View Full Version : Sellswords of Punjar IC

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2008-11-21, 07:20 PM
The port city of Punjar has seen better days. In the past months, a conflict has broken out between the local Thieves Guild and the King of Beggars, an up and coming player in the slums of Punjar, an area also known as Smoke. The Beggar-king wished to grow his influence into the territory of the Guild, who found such competition unacceptable. The Beggar-King sent out a call for mercenaries, soldiers of might and magic, but found that no matter how many desperate characters he could bring under his banner, the Guild could bring up more. The Beggar-King’s defeat seemed assured, but something happened. A Shadow appeared and began to spread throughout Smoke, darkening the already dark slums. The slums are a crowded and poorly kept area, and a plague of any sort, much less a plague of Shadow, worries even the masters of the city, if only in fear of what may happens if it spreads.

All of you know the basics of this story, Kizzy best of all, being an inhabitant of Smoke. The rest of you have just arrived in Punjar, though in the sector known as New City. It is midday, and you are all free to do as you wish, at least until nightfall.

Basic geography of Punjar, the Tarnished Jewel:
Separated into three sections, naturally divided by the river Ruang running through them.

West Punjar:
The oldest, poorest parts of Punjar. It borders the Great Black Swamp, though the walls keep the swamp out. Made up of smaller districts:
The Slums/Shadow (Old Punjar)-Poorest district of Punjar, home to the Thieves guild, and many more minor crime lords.
The Commons (Old Punjar)-A step above the slums, though that’s not saying much. More desperate adventurers come here looking for work.
The Souk-The district for the common peasants, butchers, tanners, simple merchants. They do not live grand lives, but at least they do an honest day’s work. Includes the Wharf town, a set of docks much cargo travels through.
Palace of the Overlord- The home of the Lord of Punjar, a building not much younger than the Old Punjar districts.
(Former district)City of the dead-The city of the dead was the old graveyard of Punjar, but its land was tainted by old, foul magics and the Great Black Swamp. The walls of Punjar now close it off from the rest of the city, though it’s former outer walls are ruined, opening it even more the Swamp.

Central Punjar:
The Ruang forks around this island, most of the middle- and high-class citizens live here.
High quarter-Home to the highest class of citizens, the most prosperous merchants, the greatest high priests, ect.
Low quarter-Home to the middle class citizens.
The Devil’s Thumb- The entertainment district, it offer both “high” and “low” class entertainment. Has its own small systems of docks known as the Pinch for its own needs.

Eastern Punjar:
The part of Punjar most travelers enter, holding the temples, the great Bazaar, and plenty of temporary housing.
New City-Full of inns and taverns, especially along Sellswords way, it is a resting point for nearby adventurers. Of course, this means there are plenty of shops offering various wares, though not the very high quality (and expensive) ones offered in the Bazaar.
Slavers hold-Though there are those who dislike the idea slavery, it has a solid, if small, business in Punjar.
Temple district- Temples to all types of deities are here. Despite the large size of the city, it is Avandra who has the greatest temple, as the merchants all wish for success and good business. Almost all other major gods have their own temples as well.
The Bazaar of the Gods- Reached by climbing the Great Stair from the Temple District, here, it is said, you can find any item, no matter how rare, if you have the money. Only the richest merchants sell their wares here. Another system of docks serves these merchants, and you can find merchant ships from all over the world setting up shop here, at the Trade Meet. This district is also home to Northside, where many of the priests and scribes live.

Each district is walled in for defense; travel is done through gates between them. While there is a bridge connecting Eastern and Central Punjar, Western Punjar can only be traveled to by ferry, though there is no shortage of those.

Not far out from Central Punjar, sits the island that holds Blackwell Citadel, ancestral home of the Blackwell Knights. It was an early warning system against invaders, and while it is kept in good repair, it is rarely used and barely manned, as there have been few threats in the past decades. The Blackwell knights share a similar fate, reduced in number; they lead the garrisons of Punjar. Despite their charge to protect the city, they have become somewhat content to sit and not intervene in matters unless they involve the Knights interests, interests that are sometimes bought by the richer merchants or guilds.

Holy cow, I started writing, and just didn't stop. But even at this length, it only barely covers all of Punjar.

Vox Clamantis
2008-11-21, 08:18 PM
Aurelius has never seen a city before. He's never seen a non-Dwarf before. The sheer number and variety of persons wandering the city, seemingly at random, is a little too much for him. He needs to find something familiar, something he understands.

There have to be stonemasons or metalworkers around here somewhere...

Finding a smithy, he stands nearby watching the smith for hours. Passers-by assume that he's a suit of armor, hung for display. Engrossed in his work, the smith doesn't notice him.

Now, if only he were a dwarf.

He has vague plans to visit the local temples, but those can wait. Right now he's just basking in the familiar ringing of the hammer and clattering of the metal. Who knows how long it'll take him to tire of it.

2008-11-21, 08:54 PM
Kizzy sits in a pub in the blue collar section of the city, using the shadows to blend as a halfling or other short person. He sits, looking down, listening carefully for leads regarding good finds, easy pickings, or other possible marks for his "profession". The person sitting in back of him still has no idea he's paying for Kizzy's drinks, as Kizzy casually slips another coin out of the poor worker's coin pouch he foolishly lets sit just outside his beltline.

"Another water, please."

Kizzy knows better than to drink on the job.

2008-11-21, 09:49 PM
The barmaid sets down another water, giving the cloaked figure a dirty look. Water doesn't make the bar much profit.

2008-11-21, 10:45 PM

Bidding farewell to his traveling companions, Aveeno collects his pay from the merchant's clerk and enters the city of Punjar. Having been in the city twice before, he heads directly to the local temple of Avandra. Kneeling in brief prayer, he thanks the goddess for showing him favor since his last devotion. Promising to further exemplify her tenets, he stands without requesting her blessing in the future. Avandra, and therefore luck, favors the bold. Those who ask for it without proving themselves worthy do not deserve it. Slipping a silver coin into the donation till, he heads back out toward New City.

Arriving at a relatively seedy inn he had stayed at before, he greets the innkeeper and requests a room, eyeing the dicing and cards being played in the corner and the coins on the table.

2008-11-21, 11:50 PM
"Ah, hello again, Aveeno." says the innkeeper, an older, dark bronze-colored dragonborn, "I'd be happy to give a room." After telling you your room's location, he asks, "So, where are you coming in from this time?"

2008-11-22, 12:31 AM

"Thanks. More mercenary work...Damn, but I'm getting tired of guarding these two-bit merchants. Barely even remember most of the places I've been lately. I need to find myself some real adventure." Peering back at the corner, his grin widens. Luck favors the bold. "But I'll settle for an ale on my tab and winning some of those guys' coin. Any good marks over there? People who probably shouldn't be gambling?"

2008-11-22, 12:40 AM
Rikshan smiles widely, "Eager to test your luck some more, I see. There are some youngblood adventuring types over there," He shakes his head in mock sadness, "You know the type, just gotten paid for their first big job, eager to spend it. And lose it, most likely."

"If I heard of any good gigs, I'd let you know, but I haven't heard of anything around here. Busiest place around here is that gang war is Smoke, and you don't want anything to do with that, I doubt." When he mentions this, it is with real disappointment that he hangs his head.

2008-11-22, 01:49 AM

"Luck comes to those who make themselves worthy of it, Rikshan. Either I do, or I don't." Scratching a horn, Aveeno ponders his options. "Gang war, eh? That kind of feud, someone's always looking for good blades. Why do you say I should avoid it? That bad?"

2008-11-22, 02:33 AM

Kizzy finishes off the water, and sighs with a slight hiss. No luck tonight, it seems. He hops off the chair, adjusting his rapier, and heads to the door, back to the ally he affectionatly calls home.

Vox Clamantis
2008-11-22, 07:11 AM

A few hours of the afternoon pass while Aurelius stands near the forge, lost in his thoughts. When he finally moves, taking a few steps closer to the anvil, the smith starts.

I am looking for a temple of Moradin.

He would be more polite if he knew to be. His life so far hasn't encompassed all that much personal interaction. The only thought on his mind now is finding a place to pray, to ask his Creator what he has intended for him.

He hopes the local priest is a dwarf. These other races are making him a bit nervous.

2008-11-22, 11:58 AM

Aldrok meanders through the city streets, often attracting stares from most of the common folk. For good reason. The bald dwarf looks like a a grenade blew up in front of him. His eyebrows are completely burnt off and his beard is singed into a goatee. His leather armour is likewise singed, black in enough parts to make the viewer wonder what the original colour was.

Despite all this, Aldrok appears very casual, his stride is even and he stands erect and proud (the giant hammer strapped to his back helps with this). He even smiles inwardly at the gawks and whispers. He was used to it enough.

Walking by a blacksmith, Aldrok noticed a very ornate suit of armour, seemingly standing by itself. The armour itself would rarely have caught his attention, but the faint flow of magic made the infernal tattoo on his bald head itch.

Writing it off as just another enchanted suit, Aldrok continues for a few steps then realises he has no idea where he is going. Summoning up his best 'polite face,' he walks over to a nearby shop.

"Do you know where the Temple of Ioun is?" If any place in this city has books, that'd be where.

2008-11-22, 12:37 PM

["Luck comes to those who make themselves worthy of it, Rikshan. Either I do, or I don't." Scratching a horn, Aveeno ponders his options. "Gang war, eh? That kind of feud, someone's always looking for good blades. Why do you say I should avoid it? That bad?"

There is a slight growl in Rikshan's voice as he explains, "Too many desperate characters on both sides, some of whom would end up stabbing you in the back to get your gear rather than fight along side you. And then some Shadow has begun to cover the slums, and that can't be a good thing. Though it should get the Mage's Guild and the Blackwell Knights interested enough to put an end to it now. Anyway, I've got business to take care now, best of luck to you." With that, Rikshan turns and heads to the backroom.


Kizzy finishes off the water, and sighs with a slight hiss. No luck tonight, it seems. He hops off the chair, adjusting his rapier, and heads to the door, back to the ally he affectionatly calls home.

Fortunately, your alley in the slums hasn't yet been touched by the Shadow, though you don't know how long that will last. On your way there, you see a trio of men, wearing what seems to be clothes made of dog pelts. You know them as members of one of the rougher gangs in the slums, the Brotherhood of the Dog, hired early on by the Beggar-King. One of them says to the others, "Damn it, even since the Beggar-King brought the Shadow here, there's been nothing to do. The Thieve's Guild is hanging back, and we just sit around, guarding the Beggar-Kings demesne." The others nod, one replying, "Yeah, the only fun we've had was nailing that one thief by that tained fountian." Muttering amongst themselves, they continue on deeper into the slums, towards the area infected by Shadow.


A few hours of the afternoon pass while Aurelius stands near the forge, lost in his thoughts. When he finally moves, taking a few steps closer to the anvil, the smith starts.

I am looking for a temple of Moradin.

He would be more polite if he knew to be. His life so far hasn't encompassed all that much personal interaction. The only thought on his mind now is finding a place to pray, to ask his Creator what he has intended for him.

He hopes the local priest is a dwarf. These other races are making him a bit nervous.

The smith jumps, almost losing his grip on his hammer. "By the gods!" Calming down and thinking you to be a person wearing a suit of armor, he replies, "Some simple manners would be good to know before you come sneaking up on someone. But the temple you're looking for is with all the rest, in the Temple District." He points in the direction of the gate to it. "Now begone, and let me do my work in peace."


Aldrok meanders through the city streets, often attracting stares from most of the common folk. For good reason. The bald dwarf looks like a a grenade blew up in front of him. His eyebrows are completely burnt off and his beard is singed into a goatee. His leather armour is likewise singed, black in enough parts to make the viewer wonder what the original colour was.

Despite all this, Aldrok appears very casual, his stride is even and he stands erect and proud (the giant hammer strapped to his back helps with this). He even smiles inwardly at the gawks and whispers. He was used to it enough.

Walking by a blacksmith, Aldrok noticed a very ornate suit of armour, seemingly standing by itself. The armour itself would rarely have caught his attention, but the faint flow of magic made the infernal tattoo on his bald head itch.

Writing it off as just another enchanted suit, Aldrok continues for a few steps then realises he has no idea where he is going. Summoning up his best 'polite face,' he walks over to a nearby shop.

"Do you know where the Temple of Ioun is?" If any place in this city has books, that'd be where.

The merchant is only somewhat surprised by your apperance, he's seen stranger adventurers in this part of town. He points you to the Temple District, telling you that you'll find it on the south end.

2008-11-22, 01:02 PM

Shrugging to himself, Aveeno resolves to investigate the business in the Smoke later. Pushing it from his mind, he joins a game that appears to be mostly populated by inexperienced gamblers, and begins his hustle.

2008-11-22, 01:51 PM

Shrugging to himself, Aveeno resolves to investigate the business in the Smoke later. Pushing it from his mind, he joins a game that appears to be mostly populated by inexperienced gamblers, and begins his hustle.

You join the gamblers, an adventuring party made up a human ranger, an elven ranger, and a dwarf fighter. From talking to them, there are apparently a few halflings in their party as well, but they are elsewhere at the moment. Despite some an early lucky streak by the dwarf, you are able to win 12 gp from them before they leave in frustration. By this point, it is evening, and you retire for the night.

OOC: Your day is done, Tanaar. Once the rest catch up in time, the story will move on.

Vox Clamantis
2008-11-22, 02:48 PM

The burnished guardian bows smoothly, managing somehow not to jingle or creak. After 10 years among dwarves, the smith's abrupt dismissal is almost charmingly familiar.

The Maker bless your craft, good smithy.

Aurelius strides purposefully away without waiting for a response, shouldering his massive weapon with a single hand. When he stops a nobleman's horse in the Temple District to get exact directions to the temple of Moradin, he makes sure to give him plenty of warning.

The noble does not appear to appreciate this thoughtfulness.

Having got his (rude) answer, Aurelius drops the horse's reins and starts towards the Temple at a quick pace. Everything will make sense if he can just pray for a little while.

2008-11-22, 03:10 PM

For three days now, Ravilas had followed the taint of Shadow throughout the slums of this disgusting city. His exploits hadn't really found anything, so he figured it would be wise to rest a while. He crossed the street and casually pushed open the door to the tavern. Entering quickly, he heads slowly towards a table of what appeared to be relatively inexperienced gamblers. A mere game of probability... unwise to play, despite his intelligence.

Instead, he stood a few yards from the table, quietly observing the game progress, as well as the improving luck of a Tiefling sitting across from a human, an elf and what appeared to be a mountain of armor, no, a dwarf.

2008-11-22, 03:33 PM

Once he reaches the alley, Kizzy removes the hood. He's learned that most of the people in this city won't think twice about messing with a sleeping kobold, as most of the other kobolds have nothing that could even be considered wealth with them. Especially if they're sleeping in an alley. Kizzy pushes some garbage aside, revealing a makeshift cot, which he picks up and shakes off. He curls up like a dog in it, and goes to sleep, dreaming it's a horde of coins instead.

