View Full Version : [ACRONYM] The Place of Extraction (InterGang)

2008-11-26, 01:00 PM
This is where Jonlas will have been telepathically alerted to take Melody to.

It is in a small building, slightly delapidated, in a woodland several miles away from GLoG, rocky outcrops and vines curl up and around the stone abode, making it look ancient, abandoned.

Inside, however, is a different story. The entire place is one, large, single room, dark, wall hangings, black velvet, obscure any wall or window, and the floor has been tiled with a strange mosaic, of a body pulling itself from the forehead of another, both, strangely androgynous, gasping for air, their eyes gouged out. In the centre of the room, is a chair, big, ornate, almost a wooden throne, slapbang in the middle of a pentacle, formed of yellow spilt sand, which is lined by incense candles. As soon as Jonlas and Melody enter, images of Melody's life will start to play, like projections, or films, on all the walls, the black velvet acting like projector screens. The images are hazy, as if poorly reproduced, and get fuzzier the older they are. The events featuring Alek and Magtok are most prominent, and most common.

The entire building is swathed in a low-level electromagnetic field, shutting down complex electronics.

2008-11-26, 01:13 PM
Jonlas arrives, as he does, he changes his shape back into his default form. He finally releases Melody and gestures to LaRoth. "I have returned with your quarry..."

2008-11-26, 01:15 PM
LaRoth emerges from behind the chair, looking mystic, dark curls streaming across her back, a black, long, rag-like dress adorning her perfect figure, gothic make-up delicately illustrating her illusory features. Perfect. Good work, Jonlas, babe.

2008-11-26, 01:18 PM
"But... the girl confuses me. She showed no fear. I have never seen someone not fear me when I threaten them. What is that, LaRoth?"

2008-11-26, 01:20 PM
She's brave. And, for all I know, she knows I'm going to send her back to her "mother", once this is done. LaRoth says, looking at Jonlas, her expression unreadable in the darkened room, as images of Melody the tiny smurf getting swiped by Magtok play on the walls. Or, perhaps, she doesn't find you threatening.

2008-11-26, 01:22 PM
"Bravery? Bravery is not being afraid of me like every other target of mine has been?"

2008-11-26, 01:25 PM
Mhm. Perhaps bravery, courage, yes. Or folly. LaRoth says, smiling. Are you going to stay to watch the ceremony? It's nothing too important, and your presence won't disrupt anything.

2008-11-26, 01:29 PM
"I... I shall stay..." Jonlas reluctantly says. He has been mulling over the concept of Bravery ever since Melody displayed it to him. He draws his assassin's dagger, contemplating it. Is it possible not to fear it? Even he still feared its power.

2008-11-26, 01:32 PM
Wonderful. If you'll just step away from the pentacle. LaRoth smilingly addresses Jonlas, before turning to Melody, smiling brighter still, surprisingly scary on her witch-like, gothic face: If you'd sit in the chair, dear, we'll begin.

2008-11-26, 02:12 PM
Melody sits in the chair. I came here, unafraid, because I'm doing this for someone I care about. Where is the antidote? I want you to send it to them now.

She looks at LaRoth defiantly, but inside, she is very afraid. She is sure that she will be dead soon, LaRoth is a psycho and is obviously lying about allowing Melody to live.


2008-11-26, 02:14 PM
"Doing something for someone else...? That is... that is good, right? Is that good, LaRoth?"

Jonlas asks quizzingly. He sheathes his dagger away, his gaze shifting from LaRoth to Melody.

"I...I cannot stay here..." He mutters, turning to leave the building.

2008-11-26, 03:24 PM
Melody sits in the chair. I came here, unafraid, because I'm doing this for someone I care about. Where is the antidote? I want you to send it to them now.

She looks at LaRoth defiantly, but inside, she is very afraid. She is sure that she will be dead soon, LaRoth is a psycho and is obviously lying about allowing Melody to live.


LaRoth pulls a tiny vial out from her bra. The antidote, dear. She tosses it through a portal, which closes. Now, we shall begin. She moves to bind Melody's hands, feet, and neck to the chair with strong mithril bonds.

