View Full Version : Pranksters in the Playground, I need your help!

2008-11-17, 07:36 PM
Okay, so I've got a bitchy ex girlfriend who I wanna get back at. Me and my friend Rachel are going to play a prank on her. Our ideas so far:

1. In the mall, come up to her, drag her to a dressing room and ask her (loudly) how to wear various pieces of lingerie and to help put them on--with all three of us in the booth.

2. In the middle of the night, go to her house and place weird random things on the lawn. Not vandalize or damage anything. Just weird bizarre things to make her paranoid and freaked out. Our best object so far is dozens of tootsie pops stuck standing up in the lawn.

If you have any questions, comments, other ideas? Feel free to add.

Moff Chumley
2008-11-17, 08:20 PM
I like the last one.

2008-11-17, 08:57 PM
Yeah, I second Moff's suggestion. It's non-lethal and funny. Perhaps there are better ways of dealing with the problem, but if you really, really wanted to play a practical joke on her, this would be the type of thing to go for.

2008-11-17, 09:00 PM
I do not approve. Ignore her. Take the high-road. It seems like there's nothing to be gained from this, and the first suggestion in particular makes me angry.

To clarify, I'm often mildly paranoid, so consider that. However, in her position, if you were physically dragging me into the dressing room, I would assume rape. I would stab you.
Edit, because I'm beginning to worry about how that sounded: I don't mean to say you would deserve it, or that you should die, or anything of that nature. I simply want you to understand that your first proposal would scare me so badly that I would rather kill you than trust you to leave me unharmed.

It has potential to explode badly -- even if not in that way, the former in particular sounds very much like sexual harassment, and there could be legal consequences.

I don't know how things are between you, so maybe I'm misreading this. I don't mean to judge you. I'm sorry if I've caused offense with the above, but those two points are what I believe, and I'm not going to assume that you've considered them.
Edit: Let me try that again, for clarity. Those two points are things I believe you must consider. I'm not going to assume you have done so.

I guess the second one is ok. I don't approve of the goal of "making her paranoid and freaked out," but I think it's mostly harmless.

2008-11-17, 09:01 PM
thired i love paranoid mind pranks

2008-11-17, 09:03 PM
man-up and get over it

Neko Toast
2008-11-17, 09:26 PM
Honestly, don't even prank her. She might be smart enough to figure out that you did it and get back at you.

You'll start an endless pranking war that will get worse and worse every time.

Nah, that's really just a worse case scenario.

But really, I think ignoring her would anger her more. I don't know anything about this person, but they could be being 'bitchy' for attention. People crave attention like that.

Though, advice for the Tootsie Pops in the lawn: That would be a good harmless prank on a friend. I would so do that... except I'm in college, and doing that doesn't really work with dorms.

2008-11-17, 09:42 PM
man-up and get over it

If I'm as familiar with this scenario as I believe I am, he is over it.
Don't judge my friends. :smallfurious:
The Mindrape works on a hairthin trigger these days.

Honestly, don't even prank her. She might be smart enough to figure out that you did it and get back at you.

You'll start an endless pranking war that will get worse and worse every time.

That's half the idea.

I forget, 'Arrogonios', are you still involved in such a war with Derrek? The oen where I was on both your sides while pretending to be on the other for both of you, while really beign on my own side?

Crispy Dave
2008-11-17, 09:42 PM
well I was gonna start a new thread but this one will work.

I have a great idea for a prank Im not sure who it will go to but it will be done. I am gonna go to the store and got a bunch of Identical semi-creepy stuffed animals. At night I will put one in front of someone and wake them up with a noise. when they see it hopefully they will get creeped out and throw it away. The next night another one will be there. rinse, lather, repeat.

2008-11-17, 09:45 PM
1. mix cement
2. pour it on her
3. ???
4. profit

2008-11-17, 09:58 PM
If I'm as familiar with this scenario as I believe I am, he is over it.
Don't judge my friends. :smallfurious:
The Mindrape works on a hairthin trigger these days.

clearly not - if someone feels the need to commit an act of revenge (a prank) against someone that wrongs them, then its a good indication they still care

2008-11-17, 10:06 PM
clearly not - if someone feels the need to commit an act of revenge (a prank) against someone that wrongs them, then its a good indication they still care

You've clearly never met me, let alone him.

