View Full Version : A Tale of Dieties - Status Thread.

2008-11-29, 12:38 PM
Here's the Status Thread, where you describe your gods and detail their Act usage. :smallwink:

2008-11-29, 12:46 PM
Name: Threxis
Domains: Insects, Cold, Brutality
Alignment: True Neutral
Description: Threxis appears as a huge crablike insect, He keeps an unknown number of crablike claws under his shell, and usually only keeps six out at any time. He has a pair of pincers in front of a cavernous, fanged mouth. He has at least six eyes, as he wears a large metal covering over his head which reveals three points of light on either side. He has a pair of long arms that end in disturbingly humanoid hands that he uses to manipulate objects. His shell is a bluish color, and he is covered in chains that hold metal plates to various parts of his body. All the metal and chains are covered in frost and ice.

Do not stray from your goals
Leave no room for doubt in your mind
Be as unflinching as the icy north

To be updated upon requirement... of updating...

Creations: Tunnelers



They would start out large, and powerful, but they would only grow larger. The entirety of their purpose, until further use became apparent to Threxis, would be to build a system, a nexus of tunnels, all throughout the north and the world unbeknownst to the rest of the races, and if possible the gods. They would grow slowly, but they would never die of natural causes, only dying in a violent manner. This would most often come in the form of an unstable tunnel or cave that would fall upon them, but this would be unlikely as Threxis gifted them with the ability to sense such instability, to avoid it and if need be, repair it. They would dig and rest in a system based on size and age which were constantly increasing. The larger they got, the longer the tunnels they would dig and the deeper they would go, but at the end of this dig they would sleep, and the older and larger they were, the longer they would sleep. In their path the earth became cold, and wind would follow softly, though it would become fainter and warmer as they grew close to the Center of the world. Regarding their death, Threxis wished to keep his matters his own and it would not do for the servants of the death-god to be snooping around trying to locate the occasional soul deep underground, and besides that Threxis had no need for the souls of his followers as of yet, and had different plans for his creations. When they died, their forms would turn completely into a cold, thick, liquid substance known as Imulsion. Imulsion was intelligent, and all of it carried a piece of it's former self in it's mind. Imulsion liked to be deep, and it liked to gather, and so it would flow down and much of the stuff would form lakes, rivers, and perhaps even seas of the stuff. Imulsion had the ability to "infect" and alter a creatures mind and to a limited extent it's form. It would gain the Imulsions desire and travel deep into the ground to search for Imulsion. If large groups of such altered beings gathered, they would form societies near the Imulsion. Anyone born of an infected parent would be changed in that way from birth, and anyone who died with it in them, would become Imulsion as well as the stuff infecting them, and they would join the rest of the Imulsion. The beings would be known as Tunnelers in all languages, though they might gain other titles in time. Tunnelers were driven to mate every hundred years, with some small variations in time based on environmental conditions. They can choose not to mate, but they will emit pheromones that will attract other mating Tunnelers. When they mate, the coupling always results in a viable birth, making sure that despite the length of time between mating, there will always be more. to replace the few that die.

2008-11-29, 12:50 PM
Original Submission:

Name: Draco
Titles: The Great Dragon Lord, The Diamond Dragon, The Dragon King
Domains: Dragons, Destruction, Honor
Overall Description: Draco's real name is too long and it's meaning is too profound to be spelled in any mortal language, and therefore he has taken the name Draco to ease the mortals' lifes. Draco rules over destruction and power, but he is good in nature. He teaches that destruction is a trait inherent to every being, and that controlling this destruction and harnessing it's power is the means to sucess in everything you do. Being the god of Honor, Draco also teaches that it is a great sin to lie and betray your own word, and that deals and agreements must always be seen to the end.
Personality: Draco himself is a very honored being, and he is always seeking to improve himself, seeking for more power. He refrains from destroying everything he sees with great willpower, and does so to be an example to his followers. Draco is actually a very lazy god, and doesn't like to work hard if there's an easy alternative. Draco cares not only for his followers, but for every living being weaker than himself.
Common Physical Forms: Draco usually takes one of two forms when he has to appear to mortals or speak with others divine beings. The first is the appearance of a huge dragon whose scales are made purely of diamond, and reflect images like mirror. If the scales are like mirrors, this form's eyes are perfect mirrors, and one who stares into them can see their own souls reflected in the dragon god's eyes. This form possesses four scaled wings, differently from common dragons who have only two wings. The seconds form is that of a human clad in diamond-made armor in the shape of a draconic body. This second form is used mostly when appearing for mortals that are not followers or lesser beings, in order to not scare them.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Channel the destruction within to overcome your troubles and problems
- Always search for more power
- Seek to help the weaker beings so they can gain power whenever you can
- Control your power and the destruction caused by you
- Uphold the value of Honor
- Always be honored, and never betray your own word
- Always honor your deals
-Pure Dragons: Dragons inherently good, the Pure Dragons are beings of great power and wisdom, and usually aid the other races that come in peace seeking help. Pure Dragons have a limited mastery over magic, but this mastery varies from individual dragon to individual dragon. A Pure Dragon's scales are colored grey when they are born, and as they grown they slowly change. Depending on each dragon's behavior and acquired powers, the scales change accordingly. Dragons who use fire usually develop golden or red scales, depending on behaviour, while dragons who use ice usually have silver or sapphire scales. Diamond scales are the rarest of all, and imply that the dragon is very old and very powerful.
-Dragonians: Humanoid dragons, far weaker than Pure Dragons, but with everything a full dragon has, including wings, scales and claws, but with the advantage of being smaller and in an humanoid shape. They do not have, however, the breath weapons their larger brothers have. They are not to be mistaken with half-dragons or dragonborn, they are a different race of dragon, not the offsprings of dragons with other races. Dragonian scales have nothing to do with behaviour or powers, and instead are tied to the family the dragonian was born into.


Draco already created the Pure Dragons and the Dragonians.

Pure Dragons are huge lizard-like creatures with a pair of wings, with great intelligence and limited mastery over different types of magic. Their powers and personalities vary from individual to individual, but they always tend to the good side of the moral spectrum, and are always willing to help others with advice. They do, however, meet threats with their power. Pure Dragon's scales are colored differently depending on the dragon's personality and powers, and are grey when the dragon is still young. They overlook the Dragonia Empire; and the seven most powerful of the Pure Dragons are called the Dragon Lords.

