View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 49: Leaf and Cyn vs Chile IV and Glunk

2008-11-24, 10:11 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 49: Leaf and Cyn vs. Chile IV and Glunk

The Arena walls for this map are 30 ft high, with a Climb DC of 30. The pillars are 10 feet tall with a Climb DC of 20.

XP Award: 600 XP
GP Award: 600 GP

Maurkov - Leaf (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=10000)
Stupnick - Cyn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=41483)
Chilepepper - Chile IV (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=10467)
SoD - Glunk (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=49518)

All Combatants, please roll initiative.

2008-11-25, 12:22 AM
Glunk, pre-round


2008-11-26, 09:14 PM


I move we suspend the timeout count until Sunday night, since lots of folks travel this time of year.

2008-11-29, 09:17 PM
GM Kyeudo

Sounds good to me.

2008-11-29, 11:43 PM
I'm not amazingly knowlegeable on the rules for a 2v2 match. If our teammates don't turn up, does it become a 1v1 match?

2008-11-29, 11:52 PM
I'm game..

2008-12-02, 12:30 PM
I'm lonely.

Shall we get started without our friends? Leaf doesn't need to buy anything unless it's to react to one of your purchases.

2008-12-02, 09:30 PM
Nah, ready when you are. You're up first.

2008-12-03, 02:58 AM
Leaf Round 1 Init 22

Spells prepared:
0: Guidance, Guidance, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic
1: Entangle, Speak with Animals, Produce Flame

Initial Conditions:
Starting in B14 riding Max the animal Companion. Leave extra dog home. Shield on left arm. Right hand empty.

Cast Speak with Animals. Draw Scroll of SNAIII. Ride to A22. Ride checks are auto-success. Tell Max to tell me know if he hears or sees Glunk.


Edit: Note that I'll be out of town Thursday through Sunday.

Stat Block:


Position: A22 Mounted
AC 20 HP 16
Max's AC 20 HP 13
Hands: Shield and Scroll
Active Spells: Speak with Animals (1/20)
Max's orders: Tell Max to tell me know if he hears or sees Glunk

2008-12-04, 05:03 AM
Glunk, round I

Start in Y14, wearing Scale Mail, and with my trusty great falchion in hand. Double move to Q12.

Battle State:
HP: 25/25
AC: 16 (my sheet says 15, but it assumes that I wear studded leather, which I'm not). Touch 12, Flat Footed 14.
F/R/W: +8/+2/-2.
Buffs: None.


2008-12-12, 06:49 AM
Have no Idea what to say on LOS. Halp pls.

2008-12-12, 12:09 PM
Uh bayar? Who are you talking to? You're the only ref we've got.

2008-12-12, 05:52 PM
Uh bayar? Who are you talking to? You're the only ref we've got.

The ones that should come and look here D:

2008-12-13, 12:04 AM
Thank you for your value-added reffing.

2008-12-15, 01:07 AM
@bayar, refs (since I can't ref this match)
There's no LoS

And BTW, bayar isn't the only ref still around, obviously. I just got tired of checking LoS and updating stuff on a daily basis while my matches went weeks without reffage.

2008-12-15, 04:34 AM
@chile, refs:
Thank you for that enlightenment. I was thinking more in the lines of how to do listen checks for Leaf. Since there is distance involved and stuff...

2008-12-15, 11:31 AM
I just got tired of checking LoS and updating stuff on a daily basis while my matches went weeks without reffage.I understand completely. I generally do two LoS checks for each one I receive in order to avoid burnout.

2008-12-15, 06:05 PM
refsI'd call it +5 for the rise in landscape, not quite the equivalent of a stone wall. I think distance is around 100' so +10. DC 15, double check the distance.

Psionic Dog
2008-12-17, 04:11 PM
Initiate Ref PsiDog

Nope, no LOS.

So, on to the listen check the concusses believes to be necessary.

Using the DnD measurement system I count 105 ft separating the combatants, 110 when considering elevation differences.

A +5 modifier is also the difficulty for listening through a door. I agree there is quite possibly a terrain modifier, but it is probably less than that. Since no one else wants to touch the listen decision I'm going to declare the modifier to be a generic +2 for this case.

So, DC 13 for a crude direction of sound.

EDIT: Just noticed Leaf had a passive listen already rolled.

Glunk No LOS

Leaf No LOS, but you hear movement to the North East, as does Max.

2008-12-17, 04:27 PM
Leaf Round 2 Init 22

Leaf orders Max to defend (free action)

Leaf attempts to cast SNAIII from scroll. [roll0] vs. DC 6. In case of failure: [roll1] vs. DC 5 and [roll2]


Status Block


Position: A22 Mounted
AC 20 HP 16
Max's AC 20 HP 13
Hands: Shield and Scroll
Active Spells: Speak with Animals (2/20)
Max's orders: Defend

2008-12-17, 05:25 PM
Glunk, round II

Move to L12. Single move action taken.

Not done.

Psionic Dog
2008-12-17, 07:20 PM
Initiate Ref PsiDog

LOS established when Glunk reaches N12.

Leaf is mounted at A22, and appears to be casting a spell from a scroll.

2008-12-17, 11:10 PM

Move to G9. You see me get muscley.

Battle State; HP: 29/29
Rage: 0/9
Str: 26
Con; 22
AC: 14. Touch 10, Flat Footed 12.
F/R/W: +8/+2/+0.
Buffs: None.


Edit: Leaf's a druid, right? Is he allowed to wear a Chain Shirt?

2008-12-18, 12:29 AM
In a fit of cheesy goodness, (Forgotten Realms) Druids who worship Meilikki are able to use metal armor and ranger type weapons.

Leaf Round 3 Init 22

Leaf completes the scroll, summoning a lion in H21.

Leaf roars*, commanding it to attack. The lion charges to H10 and pounces.

Once you've taken your readied action, if it doesn't involve getting out of the way, you can read the spoiler.
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]
[roll8] [roll9]
[roll10] Improved Grab

*speaking (free action), not handling (move action).

(not done)

2008-12-18, 04:53 AM
...I didn't have a readied action. Let me see...I can't AoO the bastard, because of the improved grab...my AC is currently 14, so every one of those hit...uh...damn. That's embarassing. Big tough orc defeated by a puddy tat.

2008-12-18, 05:16 AM
High Ref chilepepper

Since I was not actually a participant in this match, and both contestants agree on the outcome, I thinks it's okay for me to officially make the call.

Leaf is the winner.

2008-12-18, 11:58 AM
That first rake misses (natural 1), but it's still enough damage.

A lion is CR 3 even without the boost feats, so there's no shame in that tussle being one-sided. Unfortunately for Leaf, there is a 50 gp solution.