View Full Version : An Age of Worms

2008-11-14, 12:43 AM

I recommend you listen to this song (http://media.putfile.com/AoW-Intro)while you read the post.

Nestled in the rocky crags of the ancient Cairn Hills, three days east of the Free City lies the town of Diamond Lake. Silver and Iron from the mines fuel the capital’s economy with the raw materials it so craves. In ages past, Diamond Lake boasted an export far more valuable than any of the ore it ships today. Treasure dredged forth from the depths of the ancient tombs within the Cairn Hills representative of a half dozen long dead cultures found scandalous prices in the hands of the greedy elite.

But those days are long gone. The last cairn in the region coughed up its treasure ages ago, and most locals scoff at tales of undiscovered tombs and treasure. Few treasure seekers find their way to Diamond Lake nowadays, and those who do are unlikely to return with any more than a wall rubbing.

If one were to pass over the town of Diamond Lake on any given night, they would probably see much the same thing. A sprawling mining village, as lively as it is filthy. Intersected by a wide earthen road known to the inhabitants of the town, only as the Vein, a variety of noisy establishments and dwellings flank a central square. Depending on the night, there could be a violent brawl taking place in the square with a rowdy group of bloodthirsty miners surrounding the combatants, cheering them on, and a multitude of bookkeepers taking expensive bets on who will die first.


On most any night, sound and strange scents will pour out of a perfumed arcade known to most only as the Emporium. Governor-Mayor Lanod Neff stands together with common laborers, all awaiting appointments within the Veiled Corridor. Nearby in an adjoining antechamber, dancers and snakes undulate to a hypnotic melody of cymbals and seductive pipes. On the level beneath them, a group of filthy and grasping miners throng against the windowed portal to a dark cell, eager for a glimpse of a two-headed calf.

Back out on the street, a group of unruly drunks shout expletives to punctuate the kicks they give to their victims; tonight a crumpled Halfling, tomorrow a shuddering elf. The next, one of their own number. Their raucous laughter echoing off tightly bolted doors and shuttered windows.

Across the way, within an ancient tower-flanked fortress, filthy men with nothing to lose belt their hymns to St. Cuthbert, clutching their idealism and principles like cornered animals while their wild-eyed minister smiles as he draws a cat of nine tails across his bloodied bare back, awash in their adulation and the spirit of his god.

A town of vice, where desperate folk toil in lightless depths for a pittance while corrupt mine managers live in relative largesse, ruthlessly scheming to undermine one another while protecting their own ill-gotten wealth. There are only two types of people in Diamond Lake: Those with nowhere left to turn, and those there to exploit them.

On this night though, within an establishment called The Hungry Gar, events will soon unfold that will see the lives of three individuals changing forever.


The Hungry Gar was fairly average as far as restaurants come. Small, dim and cramped would describe it well. Despite that though, it was a comfortable enough place, with enough regulars to keep business going. The owner, Guld Tortikan claimed he served the best meal in Diamond Lake. This was not true, but the fare was passable enough. And cheap enough. Tonight, the place is practically empty though. Besides Guld himself, there are only a few other people. A man in the uniform of the town militia, who was one of the places regulars, and the tired looking young man across from him, a grizzled looking middle-aged man bent over his food a few tables behind them lost in thought. Another regular. And in a far corner, two drunks are slumped against one of the tables, snoring away.

Guld spends his time puttering from table to table, conversing with his customers, and making sure they have everything. The Hungry Gar has no serving-maids. Currently, Guld has just moved away from the soldier’s table, and has moved up to the thoughtful looking man.

Speaking louder, as if to shake the man out of his reverie, he asks, ”Is there anything more I can get you?”

2008-11-14, 01:28 AM
Turning his focus swiftly away from Guld, Rolal reexamines the stranger before him with a careful glance.

Perhaps I'm putting too much into this man's claim. It just seems unlikely that whatever "took" his friend would not take him as well.

Adjusting himself in his seat and taking a slight sip of his new pint, Rolal speaks slowly to the tired stranger.

"What exactly were you two doing when this man disappeared? More importantly though, who is he and what did he look like?"

2008-11-14, 01:39 AM
Auste Sayath toyed with his mug of ale for a few moments, pushing it from hand to hand, musing. He supposed that he should try to get the shack he bought into working order, if only as a storage shed for dry goods and equipment for his woodland patrols. It was an eyesore in the forest as it was, and definitely attracted squatters in its derelict state.

He finished his drink, and pushed the mug away. He was drinking too much lately. He was getting soft, too lazy squandering his time away like this. It wasn't that he didn't respect the man or his ideals, it's just that after all these years going on Nogwier's little trips Auste didn't enjoy coming up empty handed every time. His patience only extended so far.

When Guld spoke, his head jerked up, surprised. Definitely getting soft if someone like Guld caught him offguard. He got up slowly, and picked up his scythe next to the chair.

"Not right now, Guld. I think I'm done for tonight."

Plasma Snake
2008-11-14, 06:38 PM
Tristan slouches in his chair and rubs his face. There was a day's worth of stubble upon his tired face, he'd have to change that later when he had time. For now though he had to deal with who ever could help him. Wiping a blond strand of hair out of his face, Tris begins his story,

"My name is Tristan Golbane, were we anywhere near civilized life you might of heard that name. Anyway, I have been traveling with my uncle, Jordan, a senile old coot but a genius of an artificer. As we were making our way here from the east, he spotted something that peaked his interest and gave chase. Not being as interested as he, I kept my pace. When I reached the top of the hill he was gone."

Tris pauses to rub his sleep deprived eyes and takes a deep breath.

"I searched the area until nightfall and made camp, thinking he'd find me if I had a bright enough fire. I was wrong. I searched for him again the next day to no result. Realizing that I couldn't find him in a land I don't know, I have trekked all the way to this fair city for help." Tris spits the word "fair" like it was something sour in his mouth.

Tristan sits up, plants his elbows on the table and interlocks his fingers. Staring hard at the militia man he asks,
"Now, are you going to help me or are you going to be like the rest of the useless louts I've run into?"

2008-11-14, 06:51 PM
Great, just great, a misguided man from "civilization." Just what I need.

In an attempt to display his capability, Rolal stares at the man before him sharply, weighing his words against his actions.

I feel compelled to help this man, and if he should stray south of the law, it would help to be near when the trouble hits.

"I can help you explore the area, but do not forget that I am not doing this of my official duty. I am doing this to help you, so I need your full cooperation, and the first thing we need to do is find someone else to follow us in case of danger."

Rolal sits back in his chair slightly, taking a heavy sip from his pint before continuing.

"Although I am fairly confident that this is not anything serious, an additional companion would greatly help in our efforts to locate your uncle."

Rolal surveys the bar, and calls over Guld.

2008-11-14, 06:55 PM
Guld, who had been at the other side of the room taking a new customer's order, strides over when Rolal calls his name.

"Rolal! Anything more I can get you? More ale? Another helping of my mutton pie? Best in town!"

He stands in front of the table, with a smile on his face, and his hands clasped in front of his slightly portly belly, eager to help.

2008-11-14, 07:06 PM
"I've got a different question, Guld. Anyone among your regulars who might be willing to accompany this man and me on a search and rescue? Anyone with nothing better to do?"

2008-11-14, 07:11 PM
Guld's smile drops slightly. It looks like it's more out of surprise regarding your question than anything else. He hesitates, and then gives a tiny nod.

He turns towards the man on his way out the door, and calls out. "Auste? Do you...have a minute?" There seems to be a slight quaver is his tone as he asks the question. You see that he has begun dry-washing his hands ever so slightly.

2008-11-15, 12:49 AM
Auste pauses, half a foot already out of the door. Turning around, he never really knew why Guld was sometimes so uneasy around him. As far as he knew he had never caused any harm in this tavern, and used his scythe only as an oversized walking stick. He slowly closed the door.

"Yes, Guld. What do you need?"

2008-11-15, 12:53 AM
Guld appears surprised that Auste so readily listened. He takes a breath and then begins, "These gentleman are looking for..." he pauses, realizing he knows few actual details. Turning back to Rolal, he finishes, "Well, why don't you explain it."

He takes a small step back, his hand's nervous movement picking up slightly.