Dragonians are humanoid draconic creatures, tall and mighty, with scales varying in color depending on the family they were born into. Although they have everything a common dragon has, like scales, claws and wings, they lack a breath weapon. They form the Dragonia Empire, and are under the protection of the Pure Dragons.

The Dragon Lords, who rule the Dragonia Empire, are the follow:
Darigazz, the Aspect of Wisdom: Information to come
Inarius, the Aspect of Power: Information to come
Alexa, the Aspect of Death: Information to come
Daigus, the Aspect of Justice: Information to come
Ardregon, the Aspect of Dreams: Information to come
Nairin, the Aspect of Love: Information to come
Methros, the Aspect of Balance: Information to come


Draco has not raised any champions as of yet.


No artifacts have been crafted by Draco yet.

Geographical/Populational/Extra-dimensional Changes:

Created the Dragonia Empire, an empire in the eastern part of the continent, full of grasslands and hills, and with a few mountains scattered. The Dragonia Empire is home to the Dragonians and to the Pure Dragons, but they welcome everyone that seeks shelter among their cities. The Healing God, Chaim, is also worshipped with strenght in Dragonia. Every dragonian knows at least basic healing tricks, and Chaim's teachings are spread in dragonian society.

In the center of the Dragonia Empire is the Marble Palace, divided in Outer Palace and Inner Palace. The Outer Palace is a great construction in the foot of a huge mountain, which is the main temple for Draco's believers, and also home to his priests. The Inner Palace, however, is the residence of the Dragon King himself, and also the place where the souls of his faithful go to rest.

Other Changes:



Minor Acts: 5/turn
Major Acts: 3/turn
Ceremonies: 1/turn

Turn 1

Two Major Acts to create the Pure Dragon race.
One Minor Act to empower the first seven Pure Dragons, now called the Dragon Lords.
One Major Act to change a few of the Pure Dragons into the new Dragonian race.
Two Minor Acts to create a many towns, one Minor Act to increase the population of the Dragonia Empire.
One Minor Act to create the Marble Palace. As it is such a huge building and will have other utilities later, I think burning one minor act to build it is necessary.

Acts Remaining: Only 1 Ceremony.

Turn 2

Three Major Acts used to increase DvR by 1.
Five Minor Acts used to increase population and civic levels in the Dragonian Empire.

Acts Remaining: 2 Ceremonies.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-29, 12:56 PM
Name: Oghi
Alignment: Chaotic Awesome Neutral
Domains: Emotion, Fire, Wrath, Shamanism
Portfolio: Joy, Summer, Violence, Volcanoes, Youth, Shamans
Symbol: An altar on fire
Divine Rank: 12
Description: Oghi is the Primordial of fire, exaltation and violent emotions, embodying both life and destruction. He revels in feasting, dance and beserker rage. He is revered by hedonists everywhere, as well as barbarians, tribal sorcerers and pyromaniacs. His name is also invoked in certain rituals involving healing and purity.


* Live dangerously, don't act like a coward. Face the world as it is. Rage and love.
* Translate your energy into actions, don't remain still. Never let the spark, the inner fire die down.
* Enjoy every aspect of life. Remain young at heart.

Oghi is a wild deity. He appears as a tall and handsome man with bright red skin and copper hair. In the back of his head is another face, black as charcoal. This second visage represents Oghi's destructive nature. It speaks Oghi's most violent thoughts. The body of the Primordial is constantly ablaze. He only wears a loincloth and bracelets. When he goes to battle, he brings a large, oval painted shield and a spear.
Trait: While Oghi is usually a wild and carefree god, he is really attached to his loved ones, family and friends. He would never betray them. They know that they can always count on him.

Race: Salamanders. Those serpentine creatures are made out of the essence of fire. They have thin, bright red scales and bony spikes. While they may look slightly devilish, it is not the case. They enjoy food, drink and other pleasures. However, they do have a dark side; they can fall into extremly violent moods. There are two types of salamanders. Most of them die as lesser salamanders, either because they got themselves killed or simply because it was their time. A few (5-10%) are lucky enough to survive past this stage and become greater salamanders, bigger and tougher than their lesser kin. Lesser salamanders usually live 40 years, while greater salamanders have been known to live over 70 years old.

Major nation/power group:
The Storm Blades of the Plains of Ash
The Icewalkers of the Island of the North Star


The Elemental Seed


Furnace Guardians (x24)


Pyre Islands(Archipelago in the Inner Sea)
The Pools of Agnmatan, a hilly region riddled with lava pools. The impressive Mount Ela stands proudly at the center of the region (Pyre Islands)
The Lush Forest, a jungle terrain with many crevices and fissures, inhabited by carnivorous plants and dire animals (Pyre Islands)
The Plains of Ash, home of the Storm Blade Tribe (Pyre Islands)

Concepts and traditions/Planes

Unamed plane



Bonus to Dex and Con
Int and Wis penalty
Speed 40 feet
Resist fire 5
Vulnerability to Cold
Tail attack
Burn (can be activated in grapple only)
Short life and death throes

Greater Salamanders have 5 more HD, are large can choose among some fire-related spell-like abilities

Turn 1
- Raised and shaped the Pyre Islands, in the Inner Sea (major)
- Gave birth to the race of Salamanders (2 major)
- Shaped the Pools of Agnmatan, a hilly region riddled with lava pools. The impressive Mount Ela stands proudly at the center of the region (minor)
- Shaped the Lush Forest (minor)
- Created dire pumas, dire leopards and dire jaguars (minor)
- Created Rocs (minor)

Turn 2
- Shaped an outer plane with the help of Ksharn (ceremony)
- Created the twelve tempest elementals (2 minor)
- Gave the salamanders of the Plains of Ash an affinity with shamanism (minor)

Turn 3
- Cocreated the Furnace Guardians (x24) with Leodin (ceremony)
- Created the Elemental Seed and the tradition of shamanism (ceremony + major act)

Turn 4
- Increased DvR (3 major acts)
- Altered one tribe of salamanders so their body generates more heat, similar to the remorhaz in D&D (minor act)

Turn 7
- Created the Fire Drakes with the help of Ksharn (ceremony)
- Make the firedrakes more varied in appearance and abilities (minor)

Turn 8[spoiller]

Ceremonies left: 3
Major Acts left: 9
Minor Acts left: 9

2008-11-29, 01:08 PM
DvR 12
Titles: The Walker-in-Sand, Desert Lord, Elder One.
Domains:Fear, Scalykind, Nature, Shamanism, Animals.
Description:He appears as a tattooed reptilian humanoid, clad in furs. He is usually accompanied by an animal companion. He does not carry weapons.
Dogma/Commands:Survive. You before foes, family before you, Community before family Be strong, for that which weakens you will kill you. Trusted Allies are family, so deal with them well. A trusted enemy is almost as good.
Reliance on anything that can be taken away from you can be a weakness....be careful in what you put value in. Children are a blessing and should be treasured but not coddled.