2008-11-17, 10:26 PM
You've clearly never met me, let alone him.

clearly, you guys are making generalizations.

greatest prank ever. one night, while she is a sleep, construct a twenty foot high wall across her lawn that runs a majority of the length of her border with mongolia.

2008-11-17, 10:30 PM
clearly, you guys are making generalizations.

What generalization am I making here?

2008-11-17, 10:33 PM
See, the idea is that she knows it's me. It can't be obvious, of course, that's not my style. I'll of course do some subtle thing that if she notices, she'll know it's me. Also: She's not the kind to go into the pranking war. I'm doing this because I have a warped and twisted sense of fun/enjoyment. And for those of you who are saying that I'm not over her, and am doing this because I feel hurt: I'm completely past it--she's just an easy target.

Yes. I'm still plotting against Derrek, and now I'm much more facilitated, and have refined my plan. It will happen as soon as I have enough free time to put it into action.

2008-11-17, 10:35 PM
See, the idea is that she knows it's me. It can't be obvious, of course, that's not my style. I'll of course do some subtle thing that if she notices, she'll know it's me. Also: She's not the kind to go into the pranking war. I'm doing this because I have a warped and twisted sense of fun/enjoyment.

well nothing we can contribute would be your style. my suggestion is to do nothing and date her sister/mom.

also, collin152, i just wanted to join in your clearly fight and "you are making generalizations" was the last sentence i typed.

2008-11-17, 11:04 PM
I like playing pranks. Unfortunately, sometimes the best pranks are not feasible in reality, OR people think that something bad has actually happened- and flip out.

For example - one roommate of ours thought we were playing too much Super smash brothers melee (and to be fair, we were) and decided by herself that the CD should go "missing". All the girls were quasi-in on this. I wanted a copy for myself anyway so I went out and bought a new CD. Then we decided to go into my friend's room and open a few clothing drawers to make it look as if we had ransacked the place, desperately searching for our SSBM fix - we could not stand to lose one day, one hour, one minute! of our joy. And then we hung around playing, waiting for the looks of horror from fun-stifling girls. How did they find the CD? What's this? My room in disarray! Those cads!

Of course, it only worked like that in theory. The girls were SO MAD.

Don Julio Anejo
2008-11-17, 11:15 PM
I like simple pranks. Get Rachel to pretend she's lesbian and stalk your ex. And then get Rachel to admit she's been madly in love with [ex's name here] but didn't say anything before because you were in the picture.

2008-11-17, 11:25 PM
stalk your ex

Bad idea.

I have to agree with the people saying just don't do anything... Let it slide, man.

Don Julio Anejo
2008-11-17, 11:29 PM
I meant get Rachel to do it.

2008-11-18, 12:00 AM
Pranks are stupid and stalkerish. Leave her alone and move on.

2008-11-18, 12:17 AM
I still don't think you understand. There is no malice or stalkerism here. This is completely for the fun and joy that I get from these little things. Derrek and I do this all the time. One-upping the other is what makes us so close. The only difference between Derrek and Haley is that Derrek and I were not (We pretended, but that was for a friend's benefit. Also: It amuses us to mess with people's minds) romantically involved.

2008-11-18, 12:23 AM
Eh... the fun and joy that you get out of it might not equate to what the recipient gets out of it. If you are 100% sure that the other party will go "OH NO! Oh.. Ohohoho you prankster you" and leave it at that, then I would say go for it. But, as my own anecdote illustrated... things can get uglier than one intended...

2008-11-18, 12:28 AM
My recommendation: just forget all that stuff you mentioned in the OP. Instead, just burn her house down.

In fact, burn everything. BURN IT TO THE GROUND! :smalltongue:

Crispy Dave
2008-11-18, 12:30 AM
well how about the Ultimate prank.what is it you ask.I cant tell you. All im aloud to say is it involves a jar of mayonnaise, a kangaroo and taco bell.

2008-11-18, 12:43 AM
My recommendation: just forget all that stuff you mentioned in the OP. Instead, just burn her house down.

In fact, burn everything. BURN IT TO THE GROUND! :smalltongue:

why stop there?

2008-11-18, 12:48 AM
why stop there?