2008-11-15, 01:39 AM
Rising to meet Auste, Rolal introduces himself.

"Hello, Auste, I'm Rolal. This man here is Tristan, and we want to find his uncle who was evidently disappeared near town."

Rolal paraphrases the situation.

"We just need a comrade to help us in this search, naturally there is not monetary reward, and no guarantee of safety. Are you willing to risk yourself to help us?"

Rolal offers an open expression.

2008-11-15, 01:53 AM
Auste looked at the man. It never occured to him until now that Rolal was also a regular here at the tavern. He'd noticed him before, but it never really occured to him that he was part of the town militia. Starting, he realized that he had been staring blankly at Rolal. Definitely too much to drink.

"It is part of my service to Obad-Hai, the Shalm, to help travelers lost in the wildness. Actually, I may have some idea to where your friend is. A few days ago I came across an old Cairn not far away from my property. He may have been lost there."

He turned to Tristian. "Can you tell me of the "something" that peaked your Jordan's interest?"

Plasma Snake
2008-11-15, 12:30 PM
"I have no idea what peaked the old man's interest. Could have been a shiny rock for all I know."

Stretching his arms out and putting his hands behind his head, Tris sighs,

"I suppose he could have found that cairn. Uncle Jordan has always been interested in things as old as he is."

2008-11-15, 06:29 PM
"Well, once you fellows are done with preparations, I suggest we go search for him as early as possible. Shalm knows that the wilderness is not kind to lost travellers."

He shouldered his pack again. "I'm ready to go at anytime."

2008-11-15, 07:41 PM
"I have all I need here, I carried my pack here in case I needed to leave out of urgency. Always be prepared."

He holds his pack up, and looks over at Auste.

"I suggest that we follow Auste here to the property, in order to begin the search. Any supplies you need before we head out, Tristan?"

Plasma Snake
2008-11-15, 11:07 PM
Tristan let his arms go limp and too a deep breath.

I've been looking for help all day and now these country bumpkins expect me to move out as soon as possible? How bothersome. Uncle Jordan better have been kidnapped by planar beings for me to have to go through all this trouble

Slowly standing, Tristan wipes the dust off of his longcoat.

"Ready when you are."

2008-11-16, 02:13 PM
With their temporary alliance formed, the three adventurers exit The Hungry Gar, and head out into the twilight. Rolal picks up his greatsword, and slings it across his back, where it reaches past the bottom of his knees. Tristan gathers his various belongings, and Auste, who had already been waiting, stands still, patiently waiting

Although light is failing, the town is far from quiet. If anything, the night's activities are only just getting started, loud voices and music pouring from more than one lit doorway.

Deciding that it is too dark to start tonight, Auste decides to lead Rolal and the stranger to his property, where they can spend the night. He leads them out of the town, and onto the far outskirts, into the Cairn Hills. Tristan is relatively sure this is the same general area he was last night.

The entire trip was uneventful, with the possible exception of a defenestrated drunkard nearly flying into Auste, who calmly sidestepped it, and kept walking.

Soon enough, the companions come within sight of Auste's rundown property. A modest dwelling squats on the crown of a small hill. While the rough stone walls of the first floor look mostly intact, the second floor has completely collapsed. A half height wall rings the house, but it too is in a case of severe disrepair. Rubble and dense weeds choke the yard.

Made of smooth stone blocks, the building stands in shambles. Thick vines creep up the side, and most of the windows are broken.The front door hangs open, barely on its hinges, under a sagging and partially collapsed porch.

Auste comes to a stop in front of the old gate, and turns to face his companions. Rolal thinks that he might have looked slightly apologetic for a second, but couldn't be at all sure.

You have arrived.

I'll put up more info in OOC when I have time. For now, all you need to know is that it is perfectly safe to enter, and while it lacks many furnishings, the roof is solid enough that will provide decent shelter.

Plasma Snake
2008-11-16, 02:52 PM
Tristan forces a look of disgust away at the tree-worshiper's home. He adjusts the his pack and gives a quick check to the rapier at his hip and the bastard sword and shield on his back.

"What a.... cozy abode. Well," Tris says, sweeping an arm out towards Auste's home. "age before beauty."

2008-11-16, 03:45 PM
"I do apologize for the rough accommodations. Having just acquired this land, I have not had the time to furnish, or even repair this home. Nevertheless, it may feel better than camping out under the stars tonight for you two."

Auste tries very carefully to open the door without having the corroded hinges fall off, taking the door with it. At least with this they'd have ample warning if somebody tried to sneak in.

2008-11-16, 04:42 PM
"Beggars can't be choosers."

He cheerfully adjusts his greatsword on his back, and then proceeds to swifly follow Auste into the house, pack at his side.

2008-11-16, 06:04 PM
The three enter the house, walking carefully on the porch, afraid it might collapse. Inside, small mounds of debris litter the floor. Loose stones, dead weeds, and grime cover virtually every surface. Paintings must have once adorned the place as indicated by the particular stain patterns marring the walls.

Although not much makes its way in, it appears as though light would enter in thin shafts sneaking in from outside. The tiny amount of light there is illuminates clouds of dust dancing in the stale air.

The first floor is made up of five chambers. The largest of these is the living room, which has a large portion of collapsed wall. Directly to the right is a smaller room that looks like it may have been an office at one point. The bookshelves and desks have long since rotted to ruin, and the scattered maps and tomes faded to illegibility.

Also adjoining the living room is a fair sized dining room, the furniture soiled and broken so as to be completely worthless. The kitchen contains a firepit, but the chimney appears blocked and it looks like it won't be usable till it's cleared.

The attached pantry has a a few broken boxes and barrels. A staircase leading up from the living room is entirely choked with rubble. Another one in the kitchen leads down to a crude cellar.


Plasma Snake
2008-11-16, 11:20 PM
Upon seeing the interior of the home, Tris closes his eyes and sighs. He removes his pack, shield, and sword belts and proceeds to flop down on the most stable looking chair he can find in the living room. Rubbing his still tired eyes Tristan says,

"Well I suppose you're right. 'Tis better to sleep under a roof, albeit a roof with holes, than to sleep under no roof at all." Removing his hand from his face, the artificer swivels his head to Auste

"So, priest, what now?"

2008-11-17, 12:08 AM
"Well, now we rest. Unless you would like to go trapezing across the countryside with only the light of the moon to guide you. And I am no priest, only a mere follower of Obad-Hai." Auste sits down on the barren floor, cross-legged.

"Perhaps you can tell me more about this Jordan, such as his traveling habits. Could he have wandered off without your knowledge? Does he have any physical traits that would make him easier to track?"

2008-11-17, 12:27 AM
The entire trip was uneventful, with the possible exception of a defenestrated drunkard nearly flying into Auste, who calmly sidestepped it, and kept walking.
Quite a den of iniquity there...

Sorry for posting. Just enjoying the story, and the thematic music.

where did the music come from, by the way?

2008-11-17, 12:33 AM
Hey, no problem. Glad you're enjoying it. The music is from the Pirates 3 OST, and is called Up Is Down.

I would appreciate though if you would put any further discussion in the OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=96501) though. Feel free to do that however.

2008-11-17, 01:34 AM
Rolal silently finds space on the floor and unrolls his bedroll from his knapsack, laying his greatsword carefully alongside. Upon hearing Tristan and Auste speak, he sets himself down on top of the bedroll, sitting quietly.

Although Tristan seems sincere about his tale, I can't help but have some doubts about his attitude concerning his uncle. Even when his life is supposedly endangered, he waltzes around as if it were a burden on him.

Eyes intently open, Rolal waits for Tristan's response.

2008-11-17, 01:34 AM
spoilers you guys.

Plasma Snake
2008-11-17, 05:48 PM
Letting out another tired sigh, Tris launches into another long speech.

" If you looked at my uncle you would think, 'That is one crazy, senile old man' and you'd be right. Uncle Jordan had been on some adventure in his youth that scarred him mentally, I don't really know the details. Add on another 40 years of life and an old man can go senile, like Jordan. Despite that though the man is a genius when it comes to the crafting of magical items. In his prime he could have also outfought any adversary he came up against. When I turned 21 my parents became sick of me and sent me to him to be trained as an Artificer and to improve my already substantial fighting ability."

Before he can continue, Tris lets out a tired yawn then continues.