As a note, this character is loosely based on the Iksar from Everquest....and by loosely, I mean my own interpretation of what they could be.
Despite the fact that he can and is evil, he does not want cruelty...if you have to do something, do it. Community is more important than the individual.

Resources: Major Acts 6/21 Minor 9/33 Ceremony 3/7 (max 3)
Turn 1 Created the Vor. 2 major acts. Bound Vor Souls to self and established reincarnation (1 major). Discovered a knack for Languages(1 minor), developed Tattooing as an art form (1 minor). The Vor built a city. (1 minor).
Turn 2Created Tattoo magic. (2 major) Created a plane with Oghi(1 ceremony) Vor developed a talent for engineering. (1 minor). Created Zereth Kar Dern in the swamps (1 minor)
Turn 3I ceremony to create shamanism. Raised DvR to 12 (3 major)
Turn 4Gained animals as a domain.(1 Major) Empowered creatures. A tiger, a scaled wolf, a desert racer, and a razor bat.(4 minor)
Turn 5Created Beastkin, increased the population of the Vor.
Turn 6Increased Population (1 minor), increased production of weapons and armor(1 minor), increased number of people called to be shamans and beastkin (1 minor). Three lesser councils, 5 lvl 12 Vor each (3 minor). 1 new city. (1 minor). Greater council, consisting of the 5 most powerful Vor from each of the disciplines (1 minor act each, total of 5 minor acts). Created an Exarch. (1 major).
Turn 7Creater Firedrakes with Oghi (1 Ceremony)
Vor Ksharn leads a race of well, lizardmen. They are cold-blooded, so they like heat and dislike cold. They can swim rather well, although they cannot actually breath water, they can hold their breath for decent amounts of time. They have thick scaly skin, needle sharp teeth and sharp claws. The race heals quickly....broken bones will knit in a matter of hours, even lost limbs will regrow over the course of a few months. The race has two "phenotypes"...one tends to be heavy and strong, the other lithe and quick. The race as a whole has, using a human as a norm, increased strength, constitution, and wisdom...but decreased charisma, as they tend to be both blunt and lacking an understanding of warmblooded races. They have minor fire resistance, enough that a campfire or torch will not burn them. They will go into torpor if they become too cold. They are adapted to the desert, and can survive the harshest conditions. They have a swim speed of 20, and can dig through sand fairly well. They can live for up to 150 years normally.They average 6ft tall, give or take a foot. They weight between 200 and 300 lbs. Vor reincarnate as Vor.
Statistics Standard statistics for anyone who is interested. Baseline standard 3.5 human.
Str 14
Dex 10
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 12
Chr 6

Move: Ground 30, Swim 20, Digging(sand only)20
+2 Natural armor.
Infravision, Scent
Fire resist 5
Col vulnerability 5
Fast Healing/Regeneration: They heal in one hour what a human would heal in a day. They can regenerate lost limbs in a few months.
They can hold their breath for up to one minute per point of con, and are adapted to desert life. This means inner eyelids to keep out sand and water, and so forth. They lay eggs, and these eggs are raised in a communal clutch. Many of the hatchlings do not survive to make their first year. The ones that do (about 25%) become sentient at around the one year mark. At that point, they are tested to determine what abilities and gifts they have. Training begins shortly thereafter.

Vor Lifespan, reproduction, and mortality rates
The Vor have a fantastic mortality rate until adulthood. They make it up by laying a lot of eggs. Figure any given mated pair will lay 10 eggs every 3-4 years. Of those 10, only 3 will make it to the first year. Of those 3, 1 or 2 will die at the age of 12. That means any given mated pair will have approx 25 offspring that survive until adulthood. Of those 25, many (at least another 50%) will die from fights or the environment. This of course assumes that the pair lives the entire 80 year breeding cycle. This usually does not happen.

Vor Souls
Around the age of 12, all Vor must undergo a rite of Adulthood. At least 25-50% of all Vor die during this rite. The souls of those Vor that die during this right will have the chance to hide. After this chance, which consists of one week during which they cannot be sensed, they become fair game for hunting. They would have to survive one year of being hunted before getting reborn. However, while these souls can be hunted by the Reapers, or anyone else who has the power to do so, they can hunt as well. This means that there are losses among the Reapers, or anyone other hunters, that attempt it.

Vor Technology
So far, the Vor have mastered: Fire, Advanced Tools, Advanced Construction, Hunting, First Aid, Cooking, Engineering. Tattooing is an art form.

The Desert of Trials
The Desert of Trials is a the area in which the Vor live. It is a vast desert stretching from the mountains to the north, to the sea on the east and west, to the swamps to the south. It has very little water, with what is present running in one major river with a few tributaries. The desert is brutal...temperatures often rise to the 120's, with 130's not unknown. Sandstorms whip through the area, shredding any who do not have shelter or other protection. Food is scarce as well, mostly coming out at night. Vegetation is almost non-existent, the major exception being the fertile flood plains around the River. Very similar to Egypt, just a little hotter.


Koralis is the capitol city of the Vor. It houses most of the civilization, and currently has enough space for around 800,000 individuals. The city is constantly being expanded. It exists on both sides of the major river that runs through the desert, and parts of the city are actually build underground.
Zereth Kar Dern
Zereth Kar Dern means "Wet and Stinky, but Don't Blame Us, It Wasn't Our Choice. Approximately 75,000 Vor call this city in the swamp home. It currently has room for 100,000. It was a challenge to build, and the engineering skills they learned repairing Koralis were very useful. If you can't swim, you need a boat to get around in the city. Think Venice, with a lot more muck.
Sandholm is in the middle of the Desert of Trials, sitting around a large oasis. It is the home of the Vor advanced training grounds, and contains a copy of all Vor knowledge. It is ruled by Ksharn's Exarch.

