View Full Version : Call of Duty: World at War

2008-11-12, 11:20 PM
I, a battlefield fan, haven't heard a lot about the new CoD, except that it's bad. However, these were just rumors on the wind, so I was hoping some people who have actually played the game would be able to help me here.

Is the game good? Why or why not?

((If you've been on a thread with me before other than SMBG's, you'll know I often take the less popular side, but for this, I don't want to start a Battlefield vs. Call of Duty war, I just want to know about the new one, so if possible, let's keep mentioning battlefield to the minimum...))

warty goblin
2008-11-12, 11:44 PM
I've been watching this one, mostly because I've done a somewhat unholy amount of reading about both the Eastern and Pacific fronts in the last few months. What I've seen though is a massive ehhh.

The problem is that the really significant and interesting battles in the Pacific were all navel or air, not infantry. Thus if I want to do the stuff there that was interesting I'd be flying a plane, not shooting a rifle, or commanding an aircraft carrier instead of a tank. Plus I've never really been blown away by the linear progression of 'awesome' scripted moments, and from what I've seen, Brothers in Arms offers a much more interesting and genuine look at WWII. WaW seems to be going for a OMG wez so extreme!!11!!1 feel, which is fine in Gears of War. I'm less keen on it when it comes to the most lethal conflict in history.

2008-11-13, 12:43 AM
I don't know if you've played CoD4, but it's exactly the same, multiplayerwise. Get 3 kills Radar Plane!!(Radar), get 6 kills (or 5 I forgot) Artillery!!(Air strike), get 10 kills Dogs!!(Helicopter). The dogs are pretty hard to kill actually, but it's all the same and they keep coming for like a minute. Also, the bolt action rifles are kind of okay, but not very practical.

I don't know anything at all about single player though. Hopefully better than the Multiplayer beta demo.

2008-11-13, 12:52 AM
Everything I've heard about the game is positive, save for what warty goblin and Z97 think. Intense single player and fun multi-player.

Even if it is just a skin over of CoD4, I freaking love WW2 games, and I freaking loved CoD4.

My main issue with the game is that they decided to ship it with all the other new and shiny (or highly anticipated) shooters, like L4D and GoW2. This game is just going to be left in the dust. I swear, dev's need to learn to ship their games not within a week of GoW.

And I am no different than anyone else. I'll be buying GoW2 and L4D, and picking this game up later in the year (early next year).

warty goblin
2008-11-13, 01:46 AM
I don't know if you've played CoD4, but it's exactly the same, multiplayerwise. Get 3 kills Radar Plane!!(Radar), get 6 kills (or 5 I forgot) Artillery!!(Air strike), get 10 kills Dogs!!(Helicopter). The dogs are pretty hard to kill actually, but it's all the same and they keep coming for like a minute. Also, the bolt action rifles are kind of okay, but not very practical.

I don't know anything at all about single player though. Hopefully better than the Multiplayer beta demo.

I actually like bolt action rifles in games, they tend to slow down the combat a bit and make aiming count for more since missing really does slow you down. Also the things are (or should be) accurate and lethal to about a thousand yards, assuming you've got the skillz to make the shot with open sights.

If there's a demo of WaW I'll give it a whirl. Modern Warfare (or at least the demo) was fun, but I don't do multiplayer and it felt like it had about one good playthrough in it, before I was reduced to grinding time trials, which is not something I consider fun, and the increased difficult was just of the 'more enemies, less health' sort, which is fine but not really interesting. Given how many highly replayable and variable games I can get for $50, it seems stupid to spend it on something that'll give me about ten hours of fun, when another game will manage forty easily. Now I could be wrong about WaW and it actually does offer some increased replayability, but I seriously doubt it.

late for dinner
2008-11-13, 11:00 AM
my roommate picked it up and I have played it.

Things I liked:
(The feel is very close to COD4) I dont know if you played 2 and 3, but the feel to those games, control wise, felt different. I like the Feel to this one way better than 3

(Multiplayer is fun) It just is...and now that tanks are in the mix, it adds more to it.

(I like the weapons) I have always liked WW2 weapons...M1 Garand is my favorite...I do like Bolt action rifles too...no scope

(Attack Dogs) you cant see them on radar, they kill your enemy fast. They are fun to watch

THings I dont like:

(The Asylum Level in Multiplayer) It sucks...this is just a personal vent...and cuse I dont like campers and this place has an abundance of them.