"Excuse me. Where was I? Ah yes. He stands to about my shoulder. White hair that goes a little past his ears. Bushy eyebrows and a large bulbous nose. Has a well kept beard with a waxed mustache to about here" Tris holds both hands in on either side of his face six inches away from his nose. "He usually has on a very large red traveling cloak and an over sized backpack, filled with so many odd items that it forces him to hunch over. Even with it he can still run faster than most people, which is one reason why I lost him. The only other identifiable feature would be the staff he always has with him. From a distance it looks like a normal staff but when I once saw it up close I noticed that it is covered in runes. Even just holding the thing I could tell it held immense power."

Taking a deep breath and letting it out, Tris's face looks sincerely worried for the first time.

"That's all I can think of. You can help me find him, right? I may treat him like a bother but he still is my uncle and the only one in my family to truly respect me."

2008-11-18, 12:53 AM
Hearing Tristan's story, Rolal quiets some of his mind's suspicions.

"If he is here, we will find him. I recommend searching the cairn at daybreak. For now, we should all rest as much as possible. The mind wanders dreadfully when one is weary, and we will need full alertness for our expidition."

Still, he hasn't described what the thing that caught his uncle's eye was doing, or where...

Rolal slashes mentally at his minds doubts, and then proceeds to fall backwards, instantly entering a heavy sleep.

2008-11-18, 02:05 AM
The group settles and eventually they all fall asleep, finding various places among the strewn debris of the old mining office.

Rolal and Auste sleep quite soundly, the former used to rugged conditions in the hills much worse than this, and the latter, patially because of similiar reasons, and partially an extreme need for sleep.

Tristan fares slightly less well, not as used to sleeping in a place like this. He almost wished he was outside, sleeping under the stars as he had with his uncle. At least until it started raining. When he finally fell asleep he tossed and turned, his slumber rife with bad dreams, which he would not remember in the morning.

Auste wakes up an hour after dawn, and sets about his morning routine. The others awaken soon after.

Despite last night's rain, and the state of the roof, the room stayed surprisingly dry. Looking outside, Auste could tell it would be a pleasant day.

Take care of any preparations you may need, and then announce you're leaving when you feel you're ready.

2008-11-18, 03:02 AM

Rolal's eyes open slowly. He begins his morning meditation, lying still in bed and looking outside of himself for inspiration. He rises and enters a martial stance, he practices his maneuvers for 10 minutes outside before coming back to the other two.

"Well, shall we eat a small breakfast and then head out?"

Things you want to know:

Stances:Level 1:
Martial Spirit (Devo) [Currently used]
Iron Guard's Glare (Devo)
Readied Maneuvers:Level 1:
Leading The Attack (White) []
Vanguard Strike (Devo) []
Crusader's Strike (Devo) []
Douse The Flames (White) []
Charging Minotaur (Stone) []

Plasma Snake
2008-11-18, 01:41 PM
Groggily, Tristan opens his eyes and rolls out of the chair he slept in.

"Well, I've had better nights of sleep before" he mumbles to himself.

Sitting up he looks around to regain his surroundings. He's not very happy to remember where he is. With a shrug he sits upright and begins to meditate, storing power for any infusion he might use today.

Fifteen minutes later, he pulls himself off of the floor. Grabbing only his sword belts and shield Tris walks outside. Laying his weapons on the ground he ponders which would be more useful for the day. He assumes a pose of one thinking and says to himself,

"Hmmm the rapier would be better for smaller spaces in the cairn, but the bastard has always been more reliable." he shrugs " Always go with reliability."

The Artificer straps on the sword belt of his bastard sword across his back and sheaths it. He picks up his shield next and hefts its familiar weight. Drawing the sword in one fluid motion from his back, Tris begins run through his daily training exercises.

An hour later he stops. Breathing heavily he walks back to see Rolal practicing his swordsmanship on the other side of the house. He smirks and stops to observe the militiaman. After watching enough to be satisfied with what he saw, Tristan walks back into the house and flops down back onto his chair.

A few minutes later when Rolal walks back in and asks for breakfast, Tris replies,

"Yes, I'm starving."

2008-11-19, 01:28 AM
Soundtrack (http://media.putfile.com/The-Cairn)

As far as history goes back, time has been measured in Ages. Ages of Glory, of Dreams, and even Sorrows have marked the passing of the years. But one age has yet to occur. An age of true darkness. Filled with chaos, decay, and writhing doom. Wrathful preachers and eloquent bards alike speak of it as the Age of Worms, weaving it into their stories of sermons as a mythic era of destruction that could begin at any time. Astrologers, Diviners and those certain knowledgeable servants of Fate know entirely more. And the most intelligent among them fear The Age of Worms has already begun.


The landscape of the Cairn Hills is literally dotted with old tombs and burial sites, most long since destroyed or looted, their legend fading into nothingness and decay. With the exception of one.
The cairn lies near an abandoned iron mine that gave up its last decades ago. Lying on what is now a forsaken no man’s land, the cairn was all but forgotten, its entrance overgrown and choked with debris.

However, it was rediscovered by a curious teenager nearly a decade ago, and has since been a tightly kept secret of the Diamond Lake youth. They continually dare each other to approach its darkened entrance; to carve their names on the rock in front. Some brave souls go so far as to step a tentative foot a ways inside, disappearing within its cyclopean entrance to prove their bravery.

Occasionally, when the wind hits the entrance just right, haunting, almost magical seeming tones will emanate forth from the forlorn tombs yawning depths. Those who know of it call it The Whispering Cairn.


Thousands of years ago, ages before the rise of human civilization, two ancient powers waged war to determine the fate of the multiverse. On one side was a primal being known only as The Queen of Chaos to her enemies; a tentacled horror from an age before ages. Against her stood the rigid legions of the Wind Dukes of Aaqa, the cultured elemental lords, who ruled before the birth of the living races, and who yet controlled an empire so vast it was measured in worlds, not miles.

A stalemate that had spanned centuries collapsed when the Queen recruited her most dangerous ally, Miska the Wolf-Spider. Miska and his demonic legions laid siege to the Wind Duke’s territory, routing the elemental armies, and snuffing out the culture of Aaqa, one world at a time.

Eventually the Wind Dukes won, but the losses were great. By ancient tradition, the fallen warriors would be buried on the world where they fell, their elaborate tombs forever retelling the story of their brave sacrifice, and serving as an everlasting remnant of their moribund empire. The Wind Dukes ranged far, until they found a craggy country perfect for the task. Thus were the first tombs built in the hills surrounding Diamond Lake.

One of these belonged to Zosiel, a warrior prince who served the great Duke Icosiol. Zosiel fell moments before the final victory, struck down forever by a demon’s cruel blow. His tomb is now known as The Whispering Cairn.


Once everyone returned back inside, a quick breakfast was had. It was a simple affair, made up of trail rations, but nourishing none the less. After a few final checks, everyone made ready.

The three companions set out, and after a ten minute walk over rough terrain, they reach the spot where Auste remembered the Cairn was. Even though he had found it previously, the entrance takes bit of time to find it again, a wide, monolith-lined portal, partially obscured by boulders and underbrush.

The adventurers stand before the entrance, preparing to enter.

2008-11-19, 02:05 AM

Rolal stands, greatsword in hand, outside the tomb's entrance. Ever since he could remember, Rolal could see in the dark. It was something that he kept to himself, for obvious reasons. It wouldn't pay to be seen as something unnatural here. People are naturally suspicious, and they'll pay an arm and a leg to just continue with their normal lives, no matter how ignorant they are.

It's been forever since I've strayed from town.

The air pounds into Rolal's lungs. The morning sun casts a fine heat on his back. His eyes wander to the nature around him, including the imposing cairn.

This cairn, it unnerves me for some strange reason.

"No time to joke around, let's get moving and head in there."

Things you want to know:

Stances:Level 1:
Martial Spirit (Devo) [Currently used]
Iron Guard's Glare (Devo)
Readied Maneuvers:Level 1:
Leading The Attack (White) []
Vanguard Strike (Devo) []
Crusader's Strike (Devo) []
Douse The Flames (White) []
Charging Minotaur (Stone) []

Plasma Snake
2008-11-19, 06:16 PM
Tris squints into the darkness.

