View Full Version : The Rift's Legacy - chapter 1, Atreya's spire

2008-11-27, 03:09 PM
The 4th of Autax. The weather is cloudy, and a slight breeze marks the start of Autumn, bringing cold, crispy air from north.

As smoke rose from the chimneys, you found yourselves standing in front of the two pillars that marked Sasserines northern gate. The city itself was encircled within a stonewall as high as two men, even though the towers intended for military use hadn't been used even once since they were built. People were beggining to start their days, going from their homes to the marketplace to set up a stand, or where else they might be going. A pair of city guards walked past you, clad in leather armor, looking groggy and not really ready to fight crime. Dogs barked, chicken clucked, and a smell of freshly baked bread filled the air, coming from the baker nearby. Followed by the mayor and a few citizens, you were getting ready to travel to Goldenreds' spire, which apparently had something going on.

The mayor had given you horses raised for travel along with six elixirs, just in case, and it should be no problem to get out there within this day, if just you followed the route already pointed out by one of the city's scouts. Bidding you farewell, the citizens and the mayor wished you all the best of luck, as you rode towards the tower.

The route was easy to follow. It wasn't all that long ago that it last had been used, and flanked by the golden-leafed maples, you even found several places perfect to camp in, if the need arose. A small river ran along you with fresh, crystal-clear water, and food wasn't a problem too. As you had been handed the gifts from the mayor, several of the citizens had also brought gifts with them. A lucky charm in the form of a silvern deer; a small handful of coins; a healthy chunk of newly-baked bread; dried meat, enough for one meal each; and lastly, a fistfull of red berries said to posses healing powers.

Now, you stand at the perfect place for a camp: a grove where the river brought clear water; lots of green, juicy grass for the horses; and flat, dense earth without any rocks. Looking at the sun, you deem it to be around 4 pm, and you could easily camp here and continue later, or ride onwards towards the spire, hoping to get out there about the time of evening.

The items given to you were all as described. There where 9 cp, 3 sp, and 2 gp in coins, and the elixirs are all potions of cure light wounds (http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsC.html#cure-light-wounds). The berries aren't magical, but you could easily inspect them further with a Knowledge (Nature) or a Survival check. There's enough food for 8 daily rations.

2008-11-27, 06:36 PM
Lillith reins her horse in and looks around. The poor animal is spooked and skittish, what with the scent of blood constantly filling its nostrils and the hot liquid matting itself into its mane. She steps off of the animal and looks around carefully.

"We should stop here and enter the Spire tomorrow, when we'll have light on our side and a bit of rest. It doesn't pay to enter a place like that half-asleep and blind as bats."

2008-11-27, 07:25 PM
Neelam, still disguised as a random human male named Tom John stops his horse for a while. He pulls out his spell book and tries to remember the spells that he prepared for the day.

Level 0:
Detect Magic
Open/Close Doors
Ghost Sounds

Level 1:
Fists of Stone
Mage Armour
Color Spray

That'd do for now, but if he had known that there was a chance he'd see combat today, he would have prepared something different.

He wonders how he even got into this mess, he was just gathering information on someone going by the last name Dark-Wind. Pondering about the topic again, he glances over towards the half-orc, making sure that he wasn't doing anything suspicious. Seeing that nothing was wrong, he went back to thinking quietly to himself.

He was sure that the girl who looked like she's worn the wrong end of a spiked gauntlet said something, but being distracted, he didn't hear a word she said.

2008-11-27, 11:47 PM
At Lillith's voice Edwin glances up from the point on the horizon he'd been fixating on. He takes a moment to remind himself where he is and whose company he is in. The bloody paladin's talking. He peeks at her somewhat reproachfully from the corner of his eye. She's watching him. She knows.

She's still waiting for a response. An elf, a dwarf, a pig-man, some human idiot, and a bloody paladin. How do I get INTO these things?

Edwin smiles genially at Lillith. "Sounds like a plan! I could certainly do with some shut-eye," he says with a laugh.

2008-11-28, 04:59 PM
"I would have preferred to get as close to the tower as possible before nightfall, but if the rest of you prefer this campsite then so be it!"
After an awkward dismount, Dekfarl ties the horse to a nearby tree. "I must admit that it sure is good to have booth feet back on solid ground! I will never get used to horseback riding."
Just as Dekfarl turns towards the others his eyes focus on Lillith's bloody arm.
I'd better sleep close to the campfire tonight, that wound could attract some unwelcome guests! I wonder if using a spell on it would make it better!Detect Magic, four times Cure minor wounds
Longstrider, Magic Weapon, three times Cure Light wounds
Invisibility, Lesser Restoration, two times Cure medium wounds
Fly, two times Cure Serious Wounds Blasted! The spells I have prepared can't do much about that bleeding wound!