2008-11-22, 03:58 PM

Unsure why his superiors sent him to Punjar, Bael makes his way to the temple of Pelor. After a brief prayer of thanks for his safe arrival in the courtyard, he attempts to locate one of the senior priests to see if there is any work suited to a Paladin.

2008-11-22, 05:39 PM

The burnished guardian bows smoothly, managing somehow not to jingle or creak. After 10 years among dwarves, the smith's abrupt dismissal is almost charmingly familiar.

The Maker bless your craft, good smithy.

Aurelius strides purposefully away without waiting for a response, shouldering his massive weapon with a single hand. When he stops a nobleman's horse in the Temple District to get exact directions to the temple of Moradin, he makes sure to give him plenty of warning.

The noble does not appear to appreciate this thoughtfulness.

Having got his (rude) answer, Aurelius drops the horse's reins and starts towards the Temple at a quick pace. Everything will make sense if he can just pray for a little while.

You find Moradrin's temple, smaller than most because while the artisans may worship him, most people make their livings through the selling, not the creating, of things. It makes up for it's small size with pieces of exquisuite art, provided by his followers in the city. The first priest you meet is, in fact, a dwarf, who aproaches you. He is amazed by the design of your blade, and greets you, "Hail traveler, what can I do for you?"


For three days now, Ravilas had followed the taint of Shadow throughout the slums of this disgusting city. His exploits hadn't really found anything, so he figured it would be wise to rest a while. He crossed the street and casually pushed open the door to the tavern. Entering quickly, he heads slowly towards a table of what appeared to be relatively inexperienced gamblers. A mere game of probability... unwise to play, despite his intelligence.

Instead, he stood a few yards from the table, quietly observing the game progress, as well as the improving luck of a Tiefling sitting across from a human, an elf and what appeared to be a mountain of armor, no, a dwarf.

OOC: Well, looks like Tanaar's part may not be done, depending on what happens here. One things though, Nefren. Aveeno is in New City, part of East Punjar, so it wouldn't be a simple walk across the street from the slums. In any case...

Hearing the door open, the innkeeper, an older, dark bronze-colored dragonborn comes out of the back, and seeing you, pauses for a second. When he speaks to you, he does so in a wary manner, "Well, a Shadar-Kai, that's something you don't see everyday. And what do you want?"


Unsure why his superiors sent him to Punjar, Bael makes his way to the temple of Pelor. After a brief prayer of thanks for his safe arrival in the courtyard, he attempts to locate one of the senior priests to see if there is any work suited to a Paladin.

Unable to locate any of the senior priests, you settle on one of the more junior ones. He explains that the senior priests have been called to meet with the Lord of the city, to seek their advice in dealing with the Shadow in the slums. He does however, offer you a room in one of the rooms they keep for traveling followers of Pelor and that you will be able to meet with one of them tomorrow.


Once he reaches the alley, Kizzy removes the hood. He's learned that most of the people in this city won't think twice about messing with a sleeping kobold, as most of the other kobolds have nothing that could even be considered wealth with them. Especially if they're sleeping in an alley. Kizzy pushes some garbage aside, revealing a makeshift cot, which he picks up and shakes off. He curls up like a dog in it, and goes to sleep, dreaming it's a horde of coins instead.

OOC: Like I said to Tanaar, your day is over, it will continue when the rest catch up. Which hopefully won't be long, since addressing 6 different actions is a much longer process than I thought it would be.

Vox Clamantis
2008-11-22, 06:37 PM

There is an imperceptible relaxation somewhere within that steel body. It feels almost like home. With one hand he points to his chest, and the symbol of Moradin engraved there.


How can he explain what he doesn't understand himself?

I must use your altar. My ablutions may take some time, but do not worry; I shall not require food resources or bedding.

In all of those years silently watching the dwarves, he never got the impression that holding conversation was so discomfiting.

2008-11-22, 07:25 PM

There is an imperceptible relaxation somewhere within that steel body. It feels almost like home. With one hand he points to his chest, and the symbol of Moradin engraved there.


How can he explain what he doesn't understand himself?

I must use your altar. My ablutions may take some time, but do not worry; I shall not require food resources or bedding.

In all of those years silently watching the dwarves, he never got the impression that holding conversation was so discomfiting.

"Very well, brother, if that is what you need, then we can provide it."Somewhat confused, the priest leads you to the altar, engraved with the symbol of Moradin, and lets you do what you need to do.

OOC: And your day is done.

2008-11-22, 08:38 PM
"You don't happen to have a head of a shadowfell beast do you? Hmm, I didn't think so. Well, in that case, I'll be fine with some water. The clean stuff mind you, not the stuff you give to the horses."

I figured if I'm hunting for three days, why not go to a place that isn't well, so depressing.

2008-11-22, 09:44 PM
"You don't happen to have a head of a shadowfell beast do you? Hmm, I didn't think so. Well, in that case, I'll be fine with some water. The clean stuff mind you, not the stuff you give to the horses."

You can tell your attitude does not endear you to Rikshan. With a slight growl, he goes to the bar and gets you your drink, setting it down on your table. You think the price he charges you is a bit higher than normal, but before you can say anything, he stomps back into the back room.

2008-11-23, 12:56 AM

Aldrok makes his way to the temple of Ioun. There he asks the priests for access to their library, if they have one. "I'm after rare books, the rarer the better, preferably dwarven."

2008-11-23, 01:07 AM

Aldrok makes his way to the temple of Ioun. There he asks the priests for access to their library, if they have one. "I'm after rare books, the rarer the better, preferably dwarven."

The priest you speak, an eladrin, looks down at you, in more ways than one, and asks, "Who are you, to ask for access to our library? And why do you seek such knowledge?"

2008-11-23, 05:40 PM
Unable to locate any of the senior priests, you settle on one of the more junior ones. He explains that the senior priests have been called to meet with the Lord of the city, to seek their advice in dealing with the Shadow in the slums. He does however, offer you a room in one of the rooms they keep for traveling followers of Pelor and that you will be able to meet with one of them tomorrow.

His curiosity piqued, Bael decides to look into the matter. Indeed? What can you tell me of the Shadow?

2008-11-23, 06:55 PM
His curiosity piqued, Bael decides to look into the matter. Indeed? What can you tell me of the Shadow?

"It is an infestation of dark magic that has settled into the the slums. It was probably created or summoned by the Beggar-King, though how he learned how to do so is unknown." The priest explains the history of the conflict ((OOC: The background in first post of this thread)).

2008-11-24, 04:13 PM

Ravilas accepts the drink and gives the bartender a very aggressive glare, but turns away and begins watching the game again. Apparently the party of three wasn't doing so well.

2008-11-24, 04:19 PM
"It is an infestation of dark magic that has settled into the the slums. It was probably created or summoned by the Beggar-King, though how he learned how to do so is unknown." The priest explains the history of the conflict ((OOC: The background in first post of this thread)).

That is unfortunate, doubly so if it is of unknown origin. Is this the first time the priests have been consulted on this matter?

Note: Regardless of his answer, Bael will realize that there is likely little he can do at this stage and inquire after a place the priest might suggest for a decent meal and a pint of ale after a long journey. If the priest is unhelpful, he'll go look for one himself.

If needed, untrained streetwise roll to find a place that tastes better than it costs and serves a decent Dwarven ale: [roll0]

2008-11-25, 12:27 AM

Ravilas accepts the drink and gives the bartender a very aggressive glare, but turns away and begins watching the game again. Apparently the party of three wasn't doing so well.

While the game never comes near to violence, the three players grow frustrated at their lack of luck. Eventually, they get up and leave the room, going upstairs to their own rooms for the night.

If you don't have anything specific to do, your day is over. Your drink costing you 2 silver, your room (assuming you get one here), another 6.

That is unfortunate, doubly so if it is of unknown origin. Is this the first time the priests have been consulted on this matter?

Note: Regardless of his answer, Bael will realize that there is likely little he can do at this stage and inquire after a place the priest might suggest for a decent meal and a pint of ale after a long journey. If the priest is unhelpful, he'll go look for one himself.

"Yes, it is, before it showed signs of spreading, the leaders of Punjar cared little for trouble in the slums." He respondes with a sigh. He is unable to assist you in finding a good place to get a drink, other than pointing you in the direction of New City. There you find an dwarf run tavern, which gives you a meal and a decent pint, though not the best you've had. After you return to the temple, you find another paladin, a half-elf named Laren, in the courtyard, running through some forms. You and he spar for a time before you retire for the night.

And your day is done, 3 silver for the meal and drink

2008-11-25, 12:37 AM

"I am Aldrok Veinmarker, though I doubt you've heard of me. I'm looking for a tomb of a Dwarf king, long since lost in the annals of time. I had heard there might be some tomes here that might point me in... well, any direction at all."

2008-11-25, 12:52 AM

"I am Aldrok Veinmarker, though I doubt you've heard of me. I'm looking for a tomb of a Dwarf king, long since lost in the annals of time. I had heard there might be some tomes here that might point me in... well, any direction at all."

Pacified by your reasonable response, the priest agrees to let you look through their library, though there is often another priest nearby to keep an eye on you, as they do not entirely trust someone of your appearance with their books. During your search, you find nothing, but you do not have the time to search their whole selection in just one half-day. In the evening, you head back to New City, getting a meal and a room at an inn and turning in for the night.

If there is anything else you want to do in that time period, let me know, if not, your day is also over, and I will write up the next step in this adventure. 7 silver for the meal and the room.

2008-11-25, 08:14 PM
As night passes, each of you feels something, a pull enticing you to follow. Even if you try to resist, it does not leave you alone. Eventually, you all get up and follow it, whether you stop to collect weapons and armor, or if you just trust this feeling is up to you.

Getting up from your bedding and leaving the alley, you see an old woman, dressed in no more than old rags. She is a skeletal figure, and looks as if she could collapse at any moment. Her voice is ethereal and other worldly as she speaks to you. “We are the Sisters…and we have chosen you to help protect the city. Please…you must kill the Beggar-King and his pet...You will not be alone, we have chosen five others who will join you. Please…in you do not…it will spread…all will die.” As you are a native of the city, you have heard of the Sisters, “they” have existed since the city’s inception, if the stories are true. No one knows exactly what they are, in fact, most see them as nothing more than old wife’s tales.

Aveeno, Ravilas, and Aldrok:
Aveeno and Ravilas leave the inn they are staying at, as does Aldrok from his own. The feeling leads them to a deserted street. Looking at each other suspiciously, none of you know what going on. All of a sudden, you hear a sound, and turning, you all see a woman of indescribable beauty step out of the shadows. She wears nothing more than a regal cloak and when she speaks, her voice is ethereal and harmonious. “We are the Sisters…and we have chosen you all to help protect the city. Please…you must kill the Beggar-King and his pet...You will not be alone, we have chosen others who will join you. Please…in you do not…it will spread…all will die.”

OOC: ((If you make a DC 15 History check, you’ll know what Kizzy knows. Feel free to roll it in real life if you want, I’ll trust you. The fact that it gives you absolutely no real advantage has nothing to do with that, of course.))

Aurelius and Bael:
Each of you is pulled from your respective temples, and you meet in the center of the Temple District. You both see a woman of indescribable beauty approach you. She wears nothing more than a regal cloak and when she speaks, her voice is ethereal and harmonious. “We are the Sisters…and we have chosen you all to help protect the city. Please…you must kill the Beggar-King and his pet...You will not be alone, we have chosen others who will join you. Please…in you do not…it will spread…all will die.”

OOC: ((If you make a DC 15 History check, you’ll know what Kizzy knows. Feel free to roll it in real life if you want, I’ll trust you. The fact that it gives you absolutely no real advantage has nothing to do with that, of course.))

2008-11-25, 08:52 PM

Kizzy wonders if someone spiked his water last night, before noticing the leaf the catches on the cloth draped over the woman, thus confirming her not to be strictly hallucinary. He considers what she says, who she claims to be, and turns to look at the alley he crawled out of. He spots a rat nibbling on his bed.

"Where'll I be plantin' my feets then?"

((Translation - Where do I go, then?))

2008-11-25, 10:05 PM

History- [roll0]

Excellent...some adventure at last! "The Sisters...always thought you were just one of Punjar's legends. But you're pretty quick with telling us what to do, and not with how to do it or how that'll help the city. Will killing the Beggar-Master make this Shadow go away? And what pet does he keep?"

Vox Clamantis
2008-11-25, 10:30 PM

The patient sentinel follows this mysterious impulse immediately, believing it to be sent by Moradin. Since he got no direct response to his prayers earlier, he assumes this must be what he was waiting for.

After hearing the woman's message, Aurelius turns his attention to only other witness, who appears to be human.

The gods have spoken. The Beggar King must die.

He pauses for a moment as if realizing something.

Who is the Beggar King?

2008-11-25, 10:34 PM

"Through logical deduction, it seems as if we are both after the same thing... I came here to claim the head of that foul beast in the name of the Raven Queen. Now...who... or what... is the Beggar King? Perhaps we could find a way to communicate with him and possibly obtain supplies beyond that which we currently possess..."

2008-11-26, 07:50 AM

Aldrok runs his hand over his short beard. "And where are these others that are supposed to help us?"


2008-11-26, 02:19 PM

The patient sentinel follows this mysterious impulse immediately, believing it to be sent by Moradin. Since he got no direct response to his prayers earlier, he assumes this must be what he was waiting for.

After hearing the woman's message, Aurelius turns his attention to only other witness, who appears to be human.

The gods have spoken. The Beggar King must die.

He pauses for a moment as if realizing something.

Who is the Beggar King?



Turning to the warforged, Bael has a somewhat skeptical look on his face.

I'm not sure she's sent by the gods, but from what I've heard of the "Beggar King" and the shadow plague it's possible they're related. Either way I feel it is my duty to bring Pelor's light to bear on this Shadow, and any help I can get will most ikely be appreciated. Bael next turns back to the Sister. Who are these others? How will we know them, and what can we do that the high priests of Pelor cannot?

2008-11-26, 05:46 PM
"Thank you, brave one...Go to the ferry docks and cross over to the east...there you will meet the five. Lead them to Cutpurse Alley, and beyond the dragon's mouth...A word of warning...Be active and alert with your senses, for the Shadow hides much danger..." With that, she leaves, disappearing a blink of the eye. You know where Cutpurse Alley is, and it is well within the Shadowed section of the slums. You don't know what the "dragon's mouth" she is referring to, but you feel confident you will figure it out when you get there.

Aveeno, Ravilas, Aldrok:
"The Beggar-king's pet...a beast of shadow, the one you seek," She looks directly at Ravilas with this comment, "...it grows and strengthens...it must be killed, and the Shadow will fade with it...The King is evil, he cannot be reasoned with...he must die along with his pet for Punjar to be saved...The others you will meet at the ferry dock in the Trade Meet," she says, giving you the directions to the Trade Meet, "And heed this warning, be active and alert with your senses, for the Shadow hides much danger." There is a flash of light, as when your vision clears, she is gone.

