View Full Version : Age of Ruin IC: The calm before the storm

2008-11-18, 11:50 AM
The two dragons wing their way off over the hill, and are soon out of sight.
Wasari sighs. I wish them luck. We'll need it.

The sailors lounge about, drinking and eating, their job done. Ruchion stands and talks softly to his fellow worshippers of Imshaeroth.
The priests of ravir, clothed only in hides, slip over the side, and squat in the sand, growling together.

The High Priestess of Isana walks over to Draven, Sumner and Orin. A hard thing to see them go, is it not? Fire walks in the sky. A resolution approaches. Can a man kill his brother? Can a man kill his son? Can a man kill his Emperor? Can a man kill his God? She looks sad, gazing towards the morning sun, but it doesn't seem to make her uncomfortable. What do you think? What will you do when you hear the truth? Will it destroy your mission? What is more important, truth or freedom, peace or freedom, righteousness or freedom? She sighs. No one likes being used. That's what starts it all.

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-18, 12:07 PM
Sumner Kesh
Sumner eyes the priestess with a little suspicion. They said that there was insight in the madness of Isara's priests, sometimes.
The young boy's tone is brusque, however.
"The Emperor will not perish. The demon will fall, or I will. That is my course, and that is my duty."

2008-11-18, 12:33 PM
That is your... she leans close, and smiles, Ne'sha?
She steps back again. Puppets dancing on ancient strings. The puppets see the strings, cut the strings, and then there is nothing to make them dance anymore, they fall and cannot move. What is an Emperor? What is his purpose?

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-18, 12:35 PM
Sumner Kesh
Sumner scowls. He'd heard this line before.
"Emperors are the gods men make when the gods that are, disappoint."

2008-11-18, 12:41 PM
The priestess bursts out laughing, but it isn't mocking, it sounds like genuine joy. But how did a man become Emperor? By riding a God!

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-18, 12:44 PM
Sumner Kesh
Sumner folds his arms.
"A demon, not a god. Gods have power already, which is why mortals obey them."
Behind his mask, Sumner wonders why the mad woman was debating with him. Was she trying to prove something? Pass the time? Just insane chatter?

2008-11-18, 12:46 PM
She waggles her finger. But what difference is there really? Don't demons have far more power than a man?
She shrugs, looking at Draven. Or dragons. So are demons and dragons not gods as well?
She looks back. Do we serve Gods merely because they have power? Why not then serve a demon? Or anyone with power more than we? Is this what Ne'sha is about? You serve the Mage caste because they have magical power and you do not?

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-18, 12:53 PM
Sumner Kesh
Sumner shrugs.
"I don't know. I'm a poor philosopher, priestess. Why do you serve your god?"

2008-11-18, 12:59 PM
Draven stood silently staring at the sky where Ismal and Kaleff had flown off for awhile, but still listening to the conversation. Not turning his head, he spoke.

"Men may be fools, but they're smart enough to know that Demons and Dragons cannot safeguard your soul when you die. Only the most powerful and luckiest Shamen can be reborn as Dragons. Everyone else, I suppose, ends up in Goramesh or the Underworld, though who knows which, and why?"

2008-11-18, 01:02 PM
I do. Because, she says, tapping her head, I know the truth. I am touched by inspiration, I see things I could never see before, and I see that the best thing for us all is to share this across the world. Humans see so little of what is out there, understand so little. Things are not as tragic as they seem, Sumner Kesh, but you will have to choose, and I think you will continue your tragedy.
She looks at Orin. He's still after you, for what you did and what you shall do. You see so little, but it is too much, far too much. Then she looks at Draven. Ancient hearts means ancient evil, but redemption is never as far away as it seems. Do we only serve Gods to grap infinite life? What is life without purpose? The Underworld is a cold and dark place. Didn't you listen to Rego Vel? She shakes her head, as if trying to say something, but unable to. I'm not being cryptic. This is all what I say. What is justice really, but a concept that we dance on? She runs over to the side, and points up at the sky. How far will you rise? And why? Why do you do it?
She runs back, and looks at you three. We pin our hopes on others, when what we want is a simple matter to do ourselves. Why? Are we lazy? Are we stupid? Or is it because we are scared? I have no fear, and this is why I dance for the Lord of Fire, he dances with me through my dreams. She sighs. You think I serve the Queen of Misrule, the Lord of Madness. That is because you have not opened your eyes yet.