Tattoo Magic
2 major acts to create Tattoo magic. This involves an intricate set of Tattoos depicting a scene of some sort. The power of the Tattoo is set when made, and must be related to the scene drawn. No being can normally have more than 5 tattoos, although rumors of a sixth tattoo exist. Use of the tattoos quickly exhausts the user. By some strange quirk, only the Vor can make magical tattoos, although anyone can use them once created

Beastkin are Vor who have chosen to bond with an animal. This animal becomes inhabited by the soul of a "failed Vor". The soul goes to sleep, and the animal gains increased intelligence, power, vitality, and lifespan. Beastkin can also cast some shamanistic spells, and take on some of the traits of their companions (agility, strength, vitality, senses.)

Arcantis, Exarch of Ksharn
Arcantis is the reincarnated soul of the very first Vor created. In this incarnation, Arcantis has mastered the arts of the Shaman, Beastkin, and Warrior.

2008-11-29, 01:19 PM
Name: Leodin, the protector, the propogator, the fruit.
Domains: Agriculture, Fertility, Protection, Crafting, Warfare
Portfollio: Farmers, Families, Paladins, Crafters, Warriors

Leodin appears as a hardy looking, snow white rabbit-man. At all times, he wears a suit of bright pink fullplate armor lined with gold and a dark purple cape. He also bears a long sword that has a pink blade and a purple hilt as well as a large shield that is made of the same design as his armor.

Despite his appearance, Leodin is not a cheerful god. Most of the time, he is calculating, observant and a tad sarcastic. While he usually prefers that others do not tempt him to use force, it is usually something he is willing to fall back on should it be convenient or practical. He is a protector by nature and fiercely loyal to those he has decided to trust.

Alignment: Lawful Good

-Treat the land with respect, for if you maintain the cycle of life and death among your produce well, the land shall reward you for your efforts. If, however, you exploit the land, it shall wither and become stagnant.
-You will do your duty and make many babies. If you follow the laws of the land, many of your number shall be supported. When hardship come, be it natural or manufactured by others, your sheer numbers shall see you through to the end of any calamity.
-You will protect those who cannot protect themselves from the forces that may harm them, no matter the direction. Strike down those who seek to exploit the weak yet fail to work themselves.

Race: Leponites
These are essentially fast breeding, subterranian rabbit people. About the size of halflings, they have a standard lifespan of 30 years and reach maturity by 5. They are protective, resourceful and adept farmers by nature.

1 minor act for improved agricultural output
1 minor act for improved population growth
3 minor acts for improved productivity
3 minor acts for affinity for crafting goods
2 minor acts for affinity for animal husbandry
3 minor act to establish militaristic nature and knack for warfare

Named Cities: Vadim(capital) Tourim(Bomba's HQ) Ulm(Border town)
Metropolis: 3
Centers of trade and production. These hold hundreds of thousands of individuals and are entirely supported by their own output. High military and religious activity.
Large: 4
Can support large numbers of individuals but are still developing. They usually need the support of smaller surrounding towns with a higher output/population ratio.
Medium: 7
Self sustainable for the most part. Population consisting of no more than a few thousand individuals. Usually centers for military bases. Relatively high Bomba presence.
Town: 8
Most likely a farming villiage. Though mining complexes are not unheard of. Usually in developmental stage and near the edge of the Leponite borders.
Total: 31

Battle Magic: Battlemagic deals with morale, strength in battle and helping friendly soldiers find the power to defeat their enemies. It can also tip the tables of war in someone's favor, making armor stronger, arrows more accurate, weapons seemingly more effective and so on. (Most of these effects would be considered morale based bonuses) This magic is formed from a user's strength of personality rather than study or magical affinity.

Golemcrafting: This subset of battlemagic allows a battlemage channel that spark of fighting spirit into an inanimate body. That spark grows into a burning vigor and a semblance of life.

DvR: 12

Major: 0
Minor: 0
Ceremonies: 1

Turn History
Turn 12 major acts to create Leponites, the rabbit folk
1 minor act for improved agricultural output
1 minor act for improved population growth
1 minor act for improved productivity (cities and towns mostly.)

2 minor acts to make a hero (to be revealed in later posts)
Turn 2 1 major act to get Crafting Domain
1 Major to get warfare domain
1 minor act for affinity for crafting goods
1 minor act for affinity for animal husbandry
2 major acts to create Battle Magic

2008-11-29, 01:49 PM
Name: The Defiled one, Lord of Decadence, Prince of Pleasure, ...

Domains: Desire, Pleasure, Hedonism, Disease, Sorcery

Description: The youngest of all the gods, he came into being, born from the desires of every being in the galaxy. When someone indulged in the arts, warfare, sexual contact, he was there, growing in power, until finally, he awoke.
He looks like a young, very attractive male, those who look upon him fall in love immediatly, no matter their race, sexuality or age. They would do anything for him, even give up their soul.
He is generally too caught up in his own pleasures to be interested in alliances and co-operation. Particular enemies are the followers of blood or death gods, whose belief in death is completely opposed to The defiled one's principle of a life of unrestricted sensual extremes.
His followers are expected to indulge in every pleasure possible, with some variations on theme, depending on how they were created.

Alignment: True Neutral

- Pleasure for Pleasure's sake
- Feel no pain, feel no fear, there is only pleasure
- Excess in all things
- Pleasure is in all things
- Take what you want, do what you want.
- Anguish is extacy
- Suffering is pleasure
- Make others suffer our pleasures.