Aurelius and Bael:
"Gods?" She says, with a chuckle, "We are not gods, but spirits of the city...The Beggar-King is evil...he must die along with his pet for Punjar to be saved...He lives in the slums, and is the maker of the Shadow...Why you?...Six can sneak into the Beggar-King's lair...six can kill the King and his pet...so six we send...The others you will meet at the ferry dock in the Trade Meet," she says, giving you the directions to the Trade Meet, "Rightous warriors, a final warning...Be active and alert with your senses, for the Shadow hides much danger...." There is a flash of light, as when your vision clears, she is gone.

Whenever you're all ready, just say so and you'll all meet up at the docks.

2008-11-26, 10:41 PM

"I came through here once as a guard on a merchant's ship. I know the docks that Sister was referring to. Shall we?"

Assuming the other two are ready to go, I'll lead them there. We can talk on the way if they wish.

2008-11-27, 02:18 AM

Cackling at the term 'Brave' (which sounds more like a hiss to human ears, but Kizzy is unaware of this), Kizzy speaks out "Yah, yah, I'll be servin' as the foot-guide for dees 'Heroes' ya be sendin'. Got it." Kizzy secures his rapier and makes sure his armor is well tightened, and heads on his way to the docks and the east end after that.

Vox Clamantis
2008-11-27, 02:50 AM

Shouldering his weapon, Aurelius manages to look impatient. Whatever the spirit said, it's clear that Moradin has a new purpose in mind for him, and he means to see it done.

Aurelius waits for Bael to gather his supplies before heading to the rendezvous together.

2008-11-27, 11:04 AM

"Well, we hardly have any choice in the matter if the city is at stake. Lead on."

2008-11-27, 01:02 PM

Shouldering his weapon, Aurelius manages to look impatient. Whatever the spirit said, it's clear that Moradin has a new purpose in mind for him, and he means to see it done.

Aurelius waits for Bael to gather his supplies before heading to the rendezvous together.


Clapping his newfound companion on the shoulder, Bael begins to move off towards the docks. Let's be off then, shall we? For the soulforger and lightbringer we'll see this plague undone. I wonder who else has been tasked with this quest...

2008-11-29, 12:58 AM
As you wait by the ferry, you see two groups approaching. The first is a pair, a bearded human in scale mail, carrying a rather large hammer, and another figure. You can't see anything beyond the armor of this other figure, but something just seems off to you about it. It moves too precisely, each step exactly the same distance apart as the previous one.

The other group is made up of a dark skinned figure who you barely make out in the darkness at first, giving you a shiver up your spine as you look at him, a heavily armed horned tifling wearing chainmail, and a dwarf who looks like he was on the wrong end of an explosive spell, his clothing full of holes and bald head covered in runes.

Aveeno, Ravailis, and Aldrok:
The three of you approach the ferry, seeing three others ahead of you. Two of them are just reaching the ferry themselves, a bearded human in scale mail, carrying a rather large hammer, and another figure. You can't see anything beyond the armor of this other figure, but something just seems off to about it.

The other figure is already waiting by the ferry, your guide, most likely. It is a small figure, looking like some kind of an armored rat. To your surprise, it is a Kobold, not a creature you expected to be helping to save the city.

Aurelius and Bael:
You reach the ferry dock and see a creature there,your guide, most likely. It is a small figure, looking like some kind of an armored rat. To your surprise, it is a Kobold, not a creature you expected to be helping to save the city.

Hearing footsteps, you turn, seeing another trio show up. You see a dark skinned figure who you barely make out in the darkness at first, a heavily armed horned tifling wearing chainmail, and a dwarf who looks like he was on the wrong end of an explosive spell, his clothing full of holes and bald head covered in runes.

OOC:And the gangs all here, finally. BTW, Neftren, you don't have equipment chosen, please do so quickly.

2008-11-29, 02:07 AM

Kizzy coughs, clears his throat.

"Welcome ta tha city, noble adventers. I be yer guide fer yer stay, seems. Don't mind tha looks a me, I'm fully capable, I is."

2008-11-29, 12:34 PM

"Not to worry, little friend, I've seen far too many people underestimate those smaller than them to do the same. Where are we doing?"

2008-11-29, 01:31 PM

A good question, and one I suspect our guide may be best able to answer. I do know the Peloran priesthood was in council with the city's rulers yesterday, and may have come up with something. However, if these... sisters... chose us to combat the plague rather than the Lightbringer's most capable servants then they may suspect we are somehow better able to resolve the issue than the priests. Still, it may be worth consulting them.

We could also investigate the plague ourselves, in hopes that we learn something about it and our foes.

Finally, we can try to learn more about this "Beggar King" and where he might be found. Since our task is to slay him and this pet of his, this would be our most direct and obvious choice. Anyone have a preference?

Vox Clamantis
2008-11-29, 04:12 PM

A voice issues from the helm-like visage, low and smooth. In timbre it resembles nothing so much as a basso tuning fork.

Good evening to you, little one. My name is Aurelius, and I serve the Maker.

The messenger advised stealth. We must not draw attention to ourselves by seeking assistance. Whatever we need, the Gods shall provide. Our enemy is in the slums. Should we not go there to seek him out?

2008-11-29, 04:33 PM

"Ai. Smoke's where we needs ta be.... Ya'd know Smoke as tha Slums, I s'pose. I dun know much bout tha Beggar King an his pet, as ya say, but I know tha worgsbreath got rejected by tha tieves guilly like alot of us folk. Least dat's what I've heard. It'd explain the whole fight between tha two, anyway."

2008-11-29, 07:48 PM

"Well... we were unfortunately told that the Beggar King cannot be reasoned with. I would assume you have received similar information. I would strongly suggest venturing into the slums. I have already been there, but I lost the trail numerous times. Perhaps with your assistance, I may find some more solid traces of this beast... I have heard of a number of bodies turning up. That might be a good place to start."

2008-11-29, 11:16 PM

"I know of some dogs we could punch it out of, I'm sure. I mean, they be workin' for him, after all."

He thinks about what he said.

"They ain't really dogs... They part of a dog gang... So, they people."

2008-11-29, 11:37 PM

"Sounds like a good place to start." He started liking the Kobold immediately. Looking around, he is happy with the racial turnout. Not a dwarf among 'em.

"Looks like someone bought that tin can." Aldrok recognises Aurelius' 'armour' from the marketplace. "You wouldn't find me trapped inside an Iron Maiden like that..."

2008-11-29, 11:46 PM

The tiefling grins, revealing ivory teeth that are just slightly pointed. "I'm with the little one. The best way to get some information about a boss thug is to 'ask' another thug. With your fist. And best to leave the churches out of this." His grin fades. "Although, if we're trying to do it quiet-like, best to make it look like the 'questioning' came from a known enemy. You know how to give these 'dogs' the idea that we're thieves' guilders, little one?"

2008-11-30, 01:08 AM

"Uhm... Well... I'm with ya? That should be good enough... I be a rejectee, too, ya know? Most of us in tha slums have tried out for Tieves guild here an d'er before. I dun think they'll be reportin', though. Usually, a beating is a sign of disgrace, and'll get ya fired by whoever ya be workin' for, after all... They'd best just keep it under wraps for their own necks."

2008-11-30, 02:37 PM

While I can't say I'm thrilled about beating some small-fry scum just to get information, I see your points as to how best to proceed. Also, I may be able to convince them to assist us without injuring them.

Vox Clamantis
2008-11-30, 02:48 PM

The iron-bound paladin nods his head once in agreement. Justice must be served. If we take them to the constabulary once we're done with them, they will be unable to report to their masters. There is, oddly, no sound of sliding metal, and those who are looking closely see the steel around his neck bending slightly with the movement.

2008-11-30, 03:07 PM

"Wait wait wait... I gots a reputation to uphold 'round Smoke. I can't go turnin' in people I beat fer information. It's against tha code, it is!"

2008-12-02, 11:40 AM

Aveeno scratches a curling horn as he thinks. "True...I don't have a local rep, but I appreciate the value of maintaining one. Its your call how we proceed, Kizzy. You're the local." Glancing at his more righteous companions, he explains, "There are a lot of fish in the sea, gentlemen. Risking an operation this important on a few street thugs isn't worth it. Come to think of it, I'm worried enough as it is about how recognizable our little party is...not many people in the Smoke match our descriptions should word get out that we were asking questions. Yeah, I'm going to go with whatever my kobold friend here says."

Vox Clamantis
2008-12-02, 05:03 PM

After a moment, the expressionless metal head dips once in agreement.

I suppose we must obey the laws of the community.

Little one, I will do as you deem appropriate.

2008-12-02, 07:09 PM

Bael nods his agreement with the warforged. I fear it would attract undue attention to ourselves if we were to alert both the authorities and the criminal element here by turning the latter over to the former. We should make as little impact here as possible, and I would say our Kobold friend here is likely to knw best how to do so.

2008-12-03, 03:22 AM

"Well, I say we head back ta my alley, cause that's where I last saw tha dogs. Either that or tha taverns. The shady ones. That be another idea. Either should work. I gotta warn yas, though - We'll be headin' into the plagued area."

2008-12-03, 03:59 AM

The ruddy-skinned tiefling drops a hand down to his katana, thumb deftly popping two inches of blade out of its scabbard. Running a long fingernail against the edge, a thin slice of nail falling to the dock. Still sharp, not that it ever dulled. Loosening the blade a bit more in its scabbard, Aveeno slams it home. "That's all I need. Avandra will provide the rest, or she won't. Lead on, little one."

2008-12-04, 08:07 AM

"I don't know my way around, or how this city works. Best I can do is follow." He gives a slightly sadistic grin. "Until you need something scorched." He breaks out into a raucous of laughter, the joke seems to be very funny to him.

2008-12-05, 10:19 AM

"Right-o, let's go then."
Kizzy begins to head them back towards his alleyway. Without thinking, he takes his route, which involves climbing over some of the smaller walls, ducking under some drainage ditches, things like that. There's a much simpler way to get there, but Kizzy wasn't exactly thinking about that at the moment. It didn't even occur to him that he was probably making this difficult for his more armored allies.

2008-12-05, 10:50 AM

"Standing around outside isn't exactly a good idea. I would suggest that we move inside, where we won't stand out so much."

2008-12-05, 02:41 PM

Easily keeping pace with the kobold, Aveeno's face is plastered with a grin. Not only am I going to see some real action, ducking around through this obstacle course is pretty fun, too.

"You worry too much, shadar-kai. Honestly, who's really going to mess with a bunch of people as strange as us? Thugs usually only go for marks that they can deal with on their own terms."

2008-12-05, 05:52 PM

I agree for the most part, though who's to say we won't find ourselves in an ambush? We may be heavily armed, but enough ruffians could bring us down just the same. We'd best keep a wary eye out lest we find ourselves dealing with some thugs, on their terms as you say.

Perception and/or untrained Streetwise to check for any unsavory types, if needed/relevant - Perception: [roll0], Streetwise: [roll1]

2008-12-05, 10:49 PM

"Perhaps you do not understand. Better to be cautious and paranoid as opposed to dead. I've learned that lesson the hard way and nearly lost my life to it. If any enterprising thug were to gain the upper hand against us with a few associates of his... we'd probably be dead in the street. Any sort of brawl or streetfight with them will definitely draw the attention of the city guard... which we also wish to avoid. In such times... people are desperate. We would do well to avoid any attention at all. Seven of us standing here, all heavily armed and dangerous... you can figure out the rest."

2008-12-06, 01:54 AM

Kizzy laughs.
"City Guard? In Smoke? During the plague? HA!"

2008-12-06, 03:13 AM

The tiefling snickers along with Kizzy, having come to the same conclusion. "We're headed into an area where Avandra's law rules more than the city's. Here, luck favors the bold...those with the wherewithal to make their own way rule, and those who rely on others' strength find themselves at a loss. A party traveling openly should be left alone. Skulkers have something to hide, and therefore something to lose."

Vox Clamantis
2008-12-06, 03:26 PM

From a few paces back, where he's been keep pace more through sheer physical power and doggedness than fleetness of foot, the warforged chimes in.

We lack both fear and anything to lose. Perhaps that is why we were chosen?

Aurelius is not the best judge of character. He assumes that everyone is as apathetic about survival as himself.

2008-12-06, 06:39 PM

Bael has a slightly displeased look on his face, as though he had just swallowed something that tasted off. You may be right, servant of Moradin. Aside from our kobold friend, do any of you have ties to the city? If we are all outsiders, then we are relatively unknown to the city's various factions and agents. That could prove to be a major asset.

2008-12-07, 02:28 AM
As you all enter the slums, it is early morning, the sun is just rising above the horizon, though you are unable to see it. The slums are covered by clouds, dropping a hard, steady rain over you. You all are able to see and follow the Kobold, but just barely. Those of you who haven't been here before are struck by the difference between the slums and the New City district. Every building here looks as if it could fall apart at a moments notice, coated black by soot and grime, their stone faces chipped and cracked. You would guess that you would even be able to climb most of the buildings here without needing a ladder. The people you see are gaunt figures cloaked in rags, watching you carefully, eyeing such unusual characters in the slums.

The party reaches the point where Kizzy saw the Brotherhood of the Dog members before. Turning from his normal route home, Kizzy leads you in the direction he saw them leave. This path takes you into the Shadow, where the light dies further, becoming muted. A small group of the slum’s inhabitants gathered around a fire, under some cover from the rain, provide the only light in the immediate vicinity. The four of them tense as they notice you, whether to fight or flee you do not know. For further travel into the slums though, you will probably need to provide your own light.

2008-12-08, 08:00 PM

Torch or sunrod, friends? I myself might prefer the latter, but it would make our movements harder to conceal.

2008-12-08, 09:13 PM

"In the interests of preserving our resources, why not use the torch now. We can save the sunrod for when we lack the appropriate firestarting means."

2008-12-08, 09:59 PM

Very well, though I may need someone with a free hand to carry it. This shield of mine doesn't lend itself so well to anything other than defense.

OOC: Anyone who wants the torch can use it (if no-one wants to pony up their own :smallbiggrin:), I've got the flint-and-steel from the adventurer's kit but no free hands for torchbearing.

2008-12-08, 10:11 PM

Aldrok snaps his head up at Ravilas' comment. "What? I didn't start..." Catching on to the conversation, he pauses, then raises his fist, which slowly becomes engulfed in fire. The flame doesn't give off any light, but the rain causes little puffs of steam to shoot from his fist. "Pass me a torch." Holding the torch, he touches it to his hand and ignites it. The torch lit, he holds his flaming fist to his face, and 'blows' it out, causing the ball of fire to leap from his hand like a fireball but only going a few feet before extinguishing. Holding the torch as high as he can (seemingly as far from his face as he can get it), he ushers everyone to keep moving.

I'm sure Hellish Rebuke doesn't work like that, but I love the visual.

2008-12-08, 10:11 PM

Aveeno ignores the troubles of those not gifted with superior vision, maintaining vigil on the surrounding area. Strapping his buckler to his left arm, the tiefling draws and hefts a javelin with his right, stalking just behind Kizzy.

Vox Clamantis
2008-12-08, 11:20 PM

Water streaming little rivulets down his armored skin, Aurelius reaches into his backpack (an almost unnoticeable feature against the expanse of metal) and pulls out a sunrod, activating it casually and holding it in one hand, his massive sword still held in the other. At a look from Ravilas, he gives a half-shrug.

