the average traveler. The nobility have access to a variety of magical items.
Out of Control: Everyone's magical. Wars between mortal and djinn. Demons living in the desert. Eberron times two. Thousand.

2008-11-12, 10:27 AM
can we get an explanation for what the different levels mean please?
until then i vote moderate

2008-11-12, 10:28 AM
Look up. :smallamused:

Thane of Fife
2008-11-12, 10:29 AM
I was going to say Very Low, as I like the idea of all magic belonging to only a few Genie, but then I recalled a short story called the Sixty-Two Curses of Caliph Arenschaddm, which is about a fascinating high-magic Arabian-style world.

So my vote goes to Very High. I like the idea of a setting where you can tell how long somebody's been in a given area by seeing which curse on the big list the local wizard has gotten up to on him.

2008-11-12, 10:39 AM
Thank you for clarifying the various levels Afro. After reading it, I'm changing my vote from Low to Medium

2008-11-12, 10:42 AM

Sounds like a level appropriate for an Arabian Nights-style game, while still being high enough to incorporate D&D-style magic into the game.

2008-11-12, 10:42 AM
With the clarification, changing vote from moderate to very high.

2008-11-12, 10:45 AM
In the hope that the actual niveau of magic is based on the meridian, i vote for None.

2008-11-12, 10:46 AM
Have you afroakuma or Zeta Kai ever thinked something like vote up playable race or vote up city?

2008-11-12, 10:51 AM
Thanks for clarifying as well. I'm also going to change my vote from low to moderate. Though thats also because I remembered from what I read of The Thousand Nights and a Night thatit seems like almost every woman encountered had some mother/grandmother/nanny who was a sorceress and taught them sorcery as well. I mean, I find it hard to think of even 5 females in the portion I read who wasn't somehow related to magic (either practicing it themself, under some spell/curse, or in regular contact with djinn). Though that is probly a bit of an exageration.

Also, that curse thing sounds awsome.


2008-11-12, 11:15 AM
I'm gonna go with out of control

what, I like the idea of human-djin wars

2008-11-12, 11:17 AM
Since I can't decide between low and moderate, I'm gonna vote for very low.

2008-11-12, 11:22 AM
Since apparently these mean different things than I thought, I'm going to vote for high.

2008-11-12, 11:25 AM
Moderate for me! A desert world needs a little less magic and a little more sword and steel, man vs nature the sequel! But obviously we all like Djinns, dragons and mages and who else would you fight at higher levels?

2008-11-12, 11:29 AM
Moderate, folks. All things in moderation.

2008-11-12, 11:42 AM
Have you afroakuma or Zeta Kai ever thinked something like vote up playable race or vote up city?

I personally have not. I'm still prepping Vote Up A Prestige Class for some far-off time...

The actual Arabian Nights fall between Low and Moderate according to my scale, before it gets asked.

And I would reccommend voting for your absolute choice, as I don't think we'll be taking the averaged level.

2008-11-12, 11:48 AM
Very high. With tiny wicked desert spirits pickpocketing at the bazaar.

2008-11-12, 11:59 AM
Change my vote from Low to Moderate.

Has a chance of winning, unlike Low, it's close enough to Low.

An Enemy Spy
2008-11-12, 12:05 PM
Low. Deserts should have much more subtlle magic. And the characters shouldn't have access to it.

2008-11-12, 12:09 PM
Moderate, though I'm not sure on that - I think there should be very few magicians, but those should be extremely powerful.

Zeta Kai
2008-11-12, 12:09 PM
Thank you, Afro, for the clarification. I agree with it completely.

Basically, unless we go with non-existent magic, there will be high magic somewhere in the world. It just depends on how easily it can be found & how commonplace it is. In a very-low-magic setting, you could search for years just to find a place where magic is readily seen. In an out-of-control-magic setting, everybody is or knows a mage, & wonderous sights abound.

BTW, votes are tallied.

2008-11-12, 12:24 PM
Low seems the way to go. Also, I'm still holding out for a steampunk-themed Carthage, the seat of power for the far-off roman empire. (Or another empire with noticeable inspiration)

Fiery Justice
2008-11-12, 12:30 PM
Moderate, seems like the best thing for the system and the idea.

2008-11-12, 12:31 PM
Very High. Because I like magic.

2008-11-12, 12:37 PM
I'm gonna put my two cents in and say Moderate.

2008-11-12, 12:41 PM
I vote for Moderate too.

2008-11-12, 01:11 PM
I like the idea o this being a low magic campaign.

