View Full Version : weirdest dreams

2008-11-10, 12:43 PM
what are you weirdest dreams? I've been having fever dreams for a while now, so i i had three last night

1) You know that feeling where your tired and can't get to sleep. Well i had a dream, of not being able to get to sleep
2) I was being recruited to fight the nazi space teddy bears who were invading earth through a giant donut portal machine.
3) I was drowning in peanut butter

Mauve Shirt
2008-11-10, 12:44 PM
I had the nerdiest dream ever the other night. Doctor 10 was lecturing Derek from the Sarah Connor Chronicles on his time travel methods.

2008-11-10, 12:47 PM
I've once had a dream in which I was at school like every day, only it was 1918, World War I just ended, Austrio-Hungarian Empire just collapsed, and I was wondering what's going to happen to us now, but I was the only one remotely interested in this. I blame reading about Habsburg dinasty before going to sleep.

2008-11-10, 12:52 PM
Elitest, dreams 2) and 3) were about the funniest things I've read.:biggrin:

One I had was my brother and me found out that George Lucas actually made a life-size Death Star for the Star Wars movies.(government cover-up was the reason no one knew about it.) It was orbiting Jupiter. So my brother decides to steal the Space Shuttle Enterprise,(Yes, the one on display.) and visit it. He's gone for some months. I was walking down the street (In my dream)and I hear a loud whistling sound. I look up, and see a large, gray orb hurtling towards the earth while spinning. My cell phone rings, and I answer it. My brother says, "Pete, there's a problem with the propulsion system." And then I wake up.

2008-11-10, 01:11 PM
[QUOTE=Spartacus93;5266868]"Pete, there's a problem with the propulsion system."QUOTE]

Lol'd hard, mind if i sig?

2008-11-10, 01:21 PM
i had a dream that i was eating a giant marshmello and when i woke up my pillow was gone:smallconfused::smallbiggrin:

Texas Jedi
2008-11-10, 01:23 PM
My wife said once that I was a rebel leader fighting then trying to seduce Lord Vader. (I talked all about it in my sleep)

That any time I play Star Wars Battlefront until bed time I always call my wife rebel scum when ever she hugs me in our sleep.

I never remember dreams I only get them described by what I say in my sleep.

i had a dream that i was eating a giant marshmello and when i woke up my pillow was gone:smallconfused::smallbiggrin:

I guess it is better than waking up and find yourself sleeping on half of a sheep.:smallcool:

2008-11-10, 02:23 PM
I have bizarre, convoluted dreams with such frequency that 'We all lived in Ancient Greece, which was divided into several colour-coded regions inhabited by people made of modelling clay, and Queen Elizabeth I, who was a monkey, commanded my dad to go to sea in a submarine made of soap'* is nothing remotely unusual. Weirdness is relative.
I have dreamed about such things as:

Everyone being turned into mutant, water-hating dandelions, who moaned 'Raaaaain. Raaaaain.' like zombies; I had to hide the lot of them in my house.
Evil flies, that stuck themselves to plants; if anyone looked at them, they'd be stuck to the spot and the evil fly they looked at flew away. I was being chased by a swarm of these flies, all chanting what sounded like 'Kalistra Kastrali'.
I was standing in a long line of students waiting to be called into the office, where I had to sign some papers while wearing a koala mask. Hermione Granger told me that wearing the koala mask means accepting the divinity of the Wombat, then the two of us escaped by crawling through the air vent.
A duck, armed with six bottles of hot sauce, had to fight his way through a submarine full of hyper-evolved aquatic monkeys, while collecting gold bars to help him breathe air.

You are probably thinking 'VT is crazy' now. As a matter of fact, so am I.

*this actually happened

2008-11-10, 02:28 PM
I recently had a dream that zombie animals were attacking people so I had to hide out in this two story tower/house thing... then a T-Rex came along and knocked the tower over.

I remember thinking in the dream: Worst death by dinosaur ever. Couldn't it at least eat me?

2008-11-10, 02:47 PM
Elitest, dreams 2) and 3) were about the funniest things I've read.:biggrin:

Thank the cold, its his/her work (whats the gender for a cold?

2008-11-10, 03:08 PM
I had a dream a few months ago in which it turned out that Lake Ontario is the root of all evil. Drow live in caves on the shore leading to tunnels that go under the lake, and there are a number of Lovecraftian gods slumbering on the bottom.
I am now using that dream as the basis of one area in a campaign setting I'm writing.

2008-11-10, 03:13 PM
Weirdest dream from recently? Just last night

Featured a cast of eight, including one badguy who destroys a world of evil, goes to heaven, becomes a fat, fluffy cloud creature who has a homosexual relationship with a stock manager at a bix box grocery store and eventually chooses to pass on...


It was bent.

Red Sock
2008-11-10, 06:26 PM
I once dreamed that I was an actual red sock. It was weird. People kept sticking their feet in me.

2008-11-10, 06:30 PM

I've got a cold so all my dreams are feverish.

Why do they come to me to die? Why?

2008-11-10, 06:32 PM
None of mine are really that weird. Although the frequency of dreams where I'm generally naked/pantsless is pretty disturbing.

2008-11-10, 06:39 PM
I normally don't have dreams. The ones I do have, usually happen in real life later on. Yes, that is right. Premonitions.

2008-11-10, 06:40 PM
My summer dreams are always pretty weird... And this one occurred while I was living with my then-girlfriend's family this past summer. So doubly weird circumstances led me to it. Hell, this is only the part I remembered enough to write down. the 12th of whatever month is 6....

I was a combination of Ness, Megaman, and astroboy, though I was an actual real-live kid of about 12ish.