2008-11-30, 07:17 PM
Maximus cracks his neck as he dismounts, and, after he hears Lillith he says, "Agreed. Arriving at a monster's lair at night and worn out isn't my idea of fun,"

He looks at her then, and tilts his head as his eyes find her wounds. "Are you quite sure I can't convince you to let me cover those? At least your horse might calm down..."

Detect Magic x2 |Sapphire Nightmare Blade x2
Light x2| Stone Bones
Divine Favor x2| Mountain Hammer
Shield of Faith| -
Bulls Strength x2| -
Magic Weapon| -
Spiritual Weapon| -[/table]

Sorry for taking so long, but I was unexpectedly pulled bodily away from my internet connection. I'm back now, though.

Brett Wong
2008-12-01, 04:46 AM
"Agreed, camping seems like it would be a good idea. Especially if were going to be taking on this tower tomorrow."

Taruk dismounts and takes in the surroundings, he squats.

"Yeah, this place looks like a good place to set up camp."

2008-12-02, 11:05 AM
Lillith shrugs off her pack and lays her bedroll out on the ground. The paladin ties up her horse and then sits down with a heavy thump and much jingling of her armor and various other metallic bits attached to it.

"I can take the first watch," she volunteers. "And no, you can't cover my hands. I've gone that route before, the bandages just make it look worse. As for spells, don't waste your magic. All you'll get is me giggling, really loud."

2008-12-03, 11:28 PM
Max blinked at Lillith's statement. They look worse? How is that possible...? Then he imagined what the bandages would look like after several days of constant bleeding, and shuddered slightly.

"Ah, I think you have a point," He began digging through his bag and addressed the whole group. "I think we might extend our rest for ten hours then, so that the people with watches can get a full nights rest. As for watches, we ought to do two as two hour increments, and I can take the rest after that, as I need only "sleep" as you say, for four hours. After that, being relatively still is enough to recover my spells from my god,"

He than began to set up a tent, awaiting agreement, or whatever other answer, from the others.

2008-12-04, 12:34 PM
Neelam, finally paying attention realizes what's going on.

"If we're doing 2 hr watches then I must insist that I take the first or the last shift as I'll need a full 8 hrs of sleep to prepare my spells."

He takes out his bedroll and thinks to himself, damn, why didn't I think of bring a tent.

2008-12-04, 02:21 PM
As Maximus puts the finishing touches on his tent, he says to Neelam, "You misunderstand, friend. We need only 3 watchers, two and myself. I need only take rest for four hours, and can thus watch the entire night after those four,"

Then he begins digging through his sack again, taking out his bedding before retreating into his tent to set it up.

"I can still hear in here, if anyone has any problems with the plan,"

2008-12-06, 09:53 AM
As you camp in the grove, a single owl glides quietly above you before diving in for the kill, a squeaking mouse. The golden maples sways peacefully in the calm breeze, accompanying the tranquil silence which dominates this part of the forest, only broken by the refreshing sound of the stream running nearby. The moss is damp and no rocks disturb your sleep, and the only thing your nightwatches can report of is a squirrel trying to snatch some of your food for itself.


The 5th of Autax. A cold but renewing wind rushes silently through the woods.

Awaking at the next morning, you stretch your limbs while the sun rises, sending off warmth through the layer of clouds above you. A small group of birds have settled in an oak neaby, singing with a delightful voice, welcoming the morning. Your horses whinny, ready for a new days travel.

2008-12-12, 12:18 AM
As the rest of the party awakens from it's slumber, Maximus has just finished taking down his tent. Stowing it, he says aloud, "Well, that was boring. Stupid squirrel trying some clever tricks to get some food is all. Ah well, the tower will hold enough excitement for a few days, eh?"

As he finishes, he readies himself for the journey to continue and mounts his horse.

Same spells and maneuvers as before

2008-12-12, 04:34 PM
He closes his book after he finished studying and preparing the following spells:
Level 0:
Detect Magic
Open/Close Doors
Ghost Sounds

Level 1:
Fists of Stone
Mage Armour
Color Spray

He think to himself, "That'll do for now."

Neelam readjusts his Hat of Disguise to make sure that his disguise is still in order and gets on his horse.

Let's get a move on to the tower, I want to get to the tower as soon as possible.

2008-12-13, 08:37 AM
Dekfarl yaws a bit as he stretches his limbs. He meditates for a while, asking Mouqol to lend him the power to cast spells.
Detect Magic, four times Cure minor wounds
Longstrider, Magic Weapon, three times Cure Light wounds
Invisibility, Lesser Restoration, two times Cure medium wounds
Fly, two times Cure Serious WoundsThen he proceeds to make his gear and himself ready for departure.
"Aye! Let's get going lads! The sooner I can get off this horse again the better!"