View Full Version : Looking for good computer RPG

2008-11-25, 04:21 PM
So i'm looking for a good rpg for the computer. Im open for pretty much anything. It should have decent story, decent combat system, and pretty
much decent everything ( atleast)... If that exists. I've played the following and liked them:

The Witcher
Planescape: Torment
Might and Magic 8

2008-11-25, 04:29 PM
CRPG? Ain't heard that one before... Where C stands for compute, yes?

Well, either way Oblivion + Morrowind are decent games. Not to everyones tastes, mind.

There's some amazing Neverwinter Nights modules out there even if the main story is a bit awful. The fan-made content makes up for it. I wouldn't really recommend Neverwinter Nights 2 though... I mean, it's a decentish game, it's just nowhere near as inspiring as the first one was.

Guild Wars is a pretty good game. Completely online-based though, and you may not have much actual RP going on. An MMO rather than a normal RPG, see.

Old-school wise, there's the ultima games. The ealier ones, I mean. Ultima 5 and 6 were quite coo'.

That's just off the top of my head, I'm not sure how much you may enjoy them on account that, well, everyone should like BG, BG2 and ESPECIALLY Planescape: Torment.

2008-11-25, 04:31 PM
How about the Fallout games, you can get a box set of Fallout 1, 2 & Tactics for fairly cheap(£15 where I am) and Fallout 3 is also good(but a lot different, it's more like Oblivion and a bit different in tone), dunno if Fallout 3 is on pc though, it should be.

2008-11-25, 05:18 PM
How about the Fallout games, you can get a box set of Fallout 1, 2 & Tactics for fairly cheap(£15 where I am) and Fallout 3 is also good(but a lot different, it's more like Oblivion and a bit different in tone), dunno if Fallout 3 is on pc though, it should be.


Personally, I never liked the Fallout series... I just ended up wandering around... For hours... Doing nothing. Maybe I just enjoy at least some linearity in my RPGs.

Also, i've heard that Fallout 3 is Oblivion with guns. Haven't played it, but it seems likely.

2008-11-25, 05:22 PM
Also, i've heard that Fallout 3 is Oblivion with guns. Haven't played it, but it seems likely.

Superficially yes, when you delve a bit deeper no, the gameplays are quite removed, the skills and stats are totally different for one and perks really separate them.

Fallout 3 also seems more complete than Oblivion and the NPCs seem more real, it's a lot better than Oblivion I think.

In fact the only real similarity is that they can both be played in first or third person and they're made by Bethesda.

2008-11-25, 05:35 PM
Vampire: Bloodlines is a must, and if you liked M&M 8, 7 and even 6 is playable, if you don't mind the graphics.

Anyway, Fallout and Fallout 2. Please. After these, and only after, try Fallout 3.

P.S. And a question back to you, if you don't mind. I've been hearing about The Witcher but haven't played yet. How is it?

2008-11-25, 08:05 PM
I'd recommend both Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2- The main campaigns aren't much to write home about, but the fan-made modules and the Hordes Of The Underdark and Mask Of The Betrayer expansions, NWN 1 & 2 respectively, are pretty good.
Seems like Storm Of Zehir might be interesting as well.

I'll also second Vampire: Bloodlines, but only if you download the latest fan patch, which fixes an awful lot of bugs and adds a lot of cut content. Without that, it's only the hollow, bugfilled shell of a game.
Heck, I'd suggest playing the first vampire CRPG, Vampire: Redemption, if only to enjoy later games you play so much more :)

2008-11-25, 08:16 PM
Since you don't seem to be into jRPGs (Final Fantasy 7, which I'd recommend, and 8, which I wouldn't so much, are for the PC), I will just second Fallout 1, 2 and 3. In that order. You can play Fallout Tactics between 2 and 3, but don't have to.

2008-11-25, 08:27 PM
Since you liked the Baldur's Gate series and Torment, the obvious recommendation is Icewind Dale 1 & 2, which use the same engine.

They don't have the NPC interaction of the Baldur's Gate series, since you create your entire party, but the combat is fun, the atmosphere is great, and the art is fantastic.