2008-11-12, 01:15 PM
I vote HIGH with a little help from my friends

2008-11-12, 02:14 PM
I envision this setting being one where Magic is the purview of djinn, primarily. And possibly the occasional Vizier (preferably without anyone realizing it). Nothing more than that. No magic for the common people, no magic-weilding "noble" social class, just supernaturals, seekers of ancient knowledge, and mysterious advisors.

In other words, Low.

Also, it seems I missed the last vote after I was kicked off the computer for the night shortly after my last post. Oh well. It more or less ended up how I'd liked.

2008-11-12, 03:50 PM

2008-11-12, 04:14 PM
I'll toss in a vote for low.

I figure that'll give a couple amazing, mytical cities, and make magic, both in item and people, highly prized.

Hmm...if this is a desert setting will even MORE things have Fire resistance? :smallamused: Students of the Desert Wind martial school will have an odd time of it, won't they?

2008-11-12, 04:16 PM
I would posit that in a desert world, oddly enough, less people would follow a desert-centric teaching.

2008-11-12, 04:27 PM
Gonna vote for Low.

2008-11-12, 04:46 PM
I would posit that in a desert world, oddly enough, less people would follow a desert-centric teaching.

True! Sand doesn't seem that mystical after you have it in every crevice.

I'd probably use that arctic wind variant in this setting...

2008-11-12, 05:42 PM
Low magic makes for awesome gritty games

2008-11-12, 06:02 PM
A motto for the desert campaign:

و لا ينسىنا أنت الذي يعرف ماذا نحن نعاني هنا, في صلواتك.

"O you who know what we suffer here, do not forget us in your prayers."

2008-11-12, 06:33 PM
I've had some questions on this, so here's the official clarification:

This is a normal vote, highest single vote count takes all.

For you math buffs, that means mode, not mean, not median.

Revise your votes accordingly, if necessary, but please inform us of your original vote when doing so.

2008-11-12, 06:34 PM
I vote Low.


2008-11-12, 06:36 PM
Has a chance of winning, unlike Low

I'm pretty sure Low is in second place at the moment.

It's trailing by quite a bit, but it's still in second.

2008-11-12, 06:39 PM
Not to mention it's received seven votes since last tally.

Flame of Anor
2008-11-12, 06:45 PM
As High and Very High are losing badly, I'll vote Moderate. But rest assured, if High or Very High starts looking up, I'll change my vote.

2008-11-12, 06:47 PM
Not to mention it's received seven votes since last tally.

Post has been changed to reflect this.

Inyssius Tor
2008-11-12, 06:49 PM
Very high! Very high!

Flame of Anor
2008-11-12, 07:01 PM
I've had some questions on this, so here's the official clarification:

This is a normal vote, highest single vote count takes all.

For you math buffs, that means mode, not mean, not median.

Revise your votes accordingly, if necessary, but please inform us of your original vote when doing so.

Thanks for answering (and pretty quickly) but I do think you should change your mind. Basically, assign them point values (No Magic is one point, Very Low Magic is two, etc.) then add up all the points, average by voters, and go with the closest point valued level.

As I said in my PM, this flawed system means that if, for example, five people voted for No Magic, four voted for Out-Of-Control, four voted for Very High, and four voted for High, then the setting would have No Magic, despite the fact that 12 of 17 people would have been happy to go with a High Magic setting. Another problem is that if Moderate looks like it has a tangible but not unbeatable lead over Low, as it does at the moment, then many of the people who want High will be voting for Moderate--even if there were actually more people who wanted High than wanted Low or Moderate. Then, even if the actual majority was for High, Moderate would get an artificial majority because the voters for High would rather have Moderate than Low.

So, please, change it to a voting format that makes sense!!!

2008-11-12, 07:03 PM
Moderate magic.

2008-11-12, 07:06 PM
changing from out of control to moderate

2008-11-12, 07:08 PM
LOW FTW :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-12, 07:12 PM
Thanks for answering (and pretty quickly) but I do think you should change your mind. Basically, assign them point values (No Magic is one point, Very Low Magic is two, etc.) then add up all the points, average by voters, and go with the closest point valued level.

I haven't seen more than one contestation of the voting system itself. Your concern has been noted.

As I said in my PM, this flawed system means that if, for example, five people voted for No Magic, four voted for Out-Of-Control, four voted for Very High, and four voted for High, then the setting would have No Magic, despite the fact that 12 of 17 people would have been happy to go with a High Magic setting.

And entirely unfortunate such a situation would be. I would know, having experienced a few only recently. However, looking at the current numbers (with untallied votes factored in) this is not the case.

Another problem is that if Moderate looks like it has a tangible but not unbeatable lead over Low, as it does at the moment, then many of the people who want High will be voting for Moderate--even if there were actually more people who wanted High than wanted Low or Moderate.

