View Full Version : ...and I finally knocked her up.

The J Pizzel
2008-11-12, 11:26 AM
Well, after 2 surgeries; lots and lots of expensive medications and treatments; countless nights holding her while she cries and telling her it'll happen when it's time; more tests on the potency of my...'soldiers' than I'd care to think about; and enough sex to make Mic Jagger jealous... she's finally knocked up.

Been married 5 years. Been trying to have a kid for 2 of them. 3 of her friends have had un-planned pregnancies, which to her adds insult to injury. Her plumbing was a pretty good bit messed up so we had to have the DNC (which I've been informed is not "Dusting and Cleaning" although I think it fits pretty good) to fix that as well as a few other things like: indometriosis (sp?), cists, blocked tubes, tilted uterus and other minor things.

Due date is sometime in August. Name (excluding last name) for boy is: Caden Joseph and girl is either Sophia Rose or Aleena Rose with a lean towards Aleena. I'd like the girl to be Cadence Rose, cause I'm a drummer, but the wife's not having it.

If we have twins the names will be Simon Joseph and River Rose. Nah, I'm kidding, she said I couldn't name them Simon and River. That would be cool as hell though.

Anyway, so I'm scared ****tless. She's happier than hell.


2008-11-12, 11:28 AM
Excuse me for finding the term "knocked up" extremely offending.
But congratulations all the same. :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-12, 11:28 AM
Hey, congratulations! That's fantastic!

2008-11-12, 11:33 AM
Many congratulations and blessings on you both. :smallsmile:

2008-11-12, 11:34 AM
Excuse me for finding the term "knocked up" extremely offending.
But congratulations all the same. :smallbiggrin:

I have never heard of this phrase being insulting or offensive in the least. Please explain.

2008-11-12, 11:34 AM
That's great!
Simon and River... muahahaha... try explaining that to their 4th-grade teacher... muahahaha! But Sophia is a beautiful name. It means 'Wisdom' or something similar, does it not?

2008-11-12, 11:36 AM
Way to go man.

2008-11-12, 11:38 AM
I have never heard of this phrase being insulting or offensive in the least. Please explain.

I've just always been taught to find it distasteful, myself, and usually denotes an accidental, unwanted pregnancy, which this is obviously not.
Whatever. I'm not going to get into a debate over word choice because I made a silly comment.

I still offer my congratulations :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-12, 11:39 AM
Congratulations. After such a struggle, you must be so happy. Again, congrats!

The J Pizzel
2008-11-12, 11:42 AM
Excuse me for finding the term "knocked up" extremely offending.
But congratulations all the same. :smallbiggrin:

My apologies. My wife and I have been using it the past two days in a humorous manner and everyone (save my Grandmother) thought it was funny.

Most happily married couples whom are trying to having a child would say something like "oh guess what, were pregnant!!!!". Honestly, that's jut not my style so with her permission, I've just been telling everyone "I knocked that skank up". My wife has a great sense of humor and allows me these little indulgences. Everyone knows I love my wife terribly and would never purposefully insult her.

Although she is skank :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-12, 11:43 AM
I've just always been taught to find it distasteful, myself, and usually denotes an accidental, unwanted pregnancy, which this is obviously not.
Whatever. I'm not going to get into a debate over word choice because I made a silly comment.

I still offer my congratulations :smallbiggrin:
That's how I think of it as well. But, in this case, he clearly isn't meaning to be offensive or distasteful; which is why I assume Rabbit's comment was being slightly silly, or at least not completely serious.

Congratulations J Pizzle! I have a little (almost) cousin name Sophie Rose, so I suggest you go with your gut and name your daughter Aleena. :smalltongue:

2008-11-12, 11:43 AM
Been married 5 years. Been trying to have a kid for 2 of them. 3 of her friends have had un-planned pregnancies, which to her adds insult to injury. Her plumbing was a pretty good bit messed up so we had to have the DNC (which I've been informed is not "Dusting and Cleaning" although I think it fits pretty good) to fix that as well as a few other things like: indometriosis (sp?), cists, blocked tubes, tilted uterus and other minor things.