Nothing but sunrods in my pack. I don't eat, after all.

Anyone who assumed he was just a guy in armor must think he's nuts by now.

2008-12-09, 01:22 PM

"This's where tha dogs went. I dunno pas this point."

He turns to look at Aveeno

"And what tha 'ell you think yer doin'? I'm not a very good shield."

2008-12-09, 01:51 PM

"Which is why I'm ready to jump in front of you to fight, if needed. You're not alone here."

2008-12-10, 07:13 PM

"Hrrm. Well, Sistahs said somethin' about Cutpurse Alley, I thinks. Maybe that's a place ta start. Someone wanna go grab up some fire from them Hobos?"

2008-12-12, 11:07 PM

We could also see if they know anything. Can you describe the people we're looking for? Maybe they've seen something.

2008-12-15, 02:52 PM
Bael approaches the four, ill-dressed denizens of the slums, hands open and empty to show his peaceful intentions. "Greetings fellows, perhaps you could answer some questions for me. I would reward you for your time." He takes a couple of gold pieces from a pounch and hands them to the four.

The nearest one, a human missing most of his teeth and covered in scars, takes the coins, examining them before responding,"Hmm, maybe, depends on what you want to know..."

"We seek the lair of the Beggar-King, or if you don't know where that is, where we can find the Brotherhood of the Dog. We have heard cutpurse alley may be a good place to start, what do you say?"

"The Beggar-king? Sure, Cutpurse Alley is where you want to go, but if you just charge straight in, you're going right to your deaths. I know a better way in, through the Shiv, and I'll take you there, if you make it worth my while." The other three look at him, starting to say something, but he just waves them off, "We need the money to move out of this thrice-damned shadow, and this is our best chance to get it." The rest sit down, mollified by his explanation. The human stands up, "Name's Jalnir, two more gold and I'll take you where you want to go."

2 gold from Bael to begin with, the other two coming from any of you if you choose to have him lead you.

2008-12-15, 03:08 PM

Aveeno approaches the small group of beggars. "Two more? If you get us there safely, I'll triple that. Two gold for each of you, plenty to sustain an enterprising man for some time."

Vox Clamantis
2008-12-15, 08:04 PM

The warforged hovers in the background, trying his level best not to look like a do-gooder.

And failing miserably.

2008-12-15, 08:50 PM

"You know... with someone of your size and dimension, it's probably best to blend in. Act like the scenery. Or... more like... the wall. Or I know! Try posing like a statue!"

2008-12-15, 09:43 PM
Jalnir nods, "Even better, let's get going then." Jalnir looks over your party before continuing, "There's a lot of you already, so I should take you by myself. Many more and we'll draw too much attention."

Jalnir sets off on his path, barely within the radius of your light.

To be continued tomorrow, probably the evening, don't have the time for a descriptive post now. Talk or do whatever if you wish.

2008-12-15, 10:01 PM

Gripping his hammer again, Bael remains wary as Jalnir leads them through the streets. He walks alongside Aveeno for a moment. I don't know whether you did that out of charity or a desire to avoid a double-cross, he whispers, but I approve either way. Still, best to keep an eye out and make every effort to remember our route. He's agreed to take us there, not get us back out again.

Doing his best to exude a general aura of menace, a sort of "come near me and my hammer will show your skull what an egg feels like at omelette time" vibe, Bael keeps a wary eye on the surroundings and does his best to note the path taken as Jalnir leads them to Cutpurse Alley.

Rolls, if needed:

Perception: [roll0]
Intelligence (for memory): [roll1]

Edit: Holy ____ that was horrific. A bird flies overhead and drops a present in Bael's eye, and he spends the entire journey trying to remove it. Or we can just not worry about the die rolls.

2008-12-15, 10:49 PM

The tiefling claps Bael on the back, smiling broadly. "Gold loosens tongues as easily as a common cause. Especially in quantities that can change a man's fortunes...two gold may not be an incredible sum to you or I, but to the unfortunate, it can mean an escape from this place, at least for a time." Nevertheless, Aveeno keeps a careful watch on his guide and his surroundings.

2008-12-17, 01:25 AM

Watching the group walk away, Aldrok waits until the rest of the party is sufficiently out of earshot. He stands with the hobos, warming his hands over the fire. "You know what they say, light a man a fire, he'll be warm for the night. Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life." With that he pulls his hands away from the fire, both of them catching alight, burning with an eerie blue flame. "Ah, that's better. Now then, there's no chance that friend of yours will lead us on the wrong path, is there?"

Ah, the joy of pyromania.

2008-12-17, 03:07 AM

Palming his face, he follows the group, hand on his rapier.

2008-12-17, 09:37 PM
My apologies for taking so long with this, but here it is.

The remaining hobos' eyes travel from your hands to you face a couple of time before one them, a halfling, answers, "Don't worry yourself, he'll take you where you need to go." As far as you can tell, he speaks the truth, and you follow behind the rest of the party.

All goes well on the trip to the small section of the slum known as the Shiv. Your group attracts some attention, of course, due to it's odd nature, but no problems arise. The condition of the areas you travel through is as it was before, the buildings barely standing, covered in soot, doors and windows tightly locked. Once you enter the Shiv, Jalnir leads you down a path behind an old inn, the streets emptier here than usual, and all of you not picking bird poop out of your eyes notice that he begins acting strangely. He keeps looking around as if he's checking for something, checking the inn's second story windows. From the ilumination from your lights, you see the end of the road ahead, almost dead ending into a building if not for a narrow path to the left. Here Jalnir stops for a minute, softly chuckling, almost nervously, and peeks at you all over his shoulder.

2008-12-17, 10:23 PM

Ever vigilant and inherently distrustful of odd behavior, Aveeno Observes Jalnir's apprehension with some suspicion. Drawing his katana, he passes it through the air a few times, his proficiency with it obvious. "What's with the nervousness, friend? This isn't a trap, is it? Because I assure you, if we're jumped and I think you're involved, you will be the first to die. Last chance to get let go if that's the case."


2008-12-17, 11:19 PM

Finally cleaning the "present" from his eye, Bael overhears Aveeno and turns his attention to their guide. Why have we stopped, Jalnir? What's the problem? As he speaks, he makes careful note of Jalnir's body language and demeanor, looking for any clues into his motivations or intentions.

Insight roll: [roll0]

Vox Clamantis
2008-12-18, 01:20 AM

Marching along in a martial reverie, the ironbound paladin wouldn't notice the sky if it fell on him. Only when they stop does he heft his sunrod a bit higher and tighten his grip on the unbelievably large sword in his other hand.

Perception: [roll0]

2008-12-18, 05:19 AM

"Right where we need to go." Aldrok chuckles softly and stretches his neck. "Typical."

2008-12-18, 07:45 PM
Turning to face you, Jalnir clears his throat and begins speaking quickly, "Well, it looks like my friends will not joining us. In that case, I'll give you some words of advice. There is no secret backdoor to the Beggar-king's lair, the only way in is through Cutpurse alley. Head back out the way we came, take a right, and then left when you see the old charnel house and you'll see the gate. I haven't heard of anyone making it out of there alive, but then, I've only heard of rogues and thieves trying, not a well armed party like yourselves. Good luck to you all, you're going to need it." With a burst of speed, he runs to the side path and starts running down it.

While you can tell he's nervous, your senses tell you he's telling the truth.

Back at the fire with the other three hobos:
"So, you think he'll make it back?"

"Eh, he'll be fine, mad as hell, but he'll work his mouth or his feet fast enough to get away."

"Yeah, not our fault though, the trap wouldn't had been any good. We could have dealt with armored fellows, but throw in the firey dwarf too? And who knows what that dark one is? He tried to bite of more than we could chew."

2008-12-19, 12:19 AM

"Well, ready ta listen ta me yet? Idiot was leadin' us inta a trap, he was, y'all were just gonna walk right into it."

Kizzy turns around and starts heading towards Cutpurse Alley.

Vox Clamantis
2008-12-19, 01:45 AM

Falling into step behind the kobold, the ambulatory armor wonders at the strange group he's fallen in with. Moradin certainly works in mysterious ways...

2008-12-19, 04:03 PM

Bael thinks for a moment, then responds to the Kobold. At least by enlisting him we were able to remain wary. Had we not used him as a guide, he might well have given us false directions and had an ambush waiting for us. While it seems like that's what may have been his intention here, the gods chose for us to emerge unscathed. I'd call this a victory all told and consider the gold we sacrificed an act of charity. Now, shall we be off?

2008-12-19, 06:02 PM
More like the dwarf convinced his friends that pulling a trap would have been hazardous to their health. :smallwink:

You all arrive at the head of a dark alley. An iron gate topped by leering gargolyes and sharp spikes blocks your way. Beyond the rusted iron bars, you can make out the ruined buildings, as is standard fare here, and tentements that overhang the alleyway. Nothing moves within your sight, other than hungry rats and the ongoing rain. Smoke belches from the chimney's of the charnel house, choking the air.

The gate itself is secured with a lock, cast within the open mouth of a roaring dragon. A trail of foul-smelling sewage runs down the center of the alley, seeping past your boots and staining everything it touches.

2008-12-20, 02:36 AM

Kizzy looks back to the others once he reaches the gate. He looks carefully around...

If he sees nothing of interest (living creatures, mainly)-
Kizzy goes about pulling out his Thieves Kit, and begins to work on the lock, trying to pick it. "Keep an eye out fa me, I'll have this done in a right jiffy."

If he sees something of interest -
Kizzy looks to the others as to what to do, as they seem better with their tongues than him.


Perception - [roll0]
Thievery to pick lock (if nothing of interest) - [roll1]

2008-12-20, 03:03 AM
Looking around, you see no other living thing than your party and the rats skittering across the ground. However, as you turn to the dragon's face, you see some hinges at the jaw, which look like they could bring the mouth snapping shut on anything, or anyone, that tried to pick the lock. Luckily, you are able to fix the trap so it will not close unless you want it to. The gate itself is still locked.

I used your thievery check to disable the trap, assuming you'd prioritize on the thing that could potentially hurt you. Will change that if I was incorrect.

Vox Clamantis
2008-12-20, 03:07 AM

A cunning mechanism. You seem to be very skilled at your craft.

From the tone of his tuning-fork voice, it would appear that Aurelius thinks he has just paid you a very nice compliment.

2008-12-20, 03:44 PM

"Eh, well, gotta know these things when ya work how I do. Kinda like how you know how to use ya weapons, I know how ta use a pick an trap."

He goes back again to try to pick the lock.

Theivery [roll0]

2008-12-20, 07:43 PM

The fiery dwarf can't help but feel a little pleased as the hobo runs off.

Watching Kizzy work on the gate, Aldrok is about to mention that the head looks like a trap just as the kobold disarms it. Stroking his beard, Aldrok sits back and watches Kizzy work.

2008-12-20, 10:03 PM
As the gate opens, you see the alleyway before you. As you walk in, grime and muck suck at your boots. A foul green mist hangs in the air, it's source unknown. You see a door on the building to your left not far ahead, and the alley continues beyond the light provided by your torches.

2008-12-20, 11:04 PM

"Good work. What a disgusting place. No light, not even a single green thing. Just... grime and muck. Shall we proceed? That door might be a good place to start." With that, Ravilas advances slowly, carefully checking for traps and keeping his senses tuned to danger.

[roll0] for Perception to detect anything harmful or sudden.
Edit: Eew, Natural 1.

2008-12-21, 12:03 AM

The tiefling hangs back, half-turned at all times back behind the group, clearly thinking to act as a rear guard. He carries his katana fully bared now, holding it in his left hand below the strapped-on buckler and a javelin in his right.

Avandra, guide my hands and I shall do you proud.


2008-12-21, 12:12 PM
Ravilas approaches the door, with the rest of the party behind him. Trying it, you find it locked, though from it's condition you don't think it would be hard to break down. A large rat skitters across the muck in front of you, distracting you. Have moved forward, you all see that alleyway turns at an angle up ahead. The green mist seems to get a little thicker up ahead as well.

Vox Clamantis
2008-12-21, 01:28 PM

For the metal man, there is no atmosphere or mood. In his eyes, green mist is just green mist. In an alarmingly loud voice, he asks,

By Moradin's tongs, why do ye pause?

2008-12-21, 05:28 PM

Seeming undettered by the people in front of him, Kizzy skirts around the other to get to the door.

"Here, I'll pop that for ya too."

He begins to try to pick the lock, mumbling something about stealth.


2008-12-22, 07:27 PM
Kizzy is once again able to pick the lock, and slowly pushes the door open. Before him he sees a trove of questionable quality items, a bazaar of some sort. Piles of weapons, tools, and more litter the floor or are hung along the walls or even from the ceiling. To the left you see a curtain blocking a doorway. However, these items are not left ungaurded. From the back, a trio of thugs look at the door. "Hey! You're not supposed to be here!" shouts the lead thug. They each pick up a shield and mace and prepare themselves for battle.

Gray lines are door/curtain.
Green outlined areas are piles of stuff, making difficult terrain.


Thug 2
Thug 3
Thug 1
And yes, I added the warlord bonus to all of your allies, Tanaar.

2008-12-23, 06:14 AM

Does the grey square also grant cover at all, or is it just difficult terrain?

2008-12-23, 01:32 PM
No cover, they're piles of stuff, big enough to give you trouble to walk through, but not big enough for cover.

2008-12-25, 05:35 PM
Neftren, you're still up.

Hoping the deadness is just a result of the holidays.

2009-01-02, 05:30 AM

Aldrok points his finger at one of the thugs. "Hey, you." His eye twitches slightly and a bolt of fire speeds from his hand. "Your not supposed to burn in here."

Moving things along...
Minor: Warlocks Curse on T3
Standard: Hellish Rebuke on T3
[roll0] vs reflex
[roll1] fire damage and [roll2] curse damage.
Move->Minor: Draw Craghammer

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-02, 06:36 AM

Casting aside his sunrod and taking the hilt of his golden blade in both hands, the towering metal soldier dodges into the room and within reach of the thugs faster than his appearance would suggest possible. Before any of them can do more than grab their weapons, he steps close and brings his blade down. From deep within the visor of his helmlike visage, Aurelius' luminous eyes catch the gaze of one of the thugs...and hold it spellbound.

Move: to the clear space south of and adjacent to T1
Standard: Piercing Smite at T1
Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex
Hit: [roll1] damage and the target is marked
Minor: Divine Challenge T3

2009-01-05, 02:38 AM

Kizzy shrieks slightly, but reacts quickly. He rushes in, attempting to slide his blade into a foe and hops backward.

Minor: Draw Rapier
Standard: Deft Strike, moving to the square right of T3.
Attack: [roll0] (Combat advantage taken into account)
Damage: [roll1] damage and [roll2] sneak attack.
Move: Shift diagonal 1 square South-east. (Yes, I realize I can do this as a minor, but there's no difference in the effect this turn)

2009-01-05, 05:37 PM
The rightmost thug shouts in pain as the flames leap from Aldrok's finger onto him, searing through his armor.