"Uh guys? I don't know about you but I can't see in the darkness. Anyone have any torches?"

2008-11-19, 07:04 PM
Right, I got so caught up in reminiscing, I forgot to bring out my lantern.

Rolal pulls out flint, tinder and a hooded lantern and lights it quickly, bringing flame to the oil inside. Closing the front, he turns and hands it to Tristan.

"How's this?"

Plasma Snake
2008-11-19, 09:01 PM
Tristan takes the lantern and examines it. Nodding, he says,

"It'll do. Now if you don't mind, I'll go first. This place could be covered in traps and I've had some expirience finding and disarming them."

Holding the lantern in his left hand, Tris draws his bastard sword in his right and rests it on his shoulder. He peers again into the cairn and says,

"Whenever you're ready that is"

2008-11-20, 02:08 AM
Before walking into the cairn with them, Auste looks around the wood in the cairn. Slowly putting a hand to his mouth, he lets out a sharp, short whistle. A grey wolf comes bounding out of the woodlands at his feet, and he pats it on the head once before heading in with his companions.

"I do hope he's here."

2008-11-20, 02:42 PM
After lighting the lantern, the party enters the tomb. The darkness though, turned out to be deceiving. In fact, it appears that at least near the entrance the lantern is not necessary.

Natural light dimly illuminates a long hallway extending north into darkness. A fint breeze brings with it sibilant whispers that sound almost like sighing breath. It must be a trick of the wind, but the effect sounds almost lifelike.

The walls bear horizontal bands of deceptively simple geometric patterns at waist level. In places the bands reveal startling detail, but in others the walls look as if they've been hacked at with weapons or eroded by the rigors of time. Flakes of ancient paint, brilliant purple and a dull mustard hue still cling to the walls in places, hinting at what must have once been a riot of color. A thin layer of dust coats the floor.

Just inside the darkened tomb, the hallway branches into shallow alcoves to the east and west. Here the walls bear the most significant damage. Dozens of clumsy etchings mar the beautiful ancient masonry like graffiti on an ancient wall. A clump of soiled cloth about the size of a halfling rests in the rounded terminus of the western alcove.

The hallway extends straight in for roughly 45 feet before branching off into the two alcoves, which go back 25 feet, ending in a curved wall. The hallway and the rooms are made of stone, and are 20 feet wide with 20 foot ceilings. Past the first alcoves, the hallway continues, looking like it branches off again further up.

Everyone roll spot checks.
Mike roll a Survival Check.
Feel free to examine anything in the room more closely, just tell me what you're doing, and roll a search check for it.

2008-11-21, 01:19 AM

Rolal is intrigued by the lump of cloth, but remembering Tristan's words, turns to him.

"Why don't you take a closer look at that cloth, Tris?"

Things you want to know:


Stances:Level 1:
Martial Spirit (Devo) [Currently used]
Iron Guard's Glare (Devo)
Readied Maneuvers:Level 1:
Leading The Attack (White) []
Vanguard Strike (Devo) []
Crusader's Strike (Devo) []
Douse The Flames (White) []
Charging Minotaur (Stone) []

Plasma Snake
2008-11-21, 04:11 PM
Without replying Tris shines the lantern onto the cloth and examines it.

Plasma Snake
2008-11-21, 04:31 PM
He walks to the lump until he's five feet away and examines it.


Plasma Snake
2008-11-21, 04:41 PM
He gently prods the lump with his sword.


2008-11-21, 04:47 PM
Tristan tentatively walks across the stone floor, his fine boots scuffing tracks in the layer of dust and filth. Standing over the dirty cloth, he shines his lantern on it and it becomes clear that the the 'lump' is in fact a dessicated bedroll, which crumbles to pieces as soon as he touches it with his sword.

2008-11-21, 06:48 PM
"Hmm, what would such an old bedroll be doing in these ruins?" mused Auste.

HP:11/11 AC:16 Touch:11 Flatfoot:16


2008-11-21, 06:59 PM
Looking around the room, Auste is able to tell that multiple wolves have crossed the stone floor multiple times judging by the prints left in the dust. It wouldn't be surprising if the animals had made their home in the old crypt.

2008-11-22, 03:49 AM
"It seems as if these tombs are not as deserted as we may have thought." Auste says to his companions. "These tracks are fresh. A pack of wolves may have made their way in here, but for what reason I cannot imagine."

2008-11-22, 08:11 PM

Rolal frowns. The news of wolves was not a good one, but it at least meant that something alive had made its way into this dark place. The fact that the bedroll remained, its owner absent, was far more troubling.

"There is nothing but a bedroll?"

(Assuming a positive response.)

"Then its owner has behaved rather strangely, taking his possessions, but leaving only this bedroll behind. Not to mention the fact that a pack of wolves made it in here, but there are no remains or meat to back up their presence."

An eerie chill seems to follow his words. His mind has not been at rest for a single moment since they had entered. His training as a guard was keeping him very alert, perhaps too alert. He quickly searches the area, following the other two's lead.

(Assuming nothing is found.)

"Let's move on deeper, assuming that you two agree."

Things you want to know:


Stances:Level 1:
Martial Spirit (Devo) [Currently used]
Iron Guard's Glare (Devo)
Readied Maneuvers:Level 1:
Leading The Attack (White) []
Vanguard Strike (Devo) []
Crusader's Strike (Devo) []
Douse The Flames (White) []
Charging Minotaur (Stone) []

Plasma Snake
2008-11-23, 12:01 AM
"Of course" Tris agrees.

With out any word further he walks down the hall, causally searching for any traps. He stops at the branching of the hallway and shines the lanterns into both alcoves, first the left, then the right.


2008-11-23, 12:18 AM
Tristan and Rolal walk down the hall a ways till they reach the branching paths, Tristan keeping an idle eye out for traps--not too worried at this point--but sees nothing. It seems that each hall opens into two deep alcoves.

The western hall extends perhaps 40 feet, ending at a small marble plafrm raised about six inches off the floor. A strange, shattered arcane apparatus rests upon this platform, it's curved ovular frame giving the appearance of a noble's dressing mirror. Only a third of this frame remains. An unusual arcane glyph about the size of a man's head has been delicately carved into the baseplate of the support platform.

Fifteen feet down the east passage, a huge pile of collapsed rubble blocks the passage from top to bottom. It looks like it would take weeks to tunnel through the densely packed debris.


Plasma Snake
2008-11-23, 12:43 AM
"I suppose we go left then." says Tris.

Shining the lantern down the western hall, Tristan walks toward the platform once again causally keeping an eye open for anything suspicious.

(Assuming I find nothing)

Upon reaching the platform he sheaths his sword and uses his now-free hand to feel the apparatus and see if he can sense any magical aura. Tristan racks his brains for any knowledge of what he sees on apparatus.


2008-11-23, 01:32 AM

Rolal joins Tristan in his examination of the strange item. He gazes casually at the item, attempting to pick up anything which tickles his fancy.

Things you want to know:


Stances:Level 1:
Martial Spirit (Devo) [Currently used]
Iron Guard's Glare (Devo)
Readied Maneuvers:Level 1:
Leading The Attack (White) []
Vanguard Strike (Devo) []
Crusader's Strike (Devo) []
Douse The Flames (White) []
Charging Minotaur (Stone) []

2008-11-23, 01:49 AM
As Tristan starts to turn down the hallway leading into the alcove, he notices a very dim green light to the north, further down the hall.

[Assuming you choose to do nothing major about this]

He walks to the base of the shattered frame, bending over in order to get a closer look, his knees making marks in the undisturbed layer of grime. Upon closer examination, it becomes clear that the entire base is cover in small runes, sigils, and signs. He touches his fingers to the frame, runnng them along the patterns he finds. The frame is cold to the touch.

Wracking his brain to see if he can remember anything, he is unable to come up with any true conclusions. The closest thing he can come up with is they look like an alphabet of some sort, although nothing he's seen. Looking at the patterns it seems reasonable the large one may be a name of some sort. He idly notes that it shares a very slight resemblance to some symbols he saw in one of his uncles books, one on the element of air.

He is able to note though that the symbols on the inside of the broken frame look like arcane symbols relating to transportation. And although he concentrated carefully he was unable to detect any sort of aura around the platform. Whatever this thing had been, it had been useless for a very long time.

