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View Full Version : New Template: Pinnacle Creature

2008-12-04, 01:27 PM
First, i apologize for not formatting the template, it's just that i don't really know how to create tables and such and don't really know how to use it =S.

Now, the template:


A Pinnacle Creature is a template that can be added to any creature type that has both an intelligence, wisdom, and charisma score.

Fluff: A Pinnacle Creature is a perfect example of that creature's specimen. It embodies every aspect of that creatures most signifying features and takes them to the level of perfection.

It modifies that creatures abilities as follows:

All it's base abilities are 18.
All it's racial/template abilities modifiers are doubled (Both positive and negative: EG, a Pinnacle Moon Elf would have 18 STR ; 22 DEX ; 14 CON ; 18 INT ; 18 WIS ; 18 CHAR ) [Except when noted: Undead will still have 0 CON.)

It gains a +12 unnamed bonus on diplomacy, bluff, intimidation, gather information and sense motive checks with creatures of the same species/template, and a +8 bonus when dealing with creatures of the same subspecies (EG: A Pinnacle Moon Elf would gain +12 bonus on those skill checks when dealing with other moon elves, and +8 bonus when dealing with Sun Elves, Drows, etc...)

It's alignment is the same as the alignment most common of that species. If no alignment is given on the MM entry of that creature, it's alignment is True Neutral, or if the creature has class levels on a class with alignment restrictions that creature has the required alignment + neutral. (EG: If you have a Pinnacle Moon Elf Barbarian, it's alignment would be Chaotic Neutral. If he was a Wizard or had no class, it would be True Neutral. If he was a paladin, he would be Lawful Good.)

A Pinnacle Creature is not subject to automatic failure on a natural 1 roll. It's perfection defies the very notion of chance.

If the creature on which the template is added has any spell-like abilities which can be used at-will, they're used as if with the empower, or if not applicable, the extend metamagic. If they have spell-like abilities with limited uses, they become at-will abilities with no metamagic added.

If the creature has a Fly Speed, it has Perfect Maneuverability, or if it already has perfect maneuverability, it is doubled instead. All other movements speeds are doubled.

If the creature has Low-Light Vision, it becomes Darkvision instead, and if it has Darkvision, Scent, Tremorsense, or other special senses, they have double reach.

A Pinnacle Creature is immune to fear and mind-compulsion effects(Dominate Monster, Charm Monster, etc...).

A Pinnacle Creature gains twice the racial HD at first level(Undead instead gain 4x racial HD on first level), and always roll max HD on subsequent levels.

Any and all special attacks a Pinnacle Creature has go up 1 dice. (EG: a Pinnacle Mummy Rot will deal 1d8 con and 1d8 char, instead of 1d6.)

The saves for special attacks go up by 50%, rounded up. (A Pinnacle Mummy Rot will have a save DC of 24, and a Pinnacle Mummy Lord Rot will have a save DC of 26, same with Mummy Lord and Mummy despair.)

If the creature is Undead, it gains Turn Resistance +4. If it already has Turn Resistance, it's doubled.

If the creature doesn't have an SR score, it gains SR 14 + Level. If it already has an SR score, it goes up by 50%, rounded down.

If the CR for the Pinnacle Creature is greater than 20, it gains DR 10/Epic. If it's greater than 12, it gains DR 5/magic. If the creature already has a DR, it's doubled, and becomes epic at CR 20.

All Pinnacle Creatures automatically gain the Leadership Feat.

(Tell me what do you think of it... Also, i know it doesn't have an CR increment as of yet. It's that i just don't know very well how that goes. Also, i'll try and post a lvl 14 and a level 20 Pinnacle Stone Giant as soon as possible.) EDIT: A Pinnacle Stone Giant Barbarian.