Almighty Salmon
2008-11-26, 05:31 PM
There's a loud flash as Nomlas and Kojo suddenly appear inside the room. Kojo falls straight the floor, unconscious. Ah, frack. Nomlas begins dragging the bodyguard's body into a corner of the room, as he begins to patch him up, leaving the Ion cannon next to them. Don't mind us, you get on with your crazy ritual thing.


2008-11-26, 05:39 PM
The cannon beeps, and this voice comes out of it:

Location sent.


Then it shuts down due to the electromagnetic field.

2008-11-26, 05:44 PM
LaRoth hurriedly removes the ion powercore, and replaces it with mascara, the boxey tube being a similar weight and size. She slips the powercore into her underwear.

2008-11-26, 05:49 PM
((Where did the antidote portal go?))

2008-11-26, 06:20 PM
DC, Turtle, and Vespe arrive here. But Kaela deadtimed, so I guess we wait, huh?

2008-11-26, 06:21 PM
Turtle is in combat form (armoured and weaponed).

Her player still wants to know where the antidote portal went. :smalltongue:

Vespe Ratavo
2008-11-26, 06:24 PM
Any idea what we're going up against here? Humanoids? Good? Evil? Lawful? Chaotic? It would really help. Vespe starts unloading his revolvers as he speaks.

2008-11-26, 06:28 PM
There's Nomlas, who is a bumbling idiot, his bodyguard Kojo, who is huge and tough, but I think he might still be recovering. Then there's LaRoth, who apparently has lightning powers. They might call in Furore, who has tough armor and can do a number of things related to heat, fire, and the like.

Vespe Ratavo
2008-11-26, 06:31 PM
Ah, excellent. Vespe puts in two rounds. But like I said, are they evil, or what? I've got holy bullets, unholy bullets, lawful, chaotic, it would be nice to know their alignments.

2008-11-26, 06:31 PM
"LaRoth is Fey. DC-09's blaster hurt her pretty bad. Furore hurt me pretty bad. She was the one who crispy fried me, though it didn't help that LaRoth hit me with a poison dart at the same time. Also, she had some sort of device that emitted a mental blast. And I'm pretty sure they are all evil. You know, the whole kidnapping and poisoning children thing sort of confirms it."

2008-11-26, 06:33 PM
Evil, of course. And if a blaster hurt LaRoth significantly, then...

DC pulls out the disruptor pistol.

This will be too easy.

((Note that DC's disruptor is already a blaster on steroids that hurts like hell.))

Vespe Ratavo
2008-11-26, 06:34 PM
Fey. Evil. Thank you, those are things I can use. Vespe loads up both guns, then twirls them around very dramatically.

2008-11-26, 06:46 PM
((deadtime. If Kael comes back, just let Turtle fade in the background. Or Lex can godmod her.))

2008-11-26, 09:34 PM
Fan arrives in his usual Moon ivy battle gear his own new best freind a Planar bound solar who has agreeed to help him for payment, and the garunteed battle against evil.

2008-11-26, 09:36 PM
Turtle looks from Fan to Vespe and back again.

"Okay, you two. No fighting until after Melody's safe, right?"

2008-11-26, 09:39 PM
Fan nods in agreement, and says.
"I wont be trying anything. Melody is what matters now. I may not have known her well, but shes a Member of GLoG, and a child ontop of that. If it means teaming up with VESPE to save her. So be it."

2008-11-26, 09:48 PM
((Um. Before all you guys broke through though...))

Melody's arms, legs, and neck are all bound to the chair, with mithril bonds.

((Yay!! LaRoth's into bondage. :smallsmile:))

2008-11-26, 09:49 PM
((We're outside.))

2008-11-26, 09:51 PM
((Oh good. That means we still have time for LaRoth to kill Melody. :smalltongue:))

2008-11-26, 09:53 PM
Fan sits outside for a second thinking
"well, what are we waiting for? Every second we spend outside is a second we could use to find Melody!"

2008-11-26, 09:54 PM
((We're waiting for LaRoth to start her evil ritual so that we can arrive barely too late to stop Alek's return, but still in time to save Melody...))

2008-11-26, 09:55 PM
((I figured we should let Kaela do something before we go in, that's all.))

2008-11-26, 09:58 PM
((true, it is more dramtic, but I'm a man of reason, and romanticism not drama!:smalltongue:))

2008-11-26, 10:04 PM
((There's a freaking BARD in the party! We won't be allowed to screw up the timing! :smallwink:))

A large white bird flies above the party.