I'd also recommend the Knights of the Old Republic games (even if you totally hate Star Wars). Good NPCs, super fun combat (clearing out rooms full of enemies with Force Lightning never gets old), and a setting that's different from your typical high fantasy fare.

2008-11-25, 09:14 PM
The Witcher
Planescape: Torment
Might and Magic 8

As others have said, only Fallouts and KotoRs are missing from the list. Some might argue that KotoR2 sucks (on account of it being a beta) but it's still worth a play or two.

IWDs are an acquired taste. They consists of kill the goblins, then kill the orcs, now kill the trolls, ad infinitum. Still, they have the classic DnD feel.

2008-11-25, 09:31 PM
Another vote for Knights of the Old Republic. That game is epic. I've easily played 300+ hours on it in the last year or so, and I keep playing it over and over, always finding more things I never really did the first time.

2008-11-26, 06:41 AM
If you can track it down, I really recommend Might and Magic 7... I don't know what it is, it's just fun. Then there's Lionheart, which will also probably be pretty hard to find. It's basically a medieval Fallout (from what I understand of the first two) but the story (at least the first bit) is great.

2008-11-26, 06:50 AM
I have Lionheart, it's more or less Baldur's Gate ad Fallout mixed. Good game, I never really got that far, I may go on it sometime.

2008-11-26, 07:36 AM
Most of you guys will recommend the classics, so I won't be redundant, and instead, will give you a forgotten underdog.

Divine Divinity. A game that on some point, I like it more than Baldur's Gate, Kotor, or Fallout. That's because, this is a game that I've been looking for since my childhood.

Basically, this is a cross of diablo and baldurs gate series. You hack wall of monster with fluid movement and finding awesome randomized loot and customizing yourself like diablo series. But unlike diablo, you're in an open overhead map where you can move freely and pick quests and having epic REAL story like baldurs gate or fallout series.

It got customized character with almost unlimited randomized equipment, the true tried and classic diablo-like hack and slash gameplay, huge open overhead world, lot of massive underground dungeon, lots of quests, secrets, hidden quests, epic story, and amazing soundtrack.

Only way to make it perfect is to add party member. Too bad that evidently, the producer heard my wish, and made a sequel with a party. Never played it, but from what I heard, it sucked greatly.

2008-11-26, 04:14 PM
Oh mistyped.. .It was Might and Magic 7 not 8... My bad my bad.

So i've just bought Fallout 1+2+tactics... I began playing the second... God i'm bad at it...

How about Two Worlds, that seemed pretty cool, and for only about 10£ ( circa, don't know how much the pound is at currently)

2008-11-26, 04:15 PM
Two Worlds is lacking, don't trust the propganda on the back that calls it something like "Oblivion on steroids", it's not, it's alright but I'd have it low on priority if I was going to buy CRPGs.

2008-11-26, 04:28 PM
Then what about Arcanum, that looks somehow cool to... Looks like a RPG to me :S

2008-11-26, 04:35 PM
amongst all the terms like jRPG, kRPG, and such, I saw CRPG, and now, logic would dicatate, that following the trend, i should think "chinese rpg?", but no, my mind goes crazy, and I think to myself "Canadian RPG???!?!"

2008-11-26, 06:12 PM
I'd recommend the Fallout series. I haven't played Mass Effect myself yet, but I've heard good things about it. Neverwinter Nights 2 is decent (it's good when you can get the damn camera to work right), but it's expansion pack is pretty good.

amongst all the terms like jRPG, kRPG, and such, I saw CRPG, and now, logic would dicatate, that following the trend, i should think "chinese rpg?", but no, my mind goes crazy, and I think to myself "Canadian RPG???!?!"

Computer RPG

2008-11-26, 06:39 PM
Then what about Arcanum, that looks somehow cool to... Looks like a RPG to me :S

Worse and harded than Fallouts.

2008-11-26, 06:58 PM
amongst all the terms like jRPG, kRPG, and such, I saw CRPG, and now, logic would dicatate, that following the trend, i should think "chinese rpg?", but no, my mind goes crazy, and I think to myself "Canadian RPG???!?!"
Usually taken to mean Computer RPG, as SurlySeraph said - referring to RPGs designed for the PC, typically made in western countries.

