View Full Version : WARNING 4 Rich

2008-11-11, 09:09 AM
Where have I heard about this 'game' stuff and the 'couch and cheezits' stuff, before?

If this has anything to do with a bunch of green, yellow and red duotang folders, dreams and info you're getting from some shady characters we'll call 'spies'...

Stop being such a dummy. The short list is (not necessarily all-inclusive):

Brainwashing children
Battle for Ethics
We try to make You think the way we want you to

If you picture reading this in the mind of a child steeped in this stuff daily, heartbreak is an easy conclusion from here for a skilled monster. Be careful with what you write and how it is presented. Know your message.

That said, write whatever you feel like. This is hopeful, hopefully friendly advice. Just in case I'm on to something here.

2008-11-11, 09:12 AM
I have trouble deciphering exactly what is being said here. Is the OP accusing Rich of brainwashing us?*

*If so, they are guilty of incorrect thought. Incorrect thought must be corrected, the giant is your friend *Brainwashed Stare*

2008-11-11, 09:15 AM
I sense psycho-active vibrations emanating from the OP. Lets check if it makes more sense when read stoned ;)

2008-11-11, 09:20 AM
Um... don't follow. OP is going to have to clarify this a bit. Preferably while sober. :smallwink:

V Awesome.

2008-11-11, 09:21 AM
I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a picture of a bunny with a pancake on its head...


2008-11-11, 09:28 AM
I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a picture of a bunny with a pancake on its head...

QFT! :smallbiggrin:

OP, its entirely possible you heard of 'game stuff' and 'couch and cheezits stuff' in everyday life, or even during a Dungeons and Dragons game! :smallwink:

2008-11-11, 09:31 AM
hahahahahhaah pancake head

Mauve Shirt
2008-11-11, 09:32 AM
The pancake protects him from Rich's brainwashing techniques.

2008-11-11, 09:34 AM
Hm... I feel more insane just by reading this thread...

2008-11-11, 09:37 AM
I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a picture of a bunny with a pancake on its head...


Bunnies are for when you're so outré even pancake syrup no longer has the kick you need.

2008-11-11, 09:51 AM
I think my brain died... Maybe it was the cheezits.

2008-11-11, 09:56 AM
cheese nips are better than chees its

Evil DM Mark3
2008-11-11, 09:59 AM
http://heresabunnywithapancakeonitshead.com/bunny_pancake.jpgIt's a ceremonial flappenjacker not a pancake!!


Grey Paladin
2008-11-11, 10:00 AM
He Knows . . .


2008-11-11, 10:18 AM
In following with the OP, may I suggest that the following texts and plays that also contain important characters with philosopies that are not generally considered acceptable behavior in society:

Othello (Iago)
Richard III (Richard)
MacBeth (Lady MacBeth)
A Midsummer Night's Dream (Puck, Oberon, Titania...)
Doctor Faustus (Doctor Faustus)
Medea (Medea)
The Iliad (Achilles, Agamemnon, Paris, Hera...)
A Clockwork Orange (Alex)
Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl)
Paradise Lost (Satan)
The Screwtape Letters (Screwtape, Wormwood)
Sweeny Todd (Sweeny Todd)
Treasure Island (Long John Silver)
Amadeus (Antonio Salieri)
The Count of Monte Cristo (Edmond Dantes)

The list goes on. Obviously, these authors should also have put more thought into creating characters and expressing the points of view of those characters and never set pen to paper.


2008-11-11, 10:22 AM
He Knows . . .



2008-11-11, 10:25 AM
Just out of curiosity, was this run through a web translator two or three times before it was posted? I can kinda make out what it says... On the plus side, I give you a B+ for spelling?

Evil DM Mark3
2008-11-11, 10:31 AM
Out of blind curiosity, what is the OP going on about? Does anyone understand?

2008-11-11, 10:32 AM
I think he's just drunk, given the clarity of his other posts.

I'm not being insulting, we've all made that mistake before. But really, this is a far cry from what his post history shows, so I'm guessing he wasn't all there when he wrote it.

2008-11-11, 10:46 AM
Begins digging a trench and fills it with acid.
Threatening Rich will not change his views. D&D, and therefore Order of the Stick takes place in a quasi-medieval theme (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0274.html) Compared to today's philosophy, the philosophies in Rich's comic would appear to be flawed, but the philosophies are suitable for the time period

2008-11-11, 10:48 AM
Threatening Rich will not change his views. D&D, and therefore Order of the Stick takes place in a quasi-medieval theme (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0274.html) Compared to today's philosophy, it would appear to be flawed, but the philosophies in Rich's comic is suitable for the time period


What? What is flawed compared to today's philosophy?

I'm sorry sir but I don't understand OP and now I don't get what you're saying :smallconfused:

2008-11-11, 10:59 AM
Just in case I'm on to something here.