(Single player is only ok) I never really got to play it, but it just doesnt have the same feeling as COD 2 or COD 4 on veteran...where you actually feel like you are in a war.

(Attack Dogs) You cant hear them until you are almost dead, they are fast, and they kill you fast.

Keep in mind that this is what I think after only playing the game for an hour or so.

2008-11-13, 12:20 PM
I loved it. I played thorugh most of the campaign yesterday (2 and 1/4 of a level left on veteran) and it is tough. Well, the Japanese levels are. The Russian levels aren't so bad. The campaign does get kind of monotonous towards the end but hey, that's war for ya. And by monotonous I mean you keep getting killed by the same guy/tactic that the enemy uses (crapton of grenades in one volley).

I have played a bit of the multiplayer and it seems pretty good. The plane is at 3 kills, artillery is 5, and dogs are 7. The perks are good and the weapons are nice. I like the bolt actions just because you need 1 shot and you should get one kill. Some of the guns are definately weaker than others but hey, personal taste.

late for dinner
2008-11-13, 01:15 PM
is there really a zombie mode in the game or was that trailer just for Holloween??

2008-11-13, 04:48 PM
There is a zombie mode and it's tight.

You have to buy new weapons using points you get for capping zeds, and you also use those points to improve your fortifications after zombies bust them down. It's quite fun, and up to 4 player co op.

All of this is on the PC version, as well. I don't know how the Xbox works.

Emperor Ing
2008-11-13, 05:36 PM
From the way it looks, i'm gonna say it's the same as any other WWII shooter, except it has FLAMETHROWERS!!

Forget that we're using a generic and overused setting that you've been through at least 50 times, we have FLAMETHROWERS now!! FLAMETHROWERS!!


2008-11-13, 06:40 PM
Would someone please explain to me the beef people have with games in the WW2 setting?

Sure, maybe if all you do is play games like Medal of Honor and Call of Duty, then I certainly see it as an issue. But guess what, alot of games use established settings and no one seems to care.

It'd be like hating on the Elder Scrolls games for going for a fantasy route every time. Or grand theft auto because its in a suburban city each time. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

And I don't think I have ever played a WW2 game which used the same locations as another game without it being a totally different experience.

2008-11-13, 06:43 PM
WWII is the choice setting for crappy games. And there have been ALOT of crappy WWII games. The problem is, when a good one comes out, it has alot of stigmatization to get over.

Same thing with Company of Heroes, people when BAH! A WWII RTS! Then everyone realized it's AWESOME.

Also, a Flamethrower is more than enough reason for me to play a game. :smallcool:

2008-11-13, 08:21 PM
Would someone please explain to me the beef people have with games in the WW2 setting?

Personally, as a historian, I'm just bored to death with EVERYTHING related to WWII at this point. :smalltongue: Really, I don't have a problem with it, but I do agree that WWII has been done to death by a lot of sub-par games.

I'm waiting a while to see if my friends switch over to CoD: WaW before I go buy it (especially since I've just recently forked over money for both Rock Band 2 AND Fable 2), but I'll eventually pick it up (or hope for it for Christmas) if only because CoD4 is so great and I assume it should have at least PART of that charm. (Plus, apparently, attack dogs, which sounds AWESOME.)

warty goblin
2008-11-13, 09:04 PM
Personally I'm waiting for a good WWI FPS. Then I'll get really interested.

2008-11-13, 10:33 PM
Personally I'm waiting for a good WWI FPS. Then I'll get really interested.

I have to agree. I've always heard the argument being "It was a dirty, boring war where everyone sat around in trenches." Oh pa-sha. It can be made a game, Im sure. I've ALWAYS wanted to participate in a charge into No man's land, even if it means my character gets killed, and I get to respawn as another grunt (I love this system that some games use).

Honestly, I think it comes down to the fact that 1: Everyone is familiar with WWII already, and the gaming industry is not known for it's creativity and innovation as of late and 2: It lacks and "evil" side. Nazis... EVERYONE hates nazis, because most reasonable people realize nazi=/= German. A nazi is evil, and theres lots of them, and they are OK to kill. Just like zombies (Hence the new mode I suppose). But in WWI, all of the sides were just Nations. Some more aggressive, yes, but none as "evil" as Nazi Germany.

Anyway, Kind of a tangent, but yea. WWI game done well would make for a great change of pace.