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-18, 01:12 PM
Sumner Kesh
Sumner sighs. He was reminded of his conversation with the Stranger in the ash wastes. Both represented immortality, and both were painfully obtuse, even to a man who'd had little else to do but think for thirty years. He didn't understand about the tragedy. Perhaps the god had whispered to her prophecy-battered ear about Sumner's conversation with Ismal earlier. It didn't matter, really. It didn't change what he had to do.
"It doesn't matter. It doesn't change what I must do."

2008-11-18, 01:17 PM
She shakes her head. Yes it does! You have to choose... the truth, Sumner!
Ruchion walks over to the group. Ah, I see that the High Priestess is engaging you in one of her questioning sessions.
The Priestess turns and looks at him. Back and forth, back and forth, do you know where you live, Ruchion? Do you care about truth?
I care about defeating Gothul, Priestess, he says, tiredly. Now, if you could come with us, the priests're going to discuss what spells we'll need, and pray for them.
She shrugs, and follows him towards the other priests of Isana, Imshaeroth and Ravir, who are know all sitting together.

2008-11-18, 01:22 PM
Grek og Mer, the old Mokai man in the blank mask, walks over to you. Good morning, he says stiffly, standing there, as if he wants something. His fellow priests stand in a huddle near the edge of the ship, as far away as possible from the Zahn priests.

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-18, 01:24 PM
Sumner Kesh
Sumner sighs, but he nods politely to the priest.

2008-11-18, 01:26 PM
Draven's eyes looked briefly to the priest and nodded before he looked back to the sky.

"It is indeed a good morning. I hope it will only get better."

His brow furrowed.

"Why do your gods feud with the Ilshaeri? It seems so... Petty."

2008-11-18, 01:48 PM
The old men pushes himself up on his staff, and waves his hand at the mountains in the distance. Do you know why those are killed the Dragon's Spine mountains? It's not a metaphor. The Kael Vorn slew the first Earth dragon, and made the world from his body. They slew his wife, the Fire dragon, and made the sun. And then they populated the Earth with people, to live and love and be happy. But they were not the only Gods. Other, evil Gods sneaked onto this world. The Ilsharei love to torment humans, for that is their nature. What are they after all? The God of Murder, the Goddess of Madness, the God of Predators. And their servants, the God of Serpents and the Goddess of Rats. Not a friendly bunch. We feud with them because they represent all that is evil in the world. We look forward to the day when they can be driven back beyond this world, and we are free of their evil.
He shrugs. But while I don't mind it, I didn't come here to discuss ancient history. I wondered... could you tell me what happened on the island?

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-18, 01:52 PM
Sumner Kesh
Leaving Draven to contemplate the notion of slain dragons, Sumner shrugs.
"You must want to know about your...predecessors. They came in a ship, but too late to stop Gothul fleeing. They were interested in the godstone obelisk, and I guess it had been activated by Gothul in a ritual. They wanted to drain its power for the gods of the Kael Vorn. They failed, and just as we left the obelisk exploded, and the god inside no doubt took his vengeance for his imprisonment."

2008-11-18, 02:01 PM
The shaman sighed.

"That's a lovely story, but I wonder if you've heard the one the priests of the Ilsharei tell."

2008-11-18, 02:06 PM

Orin listens to the priestess intently. Maybe she is mad, amybe not. But whatever information gleaned could be usefull some day.

(Truth... bah, what is truth but what we want it to be. What is convenient for us. People are lazy, nobody wants to think. If you aren't totally desperate already, change probably means things are getting worse. Do I want change? Am I desperate enough yet?)

She looks at Orin. He's still after you, for what you did and what you shall do. You see so little, but it is too much, far too much.

Orin remains impassive outwardly. "If you mean the fleeting shadows and silhouettes of things to come, my fears whisper into my ears at night, then I fully agree. Although I am blessed not to remember my nightmares. Or am I cursed to forget them, but not to forget that I had them?"

"But if even death can't grant the sweet release of oblivion, aren't we all cursed souls anyway? What if this place is but another world's Goramesh?"

Orin turns to Draven at his remark, laughing cheerfully "Oh but Draven, can't you see? The gods made us in their image! As above, so below. People will always squabble, how else are they going to spend eternity? Except, we mortals don't have an eternity but still waste our time being mean to one another. Although I must admit, it is quite amusing."

"As long as you are certain that no retribution is forthcoming that is. Although, for some, this even increases the pleasure."