Burn it to the... under..ground..?

2008-11-18, 12:51 AM
Burn it to the... under..ground..?

the ground. the city the state the whole world engulfed in a conflagration revenge.

2008-11-18, 05:22 PM
I meant get Rachel to do it.

That... Changes nothing.

2008-11-18, 05:51 PM
Leaving aside the discussion whether it's mature/okay/etc. to do it for a moment.
Lolita dolls and CO2 cannisters makes for a ton of fun. :smallbiggrin:

1 x Lolita doll
1 x Set of suitable clothes
1 x Reel of clear fishing line
1 x Inflatable life-belt

Inflate the doll and dress it up.
Deflate it. Make sure the clothes stays on.
Remove the CO2 cannister from the life-belt witout inflating it.
Remove the release mechanism from the life-belt.
Remove the safety pin from the mechanism
Attach the mechanism to the doll.
Put the doll in the desired spot
Rig the fishing line into a trip wire and connect it to the release lever on the mechanism.
Arm it by attaching the CO2 cannister

A good place to hide it is above and behind doors, inside closets and, if it's made of plastic, inside the cistern on the toilet. You can also place it behind the toilet, but odds are she'll see it.

We made a bunch of these traps in school. I'd gotten hold of twenty old life-belts that had been discarded. We bought the dolls in a trick-n-treat shop.

If you feel nasty you can substitute the CO2 cannister and release mechanism with a small fire extinguisher, though I advice against it. It makes the doll explode and depending on the type it also makes one hell of a mess.

Texas Jedi
2008-11-18, 06:02 PM
I would suggest not to involve anybody other than her.

I wouldn't put anything on the lawn if she is living with her parents.

My wife had a boy knock on her window at night and she thought it was a somebody breaking into her house. She crawled out of bed and hurried to her parents room. Her dad got up and shot the kid with a .22 caliber pistol. My wife's dad wasn't charged because he was trespassing and the cops said he was lucky he wasn't more seriously wounded.

If you mess with somebodies house you could be asking for alot more trouble than a stupid prank is worth.

Gray Jester
2008-11-18, 06:03 PM
I vote the lawn thing, but with flamencos. It would be both wonderful and tacky, and everyone in the neighborhood would find her taste horrible.

2008-11-18, 07:06 PM
Heheheh! Flamenco....

Moff Chumley
2008-11-18, 07:08 PM
Exactly. We put acoustic guitars and boom boxes on her lawn.

Mushroom Ninja
2008-11-18, 07:10 PM
Exactly. We put acoustic guitars and boom boxes on her lawn.

Win! Seconded!

2008-11-18, 07:16 PM
I feel the sudden need to point out that the girl is not his recent ex.
What with the vast amounts of get-over-it remarkery going on.

2008-11-18, 07:25 PM
Ok, here's a real gem:

My friend Katie and I managed to get a hold of the car keys of a drummer from band in highschool. He was a cocky jerk, in all fairness. We took the car key to the local hardware store and made a copy, and then we put the keys where he could have dropped them (in this case, the band office floor) and didn't do anything for several weeks.

After about a month or so, we bought about 20 dollars worth of large wooden spoons. Every week or so, one of us would sneak out of school and then place a spoon on his dashboard.

He was waaaaaaaaay freaked out by it, but he actually thought it was pretty funny when we finally revealed that it was us (after about 3 months of this).

Feel free to use this awesome prank if you wish!

2008-11-18, 08:13 PM
She has no car, lol.

Dirk Kris
2008-11-19, 08:34 AM
You COULD do the mature and sensible thing and just let it go.


I like the lawn idea - reminds me of something my friends and I did one year around Halloween time.

We had a cranky neighbor who refused to hand out candy on Halloween. He would sit on his porch and scream at all the kids that went by, calling them pagans and telling them they were going to hell. My little brother was especially traumatized. So, my friends and I bought a bunch of plastic forks and waited. We watched the Weather Channel and waited for a night when the ground was supposed to freeze. Just after dark, we set out with the forks and stabbed them into his yard. The ground froze, as planned. Anyway, the next morning, he was PISSED. We could see his house from ours, and he kept trying to pull the forks out. The handles broke off, leaving the heads of the forks still stuck in the ground. The freeze lasted almost 2 weeks, and there were little white fork heads all over his yard until then. It was GREAT!