Vespe Ratavo
2008-11-27, 12:25 AM
((There's a freaking BARD in the party! We won't be allowed to screw up the timing! :smallwink:))
((No one messes up the bard's timing! No one! :smalltongue:))
Vespe stares up at the bird. Birds are weird.

2008-11-27, 02:47 AM
LaRoth proceeds to chant, slowly, and, if she faces no resistance, inject a black liquid into Melody's neck.
As she does so, Melody will see all the images on the walls become her in her mindfracked state, or Alek's few appearances.

2008-11-27, 03:20 AM
Melody will not resist the black liquid.

She will, however, piss her pants and become increasingly freaked out by the images. Noooooooooooo!!! She will close her eyes, so that she doesn't have to look at the images.

Almighty Salmon
2008-11-27, 09:11 AM
Annnnd, done. Nomlas finishes wrapping the last bandage across Kojo's wounds, he then stands up and looks over at LaRoth. Right, considering the cannon sent this location to somebody, i'm guessing we can expect an attack soon enough. How long is this freaky ritual gonna take?

2008-11-27, 10:31 AM
As if on cue, DC gestures for everyone to go inside (once they undeadtime). DC goes inside.

Stop right there.

A disruptor shot flies at LaRoth, but at an angle so that it won't hit Melody if it misses.

2008-11-27, 12:06 PM
LaRoth dodges the blast, her illusion crumbling to reveal her sickening fey form, rotting flesh, jagged teeth, pointed ears, sunken eyes. Fool! You have disrupted the ritual! Now Melody's in danger!
Yeah, she wasn't lying about sending her home safe. Now, however...

Melody may see the head of a rabbit, poking out her chest. Course, if her eyes are still closed, she won't. :smalltongue: People with psychic ability will also see the head of the rabbit.
And, on the walls, the images shift to Melody getting stabbed in the face by Darkcomet, again, and again, and again.

2008-11-27, 12:11 PM
I have come for what is mine, LaRoth. And I don't let thieves get off that easily.

DC ignores the images on the wall, as they are lies.

So let's finish this.

DC fires a volley of disruptor bolts at LaRoth.

2008-11-27, 12:13 PM
LaRoth dives behind Melody, but not fast enough, her leg caught by a blast, again. Her scream is loud, inhuman, literally deafening.

2008-11-27, 12:25 PM

DC makes his way around Melody, slowly.

2008-11-27, 12:26 PM
Turtle races to Melody, trying to shield her from any stray blasts, and shapeshifting a crowbar tool to try and pry the mithril bonds loose.

2008-11-27, 12:30 PM
The mithril is hard to prise away.

As soon as DC crawls round, he'll be met by several globules of electricity, as, LaRoth, shouting I told you she'd be safe, Turtle. Now, I can promise nothing! As she emergency teleports away. However, due to the disruptor blast, she misinteprets it, and, as she goes, the emergency teleport falls to the floor, burnt out.

Meanwhile, the little rabbit blinks. And bursts out of Melody. And everyone should see this, as, to everyone but Melody, the little rabbit is a huge vortex of purple energy, writhing, swirling. Alek's face can be seen twisting, contorting, deep within it. It follows LaRoth, and fades away, as it comes out of Melody.

Oh, and, because the ritual was interrupted, Melody will probably suffer another, huge mindfrack. Equal to, or even worse, than everything Alek inflicted upon her before.

2008-11-27, 12:38 PM
Turtle is very strong, and she can shapeshift to provide the right leverage. She keeps trying.

A large white bird dives into the room at incredible speed, faster than seems possible. It slams into Melody and vanishes.

2008-11-27, 12:40 PM
DC dives out of the way of the electric assault.

Damn. She got away.

2008-11-27, 12:41 PM
The mithral breaks.

2008-11-27, 12:59 PM
DC looks around for the cannon.

2008-11-27, 12:59 PM
The cannon, I assume, is still lying on the floor, where LaRoth left it.

2008-11-27, 01:00 PM

DC pushes a button. Nothing happens.

They took the power core...? Why would they want that?