Can also mean Console RPG, confusingly. Usually, though, it means Computer.

Also: go for Fallout 1-3.

revolver kobold
2008-11-26, 07:10 PM
Canadian RPG = Anything by Bioware.

Also recommending Fallout 1 and 2. Tactics too I suppose, but that's less an RPG, more a tactical combat game.

Also, while not an RPG in the strictest sense, try to get Sacrifice. Its kind of a bizarre blend between an RPG and an RTS. You can grab a boxed set that contains both Sacrifice and Fallout 2.

Emperor Tippy
2008-11-26, 07:34 PM
Another recommendation for the KotOR line.

And let me be the first to recommend Arcanum.

2008-11-26, 07:34 PM
Mass Effect is definitely worth it. It's the best game Bioware has made since Baldur's Gate II, quite a while ago. Their most poorly known game, Jade Empire, was quite good as well though the pacing was weird. In general anything by Bioware and anything by Black Isle are the standard recommendations in this genre. That covers the bases of Baldur's Gate I and II, Fallout 1 and 2, Planescape: Torment and KotOR which seems to be the classics of the modern CRPG genre.

Other games could include Vampire: Bloodlines, despite bugs and pacing issues, is excellent as well, though it grows into too heavy a hack and slashfest later on, especially since it contrasts with the early parts. Fallout 3 as well, for reasons given in the thread about it and other places, as well as Might and Magic 6 and 7, though these last two are pretty ancient and somewhat weird by modern standards. Still fun games though.

2008-11-27, 04:53 AM
Seriously, play fallout 1 before you play fallout 2. Fallout 2 is so good that it will ruin you for the awesomeness that Fallout 1 still provides.

Archonic Energy
2008-11-27, 05:02 AM
look for either "Black Isle" or "Bioware" games.

that is all

oh and if you can get it play "Planescape:Torment"

2008-11-27, 05:46 AM
Then what about Arcanum, that looks somehow cool to... Looks like a RPG to me :S

Well, you can read the arcanum thread. Seriously, if coolness is the only thing that made an RPG, arcanum would be one of the best rpg ever produced.

Sadly, it's buggier than your average victorian era bug riddled house, and the interface is clunkier than charles babbage' adding machine. And no matter what the fluff said, the magic vs tech duality is as imbalanced as those european conqueror vs the natives inlander.

But yes, it's damn cool.

2008-11-27, 09:22 AM
I nominate Icewind Dale 1 & 2, and Temple of Elemental Evil. The latter must be played with Co8, or it's no fun at all.

2008-11-27, 04:19 PM
So i'm looking for a good rpg for the computer. Im open for pretty much anything. It should have decent story, decent combat system, and pretty
much decent everything ( atleast)... If that exists. I've played the following and liked them:

The Witcher
Planescape: Torment
Might and Magic 8

If you don't mind bad graphics Return to Krondor is pretty good. Round based combatsystem, nice enemys and a wonderfull world. Pretty nice quests also.

2008-11-27, 05:38 PM
Another vote for Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines. Buggy? Yes, the Fan Patches really do it a lot of good. One of those games which, once it grips you, refuses to let go. Truly one of my favourites.

2008-11-27, 06:31 PM
As mentioned above Bioware does great work.

Mass Effect
A tactical shooter RPG. The story is epic, the characters are great. The inventory organization is horid, but thats ok because well Ive never defeated a main antagonist by *******. Just play it its fun.

Jade Empire

This is out for PC you can order it off of amazon or biowares web site. Its a very beautiful game. Music, Story, character interaction, it's wonderful. I recomend getting it for the Xbox if you can. Thats what I played it on and the controls where very simple. Its different to, its not some D&D WOW knock off or a simpering emo Jpop RPG. Its a good kung fu epic.

Vampire: Bloodlines

This is a nice game as well. Dark, gritty and alot of things that just made my skin crawl. Playing a Malcavian is alot of fun.

2008-11-27, 09:05 PM
I nominate Icewind Dale 1 & 2, and Temple of Elemental Evil. The latter must be played with Co8, or it's no fun at all.

What is Co8 and how do I get it? I desperately want to love that game.

revolver kobold
2008-11-27, 09:34 PM
This is a nice game as well. Dark, gritty and alot of things that just made my skin crawl. Playing a Malcavian is alot of fun.