Strategic voting. It does happen, yes. Unfortunately, tallying is done only when Zeta has the occasion. That alone may seem to skew the table. There are still ten to twelve hours left in the vote, however. Those who want High can rally and change their vote, if they so choose.

Then, even if the actual majority was for High, Moderate would get an artificial majority because the voters for High would rather have Moderate than Low.

Which is the very purpose: Those who would have voted for a lower choice may rather have Moderate than High, while those who would want High may prefer Moderate to Low. Thus, Moderate becomes the locus of tolerable agreement; i.e. it's not everyone's favorite choice, but they can tolerate it.

So, please, change it to a voting format that makes sense!!!

The current format does "make sense." Not only that, but it lends equal weight to all categories, where under your system, the extremes would virtually never win. Bear in mind that current voting rules allow for changing your vote. Switching to the median format would cause tactical voting in an attempt to artificially pull it to one side or the other.

I doubt it would have much impact in any case, other than to solidify a Moderate win due to the pull of the higher votes. Low and Moderate seem to be very popular choices for this setting.

Zeta Kai
2008-11-12, 07:17 PM
So, please, change it to a voting format that makes sense!!!

We would prefer to keep the method that makes sense to us. We will not be changing our methods mid-project, as it has worked well for us so far.

All votes are tallied.

EDIT: Ninja'd by our own ideas.

2008-11-12, 07:26 PM
Low has a chance to win! Those who changed to moderate for a chance to win, switch back to low! Those who want lower than low, switch to low to have a higher chance of being at least closer to what you wanted! Is any of this even really necessary to state?! Will Pun-Pun make it in time to save his beloved pet snake?!?!*

*Yes, for he is pun-pun. However, he chooses not to, since his pet snake is far more powerful than anything but pun-pun himself, who is an equal. Not that they would ever fight. Tends to cause universe implosions.

Zeta Kai
2008-11-12, 07:29 PM
Low has a chance to win! Those who changed to moderate for a chance to win, switch back to low!

For the record, that's a violation of Rule #3.

2008-11-12, 07:30 PM
For the record, that's a violation of Rule #3.

Ah no! the fools! what have the done to themselves! :smalltongue:

2008-11-12, 07:36 PM
I'll vote Moderate

2008-11-12, 08:33 PM
Low. I can see a setting where high-level magic is mostly forgotten and faked by street "magicians", making a million campaign options for ruin dungeonering. Or something like that.
Time for the playground to decide.

2008-11-12, 08:42 PM
Low magic please...we have enough Batmen out there :smalleek:

S. J. Floyd
2008-11-12, 09:30 PM
This is a tough decision. Non-existant magic and Very Low magic don't really appeal to me, same for High. I can see how the remaining four could each be used effectively...

I'll vote for Low. It seems to fit better with the settup of the themes.

2008-11-12, 09:31 PM
Very High/Fantastic.

This could be played about with so much, It's not funny.

2008-11-12, 10:33 PM
The clarification confirms that I want very high/fantastic. I think it works well with Mystique, I like magic and I'd like to see how this level would affect such a setting.

2008-11-12, 10:55 PM
I'll go with Moderate.

2008-11-13, 12:29 AM
I'll pick Moderate too, makes sense in context with the themes.... I guess.

2008-11-13, 03:37 AM
Since there doesn't seem to be a fair chance for Very High to win, I instead change my vote to Moderate so we don't get stuck with Low magic. And the voting system is fine as it is, thank you.

2008-11-13, 07:55 AM
Moderate seems like the best choice.

2008-11-13, 09:10 AM
As my vote doesn't seem to stand a chance, I'm switching from Very high/Fantastic to moderate.

Zeta Kai
2008-11-13, 11:36 AM
The votes are in, & the winning magic level is Moderate!

So next, I need you guys (& girls) to vote on the setting’s Races. Votes will be tallied regularly. Humans are a given, & will not be voted on. Please vote for up to 5 of the races that you wish to see included, & please peruse the voting rules. Thank you for voting.

Camelfolk (NEW)
Half-Djinn (NEW)
Half-Ghul (NEW)

2008-11-13, 11:42 AM

Quick question...how's there a half-elf option when there's no human option? :smallwink:

2008-11-13, 11:43 AM
Humans are by default included.

2008-11-13, 11:50 AM
Hum, lesse...


2008-11-13, 11:53 AM

That should do'er.


Zeta Kai
2008-11-13, 11:57 AM
Half-Yakotaur has been replaced by Camelfolk. All votes are tallied.