2008-11-18, 09:36 PM
The old man listens carefully to Sumner. They are all dead then. He sighs. We thought that had happened, but we hoped we were wrong. He turns to Draven. I have heard their tale, that the Kael Vorn are their rebellious children. I don't think you can prove it one way or the other. You just have to decide, who do you trust more, the Kael Vorn or the Ilsharei? With that, he turns and walks back to his fellow priests. He talks to them softly, and they hang their masked heads in sadness.

2008-11-19, 06:52 AM
The Mokai priests talk for a bit amongst themselves, and then Grek og Mer comes back to you, his group tagging along behind him. Thankyou for telling us of their loss, we needed to know. Now, can I ask you what you know of the circumstances regarding Gothul? Our predecessors knew what was going on, but we I'm afraid only have a hazy idea. From what I understand, Gothul is possessing someone, and aiming to do some sort of ritual using the power of a God we imprisoned here. Is there anything more you can tell us?
You notice that Grek og Mer seems much less beligerant today than he did yesterday when arguing with Ruchion. The others seem slightly less nervous, although the youngest priestess still is kind of hiding behind the fat priestess. But it's difficult to read them, as they all wear these fixed masks, maiden, flame, centipede-man, wolf, and blank. It's slightly uncomfortable talking to them, not being able to read their faces.

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-19, 11:57 AM
Sumner Kesh
Sumner nods. Behind his own mask, Sumner wonders a little at their change it attitude. He supposed it wasn't much different when oathsworn from different companies met; those who hadn't served the Emperor directly had a sort of pecking order that ranged from friendly rivalry to outright hostility.
"Yes, I suppose you should know what's going on. Gothul inhabited me when I and a few companions escaped from Goramesh about two weeks ago. Over time, his influence over me increased, to the point where he took over my body. He was forced to flee the island before he could complete the ritual, which now seems to involve making a crystal crown filled with blood, and a blood sacrifice on a godstone altar. I think he knows we're coming, but your...predecessors claimed that Gothul taking a host is something that takes time. He may be unable to manifest all of his powers if we act quickly."

2008-11-19, 06:53 PM
Grek og Mer nods, but he looks grave. Well, that's something at least. I hope your two friends find him quickly then. How was he forced to leave, did he fight our predecessors? And why do you think he knows you are coming, just because you fought him before?

2008-11-19, 08:03 PM
Draven shook his head.

"He left before they arrived. We nearly defeated him and killed or knocked him out ourselves, but he cast a vile spell and separated all but one of our souls from our bodies. Kaleff ran and hid with the crown, and Gothul fled just before the priests arrived."

2008-11-20, 11:05 AM
Hmmm. The man thinks. I wonder... did he know they were coming? And how?

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-20, 11:24 AM
Sumner Kesh
Sumner nods.
"I thought so. Out of my own eyes I could see some sort of a beacon in the sky. Gothul saw it too, and it made him nervous. By the way...you know about these things; what can one do to resist control over your mind? I know how to break grapples and pins, but not a clasp on my mind."

2008-11-20, 11:33 AM
A beacon you say? You were possessed by Gothul at the time... He mutters to himself in Mokai. I see... that must be how he knew they were coming... we were wise not to activate that yet... I guess we'll do it at the last minute...
He looks back up at Sumner. To protect your mind? A strong will is what you need. Or you can just use magic, of course.

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-20, 11:42 AM
Sumner Kesh
The boy's shoulders slump, and he looks a bit dejected at the recommendation.
"I see."
He sighs and wanders off a little ways, taking a seat on the barren ground.

2008-11-20, 11:44 AM
The old man looks at Orin and Draven. Did I say something to offend him?

2008-11-21, 01:43 AM

Orin looks over to the old man. "Not offend. Just painfully reminded him that Ne'sha alone wont cut it this time. And that, plus his swords, are the only things an Oathsworn can rely on. Except, you know, when you are but a meaty puppet controlled by the very demon you dedicated your life to dstroying."


2008-11-21, 06:07 AM
The old man nods. I understand. It must have been a horrible thing to be possessed. It just shows how important it is that we defeat Gothul. Now, as I understand it, the plan is to open gates to the underworld and push Gothul in, or something?

2008-11-21, 12:23 PM

Orin nods "Indeed. Open a gate to Imshaeroth's realm, push him through, fingers crossed. If the god of death cannot unmake Gothul, who can?"

Orin pauses just a moment, watching the priest out of the corner of his eyes.

