View Full Version : Chrono Trigger DS

2008-12-04, 02:52 PM
So before I get into the reason for this post, let me just say I love the remake. The new translations make more sense, the gameplay is as seamless as the SNES with the added bonuses of the PS1 cutscenes, and it's Chrono Trigger, which took what was good about the FF games and made them better, and it got rid of a lot of the annoying aspects (you can actually avoid most mook battles, the base healing items are dirt cheap, everyone shares XP, and there's actually a point to training characters you may not initially enjoy).

There are two new dungeons in the game as well, which is what I'm going to write about. If you're thinking about getting this game and haven't played Chrono Trigger before in any way shape or form, spoilers ahoy.

The second new region occurs after you beat the game and I have yet to get to it. The first region, called "The Lost Sanctum," opens up after Epoch gets upgraded. It is a shining testament to how even with a great game engine and a reputable soundtrack, you can make a terrible, terrible game. It only makes the main game look that much better. For starters, the sound effects don't make any sense. In combat, everyone makes the same "boop" noise, regardless of whether they're kicking you, hitting you with a hammer, pecking you, whatever. I'm not someone who is overly bothered by sound effects, but this was just ridiculous, especially for the next reason.

The level design is ATROCIOUS. Even if you don't care about level design, this dungeon will make you care. The most egregious of this is a region called Emerald Mountain, in which you trek up two very large maps (and run through another just to get there). On the way, there's about 4-5 forced encounters. "So what?" you might ask yourself.

I think if you don't mess up at all, you've got to run up and down this path 8 times, so a total of 16 treks through this. And by mess up I mean, if you don't talk to the exact right NPC at the exact right time or get the exact item you were supposed to get you will have to sigh, turn around, and run back down the mountain again, just to be prepared to run back up, running into the same ambushes each time, mashing A or picking your world ending magic spell to kill the monsters that are never more than an annoyance with poor pathing problems upon aggro to boot. And while this is the worst region, you will find yourself doing this a lot in other regions. "Didn't I just go here? Why am I going back again?" Even if you like the songs that play, you will end up hating them. I for one, like Spekkio's theme, but after doing this, I'm sick and tired of it.

Near the end of this trek into repetition, you'll only have to work your way through one dungeon. Except the designers have decided to throw identical encounters at you over and over just to laugh at you. They've also decided to give one particular pair of golden dragons Down's, so it takes them 10 seconds to get into place. Heaven forbid you run into them twice. At this point, I was sick of grinding, so luckily, everything besides bosses is susceptible to run.

Oh, and though it pails in comparison, and my mood towards it was admittedly made much worse by the stupid running back and forth, the dialogue is pretty bad, written like lines from an anime where people make friends for no real reason. You fought me in battle? Let's be friends. You brought me a banana? Best of friends! You did our stupid chores for several hours? FRIENDS!

Some of the boss encounters here, though, are good, to be fair. There's only a meagre handful of them for the amount of to ing and fro ing you have to do.

So why do this? The incentives are thankfully mainly received before you start working on Emerald Mountain, with one large exception:

-Conveniently located shop with Mid-Ethers.
-Extra Haste Helm.
^ both of the above are available after only a few quests.
-Extra Nova Armor
-Upgrade for Frog's sword, especially useful for New Game+ where they zap his primary weapon back into oblivion (very very late into the dungeon and possibly not worth getting, especially since the second dungeon might have an even better upgrade.)
-"Upgrade" for Lucca's unreliable final weapon, though it's actually weaker. If the random factor of Wondershot drives you nuts though, it's better than anything else she gets up until New Game+. (late into the dungeon as well).

In conclusion, this is Enix's punishment for you for not buying their games when they were an independent company, and Square's punishment for you for forcing them to merge with Enix. Do NOT do this region (well, maybe the first few quests up until getting the Haste Helm are worth your time). Do NOT let curiosity get the better of you, there's really nothing worth seeing. If you're stupid like me and decide to finish it, find your favorite DVD, pop it in, and prepare for a long, long journey.

2008-12-04, 03:01 PM

It's out?

Also, would you say it'd be okay to play this without ever having played the original CT on the SNES? It'd be alot easier for me to just buy CT on DS then get an SNES... Or maybe Nintendo should release CT on VC :smallmad:

*looks at amount of capital letters and jargon, marvels*

2008-12-04, 03:04 PM
Yep, it's out.

Definitely, if you haven't played this before, I would highly recommend getting it, especially if you already have a DS. Don't let my rant dissuade you, it's about one very optional, very isolated region of the game that's not actually part of the main storyline. Some fanboys will rave about them changing the original text but it's well done for the most part and the storyline makes more sense in some parts that were just confusing earlier on.

Just don't do the optional Lost Sanctum dungeon.

Edit: Oh, I misunderstood your question, though my recommendation still stands. This is pretty much a re-release of the SNES version, with spiffy cutscenes and some extra content thrown in, so it's even better if you haven't played the original.

2008-12-04, 03:22 PM
Re: Us forcing Square to merge with Enix. It's not our fault they released a frankly bad movie...

2008-12-04, 11:35 PM
Questions: how much has the translation been rewritten? Did they at least try to kill some of Frog's atrocious accent?
(because, seriously, "awake'th"?!)