The Ekari

Society for them isn't as structured as ours. Instead of having laws and fines, you have your tribal leader, who is either feared or desired by everybody else enough to become ruler.
Every Ekari looks differently, created according to whim of The Defiled One, but most share the trait that their right-breast is exposed, and the nipple pierced.
They express physical pleasure by several means, but the main two are piercings and tribal carvings. Their view of the flesh is that it is a mosaic, and thus they strive to acheive the greatest form of permanent art: Flesh sculpting. With the use of several exotic tools, they mould their skin into unique artforms, applying hoops of jagged metal wherever the artist pleases

For reference: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5425178&postcount=212 go there

2008-11-29, 02:19 PM
Name: Amon:
Domains: Vampires, Moon, Night
DvR: 11
Description: Dark and brooding, yet on the side of good, Amon remembers a time when he was an evil master of the dark arts. Now he uses his powers as Lord of the Vampires to strike fear into evil doers in the night time. What drove him to evil in the first place was the death of so many loved ones over thousands of years. Amon was a ruler of an alien world and ruled with an iron fist. The tale of Amon is told throughout every universe and alternate dimensions as a powerful tyrant who discovered the power of the Light through the Moon, instead of the Sun. (Which is a poetic way of saying he discovered the forces of good in unorthodox ways.) Amon is quick to anger but he buries his anger inside of him. Those who repeatedly molest(old fashioned word meaning "harm") the innocent will be killed brutally.
Alignment: Chaotic good
Leteth even creatures of darkness prove themselves unworthy of life before killing them.
The dogma of Amon is about taking care of those close to you. One is to love their friends and family with all their heart, even if its been grazed by a stake.
Try to stay up 12 nights a year, and chant the name of Amon for favor.
The Moon is a sacred object of Amon, in addition to a normal calendar, go by a Lunar one.

2008-11-29, 02:49 PM
Placeholder for later

2008-11-29, 02:53 PM

Description:Alarnor appears as a old,hooded human wearing a old brown robe and holding a wooden staff in his left hand. His personality is easy going,preffering not to deal with mortal business,only change some small thing here and there.

Alignment:neutral good

1:Do not kill or heal people.
2:Do not try to acheive immortality
3:Give advice to those who need it

Race:The elders-The elders are people from different races that have been given immortality and wisdom by Alarnor.They prefer to live outside society,studying what they are interested in

First turn:2 major acts used to create a race

2008-11-29, 06:55 PM
Fastolph Blowfield
"I'm afraid if you think that, you're sadly mistaken."
Domains: Lightning, Hospitality, Secrets*
Portfolio: Halflings, Food, Subtlety, Storms
Symbol: A stalk of corn in front of a lightning bolt, surrounded by a circle.
Description: In the very first days of the new world, Fastolph appears as a noticeably tall halfling wearing an impeccable white tunic and leather breeches. Behind him an arc of lightning crackles between a pair of metal poles. He is always polite, and never fails to allow guests in his domain. Any eatery or inn with his symbol is always popular.

Alignment: Lawful Good

Dogma/Commands: Be pleasant, be polite, and treat everybody as your guest. Even your worst enemy is not to be cast out – instead, he is to be invited in, given food and shelter, and in the morning, he will leave your home happy and rested. At the end of the day, if you have done good, then you have done well.

Race: The Halflings. The halflings live on hills, and form happy, cheerful communities filled with pleasant people. They exploit lightning to its fullest to power their communities, and their grand festivals are always a treat. They migrate a lot, and when cities form they are always among the first immigrants, bringing their reputation for hospitality with them.

2008-11-29, 07:21 PM
Name: Shouheki
Domains: Star, Elements, Spirit
Portfolio: Philosophy, Worship, Ancestors

Description: Shouheki has several 'true' forms, and whichever one it is inhabiting shows which one of its powers it is embodying. One is closest to a gigantic, ancient snapping turtle, with a ludicrously long neck and tail festooned with water-weeds, to the point where it seems to be more a gigantic serpent with a shell in its centre - this is the form of 'spirit' and 'ancestors'. Another is a huge (3-4m tall, but still the smallest of the three forms by several orders of magnitude) bone white and blood red fox with a myriad of tails, though their number cannot be counted - this is the form of 'elements' and 'philosophy'. It's final form is of several (again, uncountable, but the impression is of less than 10) massive serpent's head descending from the sky. They all seem to originate from a common area, but they fade into stars and constellations before details can be made out. This is the form of 'star' and 'worship'.

These three forms betray a schizoid personality, to the point where some worshippers believe that there are three gods. Actually, they are the same, though the form and personality depend on Shouheki's current mood. If it is feeling constructive and helpful, Shouheki will take the spirit form. On the other hand, if it is feeling destructive and angered, the star form is the most likely. If Shouheki is feeling betrayed, dejected, or apathetic, it will take the elemental form. When in spirit form, Shouheki actively opens the barrier between its Spirit Realm (a spiritual reflection of the material realm, though they are both reflections of each other) to those it deems worthy of passing through after death, and even goes so far as to manifest before those who seem to be heading in the right direction. If these manifestations are ignored or actively opposed, Shouheki takes on its terrible star form and reigns destruction upon the unbelievers, until they bow down in worship. This great, all-consuming rage is unthinking, and Shouheki is reduced to a primal, destructive force until it feels the power of worship. Often following these bouts of ruin is a time when Shouheki wonders at the futility of its, and indeed all, existence. During this time, it will keep itself in whichever realm it ended its rage in until it can once again return to spirit form. While it is in elemental form, though, souls cannot pass into the Spirit Realm, so those who worship Shouheki are trapped as destructive spirits, angered by their god's apathy and the 'idiocy' of those who caused it.

Alignment: Neutral Good

- Achieve inner peace
. - Deny the self for the betterment of Shouheki
- Worship Shouheki before all else
- Honour one's ancestors
. - If you honour them and leave offerings, they will pass over you if they are denied access to the Spirit Realm. Hence, there are many complicated death rituals, which may cause some to believe that it is a Death god.

Race: There are two main races that follow Shouheki, though they each believe that the other worships wrongly (?), and is the cause of the destructive star form and the angry spirits. Those are (to blatantly plagiarise Japan even more) Kappa and Kitsune.

Kappa - Humanoid river turtles who are more connected to Shouheki in its spirit form. They believe in achieving inner peace through achieving outer peace, so they actively try to create peace in their environment, even if it means war. Their form of warfare is quite subtle, though, as it is generally more likely to involve poisoning wells than massing armies. They're roughly 1.5m tall, with hard, rough shells on their backs, webbed hands and feet on the end of long, gangly limbs, and greenish-greyish skin. Their head is supported by a retractable neck which can become quite long, and has a sharp (completely non-duck like) beak. They can nonetheless talk.

