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2008-11-25, 08:51 PM
The ancient Greeks believed that there was a river called Lethe in Hades. According to their mythology, this river washed away the memories of life from the dead souls as they crossed it. But where did these washed away memories end up? They probably floated downstream to the mouth of Lethe. And that is where the separation of Greek mythology and my own occurs. In mine, there are several things that may happen to the memories at the mouth of the river, but the one that interests us at the moment involves the God Histor. This God has set up his abode at the mouth of this river in the underworld. He's not there all that much, but this is where he stores the memories of peoples' lives that he takes from the river until he has recorded them.

************************************************** ********

Jess is taken here. "Here" being, for the moment, an empty white expanse.

2008-11-25, 08:54 PM
Wh-where am I!?

2008-11-25, 08:55 PM
My theater. Feel free to do what you want, this is not the past, just a memory...

With a heavy "click", the empty expanse is transformed into a field of grass in summer time. The sky is blue, there are a few clouds in the sky, and the general atmosphere is one of anxiety. To the West lies the foothills of a large mountain range, to the North and East lies grassland, and to the South there is a dark forest.
There is a platoon of Daein soldiers encamped here, at the edge of the forest, with sentries posted. Jessica is standing among the relaxing soldiers wearing black armor and holding an iron lance, plus whatever she had on her. She doesn't stand out at all, as there are other women soldiers. They are all trying to relax, but there is a definite sense of unease throughout the camp.
"What an auspicious start to my career as an officer, Dad would be pleased."
"Cheer up hun, you're not doing that bad, it's just a bad day..."
2nd Lieutenant Reinhardt and Sergeant Bucholz, both aged sixteen, are standing under a small canopy hand in hand, just in front of Jess.

2008-11-25, 08:57 PM
Jess sort of watches, leaning on a post or something nearby...

2008-11-25, 08:59 PM
Alex scowls at the map in front of him, then turns away and kisses Nicole...

A soldier next to Jess nudges her and indicates Alex with a jeer. Son of the Daein Tiger? Bah, I can't believe it...

2008-11-25, 09:00 PM
It's true.
She says with a shrug.

2008-11-25, 09:03 PM
This is his first mission and he's made a right proper hash of it... Well, it wouldn't be so bad if he at least tried to pretend he wasn't making out with Bucholz at every turn. :smallwink:

If Jess' senses are better than average, she may hear/smell horses in the woods nearby...

2008-11-25, 09:04 PM
Normally she would, but she's distracted.

She shrugs.

2008-11-25, 09:06 PM
One of the sentries near the forest cries out, then gurgles through an arrow in his throat as 20 mounted soldiers charge out towards the camp. Enem-!

Alex has frozen up, completely surprised.

2008-11-25, 09:07 PM
Jessica sighs and begins to move towards the enemy.
A lance...
Too heavy...
She checks herself for any swords or daggers...

2008-11-25, 09:10 PM
Just whatever she had on her at her house...
The squad leaders, after realizing Alex wasn't giving any orders, quickly start rallying their soldiers, but the enemy is already attacking the panicked outer edges...
Jess may recognize Alex's sister leading the charge on her horse.

2008-11-25, 09:12 PM
Well, Jess always has her Rapieretta, or giant needle sword, on he, so, she just drops the lance and pulls that, sprinting towards the enemy, probably faster, or as fast as the average horses...

2008-11-25, 09:14 PM
She'll reach the enemy pretty quickly then...
It would appear that these soldiers are several levels higher than Alex's platoon, as a third of them are down by now, but Alex is sprinting in right behind Jess as the remainder of the squads group in tightly.

2008-11-25, 09:15 PM
Jessica lashes out at the enemy, aiming to kill their mounts instead of them...

2008-11-25, 09:18 PM
She takes out the horse of an axeknight, who promptly falls to the ground and gets killed by an armor sword. A lance knight is charging at her now.
Alex is running towards his sister, who has wheeled around for a go at the platoon healers, but his step falters as he recognizes her.

2008-11-25, 09:20 PM
She tries to jump onto the lance and decapitate the man...

2008-11-25, 09:22 PM
That works, but she now has two arrows flying at her...
The platoon is still taking a beating, but more of the mercenaries have fallen.

2008-11-25, 09:25 PM
She dodges, probably getting stuck with one in the shoulder.
She lands and runs towards Alex's sister.

2008-11-25, 09:26 PM
Alex's sister is calmly out dueling him, but at least he stopped her from slaughtering the priests...

2008-11-25, 09:28 PM
Jessica sighs and waits, letting Alex have his honor.

2008-11-25, 09:29 PM
Well, Alex gets his honor, and a nasty gash across his chest. Which explains one of the scars on his body she's probably noticed before... Anyway, the myrmidon falls down, but his sister raises her sword hand.