2008-11-27, 01:46 PM
Fanboy rushes up to Melody after Turtle frees her from her bonds, and he will preform a magical medical diagnostic on her to see all the damage that has been done. then he will pull out a scroll that he recently bummed off the solar that he planar bound. This is a scroll of miracle that will only be used if the damage is in the high extremes.

((... I may as well just give up doing anything, mayn't I? :smallsigh:))

2008-11-27, 01:50 PM
((... I may as well just give up doing anything, mayn't I? :smallsigh:))
((Its mircale it can only duplicate a spell Fan doesnt know, or resurecet her if shes dead. I'm not going to be a stupid person, and abuse the qualities of miracle by treating it like wish. At best its a high powered HEAL spell, at worst its a epic remove curse. Not a *fix it all device* )))

Vespe Ratavo
2008-11-27, 01:50 PM
((Hooray, Fanboy's here to fix everything in one post. :smallannoyed:))

2008-11-27, 01:50 PM
((It's up to Lex, methinks.))

2008-11-27, 01:51 PM
((Hooray, Fanboy's here to fix everything in one post. :smallannoyed:))
((Horray its a ninth level spell that can easily just be said as "The spell doesn't work." not a deus ex machina. Miracle is Miracle, and I'm not going to GIVE MYSELF the option of using the XP burn. Whats up with people getting ticked whenever I try to do something of my power level? )

Vespe Ratavo
2008-11-27, 01:55 PM
((Whatever. Might I make a suggestion for future plots? Instead of actually having anything happen, every plot from now on will consist of one post, reading "Fanboy wins lolerz."))

2008-11-27, 01:55 PM
((Horray its a ninth level spell that can easily just be said as "The spell doesn't work." not a deus ex machina. Miracle is Miracle, and I'm not going to GIVE MYSELF the option of using the XP burn. Whats up with people getting ticked whenever I try to do something of my power level? )

((Because you shouldn't have that power level, and/or involve yourself in plots, which are, at the moment, of a far, far, far lower power level. Admittedly, if LaRoth succeeds, the InterGang will step up, power-wise, but, for now, this is just ridiculous!))

2008-11-27, 01:57 PM
((Whatever. Might I make a suggestion for future plots? Instead of actually having anything happen, every plot from now on will consist of one post, reading "Fanboy wins lolerz."))

((Funny Vespe. REAL funny. Its ONe spell that can just be ret conned if everyone gets mad. No need to make such a big deal about it. I happen to pack ALOT of postive energy, andhealing stuff why? Because I've been planning a Undead edler evils death for a couple weeks now, and now we happen to come up to a situation in which Fanboys medical talents (that I have IC reason for having.) can be put to use? Seriously. GROW UP.:smallannoyed:
Anyway the post is delted Fanboy just stands there doing nothing.)

Vespe Ratavo
2008-11-27, 02:00 PM
((Grow up? Grow up? That's interesting coming from you, to say the least. The point of a story is conflict, and there's not much of a point if you solve everything by saying "I use my super awesome epic magic to blow all teh bad guyz up and make everyone live happily ever after yay =D"

Blech. Drama.


2008-11-27, 02:00 PM
((Can you move this to the OOC thread? Then again, this one is preety much finished for now.))

2008-11-27, 02:04 PM
((Grow up? Grow up? That's interesting coming from you, to say the least. The point of a story is conflict, and there's not much of a point if you solve everything by saying "I use my super awesome epic magic to blow all teh bad guyz up and make everyone live happily ever after yay =D"

Blech. Drama.


((Considering that i have died multiple times cant directly fight most villians without WEEKS of prepartion get my but stomped by anyone whos smart enough to use actual tactics in a fight, and can preapre beyond "I bring my magic, and my gunz! Oh, also I bring Tropification to explain everything!" you have a chance. its not me being anti conflictional ,and thats the reason I stayedo ut of the main fight.:smallmad: Also the grow up comment was because you were making a big deal out of what is avable to any 18th lvl caster ANYWHERE. ))

2008-11-27, 02:05 PM
((Calm down.

And I mean all of you.))