Father or adoptive father was inventor with a small spice-shop as his main income. had a beat-up jalopy a bit like the layton-mobile, but more beetle-like. I had some kind of relationship with his blonde, roll-like daughter (both trad. megaman and MM Legends roll combo, with a little bit of that sassy kid stuff ala Juno or that girl from Wee Free Men). Though she kept reminding me that I wasn't her boyfriend, even though we did dance at one point.

At one point I needed to open up the road to the bridge home (because the police were like Onett's police), and tracked the police chief down to a Yakuza gambling/black-market den. The police and Yakuza were in league when they weren't both, and I ended up having to fight like, 20+ Yakuza/cops at once and the screen went to a turn-based RPG fight screen, but the action was displayed in dramatic, manga/comic style in the lower 1/3 of the screen in a panoramic view.

Basically a whole lot of gambling was going on, and I ended up being able to track my progress based upon how my father was betting spices. Since they'd take any bet and bet on anything. A huge back and forth of betting as I got hit, or hit one of them, or they ended up hitting one another due to the huge cluster of them fighting me.

Eventually it shifted to an optional boxing match against a mobile version of Gizmo from fallout, and due to the huge weight difference it was a no-contest (one of those auto-fail fights), but whatever.

We ate lunch at a little food-court near a discotheque or something and I ended up dancing with the love-interest/adopted sister.

Apparently the father, at least, was a werewolf (consciously able to change back and forth), but wasn't healed of things like poisons by changing. This came up because our car crashed into the river and after easily pulling my unconscious body and his daughter out of the river, and even getting the car out, all in under 3 minutes... But his blueprints for his invention sank to the bottom even though they were sealed up, and he frantically plunged for them, but the water was too dark for us to see through, and he couldn't go too quickly/deeply or risk getting bitten by a water spider.

So I woke up at some point, snuck off, and transformed myself, and swam in under the radar, snagged the plans, and got snagged by a squid monster which had some spiders climbing up its tentacles as it raised itself way out of the water. I had to chew through its tentacles and rip myself free from the half-ripped up squid and death-spiders and drag/be dragged to the bank, with the plans still over my shoulder.

About that point the memory fades, but I believe we dried out the car and drove on at that point, after I changed back.

2008-11-10, 06:58 PM
I usually don't remember my dreams, but sometime last week I remember having an odd dream. I was at someone else's house, and they had a giant library of music albums. I saw a CD, and I thought, "Oh, hey, there's the new David Bowie CD! Awesome, I should pick it up!" Also, I remember something about a cornish hen going on. I think I was trying to find a book that had to do with a cornish hen or something like that.

As you can see, I don't remember it too clearly. Anyway, it was weird.

I used to dream in Gameboy Color sprites. That was also weird.

2008-11-10, 07:10 PM
I normally don't have dreams. The ones I do have, usually happen in real life later on. Yes, that is right. Premonitions.

hey! you too? awesome!
*high five*

well I have normal dreams most of the time but I have premonitions every now and then.

2008-11-10, 07:13 PM
once i dreamed that i woke up and bumped my head on the top bunk. I woke up, rolled out of bed flat on my face. I went back to sleep, woke up a few hours later and........bumped my head on the top bunk. bad day

2008-11-10, 07:35 PM
I dream at a normal rate, I think. No matter how weird my dreams are, they are always well detailed. There are why's and how come's in them. If I don't write them down immediately after I wake up, then I normally forget them.

The only dream that I specifically remember, I had when I was about 12 years old (pretty amazing considering I am 18 now). In the dream, I was tied to my bed and there were crabs crawling all over me. I know, I know, the first thing one would think would be that my dream was telling me something about the obvious; however, considering my age at the time, I don't think that is it.

2008-11-10, 07:36 PM
Wierd dreams huh? Let's see. There was this one I had one week before knowing my grades when I was 14 years old, I dreamed that I woked up and went to school just to realize that I failed all classes, then, because some elements of the room where in wierd shapes, colors and angles that I was dreaming, so I woke up, it was cold so I walked to the fireplace next to my room, once Im there I remembered that there's no fireplace next to my room, I woke up again, went to the school and again I failed at everything, I woked up again, got out of bed and fell into a botomless pit next to it. Woke up, went to the bathroom and realized that this time I was really awaken. Then I went to sleep.

I'm creating a setting for D&D based on a dream I had once. It was a city built in the desert. It was bassically a city builted in 9 layers, one above the other, being those nearest to the ground the biggest and the ones above the smallest. Each layer worked like a separeted city, even though those on the top, where the noble men lived, depended on the farmers and workers living near the ground. Each one of this 9 "cities" were built around a white gigantic tower, standing in the middle, conecting them all, it looked like a massive zigurat. For some reason, the king, who lives in the top of the tower, declared magic illegal. My dream started as a sky view of the city, wich looked like 9 concentrical squares with one big circle in the middle. Then, I fell into the city and somehow, I suddenly knewed every detail of it, like if I lived there since I was born, that's how I know that magic was illegal. I spent a few days with a local family and frequently visited a local bar (whose name I cant remember), wich also had a secret group of mages who gathered there.

Another strange dream I had was like a strange combination between indiana jones, resident evil and reign of fire. A friend of mine was an Indiana Jones-like adventurer, he found a strange statuette inside an ice cave. When he removed it from the altar, four giant worms and a ridiculously huge dragon came back to life and started devouring the world. I dontt know how, buy zombies also started to appear and raided city after city. In one of the remaining cities, some friends and I were leaderating a group dedicated to hunting the dragon and the worms wich, somehow, we knew were responsable for the apparition of the zombies. I was piloting a helicopter and chased the dragon, the world from the sky looked a lot like an old 8-bit rpg world map. I actually woked up before I had a chance to kill the dragon.


