View Full Version : Clueless with youtube-sound - some help?

2008-11-12, 01:35 PM
Hi guys,

back from the mist of times, I return with a mighty blaze- a stupid question!
Thing is, some years after eveybody did it, I finally also tried my hand to create a video and put it on youtube. Result of my first attempt is to be seen here. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLVPwJOwhSk)

Now, as you noticed, the sound is horrible(please refrain from pointing out it's the singer's fault:smallwink:).
As youtube's help is not really helpful, can anybody assist me with this?
The file used is a .wmv, the audiotrack a 128 kps Mp3. I followed youtube's suggestion and tried it as Mpeg4 format, same result.

So, show off your youfu. :smallcool:

2008-11-12, 03:37 PM
Oy, jeez.

What program did you use to record this? What video codec? Did you try recording it as an mp4, or did you just convert your original wmv?

I just recently started using YouTube, and that for a very particular purpose, but I've had good success on sound quality with short, uncompressed avi files. Now, video quailty, not so much, but that's just YouTube's crappy flv conversion for you.

2008-11-12, 03:54 PM
I created it with Magix video deluxe 2008.
Magic saves as files called *.mvd and then I exported it to a.wmv, still using Magix.

I'm not absolutely sure, but as I remember I converted it to mpg4 from the original .mvd file, not from the .wmv
(Searches through magix if there are additional infos..being technical clueless sucks..)