Edit: Also, THERE MAY BE HOPE! A fun WWI game (http://www.xgenstudios.com/play/warfare1917)

warty goblin
2008-11-13, 11:56 PM
I have to agree. I've always heard the argument being "It was a dirty, boring war where everyone sat around in trenches." Oh pa-sha. It can be made a game, Im sure. I've ALWAYS wanted to participate in a charge into No man's land, even if it means my character gets killed, and I get to respawn as another grunt (I love this system that some games use).

Honestly, I think it comes down to the fact that 1: Everyone is familiar with WWII already, and the gaming industry is not known for it's creativity and innovation as of late and 2: It lacks and "evil" side. Nazis... EVERYONE hates nazis, because most reasonable people realize nazi=/= German. A nazi is evil, and theres lots of them, and they are OK to kill. Just like zombies (Hence the new mode I suppose). But in WWI, all of the sides were just Nations. Some more aggressive, yes, but none as "evil" as Nazi Germany.

Anyway, Kind of a tangent, but yea. WWI game done well would make for a great change of pace.

Edit: Also, THERE MAY BE HOPE! A fun WWI game (http://www.xgenstudios.com/play/warfare1917)

Indeed, here's how I'd go about doing a WWI FPS.
1) It's a war of attrition, the game needs to feel like this. Ergo spawn tickets, but with a twist. A headshot or other massive damage is a kill, which costs the enemy 2 spawn tickets. Merely shooting somebody until incapacitated costs them 1 if they can get a medic to the scene before the player bleeds out, is killed or captured by the other team. The player will still have to respawn back at base even if mediced, but at only half cost to his side. If the opposing team can close in and capture the downed player it'll cost the other side 3 spawn tickets to replace them. Ergo ideally you want to incapacitate and capture, but killing works OK as well. What you don't want is a wounded person getting mediced, because then they only lose one spawn counter.

2) Weapons: Rifles, some sub machine guns, pistols, and machine guns. Lots of machine guns. Heavy machine guns can fire for very long periods of time without overheating, but must be stationary to do so, and require setting up. Light machine guns don't need to be set up, but still cause the player to move more slowly than a rifle would.

3) Units could deploy barbed wire. Moving into barbed wire damages people.

4) Players can also call in artillery strikes, but owing to inaccuracies, are advised to not be nearby when doing so.

The Orange Zergling
2008-11-14, 05:00 AM
Can anybody confirm if the Zombie mode is available on the Wii version? The Wikipedia article seems to say that it's only on the 360/PS3 versions of the game, but it was kind of vague and hey, it's Wikipedia.

If so, there's a somewhat high chance I'll be picking this up either during or after Christmas. My Wii cries itself to sleep from being unused. :smalltongue:

Emperor Ing
2008-11-14, 06:00 AM
I won't get CoD5 immediately when it comes out just because CoD4 was amazing apparently. I can see a dozen ways this game could go horribly wrong. I'll wait and see the critique from the people I know that will get CoD5 because CoD4 was amazing.

2008-11-14, 11:32 AM
Personally I'm waiting for a good WWI FPS. Then I'll get really interested.WWI doesn't have enough player-useable automatic weapons for good trailer sequences. And the entire flavor of the war is antiheroic, because it involved millions of people dying for... what?

With the Second World War, you can tell the Story of the Defeat of Nazi Germany and everyone will think "wow, beating Nazis is a good thing."

But the First World War was fought largely because there were too many countries with too many big guns packed into too little space. So having a heroic first person perspective on the war doesn't work as well.

A good WWI FPS would have to be more like survival horror, and most game designers don't know how to do that well.

late for dinner
2008-11-17, 10:21 AM
K so I beat the game this weekend. I am not going to spoil anything, but I have to say: The final mission in the game is probably the coolest cod mission I have ever played. to me, it beats the Sniper mission in cod4. and Nazi Zombie mode is a blast...but hard

2008-11-17, 01:51 PM
And the entire flavor of the war is antiheroic, because it involved millions of people dying for... what?

A good WWI FPS would have to be more like survival horror, and most game designers don't know how to do that well.

Good of Humanity. And for that austrian idiot who did get himself shooted.

I can see. CoD: THE WWI:
Survive in treches!
See how your friend's are turned to pieces by Bloodthirsty Hun's!
Run over the No man's land to fire of the machine gun's.
Try to not get Trench-foot! You can die to Trench-foot!
Fight on the legendary fight of Verduin and any other legendary fight's.
When a war is over. Find out that the more popular sequel is coming.
So sharp yupr Banoynet and be ready to the best (and last) trip to the France of your life! In the Call of Duty: The World War I.