2008-11-27, 02:06 PM
((*is waiting for Lexy to turn up* :smallfrown:))

2008-11-27, 02:07 PM
((God. Listen, Fan, because something can be done in D&D doesn't mean it should be done in a freeform game. It can, of course, but many spells/items/whatever that are perfectly legal in D&D ruin the drama and conflict necessary in a game like this one. Now, I don't give a crap about drama in D&D, or tabletop games in general, but it ain't D&D.
Now, to be perfectly frank Fan isn't the only one who does the "I do this and you can't do crap about it" but it's not the point here.))

2008-11-27, 02:08 PM
((*is waiting for Lexy to turn up* :smallfrown:))

((I agree with Kaela on this one. It's Lex's character that this is affecting, so Lex should choose if it works or not.))

2008-11-27, 02:09 PM
((I agree with Kaela on this one. It's Lex's character that this is affecting, so Lex should choose if it works or not.))

((Yaay! Someone agrees with Kaela! Me feels so warm and wuvved! :smallbiggrin:

*goes to run in a field, full of daisies, before realising it's pitch black, cold, and raining outside*))

2008-11-27, 02:10 PM
((My charecter is based entirely off DnD... He even has a almost finished charecter sheet that I've been working on for a month. >.>
Heh as fluff, and thats all fine, and dandy I LOVE good fluff, and a good challenge.honestly its jsut a higher leveol Heal spell that I'm using it as anyway. NOT a dues ex machina.))

Vespe Ratavo
2008-11-27, 02:12 PM
((and can preapre beyond "I bring my magic, and my gunz! Oh, also I bring Tropification to explain everything!" you have a chance.))
((Can you name one time Vespe has ever won a fight? :smalltongue: Anyway, this drama bores me, and I've got family over, so blarghity.

*sneaks away*))

2008-11-27, 02:15 PM
((Can you name one time Vespe has ever won a fight? :smalltongue: Anyway, this drama bores me, and I've got family over, so blarghity.

*sneaks away*))

((That is your choice to be entirely sub par on the power levels. Fanboy has to deal with Elder evils, Phanes, and Habringer of the end of all things on a weekly basis. I HAVE to have him at this power level otherwise i lose about 5 months of RP, special PLOTS, about a dozen pages of backstory that I need to drdge up, and put on the wiki. Its out of self preservation... I've only been this way since I've been preparing for Draken Frosthand, and he has a nasty habit of making permanent charecter death a reality with his soul consumption. >.>
Anyway the post is gone, so I dont see why your still angry.__))

Vespe Ratavo
2008-11-27, 02:17 PM
((That is your choice to be entirely sub par on the power levels. Fanboy has to deal with Elder evils, Phanes, and Habringer of the end of all things on a weekly basis. I HAVE to have him at this power level otherwise i lose about 5 months of RP, special PLOTS, about a dozen pages of backstory that I need to drdge up, and put on the wiki. Its out of self preservation... I've only been this way since I've been preparing for Draken Frosthand, and he has a nasty habit of making permanent charecter death a reality with his soul consumption. >.>
Anyway the post is gone, so I dont see why your still angry.__))
((Oi! Subpar? Vespe's a bard, his power level adjusts based on the story. Since he seems to be a villain more often than not, this usually means he loses. Just saying.

Who's angry? :smallwink:))

2008-11-27, 02:27 PM
((Anyway the post is gone, so I dont see why your still angry.__))

((I know Vespe is now unragey - but can I point out that, if he was still angry, he might be because, even though you got rid of the post, you still said it?))

Vespe Ratavo
2008-11-27, 02:38 PM
((Blargh, sorry about the ragey stuff, Fan. The internets is SRS BUSINESS. :smalltongue:))

2008-11-27, 02:41 PM
((Its gpne, and I said it could have been considered as over powered... Anyway I'll just refrain from doing anything remotely useful ever again except against people of my power leve.)

2008-11-27, 03:00 PM
(Adjust the power level.

Deal with Elder Evils using divinely granted might were Elder Evils are. Smack Goblins with an old sap were goblins are to be smacked with an old sap.

Try making a level 10 sheet for these low-power-rate events. Even I have named mooks to use when I feel a weaker critter is more fitting.

Hmm... I am not saying you are a goblin Kael, nor that you should be smacked with an old sap. :smallcool:)

2008-11-27, 03:04 PM
(Adjust the power level.

Deal with Elder Evils using divinely granted might were Elder Evils are. Smack Goblins with an old sap were goblins are to be smacked with an old sap.

