View Full Version : The Boss

2008-11-22, 01:07 PM
So, any Bruce Springsteen fans around here? I just got myself a copy of his newest album, Magic, and so far it's extremely good.

So, what's everyone's favorite song? Favorite album? At this point, my favorite song has to be Youngstown, from The Ghost of Tom Joad, but I'm not sure about my favorite album.


Rogue 7
2008-11-22, 02:44 PM
Being from New Jersey, practically worshipping Bruce Springsteen is almost required for me. So I do love a bunch of his work. But I can not stand his slow tunes. He's got a good rock beat when he uses it, but his slow stuff- particularly The Ghost of Tom Jode- drives me nuts.

Rare Pink Leech
2008-11-22, 06:07 PM
I love Bruce Springsteen. By far my favourite song of his is Born to Run. I know it's cliche to say that's my favourite, but it is. It was the first song of his I heard, and it absolutely blew me away.

2008-11-22, 08:32 PM
Being from New Jersey, practically worshipping Bruce Springsteen is almost required for me. So I do love a bunch of his work. But I can not stand his slow tunes. He's got a good rock beat when he uses it, but his slow stuff- particularly The Ghost of Tom Jode- drives me nuts.

I actually love the song The Ghost of Tom Joad, along with Youngstown from the same album. Those are two of my favorite Springsteen songs in fact (and Youngstown actually is the favorite), but I'll agree that the rest of the album is fairly meh.

Overall, one of the things I like most about Springsteen is his versatility. Seriously, listen to Youngstown, Born in the U.S.A., Thunder Road, Adam Raised a Cain, Atlantic City, and then Radio Nowhere. If you didn't recognize the voice, then you'd have no idea it was the same artist, but they still all manage to be excellent, if not amazing, pieces of music. I think perhaps the best example of this is the album Darkness on the Edge of Town, which manages to be all across the board with its mood but still maintains its core.

Jack Squat
2008-11-23, 09:21 AM
My first CD was Born in the U.S.A.

I think I might be a fan :smallwink:

Favorite song is probably either Murder Incorporated or Adam Raised a Cain.

Favorite Album is probably Darkness on the Edge of Town. I wasn't a fan of Ghost of Tom Joad, but I see I'm not alone in that sentiment.

2008-11-23, 01:35 PM
My first CD was Born in the U.S.A.

I think I might be a fan :smallwink:

Favorite song is probably either Murder Incorporated or Adam Raised a Cain.

Favorite Album is probably Darkness on the Edge of Town. I wasn't a fan of Ghost of Tom Joad, but I see I'm not alone in that sentiment.

Both excellent songs, and definitely one of his best albums.

2008-11-23, 02:46 PM
I made a thread on Magic a while ago, and no one replied. :smallfrown:

Anyway, Magic (along with most of his stuff) is great, and I'm looking forward to the new album in January.

I do think that Manfred Mann did a better job on Blinded by the Light though. Bruce's version seems... Sloppy.