"Excpet, maybe, who- or whatever made Imshaeroth and the others."


2008-11-21, 01:07 PM
The old man shrugs. Who knows what created such ancient beings as the Gods, they are older than the world itself. He thinks for a moment. Aren't you worried that Gothul will just exit his host as the host is pushed in?

2008-11-21, 01:14 PM
Draven shook his head.

"We will use magic to bind him to his host first."

2008-11-21, 01:16 PM

Orin sighs "Thanks for reminding me. Now I'll have to get drunk just to forget about that again."

"Serioulsy, I may be a so-called 'noble' but I don't have enough inhuman blood in my to really be any good at magic. If Lady Ismal says, that they can somehow prevent him from escaping with magic, I will have to take her word for that."

Orin falls silent again and broods a bit.

"So... what are people supposed to do when they are dead? I mean, our time in life is limited. But what about death? How are we going to spend eternity without going insane from sheer boredom?"


2008-11-21, 01:19 PM
Draven sighed.

"We won't. If even a God will go insane after a couple millenia trapped in an obelisk, surely it won't take nearly as long for us to lose it."

He looked down at the sandy earth.

"I never used to fear death..."

2008-11-21, 01:28 PM
There is a way out, you know, says the old man from behind his blank mask. The crushing emptiness of the Underworld is your default destination, as Imshaeroth grabs souls and whisks them to the Underworld. But there are ways out. Certain other Gods, such as Veldaera, he says gesturing towards the wolf mask worn by his sickly companion, can take your soul too, if you will give it to them freely. We can take your soul to a paradise of beauty and pleasure.
You mean enslave them in death, says Ruchion, coming up from behind you. Don't try and push your beliefs on them, Grek og Mer.
The Mokai priests tense, but you are all interupted by shouts from the sailors. Looking up, you see two dragons spiralling down. Gadirir, the blue dragon, and Khael'an, the copper, land with thumps on the sand next to the ship.

2008-11-21, 01:37 PM
Looking up at the two Dragons as they began their descent, Draven felt obligated to remind both the monk and the priest of his position.

"You know Ruchion, Grek, I had been a lifelong follower of Cilnara."

He looked to the Mokai priest.

"And I expected to awake in her embrace when I died, but I awoke charred and naked in Goramesh instead."

He strode towards the Dragons, finishing his thought by speaking over his shoulder.

"Now I'm inclined to believe that NO god deserves my praise."

Looking towards Khael'an and Gadarir, he increased his pace to greet them, bowing.

"My Lords, we are glad of your arrival. What news?"

2008-11-21, 02:30 PM

Orin watches the appearance of the two big scalies with seeming impassion.

Instead he speaks to Ruchion "Ah but Ruchion, this is a seller's market. It is my soul after all and I only want the best possibly afterlife for me, myself and I. Those three of us are really not going to settle for anything less."

Then he asks the masked priest "I am intrigued and desire to learn more. What does eternity hold for those who choose to give themselves to Veldaera willingly?"


2008-11-21, 08:49 PM
Khael'an nods in greeting to Draven, but Gadirir snorts dispassionately.
My clan will arrive soon, says Khael'an.
As will mine, growls Gadirir. They are coming as fast as they can. Now what's the plan? Shall we break in to the city and crush this feeble God?

Ruchion shakes his head sadly. I won't stop you listening to this man, Orin, but I will warn you that they lie. Their supposed paradise is just a prison.
Grek waits patiently as Ruchion walks back to the other priests of Imshaeroth. We lie? he says vehemently to Ruchion's back, although not too loud. It is they who have the God of Lies serving them. He looks back at Orin. The Kael Vorn live in a paradise realm with all their worshippers. It is a beautiful place, of verdant forest and green grass, and happy towns where everyone lives peacefully. There is no death, no disease, no toil, for the forests create food in abundance. I haven't been there myself, but I know others who have and been raised. It was so wonderful that some of them were upset we'd brought them back to life.

2008-11-22, 08:19 AM
I haven't been there myself, but I know others who have and been raised. It was so wonderful that some of them were upset we'd brought them back to life.

"Know them personally or rather: Know people who know people?" Orin inquires with a sweet, innocent smile.


2008-11-22, 09:06 AM
I've met them myself, says the man, I've seen the old High Priests resurrect people. Not often though, after all, they've earned their place in paradise. But sometimes particular people are really needed, so they have been resurrected.