2008-11-19, 03:11 PM
well how about the Ultimate prank.what is it you ask.I cant tell you. All im aloud to say is it involves a jar of mayonnaise, a kangaroo and taco bell.
Ooh, that's a good one. Used it a couple times I have. The expression on their face is priceless! :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-19, 04:16 PM
I feel the sudden need to point out that the girl is not his recent ex.
What with the vast amounts of get-over-it remarkery going on.

so why is he still bothered by her?

2008-11-19, 04:36 PM
so why is he still bothered by her?

for the lulz

2008-11-19, 05:11 PM
You COULD do the mature and sensible thing and just let it go.


I like the lawn idea - reminds me of something my friends and I did one year around Halloween time.

We had a cranky neighbor who refused to hand out candy on Halloween. He would sit on his porch and scream at all the kids that went by, calling them pagans and telling them they were going to hell. My little brother was especially traumatized. So, my friends and I bought a bunch of plastic forks and waited. We watched the Weather Channel and waited for a night when the ground was supposed to freeze. Just after dark, we set out with the forks and stabbed them into his yard. The ground froze, as planned. Anyway, the next morning, he was PISSED. We could see his house from ours, and he kept trying to pull the forks out. The handles broke off, leaving the heads of the forks still stuck in the ground. The freeze lasted almost 2 weeks, and there were little white fork heads all over his yard until then. It was GREAT!
Forks were our first idea for the lawn, but we decided that the lollipops are weirder. Also, I have no feelings of pettiness at all after today. As I was walking past her in the hall earlier, she was standing there talking to some guy, and then as she saw me, she very deliberately put her arms around the guy's neck. I didn't check for the evil smirk, but I know it was there. I'm bringing it with both barrels now, baby!

Also: Yes, it's all for the lulz. I don't really care about her at all. She's just an easy target who happens to keep provoking me. Ask Collin, I'm like the 'Poke the Bunny' game. You jab me too many times and then I turn and bite your hand right off.

2008-11-19, 06:31 PM
so why is he still bothered by her?

I'd like to point out that unlike me, you don't know him at all.
You really aren't in a position to argue with me; i have information simply not available to any of you.
So hush.

As I was walking past her in the hall earlier, she was standing there talking to some guy, and then as she saw me, she very deliberately put her arms around the guy's neck. I didn't check for the evil smirk, but I know it was there.

Ah, yes, I know that game.
They think it works so much better than it actually does. Most of the irritatin comes at the idea of them thinking that they're getting to you. It's abstract, man.

2008-11-19, 06:38 PM
Ok, well you've made it clear that we don't have nearly enough information to help him out, while you have all the pieces. So why start a thread asking for help in the first place when you could've just had a PM discussion - or better yet, met in real life, planned it out and told us about it later?

Jack Squat
2008-11-19, 06:44 PM
I think he means about the status of the ex...this thread is to help come up with ideas for pranks.

I say plastic forks in the lawn, stretch saran wrap over them, and then have powdered milk over the saran wrap. Do this soon before it rains for best effect...or just set up a sprinkler/spray it with a hose.

Another option is covering her lawn in mounds of styrofoam packing peanuts.

2008-11-19, 06:46 PM
I was asking for different ideas for pranks. Apparently the consensus seems to be either the suckers (which we're going to do anyway) or let it go, which after so many prods and jabs from her, I'm really not likely to do. This is not stemming from just one instance, but rather from dozens. *adds some vague anecdote about straws and camels* Those of you who want to be helpful, by all means keep posting. Those of you who just keep parroting what others have said about 'letting it go' (which I have been doing for the last several months, despite repeated provocations), to you, I suggest you go find somewhere else to post.

@Jack Squat: We considered that, actually, but decided it was less weird and more vandalism.

2008-11-19, 06:46 PM
Ok, well you've made it clear that we don't have nearly enough information to help him out, while you have all the pieces. So why start a thread asking for help in the first place when you could've just had a PM discussion - or better yet, met in real life, planned it out and told us about it later?

Oh, feel free to suggest, just cut it out with the "get over it" remarks that are not in any way applicable.
Get over what, people?