Aurelius steps up to the thug who first noticed you and swings his mighty blade, catching nothing but air as the thug sidesteps it. The still burning thug feels a unnatural urge to attack this armored figure, as Kizzy leaps in and staps him in the gut, stepping back again as he begins to cough up blood. The yet unengaged thug jumps into the pile of junk against the wall, slamming into Aurelius with his shield, trying to push him back.

Thug 2 steps to the south-west and makes a bull rush attempt on Aurelius.
the bull rush pushes Aurelius one square south.

Succeeding, the thug pushes Aurelius a few steps back, opening up room for the scorched thug to step up to Aurelius and swing his mace. The blow impacts Aurelius's torso, denting his armor.
Thug 3 moves through thug 1's space to reach the square two steps south of his original position, and attacks Aurelius.
Ouch, crit hit, 11 damage.

(Aveeno's turn)

2009-01-05, 11:48 PM

Dashing into the room, Aveeno closes off the thugs' retreat, warding the rear exit with his bared katana. Hurling his javelin at Aldrok's still-smoldering target, he cries out to his allies, "Hit them hard, friends! End this quickly." Noting Aurelius's wounds, he rallies the warforged, "Again, Paladin of Moradin! Mere skull-thumpers can't stand against your golden blade!"

Move-To the location of T3's former position, E of T2's original location, NE of T1. 5 steps.
Standard-Hammer Formation (This will provoke an OA from T1. I am comfortable with this. His light shield is still strapped to an arm, so no loss of shield AC.)
-Attack-[roll0] Target: T1
--On hit, Aurelius and Kizzy get +1[W] on their first attack before my next turn.
Minor-Inspiring Word on Aurelius-Healing Surge+[roll2] HP restored

2009-01-06, 08:07 PM

As he enters the fray to aid his comrades, Bael cannot help but feel a momentary pang of pity for the thugs. Fools, he mutters to himself, can't they see they face impossible odds? The moment passes quickly and he closes with the third thug. For the Lightbringer, he utters with a touch of reverence as he draws his hammer back. As he swings it into his adversary, his arm seems to bulge slightly underneath his scale armor.

Okay, so nix on the enfeebling strike.
Move: Close to melee with thug 3, to his east (between the two junk piles)

Minor: Trigger Divine Strength (+3 damage on his next roll)

Standard: Bolstering Smite on thug 3
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Reroll (if damage roll is nat 1): [roll2]

If the attack hits, Bael gains 2 temporary hit points.

2009-01-06, 09:16 PM
As Aveeno rears back to throw the javelin, the thug in front him takes advantage of the opening to try to land a blow with his mace.


Even though the hit lands, Aveeno's javelin imaples the thug's shoulder. Seeking vengence, he raises his mace and brings it crashing down on Aveeno.
On a hit, Aveeno is knocked prone.

16 damage total this turn. Why can I not roll this well when I am a player...?

Bael's hammer swing, despite his great power, bouces harmlessly off the thug's shield.

New map:

Neftren will be considered delaying until he posts, so back to Jokes.

2009-01-06, 09:57 PM

Stepping into the doorway, Aldrok surveys the scene. He points at one of the thugs and tries to fling him to the side.

Force Choke!
Move: 1 square NW into the doorway. *edit* oops, from there t2 has superior cover from t3, so I'll move another couple of squares north until I'm adjacent to Aveeno.
Standard: Diabolic Grasp on T2
[roll0] vs Fort *edit* t2 still has some cover, so -2 to that)
[roll1] and slide the thug 1 square NE (so he's SE adjacent to me), and hopefully set up some nice flanks.

*edit* Minor: Now that he's close to me, I may as well curse t2 as well.

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-06, 10:43 PM

Now visibly angry, the god-forged soldier shoulders into the gap in the enemy formation and smashes one criminal towards his fellow crusader. The blow struck, he points an iron finger at another and speaks in a choral voice that seems to echo around the room.

An honorable death might balance your cowardly life.

Shift 1 square N to the position vacated by T2.
Standard: Valiant Strike at T3
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Minor: Divine Challenge T1

2009-01-07, 01:25 AM

Looking for the weak spot, Kizzy jumps around the battlefield, going the long way around then tries to slip his rapier into T2's spleen. He then rolls backwards on his feet, away from danger.

Move: (This might sound complicated, but should avoid all AoO) 1N, 1 NW (costs 2 squares), 1W, 1SW
Standard: Torturous Strike. Attack - [roll0] vs AC (I should have Flanking, so +2 taken into account). Damage - [roll1] and [roll2] Sneak Attack.
Minor: Shift N (I'm a kobold, wee!)

NOTE: I forgot, I took Brutal Scoundrel this time around, so I did another 3 damage to the foe I hit last time. Whether or not you want to ret-con this is DM's choice, as it was fully my mistake.

2009-01-07, 02:39 PM
Now surrounded, the thug dragged back into the mechandise pushes back against his armored foe, trying to take back his former position.

Bull rush attempt by thug 2 against Aurelius
Pushes him one square south

Succeeding, he muscles Aurelius back. Aurelius settles in his previous position only to have the burned thug, barely holding onto life after Aurelius' blade cuts deep into him fights him back further, by letting loose a flurry of blows that Aurelius is able to block, but at the cost of loosing ground,

another Bull rush, this time by thug 3.
Pushes Aurelius south once more.

This time Aurelius is pushed back to the doorway covered by the threadbare cutain, and as he steps just beyond it, he feels the floor give under him. It does not collapse, but turning his head slightly, Aurelius sees that he stands on the edge of a refuse pit, filled with dirty water and garbage, and that another step further would send him falling into it. Even the warforged is able to smell the stench radiating from this area.

New map

And the note that the post count roll does not match database is because in case thug 2 did not succeed, I would have had thug 3 simply attack, so there was a damage roll in there that I have since deleted.

Aveeno's turn, remember you are prone.

2009-01-10, 05:20 AM

Aveeno rises, executing a spin and a vicious upward slash with his katana at the bastard that knocked him down. Eyes flashing with a fiery red glow, he lets out a fierce and demonic roar.

Minor-Infernal Wrath
Standard-Wolf Pack Tactics at T1
Attack-[roll0] Damage-[roll1]
On hit, Kizzy gets free shift. Sorry I couldn't give it to Aurelius, not close enough.

2009-01-10, 10:37 AM

Seeing his comrade's perilous position but knowing that he will likely be able to move quickly enough to avoid the pit, Bael focuses on the thug who knocked Aveeno over. He carefully moves within striking distance, then in an unusually resonant tone says I shall be your opponent, oathbreaker as he brings his hammer down.

Oathbreaker is a reference to 3.5e dwarven culture, where the PHB gave "oathbreaker" as the greatest dwarven insult there was.
Move: Shift 1 space due east, adjacent to T1 and T2
Minor: Divine Challenge on T1
Standard: Enfeebling Strike on T1
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Note: on a hit, T1 has a -2 penalty to all attacks till the end of my next turn

2009-01-10, 04:08 PM
Aveeno's rage does nothing to help him as his target simply dodges his strike. Unfortunately, he does not see Bael step up until it too late. Bael's hammerblow leaves his arm sore and weakened, but the thug seeks to return the favor with his mace.

Mace attack on Bael

However, the thug cannot summon the strength needed to damage Bael's armor and his mace merely clangs off of it harmlessly.

Seeing his ally move in to intercept the thugs, Aurelius would breath a sigh of relief if he was capable of doing so. Unfortunately, the thugs are not the only danger in the room. From the garbage pile itself, a tentacle reaches out, attempting to grab Aurelius and bring him closer.

Tentacle attack on Aurelius by....????
9 damage, and on hit, target is grabbed.

As the tentacles grab him and pull him into the pit, Aurelus sees that he has been grabbed by an otyugh, which rises from the pit and opens it mouth, showing a maw of large, filth infested teeth.

New map:

-Aldrok's turn-

2009-01-10, 09:37 PM

Aldrok himself cringes at the word "oathbreaker." His face burns for a moment, then he launches a ball of fire at the guard.

Minor: Curse T1
Standard: Hellish Rebuke on T1
[roll0] vs Ref
[roll1] fire damage and [roll2] curse damage.

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-11, 12:09 AM

More than a little disgusted by the refuse he's discovered at the bottom of the pit, Aurelius resigns himself to killing the big nasty that pulled him into it.

Minor: Lay on Hands (self)
Move -> Minor: Divine Strength
Standard: Valiant Strike
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1]
Action Point!
Standard: Valiant Strike
Attack: [roll2] vs AC
Damage: [roll3]

Accidentally included Divine Strength damage on that second damage roll. It should be 11, not 15.

2009-01-11, 12:52 AM
The thug dodges Aldrok's fireball easily, chuckling at his meager attempt. Meanwhile, with his second blow Aurelius's blade cuts into the otyugh, ellicting a screech of pain. No longer simply hungry, the otyugh is angry at this creature in it's tentacles.

-Kizzy's turn-

2009-01-12, 02:03 AM

Kizzy jumps forward, attempting to slip his rapier through T1s armor, not seeing a good break to dish out more damage. He then rolls back safely again.

Minor: Shift S 1 square
Standard: Piercing Strike on T1, Attack [roll0] vs Reflex, Damage [roll1]
Minor: Shift N 1 square

Kobolds are awesome with shifting :P

2009-01-12, 12:34 PM
Kizzy's rapier stabs his target in the chest, opening a large wound. Bael, however, finds that by trying to assist Aurelius, he has opened himself up to multiple attacks. He finds this out as the thug in front of him brings his mace smashing down, soon followed by the scorched thug.

Mace attack on Bael by thug 2, using knockdown, if he hits, Bael becomes prone.

Mace attack on Bael by thug 3, using knockdown if thug 2 misses, otherwise not.
Bael is prone, and just took 22 damage.
how the heck do I roll this well? Both hit, with max damage?!

Map is unchaged.

Aveeno's turn.

2009-01-12, 12:51 PM
Umm... ow? Normally the dice gods don't screw me over like that, wonder what upset them.

2009-01-13, 02:02 AM

Lunging forward to skewer a thief with his katana, Aveeno winces at Bael's wounding. "Take heart, valiant friend! We're with you!" Giving the blade a vicious twist, he shoves his victim backward a bit, enough to throw off the line of criminals for Bael to retreat and tend his injuries. Aveeno dances back out of reach himself, his pointy-toothed grin mocking the bleeding thug.

Standard-Wolf Pack Tactics at T1 (On hit, Bael may shift E one square)
Attack-[roll0] Damage-[roll1]
Minor-Inspiring Word to Bael, heals [roll2] HP
Move-Shift 1 N

2009-01-13, 11:05 AM

Unfortunately Bael's current horizontal disposition prevents him from retreating. Instead, he hardens his resolve after hearing Aveeno's words and springs back into action. Rising to his feet, he swings his hammer into the first thug in hopes of bringing him down and making it one less mace he has to contend with. I'm not finished yet, he says behind gritted teeth.

Hoping I don't have to spend an action point just yet, but my plans have changed a bit.
Move: Stand up from prone
Standard: Bolstering Strike on T1
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Reroll if needed: [roll2]
On a hit, Bael gains 2 temporary hit points.
Edit: Now THAT's more like it. Thank you dice gods!

2009-01-13, 11:59 AM
As the thug prepares to attack Aveeno once more, he finds that Aveeno's blade is buried deep inside his chest, and falls over, dead. The scorched thug joins him as Bael's hammer cracks down hard on his skull, Bael's success infusing him with energy. In the garbage pit, the otyugh's tentacles squeeze Aurelius, preparing him to be eaten.

Tentacle attack on Aurelius.
...Crit hit, 12 damage.

New map:

-Aldrok's turn-

2009-01-13, 07:46 PM

Aldrok's demeanour seems to cool seeing two of the thugs drop, as he seems to fill with energy. "Ooh, it's been a while since I felt that." He eyes the last guard. "You too?" And he hurls a bolt of eldritch energy at the thug.

Gains 1 temp HP for an enemy under curse dying.
Standard: Eldritch Blast on T2
[roll0] vs Ref (edit: Oh, no, it's happening to me now!)
[roll1] and [roll2] curse damage.
Move: 3 squares south (onto the grey square)

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-13, 08:34 PM

The big hunk of tin is wondering if the gods have forsaken him. A bit woozy from the stink, he doggedly attacks.

Minor: Warforged Resolve (3 temp hp)
Move->Minor: Divine Challenge the Otyugh
Standard: Enfeebling Strike
Attack: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] damage and the target makes all attacks at -2 until the end of my next turn

2009-01-14, 02:33 AM

Seeing an opening, albeit not a pleasant one, Kizzy leaps onto the piles of junk and moves adjacent to the last remaining thug. He slips, gently, on a piece of metal, just enough for the thug to catch him off-guard. Kizzy regains his composure, and tries to slide his rapier into him in turn.

Move - 1 S, 1 SW (Double Cost), 1 S (Double Cost, and provokes)
Standard - Peircing Strike, Attack = [roll0] vs. Reflex, Damage = [roll1] and [roll2] Sneak Attack damage

IF the thug falls at that, Minor action to Shift 1 square SE. If he's still up, I'm staying in place.

2009-01-14, 01:40 PM
As Kizzy moves through the pile, the last thug takes a swing at him while he's distracted.

Attack on Kizzy by thug 2.

Even while having to deal the terrain, Kizzy is too quick for the thug. Kizzy's blade stabs into the thug, and having to make a choice between the two foes, decides on the more lightly armored one, attacks Kizzy once more. Then he slips off in direction of the rear doorway.

Thug 2 is bloodied.
Attack on Kizzy by thug 2.

Thug 2 then shifts N one square.

New map:

-Aveeno's turn-

2009-01-14, 04:20 PM

"Not so fast, tough guy!" Aveeno lunges back in to slash at the thief's face, distracting him to give Bael a chance at aiding Aurelius. Positioning himself between the man and the piles of sundry items, he blocks the path toward the exit.

Move-SW, to just N of T2
Standard-Wolf Pack Tactics, Bael can shift S on hit.
Attack-[roll0] Damage-[roll1]

2009-01-14, 07:06 PM

Disengaging from the thug and trusting his allies to finish him, Bael moves to what he considers to be the more important issue at the moment: an ally facing fighting a losing battle against a monstrous beast. He hops down into the refuse pile and briefly places a hand on Aurelius, willing some of his own healing energy into the beleaguered paladin. Hold fast, blade of Moradin, he says, your time is not yet come.

Next he turns towards the filth-encrusted monstrosity, uttering Protect him, lightbringer as he does so. Release him! he shouts at the otyugh as he brings down his hammer.

If Aveeno's attack hit:
Move: Shift 1 square S and move 1 SW, bringing him to the square NE of the otyugh and just inside the refuse pit.
Minor: Lay on Hands on Aurelius, who regains HP equal to (healing surge value)+5
Standard: [roll0]
On a hit, Aurelius gains a +2 power bonus to AC until the end of Bael's next turn.
Will do damage rerolls in the OOC thread if any of them come up 1's.
Also, if Aveeno's attack missed Bael will still do the above (though it's obviously a single move rather than shift and move) and provoke the AoO. If it hits and takes him under 14 HP, Bael will use his action point and Second Wind.