Staring over his shoulder, Rolal notes much the same thing. As he shifted his feet to get a better look he noticed that there were a few unidentifiable shiny black shards scattered on the floor. To the touch, they feel like stone of some kind, but he cannot for the life of him figure out anything beyond that.

2008-11-23, 03:05 AM
"I would avoid touching just any old object you find in these ruins. Old as they are, I doubt very much that they're all as mundane as that crescent." Auste says.

"Too be honest, what worries me more are the wolves. There shouldn't be any reason to make this tomb the central home of their pack, as it would be difficult to patrol the countryside and mark their territory. There's also the problem of the bedroll. If it was left by a recent traveler, why did it seem so old? Something would have to be left here for a very long time to become so dry to disintegrate on touch."

Plasma Snake
2008-11-23, 12:54 PM
"I suppose you're right but I have found out a couple things about this"

Tris relays to his comrades what he discovered. After he finishes he stands back up, dusting himself off and says,

"Anyways I can't figure anything else about this, but down that hall I saw a faint green light. I suggest we check it out"

2008-11-24, 02:15 AM

Hearing much of the same opinion he possesses, Rolal nods quietly in approval, gesturing for Tris to lead the way.

Things you want to know:

Thought I'd mention that marching order is currently Tristan, Me, Auste.

Stances:Level 1:
Martial Spirit (Devo) [Currently used]
Iron Guard's Glare (Devo)
Readied Maneuvers:Level 1:
Leading The Attack (White) []
Vanguard Strike (Devo) []
Crusader's Strike (Devo) []
Douse The Flames (White) []
Charging Minotaur (Stone) []

Plasma Snake
2008-11-24, 10:45 AM
"Very well" Tristan says, drawing his blade again with a flourish, "Tally ho"

Tristan walks down the hall, again keeping to his usual routine of checking for traps.


2008-11-24, 11:17 AM
The central hallway opens up into a large chamber with wings leading to the east and west. Across the chamber to the north lies a 20 foot wide open arch draped from top to bottom in translucent cobwebs. An eerie green light flickers from beyond the webs, casting strange shadows around the room. The place smells of animal spoor and wet fur.

To the west, three short stairs lead to a marble dais, but the far end of the wing is obscured by darkness. Huge piles of cracked masonry and irregular piles of scattered debris choke the eastern wing, giving the appearance of complete collapse.

The sibilant, almost human whispers present in the passage, become a chorus in this massive chamber, eerily echoing off the walls.

Tristan is able discern the odd word in the chorus of whispers which seem to be in some form of Auran, the elemental language of Air. They seem to be warnings against intrusion, with words like "hopeless," "sacrilege," "enemies," and so on.

Usual drill. Tell me what you do, and make any rolls you think are relevant.

Plasma Snake
2008-11-24, 04:29 PM
Tristan looks around him, discomforted by the whispers.

"It's in Auran and it's not sounding too friendly" he says.

Shining the lantern toward the dais, Tris proceeds towards it to examine it.


2008-11-24, 04:51 PM
Tristan moves forward to investigate the wide dais. It spans the entire back half of the western wing, and calls attention to the faded fresco upon the north, south, and west walls. From a vantage point at the center of the dais, the wall paintings make it seem as if you stand within a a massive room with seven short hallways radiating outward from a single point.

A chain dangles from the ceiling at the end of each hallway, and each chain bears a gleaming colored lantern. Clockwise, the colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

All you are seeing is a painting. So don't post about going down the hallways, or anything like that. There is however a clue here to a later puzzle.

Plasma Snake
2008-11-24, 04:58 PM
Shrugging his shoulders Tristan moves back toward the rest of the group.

"Nothing of much notice down that way, I suggest we check out the other room" he says pointing his sword toward the room to the north.

2008-11-24, 11:14 PM

Glimpsing the fresco, Rolal steps down, accompanying Tristan in the chamber.

"Not much of notice, huh? I'd tend to disagree that a life size fresco isn't worth notice, Tris."

Taking the obvious clues thus far, and the notice against "intrusion" that the aural voices seem to emanate, Rolal searches his memory for any famous heroes or villains related to the element of air or the god of air that could be buried in these hills. He also searches the area, keeping a special eye out for anything out of place with the dust covered walls of this area.

Things you want to know:


Stances:Level 1:
Martial Spirit (Devo) [Currently used]
Iron Guard's Glare (Devo)
Readied Maneuvers:Level 1:
Leading The Attack (White) []
Vanguard Strike (Devo) []
Crusader's Strike (Devo) []
Douse The Flames (White) []
Charging Minotaur (Stone) []

2008-11-24, 11:23 PM
Rolal is able to remember an obscure reference he read once about a group known as The Wind Dukes of Aaqa, best known for forging The Rod of Seven Parts. He also seems to recall that the Wind Dukes were on one side of a battle called The Battle of Pesh, rumored to take place near the area they are now in.

2008-11-26, 01:50 PM

Rolal relays all of the information his memory can recall, turning his back to the fresco and facing Tris.

"Well, I suppose this is a tomb related to that battle, given the clues thus far. We better be on our toes, there's some weird things in these hills, friend Artificer."

Rolal moves up to where Auste is, carefully keeping an eye on his surroundings. He then takes a look toward the northern arch.

"Let's give that a look, Tris, check the arch for traps, I'll back you up."

Things you want to know:

Stances:Level 1:
Martial Spirit (Devo) [Currently used]
Iron Guard's Glare (Devo)
Readied Maneuvers:Level 1:
Leading The Attack (White) []
Vanguard Strike (Devo) []
Crusader's Strike (Devo) []
Douse The Flames (White) []
Charging Minotaur (Stone) []

2008-11-26, 02:21 PM
As Rolal heads over towards the arch where the other two wait, the three hear a sharp growling coming from behind them. Turning around, the group sees a pack of 3 mangy looking wolves, emerging from the collapsed doorway, which apparently was not as collapsed as it seemed. Two of the wolves are smaller, and look as if they hadn't eaten in a while. The third is much larger and doesn't look hungry at all.

The three curs gather their muscles to spring, and rush towards the group.

Roll initiative. Auste and Tristan are by the arch, roughly 20 feet from the quickly approaching wolves.

Rolal is more like 30 feet away having been approaching from a different direction.

2008-11-26, 03:54 PM

"Finally some action!"

Rolal runs toward the largest wolf, attempting to smash it over the head after drawing his sword from his back in one fluid motion.

Things you want to know:


Stances:Level 1:
Martial Spirit (Devo) [Currently used]
Iron Guard's Glare (Devo)
Readied Maneuvers:Level 1:
Leading The Attack (White) []
Vanguard Strike (Devo) []
Crusader's Strike (Devo) []
Douse The Flames (White) []
Charging Minotaur (Stone) []

Plasma Snake
2008-11-26, 05:26 PM
HP:12 AC:17 FF:14 T:13

"Great, mutts. I haven't been wolf hunting in ages anyway.", Tris says with a chuckle.

Without any words further he joins the attack against the large wolf. With the lantern still in his left hand, Tris slashes at the wolf with his bastard sword.

Moves to the large wolf, without causing AOO's if possible, and attacks using Sapphire Nightmare Blade.
Initiative [6]

If the Con Check fails subtract 2 from Attack and Damage. Which I do.

2008-11-28, 02:30 PM
HP 11/11 AC:16 FF:15 T:11
HP 42/42 AC:16 FF:15 T:12

Without a word, Auste pats the wolf beside him on the head, and sends him into the fray, but not before casting a spell to make his bites more potent.

Cleric Spell List

0 level spells - 3
Create Water
1st level spells - 2+1
Inflict Light Wounds
Druid Spell List

0 level spells - 3
Detect Magic
1st level spells - 2
Magic Fang

Move Action: -
Standard Action: Cast Magic Fang on Wolf
Free Action: -
Move Action: Move to closest mangy wolf and attempt to bite it's neck.
Standard Action:
Free Action: -

2008-11-28, 05:17 PM
The wolves continue their forward movement, weaving and darting towards Auste. They seem to have a completely unified goal, concentrating on one target.

Auste acts quickest of all, drawing in power from all around him, and casting it out in the form of a spell directed at his wolf. Unfortunately, Wary is not quick enough to protect his master.