1) You know that feeling where your tired and can't get to sleep. Well i had a dream, of not being able to get to sleep

Wow, I just dreamed that four days ago.

2008-11-10, 07:47 PM
really? Then we must be mind twins

2008-11-10, 07:57 PM
Should I be honored or horrified?

2008-11-10, 08:10 PM
I had a dream that my teacher was hitting on me. >.>

Berserk Monk
2008-11-10, 08:13 PM
My dreams keep getting so strange. I'd like to tell you everything I see. I see a man in the back as a matter of fact. His eyes are as red as the sun, and the girl in the corner that no one ignores, she thinks she's the passionate one. Oh yeah. It's like lightning. Everybody was fighting. And the music was soothing and we all started grooving. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! And the man in the back said"Everyone attack!" and it turned into a ballroom blitz, and the girl in the corner said "Boy I'm gonna warn you, it'll turn into a ballroom blitz."

Couldn't help myself. Awesome Song! .\m/

2008-11-10, 09:06 PM
Should I be honored or horrified?

depends, are you the good twin? Be honored? I'm the good twin? There is a major problem with the universe

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-11-10, 09:35 PM
Funny you should bring this up. I had the strangest dream I've had in a long time last night.

This little girl and I were running away from something and went to hide in this old run-down shack in the woods. Someone with a sword is chasing us. He catches up as we speed into the kitchen and cuts her head off in one quick blow. I fight him off and he just disappears into thin air.

I kneel down to the girl, all shaken up, look at the head, the eye falls out and... unfolds itself into an orb weaver spider. It crawls along and up the cabinets into a corner and makes a web, then spins like a cocoon around itself. Few minutes later a mouse gnaws its way out. It then goes about eating rotten leaves on the floor, getting heavier and heavier until it rolls over on its side and gives birth to dozens of bumblebees. They make a big old hive and then an apple falls out from the hole in the bottom. It hits the ground and grows into a tree. The tree sprouts, then gets old, and falls to pieces, forming a baby's crib. In the crib is the little girl who looks up and smiles at me.

2008-11-10, 09:54 PM
I had strange dreams every day so it's kinda moot to list them all. I did some research on dream and lucid dreaming once, and since then I do some training to increase the lucidity of my dream and my ability to remember dreams.

Since then realized that my dream is ALWAYS strange.

Have I told you about that dream where me and some playgrounders that I don't even know in real life joined together as a secret crime fighting brigade with a Combining Giant Robot?

2008-11-10, 09:56 PM
which ones? Because if your dreaming about me i'm going to have to sue you for the awesome your subconscious is using without my permission :smallwink:

2008-11-10, 10:03 PM
Just remembered another one.

I was at my grandmother's house, talking with my grandparents, my cousins and my uncle. Suddenly, while I'm talking with my uncle, he hugs me, and I remember that he is dead. He dissapears, and so doeas the entire room. Im surrounded by nothingness, all around me. So, I hear someone crying, I run towards the direction from where the crying comes, once I reach the place, I woke up, and it turns out that I was crying. Wierd huh?

2008-11-10, 10:05 PM
I had a dream like that once, but it was with my great grandmother and we were on a pier for some reason


Ninja Chocobo
2008-11-10, 10:06 PM
Given that I've only remembered having about ten dreams in my life (not forgetting the dreams themselves, forgetting the experience of dreaming) (I'm 17, and they are getting more frequent), I tend to try to remember them for threads such as these.

Most recently, there were these strange bird-lizard creatures, who would land on you and give you powers. Early on I received one which gave me the ability to shoot stuff, some kind of pellets, but when I needed to fight this guy who was trying to use them for evil or something, four came along and gave me some sweet magic power armour. It was somewhat organic, but looked like it was made of slabs of scaley stuff from the outside.

What might be weirder is the absence of everything. I was at a friend's house some time ago, and could not get to sleep. I was thoroughly bored, took a look at a nearby clock, blinked, and observed that the time had progressed by three hours. Blinked again, and the sun was shining through the curtains.

I did some research on dream and lucid dreaming once, and since then I do some training to increase the lucidity of my dream and my ability to remember dreams.

Oh man, I've had two lucid dreams and they kicked so many different kinds of arse.

2008-11-10, 10:11 PM
Nah, I don't really remember most of them. I only remember Nerd-O-Rama got the robot's head (I pilot one of the feet).

Tips for remembering dreams and get lucider dreams:

1.Dream diary. It's the basic. Keep a journal beside your pillow, and as soon as you woke up, you write whatever you remember from your dream.

2.Eat bananas. Seriously. Banana helps produce serotonin that's involved in dream-making in brain.

That will help you to get clearer dreams, and sooner or later, you'll realize you're in dream.

Then, when you think you're in a dream, there is a good technique to figure it out whether you're dreaming or not.

Pinch your nose. If you're dreaming, you'll still be able to breathe from your nose.

And to kept your lucid dreaming longer, rub your hand against each other or something, anything to get some feedback for your sense.

I got some more advanced technique on getting lucid dreams, but that's the basic of it.

2008-11-10, 10:13 PM
Nah, I don't really remember most of them. I only remember Nerd-O-Rama got the robot's head (I pilot one of the feet).

Tips for remembering dreams and get lucider dreams:

1.Dream diary. It's the basic. Keep a journal beside your pillow, and as soon as you woke up, you write whatever you remember from your dream.

2.Eat bananas. Seriously. Banana helps produce serotonin that's involved in dream-making in brain.

I got some more advanced technique on getting lucid dreams, but that's the basic of it.

maybe you have super powers, but they only work in dreams?

2008-11-10, 10:22 PM
Just remembered two other dreams thanks to your post.