2009-01-14, 08:11 PM
Aveeno's blade slices the thug's side as he step forward to block the thug's retreat. As he does so, Bael jumps into the pit with his ally, momentarily overcome with the stench. In a moment, he is able to place one hand on Aurelius and infuse him with divine energy. Bael then smashes the side of the otyugh's head with his mighty hammer, strengthening Aurelius's armor and leaving a large wound in the beast. Angered that this new threat, the creature leaves it's first target trapped in it's tentacles, and tries to take a bite out of Bael.

Otyugh is bloodied.
Bite attack on Bael by the Otyugh.
And that would be a miss.

New map:

-Aldrok's turn-

2009-01-14, 08:49 PM

Aldrok once again fires a bolt of energy at the thug, hoping not to miss this time.

Eldritch Blast on T2
[roll0] vs Ref.
[roll1] and [roll2] curse damage

edit: and that's a crit :smallbiggrin: 20 damage.

Also, Aldrok moved last turn (3 squares south, ending on the pile of stuff), can he see what's going on with the Otyugh from there?

2009-01-14, 09:07 PM
Burn, baby burn! Also, I think the otyugh takes Aurelius' Cha mod+3 radiant damage for attacking me instead of him, no?

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-14, 10:55 PM

Though still encircled by one loathsome tentacle, the burnished guardian takes new resolve from the presence of his companion.

Old Otyugh takes 7 damage for having attacked someone other than Aurelius.

Minor: Divine Challenge again
Standard: Valiant Strike
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Hit: [roll1] damage

Move: Athletics check vs Fort to Escape: [roll2]

2009-01-14, 11:43 PM
Dang, 20 damage, from an at-will. o.O
And yes, I added the damage from Divine challenge. Also Vox, once you mark someone, they stay marked until you mark someone else or don't engage them, so you don't have to keep using a minor action.
Also yes to Jokes, you can see the fight with the Otyugh.

Before the final thug knows what's happened, a bolt of dark energy from Aldrok takes off his head, his body collapsing into a heap.

Aurelius finally rips the tentacle from around him, able to freely move once more.

-Kizzy's turn-

2009-01-17, 01:55 AM

Kizzy sees the buffer people jump into the pit and fight the weird, smelly creature. He's disinterested in this, and sits down and rubs his ankle.

Fall prone. Ready and action to stand up if anyone new enters the room.

2009-01-17, 03:08 AM

Hopping lightly over the body of the dead criminal, Aveeno advances toward the imperiled paladins. As the wounded otyugh reels from the blade of Aurelius, the tiefling claps a hand to Bael's shoulder, pointing out a weakness in the monster's defense to the human.

Move-S, S, SE (End NE of Bael)
Standard-Commander's Strike (Bael gets free melee basic attack with +3 damage. Don't know who should roll it, me, Nahal, or Rev.)

2009-01-17, 02:20 PM

Imperiled? Are we even bloodied at this point?

Seizing the opportunity pointed out by the tactician, Bael strikes swiftly in hopes of dealing another blow to the beast. He then spins away to the side, bringing his hammer back down in an attempt to cripple the beast. Much appreciated, friend, he says to the tiefling with a brief nod.

Move: Shift 1 square west, clearing the entryway.
Will do any rerolls in OOC.
Edit: So much for the second attack, guess I should have done my Second Wind instead...

2009-01-17, 04:16 PM
Bael's hammer blow causes the ancient otyugh to collapse, dead. All threats from the main room and the side room have been eliminated.

Combat is over.

And as Neftern has abandonded the game, I am retconning Revilas out of existence.

2009-01-17, 04:41 PM

Seeing the beast fall, Bael climbs out of the refuse pit and back into the room. Kneeling for a moment, he utters a brief prayer of thanks to Pelor. When he stands up his wounds have closed, and he looks for a rag to wipe the blood off his hammer. We'd best press on, he says. We've no idea who heard that, and we still have much more to do.

Bael spends two healing surges, bring him up to full HP and making that 4 of 10 spent for the day. His temporary HP's expire.

2009-01-17, 07:17 PM

Aveeno cleans his katana carefully, and retrieves the javelin he threw, inspecting it for damage. Sheathing the weapons, he pulls out bandages and proceeds to clean and tend his wounds. Finishing quickly, he puts on a big smile and visits with each of his companions, ensuring group morale and physical well-being is intact.

Spending 3 healing surges to restore full health. Unsure if javelins count more as ammunition or the weapon itself-wrote it in as if they're retrievable, because in 4e they're also melee weapons, plus magic thrown weapons are designed to be used again and again, indicating they're going with reusable thrown

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-17, 09:16 PM

Covered from head to toe in muck but otherwise none the worse for wear, the warforged walks over to one of the thugs and jerks off a large chunk of his shirt. Ignoring his own body for the moment, he begins to meticulously clean the six and a half feet of burnished metal that he calls a sword. After a moment, it becomes obvious why he's unconcerned about his own appearance. The muck and trash slides down his body and pools on the floor at his feet as though unable to adhere to his armor. Within moments he's as spotless as the day he was crafted.

Spending one healing surge to bring up to full. Four out of eleven spent for the day. Temporary hit points expire.

Also making up on the spot an explanation for why the warforged hasn't rusted away over the years, since he obviously can't clean himself with water.

2009-01-17, 09:33 PM

Noticing the cries of battle are over, Aldrok goes about searching the room for anything interesting.


2009-01-17, 10:25 PM

"Well, wasn't that excitin'? Let's see what tha kibble be poachin'."

Kizzy begins to shuffle through the objects on the floor and the thugs themselves, though notable ignoring the refuse pit.

Not sure if you just want to use passive perception (16) or active, so I figured I'd show both.

2009-01-17, 11:26 PM
Aveeno, yes, I'd definatly say Javelins are retrievable.

Kizzy, and really everyone else should pay attention to this too, if you don't say you're making a perception/insight/any skill check, I'm going to use your passive. But I'm warning you, and I tried to have the sisters do so subtly, that just relying on passive is a bad idea, whether it would result in missing items or traps, so make sure you guys keep yours eyes out, and this is the last meta-gaming related warning I'm giving you on the matter.

Also, to those of you who are using surges, since a short rest just requires no strenuous activity, you all can still make a search of the room yourself. It's a guarded room of so much merchandise that it counts as difficult terrain, even if most of it is junk, there may be a couple of things that might help you. I'll give you all a chance to make a roll before moving things along.

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-17, 11:39 PM

His ablutions finished, the sentient statue makes his way around, looking for clues and items of interest. Leaving his sword in the main room, he even jumps back into the otyugh pit and looks around in there, confident that Moradin won't allow his body to stain.

Perception: [roll0]
Insight: [roll1]

2009-01-18, 12:49 AM

Content that the party's well-being is accounted for, Aveeno edges aside the curtain leading further into the building, checking first for traps before peering into the room. Provided it is clear, he sits in one of the piles and starts sorting through the items, pocketing any he finds useful or valuable.

2009-01-18, 01:19 AM
You want to make a perception check there buddy?

2009-01-18, 01:43 AM
My bad, I'm an idiot.
Also, fail.

2009-01-18, 11:40 AM

Bael also searches the piles for anything useful, and quickly pokes his head out the front door to check for any additional company.


2009-01-18, 03:05 PM
Searching the piles while the others rest or do the same, Aldrok finds nothing but junk, other than a full waterskin, which, upon examination, holds a recognizable liquid, a potion of healing.

Kizzy's search turns up more, though anyone else would only see a simple pair of leather shoes. Given his background, he recognizes the secret compartments in the heels. In the right shoe, he finds an expertly designed set of thieves tools, in the left, a single, worn platinum piece.

You found a set of Thieves tool +1, meaning a total of +3 on checks to pick a lock or disable a trap. The platinum piece needs no explanation.

Even searching the pit, the only thing of interest Aurelius finds is a iron-reinforced walking cane, the head cast as a dragon's head, a jewel embedded below the head. Noticing that the jewel can be removed, he does so, pulling a thin chain out along with it. It looks to be a magic amulet, as he puts it around his neck he feels it forming a small protective barrier around him.

It is an amulet of protection, and the cane can be used a club, should you desire to keep it.
Also, I admire your thoroughness, but I only mentioned insight checks since they are the only other skill check that has it's passive value put on the sheet. You're free to make the roll if you wish, but it won't do anything unless you're observing another character.

Aveeno locates three maces, three heavy shields, and three sets of leather armor, in a variety of conditions.

Good job, man! :smallwink:

Out of the corner of his eye, Beal's attention is drawn to a small censer, coated in clay. By chipping the dried clay off, he sees that the censer is in fact made of gold and is covered by embossed sigils that depict a rampaging demoness. It seems to contain some divine energy within it that would probably be released if it was lit, but you do not know what it would do. Looking back out in the street, you see no change from when you left it. The rain is still falling, resulting in a stream of grime and muck running down the street. The only inhabitants you see are the rats and you see that that alley turns up ahead, but nothing beyond that.

Make a Religion check to see what you know about the censer.

You all are in the main room now, the exits being back out through the door to the street, past the curtain into the room with the pit, and past the other curtain to the north, leading to who knows where.

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-18, 05:01 PM

Climbing out of the refuse pit, Aurelius wipes off the pendant as he waits for the muck to slough off his body. Satisfied only after several long moments of buffing the metal, he sets it around his neck. The chain and dragon adhere to his armor as if set there by a master craftsman, looking for all the world like nothing more than ornamentation on collar plating.

Retrieving his sword and the sunrod he'd cast aside, he makes his way over to Bael and peers over his shoulder at the censer, politely curious.

Religion: [roll0]

2009-01-18, 06:00 PM

Intrigued by the censer, Bael looks over it more closely in an attempt to gain some insight into its use. He allows Aurelius to examine it when he approaches as well, feeling that two heads are likely better than one.


2009-01-18, 06:59 PM
While neither Aurelius or Bael can specifically identify the censer, from the sigils they gather that it's purpose was not a benevolent one and their instincts tell them that it is not a mere trifle either. The priests from one of their temples should be able to tell them more at it.

2009-01-18, 08:12 PM

Resolving to study the item again when his mind is fresher if they don't get to a temple first, Bael places the censer in his pack as delicately as possible for now.

Anything else we need to do here? Bael asks. Our task is not yet complete, and I would press forward while we are still here and strong enough to continue.

2009-01-18, 09:50 PM

"Yeah, good call. Let's get these filth in where they belong and explore a bit further." He kicks one of the dead thugs and sets about collecting up the discarded weapons and shields. "Clean these up a bit, might get a few gold for them. You know a good fence, little one?" Dragging the first one into the side room, he pitches the corpse in on top of the otyugh.

After taking the mens' equipment and disposing of them, Aveeno hefts a javelin. "Let's go. Kizzy, would you do the honors of taking point? I'll be behind you, and you know places like this a mite better than we."

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-18, 11:09 PM

Slamming his blade into the floorboards, Aurelius grabs a thug and bodily tosses it in next to the otyugh. He then stares in dismay down at the growing pile of offal.

I'm unfamiliar with human burial habits. Would this be considered acceptable?

2009-01-19, 12:38 AM

Kizzy slips the shoes on (he was lacking some himself), and silently pockets the coin inside it. He then stands up to see the warforged tossing the human with the... thing.

"Uhm. Sure thing, there, boss. Works good 'nuff for people like tha one."

He then steps forward, keeping an out for traps as he walks.

Thievery check to pocket the coin! [roll0]
Again, not sure if you want passives for my casual trap searching, or active, so I'll roll and you can use it if you want. [roll1]
Forum dice roller doesn't like me, it seems.

2009-01-19, 01:33 AM
Aldrok and Aveeno see Kizzy slip a coin into his pocket, though you don't see exactly what type is was, as it is dulled by age.

Well Jack, I was just giving you fair warning that expecting your passive to catch every trap(or other things, some good) is not a good life choice.

Passing through the curtain, you all see a rickety set of wooden stairs leading to a old door ahead of you, and to your right you see a small office space. A pair of greasy fat lamps cast flickering light over the study. On the west side is a black desk, overflowing with scrolls and spilled inkpots, a grimy scale, and stacks of copper coins. A ratty blanket hangs over a hole cut in the back of the poor-kept study.

No, this is not because you're immediately going into combat, hence why no markers are on the map, this is just to give you a better idea of the basic geography of the room.

2009-01-19, 09:01 AM

Looking to the Warforged, Bael is somewhat apologetic. Generally no, but a proper burial would be difficult here. We would need to either incinerate the bodies or find a patch of soil to bury them all. A quick prayer would at least be something though. To Aveeno he asks in a slightly exasperated tone Was the refuse pit really necessary? We don't know why these men chose this path, and we lose nothing by being a little respectful of the dead. After that, he kneels by the pit and offers a (quite brief, they did try to kill him after all) prayer for the safe journey and fair judgement of their souls.

In the next room, he quickly scans the desk to see what they were keeping track of in the office.

Sadly Bael's passive perception isn't going to tell him much, so I'll generally err on the side of too much rolling.

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-19, 10:59 AM

Lifting the third thug like a sack of potatoes, Aurelius hefts him into the pit along with his fellows and then holds one hand out, palm down, in benediction.

Weaver of Fate and Queen of the Dead, accept these souls without prejudice. They met destiny without flinching, never seeking to avoid that which awaits all men. Protect their mortal remains from desecration and shepherd their spirits to whatever end they earned in life.

It would seem that the warforged is a bit of a polytheist. Having done what he could for the recently departed, he follows his comrades into the next room and does his naive best to help with their investigation.

Perception: [roll0]

2009-01-20, 04:43 PM
While the three others wait, the two armored adventurers search the ill-kept room. It would seem to be the office of the fence who sells the merchandise in the other room, but his records are kept in some sort of code.

Make Intelligence checks to deciper the code. The others can too if they come over and take a look at the records.

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-20, 09:09 PM

The warforged takes a peek, certainly that only divine inspiration is going to help him understand a cipher.

Intelligence Check: [roll0]

2009-01-21, 12:37 AM
And lo and behold, such inspiration seems to strike Aurelius, as he sees how the code flows together and understands it. Searching through the pages, they are indeed records of transactions for this fence. Most of them are, as one would expect from the sale of items of the...quality that you all saw, pittances, worth no more than a silver or two. Five entries from the last month, however, catch his eye:

Belt, chn/sharped b.Abbess Jeny/A3
sword, 2hnd/brandy coved b Clovis/Trans. t. Cpt. Irocar
dagger, slayr/right bloody beat b. Tuld the Toad/T11
cloak, sylv/cribbed b. Blackjack Droug/O7
staff, ???/resurrected b. Lud the Magsman (deceased)/Trans. t. Mad. Zeb'oltha

As he looks over it though, from behind the cutain to the rear of the room, a figure leaps out and stabs him in the back.

Deft Strike by ???
[roll1] + sneak attack [roll2]
Awesome attack roll, not so much damage roll. 9 damage.

