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View Full Version : [3.5 Artifact] Guyver Unit

RMS Oceanic
2008-12-04, 11:31 AM
Guyver Unit: Bio-Booster Armor
This is a small circular object, around the diameter of a dinner plate, and three inches thick. It looks like three clamps of a strange material, containing darkly-coloured tendrils, with a large metallic object in the middle.

For every round a small, medium or large humanoid or monsterous humanoid is holding the unit, there is a 50% chance that the unit will activate. The "clamps" release, and the tendrils leap out at the target (DC 19 reflex negates, and the unit becomes inert again) and wraps itself around it, with the metal on its forehead. After 1d10 minutes the unit has formed into a powerful piece of armor, although the shock of this forces the owner to make a DC 15 fortitude save or fall unconscious for another 5d6 minutes. When unconscious in this form, the armor will automatically attack the nearest target with a Challenge Rating equal to the owner's ECL + 3.

Summoning and Dismissing the Armor
At will, the owner can dismiss the armor as a move action that doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity.

If the owner is aware of the armor, he can attempt to summon it. Summoning the Guyver Armor is a full-round action that requires a DC 15 concentration check, and provokes an attack of opportunity. If he successfully summons it, a protective barrier of force surrounds him while the armor forms around him. To anyone adjacent to him, this barrier deals 5d4 damage (reflex half, DC 19).

Benefits of the Armor
Benefits are only gained while the armor is worn.
-Natural Armor Bonus is improved by +8.
-Damage reduction 15/Adamantine
-+8 Str, +4 Dex, +6 Con. Treat these bonuses as untyped.
-Base land speed is doubled
-Fly speed equal to newly improved Base Land Speed (Perfect)
-At will, the following spell like abilities (Caster level 15th, DC 10+1/2 character level+charisma, where relevant):
*Orb of Force
*Scorching Ray
-At will as a free action, the armor sprouts two long blades from the elbows, which the owner is automatically proficient in. Treat these as +3 Keen Adamantine Rapiers, except they are light weapons for the purpose of two-weapon fighting.
-Blindsight within 30 feet, Darkvision within 120 feet.
-The wearer can communicate telepathically with any other wearer of the armor within 100 miles, as long as they are on the same plane.
-The armor acts as a Ring of Regeneration.
-The armor's most powerful weapon is the Megasmasher. With a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity, the Guyver can hold open his chest cavity, revealing a strange bio weapon. He is unable to make any attacks himself while he is doing this. During the second round he is doing this, he fires a powerful beam. This beam is 10 feet wide and tall and travels 100 feet, dealing 20d6 damage (reflex half, DC 22) to anything in line of effect. He can only do this once per hour. If his hands are otherwise occupied, he can attempt a DC 30 concentrate check to open the cavity through force of will. He must maintain his concentration at the beginning of the second round to fire the Megasmasher.

Death and Revival
If the Guyver is grappled or pinned, his foe can make a disarm attempt to rip off the Control Metal on his Forehead. The Guyver gets +8 on opposing this disarm, as the Metal is not only worn, but incorporated into his armor. If the foe succeeds, the armor overloads and starts to eat its owner alive. The victim falls prone and cannot take any actions, and takes 10d6 damage per round until dead.

However, 2d4 hours after this, if the control metal is still intact, the DNA stored inside it allows the owner to regenerate. After 10 minutes, the owner has completely regrown, like a True Resurrection or Clone spell, with no level loss. However, the owner is still unconscious for 10d6 minutes and attacks automatically. To stop this from happening, the person with the control metal can attempt to destroy it (Hardness 40, 50 hitpoints, break DC 50).

If its owner is killed by being reduced to -10 hitpoints, the armor goes into self-defence mode, and will attack anything that attacks it. The armors regerative properties continue to work even below -10 hitpoints, and the armor remains in self defence mode until its owner is restored to at least 1 hit point. Again, there is no level loss for this method of revival.

Caster Level: 25th (Transmutation)

2008-12-04, 12:36 PM
Interesting take on adapting the Guyver to 3.5 D&D.

It's much better than my original attempt (which is hidden away for no one to see).

If you click the link in my sig, you'll see my adaptation of the Guyver to 4E D&D. It's currently on hiatus while I work some things out. Perhaps you'll be willing to make a suggestion or two (if you're familiar with 4E).

I'm also planning on a Modern/Future version of the Guyver, where I feel it is more likely to see play.