2008-11-13, 11:59 AM

I would like to see a setting where the only "real" sentient species are humans and all other races have a clear supernatural touch and outsider blood.

2008-11-13, 12:03 PM
On a side note, what if Half-elves make it and Elves do not?

I like the magic races idea, so,

2008-11-13, 12:06 PM

I'd love to see a setting where Elves are extinct but Half-Elves live on as their own race!:smallbiggrin:

2008-11-13, 12:16 PM
i wouldn't include half-races in the vote, because it's pointless. if there are humans and elves, there are half-elves, if there are no elves, there won't be half-elves...

2008-11-13, 12:45 PM
The ability to interbreed between Elves and Humans for example is not a necessity; it is not that hard to imagine that there are cmpaign settings where those two pecies can not interbreed (or at least can not interbreed without magic intervention).

2008-11-13, 12:52 PM
Where's NONE? I want a pure human setting. I daresay there'll be some others who'd appreciate a human only world.

Not that it's gonna win, but it's worth a try...

EDIT: I realize this throws a monkeywrench into voting scheme. But I still wholeheartedly support this fascism.

2008-11-13, 12:52 PM
The ability to interbreed between Elves and Humans for example is not a necessity; it is not that hard to imagine that there are cmpaign settings where those two pecies can not interbreed (or at least can not interbreed without magic intervention).
but it is possible to have humans and elves interbreeding without elves included in the campaign setting?

2008-11-13, 01:00 PM
You can have a half-breed which are treated as second class scum by their parents untiil they were fed up enough for a genocide... Or were the half-breeds are more fertile than one of the original parent species or have other advantages which led to the situation where the mixed ones slowly bred out their predecessors. You can come up with many explanations for this.

2008-11-13, 01:03 PM
You can have a half-breed which are treated as second class scum by their parents untiil they were fed up enough for a genocide... Or were the half-breeds are more fertile than one of the original parent species or have other advantages which led to the situation where the mixed ones slowly bred out their predecessors. You can come up with many explanations for this.
ok. point taken. =)

2008-11-13, 01:32 PM
Genasi ,
Kender (i have always like thise more than halfling's),
Orc (not showed just as chaotic evil raider's from desert).

The Demented One
2008-11-13, 01:38 PM

2008-11-13, 01:44 PM

Sand lizards are just too awesome. Orc and goblins are over-done, and would just be the same in the desert at any rate. Also, can we vote for races not on the list? I see a disturbing lack of kobolds, which I will vote for instead of gnolls if that is allowed.

2008-11-13, 01:45 PM
Half-Djinn These sound interesting
Lizardfolk Because lizards and heat simply go together
Gnoll Because humanoid hyenas kinda fit the theme
Genasi Cuz I like them
Orc Because the greenskins need some representatives

2008-11-13, 01:49 PM
Genasi -- These could fit really well into an arabian setting, giving it a much more elemental feel.
Half-Djinn -- If Djinns are going to play a large role in this world, especially as the most well known powerful mystic forces, this race could be terrific.
Halfling/Kender -- A race I see as thriving around oasises, being a happier note in the desert, but also potentially very hardy desert dwellers.
Lizardfolk -- Lizardfolk in the desert just make sense.
Orc -- A tougher, hardier verson of human, more suited to desert life, is what I'm seeing.

Now, the way I understand it, these 5 races (plus human) will be the main races of the setting. It might be possible to see an aasimar or dwarf if they don't make the vote, they would just be extremely rare and unusual. Or would they be banned from the setting altogether?

Magnor Criol
2008-11-13, 02:15 PM
(What, no love for Illumians? C'mon, you know they're cool.)

Half-Djinn, definitely; not only does that fit the theme, that race just sounds like a lot of from. Is that from somewhere, or is that homebrewed?.
Genasi, are pretty cool, as are
Desert-dwelling Dwarves sounds like an interesting change on the race's usual archetype; I'd like to see this.
It'd be interesting to see a society of Gnolls. Something where's they're not just stupid, overly aggressive hyenas on two legs, but instead a reasonably civilized culture.
Gnomes; I like the little guys, what can I say?

As Mammon asked: These will be just the main five races, right, and the others will be rarer but not banned?

Flame of Anor
2008-11-13, 02:16 PM
Orc (not necessarily evil)
Elf (aloof desert nomad types perhaps?)

I believe half-elves should be allowed, but not common enough to be in the list of races.

2008-11-13, 02:21 PM

2008-11-13, 02:22 PM
My first vote go automatiquely to Half-Djinn it sound perfect for the setting, as for the four other. Genasi sound good, I like the idea of desert Dwarf and finaly Lizardfolk and Goblinoid to represente the more monstrous race but not automatiquely evil.