2008-12-04, 11:50 PM
I liked the way Frog spoke

2008-12-04, 11:59 PM

2008-12-05, 12:02 AM
What is wrong the old English Frog he was my favorite character because of the old English.

2008-12-05, 12:06 AM


Oh, Jamin, I don't blame you. I also liked Frog for his accent, but it slowly dawned on me that it made no *9*7**ing sense. Did you notice that he was the only character in the Middle Ages to speak that way? Or that he only spoke that way after being froggified? And that the grammer and such was really sloppy? (Exibit A: "Awake'eth") It was worse then Cyan.

2008-12-05, 01:14 AM
I'm impressed; the translation managed to trim down on some of the ... curious design choices of the original while maintaining the charm of the game. It's certainly a whole ton better than the internet "retranslations" that you see floating around...

2008-12-05, 01:29 AM
I'm impressed; the translation managed to trim down on some of the ... curious design choices of the original while maintaining the charm of the game. It's certainly a whole ton better than the internet "retranslations" that you see floating around...

Are you including the Chrono Compendium's retranslation there?

2008-12-05, 08:35 AM
To someone who has never played a Chrono game, is this worth buying, or should I aim to get Cross and Trigger on the PS1?

Texas Jedi
2008-12-05, 09:26 AM
To someone who has never played a Chrono game, is this worth buying, or should I aim to get Cross and Trigger on the PS1?

I would get the DS one in a heart beat. The PS1 version was good but the only problem is you had a delay every time you entered a fight and every time you exited a fight. Those delays were 5 seconds at the most but very annoying. I just couldn't play the game with those delays.

The DS version had everything the PS1 version added. I have heard the delay is still there but I can't verify it because I don't have it at the time.

2008-12-05, 02:50 PM
To someone who has never played a Chrono game, is this worth buying, or should I aim to get Cross and Trigger on the PS1?

DO NOT GET THE PS1 PORT of Chrono Trigger!! Horrible LAG!! Ugh!

I mean, come on. A little lag, I could accept, but EVERY TIME you use Crono and Frog's X-Strike????? UNACCEPTABLE! Same thing happened on the PS1 version of FF6, EVERY TIME you used Sabin's Aura Bolt. NOT WORTH IT!!


P.S. Sorry about all the bold and caps, but those are my 2 favorite SNES games, and the stupid PS1 ports were UNPLAYABLY laggy. :smallfurious:

2008-12-05, 03:40 PM
Wait, Cross and Trigger were for SNES originally? I thought they came out as PS1 games...Pfft, shows how much I know about JRPG's these days.

Innis Cabal
2008-12-05, 03:41 PM
These days? How much further can you really go back?

Also. Lets hope for a Chrono Cross port!

Texas Jedi
2008-12-05, 03:55 PM
Wait, Cross and Trigger were for SNES originally? I thought they came out as PS1 games...Pfft, shows how much I know about JRPG's these days.

Chrono Cross was released for the PS1. Trigger was released on the SNES.

Cross was a good game. I wouldn't put in the category of Trigger though. There was way to many useless, and pointless characters in cross for me to care. I think if they kept it simple and restablished the time jumping rather than Universe A and Universe 1 points it would have been better.

Then again Cross had some big shoes to fill and anything short of perfect wasn't going to be good enough.

2008-12-05, 04:45 PM
Updates: Dungeon #2 (Dimensional Vortex) complete.

New boss/ending seen.

It's not NEARLY as mind boggingly terrible as Lost Sanctum. They recycle a lot of the enemies, but the design is at least better, and there are no more horrendous "run back and forth until you want to destroy your DS" type quests. The boss fights are meh.

The new final boss is harder than Lavos, but it would be hard to compare, seeing as slogging through the bonus content put me 15 levels higher (and that was with quite a bit of running). The new ending... well, the actual ending "cutscene" was pretty bad, though they did manage to tie up one pretty big loose thread on the way to it.

And (Chrono Cross spoiler)
They directly tie this into Chrono Cross's storyline now, seeing as you see the Schalavos or whatever name they call it as the final boss.

Overall, if you've never played Chrono Trigger before, this is an excellent version to pick up. It takes the best parts of the PS1 version (the movies) and combines them with the smooth as butter SNES gameplay. The music is faithfully done as well, and the extra features, while not a reason to buy the game in and of themselves, are pretty generous. If you're looking for a reason to repurchase this game, it's probably not worth the dough, unless you want a portable version of Chrono Trigger.

2008-12-05, 05:11 PM
Finished the DS version just now. I enjoyed playing this game again immensely.
Seriously, it's been too long since the last time I
ran through the Black Omen with Frog and Magus blasting away with epic magical powers and raw swordfighting destruction. The game isn't very hard but by god, it makes you feel powerful. :smallsmile:

I'm doing the Dimensional Rift dungeon now. Good fun, but feels kinda random with Dalton appearing out of nowhere and everything.

Chrono Trigger has always been a great game and this is by far the best version of it. Get it now.

2008-12-06, 01:07 PM
Wait, Cross and Trigger were for SNES originally?

The two SNES games I'm referring to are Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy III (US). They were both ported to the Playstation at the same time. But DON'T buy that package unless you are some kind of collector or something.