My parents tried 10 years to have kids before giving up and adopting me. It took until they were 40(20 years after that) to actually have a kid. So be glad for that modern medical science. Or tell your wife to, I guess. My mom gained 100lbs on 1970s fertility drugs... :smalleek::smallfrown:

Anyway, yeah, congrats, I love babies...

And you'll be fine :smallsmile:

2008-11-12, 11:43 AM
I just watched match point, this is creepy

Anyways, great job good luck

2008-11-12, 11:44 AM
Why didn't you just adopt a wee one? Seems like it would be a lot less hassle, and there are kids out there you could have given a good life.

Anyway, congratulations. Be good to your children.

2008-11-12, 11:47 AM
My apologies. My wife and I have been using it the past two days in a humorous manner and everyone (save my Grandmother) thought it was funny.

Most happily married couples whom are trying to having a child would say something like "oh guess what, were pregnant!!!!". Honestly, that's jut not my style so with her permission, I've just been telling everyone "I knocked that skank up". My wife has a great sense of humor and allows me these little indulgences. Everyone knows I love my wife terribly and would never purposefully insult her.

Although she is skank :smallbiggrin:
Hah. I hadn't been completely serious, but I'm glad you can see the humor in something you're completely terrified about.
I'm sure you'll do great, and she'll give you two a beautiful baby.

Keep up updated?

The J Pizzel
2008-11-12, 11:48 AM
Why didn't you just adopt a wee one? Seems like it would be a lot less hassle, and there are kids out there you could have given a good life.

Anyway, congratulations. Be good to your children.

It was discussed in passing that in a worst case scenario we would happily adopt. But we weren't anywhere near that point yet. Neither of us were infertile, she just had some clogged plumbing. Nothing a good $2500.00 dose of Drano couldn't solve.:smallsmile:

Lady Tialait
2008-11-12, 11:49 AM
Grats! 9 month flu followed by torture.....you'll love every minuet of it!

Oh, and May it be Quintuplets!

2008-11-12, 11:49 AM
Congrats good sir! Best wishes to you and yours!

2008-11-12, 11:56 AM

2008-11-12, 11:56 AM
Grats! 9 month flu followed by torture.....you'll love every minuet of it!

Oh, and May it be Quintuplets!
Oh yes, he will... he's the father.

Zar Peter
2008-11-12, 11:57 AM

You don't know what you're expecting...

But best wishes anyway!

They are doomed!! I tell ya!

Kids are the greatest thing on earth!:smallbiggrin:

2008-11-12, 11:58 AM
Grats! 9 month flu followed by torture.....you'll love every minuet of it!

Oh, and May it be Quintuplets!

Yeah, that's right, encourage him some more, why don't you? :smalltongue:

Congratulations, to the both of you! :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-12, 12:19 PM
Congrats man. Hope its a little tyrant, but that it gets straightened out soon! That and that your kid soon has some little brothers and sisters to play with. They'll need it for the gaming parties...

2008-11-12, 12:23 PM
And here I thought that was the ending bit of a humorous anecdote...

Congratulations, now just stay healthy and make sure the little one doesn't decide to move in permanently since you fixed up such a swank pad.

2008-11-12, 12:27 PM
Congratulations. :smallsmile:
(I'm actually a member of VHEMT but what the hey.)

2008-11-12, 12:38 PM
Congratulations. :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-12, 12:43 PM
Relax, Pizzel. People have been rearing children since the dawn of time. They should turn out all right as long as you:

1) Don't abuse your kids.
2) Teach them about the dangers of the world.
3) Hug them every once in a while.
4) Don't introduce them to Dungeons and Dragons. :smalltongue:

Otherwise, congratulations.

Rogue 7
2008-11-12, 12:44 PM
Been married 5 years. Been trying to have a kid for 2 of them. 3 of her friends have had un-planned pregnancies, which to her adds insult to injury. Her plumbing was a pretty good bit messed up so we had to have the DNC (which I've been informed is not "Dusting and Cleaning" although I think it fits pretty good) to fix that as well as a few other things like: indometriosis (sp?), cists, blocked tubes, tilted uterus and other minor things.

You contacted the Democratic National Committee for childbearing support? No wonder you were having trouble!:smallbiggrin:

But seriously, congratulations and best of luck with the little tyke.