Kitsune – Humanoid white foxes who are more connected to Shouheki in its elemental form. They believe in achieving inner peace through internal contemplation. When persecuted, they will generally remain passive, unless any part of their religion is denied them, especially the veneration of ancestors. If that happens, they become militant, forming either armies of well-trained soldiers (meditative martial arts) or powerful priests to combat the threat. In general, though, they will bear whatever oppression is forced upon them in the interest of self-discovery. They’re roughly 1.5m tall, with luxuriously thick fur, and multiple tails. Each cub is born with one tail, and as they approach enlightenment, they slowly grow more and more, until they achieve auto-ascension at their ninth. However, should Shouheki not be in a position to allow them into the Spirit Realm at that exact point, they become incredibly powerful spirits, trapped forever in the Material Realm. Only a very small number actually attain nine tails in their lifetime, so the number of powerful, bound spirits is kept low.

Spirits – Basically, they’re weird, powerful and angry. For reference, see here (”http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/index.aspx?term=spirit&Field_Name=on&Field_Type=on&setfilter=Kamigawa%20Block”), where the ones with names and the ‘legendary creature – spirit’s are the nine-tailed-kitsune ones. Also, my inspiration for the star form is from this card (”http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/CardDetails.aspx?&id=81991”). All but the kitsune ones can ascend after Shouheki gets over its angsty little hissy-fit. The idea behind them, though, is that it gives me something to do while Shouheki is contemplating the universe, etc.

First Turn
Major Acts: 3

Minor Acts: 5

Ceremonies: 1

Major Acts: 2 - Realising the Spirit Realm (probably a good idea to introduce it now, as it'll become pretty important to my god)

Minor Acts: 3 - Create the island
1 - Create the animals
1 - Create the lake

Major Acts: 1

Minor Acts: 0

Ceremonies: 1
Second Turn
Major Acts: 4

Minor Acts: 5

Ceremonies: 2

Major Acts: 4 - Creating the Kappa and Kitsune

Minor Acts: 5 - Creating Arashi, the Sky Asunder; Chisei, Heart of Oceans; Hokori, Dust Drinker; Jiwari, the Earth Aflame; and Yosei, the Morning Star

Ceremonies: 0

Major Acts: 0

Minor Acts: 0

Ceremonies: 2
Third Turn
Major Acts: 3

Minor Acts: 5

Ceremonies: 3

Major Acts: 2 - Creating a new form of magic - Spirit Channelling

Minor Acts: 1 - Creating Yomiji, Who Bars The Way, the spirit who's causing all this mayhem
2 - Creating a safe haven for the kitsune and kappa ( a city each, basically, but more fortress-like)

Ceremonies: 0

Major Acts: 1

Minor Acts: 2

Ceremonies: 3
Fourth TurnPool
Major Acts: 4

Minor Acts: 7

Ceremonies: 3

Major Acts: 1 - Creating an artifact (The Gift)

Minor Acts: 3
1 - Shirei, Guardian of Souls
1 - Sekki, Seasons' Guide
1 - Converting a small town

Ceremonies: 0

Major Acts: 3

Minor Acts: 4

Ceremonies: 3
Fifth TurnPool
Major Acts: 6

Minor Acts: 9

Ceremonies: 3

Major Acts: 0

Minor Acts: 0

Ceremonies: 0

Major Acts: 6

Minor Acts: 9

Ceremonis: 3

ArtifactsThe Gift

The Gift is a small stone tablet, upon which is etched a primitive thouch beautiful carving of Shouheki. This carving will shift and change depending on which form Shouheki is in, and gives a different benefit for each 'face'.

The Spirit Turtle - Grants easier access to the Spirit Realm, and makes summoning of spirits very easy. Also improves the fertility of the surrounding area.

The Grieving Fox - Cuts off access to the Spirit Realm, but actively defends the surrounding region (bursts of flame, raising stone walls, general Elements stuff), and makes entrapping spirits very easy. [In stats-speak, gives all worshippers within a 10-mile radius the ability to entrap at least lesser spirits.]

The Heavenly Serpent - 'Lifts' a 10-mile radius into a 'safe haven' in the Spirit Realm, effectively protecting it from Shouheki. Although maps still show the town, all 'space' is also lifted out (no crater, just a possible off-looking fault-line as the land 20 miles away might not be at the same level. Walls built through it meet the other end). Those in the Spirit Realm can still interact with the Prime, but it requires great skill. Spirit possession is also made very easy.
Kitsunehttp://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll80/llamamushroom/KitsuneRiftwalker.jpg (http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/CardDetails.aspx?name=Kitsune%20Riftwalker)http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll80/llamamushroom/SenseiGolden-Tail.jpg (http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/CardDetails.aspx?name=sensei%20golden-tail)http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll80/llamamushroom/Eight-and-a-Half-Tails.jpg (http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/CardDetails.aspx?name=Eight-and-a-Half-Tails)
Elemental Quartumvirate
Arashi, the Sky Asunder http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll80/llamamushroom/ArashinoswearingtheSkyAsunder1.jpg (http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/CardDetails.aspx?name=arashi,%20the%20Sky%20Asunde r)
Incarnation of the wind and sky

Chisei, Heart of Oceans http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll80/llamamushroom/ChiseiHeartofOceans1.jpg (http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/CardDetails.aspx?&id=74096)
Incarnation of water and the sea

Hokori, Dust Drinker http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll80/llamamushroom/HokoriDustDrinker1.jpg (http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/CardDetails.aspx?name=hokori,%20dust%20drinker)
Incarnation of rock, stone, and dust

Jiwari, the Earth Aflame http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll80/llamamushroom/JiwaritheEarthAflame1.jpg (http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/CardDetails.aspx?name=Jiwari,%20the%20Earth%20Afla me)
Incarnation of fire
Yosei, the Morning Starhttp://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll80/llamamushroom/YoseitheMorningStar1.jpg (http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/CardDetails.aspx?&id=78590)
A long serpent with a dragon's head, shining like the morning star
Yomiji, Who Bars the Wayhttp://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll80/llamamushroom/YomijiWhoBarstheWay.jpg (http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/CardDetails.aspx?&id=74526)
Sekki, Seasons' Guidehttp://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll80/llamamushroom/SekkiSeasonsGuide.jpg (http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/CardDetails.aspx?&id=74471)
Shirei, Guardian of Soulshttp://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll80/llamamushroom/ShireiShizosCaretaker.jpg (http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/CardDetails.aspx?name=shirei,%20shizo's%20caretake r)
MagicSpirit Channelling

There are three main schools of Spirit Channelling - Summoning, Entrapment and Possesion.


