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View Full Version : Daggerspell Mage build

2008-11-22, 01:59 PM
I just found the Daggerspell Mage and I'm so sold. Magic + Stabbity-Death rings a bell doesn't it?

The questions are: what are you people thinking about this class and how can one make it useful?

2008-11-22, 02:51 PM
I just found the Daggerspell Mage and I'm so sold. Magic + Stabbity-Death rings a bell doesn't it?

The questions are: what are you people thinking about this class and how can one make it useful?

I don't have the books with me at the moment.. but i belive warmage/spellthief works well... I see this as being a very high dps build if done right especialy with the master spellthief it will do pritty decent.