Flame of Anor
2008-11-12, 12:45 PM
My parents tried 10 years to have kids before giving up and adopting me. It took until they were 40(20 years after that) to actually have a kid.

Does that math seem kinda freaky to anyone else? So they're 40 when they actually have a kid; this was 20 years after they gave up trying and adopted Skywalker; which was after 10 years of trying to have kids. Which would make them 10 years old when they started :eek:.

Anyway, congratulations! Good for you to keep being so supportive, and best of luck with the little terror. Also, if it is a girl, I'd suggest Sophia over Aleena, both because Sophia is a beautiful name and because it won't ever go very much out of fashion.

Mauve Shirt
2008-11-12, 12:49 PM
Congratulations! Your attitude about the whole thing fills me with glee. :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-12, 12:54 PM
Does that math seem kinda freaky to anyone else? So they're 40 when they actually have a kid; this was 20 years after they gave up trying and adopted Skywalker; which was after 10 years of trying to have kids. Which would make them 10 years old when they started :eek:

Sorry. 20 years meant 20 years after they started trying to have kids.

Sorry to have caused confusion. My parents got married at 20, adopted me at 32-ish, and then had my sister at 42. I rounded some numbers off the first time. But enough about me... :smallwink:

Lord Herman
2008-11-12, 01:01 PM
Yay, more gamer spawn! Congratulations! :smallbiggrin:

Dirk Kris
2008-11-12, 01:05 PM
Congrats, dude.

2008-11-12, 01:07 PM

Your life will never, ever be the same. Kids change everything.

2008-11-12, 01:07 PM
Good for you. :smallbiggrin:
And, I like Cadence too. But I do prefer Sophia to Aleena, it's more classic, more feminine, generally prettier, methinks.

2008-11-12, 01:09 PM
Congratulations, man.

Now you got someone on the way to drive your parents nuts just as you did to your own progenitors! Doesn't that sound fun?

2008-11-12, 01:43 PM
To be honest, when I first read it I didn't caught your "humour" and I thought you were either a bit insensitive or a bit of a jerk. But well, I see it's all in jest and that your wife is into it too.

'Cause I agree with Rabbit in that I think the term "knock her up" (along with referring to "her plumbing") can be pretty disrespectful at the very least.


Midnight Son
2008-11-12, 02:27 PM
Way to go, man. *offers fake cigar* (Cause the real ones is unhealthy)

The J Pizzel
2008-11-12, 03:29 PM
To be honest, when I first read it I didn't caught your "humour" and I thought you were either a bit insensitive or a bit of a jerk. But well, I see it's all in jest and that your wife is into it too.

'Cause I agree with Rabbit in that I think the term "knock her up" (along with referring to "her plumbing") can be pretty disrespectful at the very least.


What can I say? It's all in interpretation. She's a special woman for putting up with me.

Get this! My childhood friend and long time DnD/SW RPG running mate's wife had thier first spawn this wednesday. I'm one year older than him, now are children will be roughly one year apart with his being older. How cool is that. I see lots of DnD and SW: SAGA in the future.

Also, another couple is wanting to have a kid, but they were waiting for the dirty deed done on our end. So now they're gonna hve a kid too. He's what I call a closet nerd. He can fix car engines and works at a chemical plant and he's all macho man and stuff, yet he has more comics and boxed action figures and anyone should have. Think 40 Year Old Virgin, only married. Here's the best part, he named is first son......wait for it.....Logan Scott. Tell me somebody gets that. Yes, it's exactly what you think it is.

I'm surprised Sophia is getting more votes than Aleena. I'll have to let her know.

2008-11-12, 03:54 PM
Congrats, man! I'm in a similar situation to you, minus a couple years. No kid yet, but we're just about recovered from two miscarriages and are about ready to start trying again. I know it'll be incredible when it finally happens for us. So stock up on fish oil and whatever else the doctor tells you, and I hope all three of you enjoy the pregnancy. :smallsmile:

2008-11-12, 04:12 PM
Relax, Pizzel. People have been rearing children since the dawn of time. They should turn out all right as long as you:

1) Don't abuse your kids.
2) Teach them about the dangers of the world.
3) Hug them every once in a while.
4) Don't introduce them to Dungeons and Dragons. :smalltongue:

Otherwise, congratulations.