All three close in growling, and, snarling attempt to rip at Aust. Acting mostly out of surprise, he stumbles back enough so that the two smaller wolves fangs close shut on empty air. However, the large wolf is faster and sinks his fangs into Auste's leg, biting deep into the flesh and yanking, attempting to pull the ranger off balance.

Seemingly caught by surprise, Rolal and Tristan take lose precious seconds before reacting to the danger.

Rolal brings his huge sword to bear, having no trouble maneuvering it's large bulk in the open area of the giant antechamber. Drawing it back he slams it down and forwards with all his might, the blade sinking deep into the shoulder of the large wolf, who yelps loudly around his mouthful of Auste's leg, blood pouring swiftly from the gaping wound in his side.

Tristan leaps forward as well, after closely studying the situation to try and get a better hit, thinking to strike the leader as well. His hesitation proved to be for too long though and what would have been a heavy blow instead sends his bastard sword whooshing through the air where the wolf was a second earlier, crashing into the floor, sending up sparks, and setting the blade of Tris' hand-and-a-half awash with loud vibrations.

Wary, who had been circling till this point lunges in when he sees an opening on the flank of the larger wolf. He was to slow though and the two smaller wolves both wheel on him and attempt to bite the strange wolf. Although their mouths only close on a few tufts of fur, it was enough to draw Wary back, his own teeth clacking shut on nothing as well.

Auste takes three damage from the largest wolf and must make a Strength check of 12 or higher or be pulled prone by the wolf.

2008-11-28, 08:47 PM

"Watch yourself Auste, pull back and adjust your stance!"

Rolal changes his fighting style, staring intensely at the large wolf with eyes lit with a soul of fire. He swiftly rushes again, driving his sword forward with both hands in a massive thrust.

Things you want to know:
Move: None
Swift: Shift stance into Iron Guard's Glare
Standard: Leading the Attack against the large wolf.


Stances:Level 1:
Martial Spirit (Devo)
Iron Guard's Glare (Devo) [Currently used]
Readied Maneuvers:Level 1:
Leading The Attack (White) [x]
Vanguard Strike (Devo) []
Crusader's Strike (Devo) []
Douse The Flames (White) []
Charging Minotaur (Stone) []

2008-11-30, 08:33 PM
HP 8/11 AC:16 FF:15 T:11
HP 42/42 AC:16 FF:15 T:12

"Auurgh, goddamn!" shouts Auste as he attempts to slam his sickle into the large wolf's snout. Ripping out his leg, he attempts to stand up by shifting his weight onto his other side. Wary, oblivious to the other wolves, once again tries to clamp his jaws onto the larger wolf's throat.

Cleric Spell List

0 level spells - 3
Create Water
1st level spells - 2+1
Inflict Light Wounds
Druid Spell List

0 level spells - 3
Detect Magic
1st level spells - 2
Magic Fang


Move Action: -
Standard Action: Attack large wolf
Free Action: -
Move Action: -
Standard Action: Attack large wolf
Free Action: -

[roll=Strength Check]1d20

Plasma Snake
2008-11-30, 11:20 PM
Tristan curses in Ignan as his strike misses. With a swift flourish of his blade, the Artificer readies his blade and strikes again.

Swift Action: Recover maneuvers
Standard Action: Attack the big wolf again. Sapphire Nightmare Blade.

Same as before, flatfooted and extra 1d6 damage if successful. -2 Damage/Attack.

2008-12-01, 01:21 AM
As the wolf gives another sharp yank on Auste's leg, the druid falls hard to the ground, sprawling on his back.

Seeing a weakened target the three wolves immediately close in for a kill. He attempts to fend them off, but his position makes it impossible for him to gain any significant leverage. The largest wolf sinks his fangs deep into Auste's exposed throat, causing a stream of bright crimson to immediately shower into the air, splashing over everything nearby. The other two wolves take large bites out of his midsection causing yet more blood to stain the dusty ground. Several small rivulets now flow away from his prone body as it gives one last twitch before going still.

Seeing his companion fall, Rolal strikes once again at the leader of the pack, his blade cleaving the beasts head clear off, freeing it to tumble several feet across the ground, the body lifelessly collapsing lifelessly over the body of the ranger whose throat he ripped out seconds earlier.

Tristan, seeing his original target drop, lunges forward at one the smaller wolves, swinging his blade down with brutal efficacy, chopping deeply into it's haunch, sending more blood forth, which joins the small river along the stone floor, both enemy' and allies' joining.

Wary, enraged at the attack on his master, slams into the last wolf, bowling him to the ground despite the other animal's attempt to bite him back. Snarling viciously he bends down and tears deep into its throat, ripping it out, in a cruel symmetry of the previous events. The wolf gives a pained howl before falling still, joining it's companions in death.

Auste takes 12 damage, dropping him to negative 4. All wolves are dead.

2008-12-01, 01:31 AM

Swiftly after dispatching the large wolf, Rolal notices Auste's plight.

"Auste! Our guide is down!"

Rolal rushes to Auste's side, attempting to stabilize his condition.

Things you want to know:
Move: N/A
Swift: N/A
Standard: N/A


Stances:Level 1:
Martial Spirit (Devo)
Iron Guard's Glare (Devo) [Currently used]
Readied Maneuvers:Level 1:
Leading The Attack (White) []
Vanguard Strike (Devo) []
Crusader's Strike (Devo) []
Douse The Flames (White) []
Charging Minotaur (Stone) []

2008-12-01, 01:42 AM
Rolal and Tristan rush over to the fallen Auste, shoving aside the large wolf carcass in order to help him.

Rolal tears off Auste's shirt to examine all the wounds, his fingers at the man's throat, attempting to stem the flow of Auste's lifeblood, while Tristan rips the already torn garment into strips.

Rolal quickly takes the strips and hastily and crudely bandages the wounds. It was messy, but it seemed to stop the worst of the bleeding.

I assume Tristan Aids Rolal. It's also out of battle so you can take 10. Auste becomes stable.

2008-12-02, 01:52 AM

Great, the only one who can heal us in battle has fallen. We need to figure out a plan, fast.

"Tris, you know anything about healing? Should we take him back to the house for now?"

Things you want to know:

Move: N/A
Swift: N/A
Standard: N/A

Stances:Level 1:
Martial Spirit (Devo)
Iron Guard's Glare (Devo) [Currently used]
Readied Maneuvers:Level 1:
Leading The Attack (White) []
Vanguard Strike (Devo) []
Crusader's Strike (Devo) []
Douse The Flames (White) []
Charging Minotaur (Stone) []

Plasma Snake
2008-12-02, 11:39 PM
Tris looked around the room hurriedly, hoping for a hint of his uncle nearby. Seeing that his efforts were in vein, he looks toward Rolal with a distressed look and says,

"No I have no skill in the healing arts. But must we taking him back now? He's stable, and my uncle might just be in the next room."

2008-12-04, 12:46 AM
Rolal looked down at the healer, contemplating the situation.

"He's stable, but do we want to leave him here in the middle of an abandoned tomb? Why would we betray the man who treated us with such hospitality? Besides, the only one who knows how to heal us is him. If we get hurt in combat, we have no way to salvage ourselves."

Plasma Snake
2008-12-04, 05:59 PM
Tristan takes one last desperate look at the large room past the arch and takes a deep breath. Calming himself he looks Rolal in the eyes and says,

"Godsdammit you're right. Ok help me get him up we'll take him back to the house."

2008-12-04, 07:01 PM
Rolal and Tristan manage to get a tenuous grip on the fallen Auste, attempting to not jar him too much. With the awkward stumbling gait that is necessary it takes them almost 20 minutes just to get outside the tomb, and they are both very exhausted from the ordeal. Thinking to save time, Tristan attempts to cobble together a passable stretcher, and has a decent one within another 20 minutes.

With the stretcher, the going is much easier and they make it back to the abandoned house much faster than they would have otherwise. It's later in the afternoon when they arrive though.

Entering the house, they lay Auste down softly on the floor, and sit down themselves to wait.

Simply for the sake of time, I'm going to do a handwave and say Auste will be at 1 HP after 8 hours of rest. This would not normally work though.

Feel free to RP a little.