Try making a level 10 sheet for these low-power-rate events. Even I have named mooks to use when I feel a weaker critter is more fitting.

Hmm... I am not saying you are a goblin Kael, nor that you should be smacked with an old sap. :smallcool:)

((I'll do that. You know Draken for a elder evil bent on devouring the universe you can make alot of sense sometimes.))

2008-11-27, 03:25 PM
((*sees the sap* :eek: He's onto us, boyos! *flees with goblinoid brethren*))

2008-11-27, 03:28 PM
((Some of my characters would find the comments about goblins and saps offensive.:smallannoyed::smalltongue:))

2008-11-27, 03:29 PM
((ahem *drags thread back on topic*))

Once Turtle succeeds in breaking the mithral bonds, she picks Melody up in her arms and checks her all over for injuries.

2008-11-27, 03:31 PM
"How is she?"Power nerfed Fan says as he brings over a potion of regular restortation... It usually works with Poisions, and ability damages not surei f it would work with this as its proly not on Aleks power level.

2008-11-27, 03:33 PM
((For note, Melody hasn't been poisoned, or ability drained))

2008-11-27, 03:36 PM
((Lex-kat peeks out from behind the fourth wall. Okay, now that the discussion is over...))

When DarkComet fired at LaRoth, Melody's eyes popped open to see what was going on.

Melody may see the head of a rabbit, poking out her chest. Course, if her eyes are still closed, she won't. :smalltongue: People with psychic ability will also see the head of the rabbit.
Seeing the rabbit head poking out of her chest, Melody immediately begins to scream in horror. She struggles in vain to break free of her bonds.

Turtle races to Melody, trying to shield her from any stray blasts, and shapeshifting a crowbar tool to try and pry the mithril bonds loose.
Looking directly at Turtle, Melody continues to scream. She is starting to hurt herself with her struggles to be free.

The mithril is hard to prise away.


Meanwhile, the little rabbit blinks. And bursts out of Melody. And everyone should see this, as, to everyone but Melody, the little rabbit is a huge vortex of purple energy, writhing, swirling. Alek's face can be seen twisting, contorting, deep within it. It follows LaRoth, and fades away, as it comes out of Melody.

Oh, and, because the ritual was interrupted, Melody will probably suffer another, huge mindfrack. Equal to, or even worse, than everything Alek inflicted upon her before.
When Alek bursts out of Melody, she watches in horror, then she feels her mind start to break. Mommaaa!!!!!!
Turtle will see blood start to drip from her eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. She looks straight at Turtle, but there doesn't seem to be anything behind the stare.

Turtle is very strong, and she can shapeshift to provide the right leverage. She keeps trying.

A large white bird dives into the room at incredible speed, faster than seems possible. It slams into Melody and vanishes.
When the bonds are finally broken, Melody slumps forward, into Turtle.

Inside her mind, Corby will find that it is a confused mess. Her mind is at war with itself. There are five sides.

Melody the captive of Magtok.
Melody the child.
Melody the slut.
Melody the artist.
And a fifth one, that is lurking in the shadows.

2008-11-27, 03:36 PM
((For note, Melody hasn't been poisoned, or ability drained))
((As I said I dont know what has happened I'm just trying to help without using miracle, or a fix it all spell.))

2008-11-27, 03:39 PM
Corby is not able to read her mind in any detail. All he can do is try to hold it together. Keep it from breaking. More like a paramedic than a trauma surgeon.

Turtle will carry Melody back to GLoG.

((deadtime for a little while. Sorry.))

2008-11-27, 03:50 PM
Corby is not able to read her mind in any detail. All he can do is try to hold it together. Keep it from breaking. More like a paramedic than a trauma surgeon.

Turtle will carry Melody back to GLoG.

((deadtime for a little while. Sorry.))

Then he keep sthe war contained, but it is still raging. She is comatose. But obviously not dead.

Almighty Salmon
2008-11-27, 03:58 PM
Nomlas awakes from deadtime and looks around the room in confusion. ..Huh? What did I miss? He notices a few of the good guy hanging around, and that LaRoth is gone. Snap. He rushes over towards Kojo and teleports them both out of there.

2008-11-27, 04:30 PM
His property retrieved, DC makes his exit.