2008-11-25, 09:30 PM
Now's when Jessica tries to step in, aiming a drop kick at her horse's leg...

2008-11-25, 09:34 PM
The horse whinies in pain and throws off the knight's killing stroke. She glares at Jess and twirls her sword.

Alex! :eek:

And I deadtime now, might be back later... what are your thoughts on this kind of plot?

2008-11-25, 09:36 PM
I like them....>.>

Gooday Miss Reinhardt.
He says to Alex's sister.
Come, fight me, have a real challenge.

2008-11-25, 10:15 PM
If I may interrupt-

Have you guys both figured all this out beforehand together, or is FF making it up himself and Quin's just going along with it?...

2008-11-25, 10:16 PM
I'll tell you if you post at magic portal of adventure...
Unless you don't want to, in which case I'll still tell you.

2008-11-25, 10:18 PM
I'd rather not... >_>... don't have much time, you see....

2008-11-25, 10:20 PM
You can continue the plot at other times!

2008-11-25, 10:22 PM
Fine fine fine. Posted.

2008-11-25, 10:25 PM
Which one do you think?

2008-11-25, 10:26 PM
Given the detail(?) I'm guessing FF's coming up with it all based on your guys' characters' respective backstories (which I also imagine you two have shared) and you're just going along with it.

2008-11-25, 10:28 PM
No, Jessica has her own back story.
I'm just goin along with FF...

2008-11-25, 10:28 PM

Also, is it worth noting that at a whole lot of your plots have a point like this?... the whole flashback bit?...

2008-11-25, 10:30 PM
I like them....>.>

Gooday Miss Reinhardt.
He says to Alex's sister.
Come, fight me, have a real challenge.

I see my reputation has preceded me. :smallamused: Tanya laughs as she sends her horse trotting around Jess in a circle. And who may you be?

I finally used her name! :smallbiggrin:

This is something completely independent Beholder... I was going to do it with Mee next, and I'd do it with you, but none of your characters really know mine...

2008-11-25, 10:31 PM
This is something completely independent Beholder... I was going to do it with Mee next, and I'd do it with you, but none of your characters really know mine...

Pff. Does it matter? :smallconfused::smalltongue:

...and what happened to Jess formerly being a guy?

2008-11-25, 10:32 PM
Jessica Arule.

2008-11-25, 10:34 PM
It doesn't really have the same effect otherwise... I mean, Beholder would just be like "Okay, I'm watching Tobias' past. Meh." Maybe try and gain something out of it...

Tanya salutes her and charges forward.

2008-11-25, 10:35 PM
Jessica waits for the last moment, then sidesteps and tries to trip Tanya....

2008-11-25, 10:36 PM
It doesn't really have the same effect otherwise... I mean, Beholder would just be like "Okay, I'm watching Tobias' past. Meh." Maybe try and gain something out of it...

Exactly! He'd be a total peanut gallery!

2008-11-25, 10:37 PM
Tripping a horse... That might just end up breaking Jess' leg... Tanya is a Sword Knight, she fences on horseback...

You know me Beholder, I like having my plots meaningful and serious... Like when I slapped together that morality lesson/twist ending when Quinsar soloed one of my HALO plots...

2008-11-25, 10:38 PM

What about Xallace? He'd be less of a peanut gallery... more exited schoolgirl...

2008-11-25, 10:40 PM
Then Jess just dodges.

2008-11-25, 10:41 PM
Meh, I'll have to think about it... Or you could make a more or less friendly character that interacts with people enough to establish a platonic relationship... :smalltongue:

Tanya wheels around and tries to slash at her.

2008-11-25, 10:42 PM
Jessica brings her blade op to block, and tries to reverse the blow and knck Tanya off the horse...

2008-11-25, 10:42 PM
Meh, I'll have to think about it... Or you could make a more or less friendly character that interacts with people enough to establish a platonic relationship... :smalltongue:

Yeah... >_>... all my attempts at friendly characters usually result in them not butting into other people's business enough that they get no interaction and die from lack of roleplyraphyl...

I'll get to work on something, though. :smalltongue:

2008-11-25, 10:45 PM
Tanya has height and leverage... so she just rears up on the horse and then tries to bring her balde down heavily on Jess.

2008-11-25, 10:46 PM
It's broght down into Jess' shoulder, she grimmaces and stabs at Tanya...

2008-11-25, 10:47 PM
The stab catches the knight in the leg and she tries to cut out again.

2008-11-25, 10:47 PM
This time she dives out of the way...

Tanya's leg might start getting numb...

2008-11-25, 10:47 PM
Now, ah... before I deadtime- really, isn't Jess supposed to be a guy named Fel right now?

2008-11-25, 10:50 PM
This is Alex's past. Pieced together by his and other people's memories. Then a powerful God extrapolated the events that occured so that he can take people, put them here, and have them "play out" someone's memories.