2008-12-25, 04:45 PM
As Rolal and Tristan sit nervous vigil over the wounded Auste, the hours seem to drag on into infinity. As night fell completely, the skies opened up with a great crack of thunder, and it began to storm. Although the roof was leaky, it seemed the three were in a relatively dry spot.

As the night wore on though, and the storm increased in fury, Auste saw no improvement. At the point in the darkness of the night when the storm had reached its booming crescendo, Auste breathed his last.

The only sound then was the falling rain, pounding down onto the roof and floor of the dead druid's house.

And then came a knock at the door, the hollow thud of someones fist blending with the crack of thunder.

Rolal and Tristan snap out of their reverie and instantly stand alert. Rolal draws his sword and makes his way to the door.

When he opens it, he becomes almost immediately soaked as the strong winds blow sheets of dark rain into his eyes. When his vision clears he sees a man silhouetted in the doorway, his profile illuminated by a flash of lightning.

The man introduces himself as Senam, a traveler, currently seeking shelter from the storm. Seeing no immediate threat, Rolal allows him in. Seeing the body, Senam inquires as to the identity of the corpse.

Rolal tells him the entire story, starting with Tristan's missing uncle, and ending with Auste's death.

Inspired by the tale, the newcomer offers his help in seeking Tristan's missing relative. Seeing no true reason to refuse, they both accept.

In the morning, after burying their dead companion, the three head back to the tomb. They quickly find their way back to the room where they had fought the wolves. The three dead carcasses still lay on the floor on top of the dried pool of blood. Senam spots the wolves lair, and the group goes to investigate.

After searching through the room, they find an ornate lantern of indigo colored glass in a moldy leather backpack in one corner, and an exquisite bracelet of what appears to be of elvish origin under some rubble in the doorway.

Leaving the wolves lair, Tristan cuts through the web blocking the archway at the north end of the chamber.

A wide stairway descends into an immense domed chamber. Seven short hallways branch from the room in all directions, extending some 30 feet before ending in rounded walls. At the terminus of each passage, a thick chain dangles from an unseen high ceiling. Five of the chains bear colorful lanterns, but two hold nothing at all. Opposite the entry stairs, a bright green lantern holds what appears to be a torch casts a weird murky light across the room. Countless chips of glass and shiny metal inset into the chamber’s domed ceiling reflect this light, giving the impression of starlight and falling snow. The dome starts about 10 feet off the ground, and reaches an apex of 30 feet over the center of the room.

Below the domes peak, a long dais holds what appears to be a marble sarcophagus. A milky white bas-relief figure, perhaps of a human, rests passively on the sarcophagus lid. Unlike the rest of the tomb, this room is completely silent.

The three move to the center of the room to investigate the dais. The lid of the sarcophagus bears a white stone relief of a tall figure clothed in a simple garment of flowing cloth. Although at first it looks as though it may be human, a closer look show that the figure is over seven feet tall, and of an indeterminate sex. The platform is carved in the shape of a stylized arrow, with the head, and subsequently the point of the arrow pointing towards the western passageway where the orange lantern hangs.

The next thing they did was to lift the lid off the coffin. This triggered a fire trap, and revealed an empty sarcophagus.

Branching out to examine all parts of the room, it is soon discovered that at the end of each hallway below the dangling chain a five foot diameter circle is inscribed into the floor.

After much puzzling and head shaking, the companions finally stumble on the bright idea to turn the entire dais so that the arrow points at a different passage. First trying red, and then moving on to yellow when nothing happens there. As the arrow points at the yellow tunnel , a great rumbling can be heard from below the chamber can be heard as the circular stone at the end of the tunnel rises eight feet into the air, pushed up by a five foot diameter metal cylinder that seems to arise from the ground itself.

Seconds after it comes to rest, two thin metal doors slide into the sides of the cylinder, revealing a small empty chamber.

After investigating it for traps, the three travel down the elevator one at a time to the room below. The walls there were covered similar to the slender figure on the sarcophagus lid in the chamber above. Nearly a dozen androgynous, hairless humanoids stand in poses of dereference, almost as if they were paying homage to the viewer. Many extend their hands in adoration, their faces awash in adulation. Several of the statues lack hands, arms, heads, or anything else easily hacked off by long absent tomb robbers.

About fifteen feet to the south, a dark passageway extends from an elaborately carved arch. Only a little of this hallway is visible however, as a large stone block obscures most of the passage.

Crawling on top of the block, Tristan is able to see a little of the rest of the hallway through the thin crack left between the block and top of the arch, and is able to make out darkened alcoves placed at regular intervals along the hall, but little else.

Climbing down, the three decide that they would rather deal with this puzzle later, and head back upstairs.

Returning to the platform, they rotate it to face the green passage. As they do so, a loud rumbling starts beneath their feet as it did with the yellow passage. However unlike the previous passage, the rumbling seems dangerously loud.

Despite the ominous noise, Rolal moves to the elevator and walks in, and only avoids death as the elevator gives way and crashes to the floor 40 feet below thanks to a quick reaction on the part of Tristan, who manages to pull him out of the way just in time.

Before they even had time to recover, a buzzing, skittering noise is heard coming from the shaft as hundreds of insects crawl up the wall. Hearing the noise, the three turn tail and run the opposite way, reaching the entrance to the chamber as a swarm of acid beetles erupts from the shaft, with a mad slasher right behind them.

Despite their initial terror, when they actually turn around and fight, the threats are quickly dealt with, with minimal injury occurring.

Once the fight is over, the three find themselves standing in the once again silent room.

2009-01-06, 01:42 AM
Rolal clears his head and searches the rooms thoroughly for any things of interest.


2009-01-06, 01:44 AM
Searching the green hallway reveals that the walls of the collapsed elevator shaft are extremely rough and pitted from the Acid Beetles. It looks as if it would be little more than child's play to climb down.

2009-01-06, 01:47 AM
Rolal relays this information to the others, explaining that he's going to climb down first. He then attempts to climb down.


2009-01-06, 02:00 AM
As Rolal climbs handily down the shaft, he finds it is practically no effort at all to traverse the pitted hand and foot holds. Leaping the last few feet to the ground he finds himself in a room at the end of hallway.

Dozens of bas-relief figures similar to the one on the sarcophagus lid in the room above stare disapprovingly from the walls here. Many sport crossed arms and stern expressions. A few of the statues heads are missing, and some sport huge chunks torn from them. Others have a weird melted appearance, as if they had been sprayed by something terrible. A large glyph that looks like a stylized arrow points down the short corridor to the north that leads to a four-way intersection.

roll spot checks

Plasma Snake
2009-01-08, 11:48 PM
Tris follows Rolal down the hole.


2009-01-08, 11:58 PM
Rolal searches the small area, examining the statues more closely before continuing.


2009-01-10, 10:15 PM
Senam also grudgingly attempts to climb down the hole. "Let us hope that your uncle is made of tougher stuff than we to survive these traps alone, eh?" he says to Tristian, cautiously descending.


2009-01-13, 12:44 AM
Further summary to be added later.

The three adventurers stand in the lit burial chamber, staring confusedly at the the 7 hallways.

Quick summary then.

RED: Nothing
ORANGE: Nothing
YELLOW: Elevator to Architect's Lair. Underwater room, etc
GREEN: Broken Elevator. Shaft leading to Laborer's Quarters.
BLUE: Higher ceiling. Skeleton which belongs to someone who died in a fall.
Indigo: False Elevator Trap.
Violet: Nothing

2009-01-13, 01:03 AM
HP 7/8 AC: 17 T: 13 FF: 14

Senam walks over to the blue chamber, pausing at the heightened ceiling. After a bit of puzzlement, he shakes his head a kicks at the mouldy, crushed skeleton at his feet. "Either this man had some extraordinarily fragile bone structure, or that ceiling higher than we think. Perhaps he tried to climb up the chain, but fell?"

Plasma Snake
2009-01-13, 09:07 PM
Tris looks upward with a raised eyebrow,

"Well I supposes if someone could climb up there I'd be willing to lend him this" he says wiggling the his left ring-finger that is currently wearing his new-found Ring of Feather Fall.

2009-01-13, 09:08 PM
Christ, and I basically had to tell Mike before you guys got it. Oh well, I'll just drop more hints in the future I guess.