5) Don't forget to discipline the kid too. The last thing the world needs is another spoiled brat who's parents didn't care enough to say "no."

Heh, also I definately get your sense of humor. My Brother and his wife just had their first, and I always teased her about getting knocked up. My fiancee hits me every time I say it, but I think she does it more on principle rather than actually being offended.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-11-12, 04:20 PM
*Generic, but sincere congratulations*
*Thoughtless Snark Comment*
*Copious lampshading of Snarkiness*

*D&D Joke*

Bor the Barbarian Monk
2008-11-12, 04:24 PM
Mazeltov! (I had more to say, but my humor probably crossed the religious lines. Trust me. It was funny stuff. :smallwink: )

2008-11-12, 04:56 PM
Congrats! Also, tossing my vote at Sophia, such an uncommon name these days, and yet so pretty.

Midnight Son
2008-11-12, 05:27 PM
One for Aleena here. Sophia sounds like an old woman.

2008-11-12, 05:47 PM
nice work.

One for Aleena here. Sophia sounds like an old woman.

my great aunt sophia is going to turn some large this month.

2008-11-12, 06:15 PM
Congradulations and such.

Sophia. Never EVER heard the name "Aleena" Before. But yeah. Make sure your kids get lots of love and such, but don't let them be a brat. That's my quota of parenting tips today. Come again tomorrow!

2008-11-12, 06:17 PM
Simon and River!! Simon and River!!! Firefly ftw!!! *glomps Jewell Saite* Kaylee's mine!!

2008-11-12, 06:18 PM

Sophia would be my choice, simply off of people I know. I know two Aleena's, neither of whom is a friendly sort. I only know one Sophia, and she's one of my best friends.

2008-11-12, 06:21 PM
I vote Sophia, although my vote would totally go for Simon and River. (I also got the Logan Scott reference).

Whenever I have kids (/if) I want to name a son Talyn (Tal for short, after Moya's child on Farscape) and a daughter Inara. I'm so glad my boyfriend's a dork too, when I told him about the Talyn idea he loved it. :smallbiggrin:

That said, I'm still trying to get the sex part of procreation down (long story), and either way it'll be a while before I reproduce. My mom's family are scary fertile, though, so I'll probably have an easier time than desired conceiving. oo'

I feel for your wife, though. Endo is NOT fun, and I've had many friends who have miscarried and/or will have a difficult time bearing children and it takes such a toll on them. :(


2008-11-12, 06:30 PM
Oh man, congratulations sir!

Hopefully, little Logan doesn't run into anyone named Victor... that could cause problems at birthdays. :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-12, 06:37 PM
Aleena sounds like a name-equivalent of a portmaneau of Lena/Lina and (A)Laina. What's it mean? I'm trying to look it up but that particular variant seems to escape my search. So far I've got "noble" roots in arabic and latin... "little rock" or "handsome" from breton, "torch" or "moon" from the greek helen... fun times searching through these name meanings. Heh... "Desired" from german's "Ava"

I've always been partial to Sophia's wisdom myself...

But neither sounds bad rolling off the tongue at least.

I wonder if anyone's created a registry of ways that kids will likely try to make fun of X name yet...

2008-11-12, 06:43 PM

Also being scared is a good sign, you'll do fine.

2008-11-12, 06:45 PM
Congratulations! I hope the pregnancy is easy, and everything goes well!

Don't pin on names yet, you will probably change your mind several times, which is perfectly fine :smallbiggrin:

Good luck to all three of you!

2008-11-12, 09:12 PM
Mazeltov! (I had more to say, but my humor probably crossed the religious lines. Trust me. It was funny stuff. :smallwink: )

I wanna hear!!! Bor can get away with anything!

That said, I'm still trying to get the sex part of procreation down (long story)

... :eek:

2008-11-12, 09:46 PM
congrats and another vote for sophia.

2008-11-12, 09:47 PM
Congratulations! I hope you have a child just like you. :smalltongue:

2008-11-12, 10:07 PM
My gaming store owner once said that having a baby for the first time is like fighting in the Vietnam War.

I'll let you think what that means by your own.