She ignores it and charges after Jess.

2008-11-25, 10:52 PM
Jessica jumps forward, into her charge, aiming a strike at Tanya's neck...

2008-11-25, 10:53 PM
This is Alex's past. Pieced together by his and other people's memories. Then a powerful God extrapolated the events that occured so that he can take people, put them here, and have them "play out" someone's memories.

Like some sort of bizarre, twisted video game!






2008-11-25, 10:55 PM
That's exactly what I had in mind, but nobody really dies...

The horse rears again and tries to smack Jess out of the air, getting stabbed if it can't.

2008-11-25, 10:56 PM
She's knocked back, Jess aims a slash across the horses kneck as she falls a shorter distance than would be expected...

2008-11-25, 10:58 PM
The horse gets cut, but Tanya whirls around and starts beating a retreat, seeing as how the rest of the mercs have been killed. The platoon got slaughtered though.

2008-11-25, 11:00 PM
The horse should be dead as the poison eats its heart...
Will take a few hours...

Jess is about to pursue but pulls herself over to Alex, she tries to patch up his chest with her healing lotion...

2008-11-25, 11:03 PM
Enough time for her to go back to Begnion from here...

Nicole runs up behind Jess, who is patched up but is still writhing in pain...

2008-11-25, 11:05 PM
Jess keeps carefully working, ignoring Nicole.

2008-11-25, 11:06 PM
...Nice job on that knight.
Pity she had to go and help the Tiger's cub. :smallannoyed:

2008-11-25, 11:07 PM
Mutters Jess as she works.

2008-11-25, 11:09 PM
Nicole bends down and lightly caresses Alex's face, who has stopped writhing. It's okay hun, you'll be all right...
Damn, just our luck. :smallannoyed:

2008-11-25, 11:10 PM
Well, I should get going...

2008-11-25, 11:11 PM
Alex sits up shakily.
Get going? :smallconfused:

2008-11-25, 11:12 PM
Oh, back to my quarters. More'll be coming.

2008-11-25, 11:17 PM
No. We pack up and get everyone back to Battalion... Alex looks at the maybe a dozen men who are still alive. Leave everything else, including the bodies. We get back to the fort first.
Glad to see he's eager to be courtmartialed. :smallannoyed:
Everybody disperses, leaving Alex sitting there, with his eyes closed and breathing heavily.

Histor speaks up in Jess' mind. Seen enough? Anything else you want to do?

2008-11-25, 11:18 PM
Nah, I can leave now...

2008-11-25, 11:20 PM
With another click, things turn back to the white void and Jess goes home.

This thread is now closed until somebody wants to do something like this, that is to say, participating in one of my characters' backstories. Thank you.

2008-11-27, 09:22 PM
Ori appears here, in a blank space...
Hm... what to show you, what to show you...

2008-11-27, 09:23 PM
She blinks.
"What just happened?" :smallconfused:

2008-11-27, 09:24 PM
I'm showing you part of your husband's story. Any particular part you would like to see...?

2008-11-27, 09:25 PM
"Oh. Interesting.

I don't know. Umm . . ."
She starts to think.
((Do you have anything you want her to request?))

2008-11-27, 09:30 PM
With a sudden, heavy click, the scene transforms.

Orianna is now sitting in a circular amphitheater. A hundred feet below and to her front, at the bottom, are twelve chairs arranged before one man standing in chains. This one man is recognizably a younger Tobias. The whole room is filled with people in various shades of red and gold. The people right next to Orianna are in dresses and all have metallic colored wings. Orianna herself is wearing a crimson dress, and has whatever she had on her before. Oneof the twelve people below stands to speak and the crowd falls silent.
Tobias the Druid, you have been found guilty of High Treason. Your punishment is execution.

Ooh, can it be hanging? I am ever so fond of hanging! :smallsigh:

2008-11-27, 09:31 PM
She blinks, looks at Toby, and grins.

She had nothing else.
Well . . . she had 3 knives. But those aren't obvious.

2008-11-27, 09:33 PM
... no. Now it will be beheading.

... Whatever you do, don't throw me in the briar patch! :smallsigh:

2008-11-27, 09:34 PM
She listens. Smiling. Because she finds him funny.

2008-11-27, 09:39 PM
One of the other twelve stands up and sighs.

Take him to a strong cell, we'll hang him tomorrow at noon.

Can I invoke some sort of right to duel one of the Trinity...? :smallconfused:

2008-11-27, 09:40 PM
She decides she'll go visit him. That is, if she can.
She doesn't really know what authority she might have.
She has the robes, but those might not mean much.

2008-11-27, 09:43 PM
He's pretty much been found guilty as an enemy of the state... but Ori's Ori. :smalltongue:

Guards take Tobias out of the room and the place erupts in cheers/laughter/jeering/thrown produce at the Druid.

