View Full Version : Was is Rich's level?

2008-11-23, 10:53 PM
The last comic made me think of something.

When Rich first started his comic strip, it was a simple yet very amusing collection of D&D jokes supportED by a drawing style that made a bad first impression of the artist. (sorry Rich, but that's true) The geek in me wants to translate this has a level 4 (artist/writter/comedian(2))

Now, giving that the art style has improved, I'd give him at least level 4 artist. The jokes rapidely improved over the first two years to reach a certain level that always succeeds in cranking me up, but they eventually stop improving (They are still very funny however) Sometimes, he also rolls a natural 20 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0560.html) on his jokes. I'd say level 6, enough to make me laugh, but not rolf all every time.

But this latest issue shows that he put most of his levels in writter. Not only was it planned from the very moment the mark was implanted in the story, it was also enough to raise my heartbeat over 170.

This guy is a genius of storytelling.

Level 11 minimum.

If you add it up, that make Rich a level 21 charac... person.

So now, I can finally say it out loud :

Rich is EPIC

signed "A geeky fanboy"

2008-11-23, 11:00 PM
Here here!

2008-11-23, 11:10 PM
What? that crazy ... rich is way higher than that he got to be like lv 100

2008-11-23, 11:20 PM
What? that crazy ... rich is way higher than that he got to be like lv 100

It's ovah 9000!!!!

2008-11-23, 11:22 PM
It's ovah 9000!!!!

I take back my previous statement in favor of this one:smallbiggrin:

2008-11-23, 11:23 PM
I'm not talking about a level 21 WoW here. Level 21 in D&D is quite an accomplissement. scrubbed If Rich was level 100, we would do nothing else of our lives but worship him, stay on the site and post in these forums. Every comic would just be so awesome that the very fabric of the unverse would be remade 100 times per panel just so the rules of physics can support it.

Even Chuck Noris isn't level 100.
"Hopes that the thread doesn'y turn into yet another fanbased Chuck Noris battlefield."

Ovah 9000!!! would require an infinite^infinite gooplex of multiverses just to be contained while sleeping.

2008-11-23, 11:28 PM
Indeed, Rich probably has maxed out ranks in Craft (Stick Figure Comic) too.


2008-11-23, 11:46 PM
If Rich was level 100, we would do nothing else of our lives but worship him, stay on the site and post in these forums.

And that differs from the present situation how, exactly?

2008-11-23, 11:50 PM
I agree with the epic level, but couldn't writer/artist/comedian all be considered specialties of the Bard class? Maybe he's an epic level Bard with uncommonly high intelligence for that class.

Or maybe the Jester Class from Dragon Magazine. That's sort of a more comedy oriented Bard who doesn't need to be able to carry a tune. "While a bard sings to inspire courage and arouse hope in his friends, the jester uses his razor wit and comedic put downs to devastate his enemies".

Or perhaps he's just a wizard who has used his epic-level magic to research a version of Tasha's Hideous Laughter in comic form, forcing will saves from all who see it lest they laugh uncontrollably. The runic language he uses to scribe it just happens to look like stick figures.

2008-11-24, 01:51 AM
What is Rich's level?
Fact #1:
O'Chul can kick Chuck Norris's ass anytime anyplace anyhow
Fact #2:
Rich Burlew created O'Chul - ergo he is his father
Fact #3:
If Rich Burlew is father of O'Chul then his level must be...:smalleek::smalleek::smalleek:
Revealed truth side-effects:
*multiverse will collapse in 5, 4, 3...*

prove me wrong:smalltongue:

Hydro Globus
2008-11-24, 03:22 AM
Star: It is not uncommon for a bard to have high IQ.
Thant: You are wrong. QED.
Also Liwen: I liked the artwork of the first OOTS episodes too. Why? Because it was consistent. It's like Rich made a confession: "No, I can't draw. However, you all can imagine this, being roleplayers and all. And becouse my art style is kinda low-res, I'll keep things what don't change exactly the same.". I can't blame him, but I like his artstyle (proof on the left). I liked it even when it started.

2008-11-24, 04:32 AM
<...>It's like Rich made a confession: "No, I can't draw. However, you all can imagine this, being roleplayers and all. And becouse my art style is kinda low-res, I'll keep things what don't change exactly the same.". I can't blame him, but I like his artstyle (proof on the left). I liked it even when it started.

(added emphasis mine)

Oh, really...? I very much doubt it. For proof, check the 6th panel of this strip (#339) (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0339.html).

And, for another example of Rich's non-stick art style, check his "5 foot steps" comic here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=rpga/hq/polyffs1).

Just my 2 eurocent!

2008-11-24, 04:54 AM
It's like Rich made a confession: "No, I can't draw. However, you all can imagine this, being roleplayers and all. And becouse my art style is kinda low-res, I'll keep things what don't change exactly the same.". I can't blame him, but I like his artstyle (proof on the left). I liked it even when it started.

I don't think Rich ever made this confession. In fact, if you look at the FAQs on this site (the link is at the end of the "News" menu section), there is an answer there where he says he chose this drawing style on purpose, and that he can draw in other ways too.

2008-11-24, 05:13 AM
gooplex of multiverses

Goo-Plex... *snicker*

Hydro Globus
2008-11-24, 05:44 AM
Okay, sorry! Switch "can't" to "won't" then... or whatever you see fit for "I'm not gonna draw OOTS realistically". And add "the way I see it" to the front.

2008-11-24, 09:46 AM
Yeah, You'll have to forgive the gooplex line. 2 am posts can be arkward sometimes. I meant Googleplex

The Rich is a bard theory isn't bad too, but I wanted to use "reallife" classes. they are has follow: Student, Soldier, Politician, Lawyer, Comedian, Artist, writer, Musician, Barber and Barman.

Note Polticians have the following class restriction : Inability to tell the truth when directly questionned about "what they wish to do once they got the power", any no-lawful, any no-good

They also have the "Fake Lawful-Good" class ability they can use at will.
And the "Long, unclear and mostly useless yet pretty anwser" class ability they can use a number of times equal to 5 times their level per day. When you ask a question and they use that ability, you must succeed a concentration check or a sense motive check (use the best) DC 10 + half politician level + charisma modifier in order to realise he's not actually anwsering your question at all and wish you would go away while he plans the next phase of his campaign.

2008-11-24, 01:29 PM
Where are you getting these classes? :smallconfused: I've played d20 Modern.

Clearly, Rich is a Smart Hero.

2008-11-24, 02:47 PM
@ original poster.

Yes, Rich is epic.
He's always been epic.
And he always will be...epic.
except when he's perfect.