View Full Version : World's largest solitaire game (soloing WLD)

2008-11-24, 12:06 PM
K. So the premise is that I am both the players and the DM. But playing as 6-7 people will eventually take me on the road to insanity (or a couple of miles closer anyways :smallbiggrin:). To make it easier on myself and I, only 1 character will be running through the dungeon.

Since I like catfolks and artificiers, I mixed them together to make Jaer. (Character sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=63863)). If you are wondering about the stats, I olled 16, 16, 16, 14, 14 and 12. Yeah, crazy, isnt it ?

A few houserules (because I stay in a house, all by myself...and sometimes together with me):

I'll just say that low light vision helps me to see in the dark, or that I carry a torch with me. There is no point to keep it misterious...right ?

Can convert gold/items into raw materials. You know, the equivalent exchange law and all that FMA stuff.

Will roll dice to determine if Jaer will search for traps/treasure. generally, I would say he would search for traps if he rolls 1-20, and increase the probability if he encounters traps/as time goes by. The probability to search for treasure/hidden doors is about 1-40 since a catfolk is inquisitive by nature :smalltongue:. This will too increase as time goes by.

Level adjustment buyout is allowed. Why ? Because the DM says so :tongue: (the voices are talking to me again).

Maximum starting gold for my class (200 GP). And I have 20 points in my craft reserve. Will add the items to be crafted/bought on my sheet.

Will see how long it will take until Jaer dies, and try to make some adjustments to the character sheet before *respawning*. If the DM says so :smalltongue:.

Well, that is about it, for now. Will edit the first post (this one) accordingly.

2008-11-25, 04:49 PM
After a couple of long days, the journey is finally reacing it's end. The summit of the mountain is close. The claims that a band of kobolds and orcs have gone this way seems to be jostified. There are footprints everywhere.

Jaer pauses for a moment near a tree to catch his breath.

Heh, almost there. I can smell them. They should take a bath now and then...

Right, no time for breaks ! Off I go !

There seems to be something odd here. A gigantic corpse resembling a human can me seen. Oddly, it doesnt appear to be decaying, or releasing an odor or anything.

Wonder what the hell could that be...whatever it is, better stay away from it in case it decides to spontaneously come back to life.

Hmm, the footprints seem to lead towards...umm...that cave ! :smallbiggrin: Time to get some treasure and kick some ass !

Rushing into the cave, jaer can see that it has been dug out recently, with very crude methods. Footprints and debris abound.

teeHee, treasure :3 Grasping his staff, jaer is shocked to see a large room built with stone walls. Wow. Now this was unexpected. Where are the hordes of creatures ? Where is the treasure ? Dammit. I ran all the way over here just to be disapointed by an empty room. Might as well rest here, seeing that the trails disappeared.

Taking his bedroll out of his pack, along with some of the food he has, Jaer lays down on the floor, satisfying his hunger, and taking his time to unwind.