2008-11-27, 09:45 PM
Sweet. :smalltongue:

She watches it sadly.
And follows as best she can. Hopefully without being spotted.

2008-11-27, 09:46 PM
Well, she'd have to dive down to the bottom stage ofthe place to go out the same exit, so... :smalltongue:
The other angels around her begin filing out of a higher exit.

2008-11-27, 09:47 PM
Ah, then she goes out the upper exit.
Now, description please.
I could have her do many things. But I'd like to know what's feasible and what isn't.

2008-11-27, 09:51 PM
As she leaves the gathering place, she finds herself in a large city. There's really not that much more I can describe, just that there is a small thundercloud heading away from the building towards some kind of guardtower just to the west; right ahead of her. Oh, and it's dusk now.

2008-11-27, 09:51 PM
Okay, one more question, can she see where they're taking Toby?

2008-11-27, 09:53 PM
Odd, that thundercloud is pretty small... and it's moving exactly down the path of the street...

2008-11-27, 09:54 PM
She shrugs, and attempts to use the cloud as cover. To follow it to wherever it's going.

2008-11-27, 09:56 PM
So she's now flying and inside the cloud...?

2008-11-27, 09:56 PM
Yup. Yup. If she can.

2008-11-27, 09:59 PM
Well, the cloud suddenly stops abrutply, in defiance of the wind. Actually, this whole time the cloud has been moving in defiance of the wind.

2008-11-27, 10:02 PM
She stops, when she sees it stop.
Then attempts to look out of it. To see where she is.
(Such as poking her head out the side)

2008-11-27, 10:05 PM
She's over the aforementioned gaurdtower, and she sees an escort of solders marching in.

2008-11-27, 10:06 PM
She scans the troop, wondering if Toby is in it.

2008-11-27, 10:09 PM
The tail-end has just gone in... the cloud grumbles angrily.

2008-11-27, 10:10 PM
She chuckles, then drops down to the top of the tower. She looks for a way in.

2008-11-27, 10:13 PM
There's just a kind of trapdoor on the bottom of the roof. Where the sentries come out to stand watch in times of the enemy actually being near Pyropolis...

2008-11-27, 10:14 PM
Then she attempts to drop down through it. (After opening it, that is.)
If it isn't locked . . .

2008-11-27, 10:15 PM
She's now on a stairway thatleads down to a lighted room and laughter.

2008-11-27, 10:16 PM
She attempts to sneak as close to it as she can without getting spotted.
Then tries to look in.

2008-11-27, 10:18 PM
It's barracks... Oh, the tower is only like three stories tall... There aremen sitting around a table laughing and playing cards. There's a door on the other side.

2008-11-27, 10:20 PM
She tries the bold approach.
She attempts to walk through it, to the stairs leading down.
From the path to the roof. Suspicious, no?

2008-11-27, 10:22 PM
Damn angels, can't they use the front door...? :smallsigh:

Can I help you miss? :smallconfused::smallamused:

She gets lots of appreciative stares. :smalltongue:

2008-11-27, 10:23 PM
"No thank you, good sir, I'm just passing through."
She continues to pass through.

Oh, and she's still in her silver form.
Just . . . pointing that out.

2008-11-27, 10:26 PM
Damn captain gets all the wh-women... :smallamused:

They let her pass, with some whistles and catcalls and other more or less expected behavior.

2008-11-27, 10:27 PM
She ignores them. She's heard it before. :smalltongue:
She attempts to go down the stairs.
Unless stopped . . .

2008-11-27, 10:30 PM
From here she can go right into the basement without stopping in any other rooms on the other levels...

2008-11-27, 10:31 PM
Then she does so.
And starts to look for Toby.

2008-11-27, 10:35 PM
In the dungeon there are half a dozen soldiers gathered around a cell.
...So if you actually carry around a length of rope on you at all times, the versatility that gives you is amazing if you think about it.

2008-11-27, 10:37 PM
She thinks for a minute, grins, and walks up to the guard.
"Guards, leave. I need words with the prisoner. Now."
She's using her best authoritative voice for this too.

2008-11-27, 10:39 PM
... Do you have any identification ma'am? :smallconfused:

Tobias whistles. an interrogation session with yourself? Boy am I lucky... :smallamused:

2008-11-27, 10:40 PM
"I do not have time to answer your inane questions!
Of course, but I'm on a time frame. Out!" :smallannoyed:

2008-11-27, 10:45 PM
I don't think y-
Hey, I remember now, one of the Lords told me that he wanted to send someone to question the Druid about the enemy plans. He winks at Ori so that only she can see and herds all the guards out.

2008-11-27, 10:48 PM
She nods her head in thanks, then, once they're gone, goes to Toby.
"Tobias the Druid, I assume?"