2008-11-12, 10:12 PM
Whenever I have kids (/if) I want to name a son Talyn (Tal for short, after Moya's child on Farscape) and a daughter Inara. I'm so glad my boyfriend's a dork too, when I told him about the Talyn idea he loved it. :smallbiggrin:

I want also kinda want to name my (hopefully) future son Talyn. It's such a cool name and is pronounced like Talon that I can't help but think "badass" about that name.

Honestly I'd prefer Kailee (sp?) over Inara though.

2008-11-12, 10:22 PM
Congratulations! I hope you have a child just like you. :smalltongue:

...only better.

Sorry. Congratumatastic! :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-12, 10:38 PM
Good luck.

Although I fear that if civilization collapses and the human species regresses to the iron age in a barbaric, post-apocalyptic world, children who were created via man-made solutions to genetic infertility will grow up to fail at producing the next generation. Then again, your wife's tubes may have been blocked for non-genetic reasons.

2008-11-12, 10:43 PM
Kaylee. :) I thought about Kaylee Inara, actually, but I decided I liked Inara better and would just give a kid a normal middle name. ;) And Talyn is such a kick butt name. My kid would be all, "Back off, dude. I can kick your butt 'cause I'm Talyn."

skywalker, if you need elaboration, you can PM me, but I know it sounds weird. I got the same reaction from a friend. :smallsigh: My life is made for a movie, swear to God.


2008-11-12, 10:57 PM
heretic: Ah, but if civillization collapses we'll deserve it.

2008-11-13, 12:50 AM

Way to go dude! :smallwink:


2008-11-13, 03:24 AM
If we have twins the names will be Simon Joseph and River Rose. Nah, I'm kidding, she said I couldn't name them Simon and River. That would be cool as hell though.

Anyway, so I'm scared ****tless. She's happier than hell.


Dude, we're totally on a wavelength there. I concluded about five minutes before I read this that my twins would be named Simon and River. (mind you, most of the playground have probably done that at spome point).
All the best.:smallsmile:

EDIT: What's with all the love for Sphia right now? You guys do know its like the number one most common girls name at the moment, right? Your kids will have to put up with being called "Sophia P" and "Sophia B" or god forbid, numbers."shudders."

2008-11-13, 03:34 AM
i am, at the same time...

Well, after 2 surgeries; lots and lots of expensive medications and treatments; countless nights holding her while she cries and telling her it'll happen when it's time; more tests on the potency of my...'soldiers' than I'd care to think about; and enough sex to make Mic Jagger jealous... she's finally knocked up.


Been married 5 years. Been trying to have a kid for 2 of them. 3 of her friends have had un-planned pregnancies, which to her adds insult to injury. Her plumbing was a pretty good bit messed up so we had to have the DNC (which I've been informed is not "Dusting and Cleaning" although I think it fits pretty good) to fix that as well as a few other things like: indometriosis (sp?), cists, blocked tubes, tilted uterus and other minor things.

Due date is sometime in August. Name (excluding last name) for boy is: Caden Joseph and girl is either Sophia Rose or Aleena Rose with a lean towards Aleena. I'd like the girl to be Cadence Rose, cause I'm a drummer, but the wife's not having it.

If we have twins the names will be Simon Joseph and River Rose. Nah, I'm kidding, she said I couldn't name them Simon and River. That would be cool as hell though.

Anyway, so I'm scared ****tless. She's happier than hell.


and thrilled for you.

2008-11-13, 04:00 AM
Dude, we're totally on a wavelength there. I concluded about five minutes before I read this that my twins would be named Simon and River. (mind you, most of the playground have probably done that at spome point).
All the best.:smallsmile:

EDIT: What's with all the love for Sphia right now? You guys do know its like the number one most common girls name at the moment, right? Your kids will have to put up with being called "Sophia P" and "Sophia B" or god forbid, numbers."shudders."

Well, maybe it's different between men and women, but I'm one of the innumerable Johns that came out of the 80s, and I get by using my last name mostly, so it really depends on whether the last name can stand the extra weight, I'd say.

2008-11-13, 04:49 AM
Way to go! *fist pound* Congrats, and I hope you have many more.

Friends of mine had their first baby earlier this year and we were discussing baby names. She was due april-may, so I made the comment that if child was born on Star Wars day (May the 4th), the child should be called Leia or Luke. It got some laughs and a "haha, nah" from the dad. Imagine their relief when little baby girl was born on May 5th. I think she was purposely holding off so I wouldn't flood the house with life sized wookie dolls.