Turning, Aurelius and Beal see a slightly portly human, more graceful and quick than his size implies, armed with a dagger. "Try to steal from me, will you? I don't know how you two got past my guards, but I'll finish what they started!"


The Fence


Vox Clamantis
2009-01-21, 01:47 AM

Whirling and bringing his blade around, Aurelius thinks for a moment that city folk lead terribly violent lives. That thought passes quickly, and he calls to the others.

Ambushed! Block his retreat!

2009-01-22, 10:18 AM

Seeing the fat man stab the big metal guy, Kizzy springs forward, risking a blow, and draws out his rapier, attempting to run the guy through in a quick, hard blow.

Minor - Draw rapier
Move - Move 2 Squares E, 1 Square NE, into Flanking
Standard - Torturous Strike on Fency, Attack [roll0] vs AC, Damage [roll1] and [roll2] Sneak Attack

2009-01-27, 09:52 AM

Reacting unusually quickly, Bael brings his hammer down on the new opponent. You'll not get a second chance to strike one of us in the back, he says with barely concealed contempt. Shifting himself to the open space left of him, Bael's voice again takes on that oddly resonant tone. See how you do against someone who's ready for you.

Standard: Attack Fatty McFency
[roll0] - vs AC
If the attack hits, the +2 Power bonus to AC will go to Kizzy if he gets hit by an AoO during his move or Aurelius if he does not.
Move: Shift 1 square east, bringing him directly north of Fatty.
Minor: Divine Challenge on Fatty
Edit: Man, I'm gonna be pissed if I've wasted an encounter power AND those sweet damage rolls

2009-01-27, 07:20 PM

Hearing the signs of battle in the next room, Aldrok sighs. "What have they gotten up to now?" He moves to the doorway, sees the fat man, and quickly fires an eldritch blast his way.

Move: To where Kizzy was on the map.
minor: curse Fence
Standard: Eldritch blast
[roll0] vs Ref
[roll1] and [roll2] curse damage

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-27, 08:29 PM

Moradin's beard!

Swinging the 6' blade over his head, Aurelius delivers a powerful two-handed blow that is almost unavoidably swift.

Minor: Divine Strength
Standard: Piercing Strike
Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex
Damage: [roll1] damage

2009-01-27, 09:57 PM
As the Kizzy moves around the fence for positioning, he takes a quick slash at the kobold.
Total miss

With each new enemy that enters the room, the fence becomes more and more worried, not expecting such a organized attack. Finally, as Aurelius inflicts a gash on the fence's arm, his outrage at the prospective thieves is overwhelmed by his survival instinct. Dropping the dagger, he becomes much more cooperative, speaking quickly.

"So that's how you got past my men, how many of you are there? What is it you're after? Gold? Treasure? I can provide either, just let me go free."

2009-01-27, 10:42 PM

Bael looks over the man with a smoldering gaze as he surrenders, attempting to discern whether he has in fact given up and wishes to be cooperative or is simply looking for the nearest exit, be it literal or metaphorical. Until his "investigation" concludes he says nothing, making it obvious he is studying the man.


Edit: Huh. That should make my "good cop" routine tougher, may be running on untrained Intimidate here...

2009-01-27, 10:43 PM

Stepping quickly up to the fence, Aveeno's katana blade flashes in the dim light, halting a mere hair's breadth away from the man's throat. "Yes. Gold, treasure, you'll provide that to us and more." Reaching forward, the tiefling grabs the fence's shirt roughly with claw-tipped fingers, probably tearing out a few chest hairs in the process. "You'll do that, or they'll kill you. Right here, right now. But more than your ill-gotten money, you're going to tell us how to find the Beggar-King, and anything else you know about that pet he keeps." Grinning, he bares pointed, demonic teeth at the man. "And that you'll do because I told you to. However dangerous they are, I'm much worse."

Actions obvious, assuming we're moving into a non-combat encounter.
INTIMIDATE-[roll0] Feel free to apply whatever bonuses you feel appropriate for being sliced up and surrounded by a clearly superior force who appears to have no hesitation to kill thieves.

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-27, 10:54 PM

Aurelius lowers the blade that he had raised to deliver a finishing blow. Still in the grip of a divinely-inspired fighting rage (eyes glowing visibly behind his visor), he stoops to retrieve the man's weapon and then glowers at him silently.

Intimidate: [roll0]
We do have somebody with Diplomacy, right?

2009-01-27, 11:07 PM

Barely softening his stance, Bael slips his hammer into its holster but keeps his hand on it. I'd listen to him, friend, Bael says to the thug. if you give us what we're after we just might look the other way while you run off. Had things gone the other way, would your guards have made the same offer? Would you? But we'll need some assurance you won't just go warning ahead. He moves up closer to the thug, taking his hand off the hammer. So you've got a couple options here. To my mind the best bet is you do as the... nice... gentleman to my right asks. Then you'll swear an oath to Pelor that you'll do naught but head to the nearest tavern and drink yourself to sleep. Drawing even closer now, almost in his face, he whispers. Did you feel it? When I challenged you, did you feel the power of that oath? Oaths sworn to the Lightbringer have power around me, friend. Don't think that breaking it will cost you nothing. But if you do as we ask, I swear that I will keep that fellow with the sword away from your throat.

Hokay, so let's get a couple more rolls done.
[roll0] - trying to play good cop and make him more agreeable.
[roll1] - cause I'm talking out my rear about that oath bit.
[roll2] - cause there's still a threat in there.
[roll3] - proactive, in case he starts talking and I need to turn on the B.S. detector.
N.B. for the players - Bael won't go back on his word if he's on the level.
Edit: Yeesh, hopefully we can call that intimidate superfluous. Just wanted a couple options for how it comes across to the thug.

2009-01-27, 11:48 PM
The fence wilts before the intimating gazes and threats of the paladins and the tiefling. Seeing a way out, he does what Bael asks "Check my back room, on the south wall, there's a secret panel. Behind it is where I keep my more valuable goods. Go, help yourself. As for the Beggar King, I'll admit I don't know many specifics, he just lets me set up shop here and doesn't bill me much, though he does get first pick of what I collect." he grumbles a bit at this last bit, "You're in the right place though, the buildings here are his home, this is merely the entrance. Most of it is built together, 'cept for the carnal tower itself, you can get through either through the alleyway, or by those stairs. I haven't seen the king since this Shadow appeared though, so I don't what that pet business is about. I do know most of his mercs, whoever they are, have been pulled back to these buildings, so keep a weather eye out for them. One last warning," he nods at the stairway, "Make sure to check those stairs, they're probably trapped. With what, I don't know. So there, can I go? Swear to Pelor I'll head for naught but a tavern."

Your senses tell you that he speaks the truth.

2009-01-27, 11:52 PM

Turning to Aveeno, Bael says I think he's done his part, don't you? Should we have our man outside follow him to be sure?

[roll0] if needed, though we could pretend Ravilas is still there pretending he's a lamp-post.

Edit: Ah well, can only expect to get away with so many untrained checks before an important one turns out less than useful.

2009-01-28, 02:44 AM

Retracting his katana but not releasing the pitiful man, Aveeno sheathes the long blade. Slowly drawing a dagger, cuts a long, shallow slash into the fence's cheek. "You are marked, wretch." Bringing the knife's edge up to his mouth, Aveeno licks the redness from the dagger. "And I have tasted your blood. Never will you escape my wrath should you betray me."

Shoving the fence to the ground, the tiefling spits. "I don't think that will be necessary, my friend. He'll do as he's told...he knows the consequences of disobeying." Aveeno back to the prone man, "What the Nine Hells are you still doing here?"


2009-01-28, 02:17 PM
The fence flinches as Aveeno's blade slices him. As Aveeno asks him his last question, the fence gets up and runs out of the room, back to the alleyway. He may doubt some of your more extreme bluffs, but he knows you are able to kill him if you wish.

With him gone, you all are in the same room, now devoid of threats, but a bit more chaotic than before.

2009-01-28, 03:59 PM

Once the fence leaves, Bael utters a brief prayer asking that no further harm come to the man this night, and that he keep his oath. With luck, he'll cause us no more trouble, he turns to Aveeno, but was that last bit really necessary? He'd already broken, and wasn't lying to us. Don't suppose there's any chance of at least part of whatever we take from him going to some nobler purpose than our own enrichment? he asks with a bit of a grin. Well, let's see what we're dealing with, anyway. Does one of you want to check that stairwell for the trap he warned us about?

Bael then enters the office and looks for the secret panel he mentioned.

Edit: Hot damn! Guess Pelor appreciated the prayer. Side note to GM: I figured that being straight Good would allow Bael to justify misleading the fence for the sake of preventing a further loss of life, and that "Thou shalt speak no falsehood" was more of an LG thing.

2009-01-28, 04:36 PM

"Necessary? Maybe not. But you can bet your life he's not going to tell anyone soon. You may have tried to put the fear of a god in him, but I certainly put the fear of me in him." Walking over to Aurelius, he examines the warforged's fresh injury. "You'll be fine. Not much as can harm you, right? I suppose some of what we take can go to a nobler purpose. After all, these thieves stole it from the people in the first place, it should go back to them. Minus a reasonable...finder's fee." Grinning, Aveeno picks up the fence's dropped dagger and stows it in his pack, wrapping the blade in cloth until a sheath can be found for it.

Inspiring Word bonus heal: [roll0]

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-28, 05:10 PM

Handing the dagger over to Aveeno when he starts looking for it, Aurelius goes over to look at the stairs. Not that I could disable a trap even if I found it, short of stumbling into it. He considers that possibility for a moment.

Aurelius picked the dagger up about six posts up, but you're more than welcome to it. Not like he could make any use of it, anyway.

2009-01-28, 08:33 PM
As Bael draws aside the ratty blanket, he sees a simple cot crammed into a small, dirty nook. Roaches scurry out of sight into the cracks in the plastered walls. An unlit lantern sits on one end of the bed, atop a old wooden crate. Searching the room, he finds a pouch containing 15 gp, 8 sp, and a tarnished silver cloak pen fashioned in the shape of a wyvern on the crate. Along the south wall, he notices a portion of the wall that is of more recent construction than the rest. It is a secret door, behind which he finds a small alcove where a large chest, closed by a heavy lock.

Make a strength check to pull it out of the alcove.

As Aveeno wraps up the dagger, he notices that it is especially well made, perfectly balanced. Looking more closely, he notices some runes inscribed on it.

It's a +1 dagger.

2009-01-28, 09:28 PM

Attaching the pouch to his belt, Bael decides to ask his peers whether they might accept a few of the coins going to a charitable purpose. He then removes his shield to get a better brace on the chest, and strains to pull it from its resting place.

And promptly falls straight on his rear. Re-trying in OOC.

Upon failing to do so, he picks up his shield and heads back out into the other room. Aurelius and Kizzy, I may need your assistance, he says to the group. There's a chest in this room with a heavy lock, and I've having a demon of a time getting it out of its resting spot. In addition to these few coins and pen, he gestures to his new pouch, there's also a lantern if anyone wants to carry the light. I'd been thinking of giving the coin to charity once we're through this, unless we find them necessary.

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-28, 11:27 PM

Setting aside his blade, the warforged tries his hand at moving the chest.

Athletics: [roll0]
Damn armor penalties!

2009-01-28, 11:27 PM

Kizzy just kinda stood there, rapier drawn, so the man would know better than to make a quick movement or be run through. He sheathes his rapier and examines the office as the others grab treasure and discuss things.

When he hears the calls for a lockpick, Kizzy perks up, and smiles. "There in a minute, boss-man, let me get me picks out." Kizzy goes to the chest and starts to work.

Thievery to pick the lock - [roll0] (+12 natural, +3 from my fancy new picks, not bad at all for level 1 :P)

2009-01-29, 12:11 AM
Working together, Bael and Aurelius lift the chest and pull it out of the alcove. Once that is complete, Kizzy steps up and sets to work on the lock. Despite it's large size, it is very simplistic, and he opens it with ease. However, lifting the top of the chest causes the front to collapse, revealing seven drawers, each marked with a chalk symbol.

A dagger symbol
A skull symbol
A dragon symbol
A crescent moon symbol

Each drawer has it's own lock as well.

2009-01-29, 02:05 AM

"Hmm... This is sorta weird... Lessee here..."

Suspecting the device might be trapped, Kizzy inspects it carefully for traps before going to work. He then begins picking the locks, starting with the dagger drawer first, then doing the rest in order from bottom to top.

"Keep an eye out for thugs, while I work here."

Perception to search for a trap - [roll0]
Theivery to disable trap (if one is found) - [roll1]
Thievery - A dagger symbol - [roll2]
Thievery - A crescent moon symbol - [roll3]
Theivery - T11 - [roll4]
Theivery - A dragon symbol - [roll5]
Theivery - A3 - [roll6]
Theivery - Skull symbol - [roll7]
Theivery - O7 - [roll8]

As he picks the locks, he places the contents to his left side. He bats away any hands that get near the loot until he's done, muttering something about "Keepin' check."

2009-01-29, 05:18 AM

"Hmm, what do you think the markings mean?" He glances the chest over, taking interest in the symbols.

[roll0] to detect magic on the chest.
[roll1] to decipher the symbols.

It sucks only having one skill tied to my spellcasting stat. :smallfrown:

2009-01-29, 05:37 AM

Joining the others near the chest, the tiefling takes out the curious dagger again, admiring the workmanship. Tossing it to the kobold, he says, "Hey, Kizzy. You might get more use outta this than me. And those letters, numbers, and symbols sound like they matched up to what you found in the fence's logbook."

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-29, 07:52 AM

Having been the one to decipher the log, Aurelius doesn't feel (for once) that he's intruding. He takes a moment to admire the chest's craftsmanship.

Perhaps a puzzle of sequences?

2009-01-29, 08:06 AM

I think they may just be a reference of some nature, Bael interjects. Gesturing to A3, O7, and T11 in sequence, he adds We should have a belt, cloak and dagger in these drawers. There wasn't any reference to the others, and two of the items mentioned were transferred to others if I remember right.

He next takes the pen out of the pouch and examines it more closely, seeing if anything about it catches his eye.

[roll0] - to look for anything unusual about the pen beyond its stylization.
[roll1] - to see if the pen itself rings any bells

2009-01-29, 06:13 PM
Examining the oversized chest, Kizzy sees, not one, but three traps. A needle trap in O7, a trap that triggers a small spear from the casing of the chest near A3, and a trap triggering a small scythe above T11. Fortunately, he is able to disable all three. Once that task is complete, he goes to work at opening the drawers. The drawer marked by a dagger is empty to Kizzy's dismay. The crescent moon drawer holds a small wooden box, opening it, he sees seven needles, their ends capped with wax. They are most likely coated by some sort of poison. T11 contains a blackened silver skull and a empty dagger case. Behind the dragon mark are five pouches, which hold 150 sp and 60 gp all together. A3 holds a chain belt, inscribed with runes symbolizing good health. Within the drawer with a skull are two vials, opening them, you can tell they are filled with deathjump spider venom. Finally, drawer O7 holds a folded cloak, green with crimson trim, pinned by a spider broach.