2008-11-22, 11:45 AM

"Okay... what is it you guys believe in then? You know, about life, the universe and all the rest?"


2008-11-22, 11:52 AM
You think the old man smiles in amusement, though it's difficult due to the creepy blank mask. That's a pretty big question, isn't it? Can you be more specific than asking me what I believe about "life, the universe and all the rest"? I think we'd be here all day.

2008-11-22, 12:05 PM

"Coming to think of it, rather tell me about that paradise you mentioned? So nobody does have to struggle anymore to make a living? How does that even work if you are dead?"

Assuming that his answer amounts to something akin 'it is paradise, all peopel just live on happily ever after' Orin goes on like that:


Orin nods slowly "Just as I though. Just another hell with fancy window dressing. Goramesh at least is honest about being a bleak place of desperation."

"Answer me this then, priest, what worth is an afterlife that holds nothing worth living, or evn existing for? What worth is it to face day and day and day and day after day of eternity with nothing to look foreward to? Our mortal lives my be a valley of miser for most, but at least we can count a tiny litlle triumph each day we manage to see! Every hardship that befalls us is at least a chance to prevail and feel good about ourselves, because we actually accomplished something! But that 'paradise' of yours? What it is good for? What is it other then just another way to make you wish, pray, hope, despair for oblivion? To end your endless torment of yet another 'perfect' day to come? How is this any better then Imshaeroth's endless rainy day or Goramesh's endless opressive regime? How? How?! Answer me that, I dare you!!! "

Orin works himself into something but short of a frenzy, forcing his words onto the priest.

Fascinate DC [roll0], Sugestion (answer me, dammit!) DC 18

"Or is it just that you never, ever, thought this thru? How long did the people who got resurrected stay there? Long enough for the euphoria and false sense of happyness to wear off? No? didn't think so. Did you ever think this through? Or did you keep finding excuses not to think about it? because, deep inside, you know how dreadfully appaling the answer would be? And yet you stand before me, firm in your believe, because that is the only thing that keeps you distracted enough from what you know to be true, deep inside, to be true, the only thing that keeps you from going insane right now!"

"I dare you! Look into my eyes and tell me it's not true!"


2008-11-22, 12:53 PM
Well, says the priest, food just grows by itself, so no-one has to work to grow it. Everything's done for people, and there is no disease or pain.
Orin nods slowly "Just as I though. Just another hell with fancy window dressing. Goramesh at least is honest about being a bleak place of desperation."

"Answer me this then, priest, what worth is an afterlife that holds nothing worth living, or evn existing for? What worth is it to face day and day and day and day after day of eternity with nothing to look foreward to? Our mortal lives my be a valley of miser for most, but at least we can count a tiny litlle triumph each day we manage to see! Every hardship that befalls us is at least a chance to prevail and feel good about ourselves, because we actually accomplished something! But that 'paradise' of yours? What it is good for? What is it other then just another way to make you wish, pray, hope, despair for oblivion? To end your endless torment of yet another 'perfect' day to come? How is this any better then Imshaeroth's endless rainy day or Goramesh's endless opressive regime? How? How?! Answer me that, I dare you!!! "
Orin works himself into something but short of a frenzy, forcing his words onto the priest.

"Or is it just that you never, ever, thought this thru? How long did the people who got resurrected stay there? Long enough for the euphoria and false sense of happyness to wear off? No? didn't think so. Did you ever think this through? Or did you keep finding excuses not to think about it? because, deep inside, you know how dreadfully appaling the answer would be? And yet you stand before me, firm in your believe, because that is the only thing that keeps you distracted enough from what you know to be true, deep inside, to be true, the only thing that keeps you from going insane right now!"

"I dare you! Look into my eyes and tell me it's not true!"

It is paradise, says the old man firmly, focusing completely on Orin, you are worried that you'll find it boring and pointless? What a weak argument! If you find it boring, you can simply join the Legion of Souls, the army of the Kael Vorn, and wage war on the demons of other planes. Or you could spend your time learning, or writing poetry, or do art. You say that we need hardship, but you don't understand hardship! He seems quite angry now. What hardship have you really enjoyed, Davethran? While your nation was fat and decadent, we laboured and slaved for your amusement! Our children fed your God, our slaves satisfied your perverted pleasures, our peasants toiled to feed your obese nobles! You do not understand suffering, it's just something you've seen, you try and justify it's worth so you don't feel so bad about being a scion of an oppressive caste! You tell yourself the fact those not nobles like you suffer so much is a good thing, because then you don't have to help them!