2008-11-27, 10:50 PM
What? Tobias? Naw, he's in the other cell. What can I do for you, gorgeous? :smallwink:

2008-11-27, 10:51 PM
"I have come, as I said, to talk to you.
My idea for you is this:


Other then that, not too much. Other then you'll looking well."

2008-11-27, 10:53 PM
Tobias blinks, then suddenly lunges through the bars and attempts to grab her and pull her closer.

2008-11-27, 10:53 PM
She is pulled closer.
"Can I help you?" :smallconfused::smalltongue:

2008-11-27, 10:56 PM
He attempts to pin her arm behind her back and cover her mouth with his hand, spinning her around so she's facing away from him...
Stupid b****. :smallannoyed:

2008-11-27, 10:56 PM
"That I am."
Well, she would say that, anyway. But she can't.
She attempts to kick him where she can.
And, seeing how he's holding her, that's only one place . . .

2008-11-27, 11:00 PM
The bars get in her way as he snarls in her ear. I don't care what anyone says, I'm doing the right thing and without me you'll all die! :smallannoyed:

2008-11-27, 11:01 PM
"Oh, I know you are.
I just had to give you the repent spiel.
I'm not in your way. I'd like to get you out of here, though."

2008-11-27, 11:02 PM
He tries to give her arm a jerk. Who are you? :smallannoyed:

2008-11-27, 11:03 PM
He can. She winces slightly.
"No one you know yet.
Can I say anything that would get you to trust me?"

2008-11-27, 11:06 PM
I don't know, can you? :smallconfused::smallannoyed:

2008-11-27, 11:08 PM
But I need to know what you want to know.
I mean, I could tell you that you're a good general. But you know that.
I could take of my shirt.
I don't know."

2008-11-27, 11:09 PM
I know that, but noone else does... :smallannoyed::smallsigh:
Wait. You said, "noone you know yet"...? :smallconfused:

2008-11-27, 11:13 PM
"Except for me.
Well, you see, I'm from the future.
You don't know me yet. But I know you.
Now, would you let me go? All you'll do is hurt yourself."

2008-11-28, 10:36 AM
From the future? He lets her go. No Pyrite could lie like that, if you are lying, though...

2008-11-28, 03:50 PM
"That I am.
And, to be honest, I didn't expect you to believe me."
But she takes a step away, and works the kink out of her arm.

2008-11-28, 03:52 PM
I'd appreciate it if you could actually prove it though.

2008-11-28, 03:53 PM
"Sure. But, as I was asking, what do you want to know?
I could tell you lots."

2008-11-28, 03:56 PM
What is my last name then?
Because of a special ritual Tobias did once, no divination can determine his last name because he simply lost it...

2008-11-28, 03:57 PM
"Goswell. As is mine."
((How badly did I mangle the spelling?))

2008-11-28, 03:58 PM
That's it exactly... :smalltongue:
He starts. Ah, you are the real deal... Wait, your last name? :smallconfused:

2008-11-28, 04:01 PM
Oh . . . Did K ever tell Aurea his last name? Since I know he refuses to tell anyone, but it is Aurea, and she's stuck with it too . . .
"Thank you very much.
Oh, I'm sorry, did that slip out. Whoops. Sorry."
She holds a hand to her mouth. She's obviously not sorry. :smalltongue:

2008-11-28, 04:06 PM
He never did...

... :smallsigh: Can you just get me out of here?

2008-11-28, 04:07 PM
Well, he probably did, just not IC.
I'll PM it to you.

"Possibly. How many alarms are wired up into this thing?"

2008-11-28, 04:08 PM
Hah, they don't have wires or alarms here. Just go find the keys.

2008-11-28, 04:11 PM
She tilts her head.
"Why would I do that? That would probably get a guard in here with me, to make sure I don't do what I'm about to do.

Now, is it anti-magiced at all?"

2008-11-28, 04:12 PM
They don't even have that here; just hurry up, will you? :smallsigh:

2008-11-28, 04:13 PM
"Sweet. Sure. I'm going to warn you though, this is only going to last about 30 seconds. So get out quickly."
She starts to cast Shrink Person.

2008-11-28, 04:15 PM
Tobias, quite undignifiedly, scrambles out of the cell and glowers at Ori until he turns back.

2008-11-28, 04:17 PM
She smiles at him.
"Well, I could have cut the bars down, but that would have been slightly . . . conspicuous.
You know, if you stay like that, I could hide you, and just walk out of here. No one the wiser.
But I need to know now, before it wears off."
Of course, with that gown, and his new size, only one place to hide . . . :smallwink::smalltongue:

2008-11-28, 04:20 PM
Tobias crosses his arms and, once the spell has worn off, strides towards a table in the corner. Those arrogant bastards think I'm an enemy? I'll show them how serious I am... :smallannoyed:

2008-11-28, 04:22 PM
"Lead on. I'm right behind you."
She didn't expect him to take her up on it anyway. Too proud. :smalltongue:

2008-11-28, 04:25 PM
He spends some time going through his pouch, which was lying on the table. Once satisfied, he slings it over his shoulder and begins buckling on his two sword belts. Who are you?

