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View Full Version : Psionics Contest Roundtable

2006-05-10, 11:16 AM
Okay, so what were you guys doing before Gorby fell off the face of the earth? Did you have an actual contest lined up for the month of April/May?

Oh, and the winner of the Contest of Contests is . . .
Quincunx for his entry Marked by Indigo

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-05-10, 11:21 AM
Yeah, there was to be a Psionics based contest as April released Complete Psionics this year, and the Expanded Psionics Handbook April of 2004.

Anyways, I'm a sucker for psionics as well, so I can confirm that psionics will be featured in April's contest.

2006-05-10, 11:38 AM
So there was no grand plan laid out for this contest, just a comment mentioned in passing? Great.

Give me a day, I'll try to sling something together.
Look for an Official Contest to be up by this evening.
Look for it to be slightly epic (size-wise) in scope and for a hopefully interesting base to work off of.

It will involve psionics.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-05-10, 10:34 PM
*gives a big thumb's up*

The Glyphstone
2006-05-11, 05:06 AM
Please don't make it require Complete Psionic...that travesty will never warrant a place in my collection...stupid Astral Construct nerfing... >:( ;)

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-05-11, 08:53 AM
Please don't make it require Complete Psionic...that travesty will never warrant a place in my collection...stupid Astral Construct nerfing... >:( ;)
Maybe this 'epic challenge' is for us to rewrite the CP ;)

2006-05-11, 10:31 AM
My Epic challenge was a bit too epic . . . I'm brainstorming ways to tone it down to something a bit more focused.

Since I myself own no 3.X psionic material, having to own any of it is not a requirement.

2006-05-11, 10:43 AM
You could just force people to at least have acces to the srd part of psionics

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-05-11, 12:40 PM
Yeah, and I'm willing to help folks out who are interested in entering but don't know psionics too well.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-05-12, 01:56 PM
Btw, give us some basics and we might could help you 'storm.

2006-05-12, 02:51 PM
Btw, give us some basics and we might could help you 'storm.

Alright, I figure why step back when I can step it up. Work is punching me the nose today, but I promise that the contest will be up before I leave here.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-05-12, 10:38 PM

This is gonna be a bit of a doozy. Are you thinking we should make up a completely new setting, or is it ok to use stuff we've already written for our current campaign?

2006-05-13, 02:02 AM

This is gonna be a bit of a doozy. Are you thinking we should make up a completely new setting, or is it ok to use stuff we've already written for our current campaign?

As I said in the main post, you can do as much or as little as you want. Make up your own setting, plug it into an existing one, use a setting with built in Psionics (Darksun), or use no setting at all and just make up some new psionic stuff. Its a really open ended contest in that respect, but I figure if you want to do all that, go for it.

I will, of course, need the people who have the psionic books to keep an eye on the content and make sure it doesn't tread too closely to non-SRD material.

2006-05-13, 07:29 AM
I've torn up several acceptance speeches posts since Wednesday, time to cut it out and just say "Thanks".

The Glyphstone
2006-05-13, 06:23 PM
And we're off!

Anyone want to take bets on my entry vis-a-vis VorpalTribble and his Dream Theme? ;)

2006-05-14, 09:58 AM
I dunno, I think the rest of us might have a chance. ;D

Just because you two have massive contest experience, love psionics, have a wealth of experience...

oh wait... :'(

I made an entry, it's my first time.
Be gentle with me!!!

EDIT: First draft completed, and in 6 hours with no reference books. Hah!

Feedback please? :D

2006-05-14, 06:58 PM
Sigh...too bad you didn't include basic character classes in the psionics contest. I had made one called "The Mind Reacher" a long time ago, which coincidentally, I had just recently revamped for a campaign that I am hosting. So, given the circumstances, I guess it is back to the drawing board.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-05-14, 10:56 PM
And we're off!

Anyone want to take bets on my entry vis-a-vis VorpalTribble and his Dream Theme? ;)
I gotta, Demented One stole my other idea :P

I'll give ya some feedback Rei. And I wouldn't put any bets on my future entry. My creativity of late has begun to receed like Shatner's hairline :-/

The Glyphstone
2006-05-15, 05:29 AM
My real worry is turning overly complex, and scaring away potential voters...the ideas that are sprouting for my "utterly randomly designed monster template" are disturbing me too - and the fact that judging CR for the things will be a nightmare.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-05-16, 11:32 AM
Oh, btw Wampa, Gorbash always advertised the contests here on stickies in most of the other main forums. Alot of folks probably don't even know whats going on down here ;)

2006-05-16, 11:48 AM
Sigh...too bad you didn't include basic character classes in the psionics contest. I had made one called "The Mind Reacher" a long time ago, which coincidentally, I had just recently revamped for a campaign that I am hosting. So, given the circumstances, I guess it is back to the drawing board.

Classes missed the cut. I chose PrCs intstead to respresent the "class" aspect of the kinda portfolio feeling that this contest has. A 20 level class would have dwarfed any of the other entries in terms of scope, so I went with the smaller more managable PrC.

