View Full Version : Goodbye, Great-Grandma.

2008-11-15, 03:19 PM
On a somewhat more somber (and religious) note than is usual for me, I'd like to ask my fellow members of the playground to pray for the soul of my great-grandmother, who died on Monday or Tuesday but whose funeral is today. I never learned her first name (she was always just "great-grandma"), but her last name was O'Brien.

She was 94 years old, and had lived a mostly long, happy and very healthy life. Sadly, five years ago she chose to trust the wrong person, picking my degenerate aunt instead of my more virtuous grandmother, and was committed to a nursing home where she quickly became senile. It's almost a mercy now that she's gone, and I didn't know her much, but I will still miss her dearly.

Tempest Fennac
2008-11-15, 03:22 PM
I'm really sorry to hear that. :smallfrown: If you need to talk to someone about it, I'm available.

2008-11-15, 03:23 PM
Thank you...I don't know, I might.

2008-11-15, 04:53 PM
Many condolences, Kagehime. :smallfrown:

Flame of Anor
2008-11-15, 05:59 PM
I'm really sorry for your loss, and will keep her in my prayers. :smallfrown:

2008-11-15, 06:01 PM
Thanks, guys.

2008-11-15, 06:07 PM
Condolences. I'll pray for her as well.

Gem Flower
2008-11-15, 06:15 PM
You, your family, and your great-grandmother's soul will all be in my prayers.:smallfrown: My condolences.

2008-11-15, 06:24 PM
Im sorry for your loss

Zeb The Troll
2008-11-16, 07:36 PM
I have the great fortune that I still have a living great grandmother and that my daughter (now 20, and with a son of her own) has had the opportunity to meet her. (Aye, that's 6 living generations. We've documented 5 in the same photo, we hope to get 6 before it's, errm, too late.)

I offer my sincerest condolences on your loss, but also offer that you should consider yourself very lucky that you had the great privilege of being able to meet her. Many many people never do.

I wish her well on her next adventure.

Inhuman Bot
2008-11-16, 09:35 PM
Zeb: wow... thats crazy and awesome.

Kagehime: thats sad...
If praying for her will help you through this, then it's not a problem to add her to my praying routine.

Moff Chumley
2008-11-16, 09:50 PM
I wish I had living great-great-great grandparents. Your family must've, erm, gotten started at a very early age.

Also, my condolences, Kagehime.

2008-11-16, 09:52 PM
I'm praying for her.