You're almost certainly not.

Warlord JK
2008-11-11, 11:41 AM
This thread makes me laugh. My dog likes pancakes on his head too :smallbiggrin:.

2008-11-11, 11:55 AM
I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a picture of a bunny with a pancake on its head...


That's the most awesome thing I've ever seen:biggrin:.

2008-11-11, 11:57 AM
Hm... I feel more insane just by reading this thread...

You can never be "more" insane... Once you are insane -- you are insane...

Embrace the bunny. Eat the pancake.

2008-11-11, 12:05 PM
You can never be "more" insane... Once you are insane -- you are insane...

Really? (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/campaigns/sanity.htm#sanityPoints) :smallbiggrin: Aaaargh! This thread took my precious 2d20 SP! Nooo... ugh... brainsss...

2008-11-11, 12:07 PM
I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a picture of a bunny with a pancake on its head...


Can I sig that?:smallbiggrin:

2008-11-11, 12:18 PM
Pancake bunny seems to be brand new around these parts :smalltongue:

2008-11-11, 12:29 PM
Where have I heard about this 'game' stuff and the 'couch and cheezits' stuff, before?

If this has anything to do with a bunch of green, yellow and red duotang folders, dreams and info you're getting from some shady characters we'll call 'spies'...

Stop being such a dummy. The short list is (not necessarily all-inclusive):

Brainwashing children
Battle for Ethics
We try to make You think the way we want you to

If you picture reading this in the mind of a child steeped in this stuff daily, heartbreak is an easy conclusion from here for a skilled monster. Be careful with what you write and how it is presented. Know your message.

That said, write whatever you feel like. This is hopeful, hopefully friendly advice. Just in case I'm on to something here.
I read your message a few times. And I considered it, but I think I'll just go with the bunny that has a pancake on his head.

Mauve Shirt
2008-11-11, 12:36 PM
The bunny pancake has been around a while. http://heresabunnywithapancakeonitshead.com

2008-11-11, 12:40 PM
I'm not sure, but is the OP accusing the Giant of trying to make little kids think, they shouldn't be nice but only pretend to be or something like that? At least that's what I read there...
If so... meh???? May accuse every second or so philosopher who said people aren't really kind but only pretend, because they need to to fit into society. It's no mental brainwashing, if anything it's a rough sketch of a certain part of philosophy, but I assume it's nothing but a nice metaphor to make B a little bit... hm... decreasing his odds to get killed by his teammates.

2008-11-11, 12:50 PM
Is that one or two pancakes on the bunny's head? Mmmmm, pancakes.

2008-11-11, 12:55 PM
The treat opener makes a serious point: Don't drink and write. Or hold breath until 90% of your brain is damaged and write.

2008-11-11, 12:59 PM
Maybe we're supposed to interpret the OP like a poem. Or maybe like a secret code.

Duotang ... Wikipedia says there was a Canadian band called Duotang (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duotang_(band)), comprised of Rod Slaughter and Sean Allum. Slaughter-Allum. Slaughter-All'um. Clearly there's the suggestion of mass murder, which when seen in the context of Belkar's known homicidal tendencies makes perfect sense.

2008-11-11, 01:01 PM
Yes it is true. I, as the keeper of the Green Folder, do admit to these sayings of the true.

My message is known to me and to the minds of others. May the cheezits flow freely from the busom of the couch spirits.

It is furthest to true, I have steeped many childrens in this stuff. Thrice daily. The battle for ethics shall belong to the house of the green folder.

- <-(my signature was implanted in your mind directly as it utterly incomprehensible to the naked eye.)

2008-11-11, 01:02 PM
The OP makes about as much sense to me as the Illuminatus trilogy.

Is the OP Discordian?

2008-11-11, 01:07 PM
Let's stop having fun on the OP. His post is weird enough to question wheter its "just" drugs or something more structured, paranoid in nature. My bet is on the second.

However, I got a weird feeling too from this comic - it is unlike the others. I felt as if Rich was trying to convey us something, some sort of "this is what I believe in" at a different level. Rich is Belkar/Shojo and we're the society that expect him to play by the D&D rules or the TVtropes. He doesn't like it but he'll play the game (and cheat often:) ).

But I'm probably paranoid too. And I do love pancakes.

2008-11-11, 01:09 PM
Is that one or two pancakes on the bunny's head? Mmmmm, pancakes.
SHHHHHHHH! You'll awaken the children! Just keep pretending there's only one; it's... safer.

2008-11-11, 01:14 PM
The OP makes about as much sense to me as the Illuminatus trilogy.

Is the OP Discordian?

Despite ascribing to the Discordian philosophy myself, I am a perfectly well-adjusted adult who tends to make intelligible posts.

Now, if you'll excuse me, my tutu is riding up in my crack.

