View Full Version : Good job Rich

2008-11-22, 06:03 AM
Hello there

This is a thread for Rich Burlew, saying good job. The reason for this, besides making the comic in general, is the personality evolution of the Halfling Belkar. Before these few pages where made my friends and I where talking about the comic. We were talking about the characters in particular when one friend said to me "I like Belkar because he is evil." to which everyone else said otherwise explaining "He is the only character who hasn't changed since page one."

Character evolution

Character evolution makes them more likable because everyone goes through changes and this creates a link, making them human (or dwarf, elf etc). It shows them growing up and becoming more in depth and the audience grows more attached. Elan is the perfect example here, before I didn't like him much, he was an idiot at time and felt like just some comedy input but lately he has grown, becoming competent with a new class and even the love for Haley which really shone when Therkla came into the mix. Belkar was perfectly described in page 605 when he was just a green stick.

Lately I am getting the feeling he is finally growing but. I look forward to seeing what you will do with him.

Thank you

2008-11-22, 06:13 AM
I agree with the above. Rich, you are really good at this whole comic-making thing and the evolution of the characters. Thank you for this comic.

Evil DM Mark3
2008-11-22, 06:16 AM
Rich is one of those rare individuals who possesses the knack for story telling.

2008-11-22, 06:34 AM
Rich is one of those rare individuals who possesses the knack for story telling.
Indeed. This is what I say to friends who stare at me mystified when they see me reading a stick figure comic. I just look at them and say, "Rich is a great storyteller."
That's all there is to it.

2008-11-22, 09:28 AM
Allow me to add my congratulations. A story isn't engaging without depth, and Rich has put the depth that occurs in the best FRPG's, bu is never known outside of the gaming circle, right out where people can read it.

And in a harmless stick-figure comic too, obviously nothing to be careful of, you can just read it for laughs for a few minutes... :D

2008-11-22, 10:16 AM
I love OOTS, so much. Rich is an incredible storyteller. 610 had me carefully moving the page down one panel at a time, forcing myself to stare at ONLY the panel I was reading so I wouldn't accidentally spoil anything. It's also the only comic that has made me feel so tense!

Plus, even the erratic updating can't be complained about. OOTS is not some 4, maybe 8 panel-ed (paneled?) comic with either story development or a joke. It's beautiful, full-page, full-color comics that always contain BOTH. Not even just a joke, too! Lots of jokes!

So yeah, congratulations and thank you for an awesome comic, Rich!

2008-11-22, 10:27 AM
It takes a good man to carry out a story. It takes a better man to carry out a story without creating an anti climatic situation. i.e. killing everyone off for no reason. Rich is a better man.

2008-11-22, 01:20 PM
Yeah, I say he's done a great job. So many threads are about 'character derailment' this and bitching about Miko/Belkar/Roy/the color of the background in panel 6 and how it's two R points off on the RGB scale compared to the background in all the other panels, that there should be more threads like this one (provided he even visits these forums at all, I don't know,)