You've made a powerful enemy today, Sign.

You can grab Bloodlines very cheaply on Steam. Can you apply the fan made patches to the Steam version?

2008-11-27, 09:39 PM
Jade Empire

This is out for PC you can order it off of amazon or biowares web site. Its a very beautiful game. Music, Story, character interaction, it's wonderful. I recomend getting it for the Xbox if you can. Thats what I played it on and the controls where very simple. Its different to, its not some D&D WOW knock off or a simpering emo Jpop RPG. Its a good kung fu epic.

The game is simple to play, but it is amazingly fun. It has a very nice plot, the combat is engaging and extremely easy to pick up (I've never played anything else like it, but it really works and I love it), and it is VERY stylish.
I still play that game from time to time. Very much worth it.

Dacia Brabant
2008-11-27, 10:43 PM
What is Co8 and how do I get it? I desperately want to love that game.

www.co8.org, the Circle of Eight fan site that put together the essential patch for Temple of Elemental Evil. Since ToEE has hands down the best video game representation of D&D 3.5 combat mechanics, actually being able to play this otherwise bugged-to-hell game is a good thing. :smallsmile:

I'll second recommendations of IWD2, Fallout 2 and NWN1--skip the original campaign though and go right to Hordes of the Underdark, and do pick up Alazander's module series (Crimson Tides of Tethyr is a fine homage to BG2) while you're at it.

2008-11-28, 01:13 AM
I'm going to have to defend Arcanum here. It's great if you get the latest patch. Make sure you do that before playing. And always use turn-based mode in combat.

And IWD is Baldur's Gate minus the roleplaying and storyline. Since that's what made BG great, IWD is, sad to say, crap.

2008-11-28, 01:56 AM
I'm going to have to defend Arcanum here. It's great if you get the latest patch. Make sure you do that before playing. And always use turn-based mode in combat.

And IWD is Baldur's Gate minus the roleplaying and storyline. Since that's what made BG great, IWD is, sad to say, crap.

I beg to differ about IWD. It's a great series with plenty of action and enough of a story to not make you braindead. I still play them a couple of times a year.

Mass Effect is a game I would not recommend, unless you just follow the story. The sidequests are absolutely horrible and pretty much made me stop playing because I got bored.

Arcanum is wonderful, just patch it. You can find a good unofficial patch at www.terra-arcanum.com which will make it pretty much bug free.

2008-11-28, 03:33 AM
I'll second both the recommendation to play Divine Divinity (it's very engaging and clever) and that the sequel is awful. Also I'll confirm that the Icewind Dale titles should be very much up your alley.

If you want something a bit off the beaten path check out a game called Evil Islands... it's a Russian title, not well known, but it is quite unique.

If you don't mind old technology, then I can throw a number of titles at you that should keep you busy for quite a while: Wasteland, Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder, and The Magic Candle.

2008-11-28, 02:47 PM
So i asked at Gamestop if they had Arcanum, which i got replied that they did not have it home for a few years....

Icewind dale is on my consider list.
So is Mass effect...
Fallout 3 to....
How about S.T.A.L.K.E.R? Seems to be FPS with rpg elements.

Icewind dale is pretty combat based right? Oh and i can say to those that recommend Fallout 2. Well thank you very much.... I got addicted to that game :smallredface:

2008-11-28, 03:27 PM
Isn't it funny how the Trokia games (Arcanum, ToEE, Bloodlines) always come with the disclaimer "Apply latest fan patch"? No wonder that crowd went out of business

Still, the concepts behind the games are generally enjoyable. The mechanics of Arcanum are badly broken, even ignoring the bugs, but the setting alone is immensely enjoyable and probably unique in a cRPG. Bloodlines also suffers from mechanics issues (tip: invest in stealth) but not to the same degree and, despite lagging badly in the last third, is still an excellent RPG. One of my favourites. I'd ignore ToEE (Temple of Elemental Evil) as its a very substandard game with little to recommend it aside from the graphics. Its one of the few RPGs I've put down unfinished