And the fact that no ooze is coming from the cleft of pancake(s) above the ridge of bunny's nose makes me suspect it's two pancakes. A pancake with that surface area to volume ratio should be charred black if it's cooked through.

2008-11-11, 01:14 PM
The OP makes about as much sense to me as the Illuminatus trilogy.

Now let's be fair. The OP is far more comprehensible than the Illuminatus Trilogy.


2008-11-11, 01:15 PM
I think that when anyone performs any action in a werid seris that seems completley random the first thing that comes to people's minds is either brainwash or subliminal messaging. I mean half the videos my sisters watch which include a dancing singing gummy bear crying out that he's a gummy bear over and over again I think might be brainwashing them (it's a joke:smalltongue:)

I dunno...you gotta kinda think this through more "would Rich brainwash us?"
two answers
"yes, of course, why wouldn't he?"
and the 2nd
"no that's stupid, he's a webcomic author and has nothing to gain from brainwashing us. C'mon, this is just crazy! Let's look at pancakes instead, that's clearly not crazy"

just because something werid doesn't mean he's brainwashing us. Same with just a werid feeling. I get a werid feeling when my sisters listen to their gummy bear song or when they listen to something else called "Pshyco Teddy" it's just werid, but the chances of it being brainwashing are slim to none.

2008-11-11, 01:15 PM
Thrukh has won the thread. All hail King Thrukh!

To the OP:

I'm assuming that, like some of my relatives, you're new to internet posting but feel so strongly about the issue that you feel you must speak out. I offer four helpful hints:

1) As with the other folks here, I don't understand what you're trying to say. You might want to try again.

2) What you wrote -- to the extent I understood it -- *could* be interpreted as a threat.

Threatening the author of a comic on his own web-board is a pretty good way to get kicked off it.

I don't think that's what you meant. You might want to re-write so as to make that more clera.

3) Is it absolutely necessary to say this in a public folder? As opposed to, say, privately in e-mail or PM?

Because you know -- or should -- that the Giant has a very large fan base willing to defend him from any perceived imperfections. Perhaps some would agree with you -- but if we did, we'd first have to understand just what you were upset about!


Brian P.

2008-11-11, 01:43 PM
Let's stop having fun on the OP. His post is weird enough to question wheter its "just" drugs or something more structured, paranoid in nature. My bet is on the second.

However, I got a weird feeling too from this comic - it is unlike the others. I felt as if Rich was trying to convey us something, some sort of "this is what I believe in" at a different level. Rich is Belkar/Shojo and we're the society that expect him to play by the D&D rules or the TVtropes. He doesn't like it but he'll play the game (and cheat often:) ).

But I'm probably paranoid too. And I do love pancakes.

If he's trying to convey a message, maybe Rich is a serial killer?

2008-11-11, 03:52 PM
However, I got a weird feeling too from this comic - it is unlike the others.

I contributed that to the fact that Belkar is having a feverish dream. Also, ironically*, realizing that he can trick people by pretending to play their game is character development. Also, I believe that this accurately shows Belkar's point of view, but is very clear that this is only his point of view, it is not necessarily a good philosophy in any sense of the term.

*Ironic because he says he has to pretend to have character development, not realizing that this actually is character development. May or may not actually be ironic, I keep forgetting the real definitions, except for verbal and dramatic irony.

2008-11-11, 05:52 PM
Like someone said the OP has to be read as a poem. To the OP, whether the inspiration for this came out of a bottle, a pill, or out of your own head, it was good stuff. (Sorry for the small edits.)


Faith, dreamer,
Bugbear in the playground

For Rich,
Where have I heard about this game stuff?
And the couch and cheezits stuff before?

If this has anything to do with
a bunch of green, yellow and red duotang folders,
dreams and info you're getting
from some shady characters we'll call spies,
stop being such a dummy!

The short list is:
(not necessarily all-inclusive)
Brainwashing children,
Battle for Ethics,
We try to make You think the way we want You to

Picture reading this in the mind of a child
steeped in this stuff daily

Heartbreak is an easy conclusion from here
for a skilled monster

Be careful with what you write.
Know your message.
That said
write whatever you feel

This is hopeful,
hopefully friendly advice,
just in case
I'm on to something here.

2008-11-11, 08:00 PM
Ever wonder why new socks taste so fresh? There's a lot more to it than you might think. It all starts with a large block of cheese. Just like everything starts with cheese.

Then, the chainsaw. You don't really NEED a chainsaw...but it's more fun that way. Of course, if the JELL-O gets moldy, the whole thing should be set aflame.

And that's why you never make assumptions...because you make an ASS out of you and...mumptions...

So long, and thanks for the fish, *******.

Chef Brian, FTW

2008-11-11, 08:11 PM
Let's stop having fun on the OP. His post is weird enough to question wheter its "just" drugs or something more structured, paranoid in nature. My bet is on the second.