2008-11-13, 05:18 AM


2008-11-13, 05:22 AM
..*snip*...flood the house with life sized wookie dolls.

Which would have been awesome. I'd say about a 7.5/10 on the scale of awesome, whereas this is definitely an 8/10 awesome scenario.

2008-11-13, 06:10 AM
Many congratulations!

1) Don't abuse your kids.
2) Teach them about the dangers of the world.
3) Hug them every once in a while.
4) Don't introduce them to Dungeons and Dragons.

5) Don't forget to discipline the kid too. The last thing the world needs is another spoiled brat who's parents didn't care enough to say "no."

Obviously, you've seriously wanted to have kids, since you've put this much effort into it. That's pretty much item 1 on being a good parent. However, I can't resist giving the standard health & similar advice, even though I'm sure you've heard it all before. Hope this isn't too patronising:

6) Help your wife with getting all the relevent antenatal care, expert assistance at the time of delivery (primigravidae are the most likely to need help here), postnatal care.
7) Make sure the kid(s) get(s) their shots.
8) Get good professional advice on their early diet.
9) Don't smoke around them.
10) Be all that you can be as an inspiration for them, while still making time to be around for them. (No pressure :smallwink:)

The J Pizzel
2008-11-13, 09:31 AM
Wow, thanks for all the cool posts guys. I thought I'd sign in and say Hi again.

So we found from the blood tests she's actually more like 6 weeks along than the expected 3 weeks. I told her that the playground is almost a landslide vote for Sophia, she just smiles that cute, glowing, pregrnant smile that says "and I'm gonna get it too". I think she wants Sophia more than me. Even though I still like Sophia, I like Aleena more because it at least has a hint of DnD fantasy to it. She's cool with that kind of stuff. We neamed our red wire hair terrier with shaggy hair and a beard Gimli. She also agreed since I can't have Simon and River, if we ever buy two dogs I can name them that. I haven't thought about Kaylee....gonna have to give that a shot.

I'm the youngest of 3 kids. Brother and Sister have both already had kids, and they're. all. girls. It's friggin awful at family functions. We're hoping for a boy for that reason. But I personally don't mind which one we get. I'm pretty sure it will either be a boy or a girl though. Yeah, definetly one of those two. You gotta admit though, it would be cool as hell to raise a gamer chick.

2008-11-13, 10:22 AM
Wow, thanks for all the cool posts guys. I thought I'd sign in and say Hi again.

So we found from the blood tests she's actually more like 6 weeks along than the expected 3 weeks. I told her that the playground is almost a landslide vote for Sophia, she just smiles that cute, glowing, pregrnant smile that says "and I'm gonna get it too". I think she wants Sophia more than me. Even though I still like Sophia, I like Aleena more because it at least has a hint of DnD fantasy to it. She's cool with that kind of stuff. We neamed our red wire hair terrier with shaggy hair and a beard Gimli. She also agreed since I can't have Simon and River, if we ever buy two dogs I can name them that. I haven't thought about Kaylee....gonna have to give that a shot.

I'm the youngest of 3 kids. Brother and Sister have both already had kids, and they're. all. girls. It's friggin awful at family functions. We're hoping for a boy for that reason. But I personally don't mind which one we get. I'm pretty sure it will either be a boy or a girl though. Yeah, definetly one of those two. You gotta admit though, it would be cool as hell to raise a gamer chick.
Do it. Push for Kaylee, she'll never know what hit her and then she'll say "Oh that sounds like a cute name." And then you'll have VICTORY.

And yes. I think you should certainly have the Playground be the deciding factor in your child's naming.

2008-11-13, 02:03 PM
No offence, but wouldn't "My wife and I have been trying to get pregnant for x-amount of years and it finally happened" been just as good as what you said?

(congrats, btw)

2008-11-13, 02:25 PM
Whenever I have kids (/if) I want to name a son Talyn (Tal for short, after Moya's child on Farscape) and a daughter Inara. I'm so glad my boyfriend's a dork too, when I told him about the Talyn idea he loved it. :smallbiggrin:

My aforementioned brother & sis-in-law just named their kid "Talis," and call him Tal for short. Actually, they really just liked the name "Tal" and decided to find something that they could shorten to "Tal" (they're a bit weird). My bro is a bit of a greek history nut, so they went with the greek name "Talis."