First: Strange world, everything was dangerous, I was in some kind of explorers party and we reached a strange jungle. The guide told us that the most dangerous thing there were the Yigmas. Yigmas were some kind of fleshy things that atthached themselves to the top of the trees and quickly open their mouths (wich covered most of their cocodrile head like body) to reaveal ten tongue-tentacle like things that grabbed people and placed them in their mouths. (I think that might have been inspired by reading Claymore, but I dont know)

Second: A recent one, I was in a kind of competence to become god. The first part involved a hunt for magical fruits (wich looked like oranges) wich would raise our divinty. Then, a fight against an elder guardian who protected an ancient amulet of power, and the last test was a dance dance revolution competition. I was surprised by it while dreaming and once I woke up.

2008-11-10, 10:24 PM
ok, different dreams, your not invading my mind...........unless it happens tonight?

2008-11-10, 10:39 PM
You'de be surprised.

Also, have I told you that I found the figure of Napoleon as one of the greatest if not THE greatest one in all history? Coincidence... ?

Yeah, probably.

2008-11-10, 10:48 PM
You'de be surprised.

Also, have I told you that I found the figure of Napoleon as one of the greatest if not THE greatest one in all history? Coincidence... ?

Yeah, probably.

Napoleon was one of the coolest person in the world

Wait, when you say figure you mean?

2008-11-10, 11:12 PM
I tried keeping a dream journal for a while, but tended to get up too quickly and start the day too fast to write anything down when I woke up. I might try it again now that I can sleep in past my alarm clock without someone yelling at me :smallbiggrin:

The most frequent dream I have is just after I'm awakened maybe an hour or so before I should wake up, and then fall back asleep. I dream of waking up a bit later, getting up, going through the entire day, then going to bed. After such dreams, I wake up feeling tired and I end up disoriented as to which day it really is for a few hours.

The weirdest dream I can recall is where I'm being chased by goverment midgets it blue suits who are trying to kill me. I'm dodging bullets and heading into a building with a convenient train located inside. I jump inside and the train goes, leaving the midgets in the dust. I ride until there's a stop at the top of a building, where I get out and summon a giant jellyfish whose tentacles just plain erase anything they pass through. I jump on it's head and fight some samurai with a yellow and black color scheme who's riding an equally giant crab (both creatures are as big as the skyscrapers nearby). Then we jump into the air and have a sword battle just prior to waking up.

Darc Discordia
2008-11-10, 11:36 PM
I don't remember most of my dreams, but here's one I've kept a record of for a while since it's so weird.

I start out at school. The general area is more or less the same, besides the courtyard- type area being much wider. Inside, however, is much different. There is a large, tall hallway that I'm walking down, filled with things that look a bit like folding tables mixed with file cabinets- it's hard to describe, but they slide out from the wall. After I slide one out, there is a series of 7 large, rectangular, off-white buttons on the inside of it that I have to press in a certain order to open the door behind it. I can't remember the combination, however, so the dream shifts to the courtyard area right outside of my class. None of the changes I mentioned before are noticeable- my class has the standard glass windows and door looking out into the courtyard. My friend Josh comes up to me, and says, in a very hoarse voice, "I need to tell you something. Meet me by the wall later." After pulling open the door leading from the courtyard to my class, I walk in, and things are largely the same, though it seems brighter and everyone is sitting in different places. There is a black laptop sitting on the ground a few feet from my desk, with a flash drive on a lanyard and a small pair of headphones sitting on it. I don't recognize the headphones, but the laptop is similar to my sister's and the flash drive is exactly the same as my friend Dominic's. After a few minutes of sitting and waiting for the teacher to come, I just decide to leave. Before I do that, I talk to one of my classmates, who reminds me that the combination for the buttons is 5-7-5-3-1. I walk over to the wall directly across from my classroom, where Josh is standing with a friend of his. She leaves, and we get into his car. By this time, the courtyard has transformed into a parking lot. He tries to tell me something, but I suggest we get out of the parking lot first- the residual noise is drowning out his voice. Now, the scene shifts to the parking lot of a strip mall of sorts, but large, with three sides. He tells me that he might be losing his car soon, and he doesn't know why. We pull in at a parking space in the top-left corner, right next to a pawn shop advertising that they sell guns- specifically, there are several neon signs with the word "Revolvers" on them. I say I've been wanting to visit this place, but he says that's not what we came here for. Next to it is a two-story store called "Discount Furniture". We walk into it, Josh pulls out an odd-looking skateboard and skates forward. The floor looks massive and deserted, (and made of wood) until I walk in further- then it shrinks. It looks more like a house than a store. To the left is a largely dark area, with various couches and chairs on display. It's about 30 feet to the back of it, but it extends to the left farther than I can see. Directly ahead, in the back of this room, I can see a door. There's a outcropping in the wall that separates the left and right parts. On the right, it looks like a living room of sorts. The whole area has hardwood floors and drywall. My friend Paul is sitting on the floor, playing a game on his PS2- I'm not sure which game. There's a large cabinet with a TV, and to the left of that, there's a small hallway that leads to a bathroom. On the other side of the room from the TV is a table with chairs- all wooden. To the right, on the far side of the room, is a flight of carpeted stairs with a landing two steps up. The stairs continue to the left, leading a hallway with about 4 rooms- what appear to be bedrooms. I go into one of them, and it's mostly dark. It seems to be a massive walk-in closet, filled with all kinds of shoes and nothing else. Through the door at the bottom of the stairs is another room largely like the first, but with a large blue sectional couch and wooden shelving on the walls. In it, my friend Alex and his friend Chad are playing Guitar Hero, only it's a modified version. Everything about it looks different. By this point, I remember Paul telling me about this place- it's an abandoned furniture store, left in great condition. Everybody comes here to hang out. I walk into a bathroom that's upstairs from Paul, and there are two black kittens wrestling under the sink. Their mother comes up to me, and I pet her- her fur is scratchy, like sandpaper.
Then I woke up and realized I overslept and missed school that day.