However, I got a weird feeling too from this comic - it is unlike the others. I felt as if Rich was trying to convey us something, some sort of "this is what I believe in" at a different level. Rich is Belkar/Shojo and we're the society that expect him to play by the D&D rules or the TVtropes. He doesn't like it but he'll play the game (and cheat often:) ).

But I'm probably paranoid too. And I do love pancakes.

so no one ever told you that acute paranoia can be a side effect of using certain drugs?:smallconfused:

2008-11-11, 08:48 PM
The treat opener makes a serious point: Don't drink and write.

A huge amount of great literature has been written by drunks, actually. Maybe the OP is a postmodernist poet?

If s/he is saying that writing about the thought process of a psychopath entails endorsing that psychopath, well, that's not true.

2008-11-11, 09:09 PM
so no one ever told you that acute paranoia can be a side effect of using certain drugs?:smallconfused:

But as someone who suffers from acute paranoia I can say with assurance that this is not always the case. We don't like it when people make stereotypes about that! :smallfrown:

2008-11-11, 09:29 PM
Since this is the only thing in the thread that makes sense to me, it what I shall respond to. Now, the picture of the bunny:


What it has on it's head is, indeed, NOT a pancake. The rabbit [called Oolong] has a confection known as a Dorayaki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorayaki) on it's head. It does, indeed, look pancake like, but since most Westerners have probably never HEARD of it before, they just called it a pancake, since that's what it looked like.


2008-11-11, 09:42 PM
Don't care. Pancakebunny is adorable. ^_^

2008-11-11, 09:49 PM
I think we can make this thread into another god (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93068) if we only coordinate our insane efforts.

Maybe Twitters, the Elder Bunny of Pancakes?

2008-11-11, 09:56 PM
There is really only one response to this, and like all good things it takes the form of an image macro.

2008-11-11, 09:58 PM
I think we can make this thread into another god (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93068) if we only coordinate our insane efforts.

Maybe Twitters, the Elder Bunny of Pancakes?

Why is it that everytime I'm the first person to respond to a thread, a new religion is founded.

2008-11-11, 10:07 PM
What it has on it's head is, indeed, NOT a pancake.

You're so right! It's TWO pancakes! :smalltongue:

2008-11-11, 10:07 PM

It's a fact that pancakebunny proves that bunnies are not self-aware. Put a bunny in front of a mirror and put a pancake on its head. The bunny will not recognize it is a pancakebunny.

The picture of the pancakebunny is also proof that bunnies have no sense of humiliation. Having someone put a pancake on your head and take a picture of you to distribute on the Internet is nothing if not embarrassing. Yet the pancakebunny is blissfully unaware.

If pancakes had evolved long ago to land on the heads of bunnies, then bunnies would have evolved some sort of counter measure...Perhaps antlers of a sort on which the pancakes would get impaled rather than land embarassingly on a bunny's head.

Or perhaps bunnies would have evolved self-awareness and shame so that when an offending pancake landed on a bunny's head, the bunny could look in a mirror and think to itself, "My that it embarassing. Let me remove this pancake from my head before someone takes a picture of me and distributes it on the Internet."

Alas that is not the case for bunnies. But it is the case for us humans. Well not the antlers part but the self-awareness and embarassment part.

I'm not sure I would not rather have the antlers.

Warlord JK
2008-11-11, 10:18 PM
Let me be the first to say this:

I am the official High Priest of Bunny. Therefore, if you want to join my religion, put bunny in your sig and grovel at my feet :smallamused:.

2008-11-11, 10:22 PM
Let me be the first to say this:

I am the official High Priest of Bunny. Therefore, if you want to join my religion, put bunny in your sig and grovel at my feet :smallamused:.

Can be the Official Holy Pancake Flipper of the First Church of Bunny?

Warlord JK
2008-11-11, 10:23 PM
Can be the Official Holy Pancake Flipper of the First Church of Bunny?

Yes, we will be the official Orothodox Church of Bunny (laughs maniacally).

Warlord JK
2008-11-11, 10:25 PM
We must use this thread to form the Orthodox Church of Bunny. Come up with wacky title and use my sig as example.

2008-11-11, 10:27 PM
Because you know -- or should -- that the Giant has a very large fan base willing to defend him from any perceived imperfections. Perhaps some would agree with you -- but if we did, we'd first have to understand just what you were upset about!

And we have pointy sticks.

2008-11-11, 10:28 PM
Two churches already. How about a Reformed Radical Church of Bunny? Would that get more converts?

Why is it that everytime I'm the first person to respond to a thread, a new religion is founded.

You are blessed.

Roland St. Jude
2008-11-11, 10:28 PM
Sheriff of Moddingham: Odd and somewhat nonsensical. I'm going to lock this now as it doesn't seem to be about anything. Please remember folks, calling someone a "troll" is flaming and not allowed here.