You reach into the Spirit Realm and bring one of the spirits contained within into the Mortal Realm (or the Prime Plane, if you want to be less Shouheki-centric). These spirits can only be as powerful as the person who summons them - not just physically, but the stronger the person is mentally, spiritually and physically all affect the power-level of the summoned spirit. This means that priests who specialise in summoning are trained physically as well as all the usual 'contemplating the universe' philosophy stuff.

*Note* - If a spirit is summoned while Shouheki is in Star or Elemental form, the spirit is trapped in the Mortal Realm until Shouheki returns to Spirit form. This only affects spirits who have fully manifested, so trapped and possessing spirits are unaffected


You 'trap' a spirit within a physical object, giving it powers related to that spirit. For instance, a fire spirit trapped within a person could give them the ability to start fires with a touch, though that is one of the more mundane and less useful applications. Spirits of protection creating shields, or spirits of warfare giving mastery over all weapons, or even spirits of lightning granting immortal reflexes are regarded as stock-standard, and are used by priests on warriors reasonably often.

*Note* - Any knowledge obtained directly because of a spirit's entrapment is lost the moment the spirit is freed (such as martial expertise). If the spirit is used to obtain the information (such as through divination or mind-reading) the, it is still in the mind but takes deep mediatation to remember after the spirit leaves. The person gaining the benefit of the entrapment can at times communicate with the spirit, bu thtis is restricted to those with a powerful connection to the spirit (ancestors, etc.), powerful spirits (the big ones), and those with a powerful spiritual connection (priests, etc.)


You cause a spirit to manifest itself within the body of another person, causing them to completely lose control of their own actions. This is the most evil of the Channelling forms, as the person affected remains conscious throughout the experience, and the spirit can remain in possesion even if the channeller loses control of it. The vast majority of spirits either cannot or will not possess any creature, so it is generally oni that are used. Oni are wild and dangerous, incarnations of 'negative' emotions or disasters, so once control has been lost it is almost always immediately obvious, as the possessed person will begin to attack anybody within reach. In some cases, possession can also bestow the effects of entrapment, but this generally only becomes apparent after the priest loses control.

*Note* - It is fairly common for the oni to find the priest who brought it into the Mortal Realm and seek revenge (painful experience, manifestation). It is also not unheard of for a strong-willed person to regain control over their body if/when the priest does. At this point, the possession functions as an entrapment that doesn't fade, though the psychological effects of havin a demon sharing your body can't be good. Sleepwalking/talking/killing are all cmmon side-effects of this, as the possessed person can't keep control while their mind rests.
Spirit Realm

2008-11-29, 07:34 PM
Name: Romanchuk
Domains: death, Undeath, souls
alignment: Lawful EVIL
Portfoilio: Undead, Corruption, death, Funerals, THE DEAD.
symbol: A fist clutching a scythe


Know no fear.
Let none stand in your way
Crush those who would appose you.
He is the personifcation of death, and therefore a remorseless, and sometimes uncaring god who takes a active role in the world of mortals. It is he who first brought mortality into the universe, and it his mandate that all things must eventually end. even gods. for nothing is truely eternal.

Starting race:
The reapers:
These are his death dealers. The beings he uses to gather the souls of those who have died in violence, or in terrible pain. Now these beings are incredibly powerful, and there are only a meager 500 of them. However even these 500 pale in comaprison to the awesome might of the twelve in which Romachuk has invested a tremndous amount of power in. The power of those twelve is unknown to any but the other deities, and Romachuk himself.

Fiery Justice
2008-11-29, 09:28 PM
Name: Chaim
Domains: Good, Healing, Protection (His portfolio is just Life)
Description: The center of the pulsating energy of life itself, Chaim is the same marble-white of a solar, though he only manifests at human height. He's optimistic, focused, and utterly hostile to any source of death. Chaim is the source of resurrection magic, acting against the powers of death. He makes his home in a plane called The Fountain of Life, where he takes his more devout followers bodily. Its a positive energy filled plane in which aging and sickness are prevented. Chaim lacks for one strength most gods have in spades: He lacks the ability to converse or call up the souls of his followers. As such, the vast majority of people do not pray to Chaim as their primary patron.
Dogma The Three Laws Of Chaim:
1. Preserve and spread life, by healing, birthing, and planting.
2. Do not kill, do not create the undead, do not cause needless suffering.
3. Practice selfless love to all
Followers: Most of Chaim's followers on the material form small communes and attempt to spread healing and life, avoid death, and reach the Fountain of Life. Chaim's followers in the Fountain of Life are transformed into The White, humanoid creatures of about 6 feet in height with skin much like their master's. The White are extremely difficult to kill as well as being immune to sickness, poison, or aging.
Divine Acts Usage:
First Turn: Chaim used 2 Major Acts to create healing magic. Chaim fathered a son, Hakuc, spending 1 major act on creating an Exarch.

Emperor Demonking
2008-11-30, 05:32 AM
Name: Gard
Domains: Pride, Greed, Lust (Gluttony, Sloth, Envy)
Description: The lord of sin, a god who delights in the sins of mortals. Though Gard has all the sins and delights in all the sins, his main flaws are his pride, his greed and his lust. Gard has the form of a large grey orc with small but noticeable fangs.

Though he has his obviously evil qualities, Gard dislikes death, war or even another creature disliking another. He often tries to step in to fix relationships, after the anger is gone.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Dogma/Commands: As long as it doesn't hurt anyone other than yourself, do not show restraint. Violence without a sin behind it, should not happen. Let your poor traits show through.

Race; Orcs, powerful creatures without restraint and with a large capacity to sin. They can also mate with most humanoids.


Dragon- Pride
Rabit creature - Gluttony
Elves of Evening - Lust
Halfling - Envy
Halfling - Greed
Salamander - Sloth

Magic Items

Five gems of Greed - Four destroyed.
Bowl of Food


10 impds

2008-12-01, 04:18 PM
The Winged Lady, Lady of Change

Symbol: A pair of pure black eyes in a featureless white mask.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Canvia is the epitome of the bleeding heart liberal and any damage she causes is always for a good reason. (Never accidental, honest).