2008-11-28, 04:26 PM
"Right now, someone who wants to get you out of here in one piece.
In the future . . . someone that you actually care for. I think."
She grins.
And wishes she had her sword.
Ah well, no big problem there.
"Now, you want to fight your way out, or attempt to let me talk to them?"

2008-11-28, 04:29 PM
He remembers her usage of his name and looks at her fingers as he pops a dried clove of something into his mouth and starts chewing. We fight as much as necessary to get out of here.

2008-11-28, 04:30 PM
Is that something he still uses in the future, and would she recognize it.
"All right. Sounds good. I'm not too great a negotiator anyway."

2008-11-28, 04:32 PM
The clove is just to clear his mind of the drugs they gave him, so she wouldn't know it... Or did you mean the scanning her fingers for a wedding ring?
I think you'd do a better job with your shirt off. :smallwink::smallamused: He draws his swords and moves down the hall, to the stairway.

2008-11-28, 04:34 PM
And yes, the ring is there. She hasn't taken it off yet.
"I'm sure I would. And it would give you a wonderful distraction to get by with, however: No."
She follows. No weapon out as of yet.

2008-11-28, 04:36 PM
Tobias stops at the door that leads to the main entrance and frowns as he tries to listen to how many people are out there.

2008-11-28, 04:37 PM
"May I go first? Since I won't be attacked on sight. I can get behind them.
Since they are going to try and kill you."

2008-11-28, 04:38 PM
...No. He kicks in the door and dives through.

2008-11-28, 04:40 PM
She shrugs, and follows him.
Still unarmed.

2008-11-28, 04:42 PM
There are about five guards in this room, and though Tobias has knocked out one, three have drawn their swords and the fourth is trying to slip past Ori to run up the stairs.

2008-11-28, 04:45 PM
She attempts to throw one of her knives into the one trying to get past her.
Or, if he's close enough, stab him.
Preferably in a vital area.

2008-11-28, 04:46 PM
She probably gets him right in the neck then.
Tobias is dueling two of them, but he's not doing so well, and the third one kicks his leg out from underneath him.

2008-11-28, 04:48 PM
Ah, since Toby isn't in the way any more, she throws many plasma knives at the three remaining guards. Not very accurate, but all aimed at the guards.

2008-11-28, 04:50 PM
They go down, and Tobias puts them down with kicks to the head after he leaps upright. He looks over at her expressionlessly.

2008-11-28, 04:51 PM
She cleans the knife, and puts it away.
Not returning the stare.

2008-11-28, 04:52 PM
Tobias sheaths his swords and slips out into the night.
It seems the guards upstairs are now reacting to the sounds of the fight below...

2008-11-28, 04:53 PM
She follows him.
If he thinks that all it takes to lose her is the dark, BAH, right. :smalltongue:
So, she follows him.

2008-11-28, 04:54 PM
Not just the dark, also the advantage of being outside and around a corner before she gets outside. :smalltongue:

2008-11-28, 04:55 PM
She . . . uh . . . yeah.
Not knowing her way around the city, or the direction he went, tries to remember if future Toby told her anything about this city. Mostly, which direction his army is.

2008-11-28, 04:58 PM
He doesn't have an army yet. At the top of the hill on which this city, Pyropolis was built, there lies a very large palace...

2008-11-28, 04:59 PM
Hmm . . . knowing Toby, he might try for revenge. And, where would the main judges be? Probably the palace.
Doesn't hurt to look, anyway.

She attempts to fly over to the palace.

2008-11-28, 05:01 PM
Of course, most everybody is in their homes right now, and the streets deserted. As Oriana quickly nears the palace, she'll probably note a lone figure running towards it.

2008-11-28, 05:01 PM
She, for lack of anything better to do, follows it.
Probably Toby. :smalltongue:

2008-11-28, 05:03 PM
Tobias stops and begins to go along the palace's outer wall, pulling rope from his pouch like a magician pulls handkerchiefs from a sleeve.

2008-11-28, 05:04 PM
She stands on the wall above him, watching.

2008-11-28, 05:05 PM
A grappling hook lands between her legs and Tobias quickly shimmies up. He stops when he sees her and sighs. He's also too busy glaring at her to look up her dress. :smalltongue:

2008-11-28, 05:07 PM
She looks down, not bothering to move.
She says, not trying to scare him, but in a conversational tone.
"You want some help?"

2008-11-28, 05:08 PM
He jumps onto the wall and continues to glare at her as he stows the rope back in the pouch.

