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View Full Version : D20 Modern - The Zombie Hunters?

2008-11-12, 11:51 PM
I wanna run a d20 Modern zombie campaign using material from The Zombie Hunters webcomic: http://thezombiehunters.com/zombies.php

I think it revives the genre to have those different flavors o' ghoul to watch out for - breaks the monotony of headshot after headshot on the standard zombie shuffler.

So working off the d20 Zombie template as the Crawler, I plan on improving that to fit the bill for the other flavors.

Basilisk - Merge with the Medusa for the stare ability; improved intelligence in order to be tactical; otherwise a crawler

Berserker - No action restrictions; +10 to move; Improved Charge, Improved Sunder, Improved Toughness, and Power Attack; Str and Dex improved

Howler - Merge with Destrachan maybe; 10 foot radius for the shriek; minor intelligence; otherwise, a crawler

Hunter - More like a vampire; no action restrictions; climb speed; +20 to move; scent ability; vast Dex bonus; Combat Reflexes and Improved Trip; stealth and jump bonuses

Mercy - Standard Crawler but played differently; maybe requires Will save to hurt it

Spitter - Merge with Digester (requires some audible start-up time); better AC and resistances

Any ideas? Anyone read this comic?

2008-11-13, 01:03 PM
So far I only got to chapter 3, but it looks awsome! I'd defenitly play, only...I've never played D20 Mod. But I'd try, I love Zombie games.

2008-11-13, 02:19 PM
The extra zombie types from the Pc shooter Left 4 Dead would be good too.
Wiki link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_4_dead#Infected_characters

2008-11-13, 03:09 PM
Should you have the half-lifes as a player race? Being immune to the fact the mere act of a zombie bite kills you, would be a HUGE advantage. They do seem to be one of the most mysterious parts of the universe. I so want to learn more.

2008-11-13, 03:34 PM
I'd make the crawlers really low HP. Just from the way the comic plays it, they crush pretty good from whatever makeshift weapon you can find - shovel, brick on a rope, getting punched through the skull by a pissed off middle aged not-quite-dead man, skull crushed by a boot stomp, etc. From what I can tell, all of the mutant zombies in TZH are pretty easy to kill long as they don't get the drop on you or surprise you, like the basilisk or spitters. The howlers should probably get a disorienting more than damaging attack.

Also, just me, I'd leave mercies exactly as they are - very sad, very disturbing non-hostile zombies. Read the info on them. They only go for the 'kill' if the victim is already wounded and helpless. Otherwise they will just follow the group passively. Scary, but in a low ammo situation I would never bother with them. Hell. I wouldn't bother even if I had a lot of ammo. They're essentially scavenger-types - if they are a threat, you're already so screwed you're probably better off letting a mercy finish you off than say a berserker.

I would be extremely careful about adding in zombies from L4D or other genres. They do not screw around, are not forgiving, and if you are mixing that power level in with TZH style, you can expect 'Ha ha ha, these crawlers are ea- OH DEAR GOD THE WITCH JUST TOOK ARNIES HEAD OFF WITH ONE HIT RUN RUN RUN OH CRAP TANK!' wipe out. They also completely replace the TZH zombies at every level - a tank is far better in the same role as a berserker, a witch is a howler/mercy/basilisk cranked up nine levels, hunters are *roughly* equivalent but the L4D ones are better IMHO, and the LD4 spitters are just nasty. And the Horde are Crawlers given crystal meth and pcp.

I think the half-life would be too over-powered for a game of D20. The primary enemies, the zombies, ignore Charlie completely. He also may or may not have super human strength given the way he killed one with a punch through the back of the skull - I am not sure of the squish-factor of TZH zombies. So far they seem to go down damn easy and suffer from classic Zombie Plasticine Syndrome - they are about as resilient as wet cardboard - but I'm honestly not sure with regards to Charlie.

Personally? I'd make a 'wild' strain of half-lives either bad guys or just disturbing encounters in the Wastelands. Just imagine the look on your players faces if they found a group of 'zombies' conversing casually and strolling among the undead. But definitely NPC.

2008-11-13, 04:00 PM
Yeah, but don't you want to play a character who kills zombies by punching them in the head?! ZOMG!

*Has nerdgasm*

Also, even though the zombies ignore Charlie in the comic, there's no reason they have to do that in a game.

As for making the crawlers, I would agree. Actually, I would use the Minion mechanic from 4E: they go down in one hit, but are actually somewhat dangerous to the PCs in large numbers.

I might suggest borrowing a page from Resident Evil and World War Z: use zombie animals and human cannibals mixed in with the different types of zombies.

2008-11-13, 06:35 PM
I am sooo waiting for L4D...

The game would begin after the initial end of ze world condition. The main question I guess might be quantity versus quality; quantity brings up a lot of bookkeeping and I don't want it be a matter of how fast they can curbstomp zombie after zombie.