One of the other RPGs I lost interest in was Icewind Dale II. The problem with this is that the Infinity Engine is simply not up to pure hack 'n slash action. What you get is an endless series of linear maps with an endless series of foes and not much in between. Which is a pity because the NPC dialogue, which pops up every few hours, is actually pretty good. Still, I'd advise you to avoid

Mass Effect is similar to Icewind Dale in that its really not a RPG in the traditional roleplaying sense. If you accept it as a FPS with RPG elements then you won't be too disappointed (even if it can't compare to pure shooters such as HL2) otherwise its worth a look but is nothing special. The graphics are impressive but the game falls down badly on the traditional RPG staples of dialogue, plot, sidequests, etc, etc

But given your list I'm surprised that you've yet to play KotOR. There's two very good games in the Bioware mould. Personally I prefer the second, for all its flaws, but both are definitely worth your time

2008-11-28, 04:33 PM
One of the other RPGs I lost interest in was Icewind Dale II. The problem with this is that the Infinity Engine is simply not up to pure hack 'n slash action. What you get is an endless series of linear maps with an endless series of foes and not much in between. Which is a pity because the NPC dialogue, which pops up every few hours, is actually pretty good. Still, I'd advise you to avoid

I'm going to disagree and say that Infinity Engine is a lot better than the engine of Neverwinter Nights (that I forgot the name of), which many people praise. The action queue thing (it's in KotOR too, I guess) works very sloppy (to me, at least) and the transitions between the actions are awful. On the other hand, while Infinity Engine wouldn't look so good in games that has smaller parties, it works wonders on large battles, allowing more tactical gameplay.

2008-11-28, 04:46 PM
I'm going to disagree and say that Infinity Engine is a lot better than the engine of Neverwinter Nights (that I forgot the name of), which many people praise. The action queue thing (it's in KotOR too, I guess) works very sloppy (to me, at least) and the transitions between the actions are awful. On the other hand, while Infinity Engine wouldn't look so good in games that has smaller parties, it works wonders on large battles, allowing more tactical gameplay.

Quoted for truth. Except the KotOR part, because I liked that system as well. The Infinity Engine is far superior to the Aurora Engine in every aspect IMO. I even prefer the graphics in IE compared to Aurora, not to mention general gameplay. Battles were enjoyable in BG, while as in NWN it's a chore.

Also, despite the action focus in IWD, you'll just want to keep playing. I suggest you start with IWD1 and play through IWD II after that for a damn good gaming experience. It's not as story driven as the BG series, but you won't regret playing =)

2008-11-28, 04:55 PM
Another vote for Arcanum, it deserves all the love it can get. But mind you: if you value graphics, or a well-balanced game mechanic, stay away from it. Although the latest (fan made indeed) patch tries to fix both issues (it is really almost bug-free now, and now, how much, 10? years after it's release, contains all the features that where intended for it), it remains clunky when these two things are considered.
But: the fact that to this day, fans keep making improvements and modules for it should tell you that it can be an amazing game, and that it indeed IS one. The story is fantastic, the world is full of living details and fun corners to explore. It doesn't force you to follow it's plot, it allows you to stroll and discover new places, followers, weaponry arcane and technological, and oof course, top hats. You can never go wrong with top hats. Top hats that deflect bullets.
That's where another part of the fun lies, in discovering new gadgets to build, and new ways to enhance yourself with many mechanical playthings, or bring woe upon your foes with them.

All this however, suffers from bad balancing. Some things or skill paths are teh win, while others are, while cool, just useless.

So, if you want a game that was made with love but little emphasis on balancing and comfort, take it anytime. If bugs, glitches and lack of balancing annoy you, stay away from it. Ths game needs a patient player willing to remain blind on one eye while playing, metaphorical.

As it is not yet abandonware, you might have a problem obtaining a copy.

2008-11-28, 05:02 PM
If only there was a shortcut through the Fell Wood, I'd enjoy IWD II a lot more. That said, they are both fun games otherwise. I still think there was too much story.

ToEE is great even as it is, the problem is that it's very, very, very, very, very hard to work with in it's original state. Co8 does wonders for it. Make sure you have the .NET framework though, or the Front End won't work properly.