2006-05-16, 04:34 PM
I just said ALL in my title post, as opposed to the C L P etc... listing. I hope this is okay.
My concept will hopefully encompass all the award topics, under this umbrella minor demoness: ERGANA.
I hope it becomes worthy of a few votes, and feel free to use this minor goddess in your own campaigns should you find it interesting enough. {Once its all done}

2006-05-17, 11:12 AM
Classes missed the cut. I chose PrCs intstead to respresent the "class" aspect of the kinda portfolio feeling that this contest has. A 20 level class would have dwarfed any of the other entries in terms of scope, so I went with the smaller more managable PrC.
Yeah, I really wanted to do a class, and I had a great concept scoped out, but I can't do classes, though mine would make a hell of a lot more sense as one.:(

EDIT: Oh, and comment on mine!! It's almost done...

2006-05-17, 11:21 AM
What do ya know, a new contest. I may actually finish this one ;) .

Edit: Mine is also open for comments (all the cool people were doing it) but I only have the mythology done at the moment.

2006-05-17, 11:27 AM
please comment on mine too, i only need some powers IIRC

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-05-19, 12:48 PM
Ok, I'm off on vacation for awhile, so my entry is done till I get back at least. I'll be elaborating upon the main bit there, and might change item and monster if I come up with somethign better, but it could also go as is.

Let your mind wander away to the Mindfields (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11477022 01;start=)...

2006-05-21, 01:08 PM
I am unclear. Does the contest end at the end of May? I am not finished, so please don't comment yet, I probably will get mine done last minute.

2006-05-22, 11:44 AM
I just re-read the rules and I am a bit worried. I am designing an entire selection of creatures and item based around my theme, and the rules say I can make one. Will each of my monsters and items have to compete against each other or could the entire selection of them be judged as one entry?

2006-05-22, 11:51 AM
Ah, you can create as much as you like, but you must choose 1 creation per category to enter. I too would have loved to create an entire campaign setting down to the finest detail, but if we did that then a lot of people would feel swamped by the sheer size of our entries.

Just try and create a "teaser" of what your world has, thats what I've done. Everything in my entry links in to the mythology in some way, and it flows nicely.

2006-05-22, 12:32 PM
Ah, you can create as much as you like, but you must choose 1 creation per category to enter. I too would have loved to create an entire campaign setting down to the finest detail, but if we did that then a lot of people would feel swamped by the sheer size of our entries.

Just try and create a "teaser" of what your world has, thats what I've done. Everything in my entry links in to the mythology in some way, and it flows nicely.

Yes, this is what I was looking for. A folio of your world giving brief glimpses as to what it has to offer . . . or just cool stuff that you think any world should have access to. But only one entry per category will be considered for voting.

And the contest doesn't end in May. If anything, it will roll over into next month as it got started late from last month.

2006-05-22, 02:44 PM

2006-05-24, 08:53 AM
Well, the Chetir-ryai as a race is my first attempt to design anything for D&D. Would really appreciate comments from all as it will give me an idea of opening strengths/weaknesses to look for.


2006-05-24, 08:45 PM
Yes, this is what I was looking for. A folio of your world giving brief glimpses as to what it has to offer . . . or just cool stuff that you think any world should have access to. But only one entry per category will be considered for voting.
Alright, I'll give stats for the swarms and just a description and fluff for the others.

2006-05-27, 10:37 AM
For Psionic Items, can we also post Special Psionic Materials ala Resonance Crystal (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=gaming;action=display;num=1148591278 ;start=15#15)? Which was, by the way, my first attempt at making DnD material...

2006-05-29, 08:10 PM
There will be a slight delay in the completion of my entry, but I will return to it!
Sounds like we have June as well to work on these!

2006-05-30, 11:27 AM
For Psionic Items, can we also post Special Psionic Materials ala Resonance Crystal (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=gaming;action=display;num=1148591278 ;start=15#15)? Which was, by the way, my first attempt at making DnD material...

You could post the material and something made out of it as an example to appease the item category.

2006-05-30, 05:11 PM
That could work, I guess that means that I have to come up with something then... granted, most of what I need I have already made.

2006-05-30, 07:08 PM
So, any idea when submissions need to be in by?

2006-05-31, 11:52 AM
So, any idea when submissions need to be in by?

Couple of weeks or so.

The Demented One
2006-05-31, 04:18 PM
I gotta, Demented One stole my other idea :P

Mwahaha! To tell the truth, I probably would have done dreams if you didn't.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-05-31, 04:22 PM
Mwahaha! To tell the truth, I probably would have done dreams if you didn't.
Whaa? You started before I did.

*stares suspiciously*

2006-05-31, 10:21 PM
Demented is using Precognition, Contestive. It gives a +1 luck bonus to posting an original contest idea.

The Demented One
2006-06-01, 11:37 AM
Whaa? You started before I did.

