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View Full Version : Making a NWoD Changeling - Help?

The Glyphstone
2008-11-11, 07:51 PM
I've been invited to try out playing in a local Changeling: The Lost LARP, and need a character concept - but I know only the bare minimum about C:TL in general, so I'm a bit lost; the fact that I was explicitly warned to not care about any game mechanics or stats till the concept was fleshed out didn't help a lot.

I'm considering a Beast Seeming based off a spider - I have a preserved tarantula in a glass case on my desk, and it was the first thing I thought of for inspiration. In Arcadia, his "role" was a sort of pest remover, set loose in a Faerie household to keep it clean of whatever vermin infest such places. He's shy and possibly paranoid to a degree, with a pronounced tendency to avoid or run away from fights. But beyond that, I'm stuck - for example, I don't know how much a changeling is physically altered by their Durance - any suggestions?

2008-11-11, 08:12 PM
If you have the book, then it has pictures of each of the seemings - it's kind of the stereotypical, but nonetheless useful. Physically, changelings are usually humanoid, although the C:tL LARP I play in includes a dragon, a bear, and at least one large scaly individual.

The best way to write a changeling character is to write a fairy tale starring the idea you've come up with. It's quite good for the style, and you can then figure out the mechanics later. In fact it's a good idea in general, if you're going for an RP heavy game.

2008-11-12, 06:52 AM
Shy and paranoid will be TERRIBLE in a LARP without mitigating factors. You need some drive to your character that forces you to interact with other people. Note I didn't say other 'characters'--if this were a character in a novel, or in a small table-top game, it would be fine, the problem is unique and endemic to LARPing. Is there some facet you haven't told us about yet? Something in the ongoing game which requires your particular skills?

The Glyphstone
2008-11-12, 07:22 AM
Actually, it's a brand-new game that's just starting up - the theme is apparently a "reverse wild hunt', with the Autumn Court going out and hunting the Gentry. Now, this sounds like a Really Bad Idea to me, but I dunno.

2008-11-12, 09:36 AM
Your mortal form will take aspects of your Seeming, but it will generally not change too much, so for that, I wouldn't worry too much. Now your Seeming can be pretty far out there, and you'll be recognizable in mortal form for someone who knows your seeming.

Bloody hell, without my books it's harder to explain then I thought.