View Full Version : Recommend a game: Survival-Horror

2008-11-25, 09:58 PM
I'm looking for an inexpensive survival-horror game. Not overly scary or gory, and for the 360. Preferably with zombies, and any game with spiders is a no. Recommendations?

2008-11-26, 03:26 PM
I've only played the PC version, so I can't vouch for the xbox edition other than knowing that it exists, but Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth seems to fit your bill for everything but zombies. It's an old school xbox game, rather than 360, but it's on the backwards compatibility list and it is inexpensive. (I believe gamestop online had used copies for $12?) The healing system is pretty cool, requiring bandages, sutures, splints or antidotes depending on the type/severity of the wound.

Anyway, it leans more towards action than survival in some parts, but it's definitely worth checking out.

2008-11-26, 03:49 PM
Survival? Check. Horror? Check. Zombies? Check. Brand new and freakin awesome, while not being stupidly expensive? Check.

Get this man left 4 dead NOW!

2008-11-26, 06:55 PM
Left 4 Dead was the game I was thinking, but price applies. I've got somewhere around 30$ I can spend now, so...

2008-11-27, 01:40 AM
Dead Rising.

What better to fight zombies with than a mall full of items?

Bats, guns, chainsaws, lawnmowers, TVs, benches, even teddy bears. Yes teddy bears.

You can even unlock a Megaman suit to use.

2008-11-27, 02:36 AM
Left 4 Dead was the game I was thinking, but price applies. I've got somewhere around 30$ I can spend now, so...

Save up and get it. Its *checks* $49.99, its out of your budget, but so much better than any other similar game ive played.

Vespe Ratavo
2008-11-27, 02:42 AM
Dead Rising.

What better to fight zombies with than a mall full of items?

Bats, guns, chainsaws, lawnmowers, TVs, benches, even teddy bears. Yes teddy bears.

You can even unlock a Megaman suit to use.
I have to second Dead Rising, seeing as how I was horribly, horribly obsessed with it for the longest time. I must mention, however, that it's not very horror-ish. It is, however, incredibly awesome.

Buy it.

NAO. :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-27, 03:51 AM
Save up and get it. Its *checks* $49.99, its out of your budget, but so much better than any other similar game ive played.

getting atacked by horde of zombies in the midle of the corn field was :smallcool:
my recomendation is L4D.

2008-11-27, 12:48 PM
How about Dead Space? (Cost is an issue here, too, but it seems like Left 4 Dead or Dead Space is the way to go. I played Dead Rising at a friend's house a couple of months ago, and, while it seemed interesting, there are other's I'll go for more than it.)

2008-11-27, 02:33 PM
Dead Space is a fantastic survival horror game, but it's pretty gory, and I was honestly impressed with how scary it was. A game hasn't gotten me this jumpy in a long time.

2008-11-30, 12:18 PM
Um, isn't asking for a Survival Horror title that's not scary or gory like asking for a FPS where you don't shoot anything? :smallconfused:

Seriously, though, if you want survival horror with zombies you might as well just get yourself a Gamecube and pickup Resident Evil (the remake) and Resident Evil Zero. Zombie shooting doesn't get much better than that (although they both have spiders).

If you're lucky, you can probably pick up the system and both games on ebay for not much more than a new copy of Dead Space would cost you.