*stares suspiciously*
It doesn't take clairsentience to tell you were going to do dreams. I was trying to avoid stealing your thunder.

Just kidding. I'm just clairsentient.

2006-06-02, 03:16 PM
FYI, contest end dates are up in the main thread.

2006-06-03, 09:29 PM
Quite a few entries. No for sure things... yet.

But, quite good.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-06-19, 12:29 PM
The contest deadline is in two days so everyone remember to actually post a link to your entry in the Psionics Contest Rules/Entries thread (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11474802 09)!

We have about 30 contestants so far but only 9 have submitted theirs.

The Glyphstone
2006-06-19, 12:39 PM
Working on it...just a few items to finish up...

oh, and I believe I was the first one to predict that Vorpal would make a dream entry... ;D

Me @ sometime:
My blah blah blah vs. VorpalTribble's Dream Theme

2006-06-19, 12:52 PM
Here's your quote...

And we're off!

Anyone want to take bets on my entry vis-a-vis VorpalTribble and his Dream Theme? ;)

The Glyphstone
2006-06-19, 12:58 PM
That's the one. Clearly, The_Demented_One isn't a Seer, he's just a Telepath who broke into my mind and saw what I had predicted...

2006-06-19, 05:03 PM
I'll see if I can get the lists updated tonight. For those of you with multiple entries, could you please PM me with which one you want to be in the running for each category?

2006-06-19, 05:18 PM
Two days huh?

I've sent you my PM WampaX.

How long does judging normally run for?

2006-06-19, 05:24 PM
I'll see if I can get the lists updated tonight. For those of you with multiple entries, could you please PM me with which one you want to be in the running for each category?

Bah, apparently, I'm blind. Disregard the PM notice.

2006-06-21, 01:22 PM
A little under 10 hours to go.
Plenty of time to finish up your missing parts.

2006-06-21, 06:24 PM
Woo! I hope I win this one, and can't wait for the next. :D

2006-06-21, 09:10 PM
Bah, my group skipped out on finishing a campaign again, I never got to use the Elm-Tiela or Bareituthul, maybe I will fair better here.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-06-22, 10:00 AM
I'm assuming we just msg our votes to Wampa...?

2006-06-22, 10:43 AM
I'm assuming we just msg our votes to Wampa...? No, please follow standard voting proceedure. Here it is if people have forgotten. Voting will open on 6/22 at Noon EST and close on 6/28 at Noon EST.

How to Vote
Votes will be sent to the special username VOTE via PM once a given contest has moved to the voting phase. You may only vote once; subsequent PMs will be discounted. Please do not send PMs to VOTE between voting periods, or any PMs that are not votes (they will simply be deleted, and VOTE usually only gets checked when a contest is being voted on, so it could be weeks before anyone sees it).

When voting, please vote for one entry for each category in the contest. You may abstain from voting in a category if you don't feel there is an entry worth voting for, or if you can't decide between a number of excellent ones. Make sure you include all your votes in a single PM. If you vote for more than one entry in a category, no vote for that category will be counted. A vote for an entry in a category it does not qualify for will not be counted.

You may vote for the same entry in as many categories it qualifies for as you wish. You may vote for your own entry, though it's preferred if you don't, unless you truly feel no other entry deserves a vote in that category.

To help alleviate some confusion, below is an example of the type of content for a PM you send to VOTE.

Category A: Entry 1 by Poster_x
Category B: Entry 5 by Poster_y
Category C: Entry 4 by Poster_z
Category D: Entry 1 by Poster_x
Category E: Entry 9 by Poster_v
Category F: Abstain
Category G: Entry 1 by Poster_x

In a real vote, you would, of course, use the actual category names (hint: copy and paste the list into your PM; this makes it easier on everyone) and actual entry and author names (again, the easiest way to manage this is to copy/paste). As can be seen, you may vote for the same entry in multiple categories, as well as abstaining in categories; please note when you do so, as this makes it easier for those tallying the votes to keep an accurate count. (To head off any smartasses like me out there, don't send a PM consisting entirely of abstaining votes.)

You need not include any special subject line, since all PMs to vote should be votes, and for the current contest. Also, you need not include your screenname, since it will show up automatically.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-06-22, 12:15 PM
Yeah, has been so long since last contest I'd forgotten. Votes sent.

Good luck everyone!

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-06-28, 09:15 AM
3 hours to vote, folks!

2006-06-28, 10:42 AM
Oooh, just an hour and twenty minutes now! Hurry people! Vote for me!

EDIT: No more voting!

2006-06-28, 08:29 PM
Well, since it's all finished, how long until we hear the results?

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-06-28, 08:43 PM
EDIT II - Lockdown will occur on 6/21 at 10pm EST. Voting will open on 6/22 at Noon EST and close on 6/28 at Noon EST. Results will be on or before June 29th.

2006-06-28, 10:01 PM
Thanks VT, silly me didn't even bother looking. :-[