View Full Version : Left for dead. Take 2. Try to RP this time.

2008-11-28, 11:09 PM
The rag tag, and rather motley group of passengers around each of you jostles, and jockeys to attain a postion in the cars ahead of you. Today is a very speical holy day, and the celebration of the end of the third great war of A.D 1200-1560, and many people are going to the different edges of the country to visit freinds, family, and other various loved ones across the counrty. Eventually the group managed to get their seats, and find places to ste their luggage. Thus began Chapter One of The Day Of Reckoning.

The train jostled slightly as the it hit the occasional rock, or bullet left on the tracks the countryside zooming past, as the train zoomed towards its' destination. The other passengers made small talk, and paid the occasional visit to the dining car, if one were to look outside they would see that it was a bueatiful sunny day outside, the grass was green, and the flowers in bloom, this is how the day went on for the net couple of hours, with the occasional message from the enginerer about how low the prices of the ood were, and how they should go, and buy some right now. At that point anyone who had a window seat would notice the sky was rapidly filling with unnaturaly dark clouds, and that the storm system was advancing far faster, then anything possible. That was for about al of 2 seconds though becuase ten you a powerful tremor shook the car right as they entered a tunnel, and the last thing you remembered before you wake up is the extreme pain of your head colliding with the ceiling. As you get up you hear the various moans, and groans of the other 12 passengers, but what you see is far more horrible than that illuminated by the fires, that had obviously been caused by the crash, were the mutilated bodies of all the other passengers, the car literally covered in blood, the smell of rotting flesh already becoming apparent, as you feel the warmth of blood trickle down the side of your face the heavy, and some would say heady smell of sulfur premating the room that is coated in a thick noxious yellow powder.

2008-11-28, 11:33 PM

With his head and heart pounding, and vision returning Lenon stands up from his seat. With a quick glance he notices that the seat hangs from the wall...or that he is standing on the left wall....

Lenon picks up his hunting rifle that lays a few feet away. He looks around at all the carnage, and notices the few passengers that still seem to be alive. Or at least, not bleeding. Pulling out a small metal flask and taking a swig lenon will sit on the floor (wall) and wait until anyone else is sensible enough to chat with.

Lenon Shalm is a gruff looking forty-seven year old male american.
He has a bit of a tan, and wears a tattered suit.He is somewhat well built and average hieght. His interest include Hunting and Drinking.He has a slight beard growing and alot of hair. Looks almost that of a homelss veteran.

Rettu Skcollob
2008-11-29, 12:13 AM
Amalric stayed silent during the trip, his lips pursed in a razor thin line. From behind his sunglasses, he observed the other passengers, silently measuring them up with his icy blue eyes. He stood slightly above the average height for men his age, his hair already a regal gray, only slightly tinted by the raven black it used to be. Dressed in the traditional robes and collar of a Catholic Priest, he lacked a formidable stature; but still retained an imposing, almost regal air about him.

Softly, he completed the Mid afternoon prayer, the wordy Latin being enough to satisfy those closer to him as to his intentions. Silently, he cast his eye once again to the door to the compartment where his luggage was kept - including two family heirlooms that were absolutely priceless to the aging Priest: A sword that could trace its bearers back to the Crusades, (Despite numerous reforgings) and a long, weathered Rifle, the prize of his fathers collection of armaments that he had collected before he died, an M1 Garand that he himself had used fighting in the Second World War. Despite the fact that the weapon's clip mechanism had been broken long ago, necessitating that only a single bullet be in the firing chamber at any one time - loaded by hand. Still, he felt a deep attachment to the rifle and the sword, despite, or perhaps because of their inherent obsoletion.

He silently cursed his superiors in his Ecclesiastic order; having the corrupt short-sightedness that this 'Modern' day and age seemed to breed, in having the gall to threaten to expel him from the Priesthood if he did not tone down his fervour when approaching matters of God - He remembered the newspaper and the magazine articles demonising him, painting him to be a villain, when only he could see the excess and corruption seeping from society.