Of course, now I'll have to tease him for choosing a name from Farscape.

2008-11-13, 06:34 PM
Congrats! :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-13, 08:49 PM
My aforementioned brother & sis-in-law just named their kid "Talis," and call him Tal for short. Actually, they really just liked the name "Tal" and decided to find something that they could shorten to "Tal" (they're a bit weird). My bro is a bit of a greek history nut, so they went with the greek name "Talis."

Of course, now I'll have to tease him for choosing a name from Farscape.

Well, the ships name is Talyn. I would call the kid Tal. :)

I was listening to Tal Bachman (blast from the 90's!) on my MP3 player and was all "Tal's a cool name...wait...Talyn...sweet!"


2008-11-13, 11:18 PM
Congratulations! You finally did it, and now you're in for one hell of a ride. :smallamused:

2008-11-14, 12:27 AM
Congratulations! You finally did it, and now you're in for one hell of a ride. :smallamused:

I think we know from the OP, he's already had quite a few of those...

Generic Archer
2008-11-14, 05:10 AM
No offence, but wouldn't "My wife and I have been trying to get pregnant for x-amount of years and it finally happened" been just as good as what you said?

Yes it would, but it would have lacked the impact.
and this thread probably wouldn't have reached 3 pages if it didn't have the impact


The J Pizzel
2008-11-14, 04:23 PM
Whew. So we finally told the whole family. We couldn't tell the wife's dad cause he was out of town and I refused to tell him on the phone. He's been wanting a grandchild forever. She's an only child so both of her parents are thrilled. And for those wondering, I didn't tell her father "I finally knocked the skank up".

I politly told him..."So, I impregnated your daughter about 6 weeks ago. Hope you don't mind."

To which he replied..."Well it's about time. I was starting to wonder about what kind of man she married."

God I love this family. :smallbiggrin:

She has shot down Kaylee, Cadence, River and Ravyn. She is still only good for Sohpia or Aleena. I need some more ideas people. We would like a relatively none common name (ex: Jessica, Katy, Molly, Susan = common). Out of those two I still like Aleena a little more than Sophia, but the masses are all pushing towards Sophia.

Any ideas? For those that care, I love the V names. Like Veronica, Venessa, Victoria, etc.


2008-11-14, 04:25 PM
She has shot down Kaylee, Cadence, River and Ravyn. She is still only good for Sohpia or Aleena. I need some more ideas people. We would like a relatively none common name (ex: Jessica, Katy, Molly, Susan = common). Out of those two I still like Aleena a little more than Sophia, but the masses are all pushing towards Sophia.

Any ideas? For those that care, I love the V names. Like Veronica, Venessa, Victoria, etc.

Vendetta? Or just: V.

2008-11-14, 04:36 PM

If you want an uncommon name, I always liked "Emory". I've heard guys with the name, but more often girls and phonetically it's a feminine ending.

I'll throw out other uncommon name suggestions. These are all names by fact or by the fact that I've met one and that they were a female.

Mileena (girl i knew in high school who apparently was named after a Bond woman? her dad was a huge fan of classic Bond.)

OK I'm out of ideas for now. Of the names I've seen, I really like Sophia.

2008-11-14, 05:15 PM
Congratulations and all the best to your growing family!

And don't worry about being scared stupid. I also recently found out I was expecting when I was about 6wks along, and I gotta tell ya, my husband and I just looked like zombies for at least a week. It wasn't an unexpected event, it was just terrifying when it actually happened. But that's why you have 9 months to get used to the idea! :smallwink:

I'm currently suffering gladly through week 14, and we're both pretty excited now, even with the seemingly endless morning sickness (I can really sympathize with Belkar at times) I really hope your wife fares better.

...you should totally look into buying onesies with gamer dork stuff on them. I confess I already bought one that listed the child's ability scores, ie Cha 18, Wis 2, etc. Perfect for the future gamer! :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-14, 05:30 PM

If you know your doctor who, then that'd be a cool geeky name. An obvious geeky name, but a geeky name nontheless.