2008-11-28, 05:54 PM
I've also yet to find a copy of KOTOR... However which would you recommend? The first or second?

Sad i can't find Arcanum, screw the bugs... It looks amazing ( in theory)

2008-11-28, 06:10 PM
On the other hand, while Infinity Engine wouldn't look so good in games that has smaller parties, it works wonders on large battles, allowing more tactical gameplay.Each to their own. Personally I found it the complete opposite - the Infinity Engine was great for small party v party encounters but it really proves cumbersome for larger battles. Frankly with IWD I just got bored of slogging through map after map of the same dull battles. In KotOR combat tends to be a lot more fast paced

I've also yet to find a copy of KOTOR... However which would you recommend? The first or second?Both are good. As I say above, I prefer the story and mood of the second but the first is also a very good game. Go for both if you can and play them in sequence. I actually played the sequel first but that spoiled the twist of the original

Dacia Brabant
2008-11-28, 07:40 PM
I'd ignore ToEE (Temple of Elemental Evil) as its a very substandard game with little to recommend it aside from the graphics.
Really? What about the combat system?

One of the other RPGs I lost interest in was Icewind Dale II. The problem with this is that the Infinity Engine is simply not up to pure hack 'n slash action. What you get is an endless series of linear maps with an endless series of foes and not much in between. Which is a pity because the NPC dialogue, which pops up every few hours, is actually pretty good. Still, I'd advise you to avoid

I can see why you would say that, it's a common and legitimate complaint for many players of CRPGs against IWD. The IWD games are more like console RPGs with high emphasis on crunch and linear storytelling, which isn't for everyone. Still, for the gaming interest it serves, it does it quite well.

(And man, there are a lot of neat little things you get to do as an evil party in IWD2, especially if you have a priest of Bane with a high Intimidate check. :smallamused: )

2008-11-28, 11:50 PM
I'm gonna say Bloodlines as well. Not to inflate your expectations or anything, but even if you're not normally keen on vampires or interested in White Wolf stuff it's quite enjoyable.

2008-11-29, 03:21 AM
I've also yet to find a copy of KOTOR... However which would you recommend? The first or second?

Sad i can't find Arcanum, screw the bugs... It looks amazing ( in theory)

Almost everyone would say that the first game is better than the second, I feel the same way too, but that doesn't make the second "an utter crap" or something along those lines. It's just a great, unfinished game.

Each to their own. Personally I found it the complete opposite - the Infinity Engine was great for small party v party encounters but it really proves cumbersome for larger battles. Frankly with IWD I just got bored of slogging through map after map of the same dull battles. In KotOR combat tends to be a lot more fast paced

Probably because of the lack of a good story in the former. IWD is in my opinion not a RPG and couldn't be compared to games like KotOR. It's more like what Fallout Tactics is to the Fallout series, a (surprise!)tactical strategy game.

2008-11-29, 01:20 PM
Do you know which RPG gets 10 years old tomorrow? :smallbiggrin:

Archonic Energy
2008-11-29, 01:29 PM
Do you know which RPG gets 10 years old tomorrow? :smallbiggrin:


2008-11-29, 01:33 PM
Baldur's Gate. It came out on 30 of November 1998.

2008-11-29, 01:34 PM
And of course, top hats. You can never go wrong with top hats. Top hats that deflect bullets.

This. Quoted. For. Truth.

The game is worth it just for The Top Hat That Deflect Bullet

Everytime I felt frustated because of the technological imbalance, I look at my equipment screen and see The Top Hat That Deflect Bullet. Suddenly everything became bearable.

2008-11-29, 02:38 PM
I just wanna know, you said you played and liked the Witcher but did you know that the enhanced edition, with two new adventures, is available on the official website for free?

Halna LeGavilk
2008-11-29, 03:01 PM
I would definitly recommend Fallout 3. It's a superb game, you just have to think about it a bit.

KotOR is great, both of 'em. #1 has better plot and characters, #2 has better gameplay and items. Whatever floats yer boat.

2008-11-29, 04:26 PM
I just wanna know, you said you played and liked the Witcher but did you know that the enhanced edition, with two new adventures, is available on the official website for free?

Yeah i did. I replayed the game after the enchanced edition became free.