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View Full Version : wfrp or worlds largest dungeon for a new gm?

2008-11-26, 08:11 PM
ive never GMed/ DMed before, and many of the people i play with have suggested different games for me to run, now, im good with improvising but they said to stick to a premade campaign for the first time, to get into the feel of things and not having to worry as much about story. many games were suggested and for me it came down to two (after much debate) weather to run a pre-made warhammer fantasy RP or to run (the start section of) worlds largest dungeon (3.5 ed d&d)

the reason im not sure between these two is that worlds largest is very definate from my point of view, they may be able to go many different ways but at the end of the day its all written down what happens in which room kind of thing (yes i know worlds largest is absolutely massive and i would never get through it realistically, thats why i would only use the starting few maps to make it shorter, comeing back to it later is also a possibility), where as wfrp, its pre-made adventures are a much more mixture of combat and roleplay opposed to worlds largest, which is alot more on combat, wfrp also has a nice feel to it anyway, its very dark and gritty, and i enjoy playing wfrp very much and i feel as if i know its system slightly better, where as there feels to be alot more rules to d&d 3.5 where i can miss alot out easily without realising.

i would like other peoples oppinions on this, and any other possible roleplays are welcome too. and thanks in advance

2008-11-27, 02:38 AM
Heh, I ran WLD as my first module. It was fun.

As long as you know what those things in the monster description mean, and you know when the players *have* to fail a save, you are good.

2008-11-27, 02:50 AM
I haven't played it, but WLD sounds like it caters to one type of gaming - hack and slash. If it's your first shot at GMing it makes sense to go for something more varied so that you can see what parts of GMing appeal to you.

2008-11-27, 05:39 AM
Cop-out answer: go with whatever fits your comfort zone better.

Personal preference: WFRP, all the way. It's one of the games I use to introduce new players to gaming (everyone in the UK knows GW :smallwink: ). The advantage of something like WFRP over WLD is that you can throw in loads of different adventure types in wildly different environments. Everything from political intrigue, exploration, murder mystery, horror, open war, archaeological dungeon-crawling, epic LOTR-style quests, even comedy. The Old World is your (manky, rotten) oyster. :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-27, 05:53 AM
I haven't played it, but WLD sounds like it caters to one type of gaming - hack and slash. If it's your first shot at GMing it makes sense to go for something more varied so that you can see what parts of GMing appeal to you.

QFT, I belive, is the acronym.

2008-11-27, 07:51 AM
I haven't played it, but WLD sounds like it caters to one type of gaming - hack and slash. If it's your first shot at GMing it makes sense to go for something more varied so that you can see what parts of GMing appeal to you.

+1 QFT

Pathfinder stuff is pretty good. Crimson throne has 1-6 releases that are free.