His angry thoughts are disrupted as he is distracted by people remarking on the insanely fast approaching storm front as it sped towards the train. Worriedly, he runs his tongue along an upper canine, his hand tracing the ever-familiar sign of the Cross almost involuntarily. He barely has enough time to complete the motions before the train is set upon by the unnatural forces, the unexpected violence of the motion bowling the aging Priest off of his feet, to smash his head on the corner of the overhead luggage compartment heavily.

Once the darkness clears from his mind, Amalric stands unsteadily to his feet, clutching at the deep gash in the side of his head, which has matted his hair with blood. He sits down upon the floor a few meters away from Lenon, breathing heavily.

Hlaine Larkin
2008-11-29, 11:42 AM
Walking past the slumbering form, one would think Vasily Mikhnov was a corpse; his deep burgundy berret with the old insignia of the former USSR pinned at the front pulled down over his eyes, his shotgun lain over his lap as he leans in a stupor against the train wall. Only the occasional grumble of discontent at the trains sudden and uncomfortable motions betrays him as alive.

A peculiarly violent jerk of the train wakes the sleeping Russian. Mumbling something under his breath, he takes a large swig from a canteen at his side, straightening himself up. Only after finally waking from a vodka-induced stupor does Vasily realise what's just happened.

"Holy ****" he mumbles, taking notice of a peculiar gash on his left forearm caused by falling debris.

I was rushed, so didn't finish the post.

2008-11-29, 05:34 PM
The jerk was far more than violent... It was the train jumping track, so yeah. TPAY may want to alter that beyond him justy sitting straight up.
Seriously read the first post. >.>

2008-11-29, 06:44 PM
from the forward end of the cabin a small figure begins to move. as it moves into the light you catch sight of a light blue with emerald trim dress, now covered in blood. shortly there after the red haired emerald eyed child in the dress comes into the light, rubbing her forehead.

owie. mommy what happened?

the girl about age 5 begins looking around for her parents.

mommy? daddy?

2008-11-29, 11:41 PM

Mike stared at the the white seat for quite a while. He watched it slowly turn red as the blood from the passenger next to him and the blood coming from a gash on his forehead began to stain the upholstery. Still rather upside down, he did exactly what he had learned to do in this situations fomr the almighty teacher...his video games. He grabbed from his pocket a black cloth and wrapped it around his head like a bandana, the words "GenCon Indy 08' embroidered on the front half blue, half stained in blood.

FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU... the rest of his long exclamation rang throughout the car as he managed to stand up. His first instinct was to grab his bag with his trusty shotgun and a few pounds of beef jerky. Luckily, the baggage car was directly behind him. The site of a dead body was nothing new to him, although looking at a real one was. He does what he can to get to the back of the car and into the baggage car.

He was big for a teenager, and pretty hairy too. His hair was a bit scarggly but he kept his beard well-trimmed. A pair of square glasses complemented his facial hair nicely. Although his bulky green jacket and bandana still had him looking like a Vietnam vet. The pins on the shoulders of his jacket probably would do the same...if they were actual military pins. Sadly, they were not. One was a scratched up pin of the cherry from pac-man, the other was Krystal from Starfox in a bikini, and the third was a gold colored money clip with a large "2" on it made of fake diamonds. As he walked, he shoes and weight made a heavy sound on the floor of the train as the sound of contacting shotgun shells and slim-jim wrappers rattle in the several pockets of both his olive drab cargo pants and his same, yet lighter colored jacket.

Rettu Skcollob
2008-11-30, 05:41 AM
Amalric glared momentarily at the scruffy teenager's curse, but turning his head and watching the little girl walk up the carriage, his look turned to one of horror.

"Lord protect us..."

He gets to his feet uneasily, and kneels down beside the child.

"It's going to be alright, child."

