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View Full Version : Lyria Games (Where I throw up all my homebrew as pdf's)

2008-11-23, 09:52 PM
I'm just posting to tell people about the site I've started up to give away pdf
that I've made this will include adventures, homebrew feats and other stuff.
If anyone wants me to put their stuff of the site so people can find it easily just post it here. I will give you credit. I'm working on creating a magazine to be published from the site for free so send me a pm if you want to try your hand at writing an article just tell me what it will be about my hope is to put it out once every 2 months

here is the link

also I apologize if this is against the rules. I read through them
and it didn't seem to be but if I missed something I'm very sorry
posted this thread here cause I'm to lazy to get it moved by the mods...
also sorry if thats against the rules