2008-11-28, 05:10 PM
She doesn't glare back.
But stares into his eyes.
Like she's sucking out his soul . . .

2008-11-28, 05:10 PM
Oh, and he's standing all of three inches away from her.

2008-11-28, 05:12 PM
She doesn't try to back up.
She just . . . stands there.
Still looking deeply into his eyes.

2008-11-28, 05:13 PM
Whatever you're looking to find in there, I can bet you you're not going to...

2008-11-28, 05:15 PM
"To be honest, I'm not sure why I'm here.
I just I'm just . . . a bystander who's getting in the way.
Now, you're planning on killing the people inside this building, right?"

2008-11-28, 05:19 PM
He was refering to her looking into his eyes/soul.
Not all of them.

2008-11-28, 05:21 PM
Oh. She's just looking.
"Well, no. Not all of them. But the ones that locked you up, correct?"

2008-11-28, 05:26 PM
...If I have to kill a dozen men today so that Kylan won't kill a million tomorrow, so be it.
He shifts; two inches away now as he stares intensely into her eyes.

2008-11-28, 05:27 PM
"And I'm going to help. Even if I have to sneak along behind you, and throw knives at the ones behind you."
She still stands there, looking into his eyes.
Also . . . she's about 6'7" right now. I just thought of that.

2008-11-28, 05:29 PM
Okay, so he's one inch away and looking up at her. Well, still glaring really.

2008-11-28, 05:31 PM
Okay, so? :smalltongue:
"Thank you so much."

2008-11-28, 05:31 PM
Just mentioning. :smalltongue:
You're so welcome.

2008-11-28, 05:33 PM
"So . . . lead on."

*couch* (http://www.arcadetown.com/serfsup/gameonline.asp)
[warning, incredibly silly]

2008-11-28, 05:36 PM
Tobias steps off the wall and lands silently inside the grounds before running towards the palace.

2008-11-28, 05:36 PM
She follows, just as silent, since she can cushion her landings.

2008-11-28, 05:37 PM
Tobias reaches the palace and then begins climbingup some ornamental protrusions.

2008-11-28, 05:39 PM
She follows him up. Possibly faster, since she can push off, flap, and go up about 10 feet.
But she waits for him.

2008-11-28, 05:41 PM
Once he reaches a dark window on the third floor, he opens it from the outside and rolls in.

2008-11-28, 05:41 PM
She follows, folding up her wings, so she'll fit. :smalltongue:

2008-11-28, 05:43 PM
Tobias comes back from locking the door and lies down on the bed in the room. The only other things are a desk and a chair.

2008-11-28, 05:43 PM
"Why here?"
She raises an eyebrow.

2008-11-28, 05:45 PM
Because what kind of idiot, after escaping, goes back to his room? Now hush, I need to think...
...We're going to need to wait until the people here learn I broke out...

2008-11-28, 05:46 PM
She nods.
"Good point."
Then shuts up.

2008-11-28, 05:48 PM
Tobias actually had already finished the thinking he said he was going to do in that post... :smalltongue:
So for now he just lies on the bed resting.

2008-11-28, 05:49 PM
Oh, I know. :smalltongue:

She leans against the wall.
Watching him.

2008-11-28, 05:50 PM
He's not going to do anything else for awhile unless prompted...

2008-11-28, 05:51 PM
She's not going to prompt him. :smalltongue:

She does fall asleep, though.
Leaning against the wall.
In the reveling dress . . . >.>

2008-11-28, 05:52 PM
He watches her, debating internally...

2008-11-28, 05:52 PM
She's out of it.
So can't help him decide. :smalltongue:

2008-11-28, 05:55 PM
He stands up and walks really close to her, making sure she's still asleep.

2008-11-28, 05:57 PM
She is. But she's a somewhat light sleeper. He tries too much, and she will wake up.

2008-11-28, 05:59 PM
He thinks for a moment, then goes to open the door, scan the hall, kiss her ever so lightly, and be out before she wakes up.

2008-11-28, 06:00 PM
She's awake.
She was faking sleep. (Yes, she was. No, I'm not making it up as I go. I mean, come on, this is Toby. Of course he's going to try to sneak away. She knows him at least that well.)
So she sneaks along behind him.

2008-11-28, 06:02 PM
:smalltongue: He confidentally moves down a hallway towards another door.

2008-11-28, 06:03 PM
She silently follows him.

2008-11-28, 06:05 PM
He kicks the door open and walks inside, ignoreing the surprised cry of it's inhabitant.

2008-11-28, 06:07 PM
She waits outside the door.
Since Toby has surprise on his side, she isn't expecting to need to help too much.

2008-11-28, 06:08 PM
A blast of fire blows through the open doorway and the sounds of a fight come from within.

2008-11-28, 06:10 PM
That decides it for her.
She goes in.
She'll chose weaponry after she sees what's going on.
She also doesn't go too far in, preferring to throw knives.