Looking around the cabin, he calls over his shoulder firmly.

"Does anyone know this little girl?"

2008-11-30, 10:36 AM
Mike looked back as he heard someone yelling. Seeing the mans clothes, he immediately recognized him as a man of the cloth. Father! he yells to get the mans attention. Bring her over this way, I have some medical supplies in the baggage car. That also goes for anyone else in here who's still alive! He knew that religion was a bunch of BS, but right now wasn't the time atheistic rantings.

2008-11-30, 02:22 PM
Lenon takes note of the peculiar bunch of survivors.
He turns is head in the direction of the young girl, then the heavy set lad as both make their appearences.
With a heavy sigh lenon will pull a 9mm pistol from his pocket. And will fasten his hunting rifle to his back; He will do so where he can still remove it with some haste.He will then check to ensure his pistol is loaded before venturing outside.Well then,here goes.He mumbles this under his breath. Lenon will then set outside to investigate what caused the trains sudden "stop".

2008-11-30, 02:36 PM
Kevin stumbled into the car, tripped and fell, he put his hand to the large gash on the side of his head from the crash. Looking around with hazed eyes his hands came to his revolver on his hip pocket, he sighed with relief then attempted to pull himself to one of the seats he sat in it panting, then starting to clear his head he let loose a "Jesus christ" seeing all the bodies, he coughed a couple times then took a view of his surroundings, then noticed the others, he had never had to fire his gun before, even at the age of 30 he was at least in ok condition, he hoped it would be enough...

Rettu Skcollob
2008-11-30, 07:02 PM
Gently leading the little girl by the hand, Amalric led the girl over to the young boy.

"Here Son, do what you can for her."

Ordinarily he would've firmly reprimanded whoever had taken the Lord's name in vain a few moments ago, but he was getting rather worried by how many people were flashing weaponry about. For a moment, he wondered why he, an aging man had survived the fatal journey, while so many others hadn't.

"The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.
Psalm 121:7,8"

2008-11-30, 08:26 PM
the little girl dazedly continues to look around, searching for someone.Mommy where are you? Daddy?

Hlaine Larkin
2008-12-01, 07:49 PM
Stretching out his muscles, Vasily reaches down to pick up his shotgun, leaning it against the wall. Taking the beret off of his head, loose hair that appears to be cut in a mohawk falls down, freed from the confines of the headgear. Vasily rolls up the beret and tucks it into a knee-high pocket on his pants, pulling from another pocket a handful of fat, red, gold-tipped shotgun rounds and loading them into the shotgun, which then finds a home slung over the Russian mans shoulder.

2008-12-01, 10:21 PM

Ahzreal awakens in the destroyed train, his head in a daze. He brushes his long hair from his face as he sits up. "What.." His sentence is cut off as he realizes that he is one of few still alive.. barely. "..the Hell?" He mumbles. He manages to stand by leaning on a seat and standing. His thoughts immediatly turn to his own personal survival. He'd been backpacking on this trip, and was never caught unprepared. He reached under what was his seat and retrieved his pack. He put it on. Inside lay a flare-gun and his .45. He reached back under and retrieved his hunting rifle. He strapped it to his back. No need to alarm the other surivors.

He turned towards them. What had caused the train to crash? Were they under attack? By who? Some terrorist group? He shook his head. It hurt too much to think right now. "Where from here?" He asks aloud, to no one in particular. He draws his .45 and holds it casually in his hand.

Rettu Skcollob
2008-12-01, 10:28 PM
Amalric was beginning to look extremely worried now. There were people flashing weaponry about all around him - if he hadn't seen whatever that storm cloud was that had derailed the train, he would have been drawn to the inescapable conclusion that these men were bandits or robbers of some sort.

"Can someone please tell me... Why everyone in this cabin appears to be brandishing a firearm? Not to mention there is a young girl on the train. Clearly, there is something I have missed..."

