View Full Version : Slaves to Desires (The forest of the Shadowfey)

2008-11-27, 12:39 PM
The old Wizard known as Warren Moon has become famous, or shall one say "infamous" for his animal experiments. Several freaks of nature has been created by his vile experiments, and most die as their new bodies fail to handle the abuse they are put through. Some survive though, some thrive... and some escape.

Young Scientist Atta, and Musteval Guardinal Peter are both working for Warren, but not with him. When Warren orders the brutal murder of seventeen dangerous experiments, Atta decides that things have gone too far. Along with Peter, she helps the animals escape, in hopes of leading them to Elysium. The outer plane tuned to Goodness, which is home to the Guardinals, angels who have taken the shapes of animals. Unfortunately, things do not go as planned. Peter is dragged back to Elysium by an unknown individual known only as G, while Atta and the animals have all been scattered into three groups, that at this very moment lie scattered around the globe.

Atta, along with the two enormous canines Freki and Kathrina, a gargantuant dinosaur called Sentry, a pyromaniac of a bird known as Entara and a humanoid jackal who goes by the name Siv. They find themselves in a peculiar forest. While Atta and Siv leave to find information regarding the forest, the others are attacked by rangers, who show no intention of letting them live.

2008-11-29, 10:56 AM
Freki growls, jaws locking around the ranger.

grapple roll [roll0] Also not going to do lethal damage, seems kinda mean for them being prepared.

2008-11-30, 08:45 AM

His rage growing, Entara yells "Stop hurting my friends! I won't allow it! If you don't stop, I'll burn down the forest! I have the means, and don't bother thinking I won't do it. I won't hesitate!"

He then flicks his lash at another of the rangers.

[roll0] to hit (ranged touch attack).
[roll1] damage.

If the rangers don't stop attacking, he will start trying to burn the place down next round.

2008-12-03, 10:15 AM
With a flick, Sentry throws Katrina up into the trees. The large heavy dog lands by one of the rangers, but the branches on the tree can't hold the weight of them both, and they're sent tumbling down to the ground. Freki grabs hold of one of the rangers in his mouth, and manages to hold on firmly, while the whips of fire once more.

2008-12-07, 12:56 PM
Life's unpleasant surprises are harder to deal with when one's vocabulary is devoid of swear words. Katrina manages a yelp before a long descent to the ground. She springs right to her feet after landing and starts thrashing around for the ranger...

Move action to stand, 5' towards the ranger, and attack.
Unarmed/Bite (1d20+18=19, 1d20+13=15) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1847716/)
Damage (on the off-chance)(2d6+8=17) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1847718/)
Grapple (1d20+32=44) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1847719/)

2008-12-14, 03:27 PM
With a quick flick of her jaws, Katrina manages to grab hold of the ranger in her jaws, trapping him inside her mouth.

2008-12-16, 12:37 AM
Katrina starts playing with her new chew toy...

Grapple: 1d20+32=33 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1858284/)
Damage 2d6+8=18 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1858331/)

2008-12-26, 06:45 PM
Siv begins tapping one foot as he waits for a reply from the old couple.

The original question was "we can get supplies over there you said?"

2008-12-27, 12:27 AM
"Fine, stupid hunters. I'll burn you all!" Entara begins lashing at the trees and leaves, trying to get them to burn.

And will do so for a couple rounds. If the fires ignite, he will spend more time starting more. If they fail, he will fly back to the camp, and spread that fire in peace.