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2008-11-11, 09:04 PM
Any suggestions on a game that lets you make a Gundam Wing campaign setting?

2008-11-11, 09:22 PM
Mutants & Masterminds (2e) can simulate just about anything, although you would probably need to ignore the PL damage cap on some weapons (like the beam buster) to simulate them properly.

2008-11-11, 09:38 PM
Mutants & Masterminds (2e) can simulate just about anything, although you would probably need to ignore the PL damage cap on some weapons (like the beam buster) to simulate them properly.

Erm, M and M is not the best thing for Mecha by a long shot. If you want D20 I recommend d20 Mecha as a source, perhaps combined with d20 modern. For non d20 I think you should go with Mekton.

2008-11-11, 09:42 PM
You're joking, right? I don't normally get down on any particular systems, but d20 Future in general and d20 Mecha in particular kinda sucks.

Anyway, like I said in the other thread, BESM 3rd edition (not the d20 one) and Mutants & Masterminds work pretty well. Mekton Zeta is acceptable, but I personally don't like the mechanics.

2008-11-11, 09:45 PM
Gundam Wing? Silhouette Core can also handle it. I mean, from what I understand of Super Robots, it doesn't do Supers that well, but a Gundam is only a Super Robot in terms of its power level. It's just a really big Real Robot in terms of their abilities.

2008-11-11, 10:37 PM
You're joking, right? I don't normally get down on any particular systems, but d20 Future in general and d20 Mecha in particular kinda sucks.

Anyway, like I said in the other thread, BESM 3rd edition (not the d20 one) and Mutants & Masterminds work pretty well. Mekton Zeta is acceptable, but I personally don't like the mechanics.

D20 mecha isn't from the d20 future line first off. It was a product of d20 BESM, or rather an offshoot. I'll have to check the book again, but I know even as written it wasn't as bad as yous said. And again, I was explicitelly stating a d20 one on the list, not saying it was my favorite. And no, I don't think M and M worlks half as well for a mecha game as you seem to.

Which version of Mekton you talking about? The mechanics changed a bit over time.

Gundam Wing? Silhouette Core can also handle it. I mean, from what I understand of Super Robots, it doesn't do Supers that well, but a Gundam is only a Super Robot in terms of its power level. It's just a really big Real Robot in terms of their abilities.

Actually, the problem of Wing (as opposed to most other gundam series) Is that the "gundams" and a few others are super robots and the rest of the mechs are mooks.

2008-11-11, 10:41 PM
Actually, the problem of Wing (as opposed to most other gundam series) Is that the "gundams" and a few others are super robots and the rest of the mechs are mooks.

I've seen Gundam Wing. They're big reals. They're not Supers in the way that.. *Checks some wikipedia entries*.. Ideon is. There's no really special abilities, aside from the Mercurius' shields. They're Supers in that they tank hits well, and chew through mooks, but there's nothing that out of line in them like there is with shields powered by love, or emotions being the basis of the mecha, or anything like that. They operate like really powerful real robots.

2008-11-11, 10:47 PM
d20 BESM, you say? No, thank you, I might as well just play D&D then. Not that that's always a bad idea... (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39518)

M&M will take a significant amount of finagling, true. I mean, the obvious way to do it is with mecha as Devices (akin to the Battlesuit archetype, just with a lot of Growth used to scale things up). However, I admit this doesn't account for the ability for different pilots to use different machines (other than replacing their Device with an equivalent-valued one). I've also seen making a low-PL pilot character and a high-PL mech character (a construct), and using the two sheets in tandem in some way. There are a few ways to do this, but none are terribly complex. I admit this fits into M&M a lot less neatly than almost anything else, but it's a good system for customizable cinematic gaming.

Everything I just said applies to BESM, but it's focused on anime rather than western comics, so it's explained a bit better for mechs. Also note that Mutants & Masterminds has an anime-focused supplement coming out next year which will almost assuredly have "official" mech rules.

2008-11-11, 11:43 PM
M&M will take a significant amount of finagling, true. I mean, the obvious way to do it is with mecha as Devices (akin to the Battlesuit archetype, just with a lot of Growth used to scale things up). However, I admit this doesn't account for the ability for different pilots to use different machines (other than replacing their Device with an equivalent-valued one).

I would put the Mecha to have base attack and defense (signifying the in-built targetting system and maneuverability), which would vary from model to model. The base attack/defense would be further augmented by a custom 'mecha piloting' skill each pilot would have. You might even split the mecha piloting skill into seperate 'Aiming' for attack and 'Dodging' for defense.

2008-11-11, 11:48 PM
Why not just add the mech and the pilot's Attack and Defense, up to the PL cap for the mecha?

Say you have PL 10 Gundam Wing. It has a Base Attack of 5. Say you have Heero Yuy with an Attack of 5 and an OZ mook with an Attack of 2. Put Heero in the thing, it has a total Attack of +10. Put the mook in it, it has an attack of +7.

Or something. The Gundam and Heero are probably both Range-focused, etc.

I think treating them like Devices and playing fast and lose with who can use them (really, it doesn't come up all that often except as a major plot event) is the way to go.

I guess non-customized mass production mobile suits would be high-point Equipment, rather than Devices. It's not like there's much of a difference, especially since they'll be used by NPCs 95% of the time if we're basing this on Wing.

2008-11-12, 12:10 AM
I think adding it as a skill works better for situations where the guy is an outstanding pilot, but not as spectacular a fighter outside the mech (*cough* Kira Yamato *cough*). Edit: admittedly this situation comes up less often in G-wing since all the pilots also happen to be trained soldiers.

The Gundam and Heero are probably both Range-focused, etc.

That is a good point. the attack skill might be further subdivided into seperate Range and Melee skills. I guess to make it fair, the Defence skill would cost 2 skill points per rank.

2008-11-12, 01:12 AM
I really think you're complicating things too much here. M&M is an abstract system for a reason. Also, you keep saying "skill". You don't want to base attack and defense off of a skill in M&M, because skills are 1pp/4 ranks, far too cheap. Generic Attack is 2pp/rank and feats (like Attack Focus) are 1pp/rank.

If you want someone with a lot of piloting skill but little outside of it (high attack/defense in a MS, low with other weapons), I'd say just allow them to take Attack Focus (Mech) and Defense Focus (Mech) feats: +1 attack/rank, only while in mecha. It's half the regular cost, the same as buying Attack Focus (Range/Melee) or Dodge Focus for your Defense.

We don't have to **** around too much with the rules, just take what's there as a model.

2008-11-12, 10:57 AM
Any suggestions on a game that lets you make a Gundam Wing campaign setting?

I believe Jovian Chronicles is Gundam Wing with the serial numbers filed off.

2008-11-12, 05:26 PM
I was using Gundam Wing as an example mostly because they are Real Robots, except of course for some of the weapons and armor they use, and would probably be easier to RP. If it's easier to do a campaign with Supers though, it would probably change to reflect G Gundam, since most of them are obviously Supers. This is also to experiment with how different Gundam characters would react to a different Gundam storyline, kind of like Super Robot Wars. For example: putting Amuro Rey into the mix with either the Gundam, Nu Gundam or Re-Gz or Garrod Ran in something other than Gundam X just to add the challenge of him not being proficient with the mech that he is piloting. Incidentaly, when is the mecha supplement for BESM coming out?