Flame of Anor
2008-11-11, 12:10 AM
Ok, here are some of my dreams.

Sad dream #1: My mom had a terminal disease, and, to help me with grief, she took me to a store where I could buy some candy and toy cars.

Sad dream #2: We were in a hardware store and a huge bundle of lumber fell and squished my dad.

(Note: they were much less ludicrous during the dreams themselves.)

Really weird dream #1: I went to see a (IRL) singer I like--Owain Phyfe, look him up, seriously--in concert at a Renaissance fair. He had a huge, three-foot-long beard, unlike his real, small beard. He explained that he had deduced that the real method of drinking in ancient times was: 1) quaff your mug in one fell quaff; then 2) since your beard would have soaked up about half of that, squeeze out your beard into your mouth. Then "he" turned out to be a transvestite. I was so disappointed.

Really weird dream #2: I was in the 18th century, in a manor house in England. Suddenly there was a cry from outside. I ran out and found my cousin (in the dream; not an analogue to any real cousin) lying on the ground. "Promise you'll always remember me!" she exclaimed, then dropped dead.

Really weird dream #3: I was Frodo, leading the Fellowship, but I got lost. We wandered all over Middle-Earth, but we never got our bearings.

Really weird dream #4: I was with my (IRL) choir, getting ready to go on (IRL) tour. One of my (IRL) choirmates came up and bludgeoned me across the face with his folder, and I woke up with a jerk. (Well, I guess you could say I woke up without the jerk! :smallbiggrin:)

I'm sure I've had any number of weird dreams and dreams relating to LotR, Star Wars, Star Trek, Indiana Jones, and Doctor Who, but I'm not remembering any more of them at the moment.

Consciousness experiment #1: I noticed that I never remembered there being a date in dreams. So once, in a dream, I tried to think of the date. I couldn't, so I knew it was a dream.

Consciousness experiment #2: I wondered if dreams were really as vague as we remember them, or if they really do have lots of detail, but we forget it. So once, in a dream, I checked the detail level. The detail was perfect, and so, even though I didn't remember the detail when I woke up, I did remember that I had noticed the detail. So I now know that dreams really do have all that detail.

I did notice--twice, besides the time with the date--that I was dreaming. Once I decided not to do anything about it. This was a bad choice, because the dream turned sour and I think I fell off a mile-high cliff. The other time was when the dream was already terrible; I managed to wrench myself back to consciousness by twitching my hand. It was an awe-inspiring experience. I felt as though I were reaching through uncounted dimensions, trying to move something which was not mine and never had been by sheer force of will.

I have not yet tried Munroe's Trans-Consciousness Messaging Protocol, though I intend to.

Also, I agree that Napoleon is awesome. I'm totally going to get a bust of him.

2008-11-11, 12:48 AM
I have not yet tried Munroe's Trans-Consciousness Messaging Protocol, though I intend to.

That's actually the reason of my research on lucid dreaming. So I can try Munroe's Trans Consciousness Messaging Protocol :D

2008-11-11, 01:51 AM
My dreams are frequently just about going back to college these days; these usually feature various buildings from my previous colleges mish-mashed together or other familiar buildings (such as the building I work in) transformed into dorms and the like.

However, my other dreams tend to take a turn for the bizarre or creepy.

I had a zombie/Resident Evil dream a couple months ago that featured a giant undead monstrosity like the guardians of Undercity (http://www.goblinworkshop.com/pics/mobs/undercity-guardian.jpg) in WoW eating a busload of people by the handful. The dream also featured zombie tigers. Yeah, if you thought the zombie dogs in RE were bad...

Worst nightmare, ever: living in a house with my girlfriend and all of my exes.

A few years back I was going through a messy breakup. I had a lot of dreams during this time that related to the issue and were troubling for me. In one of the dreams, my ex was supposed to meet me at an airport (her family lived overseas so this did make sense). When I arrived to meet her, though, I couldn't hear her when she talked. Like, she'd start saying something but I'd only hear silence. I seemed to be able to hear everything else okay, though. Well, we drove around for a while and decided to check into a hotel. When we got to our room, though, it turned out to be 10' x 10' with a plain poured-concrete floor and masonry block walls. There was a creaky twin-mattress cot in one corner, a sink affixed to the opposite wall (the same wall as the door), and a toliet beside the sink. There were no windows and only a single 100-Watt bulb hanging from the ceiling for light. It looked like a jail cell. For some reason, most of this seemed somewhat normal for us so we moved into the room and started unpacking. Partway through, though, I noticed there was a drowned rat floating in the toliet. Later in the dream, we started to work out our differences, something I'd been trying to do in my waking life. She hugged me and we kissed. When she pulled away, she started to say something and I, for the first time in the dream, actually heard her voice...then I woke up without being able to tell what it was she was saying. :smalleek:

I had a bunch of other, similar dreams at the time. Usually, they involved a reconcilliation of some sort and each time it was heartbreaking to wake up and realize the dreams for what they were. My brain was taunting me. I ended up cutting my sleep down to about 5-hours a day so I'd be so exhausted I wouldn't remember my dreams. It seemed to work somewhat. :smallcool:

Edit: In a lot of my dreams that don't involve college, zombies, or exes (and even some dreams that do) I tend to bodyswap a lot. Like, I'll be 'me' for a while and then suddenly the dream will change so it's like I'm possessing my brother or some other random person. Sometimes, I'll swap bodies as many as six or seven times in a dream. I have a lot of dreams in third-person, too, watching myself go about whatever it is I'm doing in my dream.

