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View Full Version : Spirit Beings Class & Race

2008-11-13, 07:00 PM
Spirit Being

Physical Description: Spirit beings look just like when they were alive, they could be of any race, any height, any weight. There are no special characteristics to spirit beings that tell them apart from normal races.

Relations: A spirit being’s opinion on other beings still depend on their race from when they were alive.

Alignment: Spirit beings can be of any alignment.

Lands: These beings reside in the soul society a separate realm then the normal world, although they cannot go into the Seireitei they are generally free to roam around this realm as they see fit.

Settlements: Spirit Beings live in the Rukongai, cities and towns outside the perimeter of the Seireitei, They live with families created almost at random, because most people do not find their loved ones from when they were alive Beings come together and form their little families that don’t rely on blood ties, but love for one another.

Power Groups: There is one group Spirit Beings are able to be in before they become Shinigami, The Rukongai Gang. The Gang is a group of self claimed tough guys of Rukongai, some members cause trouble, while others may help their community.

Beliefs: Spiritual beings do not believe in any god or goddess, however they do praise and love the Shinigami who reside in the Seireitei for their protection.

Language: common + 1 bonus

Names: Spiritual Being’s names can vary from Human, Elf, Dwarf and more.

Racial Traits:
* Spirit beings do not gain any bonus or penalty to any stat.
* Spirit Being’s Size can vary from small to large considering they could have come from any race when they were alive.
* Spirit beings move at a base land speed of 30.
* Feats; Creature of Death
* Spirit beings gain proficiency with one weapon class.
* Automatic Languages: Common + one bonus
* Favored Class: Spirit being

1st level HD 2D6
Every level after; 1D4
Skill points; 1D8 + int

Spirit Being

{table]Level| Base Attack Bonus| Fort Save| Ref Save| Will Save| Special

1st| +1| +0| +0| +1| -
2nd| +1| +0| +0| +1| -
3rd| +1| +0| +0| +1| -
4th| +1| +0| +1| +1| -
5th| +1| +0| +1| +1| -
6th| +1| +1| +1| +1| May Undergo Shinigami Training[/table]

Shinigami Training;
The character may take training to become either a weapon specialist Shinigami, a Kido Specialist Shinigami, or a special ops Shinigami.

Links to other Classes and Info

Arrancar Class and Race (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=96481)
Hollow Class & Race (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=96480)
Shared Special Feats, Skills, and Abilities (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5280827#post5280827)

2008-11-13, 08:27 PM
The way I see you're making these seems like you're trying to make what should be a template into a class. What I would do is just make a 'spirit creature' template that only makes the base creature invisible and inaudible to all "living" folk, but is still somewhat capable of interacting with the normal world. The template would also allow them to eventually become shinigami.
I'm not sure what the setup you have there for your class is, does it get a +1 to BAB at first level and just maintain that, and then just gets a +1 base save at different levels?

2008-11-13, 08:39 PM
It maintains it,

The main reason I made this class is to have a "normal" character for the soul society realm, besides shinigami, when I write out what the realms will consist of.

But by Template to a class, do you mean I should make this a Race only, and allow them to take any Normal class they wish?
with my minimal to medium amount of understanding of the entire game, That is what I'm getting from what your saying.