Yes, the chain is climbable. Genius!

Plasma Snake
2009-01-13, 09:23 PM
Looking around, Tris says sourly.

"What no takers? Fine, I suppose it takes a man of refinement to to what's necessary."

He first examines the chains for any signs of more traps.


2009-01-13, 09:26 PM
Figuratively going over the chain with a fine toothed comb, Tristan is unable to find any traps.

Plasma Snake
2009-01-13, 09:27 PM
Seeing that there are no traps, Tris grabs the chain and begins to climb.


2009-01-13, 10:44 PM
Rolal stares quietly at Tris, looking up into the shaft above.

"Don't fall."

2009-01-14, 12:20 AM
With a little bit of effort, Tristan is able to climb the swaying chain. He goes upwards for 50 feet, before reaching a hallway that goes back into the wall. With a small swing he steps over onto solid ground, leaving the chain rattling softly behind him, and setting the already eerie glow of the lantern shaking in a crazed fashion.

A thin passage extends into shadows to the northeast. Perhaps seventy feet away, the passage ends in what appears to be an enormous stone human face, its mouth carved in the likeness of an angry scream, and opening into further shadow.

The face is carved in the same manner as all the other statues and carvings seen in the cairn. It dominates the entire 20 by 20 foot wall at the end of the passageway.

Roll Spot, and anything else you feel like.

Plasma Snake
2009-01-14, 06:41 PM
Before examining the corridor, Tristan yells down,

"All safe! There's a hallway fifty feet up or so. Feel free to join me!"

Turning back the the corridor, Tris examines the path ahead of him for traps and then examines the face from where he is, about 60 feet away from the large face.


2009-01-14, 10:04 PM
HP 7/8 AC: 17 T: 13 FF: 14

Sanem grumbles before attempting to climb up as well. "I'm just not built for this." he mutters.


2009-01-19, 04:44 PM
As Tristan searches the hallway for traps, going very carefully over every inch of floor, wall and ceiling. While he finds no traps, he immediately notices a series of deep gouges in the floor ending at the edge where he had climbed up. In the meantime both Senam and Rolal make their way up the chain, so that the whole party stands in the hallway.

Plasma Snake
2009-01-19, 08:05 PM
Tris moves slowly down the hall, shield at the ready. Stopping in front of the giant face, the artificer examines it more closely.

Any knowledges needed?

2009-01-24, 02:20 PM
Rolal's eyes shift steadily back and forth as the shadows glimmer off the walls in his darkvision.

"Watch for traps."

2009-01-26, 02:15 AM
Though he searches extensively, Tristan turns up no traps of any sort. However, when he reaches the end of the hallway, by the light emanating from the impromptu beacons that are his armor and shield, he is able to see into the room that opens beyond the gaping mouth of the carved face.

Looking through, he sees a long dark room with no floor. A three foot wide beam of petrified wood spans the chasm, leading straight ahead into further darkness. About 10 feet below the beam, countless iron spheres the size of large oranges form an irregular floor, but it's impossible to tell if they form a wholly solid surface.

The northwest and southeast walls are covered in a honeycomb of geometric patterns. The featureless stone ceiling extends about 20 feet from the beam.

http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/1039/23sidekn4.jpg Side view of the room ahead of you to give a better idea.

Tell me any checks you want to make. It will take a balance check to walk across the beam, and it is possible to lower yourselves to the floor if you wish to do so. However, the uneven surface will make it difficult to walk.

2009-01-26, 12:28 PM
"This definitely has the air of an obvious trap."

Rolal looks around slowly before gathering his resolve and lowers himself from the beam so that his feet touch the floor. He tests whether it has a solid footing.

Plasma Snake
2009-01-26, 04:05 PM
"And so you step out on to the supposed trap? I thought you learned your lesson after the elevator incident." Tristan says with an incredulous on his face.

Tristan grabs dirt and pebbles from the hallway and throws them over Rolal's shoulder. The artificer waits to see if the rocks will set off any traps or marks any pathways. While waiting he scans the rooms for any other traps.


Plasma Snake
2009-01-27, 11:18 AM
Putting a hand on Rolal's shoulder, Tristan turns his left ear toward the room.

"Get out of there, get out of there now. I hear something moving underneath those spheres."

2009-01-27, 05:20 PM
Rolal darts backward, hoping that he can evade whatever's making that noise.

2009-01-28, 02:07 AM
HP 7/8 AC: 17 T: 13 FF: 14

Sanem blinks and backs away from the corridor, and says to Tristian "What, what did you see?"

2009-01-28, 12:42 PM
As Rolal scrambles back out of the pit, a laughing childish voice echoes around the dark room. "Teehee, that's right, run away, you sniveling cowards! Teehee!"

The rustling that Tristan heard becomes louder, and soon four tentacles erupt from the iron balls. "Gricky-wicky is gonna get woo! Teehee!"

Roll initiative please.

Plasma Snake
2009-01-28, 05:08 PM
Tristan draws his sword and readies his shield.


2009-01-28, 09:18 PM
Rolal stares intently at the pit.


2009-01-29, 09:57 PM
HP 7/8 AC: 17 T: 13 FF: 14

Sanem nervously peers around the room, whirling to try to discen the origin of the voice. "Um, alright. Which one of you wants to be huge, to deal with those tentacles?" he says to his companions.


2009-01-30, 01:41 AM
A body soon follows the tentacles, and a wormlike creature as long as a man is tall emerges from the ground, shucking iron spheres off it's body like scales. Four tentacles, slightly longer than a large man's forearms are located on it's head, along either side of it's jaw, which are segmented, as its entire body.

It moves towards Rolal and attempts to strike him with its tentacles, but is too slow as Rolal exits the pit, pulling his leg up in the nick of time.

"Heehee, Gricky-wicky is hungwy!"

Plasma Snake
2009-01-30, 11:09 PM
"I'll go." says Tristan. The artificer readies him self to attack the tentacles as soon as the spell is cast.

Action: Assume Punishing Stance, ready move and attack the monster with Sapphire Nightmare Blade.


2009-01-31, 02:31 PM
Rolal moves himself to the very edge of the pit, and, taking his sword in both hands, thrusts downward sharply toward the beast.


2009-02-05, 05:48 PM
Sanem points a finger at Traistian, muttering arcane incantations under his breath. With his other, he takes out his crossbow from his back.

Move Action: Take crossbow and bolts (15).
Action: Cast Enlarge Person on Tristian.

2009-02-07, 02:46 AM
Rolal moves back towards the edge of the pit, and in a burst of released energy stabs downward with all his might. The effect isn't quite as dramatic as he may have wished though, with the blade glancing off a ridge of bone on 'Gricky Wicky's' face, and only opening a large cut as opposed to the impalement that might have occurred.

With an arcane gesture, and a few words under his breath, Sanem's magic makes Tristan's body grow to twice its size in the blink of an eye. The now enlarged Tristan moves forward to attack the tentacled aberration. Unfortunately he trips over his own larger than normal feet, and his attack goes wide by a large mark. A loud giggle sounds in that mysterious child like voice

Enraged at the new addition to its face, the affectionately named beast attempts to strike at Rolal. Three of its tentacles connect squarely with Rolal's body, leaving bleeding wounds where the barbed hooks ripped at flesh.

9 damage to Rolal

2009-02-09, 12:18 AM
Rolal lashes out at the creature, attempting to stab it once more.

Vanguard Strike for +4 on attack to everyone else on successful hit.

Plasma Snake
2009-02-09, 12:20 AM
With a curse Tristan flourishes his blade, re-readying himself, and attempts to him the tentacles again.


2009-02-22, 03:18 PM
Sanem raises his crossbow, trying to get a mark on the swirling, writhing tentacles. He fires.


2009-02-24, 12:57 AM
Rolal stabs downwards once more, and his blade connects solidly with the beast's head. Inspired by his move, the enlarges Tristan is able to snake his own sword through and cut a deep gash in the Grick's neck. The creature falls limply from the wall and down to the spheres below with a rather muffled clanking.

The laughter cuts off in what can only be described as a pout, and the figure of a young boy materializes in the middle of the bridge, looking slightly transparent, and floating slightly above the surface. He ***** his head, with something between a smile and a sneer on his face, as he stares intently at the three.