2008-11-28, 06:13 PM
Tobias is fighting a man wearing only red pants. This man keeps throwing streams of fire at the Druid, who is cheerfully trying to brainhim with a chairleg.

2008-11-28, 06:15 PM
Orianna shrugs, and, seeing that Toby has it under control, waits. Glowing knife in hand, just in case.

2008-11-28, 06:17 PM
Tobias finally knocks the man out and glowers at her.

2008-11-28, 06:19 PM
She raises a hand, and waves her fingers.

2008-11-28, 06:20 PM
What are you doing?

2008-11-28, 06:21 PM
"I'm doing what you told me I could do.
You said I could follow and help, then you tried to sneak off.
Naught naughty."
She waves one finger at him. Not that one finger, but, you know.

2008-11-28, 06:24 PM
... :smallsigh:

2008-11-28, 06:25 PM
She smiles.
"Well, no objections. Carry on. I'll be right behind you."

2008-11-28, 06:26 PM
They'll kill you you know...
The whole palace below them is in an uproar.

2008-11-28, 06:28 PM
"I'm hard to kill.
In fact, I'm more worried about you."

2008-11-28, 06:31 PM
I realized that I can't solve my problems through beating up idiots. But I can be more effective at the front lines. I think I can make it through this one all right. :smallannoyed:

2008-11-28, 06:32 PM
"I realize that too.
Oh, I know that.
Sure. So I'll just stick around and help if you need it."

2008-11-28, 06:33 PM
Tobias leaps through a window and drops a few floors.

2008-11-28, 06:35 PM
She jumps out as well. Gliding down.

2008-11-28, 06:35 PM
He runs into the castle garden and leans against a tree.

2008-11-28, 06:37 PM
She follows, but waits about 15 feet away. Thinking that he's hiding, waiting for someone to walk past, she also leans. Different tree though.

2008-11-28, 06:38 PM
Nah, he's just leaning against the tree waiting for her. :smalltongue:

2008-11-28, 06:40 PM
Ah, then she goes over to him.
Feeling slightly foolish. Not that there's anything to be done about that, though. :smalltongue:

2008-11-28, 06:41 PM
Well future wife... you've been a pain. :smallannoyed:He tries to kiss her.

2008-11-28, 06:42 PM
"It's my job.
It's what I do."
She is kissed.

2008-11-28, 06:43 PM
He then disappears into the tree. Without her. :smalltongue:
Place grows white and empty, Orianna is returned back wherever, and I deadtime.

2008-11-28, 06:45 PM
She chuckles, then is returned.
Dunno where, though.

2008-12-15, 10:59 PM
Ori should find herself in a familiar blank space again...

2008-12-15, 11:02 PM
She does.
"Ah, I see, You."
She grins, remembering him.

2008-12-15, 11:04 PM
With the "click", the scene turns to that off a crater riddled field, in the afternoon, blanketed by heavy rain.

2008-12-15, 11:05 PM
She looks up.
"Hmm, when am I today?"
She tries to climb out, then look around.

2008-12-15, 11:09 PM
There is the sound of artillery fire, to her north lie what appear to be trenches filled with riflemen, and to her south are charging tigers.

2008-12-15, 11:10 PM
She blinks. Then figures the tigers are Toby's. If, that is, Toby is here.
She looks down, wondering what she's wearing.

2008-12-15, 11:15 PM
She is wearing leather armor, with slits cut for her wings. She has a steel sword at her side.

She is now being shot at, as the soldiers try and cut down the Druids, which reply with bringing down lightning bolts onto the trenches.

2008-12-15, 11:19 PM
She swears slightly, and hides in the crater, trying not to be shot.
She sighs, and contemplates her next move.

2008-12-15, 11:19 PM
The Druids don't seem to notice her, but one tiger accidentally falls on her as it tries to leap into the pit.

2008-12-15, 11:21 PM
Then she's squished, and tries to push it off. Not in a hostile way, so not to have it attack her, but . . . because she enjoys breathing. :smalltongue:

2008-12-15, 11:23 PM
The hell are you doing...? :smallconfused::smallannoyed: Tobias wildshapes into his human form. He looks about 19, and he has blue eyes and no fangs.

2008-12-15, 11:23 PM
"Attempting to push you off. Why?"
She is . . . serious. Or, looks serious, and sounds serious, anyway. :smalltongue:

2008-12-16, 12:19 PM
I mean what are you doing way out in front? Tobias ducks as machine gun fire rakes across the top of the crater.

2008-12-16, 09:19 PM
"A random burst of random magic. I got sent waaay out here."
Yes, she's lying. How could she?! :smalltongue:

2008-12-16, 09:28 PM
Right... well... ah... He's... staring at her.

2008-12-16, 09:30 PM
She asks, stringing out the word.