Now...If you want a Doctor who name that'd be less obvious...Amarra (ah - marr-rah), with Marra as the abbreviation...:smallamused:

Flame of Anor
2008-11-14, 09:54 PM
Congratulations! I hope you have a child just like you. :smalltongue:

Except, you know, younger.

And for those wondering, I didn't tell her father "I finally knocked the skank up".

Ha ha! Yes, that probably would have been a mistake :smallbiggrin:.

Any ideas? For those that care, I love the V names. Like Veronica, Venessa, Victoria, etc.


Well, Victoria is pretty darn cool--and would be quite the asset should she ever turn to steampunk--but have you considered Vaarsuvius?

Halna LeGavilk
2008-11-14, 10:18 PM

*Watches everyone stare at him* I mean, nursery decoration! Alright!

That is pretty cool, dude. Congrats.

2008-11-14, 11:01 PM
I like the name Vivian.

A girl came in my lab whose name was Talitha. It was pronounced like Tabitha. I fell in love with that name. :)


2008-11-15, 12:25 AM
A girl came in my lab whose name was Talitha. It was pronounced like Tabitha. I fell in love with that name. :)! I know a girl named Talitha... are you sure you don't live near me? :smalltongue:

Hm. Girl names...
I like Aviva...?
Definitely a vote for Talitha, also.
I know there's others, give me a chance to remember them. :P
I like a lot of boy names better, I guess.

2008-11-15, 12:31 AM
My parents tried 10 years to have kids before giving up and adopting me. It took until they were 40(20 years after that) to actually have a kid.

40 - 20 - 10 = 10. I'm going to go in a corner and hope you're bad at math now.

2008-11-15, 05:03 AM

Unfortunatly/fortunatly (it is a little of both) I don't have any kids yet but I think that children are wonderfull. My sister has 3 and many times I am very tempted to steal one :smallwink:.

My sister did not want to name her 1 daughter (2 boys) a common name either but she really liked Patricia, she figered that if she names her Patricia everyone will just call her Tricia for short anyway. So she named her Tricia. I love that name, of course I am bias as that is the name of my neice.

Anyway congrats again and my wishes for you is that you have a healthly child, that the pregnancy and delivery are easy on your wife (as a nurse I have see many of the bad results), and that you all prosper.

2008-11-15, 10:26 AM
Well, I haven't done much research with boys names as I already know what to name mine, if it is a boy (I find out next month :smallredface:) But girls names are another story!

Some cool girl names with V's:
Verity (my fav)
Ooo! or Valkyrie (think gamer-chick...badass :smallamused:)

And with any of them her nickname could just be V. Very cool

Personally, if I have a girl I'm leaning toward Lucienne or Celia <-- NOT b/c of Oots...apparently I just like C's and L's. But I really like your wife's idea of Sophia, very classy. If your looking for unique you should check out the stats online. Some sites give you great ideas and let you know a name's popularity over the years to avoid having the next Brittany or John.

Good luck and have fun!

Death, your friend the Reaper
2008-11-15, 10:35 AM
You know, I was expecting this thread to have lots of :smalleek::smalleek::smalleek::smalleek::smalleek: :smalleek::smalleek::smalleek::smalleek: s in it :smalltongue:

But congratz man![/whatever accent is best for that]

2008-11-15, 10:47 AM
40 - 20 - 10 = 10. I'm going to go in a corner and hope you're bad at math now.

They started trying at 20, adopted Skywalker at 30, and had their first biological child at 40 (twenty years after they started trying). There's a misplaced antecedent that makes the whole statement really confusing to parse.

But I digress. Congratulations!

2008-11-15, 11:11 AM

Or Evangeline, if you wanted a long name to shorten to Evie (I know someone called Evangeline. =) )

2008-11-15, 12:38 PM
May thy blood be ever blest
And thee and thine
Find thy rightful rest
Ever thy family, to high heavens shine.


2008-11-15, 02:55 PM
J Pizzle's boys can swim! Congratulations! :smallbiggrin:

Dadhood is scary, yes. My recommendation is get the "What to expect the first year" book as it is as close as you are going to get to a "owners manual". :smallbiggrin:

Also... Always keep a diaper between you and the little one. ALWAYS. :smallwink: