View Full Version : Get to Know a Playgrounder: Kaelaroth

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2008-11-16, 03:44 PM
The old thread has hit Page 50, so it's time for us to start it again! Thanks a lot for your support! Remember, if you want to be interviewed, you must post in this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82019) first. Read carefully the first post!

Also, here are some rules (Spoilered for lenght, but please make sure you read it before posting here!

What I intend to do here is this: Ask a playgrounder (the person, not the character) whatever you want (bound by the forum rules, of course) during a three-day period. Anything you want to know about them, their likes and dislikes, their opinion about a certain matter and such. There is no limit of questions, and the person being questioned can answer as many as they want. After the three days have passed, another person is chosen to be mass-interviewed by us.

Of course, all silliness is allowed. As long as it is a question, feel free to ask!

Is this idea interesting to you lot? Is anyone interested in volunteering to be the first one questioned, or should I step forward and preach with the example?

Edit: Adding some rules, in order to keep order (or something like it)
1. Please abstain from asking highly personal questions (specific address, credit card number, etc)
2. The questioned person is in full right to abstain from answering any question they don't feel like answering.
3. A list of volunteers/people we would like to know better will be created, and of course, no one will be interviewed without their approval.

And now, let's move on. I'm late, I should have done this on Friday but I haven't accessed the PC in the whole weekend. Sorry about that!

Now let's go on. Thanks a lot, Felixaar, for your interview, hope you had fun! Now please give a warm welcome to our next interviewee...

SweetRein!!! *Claps hands*

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2008-11-16, 04:09 PM
In the contest for Blue ITP, you said you had specific reasons for being a blue cat, what are those?

Should I write a fic about you in the shippin thread?

With who?

Will we ever meet?

How annoyed will you be by me if we ever do?

2008-11-16, 05:44 PM
I know that SweetRein likes to play Magic, so...

What's your favorite Magic card of all time? It can be from any set and edition, and can be of any card type (Creature, sorcery, etc).

What is your favorite deck theme, flavor wise? Do you like to play with a deck of weenie, comically inept goblins, or a rampaging horde of beasts, or something else?

What is your favorite deck theme, mechanics wise? Do you like to play with weenie swarm decks, burn decks, control decks, or something else?

Edit: Is there a particular combo that you favor for tournament play? Casual play?

2008-11-16, 05:59 PM
What is the largest number?

2008-11-16, 06:03 PM
Where did you get the sexy avatar from? I want to steal it.

Are you participating during baby week? If yes or no, why or why not?

2008-11-16, 07:30 PM
1. What are your 5 favorite video games?

2. What type of video games do you like?

3. Do you like clue?

4. What kind of books do you like?

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?

6. What's your favorite Queen song?

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?

11. If they were the last two women on Earth, besides you (if you're female), and you could only save one. Who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?

12. If they were the last two men on Earth, besides you (if you're male), and you could only save one. Who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?

15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2l6n9VYR8&feature=related)

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?

21. What kind of muffins do you like?

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?

24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)

28. What's your astrological sign?

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.

2008-11-16, 07:34 PM
What do you like to collect?

What hobbies do you have?

Do you have something buried in the bottom of your closet?

2008-11-16, 07:49 PM
Hey radicalskippy i like those Sora pictures.

2008-11-16, 08:25 PM
What is your favorite word?
This tends to change rapidly. Currently, it seems to to be 'porn'.

What is your least favorite word?
Today, 'quickenings'. They're just overdrives, I tell yah.

What makes you enthusiastic?
Eating, dancing, being suggested to dance, being called pretty/attractive/other synonym thereof, traveling, meeting those I've never met, meeting those I haven't met in awhile, gaming, stuffed animals, electronics, and window shopping.

What disappoints you?

What sound do you love?
A heavy, but quick, bass beat with no echo. Usually, produced electronically/with a distinct electrical sound. Level 4 of Master Blaster or Ween's song Whiskey Frisky Prick are decent examples.

What sound do you hate?
A very very specific whiny voice sound. When such a sound hits, it makes me cringe and turns me off from whatever was producing it. Example, the singer from trapt produces it.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Teaching. Preferably in a specialist school, college, or in a nonrequired class in a high school. I love the exchange and advancement of knowledge.

What profession would you not like to participate in?
Medical.. anything that deals with blood. It tends to make me uncomfortable/feint.

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
"Come in, child. Up for a game of D&D? Pathfinder or your editions preferably. Love to play those Erinyes sorcerers." but in Japanese.

In the contest for Blue ITP, you said you had specific reasons for being a blue cat, what are those?
I've always been a cat person. I love the chasy, skitty, selective playful nature of many kitties as well the fact that they do -not- shower you in attention. I've been able to teach all the cats I've had many simple things that I've just had no success with other animals on. Most cats tend to be quieter as well, and I just find them and 'meow' to be so much more cute than the alternatives. Further, and more importantly, all the recent cats either I had or my parents had have been attempted life savers when dealing with many of my family's sugar issues. One such cat meowed, bit, clawed, and moaned at my father when he couldn't wake up due to low sugar until my father had woken and gotten enough attention for the cat to lead him in to the kitchen.
Also, I love saying "meow meow!" in person, and acting catty.
As for blue, my eyes are slightly different than usual. Everything has a slight hue of blue to it. Always been, and I didn't even realize it til after being provoked in a color theory class in college (university for those nonU.S.). When I see a normal blue in an assortment of other colors, blue tends to be the dominant color for this reason. Further, it still tends to have all of its other tendencies. It's still a comfort color for me as well as a colder color, etc. With all of this, blue just comes out as a fantastic color to look at.
I, quite simply, combined the things that fascinate me/comfort me.

Should I write a fic about you in the shippin thread?

With who?
I had some ideas, but it would require some other playgrounder's consents. For example, having collin turn female (he said no matter his gender he'd always be gay, so..). Or a polyamorous relationship confusion. Yep.

Will we ever meet?
If you're going to any GenCons any time soon, probably.

How annoyed will you be by me if we ever do?
I do not know until I meet you. I would hope not very.

What's your favorite Magic card of all time? It can be from any set and edition, and can be of any card type (Creature, sorcery, etc).
This is a rather difficult one.
Necratog is my "it's so cute, I must collect it!" card, that's also from the set I started with. However, not sure if I would rate it as my favorite.
Right now, I'd probably say a tossup between... Candelabra of Tawnos, Maze of Ith, and Wild Nacatl.

What is your favorite deck theme, flavor wise? Do you like to play with a deck of weenie, comically inept goblins, or a rampaging horde of beasts, or something else?
Flavor wise? Not very sure. I would probably say a kitty centric deck if I every tried one.

What is your favorite deck theme, mechanics wise? Do you like to play with weenie swarm decks, burn decks, control decks, or something else?
Combo, or a form of control that is distinctly unique. I love to build things and just have them work, really. My current pet is a standard aggro/combo deck that tends to infinite by turn 3 to 5.

What is the largest number?
Depends in the context. One could say some incomprehensible raise of an aleph. One could say 4,294,967,295 for most machines (the highest single unit counting number possible from a single 32-bit integer), or one could make a definition of substance/existence and say 1 where 1 is a whole of existence.

Where did you get the sexy avatar from? I want to steal it.
It was spawned out of a chatroom conversation, in which, we were theoretically mixing random playgrounders. I enjoyed the idea of a "scoreina" (Scorpina and myself) so much that I kindly requested for FdL to make it. This was months ago.

Are you participating during baby week? If yes or no, why or why not?
Maybe. Why not would quite simply be because I haven't read the thread yet.

1. What are your 5 favorite video games?
This is difficult, as they change. Most of these I doubt are my current favorites, they are just on my mind and trump all the others on my mind.
Eye of the Beholder 2
Baldur's Gate 2
Currently FFXII (woo, finally, a final fantasy I enjoy)
Master Blaster
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

2. What type of video games do you like?
Anything that requires one to problem solve, think, formulate. Tactics, civilizations, many RPGs all tend to be up there. However, I -HATE- constant random encounters that are completely unavoidable. I find them detrimental to the game. (I hate most final fantasies for this, unless I get in a very specific mood). I also have difficulty with FPS games, due to motion sickness. Anything beyond quake 2, at least, in terms of graphics.

3. Do you like clue?
Yes, very much so. Especially when the butler does it.

4. What kind of books do you like?
Concepts, what ifs, detailed constructive manuals of random electronic devices, a book of funny poems or stories, and fantastic ideas. To Your Scattered Bodies Go and A Light In the Attic both do quite nicely.

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?
Toss up there. Erinyes or Catfolk.
Class? Sorcerer. Beguiler close second.

6. What's your favorite Queen song?
Who Wants to Live Forever

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?
...relative to who?
Some consider sashimi strange. Some consider barbecue sauce on bananas or cupcakes strange. Some consider pickles and ice cream strange. Some consider buttered toast, with cinnamon sugar, bologna, melted cheese, peanut butter, strawberry jam, and chocolate chips as a sandwich strange.. all of these, and more I've eaten (and enjoyed, except the barbecue cupcakes).

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?
Something small, safe, and cost efficient.

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?
I have no idea. What little I watched I didn't keep track of the season of.

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?
Unarmed Swordsages were a fantastic idea.

11. If they were the last two women on Earth, besides you (if you're female), and you could only save one. Who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?
Britney. I would have more satisfaction in the strangulation.

12. If they were the last two men on Earth, besides you (if you're male), and you could only save one. Who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?
Nude, of course.

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?
Yes. In fact, it's the only castlevania I own right now. Wish I had the others.

15. What do you think of Collide?
People die from collisions, yes. Not good.

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
No. I would rather search for a freezer to hide in. Can't stand the heat.

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?
Mystral. Or.. Karsus if he counts for the moment he was.

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?
V or Haley... unsure which.

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?
...uh... pathfinder?

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?
Skirts. Easily.

21. What kind of muffins do you like?
The edible kind.

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano CDs?

24. Is this funny?
Not particularly.

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?
Something akin to iron man, except, instead of those strange hand jets, they'd be shooting immortal kittens. Kitty propulsion has always been a novel idea.

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go?
When I collect 200$

28. What's your astrological sign?

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
| |\ |\\ || \ |

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?
An angel of kitties and really big guns.

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?
Gaming d20.

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.
That changes commonly.
I'm a fan of "Dance like nobody's watching, love like you've never been hurt."
But that's because it's fun to dance and make it a point to have people watch you. Like, on public transit or the mall.

What do you like to collect?
Magic the Gathering cards. Garfields. Anime posters. Kitty related things. Random electronic devices, whether functioning or not. Video games, preferably older. Gaming books. And random types of coins. Also, anything that I packrat about.

What hobbies do you have?
Role playing. Magic the Gathering. Programming. Design. Photoshopping. Day dreaming. + random other hobbies that change depending on resources.

Do you have something buried in the bottom of your closet?
My closet tends to stay decently clean, actually.

2008-11-16, 08:38 PM
Woot! I love meeting new people!

2008-11-16, 10:34 PM
Do you own any Magic cards from Legends deck?

Do you know who Jeff Dunham is?

What are your top ten favorite movies?

What is your favorite kind of cuisine?

How do you like your coffee?


What kind of hobbies do you have?

Even though you are a catgirl, do you think you could like a rather*cough*wolfish*cough* person?

And where have you been all my life?:smallbiggrin:

2008-11-16, 11:11 PM
Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

What's your favorite band?

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

If my car broke down outside your house, would you let me in to use your phone?

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

Roses or orchids?

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

Do you often check posts for white text?

2008-11-16, 11:14 PM
Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.

Last meal you ate?

Current song stuck in your head?

Favorite band not from your country of origin?

What is your ideal breakfast?

What is good?

What is bad?

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?

2008-11-16, 11:20 PM
Do you own any Magic cards from Legends deck?

Do you know who Jeff Dunham is?

What are your top ten favorite movies?

What is your favorite kind of cuisine?

How do you like your coffee?


What kind of hobbies do you have?

Even though you are a catgirl, do you think you could like a rather*cough*wolfish*cough* person?

And where have you been all my life?:smallbiggrin:

Those are some good questions.

2008-11-16, 11:20 PM
Do you like to play any sports or have any physical activities you particularly enjoy?

2008-11-16, 11:22 PM
Do you like to write any stories?

If so what genre?

2008-11-17, 12:00 AM
Do you own any Magic cards from Legends deck?
Yes. Quite numerable, really. Gwendlyn di Corci, All Hallow's Eve, and all the kobolds being favored.

Do you know who Jeff Dunham is?
Ooo, yes. I didn't recognize the name at first (had to google it), however, that's just me being bad with names. I'm sad to say, however, that I've only seen 2 dvds worth of sketches.

What are your top ten favorite movies?
This radically changes. Labrynth (<3 David Bowie), and Dead Man (<3 Depp) are definitely up there. Other than that... I was fond of the prestige (watched it for david bowie, came out with more than I expected), memento, fight club, good will hunting, finding forester, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, a beautiful mind, serenity, and... not sure what I would place as 10... probably some random depp movie.

What is your favorite kind of cuisine?
Not sure. It's hard for me to pick favorites on foods really, my taste can change by the hour. Very very... random.

How do you like your coffee?
Depends on my mood. A mixed roast, but black. Or with lemonade added in. Or overloaded on milk. Any every case, I generally don't like really hot coffee (I tend to stick it in the freezer for about a minute).

Honey green tea. English breakfast tea (with actual non bagged leaves preferred). Or.. one of a few strange flavor mixes. Just not normally the cheap kind. Though I'm inherently 'cheap'...so...

What kind of hobbies do you have?
wxdruid asked this already. It'd be one of the last questions I answered with my last post.

Even though you are a catgirl, do you think you could like a rather*cough*wolfish*cough* person?
I dated someone who called herself a fox cat angel. A wolf is fine too. :smalltongue:

And where have you been all my life?
Depends on your age, and I could probably tell you where I've been starting from the day you were born (or, where I wasn't if you are older than me).
Michigan, Kentucky, California, and Utah seem to be the dominant states (of America) of my life.

Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
Yes, but not for very long. My grudges usually last about two hours. They've extended for as long as a week... so yeah. Not long at all. Except when referring to my eldest sister (years).

What's your favorite band?
That's a toughy. David Bowie tends to be the defining artist of my musical collection ((24 albums last count, with only 1 of those being a 'collection')), with Red Hot Chili Peppers decently up there.

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
Many. Right now? Fran from Final Fantasy XII. Her english voice is adorable, she's seemingly dexterous, she's a bunny girl thing, she has long white hair, and she's primary to spellcasting. What's not to adore? I had a stint of a crush on Sir Richard Francis Burton (the fictional version of him) due to to your scattered bodies go. I've had a rather large crush on Saber from fate stay night, Freya from Chobits (her outfits..)... and a few others.

If my car broke down outside your house, would you let me in to use your phone?
No house phone. Would gladly hand over my cell phone though. Or try to find you a ride, or something similar.

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
That my mind is mine to think and dream in. My personal world of logic and emotion encompassed behind my eyes.

Roses or orchids?
Orchids. Unless the roses are blue.

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
When you put it that why, probably because that sounds kinky fun.
Originally, because I'm egotistical.

Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.

Last meal you ate?
Rodeo cheeseburgers from Burger King. Cheap, fast, and my metabolism is so inherently ridiculous that me repeating the meal causes no side effects.

Current song stuck in your head?
These Things by She Wants Revenge

Favorite band not from your country of origin?
ALI Project

What is your ideal breakfast?
Once again, favoring food is difficult.
I would probably say a full plate of sashimi, mashed potatoes with gravy, and.. perhaps some pizza all sound good right now.

What is good?
Advancement of a stable society (or life, for not all societies agree) to further the planets life and humans life. At least, with an idea of 'good' being applied to the human domineering mindset.

What is bad?
Not asking "why?" on life defining choices.

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?
To ask "Why?" so the scientific world can answer it.

Do you like to play any sports or have any physical activities you particularly enjoy?
I used to play Football/Soccer (that is, -not- the thing that semi resembles rugby, but the thing where you actually kick the ball for most of the game). I also used to sprint.
I'm starting to try to learn things about other sports. Never been too much of a physical person though.

Do you like to write any stories?
Sometimes, mostly to contribute to my gaming world. I have written some small things before, however.

If so what genre?
Horror and psychological focused tends to be where I lean to.
For campaigns.. backstabbing, inquisitive plots are my driving fashions.

2008-11-17, 12:19 AM
How do you like your coffee?
Depends on my mood. A mixed roast, but black. Or with lemonade added in. Or overloaded on milk. Any every case, I generally don't like really hot coffee (I tend to stick it in the freezer for about a minute).

Honey green tea. English breakfast tea (with actual non bagged leaves preferred). Or.. one of a few strange flavor mixes. Just not normally the cheap kind. Though I'm inherently 'cheap'...so...

Hm, I haven't tried having Coffee with lemonade in it. I used to drink it with lots of milk and sugar, but now I just drink it black. If you want to try really good coffee, try a blend of Kenya Mandailing with a bit of Jamaican Blue Mountain added in.

For tea, try Chai Spice. You have to add lots of sugar and milk though for it to taste right.

2008-11-17, 12:39 AM
if you could fight anyone alive or dead - who would it be?

tell me something to improve my mood?

biggest turn off?

james lipton - annoying sycophant, or unintentional comedy genius?

2008-11-17, 12:49 AM
I myself am a writer. I write sci-fi/fantasy and horror stories. would you be interested in reading any of them?

2008-11-17, 01:33 AM
Frilly or practical?

Golden cage or lonely freedom?

2008-11-17, 01:36 AM
What is the absolutely last food you ever want to see on your plate?

2008-11-17, 01:45 AM
What does "meow" mean? My cat keeps saying it.

What's the meanest way (interpretation of what constitutes as such is yours) that you ever beat someone in MtG?

If you could choose to have any one superpower, what would it be?

Suppose you encounter some random wish granting scenario that doesn't involve beings of an evil nature or cruel wish granters that twists the things you say toward a negative outcome: What would you wish for?

Are you fan of steampunk?

Would you like a transformation gun? If so, what would you use it for?

If you could survive being catapulted massive distances without chance of pain or injury upon impact, would you make it your primary mode of transportation?

What would you do if one day you woke up and everyone on the planet had their sexes switched?

During a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice to defend against the undead?

Would you turn Phoe blue if you could?

If you were a mad scientist, what would you develop to wreak havok?

How would you use mass amounts of wealth if you had it?

How would you ideally acquire such wealth, if you could choose?

If you had a magic kitty, what would you want to be magic about it? (It being blue doesn't count as being magic, mind you)

Suppose D&D manages to get to the point technologically where it can be played in a Virtual Reality sort of game world: What would you play as? Are there any characters from past games you'd want to try being?

Are you and Phoe going to have a marriage ceremony of some sort?

If you had an Eldritch Blast, what would it look like?

If a Megaladon and a Colossal Squid were locked in combat, who would you route for to win?

What's your favorite color blue?

If you were trapped at the bottom of the La Brea Tar Pits or locked in a laundry room in the Himalayas, would you eat your shoes to survive, or because you were bored?

2008-11-17, 02:37 AM
if you could fight anyone alive or dead - who would it be?
Not many people I can think of. Not much for violence and for anyone I would want to beat up, well, I'm rather weak in comparison to what they could do to me and I doubt they would get why I would be randomly fighting them. The only person I can think of I would assault at all would probably be my eldest sister, and even then, I'd be hesitant to even hurt her.

tell me something to improve my mood?

biggest turn off?
Bigotry (sexism, racism, etc.)

james lipton - annoying sycophant, or unintentional comedy genius?
From what little I googled off of him, I would go with annoying first.

I myself am a writer. I write sci-fi/fantasy and horror stories. would you be interested in reading any of them?
Depends on the length. I usually won't have the time to just look for it, so, you'd basically have to thrust it in front of me.

Frilly or practical?
Clothing? Frilly. Impressions can define someone and clothing tends to make major impressions. Also, I find various clothes very attractive.

Golden cage or lonely freedom?
Definitely not the golden cage. I can't stand the use of gold in anything but electronics.
However, for what I believe you are trying to ask me, I would rather live in a golden cage. What's the point of freedom if there's nobody to share it with?

What is the absolutely last food you ever want to see on your plate?
Without getting in to obscure things that people call food... I would probably say mustard. Its taste overpowers my tongue for some reason, making anything it's put on taste nothing but mustard.

What does "meow" mean? My cat keeps saying it.
Inflection and topic matters first. Also, tail speed, eyes, paw position...

What's the meanest way (interpretation of what constitutes as such is yours) that you ever beat someone in MtG?
Asking to use unglued and unhinged cards. The two cards I used from those sets being Ashnod's Coupon and R&D's Secret Lair, as, R&D's secret lair gets rid of the errata notice on the coupon. I then set this small interaction in to an infinite combo, causing me to target all the drinks in the store for my opponent. They scooped for "financial reasons" after getting me 1 pepsi.

If you could choose to have any one superpower, what would it be?
Baleful Transmutation. The curer of cancer, being biologically immortal, and so much more...

Suppose you encounter some random wish granting scenario that doesn't involve beings of an evil nature or cruel wish granters that twists the things you say toward a negative outcome: What would you wish for?
For my fantasies to come true at my whim.

Are you fan of steampunk?
Very much so.

Would you like a transformation gun? If so, what would you use it for?
What kind of transformation gun? Like something you would expect in EGS? Or just like the transmutation power I gave an answer to above?
If the latter, see above.

If you could survive being catapulted massive distances without chance of pain or injury upon impact, would you make it your primary mode of transportation?
Most definitely. Given that I've fantasized about impaling myself on an electric pole just out the window when I was living in my 9th floor apartment in san fran... if only I knew I could live unharmed through it... very yes.

What would you do if one day you woke up and everyone on the planet had their sexes switched?
Go around teasing a very large name of specific bigots.
Then make out with some random people who I -know- would be doing the same thing.

During a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice to defend against the undead?
A giant refilling, somehow nontoxic to the environment, moat of flesh burning acid.

Would you turn Phoe blue if you could?
Yes, but only if in temporary bursts.

If you were a mad scientist, what would you develop to wreak havok?
Human focused allergens, so that everyone in the world except a select few would be allergic to other humans.

How would you use mass amounts of wealth if you had it?
1. Donation.
2. Debt recovery.
3. Any items that aren't significantly taxable after you purchase them that strike my fancy. (Role playing books, video games...)
4. Major fund security and investments. Stocks and Bonds notably.
5. A small, simple house in a desirable location of which I would have enough funding to live in for extended period of time after the last 4 steps are complete.

How would you ideally acquire such wealth, if you could choose?
Ideally? Have it thrust upon me. Lottery, for example (albeit, I won't buy a ticket).
Reasonably? Through a video game programming career.

If you had a magic kitty, what would you want to be magic about it? (It being blue doesn't count as being magic, mind you)
It being able to let me freely take over its mind, so that I can be the kitty.

Suppose D&D manages to get to the point technologically where it can be played in a Virtual Reality sort of game world: What would you play as? Are there any characters from past games you'd want to try being?
Catfolk Sorceress. From a past game. I miss my Nashira...

Are you and Phoe going to have a marriage ceremony of some sort?
Dunno. I like big showy effects. However, annexing a random country costs too much and might take away too much focus from the marriage itself.

If you had an Eldritch Blast, what would it look like?
It would shoot catgirls. Thousands of them.

If a Megaladon and a Colossal Squid were locked in combat, who would you route for to win?

What's your favorite color blue?

Most blues are dominant, forceful, colors for me. I will notice the "lady in blue" faster than the "lady in red". This is due to my eyes seeing everything with a slight blue hue to them (of which, took me with a bit of assistance a long time to realize/figure out).
This makes most blues favored.

However, color shouldn't be just left to a single hue, or even an assortment of tints and shades of that hue. Color, after all, have a lot more effect among other colors, shapes, placement, amount and so forth. So, towards the topic I must also state that I a fan of stark contrast. White on black. Pink (though I despise pink otherwise) on either black or a heavily shaded red. Violet and yellow, and most compliments that bring a strong contrast.

My ultimate favored color condition and color scheme at this point in time is a 'bright' electric blue that tints inward, struck down in rapidly changing, sometimes forking, thin lines down a solid sheet of a very dark violet (near black).

If you were trapped at the bottom of the La Brea Tar Pits or locked in a laundry room in the Himalayas, would you eat your shoes to survive, or because you were bored?
I would not eat my shoes, for, I am rather fond of most of my shoes. I would probably eat my shirt and skirts first, as, it would attract more attention if I was found.

2008-11-17, 09:33 AM
So, are you going to the Himalayas anytime soon?:smalltongue:

How do you like your steak?

What would you do if everyone in the Playground suddenly became their avatars in real life?

Would you prefer death by fire or ice?

What kind of animals(besides cats) do you like?

2008-11-17, 09:39 AM
Whats your favriote smiley?

If you could be any road what road would you be?

If you could be asked any qeustion what would it be?

batman or spiderman?

Archonic Energy
2008-11-17, 10:04 AM
do you think you have what it takes to win the SMBG heal/hurt?

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Earl grey or English breakfast?
memo to self: read previous questions before posting :smallredface:

Hal or GLADos?

any other CCGs you play?

IPod or "Mp3 player"?

Nokia or Ericcson?

CISCO or Nortel?

Bose or Sony?

Hammer or Screwdriver?

Brute force or finesse?

Firefox or IE? (or oprea or chrome or other)

Domino's or Pizza hut?

Yoritomo Himeko
2008-11-17, 01:20 PM
What's the story behind your avatar?

What's the story behind your screen name?

What's your Zodiac sign? Eastern? Western?

Where were you from originally?

Who's your favourite OOTS character? Least favourite?

2008-11-17, 01:41 PM
How do you feel towards people of alternate sexualities?

Are you a member of any LGBTAA groups?

Dr. Bath
2008-11-17, 01:55 PM
What is the largest number?

Everyone knows it's about 45,000,000,000 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drE5cHe6c3s), although mathematicians suspect there are even larger numbers.

2008-11-17, 02:19 PM
How do you feel towards people of alternate sexualities?

Or, more to the point, how do you feel about yourself and Phoe? :smalltongue:

And, why not, how do you feel about it being called "alternate?"

2008-11-17, 02:37 PM
Let me rephrase that question.
How do you feel about lesbians, gays, and bisexuals?

2008-11-17, 05:20 PM
So, are you going to the Himalayas anytime soon?
No plans/money for it. Make me plans and front a ticket, and most definitely.

How do you like your steak?
I can't taste most steaks. I just taste the smoke. So, I tend to avoid steak, as, all it does for me is get stuck in my teeth.

What would you do if everyone in the Playground suddenly became their avatars in real life?
Hugging spree. Also, I would oogle at myself in the mirror for twice as long as I already do.

Would you prefer death by fire or ice?
Ice. I commonly made beds of snow when I was younger during the winter to sleep in. Many times, with only basic clothes and a vest or light jacket on. The cold has always been comforting to me. It relieves my headaches, it makes me shiver in delight, and it retains that I can always cover up more. Heat is harder to escape.

What kind of animals(besides cats) do you like?
Butterflies, Hummingbirds, many random breeds of smaller dogs, skinks, and nearly anything with vibrant colors.

Whats your favriote smiley?

If you could be any road what road would you be?
A smooth, high speed road with a lot of curves to show off my physique. With an abrupt dead end that sends unsuspecting victims in to a sea of cotton candy.

If you could be asked any qeustion what would it be?
May I play a game with you?

batman or spiderman?

do you think you have what it takes to win the SMBG heal/hurt?
Yes. One of these days.

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A wouldchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck.

Hal or GLADos?

any other CCGs you play?
Actively, currently? None.
That I have played..? Pokémon, yu-gi-oh, digimon, megaman x, .hack//enemy, WoW, VS, Vampire/Jihad, and I believe there was another.

IPod or "Mp3 player"?
Zune if I had the money.

Nokia or Ericcson?

CISCO or Nortel?

Bose or Sony?

Hammer or Screwdriver?

Brute force or finesse?

Firefox or IE? (or oprea or chrome or other)
Firefox, chrome possible soon.

Domino's or Pizza hut?
Pizza Hut

How do you feel about lesbians, gays, and bisexuals?
As a participant in a lesbian engagement and a declared pansexual, I must outright say, I hate all alternative sexualities with a passion.

2008-11-17, 08:02 PM
Who are you?

What do you want?

Why are you here?

Where are you going?


Do you feel honoured to be the first person in this new GtKaP! thread?

2008-11-17, 09:52 PM
May I play a game with you?

WHy am i posting here insted of working on my comic?

2008-11-18, 12:54 AM
Do you feel honoured to be the first person in this new GtKaP! thread?

This question now has the "Skippy seal of approval":


2008-11-18, 02:22 AM
Awwwww. Look at the cute little seal.

2008-11-18, 03:49 AM
Golden cage or lonely freedom?
Definitely not the golden cage. I can't stand the use of gold in anything but electronics.
However, for what I believe you are trying to ask me, I would rather live in a golden cage. What's the point of freedom if there's nobody to share it with?


Abominable Snowman, Yeti or Sasquatch? Why?

Have you read Mad Season (as chronicled in the shipping threads)? If not, would you like the link?

Archonic Energy
2008-11-18, 04:38 AM
Awwwww. Look at the cute little seal.

*gets club*1

... what?

more questions


Dark magician or Dark magician girl?

Exodia or SPIRIT board?

have you ever played in a CCG tornement?

have you ever beaten someone 1/2 your age and made them cry?

1: i do not condone the clubbing of seals, or any other creature, i just have a particularly bad sense of humour

2008-11-18, 07:39 AM
Do you have ever thinked playing Russian ruolette? If you are have you played it?

Do you understand what next clause mean's: Minä en puhu englantia.

Tank or helicopter?

Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf. B or IS-3?

How ready you are to eat human?

Do the Blue Whale taste better than Sperm Whale?

2008-11-18, 10:03 AM
Theory states that introducing physics into a fantasy simulation game kills a catgirl, but is it true that this is actually a contrived plot by catgirls to distract physicists from their kitty plot to take over the world?

...and what's your favorite pizza topping? :smallsmile:

2008-11-18, 11:42 PM
I wish this wasn't mostly during my Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday schedule.. *works 13 hours a day on all 3 of these days*

Who are you?
Reina Aleen Sweet by name. A 20 year old homo sapien, dreamer, programmer, and wannabe artist. A series of cells layered to the form of a body. I am a product of my parents, a direct collective forming the connection which builds me. A product of my body, my own limitations and advances of which my physical form sets in order to define my interactions. And a product of my environment, my friends, my family, my interactions with any given event. A learner, an observer.
I am no more than you, unless you believe you are less. I am no less than you, even if you believe you are more. For I am what I am, and I see the only exception is self limitation. Let me try and I will, as long as you are not hurt.
I am different, yet I still have a heart and a mind. I am the same as you, even if yours are fake.

What do you want?
Knowledge. The more I know, the more I understand. The more I question, the more I know. How something occurs, its intent, the event, the mechanical structure; these are all of interest to me.
Further that, I want nonlimitations. I want out of debt, notably, my student loans gone so I can return to school easier. I want out of this city, for the world has more. I want no chains so I can see unbound.
Some ultimate desires involve being what I want to be. Becoming a professional programmer and an inventor. A hobby of dreaming in role playing as well as the hobby of mathematics are two things I wish to continue to front. A cat is fine too.

Why are you here?
I am here because of an accident. The child born 7 years after the one above her, the child born when my parents were positive (in the my mother had surgery to make sure that won't happen) that I couldn't be. I am here because my parents loved to move, and this provoked me to want to see more and to travel further. I am here because of my group of friends from college. And I am here still because most of you are all so very nice. :smallsmile:

Where are you going?
Where I am going is dependant completely on how far I can go. If I can make it, which I'm sure I will, I wish to go back to where I've been, then forward to countries and places I haven't. I would love to see many a place afar.


Do you feel honoured to be the first person in this new GtKaP! thread?
Yes. In the way of "when people decide to later reread through this, they will be confronted in such a way as to see me first." kind of egotistical "haha!" type of 'honour'.

May I play a game with you?
Yes, contact me on a decently free day, preferably by messenger (see my profile to get those) and I will be up for many multiplayer games that I have for online. Or, if you can get to where I live, traditional games as well are fine.

WHy am i posting here insted of working on my comic?
Because I'm cute, and you want my number.

Abominable Snowman, Yeti or Sasquatch? Why?
Sasquatch. So I can sing along with Tenacious D songs better.

Have you read Mad Season (as chronicled in the shipping threads)? If not, would you like the link?
I have not, and sure.


Dark magician or Dark magician girl?
Dark magician girl.

Exodia or SPIRIT board?
SPIRIT board. I'm not sure what it is, but, exodia, blatantly, sucks.

have you ever played in a CCG tornement?
Many. Including a small number of pro points on one of my DCI numbers.

have you ever beaten someone 1/2 your age and made them cry?
No. I usually try to run a simple analysis on playstyle based on someone's personallity before I ever play them. Many a simple question to try to understand how I should play with them. If they are truly newish, I will try to play a more casual type of game. If it's in a more 'serious' situation, like a higher ranked tournament, I will at least try to "act" nicely. I don't like people being upset for such things.

Do you have ever thinked playing Russian ruolette? If you are have you played it?
Only by video game. Otherwise, my life is greater than a game tied that strongly to chance.

Do you understand what next clause mean's: Minä en puhu englantia.
No, though, I am interested in knowing.

Tank or helicopter?
Helicopter. Mobility and exploration first.

Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf. B or IS-3?

How ready you are to eat human?
I don't think I could unless under extreme conditions, simply because my mind would link the connection of once was, that is unless said human died of natural causes or unfortunate circumastances not forced by another. If I was the living member of a certain frozen family, I would definitely dine on the others after I finished crying. However, it would also depend on the company, for, I understand this is a strange mindset.

Do the Blue Whale taste better than Sperm Whale?
I would not know, nor will I make an assumption on this.

Theory states that introducing physics into a fantasy simulation game kills a catgirl, but is it true that this is actually a contrived plot by catgirls to distract physicists from their kitty plot to take over the world?
Perhaps. If so, it is not by a plot that I am not secretly in. Besides, even if not so then those silly physicist must still realize that catgirls still contain four and a half lives. A wee bit more difficult to get through than others may think.

...and what's your favorite pizza topping?
I'm not entirely sure. Chicken and pineapple are both up there. Though, while reading this, I have a sudden urge to try coconut on pizza...

2008-11-18, 11:47 PM
do you enjoy math?

If given a chance to expand your horizons on math would you?

If given a chance to expand you horizons on physics, would you?

2008-11-19, 12:03 AM
Just wondering, but are you a fan of Slivers? (http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/index.aspx?term=Sliver&Field_Type=on&setfilter=All%20sets)

2008-11-19, 12:11 AM
What is your favorite kind of weather?

What is the meaning of life?

Night or day?

If one side of a right triangle is 4 inches long, and the other is 7 inches long, what is the Hypotenuse?

Slow zombies or turbo(quick ones) zombies?

What car would you kill for?

Which James Bond is your favorite?

2008-11-19, 12:27 AM
do you enjoy math?
Very much so.

If given a chance to expand your horizons on math would you?

If given a chance to expand you horizons on physics, would you?
Once again, yes.

Just wondering, but are you a fan of Slivers?
To some extent. I enjoy the concept, however, I have seen but few sliver decks I actually enjoy.
They are repetitive and unoriginal simply because there are too many people who find them as an "easy" deck. After all, wizards basically built most of these decks for people.
I do not enjoy them because of their expectations and 'fame'. They are famed to be powerful, notably among casual folk, when they tend to be rather weak to construct a deck around. Also, the decks are generic and repetitive, nearly always. I make exceptions simply because I have seen exceptional sliver decks. Rarely, however, are these exceptions decks "aggro" as is traditional.

What is your favorite kind of weather?
Snowy. Heavy enough to build a fort, a snowman, and similar. To come off a couple feet from the ground. But not heavy enough to detract from vision and ear health significantly.

What is the meaning of life?
To each their own meaning for their own meaning is life.

Night or day?
Night or dusk.

If one side of a right triangle is 4 inches long, and the other is 7 inches long, what is the Hypotenuse?
Not enough information. The hypotenuse can be a side as well.
So, it can either be 7, making the last side 33^0.5 or it can be 65^0.5 with all the sides defined.

Slow zombies or turbo(quick ones) zombies?
Mid. Would be quick if it wasn't for their need to shamble.

What car would you kill for?
If I have to kill for it, I'll stick to mass transit.

Which James Bond is your favorite?
Haven't sat down and watched enough bond movies to say for sure. So, I will just simply choose the generic choice of "Sean Connery" simply due to his voice. :smalltongue:

2008-11-19, 12:30 AM
Just wondering, but are you a fan of Slivers? (http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/index.aspx?term=Sliver&Field_Type=on&setfilter=All%20sets)

Her fiance is, to be sure.

What is your preferred version of the apocalypse?

If you could be sucked into any one videogame/book/movie and get to live through the plot as an additional character, which bit of media would you choose?

What's your favorite martial art?

Suppose you were a 12th level PC in real life, surrounded on all sides by about 40 minion-level badies within a fairly large room in some sort of fortress or castle, which is dimensional locked. What would be the makeup of your class levels, and how would you escape?

Suppose you were the same 12th level PC as the previous question. How would you escape from a cell in an anti-magic'd prison, with an iron barred door, stone walls, an iron-barred window that is six inches by twelve inches, while shackled? The only resources at your disposal are your bedroll, a sheet, your manacles, a tray with gruel in it, and a cup with water, rats, straw, and bits of chipped stone from the walls. Only two guards patrol the hall in which your cell occupies, though there are plenty more throughout the compound.

2008-11-19, 12:36 AM
Are you feeling all right after the no sleep/Final Fantasy XII marathon?

If I were to build levels between now and the next time I come over, would you be upset?

What does it say that these are the only questions I can think to ask?

Also, I love you. This is not a question.

2008-11-19, 12:36 AM
What is your preferred version of the apocalypse?
Apocalypse (http://nixagamemaster.com/images/Apocalypse%20Booster%20Box.jpg)

If you could be sucked into any one videogame/book/movie and get to live through the plot as an additional character, which bit of media would you choose?
Either Baldur's Gate 2, or Icewind Dale 2. I wouldn't so much care for the plot for the latter... it's just that I would bring an outsiders insight of how the world works and hopefully become a spellcaster/get too many cool abilities to do other things with.

What's your favorite martial art?
Not familiar with them enough to decide. Based on current information, probably ju jutsu or ta chi chuan.

Suppose you were a 12th level PC in real life, surrounded on all sides by about 40 minion-level badies within a fairly large room in some sort of fortress or castle, which is dimensional locked. What would be the makeup of your class levels, and how would you escape?

Suppose you were the same 12th level PC as the previous question. How would you escape from a cell in an anti-magic'd prison, with an iron barred door, stone walls, an iron-barred window that is six inches by twelve inches, while shackled? The only resources at your disposal are your bedroll, a sheet, your manacles, a tray with gruel in it, and a cup with water, rats, straw, and bits of chipped stone from the walls. Only two guards patrol the hall in which your cell occupies, though there are plenty more throughout the compound.

What edition, first?

Are you feeling all right after the no sleep/Final Fantasy XII marathon?
Sudden buildup of adrenaline caused me to be insanely productive at both places of work. Now I feel a bit queasy, but I think it's unrelated. Otherwise, that was fun.

If I were to build levels between now and the next time I come over, would you be upset?
I would not be upset. Just stay away from plot triggering events or hunts. :smalltongue:

What does it say that these are the only questions I can think to ask?
Your mind is focused. :smallamused:

2008-11-19, 12:42 AM
What edition, first?

3.5. For the former also assume that you have the the 88k Gp worth of equipment normally supplied to a 12th level character.

2008-11-19, 12:55 AM
Which James Bond is your favorite?
Haven't sat down and watched enough bond movies to say for sure. So, I will just simply choose the generic choice of "Sean Connery" simply due to his voice. :smalltongue:

You have chosen...wisely.

Did you know that lime jello emits brainwaves?

Will you ever eat lime jello again?

Who shot first?(Can't remember if I already asked that)

What car do you want?(I rephrased it for you)

Who is your favorite Muppet?

2008-11-19, 01:26 AM
what's the highest math course you have taken so far?

2008-11-19, 02:20 AM
Tell me what has happened.

Tell me what is going to happen.

Do you think that the dance styles which seem to be preferred by young people these days look silly?

People: what's the deal with them?

2008-11-19, 02:33 AM
Malleus Maleficarum or Der Hexenhammer?

Do you understand the the Latin?

Have you ever listen a band called Turmion Kätilöt?


Gork or Mork?

Mork or Gork?

2008-11-19, 04:24 AM
Also, I love you. This is not a question.

Awww! So cute! *melts*

I have a small question...

Say, if a certain crazy foreigner girl were to visit you and Phoe at the first week of 2009, would you cut said crazy foreigner girl open or braid her hair? :smallsmile:

2008-11-19, 04:47 AM
You have to be kidding. Everyone loves crazy foreign girls!

2008-11-19, 05:09 AM
Where can I see your art?
Also, Japanese?

2008-11-19, 05:53 AM
What is best in life?

Are musicals abominations?

Would you ever pull a magical portal of no return to a fantasy world? Sci fi?

When did you first hear about the Twilight books and what was your first reaction?

How long do you think it will take for a consensus to develop on the language involving the LGBT......cosmology? Do you think there'll ever actually be a consensus or will miscommunication and confusion continue to be a quagmire around everything it touches and some things that don't actually have anything to do with...well, anything for the purposes of this question?

Will the world end with a bang or with a whimper? Fire or Ice?

What do you think of the term "meme?" The word itself?


Have you ever taken up dancing? If so, what style(s)?

What are your thoughts on Kentucky?

2008-11-19, 08:02 AM
Is it just me, or are you getting more quesitons than I did? :smalltongue:

I miss hanging out with you. Not really a question.

2008-11-19, 08:26 AM
Can i have your number?

Why is this class SO boring?

Whats the grosses thing you ever ate?

do you think mollasses is a funny word to say?

2008-11-19, 09:44 AM
What is your favorite genre of music?

What is your favorite artist within that genre?

What is your favorite song by that artist?

Do you read Christopher Moore?

What is your favorite word or phrase?

2008-11-19, 09:45 AM
If you could be any specific superhero then who would you be?

2008-11-19, 09:46 AM
What is your favorite kind of music?

What is the funniest joke you know?

2008-11-19, 12:21 PM
Can you can can?

Would you prefer a life of happiness or a life of meaning?

Would you punch a mime?
- If you answer yes...
Wow, I didn't know you had it in you.
- If you answer no....
Why not? It's not like he's going to say anything about it.:smallamused:

Do you think that mimes really want a piano to drop on them?

Are you wondering why I focused the questions about mimes?

2008-11-19, 01:02 PM
Mad Season (as chronicled in the shipping threads) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5214383&postcount=162)

This is the latest installment, however, the spoiler box contains the links to each part in order.

So, once you've had a chance to read it... What did you think?

Would you rather be a sub-genius or a supa-goof?

2008-11-19, 06:58 PM
Did you know that lime jello emits brainwaves?
Yes, actually.

Will you ever eat lime jello again?
Most definitely. I get a strange sense of connection.

Who shot first?(Can't remember if I already asked that)
Han. That dirty redcoat.

What car do you want?(I rephrased it for you)
The 2009 Toyota Camry Hybrid looks pretty.

Who is your favorite Muppet?
Gonzo... or beaker... probably gonzo.

what's the highest math course you have taken so far?
Taken: Precalc.
Studied: Calc.. I believe equivalent to university calc 2? Also, an infinite theories course.

Tell me what has happened.

Tell me what is going to happen.

Do you think that the dance styles which seem to be preferred by young people these days look silly?
Most of them? Yes. These blasphemous dance styles should all switch to something more traditional and yet edgy, like my take on the tango. "Run my torn lover in to the wall".

People: what's the deal with them?
Well, I'd be willing to trade you my 5 for your 3; yours are probably in better condition by now.

Malleus Maleficarum or Der Hexenhammer?
Der Hexenhammer. Not sure what this is for, however, hexening a hammer sounds fair to me.

Do you understand the the Latin?
the the Latin is a foreign language to me. :smallfrown:
I do understand a bit of Latin however.

Have you ever listen a band called Turmion Kätilöt?
I have not. Rarely have I heard a band with more than 3 dots in their name.

My pitch matching abilities seem to be... bad. Sorry.

Gork or Mork?
Mork or Gork?

Bork bork bork. :smalltongue:

Say, if a certain crazy foreigner girl were to visit you and Phoe at the first week of 2009, would you cut said crazy foreigner girl open or braid her hair?
I would probably be a might be disappointed. I rarely have time to properly great guests from such a far away place. Even the time Felixaar was here was too short, I tell yah.
I would probably braid the hair, however.

Where can I see your art?
I have some on deviantart. http://szreina.deviantart.com/ iirc. I haven't updated it in forever, and believe I am very very very rusty.

If in pie form? Hell yes. Give me a dozen.. If in normal form, well, that's okay too.

Also, Japanese?
No, I'm not Japanese. I'm a bit of a Japanese-ophile in that I adore their language and vending machines, though.

What is best in life?
To thoroughly enjoy it. For, it comes once.

Are musicals abominations?

1. anything abominable; anything greatly disliked or abhorred.
2. intense aversion or loathing; detestation: He regarded lying with abomination.
3. a vile, shameful, or detestable action, condition, habit, etc.: Spitting in public is an abomination.
Given that they still thrive and profit, I would say no.

Would you ever pull a magical portal of no return to a fantasy world? Sci fi?
Such contraptions are boring, unless very very specifically done. Puzzles they may make, but just being there = bland.

When did you first hear about the Twilight books and what was your first reaction?
A couple weeks ago, I believe. I have no reaction yet, for, I have not read anything of them.

How long do you think it will take for a consensus to develop on the language involving the LGBT......cosmology? Do you think there'll ever actually be a consensus or will miscommunication and confusion continue to be a quagmire around everything it touches and some things that don't actually have anything to do with...well, anything for the purposes of this question?
A few more decades would be a rough guess. When the current young generation moves to the more controlling age.

Will the world end with a bang or with a whimper? Fire or Ice?
I prefer to think it will end with a "pewnnnnnn" as though a balloon letting out air from a small hole slowly. And most definitely in either steel or dark type damage, I believe it has resistance to fire and ice types.

What do you think of the term "meme?" The word itself?
I wish I would remember the correct pronounciation more often. The term describes something, so, I have no issue with it.

A useless talrgle if I ever did read one. If this is a term, however, I do not know it.

Have you ever taken up dancing? If so, what style(s)?
I have only pretended to dance, really. I would love to learn how to dance, especially more active/acting dance routines like the mentioned tango.

What are your thoughts on Kentucky?
Kentucky is the birthplace of my father and one of the few states I lived in for a decent amount of time. I believe it to be pretty, and has some of the neatest/prettiest grass around. However, it's too spread out for my tastes or not.. modern enough for most of the areas in it. Also, Louisville and E-town, the two cities I've been in/lived in, are neither that great of a city if I was to choose a city.
Ultimately, it's a place to visit for me and that's about it.

Is it just me, or are you getting more quesitons than I did?
I might be. Willing to count? :smalltongue:

I miss hanging out with you. Not really a question.
It may happen again. Perhaps with more favorable circumstances/less work required on my part.

Can i have your number?
Sure. However, I won't post it publicly, so, either pm me the request or send me yours via pm.

Why is this class SO boring?
It requires more swings, slides, and monkey bars.

Whats the grosses thing you ever ate?
That I've been grossed by? A hot dog covered in mustard.
That others have been?... not sure. I've ate a lot of things others found gross.

do you think mollasses is a funny word to say?
Not really. I do not understand how it would be strange...

I will be able to answer more of the questions after work/near the end of work. Also, Lykan's as well. Those may take me a little bit anyways.

The build:

Assuming 32 point buy (that seems pretty common...), and simply because I hate negatives and not really too worried about optimizing too much yet.
10 Str
18 Dex (14+4 catfolk)
12 Con
15 Int
10 Wis
20 Cha (14+2 catfolk+2 levels 4 and 8)

ECL 1 Catfolk/Level 11 Beguiler
14 ranks Diplomacy
14 bluff
5 sense motive
5 Know (nobility) (cross class, 10 points)
5 spell craft
14 Hide
14 Move Silently
14 Concentration
14 Use Magic Device
8 wherever...

1: Sacred Vow
3: Nymph's Kiss
6: SKill Focus (Diplomacy)
9: Negotiator

+2 Dex bonus (MiC) to Winged Boots. 20,000
+2 Cha bonus (MiC) to Cloak of Resistance +3 13,000
2 Eternal Wands of Fireball (22,500) (Note, these wands don't require the spells to appear on the spell list)
+1 twilight mithral chainshirt (5,250)
+1 short sword (2,310 gp)
Belt of Battle (12,000)
Haversack, random other items and trinkets that I would collect. Probably including eternal wands of benign transposition and similar. Definitely will include a healing belt to put on between adventures in the sack. (2,750 w/ belt).
Well under the 88k mark.

+34 Bonus total (14 + 6 synergy + 5 charisma + 9 feats) to diplomacy without magic items. (Important for scenario 2)

Scenario 1.
I would hope my best that I was either prepared to be here, or that I live through round 1 to get greater invisibility a go and move. From there, fly up with winged boots then rain chaos with glitterdust, dominate person, deep slumber, and the occasional fireball. My pretty life first in that situation. Easy situation.

Scenario 2.
Diplomacy Flirt with the guards, of course! Whether actually using game rules exactly (in which case, they -should- be unfriendly, and a 5 makes them helpful - with even a 1 = friendly, if hostile, well, a 1 makes them friendly still) or using normal life applied, in which case... naturally charismatic attractive catfolk girl stuck in a cage? That says "fantasy" right there, I could still get the 'helpful' out of them.
After a game of naughty guard, leaving them locked up and gagged, it's only a matter of diplomacing each inmate slowly on my block and letting them free in order to cause a distraction/riot large enough to escape. Once out, invisibility and run.

What is your favorite genre of music?
Older rock and soft rock dominate my play list.

What is your favorite artist within that genre?
David Bowie.

What is your favorite song by that artist?
Prettiest Star from the Aladdin Sane album and Sweet Thing from the Diamond Dogs album are both significantly up there. Also, when those aren't on my list, Candidate (both versions) and The Man Who Sold the World are all quintessential to my Bowiemeister listening experience.

Do you read Christopher Moore?
I do not. I rarely get enough to read much of anything.

What is your favorite word or phrase?
Quintessential and defenstration are both up there.
My favorite phrase? Most likely... "Sweet!" :smalltongue:

If you could be any specific superhero then who would you be?
Not too familiar with a large array of superheros. Overpowered and biologically immortal are near musts. Shapechanging is also prefered.
For who I'm familiar with... the red queen would be my first though on a choice. Also, not much of heros but sticking to comics... I would also like to be either Delirium or Death.

What is your favorite kind of music?
Answered above.

What is the funniest joke you know?
I am never able to fathom a 'joke' when someone asks me for one. I am only able to give generic pass along jokes, and none I would rate as funny as amusing life situations.
Alternatively, I also apologize for not knowing your mother.

Can you can can?
I can't can't can't, though I wish I could.

Would you prefer a life of happiness or a life of meaning?

Would you punch a mime?

Why not? It's not like he's going to say anything about it.

Trapping them in boxes is all the more hilarious though.

Do you think that mimes really want a piano to drop on them?
I don't think so. Last time I asked, they just said " ,,|,, " :smallfrown:

Are you wondering why I focused the questions about mimes?
_ . _ _ . . . .

So, once you've had a chance to read it... What did you think?
Will read it soon. My turn will most likely be done by then, so, I will reply by PM.

Would you rather be a sub-genius or a supa-goof?
The church of the sub-genius, albeit amusing, doesn't seem to hold as much sway here as the supagoof. I think I would rather wear purple.

2008-11-21, 09:39 AM
And once again, I'm late! Sorry, everyone! I was meant to do this yesterday but there were some things that prevented me to enter the forum until really late at night when my brain stops thinking about updates and stuff.

Anyway, thanks a lot for this awesome interview, such a way to start a new thread! I hope you had fun, Reina!

And now please welcome our next interview...

Fri!!! *Claps hands*

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2008-11-21, 09:45 AM
Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.

Last meal you ate?

Current song stuck in your head?

Favorite band not from your country of origin?

What is your ideal breakfast?

What is good?

What is bad?

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?

2008-11-21, 09:49 AM
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Huh, it's my turn already? I thought it would be another decades or two. Time sure flies real fast.

What is your favorite word?
Hope and Dreams

What is your least favorite word?

What makes you enthusiastic?

What disappoints you?
How my life turned out to be (it's my fault though)

What sound do you love?

What sound do you hate?
Screeching sounds, motorcycles with muffler removed, and the sound of broken dreams.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Quite a lot of them. In other alternate universes, I am a pattissier, an archeolog, or a public relation guy.

What profession would you not like to participate in?

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
You see? Everything turned out well at the end.

2008-11-21, 10:00 AM
Time sure flies real fast.

Quoting Groucho Marx:

Time flies like an arrow; Fruit flies like a banana

2008-11-21, 10:05 AM
Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

What's your favorite band?

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

If my car broke down outside your house, would you let me in to use your phone?

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

Roses or orchids?

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

Do you often check posts for white text?

2008-11-21, 10:31 AM
Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.
Hm. Germany

Last meal you ate?
Do snacks count? I have this case of raisin sprinkled sliced bread (best thing since sliced bread) still open

Current song stuck in your head?
Currently none. But usually I have some.

Favorite band not from your country of origin?
Rhapsody of Fire

What is your ideal breakfast?
Depends on my mood. But currently I want pancake and french toast.

What is good?
Something that appeals to our deepest inner morality? Or cheese cake. And chocolate

What is bad?
Something that disgust our deepest inner morality?

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?
To search for new things for sciences to do . And by that, I don't meant that philosophy is beneath science, or the other way around. Philosophy thinks of something, and science always tries to make it 'quantitative'.

Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
Generally no. But I have this two grudges that I still have not forget. One have been going for more than four years. The other one for two years.

What's your favorite band?
Rhapsody of Fire and Nightwish

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
Oh, so yes. I was truly in love, and by this I mean, really in love, like how you got your crush on a real person, with Luna Lovegood since the first time I met (read) her. You can't, won't understand how much I'm in love with her.

If my car broke down outside your house, would you let me in to use your phone?
Yes. I'm gullible like that.

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
I'm a jack of all trade that learn things quickly and have a lot of abilities. But I 'm really a master of none.

Roses or orchids?

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
For my Ego? (and no, not you, ego slayer).

Do you often check posts for white text?
No. This caught me flat footed.

2008-11-21, 12:50 PM
Frontier or Plus?

Sharon, Sheryl, or Ranka?

Given the opportunity, what manner of pie would you smash into your boss's face?

What is your preferred method of reducing your enemies to sobbing, pitiful wretches begging for their lives?

What's your favorite kind of cheesecake?

Why did the creators of the Macross universe inflict 7 upon us?

2008-11-21, 12:56 PM
1. What are your 5 favorite video games?

2. What type of video games do you like?

3. Do you like clue?

4. What kind of books do you like?

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?

6. What's your favorite Queen song?

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?

11. If they were the last two women on Earth, besides you (if you're female), and you could only save one. Who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?

12. If they were the last two men on Earth, besides you (if you're male), and you could only save one. Who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?

15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2l6n9VYR8&feature=related)

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?

21. What kind of muffins do you like?

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?

24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)

28. What's your astrological sign?

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.

2008-11-22, 05:43 AM
1. What are your 5 favorite video games?
Grandia 1 (the game that changed my life). I can't list the rest because I like too many games.

2. What type of video games do you like?
Depends on my mood. I particularly like RPGs, Stories that started with humble beginning and ended up epic, but I also like to play FPS and RTS, though I'm horrendeusly bad at it.

3. Do you like clue?
Somewhat. But I almost never play the board game.

4. What kind of books do you like?
I read any kind of book, but currently I like novels about magical realism.

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?
Human (of course! Humans are special (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HumansAreSpecial). And Bard. You go into scary dungeon and sing at the scary monsters inside. If that isn't awesome, I don't know anymore what's awesome.

6. What's your favorite Queen song?
Bicycle Race. No one else can sing a song about a bicycle and make it amazing.

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?
Never eat anything particularly strange.

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?
Mini cooper or Toyota Landrover

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?
First season. I like humble beginnings

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?
Good class in theory, bad class in study, okay class in real game.

11. If they were the last two women on Earth, besides you (if you're female), and you could only save one. Who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?
I'm not female, but I guess I'll choose Christina Aguilera. No real reason.

12. If they were the last two men on Earth, besides you (if you're male), and you could only save one. Who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?
Leonardo diCaprio. He's cooler and a better actor (though I guess that's a moot point if we're the last men on earth.)

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?
Why so serious?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?
Yes, in fact I have. But can't remember anything particularly worth remembering about that game

15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2l6n9VYR8&feature=related)
My connection don't allow you tube, so hold that question for a bit. Never heard of them before, but there is a LOT of things that I never heard.

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
I bet you say that to all the girls.

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?
Kelemvor. Because death is NOT evil

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?
Elan I guess. He's a bard, and I love bard. He's also a really fun guy to be around.

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?
3.5? Because that's what I'm familiar with.

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?
Huh... Skorts. because that is a funnier word.

21. What kind of muffins do you like?
Anything as long as it's not hard as rock.

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?
Are you kidding me? The original all the way. There is no cheetos but the real cheetos.

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?
No. I like her though.

24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)
Same answer with previous youtube related question

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?
Huh? Don't really understand this question, but once I had a dream where I could give the ability to fly to brooms and mop. Simply put, in that dream I can make any ordinary broom into a flying broom.

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?
Fall. I like the colors of fallen leaves.

27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)
Previous youtube related answer

28. What's your astrological sign?
Scorpio and Tiger. I'm supposed to be a cool, mysterious, scary, and dangerous person.

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)
The world may never know.

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?
Another human? or a well grown well fed cat.

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?
Media discussion, for no particular reason. First time here I hang on the OOTS Board, then I moved to the comic (printed) board, then to Friendly Banter, now I currently reside on Media Discussion

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

Robert A Heinlein.

Frontier or Plus?
Frontier. More missile swarm

Sharon, Sheryl, or Ranka?
Sheryl. I prefer cool girl rather than cute girl.

Given the opportunity, what manner of pie would you smash into your boss's face?
Your ordinary run-of-the-mill cream pie. I'm a conservative and classic guy.

What is your preferred method of reducing your enemies to sobbing, pitiful wretches begging for their lives?
Give them something, make them really dependent on it, and then withdrew it.
tl;dr version:withdrew their cake.

What's your favorite kind of cheesecake?
Creamy cheese cake. You know, a cake made of cream cheese, sugar, eggs, and little flour. It's so creamy and cheesy, and made my mouth waters even now. And it's easy to make.

Why did the creators of the Macross universe inflict 7 upon us?
They want to make a fun series, but take themselves too seriously. Oh, and they want to show us the power of rock.

Yoritomo Himeko
2008-11-22, 09:28 PM
What's the story behind your avatar?

What's the story behind your screen name?

What's your Zodiac sign? Eastern? Western?

Where were you from originally?

Who's your favourite OOTS character? Least favourite?

2008-11-23, 07:04 PM
What's your favourite thing about the Gitp forum community?


What's your favourite thing to do in your spare time?


Where is your favourite place to be?

How do you like calm down?

Are you a morning person?

2008-11-24, 07:15 PM
And our time's up! Thanks a lot for your interview, I hope you had fun!

Now, please welcome our next interviewee...

Arioch!!! *Claps hands*

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2008-11-24, 09:51 PM
What's your favourite thing about the Gitp forum community?


What's your favourite thing to do in your spare time?


Where is your favourite place to be?

How do you like calm down?

Are you a morning person?

if yes does it bother you that I hate you?

One a scale of 1-10 ten being the most how much spare time do you have?

I'm asking the same questions again to the new person

Yoritomo Himeko
2008-11-24, 10:09 PM
What's the story behind your avatar?

What's the story behind your screen name?

What's your Zodiac sign? Eastern? Western?

Where were you from originally?

Who's your favourite OOTS character? Least favourite?

2008-11-24, 10:36 PM
Special thanks to Alarra for updating the name of this thread when I forgot to do it. :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-25, 06:40 AM
Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

What's your favorite band?

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

If my car broke down outside your house, would you let me in to use your phone?

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

Roses or orchids?

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

Do you often check posts for white text?

2008-11-25, 07:37 AM
Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.

Last meal you ate?

Current song stuck in your head?

Favorite band not from your country of origin?

What is your ideal breakfast?

What is good?

What is bad?

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?

2008-11-25, 01:21 PM
1. What are your 5 favorite video games?

2. What type of video games do you like?

3. Do you like clue?

4. What kind of books do you like?

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?

6. What's your favorite Queen song?

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?

11. If they were the last two women on Earth, besides you (if you're female), and you could only save one. Who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?

12. If they were the last two men on Earth, besides you (if you're male), and you could only save one. Who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?

15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2l6n9VYR8&feature=related)

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?

21. What kind of muffins do you like?

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?

24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)

28. What's your astrological sign?

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.

2008-11-26, 02:23 AM
Can you can can?

Would you prefer a life of happiness or a life of meaning?

One wish - what would you wish for? Honestly now. World peace is sooooo Miss Universe.

Who in the forums would you like to meet most?

Does the moon in your sky look like a big pizza pie?

2008-11-26, 12:01 PM
Okay, I'll have to answer these in several goes. :smalltongue:


What is your favorite word?
Oh, it changes all the time. Currently I like the sound of "episcopalian". :smallbiggrin:

What is your least favorite word?
Hmmm. Difficult. I'll go with "piece", because I always got it wrong in junior school.

What makes you enthusiastic?
Learning new things.

What disappoints you?
Toilet humour.

What sound do you love?
Birdsong: cliche but true.

What sound do you hate?
The blooping sound of MSN on my sister's computer.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I don't have a profession yet. I'm currently looking into psychology.

What profession would you not like to participate in?
School cleaner. Those guys have it rough.

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
"Ah, you're rooming next to a Mr. Albert Einstein."


What's your favourite thing about the Gitp forum community? (and Why?)
The fact that, unlike many places on the internet, it has a remarkably low idiot quotient. Plus, I really like the variety of conversations: there's something for everyone.

What's your favourite thing to do in your spare time?
Read, mostly. I read a LOT. I play on the computer a lot too. I need to find some more constructive out-of-school activities, actually.

I read because I love to. It's great to lose yourself in another world. Plus, it's the source of my good memory and large vocabulary. :smallbiggrin:

Where is your favourite place to be?

My room. It has everything I need, and I'm safe from my sister. :smalltongue:

How do you like to calm down?
I try to get away from whatever gets me angry, but it usually throws me into a funk for the rest of the day. I find sleeping helps to draw a line under the problem and get me ready to deal with it next day.

Are you a morning person?
I am now I've moved the alarm clock out of reach. :smalltongue:
I'm tired for a little while after getting up, but I recover quickly.

if yes does it bother you that I hate you?
No, that's fine.

One a scale of 1-10 ten being the most how much spare time do you have?
7? It's hard to guage. I think I need some more constructive stuff to do, though.

I'll answer some more of these later. :smallsmile:

EDIT: To continue...

What's the story behind your avatar?
A few years ago one of my friends began to plan for an evil Ebberon campaign. I decided to play a necromancer, and the character thence developed into the elf who called himself Kylar d'Vol. In the end, the campaign never actually started, but I had already worked out the character concept quite thoroughly, and I decided I may as well use Kylar as my avatar. This is thecrimsonmage's version of the piecemeal description I gave.

What's the story behind your screen name?
I decided on a username long before I decided on an avatar, and the two aren't really related - or at least, they weren't back then. I vaguely wanted a demon or devil name, but all the obvious ones were taken. So I hunted around, and Arioch wasn't taken. It's the name of the fallen angel's under Lucifer's command in Paradise Lost.

What's your Zodiac sign? Eastern? Western?
My Western Zodiac is Libra, but I very determinedly don't believe in that stuff. I'm not sure what you mean by Eastern Zodiac. I was born in a year of the Goat/Sheep/Ram/Other, if that's what you're looking for.

Where were you from originally?
Brittania! *patriotic music*

Who's your favourite OOTS character? Least favourite?
My favourite is easily V - I always like the intellectual characters. My least favourite? Probably Roy's Dad. I know he's also clever, but I never found him at all sympathetic.

2008-11-26, 11:17 PM
V is totaly awesome.
http://tinyurl.com/5gwstd/.gif (http://tinyurl.com/6jcx2k)

2008-11-27, 12:55 AM
And once again, our interview time is over! Thanks a lot, Arioch, I hope you have enjoyed it!

Now please welcome our next interviewee, the one and only, the amazing...

Gezina!!! *Claps hands*

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2008-11-27, 01:26 AM
Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

What's your favorite band/musician?

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

Roses or orchids?

Do you plan to write anything more for the shipping thread?

If you could be shipped with one person whom you haven't already been shipped with, who would it be?

What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

How did you get to be so awesome?

If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

If I had to flee my country of origin, could I stay with you for a while until the heat was off, or at least until I found another place?

Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

How's your brother, Harm, doing these days?

Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2008-11-27, 02:48 AM
1. What are your 5 favorite video games?

2. What type of video games do you like?

3. Do you like clue?

4. What kind of books do you like?

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?

6. What's your favorite Queen song?

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?

Special thanks to Ghost_Warlock, for helping me see a better way to write these next two questions.

11. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?

12. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?

15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2l6n9VYR8&feature=related)

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?

21. What kind of muffins do you like?

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?

24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)

28. What's your astrological sign?

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.

2008-11-27, 07:13 AM
Who are you?

What do you want?

Why are you here?

Where are you going?

2008-11-27, 08:08 AM
What is the strangest thing that you've ever done (that you're willing to admit to)?

What do you consider your greatest talent?

What is your favorite element from the periodic table?

What is your favorite element from the classical elements?

If you could have a pet dragon, what kind would it be?

2008-11-30, 01:03 AM
*Sigh* And this was one I was really looking forward to... :smallsigh:

Ah well. Let's move on.

Please welcome our next interviewee...

BRC!!! *Claps hands*

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2008-11-30, 01:16 AM
Thank you thank you, good to be here, buy my book, ect ect...

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
Artichoke, I have my reasons.
What makes you enthusiastic?
Shiny things, having consumed sugar beforehand, the usual, the opprotunity to weasel out of a question with somthing that is supposed to be witty.
What disappoints you?
This Question (See above)
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
That beep computers make when you try to do somthing they don't like, you know the one.
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Secret Global Dictator.
What profession would you not like to participate in?
I'll go with high-rise construction worker, I don't really like heights.
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Ha, you probably feel silly right now, dontcha, come on in.

2008-11-30, 01:39 AM
Why did you choose your original username?

What is your favorite fruit?

What is your opinion of the internet?

Who are you?


Why did you participate in get to know a playgrounder?

What makes you happy?

Flame of Anor
2008-11-30, 01:39 AM
How old are you?

What is your life like?

What do you like to do?

2008-11-30, 02:01 AM
(Me, too, Skips, me too. :smallfrown:)


Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

What's your favorite band?

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

If my car broke down outside your house, would you let me in to use your phone?

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

Roses or orchids?

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

Do you often check posts for white text?

2008-11-30, 06:13 AM
1. What are your 5 favorite video games?

2. What type of video games do you like?

3. Do you like clue?

4. What kind of books do you like?

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?

6. What's your favorite Queen song?

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?

11. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?

12. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?

15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2l6n9VYR8&feature=related)

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?

21. What kind of muffins do you like?

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?

24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)

28. What's your astrological sign?

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.

2008-11-30, 10:04 AM
Oh My, too many questions!
Why did you choose your original username?
Years ago my brother made some animations for a show called "The Thing". The show was designed to raise money for land mine removal, it was cool. Anyway, he made this animations, and in front of it put "Bloodyredcommie.inc" Years later, I think it would have been five or six years ago, I was making a runescape account, and decided to use "Bloodyredcommie", however, I misspelled it, thus producing "Bloddyredcommie".
What is your favorite fruit?
What is your opinion of the internet?
Who are you?
I am Me.
Why Not.

Why did you participate in get to know a playgrounder?
I wish to spread lies and deciet amongst you all.
How old are you?
18, as of a week ago.
What is your life like?
What do you like to do?
Read books, play games, microwave popcorn with my death ray, hang out with friends, you know, the normal.

What are your 5 favorite video games?
Hrmm, Company of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Age of Empires III, Dwarf Fortress, Starcraft.
What type of video games do you like?
RTS’s, RPG’s
Do you like clue?
I did, until a colonel, driven mad by mustard seeds, killed my family in the billiards room with the revolver.
What kind of books do you like?
Sci-Fi and Fantasy
What is your favorite DnD race/class?
Dwarven Factotum
What's your favorite Queen song?
Whichever is the shortest.
What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?[B]
I dunno.
[B]If you could own any car, what would it be?
A mini cooper (My parents have one, it’s awesome)
Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?
Never Seen It.
What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?
It makes a great NPC class.
If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?
I’ll go with the former
If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?
The Latter.
Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?
No, but we play poker on Saturdays.
Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?
What do you think of Collide?
Never played it.
On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
No, I’m using my throat thank you very much. Besides, I like violets better.
Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?
Never played the realms, so I’ll say Snuggles, God of Cats.
Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?
19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?
5th edition, the Rune system is as balanced as it is streamlined, and Fighters are fun to play! And the crafting system is a stroke of brilliance Oh, wait, you don’t know about that one yet…I’ll say 3.5th.
20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?
Shorts. Skorts are an abomination.
21. What kind of muffins do you like?Pumpkin Muffins, especially those from st Louis bread co (Panera bread for everybody else). Those things are delicious.
22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?
23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano CDs?
No, I’ve never heard of her.
24. Is this funny?
Maybe. You need to work on your delivery.
25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?
I prefer to call it “Levitation”, and it’s really quite easy, you just convince gravity that you don’t exist. Then use some small rockets on your shoes.
26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?Summer.
27. Do you like OK Go?
Never Played it.
What's your astrological sign?
Saggitarius, I think…
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?A Robot, so I can rule over you pathetic meatbags.
What is your favorite sub-forum?
Arts and Crafts.
Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.
To paraphrase Douglass Adams: “Lets do the undoable, Let’s think the Unthinkable, let us grapple with the ineffable itself and see if we may not eff it after all.”

2008-11-30, 11:00 AM
Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.

Last meal you ate?

Current song stuck in your head?

Favorite band not from your country of origin?

What is your ideal breakfast?

What is good?

What is bad?

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?

2008-11-30, 11:06 AM
What is an example of a non-negative null sequence but where the sum of odd terms minus the sum of the even terms is never a fixed value?

2008-11-30, 02:35 PM
Why is it dark?

Why do I hear laughing?

And further more, why am I in a handbasket?

Yoritomo Himeko
2008-11-30, 09:25 PM
What's the story behind your avatar?

What's the story behind your screen name?

What's your Zodiac sign? Eastern? Western?

Where were you from originally?

Who's your favourite OOTS character? Least favourite?

Flame of Anor
2008-12-01, 01:26 AM
What's the story behind your avatar?

What's the story behind your screen name?

He already explained that.

2008-12-01, 10:01 AM
I missed Ghosts, and he was nice enough to bold them for me, so

Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
It depends on the nature of the grudge, attempts to repent, ect.
What's your favorite band?
Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
Probably, I don't remember anything specific though.
If my car broke down outside your house, would you let me in to use your phone?
Considering that everybody has a cell phone these days, I probably wouldn't.
What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
My sense of humor.
Roses or orchids?
Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
See above statement concerning lies and deciet.
Do you often check posts for white text?

Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.
Last meal you ate?
Oatmeal for breakfast.
Current song stuck in your head?
The Pinky and the Brain theme song.
Favorite band not from your country of origin?
What is your ideal breakfast?
Homemade eggs and bacon on a bagel
What is good?
The absence of flaws you care about.
What is bad?
Flaws one cares about.

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?
Let me get back to you once I've finished building my Robo-Plato.
What is an example of a non-negative null sequence but where the sum of odd terms minus the sum of the even terms is never a fixed value?
Why is it dark?
Because you are blindfolded.
Why do I hear laughing?
That's me, sorry.
And further more, why am I in a handbasket?
I couldn't find my briefcase.
Where were you from originally?
Saint Louis, MO.
Who's your favourite OOTS character? Least favourite?
Redcloak, Pete.

2008-12-01, 10:07 AM
if you could have one person put to death who would it be?

will you accept me as your god?

Why do you want us to unite?

where did my hamster really get sent to the farm in thrid grade?

2008-12-01, 10:15 AM
Well, if Gezina won't answer my favorite question, maybe BRC will!

What is the strangest thing that you've ever done (that you're willing to admit to)?

Flame of Anor
2008-12-01, 02:11 PM
What is an example of a non-negative null sequence but where the sum of odd terms minus the sum of the even terms is never a fixed value?

HA HA that is WIN. :smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:

Tiffanie Lirle
2008-12-01, 03:56 PM
Favorite gem? (Rubies, Sapphires, Emeralds, etc)

When's the last time you climbed a tree?

Do you sleep on your back, stomach, or sides?

Morning or night, which do you prefer?

Which do you prefer, dancing or singing?

What's the meaning of this phrase of "This old man"
"This old man, he played two, he played nick nack on my shoe. With a nick nack, patty whack, give a dog a bone. This old man went rolling home."

2008-12-02, 09:23 AM
if you could have one person put to death who would it be?
That guy who parks a delivery van in the middle of the road on my route to school every day, even when there is a parking space right there. OR whomever invented the pop-up ad.
will you accept me as your god?
Why do you want us to unite?
I have my reasons...
where did my hamster really get sent to the farm in thrid grade?
Okay, It's time to stop lying to you. Your hamster was revealed to be ther international crime lord "Mister Chubbles", the FBI took him.
What is the strangest thing that you've ever done (that you're willing to admit to)?
I once spent an entire day at school walking backwards.
Favorite gem? (Rubies, Sapphires, Emeralds, etc)
I dunno, I'll go with sapphires.
When's the last time you climbed a tree?
Too long ago.
Do you sleep on your back, stomach, or sides?
Sides or Back
Morning or night, which do you prefer?
Which do you prefer, dancing or singing?
I can't do either, so I'll say dancing.
What's the meaning of this phrase of "This old man"
"This old man, he played two, he played nick nack on my shoe. With a nick nack, patty whack, give a dog a bone. This old man went rolling home."
The old man came for a local variant of poker called "nick Nack". Because there wern't enough chairs, he sat on your feet. He played two rounds before giving your dog a treat and heading hom VIA barrel, as is tradition.

2008-12-02, 09:27 AM
If the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful and you have no place to go then what is the proper course of action vis-à-vis precipitation in the form of crystalline water ice?

2008-12-03, 10:31 AM
Well, our time is over once again, so please welcome our next interviewee...

Jae!!! *Claps hands*

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2008-12-03, 10:39 AM
If you were to inherit an ice cream factory, what kind of ice cream would you make?

2008-12-03, 10:40 AM
Well, our time is over once again, so please welcome our next interviewee...

Jae!!! *Claps hands*

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

If I recall, Jae quit GitP a monthish ago. :smallconfused:

2008-12-03, 10:44 AM
Why do you have to live so far away?

How did you get to be so beautifull?

How did you find GitP?

Favorite OOTS character?

May I have a kiss?
Or atleast a hug then?

Here, have a cookie for answering current questions.

2008-12-03, 10:44 AM
Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

What's your favorite band/musician?

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

Roses or orchids?

What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

How did you get to be so awesome?

If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2008-12-03, 04:13 PM
1. What are your 5 favorite video games?

2. What type of video games do you like?

3. Do you like clue?

4. What kind of books do you like?

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?

6. What's your favorite Queen song?

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?

11. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?

12. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?

15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2l6n9VYR8&feature=related)

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?

21. What kind of muffins do you like?

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?

24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)

28. What's your astrological sign?

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.

2008-12-03, 04:30 PM
In light of Rand's post...

Are you still among us?

2008-12-04, 08:34 AM
*shrugs* I will go ahead and ask, just in case.

Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.

Last meal you ate?

Current song stuck in your head?

Favorite band not from your country of origin?

What is your ideal breakfast?

What is good?

What is bad?

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?

2008-12-05, 02:23 PM
If I recall, Jae quit GitP a monthish ago. :smallconfused:

Oh what the hell, why do peeople quit the forums? Is a forums seriously a problem in your life?

2008-12-05, 02:26 PM
Oh what the hell, why do peeople quit the forums? Is a forums seriously a problem in your life?

On occasion, forums can be more trouble than they're worth.


But I like these ones. They're warm and fun.

2008-12-06, 03:39 AM
So how do we get interviewed?
http://tinyurl.com/5wffco/.gif (http://tinyurl.com/5pdybg)

2008-12-06, 03:42 AM
So how do we get interviewed?
http://tinyurl.com/5wffco/.gif (http://tinyurl.com/5pdybg)

Instructions are in this thread's 1st post.

2008-12-06, 03:42 AM
Hey Jae, whats your oh-so-pretty hair looking like nowadays?

2008-12-06, 03:43 AM
I know they are but, how do we get chosen?
http://tinyurl.com/5wffco/.gif (http://tinyurl.com/5pdybg)

2008-12-06, 03:46 AM
I know they are but, how do we get chosen?
http://tinyurl.com/5wffco/.gif (http://tinyurl.com/5pdybg)
Everyone is 'chosen,' you just have to wait your turn. When you sign up, you're added to end of the list.

2008-12-06, 03:46 AM
I know they are but, how do we get chosen?
http://tinyurl.com/5wffco/.gif (http://tinyurl.com/5pdybg)

Instructions are on the thread linked in the first post.
Incase that's tl;dr for you; it goes down the line in order.

2008-12-06, 03:54 AM
Ok now I get it thanks guys.
http://tinyurl.com/5wffco/.gif (http://tinyurl.com/5pdybg)

2008-12-06, 05:15 AM
If I recall, Jae quit GitP a monthish ago. :smallconfused:
*vaguely remembers something like that*
It was sad to see her go.
Well, whatever 's the best for her, huh.

2008-12-06, 02:40 PM
That sucks.
http://tinyurl.com/5wffco/.gif (http://tinyurl.com/5pdybg)

2008-12-06, 03:08 PM
What is your favorite genre of music?

Who is your favorite artist within that genre?

What is your favorite song by that artist?

Is peace possible? If so, how?

2008-12-07, 04:04 PM
I'm beginning to think I need to modify the rules again... Ah well... :smallsigh:

Please welcome our next interviewee...

Masato Hyuga!!! *Claps hands*

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Dr. Bath
2008-12-07, 04:07 PM
Pretty sure he's gone too, Skippy.

Hey, Masato! You still here?

2008-12-07, 04:18 PM
What question would you like to be asked?

2008-12-07, 04:34 PM

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

1) weew, WEEW, Weew, etc
2) It's a series of words... Like... "It's not fair"
3) Huh, just anything that isn't bad in a way:smallbiggrin:
4) Some choices people make... Yeah, the world is getting less bright =\ Although improving in some ways as well
5) Depends, usually it's just silence with a little bit of wind blowing in the distance
6) The jingle that plays when you find a treasure in Okami, and you find a lot of treasure, and when you play Okami loads... >_<
7) Surgeon/doctor of sorts?
8) Politics...
9) That's a tad personal...:smallredface:

Hey, Masato! You still here?


What question would you like to be asked?

Anything, everything, though depending on the question I may or may not answer it. Though I doubt anyone will ask anything to the point where I don't answer it >.>

2008-12-07, 05:39 PM
I think he's still around.

1. What are your 5 favorite video games?

2. What type of video games do you like?

3. Do you like clue?

4. What kind of books do you like?

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?

6. What's your favorite Queen song?

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?

11. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?

12. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?

15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2l6n9VYR8&feature=related)

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?

21. What kind of muffins do you like?

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?

24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)

28. What's your astrological sign?

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.

2008-12-07, 06:39 PM
1. What are your 5 favorite video games?
1. Okami
2. Okami
3. Okami
4. Okami
5. Okami

Though with only using it once it would be...

1. Okami
2. Team Fortress 2(New fav)
3. Twilight Princess
4. Portal
5. Castlevania Legacy of Darkness

2. What type of video games do you like?
Action adventure without a doubt. I really don't like shooters... Though it has exceptions, like Team Fortress has awesome graphics that don't over due the gore and blood, I barely notice it. It also has a lot of classes.

Metroidvanias are a fav (Castlevania), though... I really don't like Metroid all too much, I get lost too easy =\

3. Do you like clue?
Yes, I do

4. What kind of books do you like?
I USED to like the Maximum ride series, I now refuse to acknowledge that there is a forth book and I insist that it's just a trilogy. The first book blew me away, the other two were good, but made me raise an eyebrow at parts. The forth made me want to break the author's hands and tell him how stupid he is.

I don't really really like the twilight books... I personally thought the movie was much better, minus cheezy parts.

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?
Race: Human Class: Battle Sorcerer
This is of course without homebrew

6. What's your favorite Queen song?
I hate them, oh, so, much.... >=(

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?
Anything without peanut butter or ketchup (minus meat).

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?
The old Grand Am car my dad got when he was 16, it works perfectly still, and I grew attached to it quickly =)

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?
Don't watch TV.

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?
My friend would kill me if I say they suck... Which they do, unless he says... They take the vow of poverty.
I don't care for them much, I never use them =\

11. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?
Let me ask you a question, who are they?

12. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?
... Really, who are they?

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?

15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2l6n9VYR8&feature=related)
Sounds like some weird pop music.. Of course, I listened to two seconds.
But bottom line I never heard of them.

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
Why would a wolf have red roses? Obviously if it came to me randomly with red roses it should be able to speak so I just get into conversation long enough to text a friend of mine who just oh so randomly knows how to fly a helicopter. Then I'll have him crash it onto the wolf and my friend would randomly survive.

Random happenings aside, no, I wouldn't.

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?
No idea what that is.

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?
I really don't know, I never took a big liking to any of them.

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?
3.5, though I don't really care for 4 ed, if people like it more, good for them. It really just is preference.

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?

21. What kind of muffins do you like?
Peanut butter chocolate chips

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?
I didn't even click on the link, but i can safely say I do not and I have no clue who that is.

24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)
I stopped 40 seconds through, the voices were a little annoying, and I think they tried too hard >.>
Obviously it could have gotten better as it went on, however I can only truly concentrate on one thing on at the moment, and it's this right now =\

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?
By airplane

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)
OK dunno?

28. What's your astrological sign?
I forgot what those are, but I think it's Virgo...

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)
Obligatory "OVER 9000"

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?
That'd be neat if it was... But obviously if it was, I'd be a wolf >.>

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?
Free-form, I like RPing with hardly any or no rules at all.

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.
Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it
Right is right, even if no one is doing it

2008-12-07, 09:22 PM
Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.

Last meal you ate?

Current song stuck in your head?

Favorite band not from your country of origin?

What is your ideal breakfast?

What is good?

What is bad?

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?

2008-12-07, 09:39 PM
Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.
Finland, to see Sonata Arctica play

Last meal you ate?
Ribs, of what animal, I'll leave you to guess :smallwink:

Current song stuck in your head?
The Cage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKD0Q5LfSl8)

Favorite band not from your country of origin?
Sonata Arctica, also just my favorite band in general.

What is your ideal breakfast?

What is good?
Good, happy things

What is bad?
Just about everything else

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?
Don't know, don't care =\

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2008-12-07, 09:58 PM
Give us 2 nouns, a verb, and an injection that describes yourself.

If you had to have to choose, would you.

Have you ever been put through a brutal rite of passage involving multiple pieces of broken glass, a computer, and a poster with the album cover from Led Zep's Mothership.

Did it take you this long to realize that none of these four questions end in question marks.

2008-12-08, 12:53 AM
Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

What's your favorite band/musician?

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

Roses or orchids?

What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

How did you get to be so awesome?

If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2008-12-08, 08:41 AM
Give us 2 nouns, a verb, and an injection that describes yourself.
I can't give you words, everyone owns them.:smalltongue:

If you had to have to choose, would you.

Have you ever been put through a brutal rite of passage involving multiple pieces of broken glass, a computer, and a poster with the album cover from Led Zep's Mothership.

Did it take you this long to realize that none of these four questions end in question marks.
I have to admit the second question confused me some because of the lack-ness of a question mark.

Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
I guarantee you the longest grudge I had hasn't lasted a day.

What's your favorite band/musician?
Sonata Arctica

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
No, I don't do that...

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
I really don't know, I just like being alive and happy.

Roses or orchids?

What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
Can't answer, nothing bad though >.>

How did you get to be so awesome?
I'm awesome?

If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
I WOULD say my family but...
I really don't know:smallfrown: It needs to be more then one.

Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?
Yeah, I generally like grape juice.

Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?
Feels the same to me, don't care.

Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
Joseph Smith

Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?
Yeah, broke in 2 seconds though.

What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
Because everyone was doing it:smalltongue:

2008-12-08, 01:59 PM
How many times have you beaten Okami?
Do you ever tire of playing it?
Also I agree with you about the treasure jingle in Okami getting annoying.
Do you agree that the way people speak in Okami, especially Issun, gets annoying?

2008-12-08, 02:03 PM
Can you can can?

Would you prefer a life of happiness or a life of meaning?

Do you think a spaceship could sneak into our galaxy without us knowing about it?

Ever been kidnapped by aliens?

Are you sure?

If you could have a super power, which one would you choose and why?

2008-12-08, 03:08 PM
Questions answered in quotes.

How many times have you beaten Okami?
Hahaha... I've beaten the PS2 one about 20 times, by the time the Wii version came out I've started to get really into it yet again. Since then I've beaten the game about 40-50 times. Am I kidding? NO, I AM NOT. I'm mostly doing speed runs with the occasional challange run, if I have all day, I can beat the game 2-3 times, I haven't tried for 4 yet, I don't think I did 3... I know I did do 2 once. I always find myself new ways to play the game, with the wii version, it's easier to do it, and I can skip scenes on non game+'s. Like I played left handed...

Do you ever tire of playing it?
I never will

Do you agree that the way people speak in Okami, especially Issun, gets annoying?
I personally find that it fits the style of the game, so I do not find it annoying.

Can you can can?
I can can can, but not can can.

Would you prefer a life of happiness or a life of meaning?
The way I live my life, happiness is meaning, in a way. So... it's kinda hard to do both separate, I'll just go with Happiness since I have meaning in that.

Do you think a spaceship could sneak into our galaxy without us knowing about it?
No, there's a way to know.

Ever been kidnapped by aliens?

Are you sure?
They could have erased my memory... I really don't know, but I doubt it:smalltongue:

If you could have a super power, which one would you choose and why?
Logic, 'cause I already have it.

Nothing can beat logic, nothing, nothing, nothing.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-12-08, 05:24 PM
Did you see where I responded to your blog posts?

2008-12-08, 05:40 PM
Did you see where I responded to your blog posts?


However I was possibly too distracted to reply to them since I am now doing multiple things at once when I'm online.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2008-12-08, 07:59 PM
Did you notice that my first question actually didn't need a question mark, and thus my 4th question was incorrect?

2008-12-08, 08:14 PM
Did you notice that my first question actually didn't need a question mark, and thus my 4th question was incorrect?

I actually did.

2008-12-08, 08:27 PM
How many ranks in Animal Husbandry do you have?

Have you ever 'forgotten' to record damage on your character sheet?

Is it true that you're really a monster?

2008-12-08, 08:49 PM
How many ranks in Animal Husbandry do you have?
I hope that doesn't mean what I think it means.
And this goes for anything, but... My skill ranks somehow change a lot, it's weird >.>

Have you ever 'forgotten' to record damage on your character sheet?
No, and most defiantly not in the skiiing accident I had which SHOULD have been fatal >.>

Is it true that you're really a monster?
Should I be reading 8bit again? I haven't had too for quite awhile... Same goes for OotS
Otherwise, no.

Answer in quotes yet again.

2008-12-08, 08:54 PM
How do you do.

How often does one brush ones teeth?

What is your favourite band of electromagnetic wavelengths?

What is your favourite transcendental number?

What is your favourite palindrome? What about semordnilap?

Would you write a haiku for me if I asked nicely?

2008-12-09, 11:02 AM
How do you do.

How often does one brush ones teeth?
Every time I take a shower, once a day.

What is your favourite band of electromagnetic wavelengths?
Sonata Arctica

What is your favourite transcendental number?

What is your favourite palindrome? What about semordnilap?
Sarah? And what's that?

Would you write a haiku for me if I asked nicely?
If I could

Confusing... @_@

2008-12-09, 11:12 AM
The proper response to 'How do you do' is 'How do you do' according to QI.

Four is a real number. Specifically a rational number. Spefically an integer. Specifically a natural number. Specifically a non-prime with the twice-repeated prime factor of two. Transendental numbers are numbers which cannot be expressed algebraically. They are not the sum of any powers of any real numbers. Examples are e and pi.

Sonata Arctica is a power metal band. Electromagnetic wavelength categorisations include things like gamma rays, microwaves, visible light, etc.

Palindromes are sentences which when the letter order is reversed remain the same. For instance 'Madam I'm Adam' when reverse becomes 'madA m'I madaM' when when you associate the letters slightly differently becomes 'Madam I'm Adam'.

A semordnilap is a word which when the letter order is reverse becomes a different word. For instance 'desserts' becomes 'stressed'. The phrase is obviously coined from being 'palindromes' backwards.

Haikus are the 5/7/5 syllable Japan-originating poems wherein each line is independent of the last, I'm sure you know.

Here's one dedicated to you.

This is a haiku.
It doesn't have to be good.
Just a pause for thought.

This concludes my dichotomy of your response in painful detail. We now return to your previously scheduled programming.

2008-12-09, 11:25 AM
Are you currently involved in any plots with the explicit goal of world domination?

Before you started answering interview questions, did you feel nervous about what people might ask?

Can you tell us, briefly, what your life's ambition is?

Do you see the pattern to these questions?

Ever gone skinny-dipping?

For what reason(s) did you agree to be interviewed?

Great weather today, isn't it?

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

If you could be any platonic solid, which one would you be?

Just in case, are you aware of the emergency fire route for the building you currently inhabit?

Kangaroos or Walruses, and why?

Lately, have you had any strange compulsions?

Mahnah mahna? (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/31143/mahnah_mahna/)

Now, have you experienced any unusual symptoms of drowsiness?

On what day do you intend to take your 15 minutes of fame?

Perhaps you could tell us about your education?

Quiet or loud?

Risk-taker or risk-averse, which best describes you?

Should you find yourself in possession of a single WISH spell, how would you use it?

Too many cooks spoil the ______ (fill in the blank)

Under what circumstances might you become prone to spontaneous human combustion?

Violent or peaceful, which best describes you?

Where is your hairbrush?

Xenon or Helium, which element do you prefer?

You can't handle the truth: true or false?

Zebras or Platypuses, which do you prefer?

2008-12-09, 11:26 AM
Transendental numbers are numbers which cannot be expressed algebraically.

...in finite series

2008-12-09, 11:43 AM
...in finite series

Transcendental numbers are and can easily be defined as being non-algebraic complex numbers. So nya.

Your nitpicking can go eat a big bag of general definition.

2008-12-09, 11:44 AM
The proper response to 'How do you do' is 'How do you do' according to QI.

Four is a real number. Specifically a rational number. Spefically an integer. Specifically a natural number. Specifically a non-prime with the twice-repeated prime factor of two. Transendental numbers are numbers which cannot be expressed algebraically. They are not the sum of any powers of any real numbers. Examples are e and pi.

Sonata Arctica is a power metal band. Electromagnetic wavelength categorisations include things like gamma rays, microwaves, visible light, etc.

Palindromes are sentences which when the letter order is reversed remain the same. For instance 'Madam I'm Adam' when reverse becomes 'madA m'I madaM' when when you associate the letters slightly differently becomes 'Madam I'm Adam'.

A semordnilap is a word which when the letter order is reverse becomes a different word. For instance 'desserts' becomes 'stressed'. The phrase is obviously coined from being 'palindromes' backwards.

Haikus are the 5/7/5 syllable Japan-originating poems wherein each line is independent of the last, I'm sure you know.

Here's one dedicated to you.

This is a haiku.
It doesn't have to be good.
Just a pause for thought.

This concludes my dichotomy of your response in painful detail. We now return to your previously scheduled programming.

Should I be scared that this post made A LOT more sense then the original one?

Questions answered in quote... Again

Are you currently involved in any plots with the explicit goal of world domination?
Nope, why would I want to dominate the world with the way it's getting to be?:smalltongue:

Before you started answering interview questions, did you feel nervous about what people might ask?
No, I really didn't, I knew there would be one or two questions I couldn't answer due to forum rules, and they weren't bad answers, I just couldn't say due to forum rules.

Can you tell us, briefly, what your life's ambition is?
Eh... That's one of those questions, though only half as such.
I just plan to go to medical school, I'm really not sure what exactly I should practice in medicine, I'll just have to see what I'm good at and then I'll decide.

Do you see the pattern to these questions?

Ever gone skinny-dipping?

For what reason(s) did you agree to be interviewed?
I bribed myself

Great weather today, isn't it?
Snow, bleh, hopefully it'll be gone by January

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
I’m so freakin’ tired of answering this question. The answer is five! Five what? Five nothin’, just five!! Now stop asking me!

If you could be any platonic solid, which one would you be?

Just in case, are you aware of the emergency fire route for the building you currently inhabit?
Yep, exactly to my right

Kangaroos or Walruses, and why?
None, why? I don't generally like animals, or just hate them, besides the obvious one I like (Which is a long story as to why I do).
Besides, I don't think I can eat any (of the two), or at least, I haven't yet:smalltongue:

Lately, have you had any strange compulsions?
I ate steak raw the other day, and didn't get sick...?

Mahnah mahna? (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/31143/mahnah_mahna/)
I don't want to click on that link...

Now, have you experienced any unusual symptoms of drowsiness?
I go to bed at 8 PM every day and wake up at 5 every morning and I do not work on a farm.

On what day do you intend to take your 15 minutes of fame?
This is probably as close to fame as I'll get... er... Now >.>

Perhaps you could tell us about your education?

Quiet or loud?

Risk-taker or risk-averse, which best describes you?
Well if it's a lose-lose situation, no... I just use logic to find my best possibilities and chose from there, it depends.

Should you find yourself in possession of a single WISH spell, how would you use it?
I really don't need one, I'd give it away to something/someone I trust.

Too many cooks spoil the ______ (fill in the blank)
Stop cooking mine Medium well done dang it!

Under what circumstances might you become prone to spontaneous human combustion?
Too much Jones soda

Violent or peaceful, which best describes you?

Where is your hairbrush?

Xenon or Helium, which element do you prefer?

You can't handle the truth: true or false?

Zebras or Platypuses, which do you prefer?
See the question where I said "I don't generally like animals, or just hate them, besides the obvious one I like (Which is a long story as to why I do)".

2008-12-10, 01:53 AM
Can I answer these questions anyways?? haha =[ i am a lozer i know and im not sure what is ruder, answering or not answering so uhmmmmmm im just going to answer because i desperately need the break??

What is your favorite word?
uhmm im not sure but my favorites wordS are "she" "thats" "said" and "what"
;] not neccesarily in that order...

What is your least favorite word?
"Like" but only because my mom has made it a point to ask me not to say it constantly

What makes you enthusiastic?
many things

What disappoints you?
Capitalism =]

What sound do you love?
my dog, ashke, howling. its adorable.

What sound do you hate?
any loud noise terrifies me.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I have no profession, I would like to go into photojournalism.

What profession would you not like to participate in?
any kind of corporate job.

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
"hehe you didnt believe in me SO GET BACK DOWN THERE GAHHHHHHHHHH!" :smallsmile:

If you were to inherit an ice cream factory, what kind of ice cream would you make?
If I were to inherit an ice cream factory it may be in my best interest to make as many flavors as possible for sake of not running myself into the ground with my one, single, favorite flavor :smallwink:

Why do you have to live so far away?
Sorry darlin =P

How did you get to be so beautifull?
beauty?? must've missed that.
however, if I were to be beautiful, I would openly accuse my mother of it who may very well be one of the most gorgeous women i know =]

How did you find GitP?
My friend mentioned it to me a long time ago. you may know him, coolgaelburt. you can thank or curse him for it.

Favorite OOTS character?
kfdhafa =[ i dont read oots... dont kill me

May I have a kiss?
Or atleast a hug then?
you may have a kiss AND a hug =]

Here, have a cookie for answering current questions.

Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
Yes. Anyone I know can tell you that, although im trying to work on it. ive had grudges that have lasted years, and are still on-going.

What's your favorite band/musician?
I like death cab a lot..evan greer...coldplay...red hot chili peppers...chyah

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
Ye-ess. Aladdin. dude is fiiiiiine :smallwink:

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
Maybe my sincerest dedication to what I believe to be morally right, in the least conceited way possible.

Roses or orchids?
not a flower person actually

What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
This is hard. probably friends who act more like family..my actual family...the (possibly false) belief that I could one day make a difference.
and then somedays, in all honesty, I feel devoid of anything to keep me going.

How did you get to be so awesome?
i took my vitamins. EVERY. DAY.

If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
=] my little secret eh?

Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?
I like orange juice, but not a lot. water is my favorite

Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?
noo idea

Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
Karl Marx or Carl Jung.

Have you ever owned a slinky?
yes! not as fun as i expected though :smallamused:

What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
uhmuhmuhm mind control. and id control his mind and make us friends and he could help me destroy places i didnt like!

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
Because I'm a self-absorbed, conceited narccisist who adores talking about herself constantly. true story.

1. What are your 5 favorite video games?
Mario Party, Paper Mario (the first two), Sonic Adventure (both), Pokemon, and every single classic mario game.

2. What type of video games do you like?
the above listed. most things mario and most things sonic. usually rp kind of video games.

3. Do you like clue?
never played.

4. What kind of books do you like?
many. my favorites are Alice in Wonderland and Enders Game

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?
I know nothing about dnd =[

6. What's your favorite Queen song?
Another one bites the dust? bohemian raphsody? we are the champions?
one of those.

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?
Meat..when i used to eat it. blahhh

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?
Black sable lamb. yummy.

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?
Never watched =[

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?
daflfjda im clueless =[

11. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?
They can both die hehe

12. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?
Lenoarda fsho

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?
No =[

15. What do you think of Collide?

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
i am feeling more clueless

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?
fdajfa idk =[

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?
i dont read oots...

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?
dresses. and shorts i guess if i have to choose from those three

21. What kind of muffins do you like?
chocolate and poppyseed

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano CDs?

24. Is this funny?
this survey or this question?

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?
i have no idea.

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?
Fall. always.

27. Do you like OK Go?
the band? theyre alright

28. What's your astrological sign?

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
5, 325

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?
a human.

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?
this one of course

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.
Soo many. Im a quote fanatic. but im too tired to think of any...

Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.
Sudan. i may get to go uganda this summer, which is as close as i can get with the current conflict

Last meal you ate?
long john silvers

Current song stuck in your head?
too embarassing haha

Favorite band not from your country of origin?
The Editors yummy

What is your ideal breakfast?
country cooked potatoes or hashbrowns

What is good?

What is bad?
Everything else.
that was a joke im tired shhh

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?
To guide the scientific world to prove theories of human nature by factual means?
dont laugh at me!

Are you still among us?
Yes-ish =/

What is your favorite genre of music?
Either indie alt rock or folk rock.

Who is your favorite artist within that genre?
Evan greer for folk, no doubt.

What is your favorite song by that artist?
"Fire and Stone"

Is peace possible? If so, how?
YES! if ive figured that out yet, the world would be fixed

Hey Jae, whats your oh-so-pretty hair looking like nowadays?
Oh, something like this..

Oh what the hell, why do peeople quit the forums? Is a forums seriously a problem in your life?
lol uhhh i didnt leave because the forum causes my psychological damage or anything. i kind of got busy.

If I recall, Jae quit GitP a monthish ago.
In regards to my unannounced and prolonged absence...

i really have been busy. i didnt really intend to leave as much as I just kind of did accidentally. haha but honestly i shouldnt even be on here because i have a suffocating amount of work (literally, on the verge of panic attack stress) but I felt I owed myself the slightest break. or i wanted to owe myself one, whatever. i get a little tired of being stressed out and unfortunately all my friends are just as stressed out and it really adds up and I wish I was good enough at balancing to do everything well but unfortunately Im not and my own personal faults tend to take priority to forum-time. Sorry guys!

2008-12-10, 02:03 AM
Hi, Jae. Thanks for answering the questions. And you are very pretty.

2008-12-10, 02:06 AM
And with that, we close this interview! Thanks, Masato, and belated thanks to Jae, too!

Now please welcome our next interviewee...

Thes Hunter!!! *Claps hands*

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2008-12-10, 02:08 AM
WHY CAN'T I BE AS COOL AS YOU?! :smalltongue:noncapslock

2008-12-10, 02:09 AM
1. What are your 5 favorite video games?

2. What type of video games do you like?

3. Do you like clue?

4. What kind of books do you like?

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?

6. What's your favorite Queen song?

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?

11. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?

12. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?

15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2l6n9VYR8&feature=related)

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?

21. What kind of muffins do you like?

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?

24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)

28. What's your astrological sign?

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.

33. Can we meat at GenCon `09?

2008-12-10, 02:09 AM
What question would you like to be asked?

2008-12-10, 03:49 AM
Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

What's your favorite band/musician?

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

Roses or orchids?

What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

How did you get to be so awesome?

If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

Do you still check your MySpace?

How did you first find out about GitP?

I'm sure you've answered this before but I've never seen it; where did you get the idea for your username?

If I was single, you know I'd have to stalk you until you filed a restraining order, right?

Would you say it's true that we blonds have more fun?

Can you dance? Sing?

Which Playgrounder are you most excited about interviewing?

Which Playgrounder most frequently surprises you with their posts?

Do you read many webcomics? If so, what are your favorite, say, five webcomics? (Not counting OotS.)

2008-12-10, 04:44 AM
Do you play any RPG's?

2008-12-10, 08:13 AM
Who are you?

What do you want?

Why are you here?

Where are you going?

Thes Hunter
2008-12-10, 08:25 AM
There is no way I can answer any more questions than these until 10PM tonight... so here is your little taste.

What is your favorite word?

Yes. (http://www.knox.edu/x12547.xml)

What is your least favorite word?


What makes you enthusiastic?


No seriously, people in RL comment on my enthusiasm... and I have no other explanation other than why bother having a bad day, when you can have a good one?

What disappoints you?

Unfortunately myself, but I am getting over that one, to surprising results.

What sound do you love?

Any compliment, or positive encouragement.

What sound do you hate?

I know I work to do on myself so I do not condemn, criticize or complain, but negativity is something I really dislike.

But hate is too strong of a word.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

Being a doctor.

What profession would you not like to participate in?

Chartered Accountancy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMOmB1q8W4Y)

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?


2008-12-10, 08:27 AM
Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.

Last meal you ate?

Current song stuck in your head?

Favorite band not from your country of origin?

What is your ideal breakfast?

What is good?

What is bad?

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?

How did you get so hot that GW and I could say that you "Got it going on?"

2008-12-10, 09:50 AM
How do you do?

A perfect day for you would involve what three things?

What kind of superweapon do you think should be responsible for destroying the world?

I think you're clever. Would you agree?

Where did you last take a picture?

Algebraic expressions are in and of themselves an art form. Agree or disagree?

Do you have a favorite joke?

Apples or Oranges?

Which organ in the human body do you consider to be the most important?

Did you notice the pattern to these questions yet?

Where would you rather go for a vacation - Paris or the Bahamas?

2008-12-10, 10:00 AM
How do you do?

That's not a question... It's a greeting. Like 'hello'. Unless you're literally asking how one does things in general.

Orange or lemons?

Oranges and lemons?

2008-12-10, 10:24 AM
Is it so wrong to greet someone before asking them a gaggle of questions? :smallwink:

2008-12-10, 11:08 AM
Hello, dear. :smallwink:
My time has come! *cue maniacal cackling*
How frightening is the thought that you are now completely at my mercy for the next three days?
Feel free to not respond publicly to anything in white. Unless you want to. ;)
How's the graduate work coming? I assume that's the RL stuff that's been keeping you so busy...
From a purely hypothetical standpoint, how would you react if someone were to sneak up behind you and wrap their arms around you?
What are your preferred baked goods and siege weaponry?
Is it realistic to hope that you'll be able to come to the Tulsa meetup?
Of course they're related! How do you expect to launch a pie from a bow?!

Do you have a catchphrase, and if so, what is it?

When will society stop repressing me with its unattainable standards?

What pets have you had?

2008-12-10, 01:32 PM
Hooray for meeting new people!

Thes Hunter
2008-12-11, 12:05 AM
I went out of turn, oh noes! :smalleek:

WHY CAN'T I BE AS COOL AS YOU?! :smalltongue:noncapslock

But you see you are as cool as me... if not cooler. It is a good thing there is no quota on mini-cool-ons (those little things that make up the force of coolness) otherwise all the mini-cool-ons would be concentrated in you. :smalltongue:

1. What are your 5 favorite video games?

1. Sid Mijer's Civilzation whatever back on the old Macs. My chariots will rule the countryside until I get my battleships up and running.
2. Diablo II - phat lootz!
3. Warlords II - My archons will overrun your dragons any day
4. Master of Orion - Diplomacy my orbital bombardment!
5. Spaceward Oh - Oh crap, someone just took out my big ship with one shot... I guess that's one planet I won't take without raising my tech level.

2. What type of video games do you like?

Strategy - I'm a thinker.

3. Do you like clue?

Oh I know this one! It was professor plum in the library with the lead pipe... and communism is just a red herring.

4. What kind of books do you like?

Ones with words... Ok like someone hasn't made that smart-butt joke before.

I tend to like fantasy. But I also like deep socio-political commentary, with snark.

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?

Look at the avatar... Human fighter for the win.

6. What's your favorite Queen song?

Fat Bottomed girls?

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?

Shrimp brains?

Oh! Natto. :smallyuk:

Natto is a fermented soybean paste that is popular in some areas of Japan. My ex loved it. I thought it tasted like something that sat in my fridge for too long.

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?

An aquamarine 1999 ford escort. KIDDING!

Something that was a bit smexy but also was either hybrid or solar.

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?

Wha? What's this TV thing you mention.

:smallbiggrin: Only watched an episode or two of buffy.

I liked the movie. That was good.

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?

It is the twink weapon of choice. I personally think all the grappling slows down combat.

11. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?

Neither one of them would help me repopulate the planet... so... either one, harvest the eggs of the other and begin cloning.

12. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?

I guess DiCaprio... without all the fans, his ego wouldn't be as big.

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

The watusi in fact.

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?


15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2l6n9VYR8&feature=related)

Got a good beat I can dance too. I think the kids are gonna dig it.

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?

No sorry, my throat is my own, but I would make him roll over and show submission to me... that is if he wanted to continue any fun.

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?

Um... I didn't really read the Forgotten Realms supplements, I was too into Greyhawk.

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?


19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?

1st Ed in da house! o1d sk00l represent!

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?

Pants. Sorry I don't like my legs, but I am getting over that. I am wearing more skirts. But if I had a choice I would go skorts, because then I don't have to worry about being lady like.

21. What kind of muffins do you like?

I like bagel muffins. as in I don't like muffins all that much. It's like eating dessert for breakfast.

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

Crunchy and Flamin' Hot!

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?


24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)

Whose my minion!

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?

I would fly under my own power.... :smallconfused:

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

That is actually a most excellent movie...

Oh you want me to pick one. La primavera, as the Italians say. It is the re-birth of life after the long cold sterile winter, and the return to the comfortable warmth of summer.

27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)


28. What's your astrological sign?

The virgin. *snickers*

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)

3, but I was always like the owl, and too impatient to actually practice all that licking.


30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?

More at peace

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?

Structured games

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.

Roger Rabbit - "Never lose your sense of humor!"

33. Can we meat at GenCon `09?[/B]

I would say absolutely, but how are we gonna 'meat'? Are you going to give me sausages or something..... :smallconfused:

What question would you like to be asked?

Will you marry me? Never been asked that one.:smallsigh:

Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

I didn't think so.. but recent reflection has me thinking that I do not let go of things when I should. That I hold onto them for far longer than I should.

What's your favorite band/musician?

Currently Nick Cave (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=J2I4jRpmlO4).

He is so hawt!

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

I am sure I have, because I used to have a habit of mary-sueing myself into every book/story that I read, or watched on TV... but for right now, I can't really think of one.

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

I was deployed at a supply depot as part of the Hurricane Katrina Red Cross relief effort. People were being airlifted off their houses and brought to the airport in order to be flown to various areas in the country. One man held out his hand to me and barely filling his palm was a tiny kitten. He told me that she was born the day Katrina hit, and that her mom and all her litter mates had not made it. He asked if I had any formula that he could use to feed her.

We only had big bottles of infant formula. I was extremely busy, with what seemed like a 100 impossible challenges facing me every day. I searched all the supplies we had there at the station. I dug through the stacks and piles of random items we had. I then asked every single person on my team if he had any supplies stashed elsewhere. Eventually I found a bag of powdered formula.

When I gave the formula to the man, he hugged me when he thanked me. I still to this day wonder how that kitten faired. I am proud that I took the extra effort to find what was needed to make a difference in that one tiny life.

Roses or orchids?

Depends on what for.

Roses are nice for romatic stuff, but I prefer wild flower bouquets.... and orchids are a beauty that I like to occasionally have in my house just cause.

What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

Making a positive difference in people's lives. If I can make someone smile, or help ease someone's burden, it fulfills me.

How did you get to be so awesome?

I drank an exilir of awesome +2.

Actually, I try to listen to others, and appreciate the awesomeness of others.

If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

Someone virile. :smallbiggrin:

How could I just pick one person? Whoever it was would be a wonderful person, but they would still get on my nerves after a while. :smallwink:

Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?


But I am a big tea drinker. Mango green tea is my current favorite.

Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

Rayon. :smallbiggrin:

Ok, I'll stop being a smart butt. I think if I had to choose it would be cotton, but then again, I do not pay much attention to what my clothes are made out of.

Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

Erwin Schrodinger. Because the dude looked at the philosophical implications of all that sciency stuff he was looking at.

Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

Yes indeed! And it rolled down stairs alone and in pairs and over my neighbors dog.

Oh wait that was some other toy I had.

What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?


Oh wait, that isn't really a super power....

I would use my nigh indestructibality to let him eat me, and the claw my way out!

Though I think bears with lasers that shot out of their eyes would be far cooler looking.

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

Because I'm just emo enough to like it? :smallwink:

I think the real question is why do you care? :smallbiggrin:

Do you still check your MySpace?

Noooooo! Not MySpace.

Gotta admit facebook loads faster and I don't have to deal with everyone's music file and unreadable font/background. So I have only been doing Facebook recently.

How did you first find out about GitP?

I can't remember which friend of mine posted it first on Live Journal, but I have been reading the comic for far longer than being on the forums.

I'm sure you've answered this before but I've never seen it; where did you get the idea for your username?

Thes Hunter... (please note the space)

Was a failed character in one of my friends home brew campaigns. She was unplayable in a group, but when I went to mud, she was perfect. Thes is grouchy, abrasive, hard to get along with and etc. Which was perfect to inflict on people I would never meet in RL. Funny thing happened, I made a lot of tfriends on that mud, and met a lot of them in RL. :smallsmile:

If I was single, you know I'd have to stalk you until you filed a restraining order, right?

You're not single?! :smalleek: ah darn.

And stalk away... I am actually pretty easy to stalk... but I also am armed with nerf.

So you gotta ask yourself... do you feel lucky punk? Well do ya?

Would you say it's true that we blonds have more fun?

Sure! But I'm a die job. =] So I'll have fun no matter what hair color I got.

Can you dance? Sing?

Absolutely, and I do both badly. But I don't care.

Which Playgrounder are you most excited about interviewing?

OOooo ask a hard question. Shadow already got interviewed... I guess me mate charity, gotta see if he really is me in a skirt.

Which Playgrounder most frequently surprises you with their posts?

Hrm.... can't say for certain.

Do you read many webcomics? If so, what are your favorite, say, five webcomics? (Not counting OotS.)

I read web comics on and off...

I liked Not another fantasy comic.
I can't remember what other ones I have read....

Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.

Easy, every country but US, Mexico and Canada... because I want to visit them all.

Last meal you ate?

Mei guo fan

aka, some chinese food from a nice nice down the street.

Current song stuck in your head?

Unskinny bop! *thanks Justin*

Favorite band not from your country of origin?

Easy. Pink Floyd. :smallbiggrin: i <3 Roger Waters

What is your ideal breakfast?

1 Mimosa, 2 turkey sausage patties, 2 slices of turkey bacon and a slice of cinnamon swirl french toast with real maple syrup.

What is good?

I feel being good is being postitive, and trying to bring positive change in yourself, those around you and your surroundings.

What is bad?

By defining what is good you automatically define what is bad. By classifying the ground as what is down there... you by contrast classify what is above. You could use different words, but the meaning would be the same.

But to go beyond just saying that bad is negativity, I believe that to be truly bad there needs to be some malice.

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?

What is science's role in a constantly philosophic universe?

How did you get so hot that GW and I could say that you "Got it going on?"

300 dollars worth of make-up
$$$ on a dermatolgist
10 bucks on some nice clothes from the thrift store....

but Self esteem is priceless.


Welp folks, that's all I have in me for tonight. I will get to the rest of the quetions tomorrow night again.

Thank you and keep the questions coming!

2008-12-11, 04:58 AM
Um, oops! :smalleek:

I meant meet. Can we meet at GenCon `09?

Archonic Energy
2008-12-11, 05:23 AM
is it True that you are really Charity in a skirt?

Who started that rumour?

Earl Grey or English Breakfast?

Bose or Sony?

Hammer or Screwdriver?

CISCO or Nortel?

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Hal or GLADos?

Domino's or Pizza hut?

do you play any CCGs, and if so what ones?

IPod or "Mp3 player"?

Nokia or Ericcson?

Firefox or IE? (or oprea or chrome or other)

"Stellar convertor" or "sheild peircing heavy phasors?"

Psilon or Sacrra (now i KNOW that's spelt wrong!)

what do you suggest for Flu?

Thes Hunter
2008-12-11, 11:28 PM
Do you play any RPG's?

yes, currently only D&D 4th ed, but I am a gaming whore, I'll play anything. :smallbiggrin:

Who are you?

Some call me, Tim?

No, I am The Shunter. No! That's not right. I am Thes. Hunter. Note the space.

And none shall call me shunty. It's a rule... I am sure it's even written down somewhere.

What do you want?

I want what everyone else wants, peace, love, happiness, and a really big ice cream cone, with pink and brown sprinkles.

Why are you here?

Actually, why I joined the forums back in 2006 was that I got outta touch with the gaming community and I wanted to get back into it. and I did... And How!

Where are you going?

Right now to bed. But I will be going places.

How do you do?

I'm doing pretty good tonight. Just got back from geek night, and everything is going well with my job. So life's good. Thanks for asking. :smallsmile:

A perfect day for you would involve what three things?

Beautiful scenery (mountains, rivers, meadows full of flowers, billowy clouds floating across the sky, etc), Good food, and good friends.

What kind of superweapon do you think should be responsible for destroying the world?

Well I would prefer none... because that's where I keep all my stuff!

But what do I think will destroy the world? Humans.

I think you're clever. Would you agree?

Are you sure That's not cleaver..... I think I am more biting and slicing then witty.

Btw, thank you. :smallredface:

Where did you last take a picture?

Pub across the street. I call it my 'living room' cause I don't have a couch, but I should be changing that soon.

Algebraic expressions are in and of themselves an art form. Agree or disagree?

I agree, but it is an art form I will not particpate in creating, because I kinda suck at maths.

Do you have a favorite joke?

Well I always like a good joke, but I tend to like the baudy ones. =]

Apples or Oranges?

Yum! Both please. Besides I'd never choose between them, because they are so hard to compare!

Which organ in the human body do you consider to be the most important?

{SCRUBBED} :smallbiggrin:

Kidding, it's the brain. Without that.. what are you?

Did you notice the pattern to these questions yet?

No.... and I tend to be pretty good at pattern recognition.... Is some kinda test?!

I knew it, you are part of the government conspricay looking to make sure to carry away the most mediocre people on the planet and put them into training for use as meat shields!

Where would you rather go for a vacation - Paris or the Bahamas?

That's a tough one. but I would have to say Paris. Bahamas are nice, but nothing to do but sit in the sun... which is good, but with Paris, I can see art, and history, and shop, and eat duck liver, and sit in the sun!

Orange or lemons?


Oranges and lemons?

Yum! Orangon-aid!

Though what I would probably do with them is make Power thirst (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-3qncy5Qfk)

Is it so wrong to greet someone before asking them a gaggle of questions? :smallwink:

Hey, I appreciated it. :smallsmile:

Hello, dear. :smallwink:
My time has come! *cue maniacal cackling*

Your time eh? :smallamused:

How frightening is the thought that you are now completely at my mercy for the next three days?

Not very frightening... I will only let you have the control over me that I chose to let you have. :smallamused:

How's the graduate work coming? I assume that's the RL stuff that's been keeping you so busy...

Actually what has been keeping busy is that I have been working on Med school applications and concentrating on my job.

My boss left the company a few weeks ago, and I had just promised a decently tight deadline with a customer, and then *wham* 2 more projects landed in my lap along with me taking over many of my own administration and managerial duties. blah.

From a purely hypothetical standpoint, how would you react if someone were to sneak up behind you and wrap their arms around you?

Depends on who, when, where and how I felt at the time. =]

What are your preferred baked goods and siege weaponry?

I am partial to creamy torte like things. Things with chocolate and layers of something like custard, or mouse with layers of cake.

And yes that is also the siege weaponry. People begin to starve in a siege, and people will also kill just from the smell of freshly made cookies.... therefore... you could seed chaos in the besieged city with the mere fragrance of cookies!

Is it realistic to hope that you'll be able to come to the Tulsa meetup?

I am seriously considering it, but there are many uncontrolled variables at the moment. So it will come down to time and money of course. And those I won't know for sure for a while yet.

Of course they're related! How do you expect to launch a pie from a bow?!

Do you have a catchphrase, and if so, what is it?

Smile. :smallbiggrin:

When will society stop repressing me with its unattainable standards?

Never. Because as soon as the ideal become achievable, the ideal changes.

What pets have you had?

My current kittah is the only one that has ever been exclusivily mine. She is a fatty kitty, and is 8 years old.

Oh I take that back, there was Romulus and Remus and Aenus and Dido. Two sets of finches. Finches are cute. They go *peep*

is it True that you are really Charity in a skirt?

Actually Charity is me in a skirt, I'm Charity in pants trousers.

Who started that rumour?

We kinda spontaneously generated it, because a few times we both beat each other to the exact same pithy comment the other was going to make... or some other some such. I guess it is mostly because we both appreciate each other's humor.

Oh yeah, also we were the only 2 ENTP's on the playground for a while. We started to plot taking over the world.

Earl Grey or English Breakfast?

Those are both milk teas, and I tend not to drink milk teas, and when I do, I tend not to have any milk on hand, so I drink them plain, and they are not as good plain.

So I would have to say I like Earl Grey better, especially with extra white hips. But really I am a green tea fan.

Bose or Sony?

From my very little understanding of audio equipment, Bose is good sound, but from over priced inexpensive components. While sony is just a good name...

If I ever get a record player again, I'll start paying more attention to my speakers, but the Harmon Karmona that I have are good enough for my MP3's.

Hammer or Screwdriver?

Hammer Cocktail recipe
3 oz Malibu® coconut rum
2 oz peach schnapps
2 oz 7-Up® soda

Screwdriver recipe
2 oz vodka
5 oz orange juice

I'd say both, if you define them like that.

CISCO or Nortel?

This is when I tell my network admin that it's his job to figure this out.

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Given that the average woodchuck is approximately 3.2kg, with an average arm strength capable of 382 psi, it is a given that a wood chuck could chuck ~392.349384 mg/ns.

Or maybe the answer is just 42.

I bet you didn't expect me to say that. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gldlyTjXk9A)

Hal or GLADos?

*is all quiet*

*a compute voice sounds*
Dave, I really think I am entitled to an answer to this question.

Domino's or Pizza hut?

I really don't like either of them... but I have personal reasons I try not to order from Dominos. =]

do you play any CCGs, and if so what ones?

Do recovering alcoholics drink? :smallwink:

I just realized I got a deck of magic cards at Gen Con... and I'm afraid.

IPod or "Mp3 player"?

I have a 3rd generation Nano. :smallsmile:

Nokia or Ericcson?

I have a motorola. =] And a blackberry.

Firefox or IE? (or oprea or chrome or other)

Fire Fox for the win!

"Stellar convertor" or "sheild peircing heavy phasors?"

Big thick great swords, they are better to cleave with!

Psilon or Sacrra (now i KNOW that's spelt wrong!)


what do you suggest for Flu?

Srsly. Zinc and rest. Zinc is an essential co-factor in your immune response. and you aren't going to get over it without rest.

2008-12-11, 11:34 PM
What is the greatest joy in life?

What is the greatest joy you've managed to achieve so far?

Did you catch the musical rendition of "Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women" that was made by Robot Chicken?


What was your gateway to the seedy underbelly of gaming?

What do you think of this kind of panda? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60eF6xSvgv0&feature=related)

Thes Hunter
2008-12-12, 12:46 AM
What is the greatest joy in life?

Being able to accomplish what I put my mind to.

What is the greatest joy you've managed to achieve so far?

Actually.... recently I recognized that I really put away many of the negative thoughts that were getting in my way and getting me down.

Did you catch the musical rendition of "Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women" that was made by Robot Chicken?

Noooooooo! My life is now incomplete!



Marg? (http://www.marggroup.com/)

Marg? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marg_Helgenberger)

Marg? (http://dancewithmarg.tripod.com/)

What was your gateway to the seedy underbelly of gaming?

My uncle. He had indoctrinated my cousins, so we all started playing it in the 5th grade. Yes I have been playing D&D longer than many of you guys have been alive. :smallredface:

What do you think of this kind of panda? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60eF6xSvgv0&feature=related)


And with that I am all caught up! Huzzah!

I think I will be out drinking tomorrow night after work, cause me and some co-workers need to blow off some steam, but keep the questions coming, I'll answer them... maybe even drunk! :smallbiggrin:

2008-12-12, 02:59 AM
Which Playgrounder are you most excited about interviewing?

OOooo ask a hard question. Shadow already got interviewed... I guess me mate charity, gotta see if he really is me in a skirt.
But I was TOTALLY too busy at the time and TOTALLY lame-O'ed my answers.
Ask me anything you want hun!

2008-12-12, 02:02 PM
Who are you?

2008-12-12, 02:22 PM
Did you notice the pattern to these questions yet?

No.... and I tend to be pretty good at pattern recognition.... Is some kinda test?!

Yes, sort of.

This one was tricky. The length of the first word of each question formed the first 11 digits of pi.

2008-12-12, 05:15 PM
Can you can can?

Would you prefer a life of happiness or a life of meaning?

When you next come to visit, are you going to be able to game or will you just spend all the time watching the Fairchilde's newest addition?

Whose got the hooch?

What's the third greatest blunder known to man?

2008-12-14, 12:46 AM
And once again, I'm one day late! Sorry everyone!

Thanks a lot for your interview, Thes, it was awesome! Now, please welcome our next interviewee...

Hadrian_Emrys!!! *Claps hands*

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2008-12-14, 01:06 AM
Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

What's your favorite band/musician?

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

Roses or orchids?

What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

How did you get to be so awesome?

If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2008-12-14, 01:07 AM
What question would you like to be asked?

2008-12-14, 12:07 PM
What is your favorite word?
Elegance. I don't know what it is about the word, but it just sounds right.

What is your least favorite word?
***. If you are not talking about smoking, odds are that this word will get you tuned out.

What makes you enthusiastic?
Helping younger people sort themselves out, especially when it comes to their interpersonal relationships.

What disappoints you?
Most of humanity.

What sound do you love?
The sound of a thunder storm passing through. It's absolutely beautiful.

What sound do you hate?
The one that dumb people make when they think they are talking.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Some sort of youth counselor I suppose.

What profession would you not like to participate in?
Any involving jocks and their retinue of cheerleaders.

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
"Those people who committed atrocities in 'my name'? Yeah... I'll let you decide how they are dealt with."

Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
Yes and 'til death do us part. I do not forgive easily, or often.

What's your favorite band/musician?
It used to be Three Days Grace, though these days it's a toss up between Incubus, Postal Service, and Snow Patrol.

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
I had a thing for Harry Harrison's Stainless Steel Rat's wife when I was a kid.

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
My morality cannot be bought.

Roses or orchids?
Roses. I like the blend of beauty and thorns. It seems to be a better symbol for life in the duality of the thing.

What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
The desire the make the world just a little bit better, and the knowledge that it's a lot of work for little gain, so I need to be around long enough to see the task to the end.

How did you get to be so awesome?
That which did not kill me, has made me stronger. Scarred, but stronger.

If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
A highly fertile geneticist. Bonus points if her name is Eve.

Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?
I'd have to say that pomegranate juice does it for me. It's got a distinctive flavor, without the excess of sugar. My old man taste buds cannot handle a glut of sweetness anymore.

Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?
Cotton, it breathes better.

Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
The first person. It'd be nice to get some freaking answers.

Have you ever owned a slinky?

What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
Shape-change. I'd become his double and we could throw down as an even match.

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
I've always found the questions asked tell me almost as much about the person asking as the answers themselves reveal about me.

What question would you like to be asked?
What is love?

2008-12-14, 12:30 PM
What is love?

2008-12-14, 12:31 PM
What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99321) in the Playground?

If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

Which is your favorite meal of the day?

Do you eat a lot of snacks?

What is your favorite restaurant?

Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

What was the last thing you said to that person?

Beards or babies?

Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

Do you like haikus?

What do my questions tell you about me?

2008-12-14, 04:18 PM
1. What are your 5 favorite video games?

2. What type of video games do you like?

3. Do you like clue?

4. What kind of books do you like?

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?

6. What's your favorite Queen song?

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?

11. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?

12. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?

15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2l6n9VYR8&feature=related)

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?

21. What kind of muffins do you like?

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?

24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)

28. What's your astrological sign?

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.

2008-12-14, 06:52 PM
Do you believe that the Killer Rabbit will come for me in the night?

2008-12-14, 07:04 PM
What is love? (thanks for asking)
It's when one emotionally makes something, or someone, a part of themselves. This leaves room for more specific kinds of love. Parental, how one feels about childhood toys, romantic. Hell, it even covers infatuation (i.e. "love" at first sight).

What do you think of 'Shipping in the Playground?
I have no idea what you are talking about.

If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose?
Deadpool, I'd like to be as care-free as that endearing nut.

Which is your favorite meal of the day?
The one I'm currently eating. I had a heavy immigrant upbringing, with the family motto of "food is good". I appreciate every meal I have.

Do you eat a lot of snacks?
Not often. I like to be ravenous when I eat a meal.

What is your favorite restaurant?
Alice's. :smallbiggrin:

Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?
My roommate.

What was the last thing you said to that person?
"Here you go."

Beards or babies?
... What the devil?

Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?
Ladies. This, I have proven before.

What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'
Did somebody misspell fishmonger?

Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
I know I have, but search me if I can remember them.

Do you like haikus?
You know, I'm not sure.
I've never given it thought...
-but I guess I must.

What do my questions tell you about me?
This set tells me you are trying to poke fun at me and my claim. (I think it's funny.) Your previous set is a standardized list that I do not know the origins of, so I cannot assume much at first glance. I'll meditate on it.

1. What are your 5 favorite video games?
Final Fantasy Tactics
Guild Wars
Warlords III

2. What type of video games do you like?
Good ones. Informative, I know. =P I like games that make me think, be it strategy or plotting the next attack move.

3. Do you like clue?
Eff yew MusTARD and your kitchen lead piping ways!!1! (Scarlet's a hussy.)

4. What kind of books do you like?
Good ones. Deja vu anyone? Much like games, if it isn't thought provoking, I tend to get bored. Perhaps I spend too much time in my head.

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?
I'm a little OCD when it comes to numbers, so I tend to favor human/cleric since there is very little they cannot do. In terms of flavor, I like human/bard. I'm a fop at heart.

6. What's your favorite Queen song?
Another One Bites The Dust. I freaking love the beat.

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?
Indian deep fried balls of powdered milk in some odd sauce.

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?
A true Humvee, I'm sick of waking up in hospitals.

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?
I never really watched it.

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?
Best. Mount. Ever.

11. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?
Not Spears. If I'm going to have to do my part to repopulate the place, humanity can do without that.

12. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?
I'd toss and knife between em and let Darwinism run it's course. Come to think of it, I guess the same would work for the above question.

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?
What the devil does that even mean?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?
I'm sure I have, but I do not recall.

15. What do you think of Collide?
I'm torn between huh and zuh.

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
... Whatever you're on, stop being greedy. =P

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?
Loviatar. Justice is my virtue, Wrath is my vice.

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?

21. What kind of muffins do you like?
Blueberry or Poppy.

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano CDs?

24. Is this funny?
Is what funny?

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?
Manipulation of kenetic energy.

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go?
I don't feel either way about them.

28. What's your astrological sign?
Asian: Wood Ox
European: Cancer with Aries rising.

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?
A female human. I think it'd be interesting to see the other side of the gender issue.

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?
Friendly Banter or the Homebrew one.

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.
"The shallow brook runs the loudest."

Do you believe that the Killer Rabbit will come for me in the night?
Odd that you should ask that since one of my nicknames, irl, is Bun-Bun.

Yoritomo Himeko
2008-12-16, 09:59 PM
Ok, I'm back with my questions:

What's the story behind your avatar?

What's the story behind your screen name?

What's your Zodiac sign? Eastern? Western?

Where were you from originally?

Who's your favourite OOTS character? Least favourite?

2008-12-17, 12:40 AM
What is up?

Do u like cereal?

2008-12-17, 01:05 AM
*Saunters in wearing an ill-fitting radikalskippy-costume.*

What do I say again? *looks up at cue-cards* Oh, yeah! Duh... And you'll put the questions up there, too, right? Yeah? Okay, cool, thanks!

What? The costume? Oh, I made it myself, of course! Contains 100% genuine radikalskippy hide! Huh? Oh, I broke into his house when he left on vacation and stole some hairs and toenail clippings, used them to make a clone...well, I suppose that doesn't really matter now, does it?


*clears throat* Okay...

Thanks a lot for your interview, Hadrian_Emrys!

Now, please welcome our next interviewee...

Black_Pants_Guy *Claps hands*

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

*peels of soggy radikalskippy-costume and tosses it into the croud*

2008-12-17, 01:17 AM
Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

What's your favorite band/musician?

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

Roses or orchids?

What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

How did you get to be so awesome?

If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99321) in the Playground?

If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

Which is your favorite meal of the day?

Do you eat a lot of snacks?

What is your favorite restaurant?

Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

What was the last thing you said to that person?

Beards or babies?

Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

Do you like haikus?

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2008-12-17, 01:27 AM
What question would you like to be asked?

2008-12-17, 01:38 AM
What is your favorite word?
'Antidisestablishmentarianism', cause it's long and it sounds funny.:tongue:

What is your least favorite word?
the three lettered word associated with homosexuality, I hear it thrown around like Frisbees and boomerangs.

What makes you enthusiastic?
My boss, If she were to leave work I'd probably leave soon after.....
and Dungeons and Dragons of course.

What disappoints you?
a Natural 1 and a week without D'n'D.

What sound do you love?
Real Music.

What sound do you hate?

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I've been fond of the Terrorist Occupation for some time now, maybe even Dictator of the known Galaxy.

on a serious note; Director & Camera man or Comic Book artist.

What profession would you not like to participate in?
Server Maintenance for /b/.

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

"You're not done yet." *Sparta Kick*


"Join the Collective" *promptly Absorbs me into his pool of Human Souls*


Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
Yeah, forever if they don't apologize.

What's your favorite band/musician?

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
Ellie (Tomorrow when the War Began series), Leia Organa Skywalker (Star Wars), Samantha Carter, The Orici and Vala Mal-Doran(STAR GATE SG-1)

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
the size of my Wang :wink:, my charming personality, my Intelligence and my all around cheeriness.

Roses or orchids?
I'm not a big fan of flowers.

What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
the knowledge that if I don't do it they will get someone else, possibly less efficient, than I to do it.

How did you get to be so awesome?
A life full of beatings (at the hands of bullies), my addiction to video games and loving parents.

If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
I'll call her 'C', she's my crush at work.

Her or Liam Neeson.

Man.... Liam Neeson is cool dude.

Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

Yes I like Juice, I drink it daily, my favourite is Apple and Blackcurrant, but I'd rather drink Vodka.

Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?


Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

the real George Lucas, we all know that after 'A New Hope' they replaced him with an evil corporate machine.

Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?
No, but I've tucked one behind the sink at work.

What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

Technopathy, I'd make an Iron Man suit and kick some Lizard posterior.

What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99321) in the Playground?
Man, sign me up for that.

If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?
it is a tie between Iron Man and Batman...

Which is your favorite meal of the day?

Do you eat a lot of snacks?
Tea and biscuits once a day.

What is your favorite restaurant?
La Porchetta

Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?
My Good friend who requested to remain unnamed.

What was the last thing you said to that person?

Beards or babies?
Beards, because it's a manly thing to do.

Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?
'Ladies' because you just know the dude that says it is some kind of sexual predator.

What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

a Fish Wang or a secrete organization member.

Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?


Do you like haikus?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haikus ???

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

Because I like being tortured :wink wink:

What question would you like to be asked?

"If I were to get some celebrities that you liked round, would you want to play D'n'D with them? If so, what celebrities?"

2008-12-17, 02:26 AM
1. What are your 5 favorite video games?

2. What type of video games do you like?

3. Do you like clue?

4. What kind of books do you like?

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?

6. What's your favorite Queen song?

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?

11. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?

12. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?

15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2l6n9VYR8&feature=related)

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?

21. What kind of muffins do you like?

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?

24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)

28. What's your astrological sign?

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.

2008-12-17, 02:31 AM
If you were to get some celebrities that you liked round, would you want to play D'n'D with them? If so, what celebrities?

2008-12-17, 08:43 AM
What are your 5 favorite video games?

Fallout 3, Morrowind, Mario 64, 5 days a Stranger, Sim's 2.

What type of video games do you like?

Life Sims and RPGs

Do you like clue?

What kind of books do you like?

Fantasy, Science Fantasy, Science Fiction, War.

What is your favorite DnD race/class?
Half Elf/Scout.

What's your favorite Queen song?
Under Pressure.

What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?
Snails, and no I'm not going to fancy-shmancy it up, IT'S STILL GODDAMNED SNAILS!

If you could own any car, what would it be?
Ford Falcon GTHO Phase III

Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?
I hardly watched it.

What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?

It's Ok.

If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?
Christina Aguilera, because there is less chance of me catching something.

If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?
Justin Timberlake, because then I would slowly torture him, Jack Bauer-style, to death.

Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?
I love the original Joker...

Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?

What do you think of Collide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2l6n9VYR8&feature=related)
Not that good...

On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
only if he offered me his *draws a knife*

Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?

Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?
I don't have a favourite

Which version of DnD is your favorite?

Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?
I prefer full length pants.

What kind of muffins do you like?
Banana muffins.

Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?

Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)
Not one bit.

If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?
Mime style, in my flying mime row-boat.

Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)
not really.

What's your astrological sign?
Cancer and Monkey.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)

If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?
Honestly? A Girl.

What is your favorite sub-forum?
Friendly Banter.

Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.
It's definitely not forum legal.

If you were to get some celebrities that you liked round, would you want to play D'n'D with them? If so, what celebrities?

Yes indeed I would, the celebrities would have to be:

Liam Neeson
Vin Diesle
Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw
Ewan McGregor
Robin Williams

2008-12-17, 06:47 PM
Do you play D&D?

If so what race do you usually play as?

2008-12-17, 06:53 PM
Do you play D&D?


If so what race do you usually play as?


2008-12-17, 07:22 PM
What class do you play as?

2008-12-17, 08:08 PM
What class do you play as?

Scout/Fighter or Bard.

2008-12-17, 08:26 PM
Have you ever played a druid?

2008-12-17, 08:31 PM
Have you ever played a druid?

No, I couldn't bring myself to write an appropriate back-story for a Druid Character.

2008-12-18, 09:52 AM
I find the lack of questions disturbing. *force choke*

2008-12-19, 05:46 AM
Well thanks guys. thanks for reassuring me that I'm a worthless nobody who people could care less about.You ask everyone else a lot questions but not me?

I should just forfeit my turn and take my leave.:annoyed:

2008-12-20, 01:01 AM
*Saunters in wearing an ill-fitting radikalskippy-costume.*

:eek: *cough, cough* Well, on that note... :smallfrown:

Thanks a lot for your interview, Black_Pants_Guy!

Now, please welcome our next interviewee...

Someonenonotyou *Claps hands*

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

*peels of soggy radikalskippy-costume and tosses it into the croud*

2008-12-20, 01:03 AM
"What question would you like to be asked?"

2008-12-20, 01:06 AM
1. What are your 5 favorite video games?

2. What type of video games do you like?

3. Do you like clue?

4. What kind of books do you like?

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?

6. What's your favorite Queen song?

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?

11. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?

12. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?

15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2l6n9VYR8&feature=related)

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?

21. What kind of muffins do you like?

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?

24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)

28. What's your astrological sign?

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.

2008-12-20, 03:03 AM
Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

What's your favorite band/musician?

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

Roses or orchids?

What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

How did you get to be so awesome?

If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99321) in the Playground?

If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

Which is your favorite meal of the day?

Do you eat a lot of snacks?

What is your favorite restaurant?

Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

What was the last thing you said to that person?

Beards or babies?

Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

Do you like haiku?

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2008-12-20, 03:05 AM
What do you think of Baconnaise, the ultimate bacon-flavored spread?

Or, what do you think of this:


2008-12-20, 07:26 PM
Only one question: if you were to choose between being executed by ninja death squad or by pirate raid team, which would you choose?

Also: how does one volunteer for the interview process? I'd be ready, willing, and able.

2008-12-20, 11:17 PM
*SNIP* Remember, if you want to be interviewed, you must post in this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82019) first. Read carefully the first post!


^ Read Above ^

2008-12-20, 11:38 PM
By GOD, I read that post a thousand times looking for something to that effect.

I think there's a strong case that my computer is possessed. Just randomly adds, deletes, and distorts things. Because it hates me. I'm telling you, it would explain a lot.

The alternative, of course, is that I'm a moron. But come on, which is more likely?

Don't answer that.

Thanks for your assistance--I very much appreciate it.

2008-12-21, 12:12 AM
Does anyone know who is next to be interviewed?

2008-12-21, 09:34 PM
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
i have no idea
What makes you enthusiastic?
awesome stuff
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
internet connedting noises
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?Superhero
What profession would you not like to participate in?
drug tester
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
haha and you didnt belive i was real now get in here
What question would you like to be asked?
Do you want this million dollars i just found?
Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
a long time
What's your favorite band/musician?
Four postmen
Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
yes a lot Katara,Hormione...ect
What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
that im me your not
Roses or orchids?
What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
How did you get to be so awesome?
A wisard did it
If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
My girlfreind
Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?
Apple + Kiwi
Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?
Cotton defintly
Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
Have you ever owned a slinky?
who hasent
What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
What do you think of 'Shipping in the Playground?
Umm what
If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?
Spider man
Which is your favorite meal of the day?
Do you eat a lot of snacks?
What is your favorite restaurant?
Red lobster or olive gradin
Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?
my mom and she wont shut up
What was the last thing you said to that person?
Beards or babies?
Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?
hard but depends on how it used
What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'
where can i sign up?
Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
Do you like haikus?
Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
cause everyone eles was doing it :smalltongue:
What are your 5 favorite video games?
Not in order
FF 7
FF 10
Kingdom hearts 2
What type of video games do you like?[/B
[B]Do you like clue?
What kind of books do you like?
Books are the devil
What is your favorite DnD race/class?
umm i dont play but Padlian or sorceer
What's your favorite Queen song?
Princes of the univers
What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?
i dont know
If you could own any car, what would it be?
Optamis Prime
Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?
never seen it
What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?
umm yes
If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?
Britney she hotter:smallamused:
If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?
Justin Timberlake so i could shoot him
Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?
yes we did the Cha Cha slide
Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?
What do you think of Collide?
On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
sure why not
Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?
dont know never played
Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?
Which version of DnD is your favorite?
i dont play but 3.5
Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?
Skirts but not on me
What kind of muffins do you like?
poopy seed
Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?
Do you own any Alyssa Milano CDs?
Is this funny?
Is this?
If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?
in tights with a fancy cape
Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?
All of the above
Do you like OK Go?
What's your astrological sign?
ram i think not positive
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?
a male lion sit around lazly having to Loiness get me food
What is your favorite sub-forum?
Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.
Never let fear and common sense stand in your way. - Mark Finkler

2008-12-21, 09:37 PM
What do you think of Baconnaise, the ultimate bacon-flavored spread?
Super Awesome
if you were to choose between being executed by ninja death squad or by pirate raid team, which would you choose?
hounably by a rival pirate raid team
Does anyone know who is next to be interviewed?
i dont but someone should

2008-12-22, 08:17 PM
Which do you think are better, pirates or ninjas?

Who would win in a fight between the Power Rangers(any season) and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

2008-12-22, 10:22 PM
Which do you think are better, pirates or ninjas?
Pirates Totally thought i dont hate ninjas
Who would win in a fight between the Power Rangers(any season) and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

2008-12-22, 11:16 PM
Which is better Arby's or Wendy's?
http://tinyurl.com/7wojex/.gif (http://tinyurl.com/86rxf8)

2008-12-23, 01:32 AM
And interview time over! Thanks a lot, SNNY, hope you had fun with your interview!

And now it is my greatest pleasure to present you one of the most crushed forumers, a person with whom I haven't actually spoken but who seems to be really cool. Please welcome...

RabbitHoleLost!!! *Claps Hands*

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Would you freak out if I add you on whatever instant messaging system you use?

2008-12-23, 01:40 AM
What question would you like to be asked?

2008-12-23, 01:57 AM
1st-round; the form-list:
Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

What's your favorite band/musician?

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

Roses or orchids?

What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

How did you get to be so awesome?

If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99321) in the Playground?

If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

Which is your favorite meal of the day?

Do you eat a lot of snacks?

What is your favorite restaurant?

What do you think of Baconnaise (http://www.baconnaise.com/), the ultimate bacon-flavored spread?

Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

What was the last thing you said to that person?

Beards or babies?

Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

Do you like haiku?

Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
<more to come>

2008-12-23, 02:12 AM
How did you come to be such a sweetheart?

Is your Love like a Rollercoaster?

2008-12-23, 02:14 AM
1. What are your 5 favorite video games?

2. What type of video games do you like?

3. Do you like clue?

4. What kind of books do you like?

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?

6. What's your favorite Queen song?

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?

11. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?

12. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?

15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2l6n9VYR8&feature=related)

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?

21. What kind of muffins do you like?

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?

24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)

28. What's your astrological sign?

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.

33. Do you know how awesome I think you are?

34. Can I get a hug?

35. Which version of Alice in Wonderland do you like best?

2008-12-23, 02:17 AM
O RHL, RHL! Wherefore art thou RHL? Deny thy specie, and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be but my sworn love, and I'll no longer be a human.

Who of all the GitPers, would you be most likely to turn into a vampire without killing?

Have you ever wondered what them numbers stations are all about? :smallconfused:

Have you ever tried to be like Grace Kelly?

What is the shape of you heart?

Have you ever pole vaulted?

How about thrown a javelin?

What sports, for that matter, are you fond of?

Favourite book?

If you had to die, how would you? And I don't mean 'blood loss' or similar. :smalltongue:

2008-12-23, 02:19 AM
What would you say is your most defining trait?

What is your favourite TV show?

What is the most boring thing you have ever done?

Er, sorry. That's all I can think of...

2008-12-23, 02:21 AM
What is your favorite word?
I haven't the faintest reason why, though
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
Good literature, snuggling, dinosrawrs
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
The sound of someone saying "I love you", John Lennon's voice
What sound do you hate?
There's this sound that happens everynow and again at work. Sounds like a bomb is dropping. Don't know what makes it, don't know where it comes from, but I hate it >.<
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Professional snorkler.
Or, you know, I wanna be a kindergarten teacher.
What profession would you not like to participate in?
I would die before I became a housewife. Nothing against them, its just not my cup of tea.
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
-this part omitted to avoid being banned or whatever-
Would you freak out if I add you on whatever instant messaging system you use?
Nah, go right ahead. I have MSN, YIM, and AIM.

What question would you like to be asked?
This is kinda cheating, isn't it? :smalltongue:
Anything. Anything you can think of.
So long as it has nothing to do with maths.

Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
I do hold grudges, and, unless pressed to, I can hold them for...ever.

What's your favorite band/musician?
The Beatles, duh. If you don't know that, you don't know me.

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
First one I can remember was Ron Weasely from Harry Potter, and then Bakura from Yu-Gi-Oh.
Currently, I crush on Jareth the Goblin King from Labyrinth, Morrigan from Dark Stalkers, The Joker and Harley Quinn...
I'm missing some, I know it.
What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
My ability to follow commands. I'd have been a good soldier, if only I were emotionally strong enough
Roses or orchids?
Orchids, unless they're purple roses
What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
How did you get to be so awesome?
When I was a leeeetle fetus, there was a magical unicorn, and...
Whatever. I don't know. Am I awesome? o.o
If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
Hard question.
Raistlin, methinks.
Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?
I love juice. White Cranberry-strawberry and Pomegranate cranberry are my poisons of choice :smallsmile:
Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?
Cotton. Its soooo soft, and nice against freshly shaven legs
Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
John Lennon
Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?
Hell yes. What American child has not owned a Slinky? I bought myself one the other day >>
What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
I would make him submit to my snugglin'
What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99321) in the Playground?
You know what I think, silly. I was the second person to post a ship ever, right after our Ship Mistress, Curly.
I am addicted to that thread.
If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?
Harley Quinn. :smallcool:
Which is your favorite meal of the day?
Lunch, actually. I like sammiches. Lunch is the sammich meal.
Do you eat a lot of snacks?
More than I should
What is your favorite restaurant?
What do you think of Baconnaise (http://www.baconnaise.com/), the ultimate bacon-flavored spread?
That is an abomination and I will have nothing to do with it.
Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?
Aside from family members?
My friend, who also happens to be on this forum, Noir_Cat
What was the last thing you said to that person?
" 'Kay, bye."
Beards or babies?
Do not want babies, unless I can play with them and hand them off to their parents when they cry.
Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?
What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'
...I cannot answer that question on this forum.
Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
Became a word after saying GDFC over and over, from work. Means "Grocery doesn't ****ing care" :smalltongue:
Do you like haiku?
I totally just attempted to write out a haiku about how much I like haiku, but it seems I fail.
I don't write poetry, I just admire it.
Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
Because I love you guys, and I would love for you to know me more.
Also, I am an attention whore.

2008-12-23, 02:32 AM
Peanut Butter or Chocolate?

2008-12-23, 03:11 AM
How did you come to be such a sweetheart?
There would be some who would tell you I'm anything but :smalltongue:
Is your Love like a Rollercoaster?
All is fair in a big fair ground

1. What are your 5 favorite video games?
Kingdom Hearts (1 +2)
Fable 1
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VIII

2. What type of video games do you like?

3. Do you like clue?
Did when I was younger. Been a while since I played...

4. What kind of books do you like?
Mystery, fantasy, horror, occult, romance

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?
Um, I don't actually play DnD.
But, er, I rather like tieflings. And undead. And...er..
Necromancer classes >>

6. What's your favorite Queen song?
Killer Queen :smallcool:

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?
I once had this lollipop with a bug inside it. I eated the bug =D

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?
Dodge Viper. Don't care about the year or anything, but it would be cool if it were purple

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?
Season three

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?
I don't really have one >>

11. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?
Christina actually has some talent >>

12. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?
Do I have to?
I guess Justin.

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?
We have dates every Saturday.

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?
Unfortunately, no =/

15. What do you think of Collide?
Not particularly my cup of tea, I think.

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
No. I'd make him offer me his neck.

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?
I've no idea :smallfrown:

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?
Tsukiko :smallamused:

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?
I've not enough knowledge to have an opinion.

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts, or Shorts?

21. What kind of muffins do you like?
Orange cranberry walnut. Have you people figured out I rather like cranberries? :smallamused:

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?
Puffy cuts my mouth up =/

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano CDs?
As in, no. Not 9.

24. Is this funny?
Yus. I love the tiefling =3
She's secksy.

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?
Like Hancock. With a'splosions =D

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go?
I like this song. Do they actually have any other songs? :smallconfused:

28. What's your astrological sign?
Western: Cancer (Woot! Crab pride!)
Eastern: Snake

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
I counted when I was seven.
I got to 342 before I got bored and bit down.

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?
A rawkstar

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?
the SMBG's. This is a call-out to my homies..
:: giggles::
I said homies.

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.
Nothing spoils the taste of peanut butter like unrequited love. -Charley Brown (Charles Schultz)

33. Do you know how awesome I think you are?
Um, no?

34. Can I get a hug?
Of course!

35. Which version of Alice in Wonderland do you like best?
The original, of course.

O RHL, RHL! Wherefore art thou RHL? Deny thy specie, and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be but my sworn love, and I'll no longer be a human.
Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?
Who of all the GitPers, would you be most likely to turn into a vampire without killing?
Hmmm. All of my favorites, of course. Make myself a coven.
Or an undead harem.
Whichever pleases me more at the time.

Have you ever wondered what them numbers stations are all about?
I beg your pardon? What?

Have you ever tried to be like Grace Kelly?
Prefer to be like Freddy, actually.

What is the shape of you heart?
A gentleman never asks that of a lady =P

Have you ever pole vaulted?
I tried once in middle school. Fell on my face.

How about thrown a javelin?
Mmm, I had a little more luck with this one than with pole vaulting.

What sports, for that matter, are you fond of?
Hockey and soccer.
I like watching the men beat eachother up in Hockey :smallbiggrin:

Favourite book?
Its impossible to pick just one...

If you had to die, how would you? And I don't mean 'blood loss' or similar.
Can I say by a secksy succubus?
Because I would totally pick that one.
Or, you know, die by protecting the ones I love. That works, too.

What would you say is your most defining trait?
My most defining trait?
I would hope that people would define me by my willingness to love.
Is that cheesey? >>

What is your favourite TV show?
Er. I don't really watch TV often. Hmmm. I liked House up till season three. And I really like So You Think You Can Dance.
Guilty pleasure of mine, you could say.

What is the most boring thing you have ever done?
Freshman orientation at University of Arkansas.

I'll get to whatever other questions there may be tomorrow morning. Internet is spazzing on me =/

2008-12-23, 03:22 AM
Do you like OK Go's Million Ways (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbdbVhBGETQ&mode=related&search)?

Which is better: Tiny Toon Adventures (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bi-vWUsm5U) or Animaniacs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KA0TS9l_nJE&feature=related)?

2008-12-23, 03:27 AM
Hah, I lied >>

Knight Disciple
Peanut Butter or Chocolate?
This question is blasphemy.

Do you like OK Go's Million Ways?
Its alright. Decent, I suppose.

Which is better: Tiny Toon Adventures or Animaniacs?
Tiny Toon Adventures =D

2008-12-23, 03:37 AM
How is the question blasphemy? Because I forced you to choose? :smallwink:

2008-12-23, 03:38 AM
How is the question blasphemy? Because I forced you to choose? :smallwink:
No, because chocolate wins everytime.

2008-12-23, 03:41 AM
Eh, do I attract you, do I repulse you with my queasy smile?

What celebrity do you relate most with? Celebrity just means 'well-known' in this case, not necessarily 'brainless actor/ress'.

Why kindergarteners? :smallyuk:

2008-12-23, 03:48 AM
Eh, do I attract you, do I repulse you with my queasy smile?
Am I too dirty, am I too flirty?
Do I like what you like?

What celebrity do you relate most with? Celebrity just means 'well-known' in this case, not necessarily 'brainless actor/ress'.
You know, I've said his name like four times on this thread already.
John Lennon.
Without the drugs
Or crazy asian woman.
Or musical talent.
But the lover for puns and spoonerisms? The love for Alice in Wonderland, for beautiful music, for sleeping? The taste for the whimsically silly and occasionally disturbing?
Of any celebrity, I relate most to him. Well, when he was living.

Why kindergarteners? :smallyuk:
I like kids at that age...as long as I don't live with them. They're cute, and we can make cute little paper mache hearts and crafts together.

2008-12-23, 04:16 AM
Would you dance with me in the pale moon light? clothes are optional.

2008-12-23, 07:16 AM
Round 2 - Q's I just came up with just for Rabbit. :smallsmile:
(Disclaimer: some of these may eventually find their way into my form-list; you don't mind being a test-subject, do you? Crap! That's another question!! I've thrown off my whole numbering scheme!!! AAarrrrahhgh!!!! Noooooo!!!!!)

28. Why do you dislike the word 'caricature?'

29. What is your favorite dinosrawr?

30. Squash disappoints me, too, what do you think of zucchini? :smalltongue:

31. How many fingers am I not holding up?

32. What is a whiloplenulent?

33. Would you say the 'first cut is the deepest,' or do you think that's insincere?

34. Who is your favorite Tiny Toon?

35. What is your favorite kind of chocolate?

36. Do you like Chai tea?

37. So, Rocky Horror Picture Show?

38. Will boogie-ing or karaoke be involved in the Tusla meet-up?

39. What was the last book you finished?

40. If you could tell everyone in the world one thing, and they'd understand you, what would it be?

41. If nine knights came to you and offered you eight swords, why should this question have a symbolic meaning?

42. Probably a silly question but, if my car broke down, could I sleep on your couch for a couple days until it got fixed? How about for a couple months? :smalleek:

43. Say we're going on a road-trip in my car (after it's all fixed, of course :smallwink:). Where are we going? What two other people are we bringing along?

44. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

45. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

46. Do you mind when I refer to you as 'Rabbs?'

47. Reinholdthulu (http://i461.photobucket.com/albums/qq339/ghost_warlock/cathulhu.jpg) can haz soulburger?

48. Bestest dragon pic (http://i461.photobucket.com/albums/qq339/ghost_warlock/dragonbreathe.jpg) evar?

49. What do you think of this picture (http://i461.photobucket.com/albums/qq339/ghost_warlock/Bela_Lugosi_01.jpg) I found just for you.

50. Okay, last picture link (http://i461.photobucket.com/albums/qq339/ghost_warlock/libertyjustice.jpg), and no question this time. Just something I thought you might get a kick out of and didn't know if you've seen it before. :smallsmile: Sorry it's kinda small. :smallfrown:

2008-12-23, 07:38 AM
Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.

Last meal you ate?

Current song stuck in your head?

Favorite band not from your country of origin?

What is your ideal breakfast?

What is good?

What is bad?

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?

Why am I asking my basic questions with you?

Are you excited about the Tulsa Meet-up, because I might not be able to go...

Would Rabbit be sad to see Jonlas die? Because I just got tipped off to a plot to murder him...

Fresh victims for your ever-growing army of the undead?

Do you like Billy Joel? What is your favorite song of his?

Like this song? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqiDOuwUJxk) (Its my personal favorite)

2008-12-23, 11:52 AM
Would you dance with me in the pale moon light? clothes are optional.
I would choose you over the devil :smallsmile:Nekkid


28. Why do you dislike the word 'caricature?'
The way it feels coming off my tongue just makes me shudder. Ick/

29. What is your favorite dinosrawr?
I would like to snuggle with a Maiasaura (http://www.dinosaurjungle.com/dinosaur_species_maiasaura.php)

30. Squash disappoints me, too, what do you think of zucchini?
Um, if its cooked into something, with lots of sauce, I can tolerate it.

31. How many fingers am I not holding up?
How many fingers do you not want to be holding up?
Is this a stickup?

32. What is a whiloplenulent?
Its a chemical reaction to gidijeet.

33. Would you say the 'first cut is the deepest,' or do you think that's insincere?
I think that's fairly incorrect. Cuts tend to get deeper, in my own history, as they go along.

34. Who is your favorite Tiny Toon?
Babs Bunny, of course. I also liked Histeria quite a bit.

35. What is your favorite kind of chocolate?
Toblerone. Or 65% Ghiradelli dark.

36. Do you like Chai tea?
Mmm, yes. My aunt got me hooked to it this summer.

37. So, Rocky Horror Picture Show?
I've never seen it, unfortunately. v.v

38. Will boogie-ing or karaoke be involved in the Tusla meet-up?
Er. I don't know where we'd do it, but if enough people were willing enough to do so, I'd be all over it in a second

39. What was the last book you finished?
The Princess Bride

40. If you could tell everyone in the world one thing, and they'd understand you, what would it be?
I love you

41. If nine knights came to you and offered you eight swords, why should this question have a symbolic meaning?
Because humanity must look for meaning in everything, even such a silly question as this.

42. Probably a silly question but, if my car broke down, could I sleep on your couch for a couple days until it got fixed? How about for a couple months? :smalleek:
Um. We're assuming I didn't live with my family, right? Because I totally would let you stay on my couch for however long you would need to, but my parents...
Well, I'm already trying to figure out how to explain to them about Destro's possible visit. "...Why is there a Canadian in the house?"
"I found him. He followed me home. From the internets. Can I keep him?"

43. Say we're going on a road-trip in my car (after it's all fixed, of course :smallwink:). Where are we going? What two other people are we bringing along?
We're going noooowhhheeere. With you, me, Twobi, and Dirk :smallsmile:

44. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?
That you even ask me this question is disappointing. Zombies, of course.

45. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?
My need to be the center of attention. If I could kinda just be content with what I get, you know, I think everyone would be a little bit happier.

46. Do you mind when I refer to you as 'Rabbs?'
Felix calls me Rabbs all the time. Not a problem :smallwink:

47. Reinholdthulu (http://i461.photobucket.com/albums/qq339/ghost_warlock/cathulhu.jpg) can haz soulburger?
Yes. Can haz soulburger.

48. Bestest dragon pic (http://i461.photobucket.com/albums/qq339/ghost_warlock/dragonbreathe.jpg) evar?
ZOMG. Yes.
How'd you get a picture of me? =O

49. What do you think of this picture (http://i461.photobucket.com/albums/qq339/ghost_warlock/Bela_Lugosi_01.jpg) I found just for you.
:: fangirls gleefully::
Yaaaay, Bela <3

50. Okay, last picture link (http://i461.photobucket.com/albums/qq339/ghost_warlock/libertyjustice.jpg), and no question this time. Just something I thought you might get a kick out of and didn't know if you've seen it before. :smallsmile: Sorry it's kinda small. :smallfrown:
I'm fairly certain that someone had that one as their avatar for a while. Was that you? I can't remember.
It does give me the lulz.

Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.

Last meal you ate?
Mashed potatoes, turkey, green bean casserole. It was at my work's Christmas dinner, and, it was okay, I guess.

Current song stuck in your head?
Take Me Or Leave Me (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CukH2QM7Ni8)- Rent
I've had it stuck in my head for days >>

Favorite band not from your country of origin?
Beatles, duh.

What is your ideal breakfast?
Stuffed french toast from IHoP, sausage links (only pork I'll willingly eat), hashbrowns, and hot orange pekoe tea with a little bit of honey

What is good?
A notion that coincides with what society perceives as acceptable.

What is bad?
A notion that coincides with what society perceives as acceptable. contemptible.

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?
I hate this question. I've never been much for philosophy, unfortunately.

Why am I asking my basic questions with you?
Because you're laaaaazy.

Are you excited about the Tulsa Meet-up, because I might not be able to go...
Even though we planned the date around you? And, if you don't go, Zarre might not be able to come, either?
I s'pose. I mean, I am planning the thing.

Would Rabbit be sad to see Jonlas die? Because I just got tipped off to a plot to murder him...
Possibly. Probably. She'd feel the pain, too, since he's one of "her" undead. Hell, she was sad about Reinholdt dieing, and she didn't particularly like him all that much.

Fresh victims for your ever-growing army of the undead?

Do you like Billy Joel? What is your favorite song of his?
Of course I like Billy Joel. We've had this conversation before.
Uptown Girl (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F-nt7aC_JQ) is currently my favorite Billy Joel song <<

Like this song? (Its my personal favorite)
Mmm, its alright.

2008-12-23, 12:08 PM
Wait... Did you just feed my most evil alter ego in existence your soul?

2008-12-23, 12:09 PM
Wait... Did you just feed my most evil alter ego in existence your soul?
He doesn't try to squirm away from my snuggles. I would have fed it to you, but nooooooo

2008-12-23, 12:16 PM
What is being depicted in your avatar, anyway? And are those pink eyes or rose-tinted glasses?

What is your Weapon of Choice?

Are you a pirate?

Are you sure you're not a beguiler?

What is, in your mind, the most respectable of professions? The most necessary? The "Sexiest?"

What is The Good?

What is the most evil thing that it is possible to do?

2008-12-23, 12:46 PM
43. Say we're going on a road-trip in my car (after it's all fixed, of course :smallwink:). Where are we going? What two other people are we bringing along?
We're going noooowhhheeere. With you, me, Twobi, and Dirk :smallsmile:

I'll buy the gas on the way there! :smalltongue:

Let's say I try to ask some better questions, shall I?

How much more awesome would it make me if I learned to bake Dobos Cakes?

If you had to choose between Burger King, McDonalds, and Wendy's, what would you pick? Me...Taco Bueno...

Favorite movie director?

Have you seen Citizen Kane? Did you like it?

Would you like to be written somewhere into my "Destro the Pirate" ship?

Do you think I'm a bit too slow on my shipfic outputs?

Do you think I should include you in them more?

Are you enjoying A Shipper's Carol, so far?

2008-12-23, 12:51 PM
If there was a ritual that would summon you, how would it go?

What's your favorite smiley?

Which would you prefer: cuddling (alone or with someone of your choosing) in a blanket by a roaring fire, or outside playing in the snow (again, alone or with someone of your choosing)?

2008-12-23, 01:08 PM
What is being depicted in your avatar, anyway? And are those pink eyes or rose-tinted glasses?
That would be my character, Rabbit, dressed as John Lennon, with her undead companion, the skeletal raven, Birdie.
Those would be rose-tinted sunglasses.
I wonder how many times I can mention John Lennon in context in this thread...

What is your Weapon of Choice?
my body
Sharp words are often my tool of the trade

Are you a pirate?
I'm a Shipper. Much better :smalltongue:

Are you sure you're not a beguiler?
Me? Of course not. I'm a necromancer Abort! Abort! He's found our true nature!

What is, in your mind, the most respectable of professions? The most necessary? The "Sexiest?"
Hmm. The most respectable of professions? I respect teachers a great deal. Good ones, anyways. I imagine its hard to go through daily life with children, having to care about each and everyone of them, and actually attempt to make such children learn.
What's necessary? Fast food workers. Those jobs are actually incredibly hard, high-stress environments, and they get treated poorly. I find it a pity that people don't appreciate fast-food workers more =/
::giggles:: I think artists are sexy. Musicians, poets, painters...Mmm. :smallwink:

What is The Good?
Apparantly, a "heavy-pop" quartet from Chicago.

What is the most evil thing that it is possible to do?
I feel a little uncomfortable conversing such things on the forum, I'm sorry =/

Let's say I try to ask some better questions, shall I?

How much more awesome would it make me if I learned to bake Dobos Cakes?
It would be pretty fantastically awesome, I would say.

If you had to choose between Burger King, McDonalds, and Wendy's, what would you pick? Me...Taco Bueno...
Wendy's, of course. Though, Sonic has my cranberry-limeade slush. Mmmm...

Favorite movie director?
Tim Burton. You know, he'd doing Alice in Wonderland? I'm fricken' excited.

Have you seen Citizen Kane? Did you like it?
No, I haven't :smallfrown:

Would you like to be written somewhere into my "Destro the Pirate" ship?
Yus plz.

Do you think I'm a bit too slow on my shipfic outputs?
I think everyone is too slow. Me included.

Do you think I should include you in them more?
Only when it fits, and you feel like it.

Are you enjoying A Shipper's Carol, so far?
Yes. Hehe, donkey link :smallbiggrin:

If there was a ritual that would summon you, how would it go?
While playing David Bowie off in the backround, you'd have to make a smilie face out of the blood of the innocents and cake.
And then make a loud statement about how I wasn't invited to the party.

What's your favorite smiley?
I use every excuse I can find to use :smallamused:

Which would you prefer: cuddling (alone or with someone of your choosing) in a blanket by a roaring fire, or outside playing in the snow (again, alone or with someone of your choosing)?
Can I play out in the snow and then come into snuggle?
Both are so tempting