2008-12-02, 12:36 PM

I posted in recruitment, but thought it was still dead. Sorry for lack of post.

As the train crashes, the jolt sends Roman up to the ceiling, then crashing to the floor, from his position lying across three seats. "Aie! Merde!" He leaps up again with a large lump on his forehead and grabs his shotgun, waving it in the air, then aims and looks around for the source of the disturbance. He flicks back his long black hair and looks at the remainder of the passengers. "Et here were us in France telling them war's not always a good idea. Terrorism?"

The impact of what happened clearly has not sunk in...yet. Then;

"Mon Dieu! Oh, for God's sake!" His eyes widen as he sees bodies spread all over the car, blood, much of it his own, plastering the walls and floor, and the girl...No child needed to see this.

2008-12-02, 01:49 PM
she stopped despite hands leading her. staring at 2 particulary gruesome bodies. bodies she recognized through the disorientation of crash survival.

there was a pause, a tangible silence, and one could see comprehension slowly working its way through the haze of confusion. then the world ende, at least for one little girl.


then she faitnted

2008-12-02, 05:15 PM
Shiiiiit...****! Mike says, picking up the small child with his duffel bag now on his back. We need to get out of here! He says to the others, trying to hold back the feeling like hes about to vomit.

2008-12-02, 05:16 PM
Does chudy attempt to get out of the car?:smallamused:

2008-12-02, 05:18 PM
Yes, he'll peek out the window before doing so though.

2008-12-02, 05:34 PM
Roman blinks at the carnage, shakes his head violently and turns to stare out the same window, more to take his mind off the state of the car than anything else, all the while muttering to himself in French. He tries in vain to wipe clotted blood from his black suit-jacket and jeans, shaking his head at the stains on his white shirt. But he doesn't care. He just doesn't want to think about the men, women and children with theire skulls shattered, guts blown out, faces and limbs disfigured...He picks up his messenger bag and slings it back over his stocky shoulder.

2008-12-02, 05:43 PM
Before Chudy is a scene of death, and carnage that makes the inside of the Car look like heaven o earth. Outside the carriage is a scene of horrible death. The screams of the dieing, and the damned still echo as you now realise that the scene was only blocked out thus far by the head damage that had been suffered by the crash. There is blood, and gore everywhere, but these are petty details to the being so massive that you can smell its disgusting breath from your small broken window. A lupine beast twice the size of your train carriae sits in a caved in area of the tunnel devouring the still screaming remains of a woman... Then as if by some sort of fate the demon puts the half eaten woman down to glare at you with burning crimsion eyes the same eyes that now illuminate the otherwise pitchblack tunnel as it emits what you assume is a chuckle before fading away into the darkness leaving you in this pitch black hell.

2008-12-02, 05:54 PM
Lenon was close to the exit of the turned over train car before he hears the little girls scream. AHH!!, damnit. He clasps his hands over his ears at that time. His head poking out of the doorway of the train, he notices the same site chudly saw. He immediatly turns back inside and finds a place to sit while he decides what to do.

2008-12-03, 12:04 AM
Pink closed his eyes as soon as he saw the terror around him. "Okay," he said to himself. This is not a dream." He took a last breath of sanity as he shot his eyes open to the car. He took to his feet with the help of the wall (or rather the floor).

Rettu Skcollob
2008-12-04, 11:21 AM
Amalric nods resignedly, remaining unfazed by the death in the carriage. They were going to their Judgement and Rest, there was no reason to grieve. He sighs, and moves over to the door to the baggage carriage, [/Compartment] attempting to open it and find his heirlooms. He would not leave them behind, no matter what.

2008-12-04, 02:54 PM
Ahz notes Mike's expression and looks outside. His eyes widen. He didn't see the dog-thing that he saw, but the bodies were impossible not to notice. Everyone seemed to be scrambling around for something to do, or trying to figure out what to do next. "Hey... Hey!" Ahz calls out. "Everyone calm down... Now.. Is there any reason we can't just stay in the car?" He looks around. "After all, it seems safer in here anyway.."

2008-12-04, 03:20 PM
Roman silently points out the bodies and blood. "Iz zat reason enough for you?"

2008-12-05, 04:22 AM
Lenon grunts and directs his attention to (ahz).

Ugh, well if we stay here we will just starve. Best idea would be to first get out of the tunnel.* I wouldent suggest going in the direction of....whatever that was.After we escape this area we should head for the nearest town. Lenon then takes another drink from his flask. He will then stand up and head for the door.(on the roof).
He will ensure the beast thing is gone, if so he will head out onto the top(side) of the train.His pistol will be out and ready**.

* we in a tunnel?
** Can I stick my scope on my pistol?

2008-12-05, 04:32 AM
a faint moan and a small bit of stirring signifies that the young girl is coming around, it could be the smell of sulfur in the air acting as smelling saults. her eyes flutter open, and seeing she is being carried by a stranger she draws in a deep breathe as if she is about to scream again.

ooc:you have a chance to prevent her from screaming

2008-12-05, 12:50 PM
Ahz looks at Roman, then glances at the bodies. "Well.. it does stick a bit.." He notices that someone is climbing out of the window. "Do you really think that's a good idea?" He calls.

2008-12-05, 01:09 PM
"What do you suggest, zen? Ze door is on ze wall, climb zrew ze window is as good as we will have." Roman proceeds to hoist his heavy body and weaponry out of the window.

2008-12-05, 06:59 PM
Ahz climbs out after Roman. "I suppose you're right.." He looks around nervously, taking out his flashlight and scanning the roof of the train.

2008-12-05, 07:01 PM
Mike quickly puts a hand to the girls mouth. Shh... Everything's gonna be alright. Okay? He waits for a nod of approval before removing his hand.

2008-12-05, 07:33 PM
she struggles as hard as she can, fear clearly evident in her wide eyes. then she bites at the hand covering her mouth.

2008-12-05, 10:29 PM
The heat in the car in rising. As does the strong, sudden, and suffocating, smell of sulfur.

Rettu Skcollob
2008-12-05, 10:34 PM
Quickly retrieving his weaponry, and returning from the baggage compartment carrying what looks like an two instrument cases, Amalric gingerly leans out of the carriage window, drops them a few feet to the floor, and exits the uncomfortable carriage. The smell of sulfur is beginning to provoke a slightly superstitious fear in him.

"So, shall we begin to head to the nearest town, then? What a terrible tragedy this was."

2008-12-06, 08:07 AM
Ahz walks along the roof of the train, periodically shining his flashlight on either side of the train. He also takes his .45 out, for good measure.

2008-12-06, 11:31 AM
Mike jerks his hand back as its bitten. Gah! Can't you see that I'm trying to help you!?

2008-12-06, 03:43 PM
mouth free she yells again. this time it is not incoherant horror screeching though.

let me go. let me go. let me go. help police kidnapping. mommy, da.....................................ddy.......

she stops struggling then as the sights and smells of the wreck reimpose themselves upon her senses. and then she breaks down in tears.

2008-12-08, 11:53 AM
Pink slowly stood up and slung his equipment over his shoulder. He groaned and grimaced at the gratuitous graveyard of ghastly ghost bodies. He walked to the door and peeked his head out and looked up at Ahz. "Hey you got any idea whats going on here? I thought I was sleeping on a train, but I woke up in this cemetary.

2008-12-08, 03:28 PM
Ahz looks down at Pink. "Best that I can figure is this: The whole country is under MAJOR attack, or it's the end of the world.." He continues to patrol the top of the train, walking towards the back. "You may want to arm yourself.. and try not to draw too much attention to us, in either of my opinions on our situation... that might be bad. VERY bad."

2008-12-08, 03:51 PM
Roman, getting increasingly bored of sitting in a smelly tunnel full of corpses, whirls his 9mm round on his finger, then gives up on waiting, puts it away and goes to stick his head round the side of the tunnel, shotgun readied but at his side, not in front of him where it could be knocked aside. He jumps out of the tunnel facing one side, then whips to look the other way.

2008-12-08, 03:53 PM
As He explored the tunnels the smell of sulfur almost strong eough to make one ill; He notices that ALL the bodies are gone a occasional thigh bone here, or there, but otherwise nothing by crashed Train cars, and a fine sand filament that coats the ground.

2008-12-08, 05:25 PM
Mike sets the girls down and calmly places a hand on the girls shoulder..well as calmly as he could given the circumstances. Listen. I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do to help your parents. For the time being, you need to stay close to us okay?

((Ok androgial I have to ask since no one else is, what exactly is the deal with your character? She obviously cant hold a gun let alone use one effectively. What exactly is she supposed to do?))

2008-12-08, 08:40 PM
some one put the come hither on the train didnt they?

she slowly walked over to her parents bodies and reached into the over head luggage compartment now on the floor. she tugged a couple of times until the large suitcase finally came free, and she landed on the new train floor with a thump.

oooomph. heeee

she opened up the case and brought out a small hiking rucksack which she filled with her clothes except for a new set that was clean. then she began stripping down to change heedless of apropriateness, using the clean parts of her ruined dress to clean up. finaly dressed again, she took the last thing she wanted from the case, a dolphin headed shilleighlie.

that was heavier than i thought

moving back to her parents she began to sing.

Oh danny boy, the pipes the pipes are callin..............................

2008-12-10, 01:54 PM
Roman sticks his head back in the window to see where everyone is, a firm believer in safety in numbers. He doesn't want to leave until every possible person is out, so that they will be able to defend themselves better.

That's what he thought until he saw the girl weilding the shillelagh, and wondered what possible use she would be.

2008-12-10, 03:31 PM
Ahz makes his way to the back of the train. Standing on the back of the caboose, he surveys the landscape behind them.

2008-12-14, 06:10 PM
Pink pulled his head inside the car and yelled "I think it would be best if we all left! If not you guys should at least come outside, it's starting to stink in here! He walked outside and climbed on top of the train. He looked to Ahz and said "Now we'll see how many people are serious about surviving." He looked down at Roman and smiled.

2008-12-14, 07:12 PM
yes its time to go. i said my goodbyes.

she walks over to mike

im sorry i bit you. for a moment i didnt remember that the come hither happened. thank you for trying to help, my name is cindy.

she curtseyed slightly, then turned to where everone was departing the wreck of the train. seeing it to high to get out on her own she elected to crawl through a lower opening too small for the bigger people to fit through.

Rettu Skcollob
2008-12-14, 07:21 PM
Amalric wrinkles his nose as he smells the acrid stench of the sulfur outside of the cabin. "Let's get out of here." With that, he begins to walk to the outside of the tunnel entrance that the train was traveling through.

2008-12-14, 07:27 PM
Roman saunters out of the tunnel too look around, shotgun in hand, absentmindedly whirling the 9mm around his finger, an annoying habit but one he is unlikely to lose.

2008-12-15, 10:43 PM
Its fine, now hold still. Mike says, trying to bandage the wound on the child's head.

2008-12-19, 09:42 PM
(A mysterious bumping force is felt through out the thread*)
All of a sudden the cavern violently shakes knocking loose debri, and causing the ever strong smell of sulfur to rise to a even more nasueating level. Anyone bothering to look out will see a huge grinning face with horrible red eyes cloaked entirely in shadow a snake like tounge flicking in, and out of the maw as it chuckles at the group.

2008-12-19, 09:44 PM
Roman mentally blanks the image by thinking of random things like a dog eating bricks as he aims the shotgom directly into the maw of whatever it is. Before he can fire, however, fear overtakes him and the image scars him mentally, he falls to his knees and shivers.