Flame of Anor
2008-11-11, 02:09 AM
Aww, that's sweet but sad. I'm sorry you have such tantalizing dreams. :frown:

2008-11-11, 12:02 PM
Napoleon was one of the coolest person in the world

Wait, when you say figure you mean?

I mean him as a person an a leader.

EDIT: oh yeah, most of my dreams are in third person. I blame the TV.

2008-11-11, 12:07 PM
[QUOTE=Spartacus93;5266868]"Pete, there's a problem with the propulsion system."QUOTE]

Lol'd hard, mind if i sig?

Not at all, go ahead.

Dirk Kris
2008-11-11, 12:10 PM
I don't know about weirdest, but I had a really truly frightening dream the other night.

I dreamed I was downstairs in my basement and heard an odd thump-thump...thump-thump-thump. I thought it was someone playing a trick on me and called the family to me. The noise persisted, and I went upstairs to find an intruder in the house. He rushed me...

...and I woke up screaming.

Truly disturbed me, which says a lot.

2008-11-11, 12:27 PM
Lately all my dreams have been about mathematics, WoW and those dreams that give you horrible, soul-crushing disappointment when you realise that they weren't real.

2008-11-11, 12:37 PM
Well, I finally had a dream that I remembered last night! (I would like to thank the seven hours of sleep I received for giving me this nightmare :smalleek:)

I was in a temple/church/cathedral and there was a friend of mine robbing a vault. He handed me two sacks of money and told me to wait there.

So I waited and all of a sudden these black widow spiders (about 3 feet tall) lower themselves from the rafters and start eating the money sacks. When they were done eating the sacks never the vault, they looked to me and the bag.

I started to back away (being arachnophobic and all) and then ran away. They chased after me. I would grapple-hook-swing away from them and they would wait for me to land.

I finally just landed on the ground (at this point I knew it was a dream) and bubble-hearthed out of there.

That's when I woke up.

First dream in a while and it's effed up. :smalleek:

2008-11-11, 12:49 PM
Yeah, that's clearly sexual.

EDIT: @V:That's also sexual.

2008-11-11, 12:50 PM
Oh boy, did I ever have one. I actually wrote this one down after telling my relatives about it. Here you go:

The strangest dream I ever had started out in Middle Earth, if I recall correctly. A dark, forbidding Middle Earth. Like, the sky was red and black and Sauron's forces were preparing to take over the world. Not even the Elves were too friendly. That's where it started, at least.

Alright, now on to the main event. Imagine Houston’s I-45 highway. It is completely empty. Some would say this is because of the twenty-foot tall Sauron standing right below an overpass. Goblins swarm around his feet, erupting from pits in the ground. It’s our job to stop him.
I’m Legolas. It’s my job to kill Sauron and make I-45 safe again. The only way I can do this is by shooting at the pillars holding up the overpass above Sauron. The overpass will collapse, killing him. And I have to do this with arrows. I don’t know what kind of crazy arrows I was using, but cracks appeared in the pillar every time I shot it. I ran to another overpass nearby, with Gil-galad protecting me. However, by the time I was nearly ready to destroy the pillar, a troll had somehow paralyzed him. I shot down the troll, and then prepared to shot the pillar. And then, for some unexplained reason, decided that I had to destroy the pillar from ground level in the main battle, presumably to make it a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
Apparently, I have a big ego in my dreams.
So I come down off the overpass, abandoning Gil-galad, and search for the current general of the elven forces attacking Sauron. He was a Modron, hiding with most of his men behind rubble and debris. Even though Modrons are supposed to be shaped like geometrical figures, I always imagined them as looking like robotic Thri-Kreen, and that's what the Modron looked like in the dream. The Modron informed me that we were running out of troops, and needed to strike now if we hoped to have any chance of destroying Sauron. I agreed quickly, and with a wrist communicator he informed his troops that they were going to make one more charge. And so, the grand army of elves and tieflings charges towards the goblins – elves carrying spears, the tieflings brandishing scimitars. Don't ask where the Tieflings came from. Apparently, the Modron brought friends.
I duck past the goblins, watching as the Modron general makes his last charge to give me a chance. I run towards the pillar, hoping to stop Sauron before they are all killed. Sauron’s mace swings at me, and I have to duck and roll to avoid it. As I end the roll behind the pillar, I blindly fire my bow.
The pillar collapsed and Sauron was crushed by the falling overpass. The Modron and one of the tieflings ran towards me and praised me for my heroic deed. Then I violently jerked upright in bed, which woke me up pretty quickly.

Planescape + Lord of the Rings FTW!

2008-11-11, 12:53 PM
I finally just landed on the ground (at this point I knew it was a dream) and bubble-hearthed out of there.

Noobadin. :smallcool:

2008-11-11, 08:39 PM
I've just been having my normal dreams lately (for 'dreams' read; 'rather odd and unusual dreams'), with one difference: for some reason, for the past month or so, every dream I have, I've been speaking in a French accent...every. single. dream.

2008-11-11, 09:35 PM
I mean him as a person an a leader.

EDIT: oh yeah, most of my dreams are in third person. I blame the TV.

oh totally, check out his quotes (http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/n/napoleon_bonaparte.html)

2008-11-11, 10:52 PM
Okay last summer I had to watch winnie the pooh with my baby cousin and I had this really weird dream.