L4D seems to have the most engaging set-up, but I don't wanna rip it off.

Also, might need a more streamlined grapple system. :smallbiggrin:


Drone - Drones are on a level similar to zombies from Day of the Dead; their mental facilities are severely damaged but they preserve the most vital skills of their past life.

Rippers - When a Drone suffers massive physical damage, the virus enters a new phase of development upon exposure to bone marrow from broken bones. The Ripper exhibits hemorrhaging, an extreme rage, and wields its shattered bones as impromptu weapons. Being pierced by these bone fragments will lead to infection.

Bloody Marys/Marvins - Bloody Marys/Marvins are an offshoot of Rippers which present the danger of infection merely by touch; their sweat glands have seemingly been reformed to ooze an infectious liquid that only needs to contact skin. The liquid is only active for a short time, thankfully, which means that one stands a small chance of unknowingly being infected. They carry the same bloodlust as the Rippers.

Ravers - A mutation of the virus into a hallucinogenic agent; psychers no longer have an infectious strain of the virus but their bite and the biological agents carried on the skin cells they shed carry a mind-altering substance that can render an exploring party vulnerable.

Psychers - An even more developed strain of the Raver, Psychers seem exhibit some level of control and extrasensory perception over those who come into contact with their toxin.

Vamps - Vamps are infected who have regained sentience through an unknown progression; however their mind has been rewired to hunt down and feed on the living. Sensory prowess is greatly enhanced and they are able to climb walls with relative ease. They may imitate the living to lure in prey. Some vamps make a 'full recovery' and do not inherit the physical or mental traits while retaining some sense of humanity.

Wendigo - Wendigos are an improved form of Vamps that can only be killed by complete immolation; every bit of the creature has established sentience to overcome damage to the central nervous system. Upon the discovery of the Wendigos, scientists began to suspect that the virus had a sort of sentience, forcing deliberate changes in its hosts within only a few generations of infection.

2008-11-13, 07:25 PM
It depends on the style you want. TZH is more classic zombie - the zombies, with a few exceptions, are largely slow and avoidable but can be lethal if you are really stupid or unlucky. Long as the group stays together, acts intelligently, and does not panic, they should make it out okay. You have large numbers of dumb zombies, etc. The main threat is stupidity and the occasional ambush by smarter varieties. You also have a lack of guns in TZH that I've noticed. This could work for a more cerebral, easy paced game that lets a lot of decompression occur. You have long periods of calm. The zombies are a lot more passive, with a few exceptions, and are generally a plot device save for when you need it to be. You can do things besides just survive, like looting, etc, and you can find a safe zone. Romero esque, basically.

L4D is amped to the max. You are actively being hunted. You have zombies that react to loud noises, bright lights, smells, and react in swarms from hell that come flying out of the city at you. Decoying is possible, but not really likely. Safe zones do not really happen, decompression is minimum. Your group might get lucky to manage to get a few hours of sleep if they find an amazingly safe zone and even then, you might get picked off by hunters. Or have to clean a witch out of it first. It's more action oriented.

If you are dead set with the virus thing that might be the most important bit in this campaign. Are the players resistant, immune, is being infected an instant death sentence? How fast does it spread? Does impromptu amputation work? When I do viral stuff I generally actually roll a die hidden to the players and separate it into percentages - 40 percent chance of infection, 20 percent chance they are carriers with no symptoms, 20 percent they'll get 'it' but get better, 20 percent chance of being immune. I feel it adds spice. Just don't tell 'em ahead of time.

2008-11-13, 07:27 PM
quantity brings up a lot of bookkeeping

I recommend that if you're going to use the crowd of crawlers — a staple of the comic and zombie fiction in general — just say yes to Minions. They go down with one hit and always inflict the same amount of damage, so there's virtually no bookkeeping involved.

Also, might need a more streamlined grapple system. :smallbiggrin:

(Shamless Plug) Fourth Edition has a very easy grapple system.

2008-11-13, 07:44 PM
I will resist! 3.5, 3.5, 3... Hmm.

I have been wanting to give World of Darkness a try (New World of Darkness, with the Antagonists book). No one else in my prospective group has played it though and that may make recruiting in my neck of the woods difficult.

2008-11-14, 12:35 PM
If your going to make this an actual game PM me, I'd love to jump in!

2008-11-14, 03:22 PM
It'll be played IRL. Or via AIM. I don't like the shortlivedness and delays of PbP.

Or a wholly different type of 'IRL' when I get my hands on some diabolical biological agent.

2008-11-16, 01:19 AM
Eh, screw it. It'll be run with White Wolf's New World of Darkness.

Recruitment thread, go! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5303236#post5303236)

Zeta Kai
2008-11-16, 08:14 PM
In case you're still interested, Resident Evil D20 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2833324#post2833324) uses many D20 Modern elements, including a huge list of firearms & other weapons. It's also got a lot of new pictures & links, for easy navigation.