2008-11-22, 01:37 PM
You do not understand suffering, it's just something you've seen, you try and justify it's worth so you don't feel so bad about being a scion of an oppressive caste! You tell yourself the fact those not nobles like you suffer so much is a good thing, because then you don't have to help them!

Orin laughs a short, mirthless laugh "You actually believe it, don't you."

Orin fixes his eyes on the priest and goes on "It is true, as a so-called 'noble scion' I never had to worry about where my next meal would come from. it is true, I never had to worry about money. It is true that concubines fought for the priviledge to... But it is also true that Vellan Zere ended the Illithid scourge! Do you you deny this ?! No, because of all the terrible things he did to accomplish the goal, despite the abhoorent price we all had to pay for it, he did end the terror of the Illithids!"

"But is it not also true that the price was steep indeed? Untold thousands of lives sacrificed for the demon's endles hunger, centuries of war to conquer more land, more warm bodies for the sacrifices, more slaves to toil and please our so-called elite. But at the same tame it is true that, yes, I do know about suffering! Don't you dare tell me otherwise! Is a child not suffering that has to watch helplessly as his mother is dragged off to a terrible fate? Is it not suffering to realize that all your life will ever be is being a tool, a pawn, an instrument, fit to be used and abused as your tormentors see fit? Is it any less true that knowing, knowing just how far from what thing ought to be your life actually is, any less dreadfull then facing the knives of Gothul's priests?"

"Don't you dare tell me I don't know suffering!"

Orin breathes heavily, fists clenched tightly, barely controlling himself right now. But he takes a deep breath and calms down a bit.

"All I know is that maybe, just maybe you, I and the others here today may, just may manage to end at least one horror today. But how many others does this leave behind... how many archmages, high priests and gods are left to turn our very existance into a nightmare. And we can't even hope to wake up out of it ever, for even death does not hold sweet release, but only endless repetition."

"You harp about how in the afterlife we could look foreward to fighting evils, learn lore and... "

Orin raises his arms in an exasperated gesture "Don't you see? It's the same damn thing we already do right now, right here, in life! Nothing changes! We are still going to drag our immortal saves through eternity! If Imshaeroth should have the mercy to end Gothul, I shall envy him!"

"... but I can't blame you. It is too great, too horribly great a crushing fact to contemplate. If I ever could asl for a favour, it would be to make death mean an end, oblivion. For at least knowing eternal peace awaits us at the end is comforting."


2008-11-22, 01:50 PM
The old man snarls. So, you say you were suffering because you know other people suffering? That your life in your palace was as miserable as a Mokai peasant who toiled for years and then was carried off for sacrifice? What a weak excuse!
He turns around, and marches off. I will not discuss this with you anymore!
His fellow Mokai priests follow him, muttering to each other.

2008-11-22, 02:39 PM

"You think you are so much better?! Hubris! Nothing but hubris and self-delusion! What do you think you are in the eyes of the gods but usefull fools and tools!"

"You won't discuss this with me?! I wont discuss this with you anymore! You don't want to see, don't want to have your beuatifull dreams shattered. Fine then. You live your dream... just live your dream..."

Orin glares after the priests as they walk off.

As soon as they are out of earshot, Orin suddenly relaxes again and turns to Draven and Sumner.

"That was fun. Too bad dragons usually don't just turn around and walk off in a huff if you challenge them like that. Oh well. How long has it been since Lady Ismal and Khaleff took off?"


2008-11-23, 06:41 PM
Draven shook his head to Gadarir.

"Not exactly, no... We've come to the conclusion that it will be best to decide how to attack once we have more information about the way things are in the city. Ismal and Kaleff have gone ahead, undetected, to gather what information they can. When we hear back from them, I think we'll have enough information for form a solid plan. About how much longer before the clans arrive?"

2008-11-23, 06:57 PM
My clan should be here in 2 or 3 hours, I think, says Gadirir.
Probably a bit longer for mine, says Khael'an.

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-23, 09:01 PM
Sumner Kesh
Sumner listens with half an ear to Orin's tindertwig arguments, but it was hard for him to care; whatever decisions that would determine where his soul went when he died...those had been made long ago. All there was now was to do what he could with his new lease on youth.
He sighs, sifting a bit of the fine black sand between his fingers. It was all momentary diversions on the road to the grave, anyways.