I was walking along when I met pohh and he says "lets go find my friends" he says so I follow him and we see eor(the depressed donkey) in a castle like in princess movies and we start going towards him and we walk onto a field of clouds we go get eor and we're walking on the clouds and pooh tries to strangle me and then all the clouds fall from underneath me and pooh kills me but I can still see then pooh stabs and kills eor.

freeky huh. :smalleek:

FREEKY! :eek:

2008-11-11, 10:59 PM
i had a dream yestrday that had a big test and i coundn't find my pants then they were in the frezer then went i got the i was the only one wereing pants then yoda gave me the test i fail so he cut off my head with a big gillatine

that was not my weirdest but close

2008-11-11, 11:29 PM
i coundn't find my pants then they were in the frezer

See, I used to do that sort of thing to my brother all the time when I was in high school or home from college on break. Sometimes he'd find them on his own. Other times mom would be like, "what are these pants doing in the freezer?" I'd act all innocent, even though everyone knew it was my nefarious doing. Aah, good times. :smallamused:

Neko Toast
2008-11-11, 11:45 PM
See, I used to do that sort of thing to my brother all the time when I was in high school or home from college on break. Sometimes he'd find them on his own. Other times mom would be like, "what are these pants doing in the freezer?" I'd act all innocent, even though everyone knew it was my nefarious doing. Aah, good times. :smallamused:

You know, on a hot summer day, freezer pants wouldn't be so bad.

2008-11-12, 12:05 AM
You know, on a hot summer day, freezer pants wouldn't be so bad.

Yes, I suppose it would be the pleasant opposite of the fresh-from-the-dryer clothes in the dead of winter. :smallsmile:

And here, all along, I thought I was just playing pranks to be a jerk and now it turns out I was actually being somewhat benevolent! Curse you, revisionist history!

2008-11-12, 12:49 AM
I had this dream i was in math class, learning how to divide polynomials. Then my teacher woke me up and looked kinda pissed, saying i should pay attention instead of sleep and blah blah blah.

2008-11-12, 07:22 AM
I have had the usual chase dreams, monster dreams and wierd dreams but the one I had a few years ago really bothered me was actually a normal dream.
The dream was sitting at a table eating breakfast and talking with this blond woman that to this day I have never met. I did not recognize her but I remember having this feeling of love and complete comfortability with her, like I had known her/loved her for a long time. We just sat there talking about stuff for what seemed like hours then I woke up. I woke with a very rested and contented feeling.

Now the wierd part is I can still remember what she looks like, mostly, as her face has been burned into my memory, BUT in ALL my dreams I NEVER see faces. Every dream I have ever had other than this one has never showed me a face, I know who the people in them are, or how they relate to me (that one is my mother and that one is the killer and such stuff) but I have never seen their faces in my dreams. This is the only dream in which I saw a face and it was of someone I have never met before or since.

2008-11-12, 07:47 AM
Also, last night, I dreamed that we lived in my dead granny's house. (I dream that a lot, actually.) My mum was in the kitchen, frying up our dog's chew toy for his lunch, and Charlie (that's the dog) had turned into one of my many turtle plushies, but alive, and went plodding up the stairs, but Mum reached through the railings and picked him up.

Mauve Shirt
2008-11-12, 08:24 AM
My dream last night had playgrounders in it, but I don't remember what happened. :smallannoyed:

2008-11-12, 10:41 AM
My dream last night had playgrounders in it, but I don't remember what happened. :smallannoyed:

That happened to me a couple of times, it feels wierd, I kinda remember one, it was some kind of camp.

2008-11-12, 11:56 AM
I was standing in a long line of students waiting to be called into the office, where I had to sign some papers while wearing a koala mask. Hermione Granger told me that wearing the koala mask means accepting the divinity of the Wombat,

I feel like I should have something to say about this. I'm just really at a loss right now.

2008-11-12, 12:12 PM
I know, I'm weird.

2008-11-12, 12:14 PM
I know, I'm weird.

no, your just enlightened :smallwink:

Flame of Anor
2008-11-12, 12:57 PM
Last night I had two really, really weird dreams. I can only remember one of them, though, and that one not very well. This says it all:


But anyway, I dreamed that I was in my basement and that it was slowly filling up with sewage. My mom and I were hurriedly taking everything out of the basement as the puddle crept along the floor. Soon the basement was empty of our stuff, but the sewage kept filling it up. We decided we had to move out, so we moved in with my aunt and uncle's family. Then their house started filling up with sewage...I woke up at that point. Then I went back to sleep and had an even weirder dream which I don't remember. It might have had Darth Vader in it, and maybe a sheriff, and maybe sewing shirts. But maybe not. (Darn it, I have got to get working on that TCMP!)

EDIT: And, EE, those Napoleon quotes are awesome! Some of them I'd heard before but not attributed to Napoleon, though many I had heard as attributed to him.

2008-11-12, 01:21 PM
Last night was an odd one for me... I suppose that should be expected as I conked out while in the middle of a massive serotonin rush.. The natural sort, mind. The kind one gets from watching/doing something with spectacular results.... I could go on but eh,

Anyway, the dream basically was like a sandbox game. As in... I was pretty much lucid dreaming but the dream pretty much said "Here are the controls. Drive this S.O.B. like it stole something." In otherwords, I got to play god in my own head! Woo!

I would go on about what went on but that would take too long and would likely make less sense than I have already. I'll just say that there were giant robots made out of old audio tapes battling each other for a sliver of platinum pie for my amusement for about half of it.

The downside to all this is, I wake up exhausted due to the crash from the pre-mentioned rush....

It was fun while it lasted.

2008-11-12, 01:39 PM
EDIT: And, EE, those Napoleon quotes are awesome! Some of them I'd heard before but not attributed to Napoleon, though many I had heard as attributed to him.