Rettu Skcollob
2008-12-19, 09:51 PM
"What in Gods name?!" Amalric frantically opens one of his 'instrument' cases, revealing a long barreled rifle. He picks up a single bullet from the case, jamming it into the weapon with startling alacrity. He desperately tries to bring the weapon to bear on the creature before it can react.

2008-12-19, 10:01 PM
As quickly as the beast came it was gone.. almost as if it was never there fading into the shadows the red eyes slowly dimming the sound of its laughter still ringing in your ears.

2008-12-19, 10:04 PM
Roman finishes shaking on the floor, composes himself, hefts his chunky body back up and swings his weapon around, ready to blast a slug of soaped shot at the creature, but it's not there.

"What ze...what ze 'ell waz zat?"

Rettu Skcollob
2008-12-19, 10:10 PM
Amalric shakes slightly, his eyes wide. "It looked like it came from the depths of Hell itself!" He shakily closes his second instrument case, after taking a strap for his rifle and attaching it quickly. He slings his rifle over his shoulder, picking up his two cases again. "Let's get out of here..." He began walking with alacrity to the nearest exit of the tunnel, mumbling a prayer in Latin.

2008-12-19, 10:14 PM
In the resigned, courageous resolve of desperate terror and lack of options, Roman simply sprints out of the tunnel, swinging his two weapons about him in a constant roving movement, as he looks round.

2008-12-19, 10:18 PM
Well, aside from the absolute terrible encroaching darkness that seems to swallow your very souls everything is clear.
Did I mention the fact that its absolutely black now?

2008-12-19, 10:22 PM
i guess its time to move out of here.

she quickly crawls out of the car and begins moving down the tunnel with the rest keeping an eye out for an exit.


Rettu Skcollob
2008-12-19, 10:29 PM

"... Ow. I think I ran into the train or the wall. Has anybody got some sort of light or something?"

2008-12-19, 10:42 PM
The little girl is also caught within the soul swallowing darkness.
You all begin to feel REALLY claustrophobic as the semi solid walls of darkness seem to rush in around you. trappng you, blockign you off from all others the sounds of your breathing the only sound in the hot, dark hell.

2008-12-19, 10:45 PM
Roman feels his way to the end of the tunnel, shotgun in hand, and looks around for any lights that may be on in nearby buildings.

Rettu Skcollob
2008-12-19, 10:47 PM
Amalric closes his eyes, feeling the nigh torturous darkness enclose him. He continues to walk steadily forward, repeating a prayer over and over again. "Hear my prayer, O Lord; let my cry for help come to you. Do not hide your face from me when I am in distress. Turn your ear to me; When I call, answer me quickly." His voice becoming more and more distressed with every repetition of the familiar words.

2008-12-19, 10:48 PM
Well, he does feel something solid, but its shifty and well when he opens his eyes..... There is a big black shifting mass in front of him little faces occasionaly lean out towards him black amorphus hands stretching out towards him the heads moaning in agony as they are forced back into the wall.

2008-12-19, 10:50 PM
"Zis iz bad enough wizzout people trying tu fritten me. Get away from ze wall, whoever zat iz."

2008-12-19, 10:55 PM
(snicker. i cast magic missle...im, im , im attacking the darkness)

Saints preserve us!


if failed result = screaming like the little girl she is in abject terror

2008-12-20, 09:56 PM
Ahz glares around in the pure darkness. His hand instinctively goes up to touch the pentagram that hangs from the choker around his neck. He closes his eyes and concentrates.

"Sticks and flowers on the ground,
we are lost and we are found;
Shadows walking in the crowd,
we are lost and we are found;
But Fate will light our way."

He says the spell slowly and calmly. Mostly it was to keep him calm, rather than have any real effect. He could practically feel things crawling around through the murky darkness around them.