The skull is worth about 10 gp if sold. The belt is a Belt of Vigor, and the cloak is a Cloak of Resistance +1.

Aldrok studies of the chest reveal little, the symbols meaning nothing to him

The pen Bael examines seems to simply be a fine, if worn, writing implement.
Worth 5 gp.

2009-01-29, 09:45 PM

"Ooh, that looks nice." Aldrok points at the silver skull. "A bit tarnished, but it should shine up well."

How big is the skull? I'm picturing something the size of a tennis ball.

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-29, 09:53 PM

Losing interest in the chest upon realizing that it holds nothing but trinkets, the living armor paces over to the stairwell and begins looking for traps.

Perception: [roll0]

2009-01-29, 09:54 PM
Slightly bigger, but about that size, yes.

Aurelius notices nothing out of place with the staircase.

2009-01-29, 10:44 PM

Peering over the others' shoulders, Aveeno surveys the booty. "Nice stuff. Dibs on the cloak." Reaching out, he takes the fine garment and fastens it about his shoulders.

2009-01-30, 12:15 PM

Bael takes the belt, but avoids putting it on just yet. Aurelius, I've already acquired a magical item here. Would you care for the belt?

2009-01-30, 03:54 PM

After defeating the vicious chest, Kizzy lets the others take what he wants, but sorts the gold and silver coins into the pouches evenly. After he's done he tosses one to each of the other 4, and keeps one to himself. (30 SP and 12 GP apiece)

"There ya goes, and thanks for tha blade, I'll be makin' some use of it, myself. As for tha poisons, it's not my style ta use that sorta thing, but feel free ta do so yaselfs."

He then, heeding the fattys words, checks the staircase for traps (and attempts to disable, if he sees one.)

Perception - [roll0]
Thievery (If applicable) - [roll1]

2009-01-30, 04:34 PM

Bael moves to gather up the poisons if no-one else does. Even if we're not going to use it, I'd just as soon not leave it lying around in case someone else comes across it. If we bring them with us, we can dispose of them safely. He glances over at Aveeno and adds If you're heart's set on using them I won't stop you, but I'd prefer we avoid such underhanded tactics. If Aveeno doesn't indicate otherwise, Bael will stash them in his pack. He next goes to assist the others with the stairs, though he doesn't expect to find anything.

I love how the bloody protection-spec'd paladin has the evil magic item AND the poisons :smallbiggrin:
Also, [roll0]. Yeesh. That's the power of positive thinking, that is!

2009-01-30, 06:41 PM
I love how the bloody protection-spec'd paladin has the evil magic item AND the poisons :smallbiggrin:

Me too. But you see, you're protecting everyone else from them.

Kizzy and Bael also notice nothing wrong with the staircase.

Vox Clamantis
2009-01-30, 06:46 PM

Shrugging slightly, a peculiarly silent gesture considering his armor, Aurelius demurs.

I found an amulet in the refuse pit, but it's true that I do seem to attract the malice of unrighteous men.

Aurelius will take the Belt of Vigor if nobody else wants it. It's true that he does seem to get beaten on a lot. :smallamused:

2009-01-30, 07:01 PM

Still cautios, Kizzy anounces "Fat-man lied, stairs ain't trapped, whenever ya ready to move on, lets go."

2009-01-30, 10:42 PM

"Not really my style either, but its just that sort of thing that might save my neck some time. I'll hold on to 'em." Aveeno does indeed take the poisons, wrapping them carefully in the same leather he'd used to secure the dagger. Avandra favors the bold...and the prepared.

Stepping up to the stairs, the tiefling is vexed by the lack of traps.

(Assuming he sees nothing the others missed)

Hefting one of his trusty javelins, he whips it up the staircase to stick in, half-way up.

2009-01-30, 11:02 PM

Remembering Aurelius' amulet, Bael decides he'll hold onto the belt. You and I will both take our share of beatings, friend, he says, though I'm sadly not so durable as I would prefer. If it turns out your need is greater than mine, I'd be glad to give it over.

Oh right, forgot about the protective amulet. I'll see if the belt makes a difference then, but if Aurelius winds up taking more punishment than Bael I'll hand it over.

2009-01-30, 11:03 PM
No, your passive perception of 10 does not do better than their rolls of more than 10, I can tell you that.

The javelin embeds itself with a thud, cause the rickety stairs to creak, but little else.

2009-01-31, 05:27 AM

Aldrok picks up the silver skull, breathes on it and polishes it lightly against his chest. He stows it in his backpack for now and follows the others to the stairs.

2009-01-31, 09:46 AM

Heading over to the staris, Bael turns to the group. Shall I take point, or does someone more agile wish to make a more careful descent in case the stairs are designed to collapse?

2009-01-31, 10:21 PM

Forgotten Perception check (Active): [roll0]

"Sure. Looks fine to me. Bugger was lying, sounds like." Aveeno's step is nevertheless careful as he descends to retrieve his javelin.

2009-02-01, 11:35 AM
I realize I wasn't clear about which way the stairs went, they ascend to the door, so you're going up.

As Aveeno walks up the stairs, they shift under his weight, and you find out that the fence was not lying about the trap. Small cords from under the stairs lead to a string of horseshoes, daggers, and bits of metal on the other side of the door, and the stair's movements tug the strings cause them to clatter and make a racket that you can hear from this side of the door. You're probably not the only ones to hear it.

2009-02-01, 11:51 AM

Bloody hells! Bael curses. Sounds like we'll have company soon, or at least an ambush waiting. Do we simply rush in at this point?

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-01, 12:34 PM

Holding his sword two-handed and looking around quickly, the warforged shakes his head.

If they come looking for us, at least we can choose our ground.

2009-02-01, 01:48 PM

Considering Aurelius' point for a moment, Bael responds with But if we remain here we allow our foes to set up a defensive position up there, which is ultimately our next destination no? Unless we choose the alley instead, which will likely have guards as well. Aldrok should be able to break down the door from a distance, at which point we can attempt to overwhelm any defenders. But we should agree on a course of action. Any other thoughts?

2009-02-01, 02:36 PM

Aveeno spits and yanks his javelin from the stairway. "Luck, and in this case, the tactical advantage, favors the bold. Kick 'em when they're down!" Not waiting for other thoughts, the tiefling advances up the stairs and cracks open the next door.


2009-02-01, 04:03 PM
The stair's racket increases as Aveeno charges up, peaking in the barely open door, he sees into the long chamber where there are four grim-faced brigands tossing their wine skins and games of chance amid the discarded crusts of bread and poorly tied bedrolls on the floor. Three of them seem to wear poor pelts from street dogs over their armor. A wooden ladder rests against the far wall, leading to a darkened loft. Two of the warriors see Aveeno through the crack as well though. Laughing, one of the says to the other, "Looks like someone's poking his nose where it doesn't belong. Let's cut it off for 'em." Each wields a short sword and wears several daggers in their belt.

You all will get the equivalent of a surprise round, without the enemies granting combat advantage, while they are busy getting up and ready as you charge in.

Small light gray line on the far wall is the ladder, the dark gray double line is a window.

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-02, 01:44 AM

Hearing harsh words from above, Aurelius dashes up the stairs as quickly as his armor will allow, readying himself for battle.

Move: To the square just north of Aveeno.

2009-02-02, 02:30 AM

Kizzy uses the oppoirtunity to move due north.

Move to upper-most NW square

Will I get comabt advantage from First strike during the first real round of combat?

2009-02-04, 02:00 PM
Move to upper-most NW square

Will I get comabt advantage from First strike during the first real round of combat?

Yes, you will.

2009-02-05, 09:51 AM

Bael takes up a position to Kizzy's southeast.

Move 1W-3N-1NE

2009-02-05, 01:32 PM

As the others burst into the room, Aveeno sets his arm back and lets fly with his javelin, immediately tilting the initiative of battle in his allies' favor.

Surprise-Hammer Formation at BoD4
Attack-[roll0] Damage-[roll1]
On hit, the others get +1[W] on their next attacks. Pretty sure everyone is close enough to qualify. Edit: Well...never mind.

2009-02-05, 09:25 PM

Aldrok follows behind, but is stuck behind Aveeno, unable to see into the room.

Move to the square S of Aveeno.

2009-02-05, 10:31 PM
Not knowing the number of attackers, the brigands were not ready for the aggressive charge. Despite their unpreparedness, Aveeno's javelin still fails to make contact, with the warrior at least, as it impales the wall a good foot above his head.

New Map:



2009-02-06, 04:34 AM

Seeing he has the upper hand, Kizzy moves in, reaches swiftly into a pouch at his side, and throws shards of metal at all the enemies in the room, targetting their eyes in particular.

Move - 1 SW, 1 E
Minor - Draw a Shuriken (the power handles the rest.)
Standard - Blinding Barrage, on all enemies.
Damage - 2d6+5 damage and blinded until the end of my next turn.
Sneak Attack Damage (Target = B4) - [roll0]
Attack (B1) - [roll1] vs AC
Attack (B2) - [roll2] vs AC
Attack (B3) - [roll3] vs AC
Attack (B4) - [roll4] vs AC

Whoops, over-did the rolling command - Check OOC for initial Shuriken damage.

2009-02-06, 06:43 PM
Kizzy's quick action serves him well against the warriors he recognizes as members of the Brotherhood of the Dog, the metal shards hit three of his targets right where he wants to, cutting their faces, blood covering their eyes. The one that Aveeno's javelin missed is not so lucky now, his face is filled with sharp, cold metal. One brother avoids the worst of it by quickly throwing his right arm up, guarding his face. Pulling the metal out of his arm, he growls, but still ready to continue the fight, he rushes Bael, not wanting to show his back to the armored soldier. His short sword stabs deep, trying to find a chink in that armor.

B1 moves one square NW, uses Painful strike against Bael.
And Bael takes 10.

Succeeding, Bael feels the blade cut into him. The brotherhood member than yells to his comrade, "Karn, he's in front of you, just throw a dagger." The one he addresses tries to do so, but the dagger slips out of his hands and just sticks in the floor.

B4 tries to throw a dagger at Kizzy.
[roll2] -5 for blindedness

The other two brigands do little for now. One of them, feeling the wall alongside, uses it to step back into the corner while his sight clears. The other just stands in place, trying to clear his eyesight.

New map:
And all but B1 is bloodied.

2009-02-07, 03:40 AM

Feeling the assailant's blade bite deep, Bael feels red-hot fury bubbling up along with the blood and pain. He first shifts himself southeast, both opening up a line of attack for Aurelius and distracting his assailant to allow Kizzy the option to strike him from behind if he chooses. My turn, dog, he all but spits at the Brotherhood member as he brings his hammer to bear once more.

Ow, that hurt! Bit of a tactical gamble here, but I figure this way Kizzy can pull some sneak attack damage on BoD1 his next turn if he chooses.
Move: Shift SE
Minor: Divine Strength
Standard: Bolstering Strike on BoD1 - [roll0], [roll1]
Edit: Crit! :smallbiggrin: And forgot to add the +3 for divine strength to the damage mod. That'll be 19 damage, and I gain 2 temporary HP's. This banter thing really seems to work, doesn't it?
Further edit: Make that 25, after adding the bonus 1d6 from the magic weapon (roll made in OOC). If that's enough to drop him, I'll knock him out rather than kill him. Not bad for a L1 defender, eh?

2009-02-07, 04:54 AM

Dashing into the cramped room, Aveeno raises his shield to defend against the unblinded bandit as he heads to the back of the room. "Well struck, Bael!" Taking advantage of their temporary blindness, the tiefling darts between two of the other thugs to block one of the exits. Turning, he slashes at the nearest.

Move- NE, Ex4 (Accept OA from BoD1, BoD2/3 are blind and can't make them)
Minor-Inspiring Word to Bael [roll0]
Standard-Basic Attack on BoD3 (Aiming to knock out, not kill)
Attack-[roll1] Damage-[roll2]
Attack roll includes combat advantage and Bloodhunt

2009-02-07, 06:02 AM
Aldrok Veinmarker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=92129), Dwarf Warlock
Init +1 HP 31/31 Bloodied 15 Healing Surge 7 (0 used /10)
AC 15 Fort 14 Reflex 13 Will 13 Speed 5

Aldrok runs along the wall into the corner, shadows enveloping him as he moves. He whispers an infernal curse and then blasts the thug.

Move: 4N, into the corner, gaining concealment from Shadow Walk.
Minor: Curse B1.
Standard: Eldritch Blast on B1.
[roll0] vs Ref.
[roll1] and [roll2] curse damage.
Edit: wow, what a crummy set of rolls...

2009-02-07, 02:09 PM
Bael's holy fury guides and boosts his blow, impacting directly on his foes skull, knocking him unconscious, the attack reinvigorating Bael. Running forward, Aveeno's blade slashes one of the blinded thugs, leaving him barely able to stand. And while Aldrok remains concealed, his blast does nothing more than scorching the floor.


Vox Clamantis
2009-02-07, 02:46 PM

Dashing past the unconscious brawler, Aurelius lays into one of his comrades without a word, going for a quick takedown.

Move: East to attack Brother 2.
Standard: Piercing Smite
Attack: vs Reflex
Damage: [roll1] damage and the target is marked
Minor: Divine Challenge Brother 3

2009-02-07, 03:46 PM
The warrior clears his eyesight just in time to see a large sword impale his chest, and then sees no more.

From the loft, loud footsteps are heard and then a huge figure and another brotherhood member appear in the loft. The large figure is an armored mercenary Kizzy recognizes as War-captain Irocar, the leader of the brotherhood. Standing over seven feet tall, clad in a blackened suit of plate and chain and wearing a distinctive horned great helm over his head, a touch of fear, or at least respect for the might of this soldier, goes through the minds of all but the bravest, or maybe stupidest, of your group. He carries a massive longbow in his hand, and has a equally massive sword hanging from his belt. Seeing that not one, but two of his men have fallen in seconds, his raspy voice is heard throughout the room, "Incompetents! Are you mere pups, not able to handle these mongrels on your own?!" looking at the one beside him, he continues, "Come Marc, we'll have show these amateurs the true might of the Brotherhood of the Dog."

EDIT: Ok, B2 is removed and Aurelius has moved. My apologies for this, been multi-tasking like crazy this afternoon.


Note to Aurelius:
Unless it's been errated, your piercing smite shouldn't mark anyone, since it marks a number of adjacent foes equal to your WIS mod, which is 0 for you, and it does not say a minimum of 1, like other powers do.

Vox Clamantis
2009-02-07, 03:57 PM
You're quite right, I didn't realize that it wouldn't mark the target if my Wis mod wasn't positive.

Also, that map doesn't show my movement.

2009-02-07, 04:36 PM

Seeing the new foes arrive on the battlefield, Kizzy decides he should wrap up loose ends, Kizzy pulls out his newly aquired dagger and jumps forward in an attempt to impale the enemy in front of him.

Minor - Draw +1 Dagger
Minor - Shift 1 Square E
Standard - Piercing Strike
Attack [roll0] vs Reflex
Damage [roll1] and [roll2] Sneak Attack