1) Sweet name
2) Totally, he was such a cynical person. "A throne is a bench covered with velvet" "A solider will fight long and hard for a piece of ribbon" "Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets" "Among those who dislike oppression are hose who like to oppress"
My favorite of course is "Ambition never is in a greater hurry than I; it merely keeps pace with circumstances and with my general way of thinking"

Berserk Monk
2008-11-13, 01:06 AM
So here's mine. For those of you reading the relationship thread, you may be familiar with my story of heartbreak (if not, here's a link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=85319&page=39). It's pretty long though). So anyway, the dream centers around me and the girl. Now she's completely drunk. Like way beyond tipsy; completely wasted right? Now throughout the dream, she's chasing this one guy. Not really sure who he is. looked kind of familiar like maybe I have a class with him but I can't remember his face in my dream too well. I, however, am trying to stop her. It's not that I don't want her to be happy with this guy. It's that the way she was pursuing him was self-destructive: she almost leaped over a railing and down a flight of stairs to catch up to him in my dream. So I manage to restrain her and take her back to her dorm room because that's the responsible thing to do. I do that and her one roommate tells me it's wrong for me to be there, like the girl doesn't care about me in that way and she never will so I should just move on. And I'm thinking "It's not whether she loves me back. It's about her being safe."

I really need to talk to her and stop flooding the forums with my grief.

Mauve Shirt
2008-11-13, 09:30 AM
My dream last night, I was babysitting when my friends come by and say that something really important is going on, and I need to be there. I say I can't leave the kids alone, and if I take them with me I have to return by 8:00. We're walking down an unfamiliar street, I think it was a street in Alexandria, no where near where this family lives. My mother drives by, yells at me for bringing these kids along, and drives them back to their house. I say that I need to return, but my friends protest, saying I really need to be there for this important thing. We get on a bus.
So I'm on a bus with 3 of my friends and my grandmother, I don't know where. I'm going to assume it was that city that keeps showing up. We stop in a convenience store, more like a cafeteria, and this guy refuses to let us buy anything. Then we go to someone's house, we're hiding from something. Except the house is underwater. There's this old man who is holding us captive underwater, and the guy from the convenience store/cafeteria is in cahoots with him. And we have to watch this movie in order to escape, but one of my friends insists that we can't watch it because it's a sequel, and we won't understand the sequel unless we've watched the first movie. Actually, I think it was a Scooby Doo cartoon. We look up the movie on wikipedia and start watching the second. Then our pizza order arrives, there's some debate about who should pay for it, and I wake up.

2008-11-13, 09:53 AM
Then our pizza order arrives, there's some debate about who should pay for it, and I wake up.

That's a convenient way to get out of being stuck with the bill. I'll have to try that the next time I have the chance! :smallbiggrin:

Rettu Skcollob
2008-11-13, 10:54 AM
My weirdest dreams are probably from my childhood, because at some point around the ten-eleven area, I suddenly could no longer remember dreams. (I assume I still have them, REM and all that. I just don't remember them. At least... I hope.)

1) I discover that there's eight timed bombs hidden around my house, and I have to defuse them before the time runs out. By flushing myself down the toilet, I enter the 'sewers', where there is an additional two bombs I must defuse.
If I fail to defuse them before the time is up, then I wake up. I can remember that there was one under my bed, and one in the 'Sewers', if I took a left turn, went straight ahead, and then went right. I can't remember where any of the other ones were.
This dream recurred for over a year, (After a few 'deaths' from failure to find all of the explosives, I became quite adept at finding and defusing the bombs, and continued to trim my time) went away for two years, then came back once. I remember being surprised it was back, and that I had forgotten where most of the bombs were. I failed to defuse them all, and woke up. I never had that dream again. It was the only dream I've ever had where you could say I was aware it was a dream, although I had no control over it, so it wasn't really lucid.
2) I have my hand trapped in the mouth of one of those piranha plant things from Super Mario, (But don't worry, my fingers were small so I could fit between the gaps in its teeth) trying to call out to a group of my friends for help, but they can't hear me and they're going into a trap door. Suddenly I'm right over the trap door just as it closes. Then I wake up.
3) I had this dream once or twice where the contents of my pencil case grew to colossal size and chased me around in an endless white void. Weird.

Actually, now that I think about it, my mind does very weird things when I sleep. I've woken up an unsettling number of times in the mornings only to be told by other household occupants that I emitted a continuous bloodcurdling shriek during the night, before being woken, calmed and falling asleep again. I never have any memory of the nightmare that apparently caused my terror, or of being woken up. It hasn't occured for several months now, but it was a source of great worry for me for some time.

Hmm. Reading back on this; I sound like a freak. Awesome.

2008-11-13, 10:58 AM
Last night I had two really, really weird dreams. I can only remember one of them, though, and that one not very well. This says it all:


Keep a journal and pen next to your bed, and no matter how drowsy you might feel (like, even if you've woke up in the middle of the night) always write your dreams down in it. This means you've not only got a reference point to old dreams, it allows you to flick through at a later date and pinpoint recurring themes. Like a snapshot of your own subconscious. You can find out what makes you tick. :smallwink:

2008-11-13, 01:59 PM
I had one once where I was with the Fellowship of the Ring, plus Hiro Nakamura from Heroes, and we had to find the coffee for Gandalf before the Balrog came. One of the only dreams I've had that I actually remember that wasn't epic. In fact the only epic one I've had that I remember is the one on pg. 1. Oh, yeah all of us (in the above dream) were using foam Dagorhir or Larp weapons.

2008-11-13, 05:31 PM
I had the nerdiest dream ever the other night. Doctor 10 was lecturing Derek from the Sarah Connor Chronicles on his time travel methods.

Meh, nerdier would mean you have Doctor 1-7 doing that. :smalltongue:

2008-11-13, 07:21 PM
I will never forget this dream I had when I was about 6 or 7, mainly because it was really scary (at the time, anyway).

I don't remeber any details, but the main portion of the dream involved me being kidnapped, held hostage, killed and then eaten by a group of evil rabbits. It was very vivid, and I can still remember them putting me in a burlap sack and dragging me into their evil rabbit hole of death.