Portfolio/Domains: Hope, Dreams, Change

Canvia is a goddess of two aspects. On the one hand she is the goddess of hope, dreams, and change for the good. She represents those who would dare to long for another way of living and of those who think differently. Innovaters, artists, lovers, philosophers - all those who cannot acccept the status quo look to her for guidance. However not all change is good, many dreams are unobtainable, and hope can be false or placed in the wrong person. This second aspect of her's is darker but necessary, no society can evolve on dreams and hope alone, change solely for the good must lead to stagnation, imbalance, or self-destruction, and, frankly, perfection is boring.

Description: Canvia's true form is a dark, ageless woman with six wings. Her wings are feathered and black with dark blue highlights running through them, two cover her body and two her face. In this form her eyes are pure black and have an irritating ability to slightly alter any unaligned thing she looks at, hence why she covers them. When on the mortal plane she will usually appear as a middle-aged female of some race or another.

Canvia personifies change so her personality is a little hard to understand and her moods can be very different. In essence though she is a dreamer, she believes in good, honesty, that basically everyone is good deep down. This naivety is a little strange in a god, but then again many powerful beings are also entirely self-delusional. Canvia is arrogant, egotistical, and believes that whatever she does is just, right, and in the interest of all. Her belief in herself is total and that she will one day change the universe guaranteed. Of course she is aware of her single flaw, that events can occasionally get away from her and that her forward planning is sometimes a little deficient. Being aware of this she always factors it into her plans...


Canvia is the one true god. All others are but shadows compared to her majesty.
Canvia knows best. Always. Even if it doesn't seem like it at the time.
Any change is for the best.
Canvia leads to hope, hope leads to dreams, dreams lead to innovation, innovation leads to power.


The Tower of Majesty
Thought to have been created early during the glorious reign of the Lady of Change the Tower of Majesty was a lasting symbol of her magnificance. Standing 1234m above the Central Lake the tower is a pillar of white marble. Completely conical and with a diameter of 207.344m all the way from the base to the top. The tower itself seems to be impervious to any natural forms of damage. To physically touch the tower is said to bring good luck to the pilgrim, this claim though has never been verified and whilst the tower is certainly magical it does not seem to impart its gifts to others. At the top of the tower is a beautiful garden, however, due to the nature of the magic that created it, the exact specifics of the garden seem to change depending on what the viewer considers a perfect place. It is claimed that Canvia is the only one to be able to see what another can. In the centre of this garden is a palace, tastefully decorated with sweeping baroque arches, frills, and fairytale towers. The palace is created from a beautiful golden and pink marble warm to the touch. Both the palace and the garden are protected by the magic that prevents the tower coming to harm.
The Birdies
A drunken dream can produce bizarre results like poppulating the inner sea with edible fish and creating hundreds of varieties birds that feed off them or each other. Two should be noted. The first is a swan-like creature save being twice the size and each being multicoloured in shades of every colour under the sun. The second are small pure white wren-like creatures that the 'swans' feed off. These smaller birds have beautiful sining voices.

Turns and Pot:

Major: 5
Minor: 6
Ceremonies: 2
Turn 1
Started With:
Major: 3
Minor: 5
Ceremonies: 1

Used: 1 major and 1 minor to create the 'Tower of Majesty', 3 minors for 'The Birdies'
Turn 2
Started With:
Major: 5
Minor: 6
Ceremonies: 2


2008-12-02, 06:45 AM
Name: Bel-Shannon

Domains: Evolution, Maintenance, Inventions

3 Major Act
0 Minor Acts
2 Ceremonies

Description: To define a deity such as Bel-Shannon is to try and describe a painting to a blind man. It is evolution incarnate; a roiling mass of living material that bears no permanent form but- in paradox- constantly maintains it. It is formed of both light and darkness, an epitome of reality that transcends the barriers of the prime material plane. When debased into existing in the less-refined reality, Its form is a mimicry of Its extraplanar self: A massive blob of flesh, constantly in motion, gazing in all directions and in one. Eyes dot the body, as do orifices of every type and kind. Feelers, graspers, tentacles, and more besides extend out from the body. Some anchor It to the prime plane, while others feed It with knowledge.

It does not slumber, nor does It rest. It guides Its servants, and It ensures that all is kept in order, and that the future does not go awry. To let the future go awry is to allow stagnation, and that It cannot allow.

Alignment: True Neutral

The Flesh is Weak
To Stop is to Die
Change is Sacred
Reality Cannot Be Defied
To Evolve is to Live

Powers Spent:
2 Major Acts to create Gnomes
2 Major Acts to create Chi
1 Major Act to gain the "Inventions" domain
1 Major Act to create an Exarch, Daldar
1 Minor Act to found a city
1 Minor Act to found another city
1 Minor Act to make Daldar into a Greater Servant
1 Minor Act to make Jebni a Greater Servant
1 Minor Act to produce the Stone Wagon magical item (Not an Artifact)
8 Minor Acts to produce an army
2 Minor Acts to produce war machines

2008-12-10, 08:29 PM
Name: Uso
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Water, Illusion, Storm, Shamanism

Description: God of all the water on the planet, Uso takes delight most in the storms that occur at sea. A wild god, he is prone to fits of passion and fits of rage. Unpredictable at best, he is normally an easy-going god but still quick to take offense. Generally human in appearnce, his skin is a bluish-green color. He has long, unkept hair and a long beard, both green and appearing to be made of kelp. He wears a suit of fine scale mail resembling the scales of a fish, and carries a long spear that looks like coral.

* Respect the water always, for without it you would not be.
* Trust not your senses, for they can be deceived. Instead, trust your instincts and your heart.
* Be like unto a storm to your enemies, harsh and relentless.


Atarns Atarns are large, crocodilian humanoids. Their snout full of razor sharp teeth, claws on their 4-fingered hand, and the cunning in their eyes marks them as predators. Large tails give them a good sense of balance and make them excellent swimmers. Intelligent, they are peaceful enough when left alone and given their space. In battle they are ferocious adversaries, never retreating, fighting to the end when there's even the smallest chance of winning. Excellent shipbuilders, they spend most if not all of their lives in, on, or near the water, thanks in large part to their increased lung capacity.
Storm-wraiths Creatures resembling human-esque shaped hurricanes or water-spouts, they exist to serve the Lord of Storms and do his bidding. They only leave the water when they must, and will take great pains to avoid doing so.

Acts Remaining:

4 Major
5 Minor
1 Ceremony